Hamilton journal. (Hamilton, Harris Co., Ga.) 1876-1885, June 21, 1876, Image 4

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r JFnmi nab itonitJjolii. Weights 4Mh) Metuturuit* lA>. \V’ K n - - - #0 | f 'lulled cum *- 68 | <'■•n, in t he par 70 j !| ■ i ., B - fifl j 1 VC 6 t >l*l - *2t n .rl. y - -4? | Tii it 08 fc v\ crl p mtwi *66 \\ bite In nn> - 68 Castor bean* - 4i t'oVcr seed - no Tinwllij' seed- 40 l*'l..X *iel --6 J letup •*♦*! 44 Trofim liy. 'We are rtiiphnticnllv in the age ofprfiftMi *3, ■mi it seem* to * lit we lire Am tha tupime-t current. One ratmdt go on the streets anywhere without liming hie mm Offended with tlie vilest of woriie, ami hie eei erence shucked liy the moat profane nee of wiered mimes. Nor Jooe it come from tlw old or middle-oged nlone, for it is a fact, fta thinning an true, that the younger portion of the community are moat prolMeut in tht degrading language. Hoys have an idea it is smart to swewr; that it make* them manly; hut there never was a greater mis take in the world. Wen, even those whe swear themselves,are disgusted with profiifi ity in a youiig man, heenuse they knowhow, el all had Imhits, this clings the most closely, mid increases with yenrs. It is the most insidious of habits, growing on so iniisihly that almost before one is aware lie become* au accomplished cursor. The Ro*t'on I*o*l nay* ilintihe i'do of imtiKgrulion which hud hitherto wt ro cuOktuntly toward the United Siit'e*, liuH IjHely been lurcred in nn oj jKjnko 'direction. During the Inst two year* the atatialica t4tmv that the number of outward bound tcn nj><> paarengera by the *leamt)ilp lines running between that port and Liver pool has largely exceeded the nr rival*. This ia a sad commentary upon the condition of Northern in dustries. Death or Oi-*MtnR Sank.—-A Paris telegram of ytstordsy announce* the death of the celebrated novoii*t, “George Sand,” or to give her real name in full ’’Madame Atnantioe T.netle Auroe Dudevnut> M bom in l’ari*, July 5, ISO 4. and therefore nearly 72 year* old, and dying yester day ut Kobant, where she took up her residence a* a young bride in 1822 and continued to live after her sepa ration from her husband in lthls. She was a woman of rare genius and is represented a* a devout Catholic. She took her ttvm de jdume from Jules Saudean, with whom she was nominally associated in the produc tion ot her first work—lndiana. Val einim , Jacques Andre, Simon, Shiri diun, Conatielo, and half a score of other production* are familliar to novel readers the world over. Nature's Remedial Agents. It i* said that for every disease that efilcts sufferin'' Immunity, na ture has provided a remedy, and all that man bo* to do is to discover these remedial agent* and to apply them to their appropriate ailments. These are mostly found in the vege table kingdom, and roots, barks, herbs, genius, and other simple and harmless ingredient* are more effec tual than any of the mineral poisons ed so freely by ninny physicians. The celebrated Dr. Kadeliff in the SrvKN Seals ob Getwcif Won her, ha* compounded a vegetable remedy peculiarly adapted tor a wide range of disease*, combining as it does the eutative properties of a great num ber of the most tffectite root*, herbs, nod barks. For pain and aches it has never been equalled. jun 7-4 “ Tlip Lost A magnificent picture 14 x 18 