Hamilton journal. (Hamilton, Harris Co., Ga.) 1876-1885, June 21, 1876, Image 3

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TO WIN AM) COUNT? TOWW DIRJ3CTORV THK CHURCHES, Treadling ut the Baptist Chll'ch ■nil tVe first and third Sundays, and Satur lay befoie th third Sunday in each month Rev. S. T. duller pastor. Preaching nt the Methodist Church on tha fourth Sunday, und Saturday before in each month. Rev. Q. S. Johnston pastor. Prearhlnß at the Presbyterian Church rn the second Sunday in each month, ltev. 0 W. M .xun pastor. SARROI’H SCHOOLS. At thrs Baptist Church si It o’clock a, m each Sunday, .1 T Joimson, snp'rt Burt Cook, Treusuier At the Methodiot Church at 0 o’clock A M each euuduy. .1 \l Mobley, sup’rt B C Kimbrough, Treas'r MASONIC ORDERS. Ibrmilton lodge No, 1(1- inerts on the 2d Saturday alternoon in eucli month.—W. W. Goodman, W. M. P. T. Sclilny Chapter No 3*— meets on the 4th Friday in each inontli ut 2 o'clock, r \r —J. M. Mobley, H I*. MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT. J. *H. Lesseloce, mayor: J. F. C Williams, J. H. Coweert, J. T. Blount .and L. L. Stan ford, councilineu: W. S. Rol lason, iiiarrhul Posr-Omce, J. W. Gamble, P. m. Daily arrival and departure of mails, COUNTY OFFICERS. ? F‘C Williams ordinary : J I) Robinson sheriff-; N H Burden clerk of superior court; Dermis Miller tax receiver; J R Gridin f >.\- collector ; H C Kimbrough treasurer ; .Tahtr M Barnes surveyor; W J Smith coroner. G'outity Commissioners —W 1 Hudson, W C Johnston, R\VRobinson. N 11 Barden clerk. Board of Education— W I Hudson. Flynn Hargett, W C Johnston, R G Hood, f J Neal County School Comuris’ner —J ’l’ Johnson. MEMBERS OF HIS LEGISLATURE. W I Hudson senator ; G L Kilpatrick and HE Moss, Jr., representatives. COURT CILSpAR FOR IIIRRIS COUNTY BUI'RUIOn COUIIT. Martin Crawford judge-—AV A Little polic itor-gcceral —N H Barden el* rk —.J D Rob in* n sheriff. Coqvetoes second Mondays in April and October. commissioners’ cofut Convenes fiixt Tuesday in each month. ordinary’s cour*f Convenes first Monday in each month. JUSTICES COURTS. Hamilton (672.1) District -Jno T Williams J P, Chan Moil' ll N P— meets first Saturday. Valley Flail? N Spall.a N P, Geo WCooke J P-21 Saturday. Milner’s (782)—R C Milner N P, P Sutton J P—4 f h Satnrdav. Waveily Hall (934)—G A B Dozier NP, E J Stanford J P . Ellerslie (695) -Thus Neal S P, AS Elli- J P • Catania (698)- J B Pat" J I’, W H Thomp son N P • Lower 19th (707) -Jesse Cox N P, W Null p.dly J P--3d Saturday. Upper ]9tb (1180)—ldrw Lokey J P, L Ittta.rfrtt - *■’ . Ui. . Smith’s (12471 —Jan G Sniiiti .1 V., A Moore Vr ]■ 4 h Saturday. Whitesville (920)—S 11 Re<sr SC, A J Gordo" J P—2nd aatnr'iv. IVl.*.taker’s(679) Ull WhiHei IP Flynn Harnett N P D,vi,lson’s (781)—T T. Davids n■) P, Ah Wei - II N P ■ lil • Spring (717) —.T A Moore NP. C llad wv J P—first •■aturduv. On .dmtm’s (703) -j M Culpepper, J P, 8 ir I)l.nan N P-2d Satnrdur. SfIKTII AND MIJTh IMII.RUA'i FCKERVLIH From and after Satcki.aV, 16th of May trains on this road will run as follows: 'li zap A vs, Tjieksdayb ANT) Saturdays. Columbus 580 AM 2 ■ r m J-oav© Kintrshoro...... 