incite* |n siee, beautiful in design Mini artinio in execution. It represent* a con federate soldier alter the trar return ing home, which he find* lonely and desolate. Iu front of the ruin cot -sae, telling a sad tale of the mUei ie* tf war, are two grace* with rude Omsaea, on one of w hioh some l>tend lv hand has hung a garland. To the fight the calm river and the rising 110,011 indicate peace and rest. The stars, seen through the tr. ea, n-pre <n lire Southern Cross. It i* a pic ture that, will touch every Southern heart, and should find a place iff ev ,i y home. Owe oopv sent by mail m< unted on a roller and postpaid, on receipt of 28 cents, or three tor 80 een'. Address John Burrow &CX Bristol, Teun. Agents wnt.'ed every, v here to sell our cueap and popular pieture*. —♦& to 110 per cent day . >.ily r ade. No money requited mi til picture* are sold. Send stamjn torcatafeg <Utti and terms ' NEWSPAPERS-. CENTENNIAL CLUB RV>EK Now •! She thne 4n senr- me or tin re good |"tepc,> ul pr! i* i hln wreath Ol all. om: v*a*. Weekly EnqttlrerSm/ i b.gk* copy) &' Wis-kly aud Mindny * i M u hats- osr i r.Ati Wis klv Krill o in r ' o*l. ten cop es or more •wit,.. 4 The pi ty getting i p the dob will rwwhe C*'|ir one tear fr*e WecVlv in iTV.-ekly Uml-vllle t'oinii r ft"'tosl *8 i* l Wee. ymut Snndav Enqnircr-Bun and Wccklv Courier .lo .mol 4 t'O Weekly Koijniier 'iiu nd Weikly I*o - Free IVcss 8 'Si Or’the ilir-e w ■ k ire for ,r > CHI We do n t reqiere clubs to lie made up for any psrtiiular iswotllce. W* -HI send tin 1 l ajsT to -i ' s— or pnstufticc dished ly the iillltHp aßki club*. , l.latY, KLINK A CO, Piop'a. llusliels. Lbs. Blue grass seed 14 Bno ■ w 11oat 62 It'red pemhos .18 Pried nj pies - 24 Onions 67 Suit - 60 St into coal Bu M ill ----4 0 I iron 20 Tlltllip* -56 Plastering hair 8 Uitsl’kcd lime 80 i Cmlt weal - 48 I Wne salt ■ - 64 | Ui'tiuiiil pelts 28 COLUMBUS TIMES. BiILT Aim WEEKI.V. If nmwcuM like to snbacrll>e for n live newspaper, DerocKTatic In polilli*, and the organ of Tiir. rnilW, hike the lliiilvor Week ly 'Hines. The pa|HT is m t published In t 1 e ioieresl of nnv rmg or clique, hut puhli-hed si del r in the tiilcients ol * j voig in and the South. The Diily Times Is fill and with tlio lnte-t news of the day that can he gal hared by tel egraph or correspondence. Terms eh, post age prenud liy us. The weekly Times Is mode up frrtm the •Team of the daily, and i in braces original ar tieles on various subjects. Ani- les on farm ing adapted to our Miniate and the means of nt.r people a specialty. We would like to awe thepa|ier In the hands of every farmer In this section. Terms $2, wc paying |sistuge. Address TME PUBLIIrtNO CO.. (lohiinhus, (la. IHE SUNNY SOUTH. The lAirgrut and Jland*omet Lit erary Paper in America. BRILLIANT ANNOUNCEMENTS. KPK(’I MENS FREE -iMi The b Mowing new stories will soon be cnmnietced, an*l will be the most iii'emu-lv tli ■itl fxu <>t Hi) y romance* yet |iul>lir tied In nn Anna lain journal: HIHn Hnseoe. or North and South- -a thrill tog national romance, lm*ed on ttic admini*- (ration* of l’lesidcnt* Lincoln ami Johnson, anil the execution of Mr* Suirntt in 1805. Wriitt'D hy a distinguished HUlesman. Wrlttm to Wood- or The Midnight Hedge —a story of the lasi Napoleon’* tvlgu. Ity M quail, of the Michigan pres*. l-'iyrlrtirifr Against Kate, or Atone tn the Wurlrl h brilliant noddy serial, now run nlng, by Mr* Mary K Itrynn, who in the liuost story-wilier of the age. Kill 111 ltnwlhorne, or The Temptation* ot a Factory (iirl—-by a (Mipulur novelist. Reminiscence* of tlie Confederate Govern ment -by Cot tl DC*|>er*, chief clerk of the treSMinr department under Mr Memmlnger. 