7 30 a m 4 30 p it WM. REDD .Tk., Superintend) nt. Bitten by a Snake —Jonas Pier son, living on Mr,Coitins plantation above the Mountain, was bi.ten, bv a water moccasin on last T nesday. was at work fixing up a water -gap and stepped on the snake which bit him under the water. It made him very sick and it, i probable that a 1 irge Jos of whiskey saved his i;fe we understand ihat he is about well again, and is in no father danger from it. Doing Well —We learn that Mr. Robert Fort who lost hi- .arm n few weeks ago is doing well, and his arm is hea’ing up. We are glad to hear this, and hope hr will soon be able to be out again. There is no belter fellow than Robert, and the whole community was saddened by the ter rible aeciden which cost him his right arm. Those Flowers. Mrs. F'Hter, of \V verly K*li, ha* ilu.' (.ruie-i collation of flowers we bave sea this season. She has *!1 the varieties of rare hovhoose flow m, radii i<* perfect treat to look at them. Avery large and flourish ing wax-plant in lull bloom, that grows over the entrance to the resi dence i- laeuutifal and lovely "deed ;Ve had the pleasn e o 1 ‘ handling” oneoftha mast beautiful nua t .ste tallv arranged boqttels we have ever seen. It was arranged bv Miss Maine Foster, and presented to a jung ladv ..f this place. Mrs. Fs -,r w il; be able hy the next sea-on to Mv those who may wish rare -d will do so fur a eonsid ~,v her for die troub- Our visit to r. 'easant indeed, ’i gut ion lor -tciated. Political Notice. The Democratic party of Harris connly nro earnestly requested to meet at the courthouse in Hamilton on the Otli of July next for the pur pose uf selecting delegates to the Gubernatorial convention to be held at Atlanta on the 2nd of August. John T. Williams, Chin. Ex. Com. Dikii at EHerslio Georgia, on the 12th inst, Harry 8., infant son of Dr G. G. and Mrs. J. B. Griffin; aged 11 months and 15 days. No hitter torrs for thee be shed 1110-som of being! seen and gone! With flowers alone wo strew thy lied O blest departed one! Wlkjsc all of life, a rosy ray Blushed into dawn and passed away. ° Nick Present, —Mnj. T. B. Camp Iras made Rev. G. S. Johnston, pastor oi the Methodist church at this place, a present of a nice milch cow. He did this to show his appreciation of his pastor. Mr. Johnston is quite popular both as a minister and as a pastor, and lias effected much good in tire community. Meeting of Executive Committee. The Executive Committee met in courthouse last Monday, with Esq--. J. T. Williams, the chairman, presid ing. The object of the meeling was to elect anew member to till the va cancy of James Hutchinson who has moved away, and to appoint a time for calling the citizens together to ap point delegates to the convention to be held in Atlanta the 2nd of August Mr. T. J. Davidson was elected to till the Vacancy. After a thorough -discussion as to the most .suitable time, Thursday the 6’,h of July was appointed; and al :hat time tire Democratic jmriy ol Harr is county are c rdia ly invited to attend a mass meeting to be held iu Hamilton for the purpose of elect ing delegates to the convention in Atlanta for ihe purpose of nominating a Governor-. Planters Seminary. —The closing exercises of the school ht Planter’s Seminary will take pl<fcc on the 28ih inst. Mis- Lu< \ Keyes has change of the school, and has met with much success as a teacher. The examine, lion, if it, i- like those heretofore, wtii oe an interesting one, and if those pm,pie down thetn only half try, the dinner wiP he a magnificent one. Props. —To all sections of the couture, so far as we can learn, the reports fi in th< crops continue to be encouraging. The wheat crop didn’t turn out qtti eso well a? was expcited. but, a pretty fair yield has been realized. The fall oats were fine, bui spiing oats were cut eff .m --ferii.l'vhy the drought. Cotton and or?), both, reported in a fine condi tion, and the negroes are working very well. Good Corn. — Mr. James Kim brough who lives five miles West ol town has about twenty acres in corn which measures about six feet high on an average. Tins is the best field of cmn we