'Hits will lw a deeply Inter-sting aerlea of skeUh'*, giving the early trials, dbutilvantu ges, and many amusing incident* of out peo ple In their effort* to entablUb au indepen dent goveumicnt. A mtmlH'r oi unusually bri'llant short sto rle* Hppear in eaeli term*, wttli a great variety of sparkling luitKvlhmooim matter H|*>n ll subjects. Sutwerlptlon SI a year. Club* of tour and upward* $2 M oie h ; ilill'S of twenty and upward* S- 25 e>oh. Extra copy free one year for a club of tive at S3. A.Htvrs .1 H SKAI., Atlanta, o*. ONLY ONE DOLLAR! T!IR SAVANNAH WEEKLY MORNING HEWS Will tie rent to any addresa *tx month* for one dobar. Ttd* i* one of the che*|ie*t week lie* published. It i not a blanket sheet in wlileb all *oit* of matter i promiscuously thrown. It 1* a neatly-printed four-page p*|**r, compactly made up, and edited with gieat care. Nothing of a dull or heavy char acter i* admitted loUr the column* of the Weekly. It ian ela'iiratety compiled com pendium of the loot tiling* that amiear in the Daily New*. Tlie telegraphic dispatches of the week are re-edited and careftilly vwlel of everything that t not atrletly of a new* character. It atso oonbiin* full report* of the market* ; thu*. those who .have not the advantage of a ilnily mall, can get all tho new*, for six month*, hy sending one dollar to the publisher; or for one year hy sending two dollar*. The Unity Morning New* i* tlie suite Tell able organ of public opinion that It ho* al ways been vigoniu*. thoughtful and conser vative In the discussion of the issue* of the day, and lively, sparkling nml entertaining in It* proven tattoo of the now*. In gather ing nml publishing the latest Information and In discussing quesllori of public policy, the Morning New* U fully abreast of the most enterprising Journalism of the time*. Price, $lO for 12 month* ; $5 for 6 month* The Til-Weekly News ha* the same feature* as the Itnlly New* Price, sofor 12mouths; $3 for ti month*. Money for either paper can Ih> *ent hy P O outer, registered letter or express, at pub lisher'* risk# THE NOR\IM NEWk PRINTING OFFICE 1* the largest In the State Every desertp Uon of Pimtiug done at the shortest notice Blank Hook* of all kind* made to order. Hook lttmtiug and Killing executed with dia paich. K*h urate* for work promptly tur uished. Address all letter* to J H K.SITIJ, Savannah. 0a GhIVXJX AWAT T> rrtn reader of the Family Journal. Cbutonmal Amkkira —a HO Tinted Kn gravimr, *l*e 22*28, Out tanre amt beauti ful tinted engraving, containing over 200 historical view* and [Ottniils ol all leading even* and personage* from the landing oi CotomKn* to the prtwent time, including a mat:mSeenl ai 1 perfect vies of the (Vntcn nial bullitb g in Fainuount t'uk at l'hila detphia, will be given to the resthr* of our ineal literary and fashion papet, the Weekly Family Journal, enntaimng lints l *f>! ii.tiit continued siorie*. tog cl her with .hurt skrtrh e- ami a larve am >ui t of roic llaneon* read ing. Rent lour months on trial, inrltiding the-namving, postpaid for ft. Any new* dealer -ill ive you a copv free, or address 1 Ire Family Journal. 