have heard of, and with the bright prospects before him, we think Capt. James might renew his promise for a bottle of wine. Village Park. —It has been sug gested to us, by one of the Council, that ii the Baptist Church would donate the lot in front of their build ing to the village, to be used exeln sively fo a park, that it could be made a b’an iful place, and he would use his influence in that direction. \Y T e ate sadly in need of something of that kind, and we hope the ball will be put in motion and not stop ped until we have a public park. Cropping Out.- Wo have heard of only one candid to for thrj Uegida ;nre, bn? from the “signs of the 'ime-,’’ ii wi ! l not be long before they announce “ready.” The one o whom we speak is negro, and mod estly asked ua to run his name in our paper. We "ill give him a neat lit tle notice for the amount of a five dollar William, and will rlo ?’l in our power to have him beat. Let Ur Arose. —Some of our good triends in the neighboring towns are so very much interested in our wellf.ire that they are writing to our citizens to have Co'ijuitt. deV. gates appointed to go to Atlanta. We are under many obligations for their kindness, but We w ill mere’)' suggest that Hams coney is abb 'u take care of her own afl'drs. Col quitt may be the best man for Gov ernor, .and may be t lie choice of the delegates, I, tit we don’t believe in that kind of Governor making. To say the least of it, it is no! very com plinicnlaty. Only n Mistake. A gentleman of undoubted vnraci ly reports to us that tho following IVoal: of the busy bee is true: One day last week, as the negroes on Mr, John Hudson’s place were in the field at work, they heard a swam of bees coming, and stopper! to sec which way they were going. Oao of the negroes was surprised to find the bees settling on his head; but they did so. Ho walked to a bunch of bushes and shook them from off his head, when they settled on a bash. He afterward went home, got a gum and hived them. They are now ut work making honey, and the negro is claimed to be the cham pion beo-hiver in the bis neighbor hood. House llubuiui. —Mr. John Vin cent, who lives near Catania, had Iris smokehouse broken open, and all tho bacon he had was siolen. John is a poor man, and the loss falls heavy up on him. This adds another to the evi dences that eternal vigileuoo is the price of bacon. In At? rears. —Many of our sub scribers are in arrears, and it would be quite an accomodation to us if they would send us tire amount of their subscription. Wo would be glad to allow them to run until fall, but wo have to pay cash for all the material we use, and are compelled to have the money. We hope they *will renew at once, and we will spare no pains to send them a good paper. Prospect of the North & South. We have beeta re'iably informed that the N. & S. Railroad is not Hav ing expenses at the present, and that the State will not allow it to incur any indebtedness. Mr. Redd, the Superintendent, by judicious manage ment, has been able to lay by a little money from the w inter earnings with w hich to run through the summer, but his surplus w ill soon be expended, unless it receives a more liberal pat ronage. The people, it is true, have 'out very little money, and are not able to do much in this wav, but they must remember that the trajns can not run just tor the tun of the thing, and, unless they pay expenses, we will have no train at all. Mount iiopo Academy. Ed. Journal. —Many of the rend ers of your valuable paper, knowing the locality of this acad.mv, would doubtless be glad to hear that much progress is being made at this point under the