292 Broadway, New Yoik. Ag<* aoulrri everywhere. ONEDOLLAR WILL GET THE WEEKLY CONSTITUTION POSTAGE ERfcE, TILL J.WCARY IST 1 877, It is the Is-adtng Pnjier the in South. Thd hot Pinvdentlul and Gubernatorial Cam paign* opening. T.very Georgian should take the PEOPLE'S PAPER. Several Silia filmier, by diatingumbed authors, running nil tlie 'f m* Itsß~ The getter up of a CLUB OF TEN will receive the PATER FREE, -isff Smd yonr auhscription for this grea PoiiTCAl, ami Family Journal, PUBLISHED AT THE CAPITAL W. A- HEMPHILL k CO., Pub’rs. Atlanta. Georgia. BUCKEYE POULTRY YARD. Offers for aale Etrts kou 11 atoiiing from LIGHT and DARK BRAH MAS, BUFF and PARTRIDGE COCHINS, BROWN and WHITE LEGHORNS, SILVER GRAY DORKINGS, and HOUDANS, at t 1.60 PER DOZZEN. Give us a trial. Send stamp for circular. Address ISAAC LYNDE, Mari.bobo, Hr ait k Cos., O. marl -4t. gfllfif - VINEGAR mi SWEET CIDER. The undersigned propose* to furnish to tho trade nml for family rise a superior uiticte of Pure White Wine and Cidrr Vinegar, and Sweet Cider , at prices that defy competition—all thing* considered These article* are superior to any umdc ill the Hoiitli having rec eived the first premium at our last Stale fair h the lixsT. Order* Hoticited and satisfaction guaran teed. Addie** DAItWIN (1..10NE , tor i 1 Atlanta, (la. imilLTo\ MILE IXSTITLTE. Thi* Institution, under tlie care of Prof l*i Untie, n practical teacher id twelve years' experience, t* now open for the reception of student*. Patronage ia solicited, witli this understanding; That boy* mint learn if they come to this school. B ATKS IW.R MONTH Alpimtiet and tint reading $ 2 Primary classes 3 Intermediate classes 4 (krill glate classes 5 ltmil,keeping by double entry (completed) 80 Incidental expetrie* .......... pro rata KTimim CLAssmurr. Tsimxxt -2d Kcaibir, Ist tlcography, Spell ing, Pylinary Arithmetic and Wilting; or 3d Header, ltd Geography, Spilling, Primary (trammer, Arithmetic and Writing. i.vraiiMKniATK -4th lb ruler. English tlram nt ir, Primary Grsiuietry, Arltmetlc, I’hlloso phy, Dictionary attd Writing -('oiiipositions; or 6th Header, tsitln Grammar, Latin Header, Elementary Geometry, PliilOMophy, Element nry Algebra, Rhetoric, Dictionary uml Writ ing—Composition* ('OM.roi vtk (elective! Elocution, History, Geometry, Classical Eiiin, Greek, Tiigonom etry,Surveying and Engineering, Chemistry, Botany. Physiology, Geology, Evidences of Christianity, Ac . Ac. Kxtiixs- Bookkeeping, Hmfling, Coloring. Stodenls charged from day of entrance to close of session, except In case* of sickness protracted over one month. Tuition due at close of session*. Kind session six month*; 2d four month*. Hoarding from #l2 60 to sl6 per month. Hr tiry Stlfctant ul>M>lulelv lwjuinHi to kt |> the rtiUw ami regulations ol tho arhool. For further particular* *|plv to the Princi pal. fcbo C. B, LA HATH-:. 01LVE R-IFLATE I) WARE. Electro Plated Table Ware, AND ORNAMENTAL ART WORK. IN GREAT VAliim, MANVFACTED BY MERIDEN BRITANNA COMPANY 550 Broadway, New York. The Ivst Dated SPtXINH and FORKS are those Silver-Plate! heaviest on the parts where necessarily the most wear come*, and hearing the Trade Mark. 1847 —ROGERn BROTHERS—XII. N. It.—lids great improvement in Silver Dated Slioons and Folks is applied alike to each grade of Dale, A ! and I o* , as or dered. The I'm e • amt Machinery for Mo i ntariuring these good* are Patented. 11 1 lustre or •• Standard Plate ” made by this CkitnpwnT i stamped A I. simply, and 1. plated 20 |rer cent. heavier thauthe ordin iry market standard. gf'f'Finit Premiums awarded at all F dr where exhiliited. from TV iIdV Fair of IS>2 to American Institute Fair, 1874. tneluHVo WANT AN A(tENT IIEVfiRT eOCITY— — in Ti-iro IMTtll STATES! GOLD COIN! 1.000000 GOLD COIN! :*T WE CHALLENGE - snn who ettn prodtiee a remedy which will prove by actual tts , ti 'non speedv, certain and effectual cure for all Pains and Aches, oi whatever .unit external and interna!, aeoute or chronic, deep seated or otherwise than DR. RADCLIFF’S GREAT R EMEDY SEVEN SEALS GOLDEN WONDER. Wr h ive hi* 1 this challenge nf sl. GOO prominently displayed in nil otir thculars knd New -|'S|s*t Advertisements for the lust lour yrers, tr and not taken, which sliows the supeii or excelunce of otir Herne lv over a'l others, fur External or Internal use. IT WILL EFFECT A SPEEDY CURE IN ALL CASES OF Headache, Neuralgia, Toothache, Sprain*, Bruise l , Flesh Wounds, Burns, Colic, Cramp. Cholera Morbus, Flux, Diarrhoea, Bronchitis, Asthma? Phthisic, Heartburn, Indigestion* Hum mer Conplnint, Pains, In Side, B id, or Loins, Piles, Ringw orin, Felons, Stings ol Insects,. Bites of Venomous Serpents, and Especially Rheumatism. A POWERFUL REMEDY WHICH IS TAKEN INTPTvNALLY BY ALL. Tils celebrat-d medicine is beyond a doubt the greatest discovery in Medical Science known to the world. Its action is at once felt., its wonderful cures are instantaneous. GOOD FOR MAH AND BEAST. NO otjjfciEj, Into TRY H AND BE CONVINCED. IRfIP APrrn Perawwt and Pr.fitablc Employment! W t Or f Lit An article of Universal Sale. To You This is a Golden Opportunity. are now out of emplovcnent, To them wp offer, in the sale of our Itcmcdy, a preventative of li.irii timeti. We have adopted as our Motto: NO CURE, NO PAY. ~*M OF BAITI\FSS TO SIILLIOAS OF SCFFIBSfi BTIUIITT, Duriim the pAst four yeirn t!iv sneccis of this Great Itcmcdy has far exceeded our most HMisniinc expci tationH ; thoiis#*ndn have been cured, and thousands have found out from actual experience that Dr. IU cliff’s Great Remedy, Seven Seals, or Golden Won der, in the most wonderful pain destroyer in existence, the m< st expeditious, sate and pow erful remedy known in the world. Cutes are effected almost inst anti j, as if by niapic. Thousand* of certificates have In en received from all parts of our broad land, unsolicited and uiiHhked for, speikitni in heaitfvlt and universal prai-e of this great, remedy, from pei * i*l i now ledge of it* almost miraculouH powers in curing ‘the most obstiuate and pro tracted eases of disease*. 61,000 Profit in Four Months! 1,872 One Dollar Bottle* Sol and READ THIS: Foott To**, Latfraxci County, Ohio. Mkm Kknkdy & (’o De'ir Sir: At thin lat** hour I will infojfn you <>f the benifit 1 r<*c*iv<vl from tim uhc of Dr. lUdd'fi’s (JnjntKftnie-.lv, SKVKN SKALS or GOLDKX WONDHU. after hoiconfined to my •“! <■--** * sx*ra ur'itii tt rnn-Jtl viz: Dispopsia, Bronchi iPulpit:*'>ii the Heart, I*in in the Ui dit Si.le, wit i 0”m ial Dehi’ity, for which 1 1 1 i il the Rkifi of our honn* Uh>ii< i m* 4 . hLo a o cm* tor <f N • D'ly, mid two o- Pi’tshurc and out* of tho north ern pint of O' i<> Took enough patent wed i- ineH to hwhn in all to n> pu’poHC. At A Remedy For Hard times. Try It. FOR THIS REMEDY WE Mlsll YOU TO ACT AS OUR A CENT Pmr Sir, —The above fully ojrf>lain lb*? artich’H we wish to sell. 