direction of Prof. Jessup. The annual examination of this school was announced for the loih iust., and we are very sorry to say that the inclemency of the weather in con nection with other things prohibited the appearance of as large an audi ence as this school deserves. Asa spectator, I must say that the students of this school, by prompt and accurate answers to all questions, surprised the whole audience. The promptness with which th ,j y solved the most difficult of mathematical problems proved clearly to the mind: of those present, the faithfulness and qualification of the teacher, and the application that has been made b the students for the past five too The Professor awarded a prize t. Master -- McKee, he being the best in his junior spelling class. The training of the young men iu elocu tion surpasses anything wo have ever Everything passed off very nicely during the entire day. A bountiful supply of dinner of the best qualit y had oeen prepared by the good ladies, which, of course, was a source of tin greatest enjoyment to all. Prof. Jessup is endeavoring t< build up a good school at this point, and I am satisfied that if he receive the co-operation of the p it t ons, which he -o well deserves, that ho will sue ceed. The progress that has beet in aie this year should give hitn, tin patrons and the students much en couragement, for he has made a noble etlort and under very emb.trrassin cieumstancea, and with only a litiit perseverance on bis part, and aid from the patrons, he will show to the whole c -entry the fruits of his la bors. I was much gratified to lean; from his patrons that they were bel ter pleased with him, as a teacher, th.au with almost any of his predeces sors. We hope they may suceee i ; a id lhat Professsor Jistip may have an opportunity o' showing that ■are con>ct when we say tliit, s teacher, helms no superior-. He is in the light p ace, has adopted t! right course, and ihe financial "tr -1 arrassmenl o the country is the 01 - ly impediment, .'.ay the embarrass ment soon be moved, and''may tlu Professor have an oppon unity i ; show ir-g that he really is a man in deed is me wish of Yours reaper*-fully, A Vi shoe. Local Briefs. The 6 h of July is the time to look after yo Governaire. Hamilton sent ajarge delegation to Waverly last,. Friday. Tho Thespian corps is making ar rangements to ijave an entertainment. What hs become of the croqnct sets? Lot’s organize a club. Ye “bromide of potass*’’ fellows— why don’t you take it straight t A young gentleman and lady can’t take an evening |*rom<'n:.de, now-a days, unless they are courting. A spoonful of oil will tro further than a quart of vinegar. Remember this in traveling through the wtr and. Ed Mumford, one of the best editors in the State, plays “single” to the young ladies when he attends school examinations; but you mustn’t men tion it. There is nothing fVmt will bring a sweeter smile on a young lady’s face than for lief lover wlrto is on rho shady side of 70 - to ;n o pi a red apple from her hands. A ease of'“old man’s dar ing,’’ you know. •Ifthose''old bachelors who carried away those lioqaeta ia their buggy: will return them to this office, the owner will get them, and do her bust to assist the Colonel in bis efforts to get up x bridal tourto tbeCentennial. It is said that figures won’t lie, but. it is rather heavy on lire ladies for the Suv. Ntws to say, “the figures ot some ladies are very deceptive, to say tire least ot it. PosTfoNEn. — We learn that the; exercises of the College have been postponed until some time in July. The severe and protracted sickness in Coi Lovelace’s larmly is given as the cause. ' gawrav AGENTS WANTED/, i, / JL. *K,MiMnirw.imi.'i. *S4wolc.l’nffor -./r .'ttfaSniOie.l. BuflincM pl.'.a*ml honor- WUl.lnwith no ri.*. A 111 rnaiocircular ES pS* > * Valuable Sainpl*. free, bid not lay, But writ* at once on poftfil . iieed, Bth bt., new took.; HMD THE ANNOUNCEMENT • OP TUB Murray Hill PubllshingCo, John P. Jowett, Manager. F ' '*iali?murk('"ouUO lkultnby that plainest of nil books—Plain llome Talk and Medical Common Bensk,vvldclicontains nearly I,ooopoee* of original matter, as entertaining as u fascinating storv. Health ami long life made easy for th learned and unlearned. Crammed full of brand new ideas, which arc cheering to the sick, and intensely entertaining to those who are fortunate enough to escape diffuse. Ac guards the render against the pit holes of human suffering, and joints the way of deliverance to those who ar already cngulnhed. £}> ail moans, find out ell about it. It !m for you* It’s author, Dr. K. B. Foote, of 120 Lkximoton Avenue, New York, is consulted by invalids at home and abroad, in person and by letter, and lias hod tha experience of nearly a quarter ofii century In the treatment of long binding and difllcult dis eases of every character; hence hie ability to writ© practical tin tha for the invalid reader. His consultations arc fuel to the sick everywhere; hence his immense cor-o*pondcuco w ith the sick All over the globed Yol reader, are at lie f.nf y to consult the r.l'iL* author of Plain Home YAik and Medical Common Bi nse. Write to him end you will be struck with his Common Sense. Whatever your malady, you will receive light which will do you good, by investing only $ postage stamp, and writing to Dr. F. We wish to interest you in both the doctor end his im mortal book. The Kook itself, which gives satisfaction to all ho road it, can be had of agents, or of the pubiishafe direct. Plain mus lin binding, $3.25, in the English or Germs* language. Library binding, in English only -58.75. Sent by mail, post aw* prepaid, on receipt of the price. A lady write* the author: “I havo always felt that you yore the physician of the world, from the fact /, your wonderful euo ccss and original ideas.' One reader says *A " I have found it to be one of the grandest works of the age.” Another ‘‘ I would rot foe without it for twice its ost. ’ Similar letters reach the author every day. Content* table free. CRiSMSC assent# Wlf I Ik. I lil L. t lav: # vol*. In 1, ncatty bonne. in r.:. . arato via. t#s and 57.80. fcccorrting to biicling. ’on) by mall on receipt of price. .’lift the tiling fet yOuug people. Cuß tentii table free. PiiMlcntlona. We can fnr llS lUSP i |li; b all of Da. Foots’, ifopulat 8# i1 iL. Dime I’ublieafione on health an and kindred topic*. “ Oil) KV lid MADE NEW,” telle bow to reKtore the nightimdgive upglanae*, without the md of Doctor or Medicine. Half a million have been leaned ate-iuiy 1 “Co* ronr ami filin'. son Tin JlPi’Wtr.D” ia a valuable monograph for Ihosc who It* afflicted with Knp turc or Ilornia. “I’liYfiof-aoioAh Imidovkmikt or llcm akity,” relates to Km snhject of having people born right. "i’ll) fiotooK Ai. Majihlau*’ gives the latest rcMuirdice regarding the laws governing teinporainentoi tiViplution, Ac.. Ac. A Stkp JiAiKWAitn, reviewing Inconsiderate legislation concerning the Prevention of Conception. " SnmVATrxiioußA,” or fiem- Inul Wink ness with ovldSa.ii of He curability. “CnoiA', Its censes, prcvtkJ" 6 and euro,” Invell nabte to every mother I" .. ike cure of small children. ‘‘Cold FatT, - , -ammoi, prevention and cure. Any one of ,c foresolng Dima PabllCfitione will be sen I by nutM, l>osUq;o pra paidi on ru eipt of ten '.elds. • • rrrr PWlcnll*n*. Wewlllsnp. 