'I b.v bupinc.-s is honorablo, and by being; t*t emetic, wlljmy you well. It is our <h>ire to appoint an fluent In every county in all parts of the United States ami Canada, granting to each the exclusive right to kcII every Imtfle hdd in the county. Nh< uld you accept tlie agency for one or more com*ties, you shall have the exclusive ri Jit to sell every bottle sold In your county, ns long is you continue to act as our agent, nn i aP Orders which we may receive from your teiritory shall be turned over to vonr aecount 'Mrs Wonderful Remedy. BOVOII Honls ou Golden ■W"ol.liCl.3T, soils rupiiilv in the hmi'ls nf tlie right kind of ux*M, ami we want none other. Now if you ttink you are the right man for the work, forvard your order, name your county, end go to work ; you can sell a g'ors In a !vw i.ny* without doubt. We have one mail who Inly* on nil average three gros* per week, and Ins order* are in creasing rapidly, mid he lias'll small eouolv (Berk* Cos., Pa.) Ho write* that he expect* to sell one gross per day, atai till, the Dom ing season, not counting wliole.-iUe Vou have tlie privilege of sc liag wholesale or retail, or putting it on commission with EXTRA PREMIUM TO AGENTS! In order to have live, nnegelic men to take hold of the business at once, we have con cluded to give free gratis to each and every agent a present of a handsome, tine COIN SILVER HUNTING CASE WATCH FREE! * —• A SMALL CAPITAL REQUIRED TO RUN A LARGE PAYING BUSINESS. 'lhe capital reqnliert i-ocry small, and the promts from it w ill fully equal that of thou sands of me,chants who lnfl^tiivested a large capital in their business. Hundteds in all parts of the country are mniraig from $ 1,500 TO SB,OOO A YEAR. \VK WANT A Live, Energetic Agent, As one such Is worth a dosen who expect a business to push itself. We have spent in pushing our business ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS. We will send to parties contemplating} to net as our Agent< a SA3tTI?IUB DOSSSE SOYTXs&S securely packed with our different Posters, lid’s, Show Cards, Terms, etc., Upon the receipt of $2.50. A*d all sending 12.50 for Sample Beam, we will send free of charge srmple* of onr Eight Elegant Oh rooms, entitled : Goon Morning ! Goon Night Feeding tiik Chickens! Mother's Gravb! Out of the Frying Fan I Bo Pkkp! Reading tue Birle! First Lesson ! If you want your county, let ils know s soon as convenient, as the territory may be taken. We would be pleased to have parties who contemplate taking an agency, to send for *uiple Package of ilrs wondeiful Remedy before engaging largely in the business. REMEMBER, WE GUARANTEE EVERY BOTTLE. 3NTo Oui*o! N o Pay! iVdtlrf.v** nil voiuntun tailors to KENNEDY & CO., SOLE PROPRIETORS, PITTSBUBGH, TA. (ST* Please state in m hat paper Ton saw ihi* advertisement. 'eegth I was induced t > try Dr. RadclifT’s SEVEN SEALS or GOLDEN WONDER. 1 Bent and six liftv cent bottles, and before us ing it all found myself able to travel in a TVng'tv. Took tlie agency for its sale last April, four months ago, and hare sold thir ' 1 e-o u-.n.