11(9.1. ply 1)k. Foorra’a Free Publica- I 14L. 50l tines. “ OniMQiut Advice to th 4 tank," abroad an well aat turn,.!; a circular of value to the Hick. " Erbln™ of ])r. FooU t tiaCcM*; ” a sixty page puwphlkt, /; by mail, —fiend for them. AGENTS foretoing publications, and also aeveral others published by us. Rend all of Ike above, and send for particulars Address, for terms, outfits, 4c.,The Murray Hi!) PublishingUfiuipauy, X 0 Jiatt IlHth turret, A cut 1 ork. ■w*/ r *• <HH **** "D. •II j and J w fE* both larly ilexy, I ner nts ; Cure, ound o alt OTIt roing EH tO with i ■ i.v,o..nemara,ilM% HARR’S SHERIFF’S SALE. W.ll add before tiro Court House door in tire town of Hamilton on the Ibnt Tins Jay in July next, within the lr al hours>of Hale, the following property, to-wit: One rede's and ytmrllng, anil i no buggy levh and on ns the proportv of F. 8. Howtir I, and R. A. Howard to satisfy a mor'gitge fi fa In favor of M. I Farley A Cos. vs. F. 8. Howard and It. A. Howard may l-7(i J. D. ROBINSON, sheriff. GEORGIA Hw.hih OftliNTV James Forbes iidiulnlittutor of tire estate mf John Westwood, late of said county, de ceased, has applied for tetters of dismission. All persona eoneerned are hereby notified to show online (if any they have) l>y tire li st shonday in August next why said applicant Mould not he uism s-od. Given tinder mv hand sn 1 ofiv sand signa ture May Ist, 1871 k in J F C Williams. Onlina GEORGIA—HAIims Omurrr. 1* L Hopkins, executor of tho last will and testament of William Hopkins, deceased, has made n|rpli<-ation for letters of ilisiniisslon, Ail |<orsona eonets-ned aTe hereby notified to slrow cause (if any they have) by tire that Monday In August next why letters el dis uTfssion should not hv granted said apt*fknt. GW< n under my Jraud and official signa ture May Ist, 187(1 3m J F C WWu ams, Ordinary . GEORGIA —Ha ears ('ocxty. John \V Murpheyand Irby H Bills, admin istrators with will annexed of Win Wliinr lieml, late ot sail county, deceased, apply for 1 tiers of dismission — All porsoat concerned are hereby notified to show cube, If any they haw, liv the first Mouday in July next, Why said application should not l-granted. Given under mv hand and official signa ture, Murcli 18, 1876. marlfi-td J. F. C. WILLIAMS, Ord’y. THIS TAPER IS ON FILB TVITH Where Advertising Contracts can he made COMMERCIAL. HAMILTON RETAIL PRICES. OUltECltiu WKKKLT BV COWSIKT & KlMUlumOll. Bulk meat—siffna : 11 shoulders *0 It icon liious 17 1-2 Flour—A $8 60 ]! 8 no Corn meal 1 Ik) Sugar—A JG J it Coffee—choice 80 Syrup - New Oilcans 00 Florida 70 Clieese —cream 20 Eggs 10 Butter B 0 Chickenu >5 coLUMRIis Wholesale pricks. CORRECTED WEEKLY UV C. A. REDD & CO. rib side? 14^’ shoulders 11 £ Bulk meal—dear rjb sides 13 shoulders .. 10 Cottcev R‘o.. 28^(020 Corn 72(1 80 Copperas 4©5 Flour 0 50010 00 Mams—fin^ar-eured.. 15 plutt) 14 Ilafd ware—Swede irou 9 refined 0 Plow 'steel 10 Horseshoes .. 7 J!file shoos . Fi K'ails .. .. 425 Axes, Ijp doz .. 12014 Hides, dry .. .. 1 Off/11 Lard —in lierCes .. 10 @l7s in kegs .. .. 160)19 Leather —harness .. .. 45 upper, V side . 2 5003 00 hemlock ~ 300.33 Meal . . 1 15 ’>il —’Kerosene . _ . 2®il2! Kice ' . • t • • 0 Salt .. v. 1 00®2 00 Syrup . > • sv O'.) to 75 Sugar .. • • 12® 1 4 Ties .. .. •• 5^06 Tobacco .... 55® 75 Whisky ... 1 00®4 00 TSEOT STANDARD fire and Burglar 8 AFEJB. % Counter, Platform, Wagon & Track SCALES. Sen# for Prtcw-Llnt. Agents Wanted. Marvin’s Safe Cos., 265 Broadway, Hew York, 721 Chestnut St. PhlU. A FITS r-CLASS SOUTHERN INSTITUTION! TIIH MOBILE LIFE ISSC’CE CO. OF Mobile, Ala* Al. MCCARTHY, President. H. M. FRIEND. Secretary. SHEPPARD HOMANS, Actuary. Patronize Home Institutions. Insure in this Sterling, Sound, Reliable Company. ire Mobile Life orn give yo r as good protjctlun f rr ye ir m mey as any Northern company. The Mobile Lifewaa organised by wcll-knowa m irchants and bankers of Mobile, in Jane. 1871, and has issued A.owo Policies, and paid over •••-- • • One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars Death Losses livery loss has been promptly paid without a day’s delay. INSURE YOUR UFE I INSURE YOUR W 1 FE’S LIKE INSURE YOUR LIFE | INSURE YOUR WIFE’S LIFE In til© INTO OIUjEJ IjIF’E- Live, active, rntorprtalirff men wanted in every eorici’y iu Georgia to work fur t* Lite, Apply to U 0. RANDALL, Gent Agent, Gftl#!nii Ala, ECONOMY IS WEALTH. Erm this rlato my terms will be strictly cash, and I slia’.l offer ;>< <uul inducements to my customers. My stock of 'GKOCEniKS ANDC PROVISION S will always bo largo and varied. I hav" in Rtoro tho bot and rK a:•■-!* ’ot of flour in this market, |nu up in barrels sacks, at wholesale aR I teUit Meal At mill prices. Corn, Oats, Bran. Bacon and bulk meats. Lard, Sugars, Coffees, Teas, Syrups. Which and Liquors, Slurbs, alaplc Dry Goods. Fancy Groceries, Cauned Goods, etc., etc. YxiYi CftYi save rooirey by ('ailing on me before purchasihg, ns T si 11 have, no bad debts to nmk'e good by charging lung prices; and I bay my goods from importers and manufacturers for oasiL My motto henceforth will be “Small profits and quick sales.” No charge for drnyago. Respectfully, J. H. HAMILTON’. Junction Franklin-, VVarrep and Oglethorpe Sts., Columrus, Ga . \y. j. wait. -i. a. wikki*. CU..B. ii. tv.*, i . WATT & WALKER, WHO),EH ALE AND RETAH. GROCERS AND COMMISSION MSRHU i ('OfelVEil UNDER RANKIN HOUSE, COLI MBUS,“GA.. llabt the. httjfcsiynti best^Selected£Stocl& <f Groceries in Ma C’/ly, fCONfltsTiNalorJJ BANOS' Blui'S, Bulk kidts, Baenn Hhouldcr*, Bulk shoulder*, Bulk Imnis, IWnft ’utius. Hi ffciivK, bucket* and KI/H R of o*l Knob's, ini IrnHfiy Hio mlehrafed Haven Lake l>rahd —the I't'm ifi the w„r •• BAQUINa, l ies, Sap, Sugar, Mackerel, Sonp-, ’Cheese Cotiv-, Oysters, Sauliu.ii, O.w l lop* 1 ’. Boon, Hrurth, hho, v, Ikots, mid SlapJe Diy Goode, such ns Osnsluirg*, xliecting, atiirttnga, elmcUa, atiipes, yurns uml punts goo tg. AI vo It well-selected stoult M WHISK V, front $1 per gallon to 86, and of nnv hum I or per writ proof tfrat mny Be desir. <l. Onr stfA'k of SUOAU Includes every grrde anil prim, and ttut 10l of HVI!T’ n c.-.nfim t e ccpmlol in lliia city Is Include* nil gr.d-s of Nw Orlemrs in burrelr nho a- VKotl m, ml liurre.H choree Florida Kyi up, rhlcli ia -up. rior to nnythli g in the mink, t, ..rid n.u 0,., , ifl pilot*. It has a (b'ligiitfui (luun\ tlo#i 9 cleat color, and fXnruHHly for our *r* i t’nah cuktbrgors can ulwuya save lttoney by giving us a trial before imrchnslng denlu r. • (t ,l2 ' l v „ WAIT it WALKIfH.a HEAD QUARTERS FOR GUANO! FERTILE?: YOUR CROPS AND GROW RICH. you wish invest in the 3E3t o KjC t 3T*OX*tilAaSor*l 'a the state apply to Jc W. STOREY. i advance frgiglits for rianior. aw i ucmso m , TIMK or fur CA-11. I liars on ImiiJ SKKL) ItiiSti I’Oi’A lO?",,. a fresh ,t<-k of -i.UtDKN SKI'.U, i.ud a full stock of 1 iHOCIJiII-s whiefi I (>r<>|>nsc to sell C'itl.Ai’ FOE J. W. ETORBT, li/.MIi.ToN, G.-\ ATTENTION CENTENNIALS' FOE THS NIXT FIFI.S2H BAYS, THOMAS & PRESCOTT Will *3ll ANYTHING cotainod in thjir LARGE STOCK or CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODC, ■WITHOUT RSSf RVE At Cost For Cask/ i.i CUL AT M.E, IF 111' WiAT SPLEMUB Bid -I.X