-u, 20 h 1372 and expect from th" crowing de mand to sell t n thousand (10 009) bottfe* in the next year. Gen lumen, if yo think ttiis wortli using, you can do so, as I am generally known over three counties as a linn of great alliiction. Respectfully Yours il, and, DARLING. druggists, or selling try sub-agents. ThD business is wor hth ath ifionof good men and nieti of capital. v honld you make but small wages-- iv itoo p.-r month for the fir-t three month* (many may make more) — you would nevertheless be establishing a business that would pay you largely iti the end. Agents nre doing better with our Remedy than with anything e'Se they have ever took hold of. Why is this? Because the Remedy does just what w e say, and our agents can warrant every bottle. No cure, no pay Knowing that we make all losses good, should they he ca'led on to redeem a bottle, agents run no risk of loss. SKVENN SEALS or GOLDEN WON ~r~l H]pL is put up in Si .00 and 50 cent bott'e*. elegantly finished in neat and ap propriate wrappers, and packed in nice boxes, one dozen in each box. To druggl-ts our scale of prices are— Large size, #I.OO bottles, per doz u, $8 00 ; sin ill size, 60 cent bottles, per dozen. $4.50 Wc give specirl terms to our County Agent* at Buell figures that they can sell to druggists and country stores at the above price and make a handsome profit. We also give an NEW ADYEIUISOFN S. U't’Y'l For list chance in ti e ivor .1 lUb.ii n to coin money. Ail liovk I . > SVFETY POCKET CO., Nownik, NY. pin-1 in PsHYCHOMCY. or f*-hb How lit' or K' X innv fmini’.tc nrt i gain 1 h" |ov and iiffce i.ii.m fa yp. "*m they <h- < ■ iimlnntly. Thin idmple, mciit il qn'ii niei.t all can posse h, free, by inn'l, fm 2nc. to gether with innrri >' gni 'c. I'cyplian Ora clc, Drctnu, llin’s tohnile , \V< iilng-N ylit Shirt, kc. A queer hook. Address, I- \WL LIAM (i t!o,l’ilbs., I’hiia. S5 TO Agents wanted for a nkw liii-'M'-s, * in in which any active Man or AVi.m-m , cun civil v make $6 to 810 a.lay. ' One who hud never canv -s and ti' iii 11 L* \ Y made ; 7.60 in 1 mu u : n_ cxpcr ; - S( RE cured *ngcnt made £72.75 in 15 hou! . P irfiulars free. C A CLKOG, Man ager 09 Duane street X. Y. "Wo know <' A (':■<'(* to he and reh due and think tie eff rs Agents extraordinary iridnee ments,—N Y Weekly Sun, April 19 1870. miylO-lm A CUP OF GOOD TEA a noted English Traveler ■Rays, much finer Tea (hank iu Russia than than in Ruglund the difference Is not .probab'v owing to the Overland transportation hut that the Russians buy the best Tea c/roicn in China , little of that kind goiny to other countries. THE RUSSIAN TEA COSiPIW Offer in this market a limite 1 quantity of this '-UKA. It is absolutely I’UKE. Sent by mail, prepaid, 1 lb canisters, 82.50 1-2 lb 51.25, To introduce this tea a liberal sample sent for 25c. RUSSIAN TEA CO., mlO. 100 Pearl St., N. Y. jnc partly will do all they claim. , A r . V.Jf’eeWy Sun..fan.lQ.':^ *Tko 6roeriea *re the beiL'—A. K. WiiMjip/cB. 13,18T9, For COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, AND ALL THROAT DISEAES, Use WELL’S CARBOLIC TABLETS, Put up Only in IIL RE Boxes. A TRIED ASH SURE IIEMDY For sale by Drug'gists generally, and Jonhston, Holloman & Cos, PHILA.. PA. MU'YIN "3 Subscribers in one dav. B.st AilliA Id |iter.try paper. Only $1.60 a year Three $lO chromes free. Mvnyon & Si'Oss- LKR, Pubs., Phila., Pa. AUK~NTS U A.YTEU for the ,\fw Ulstorie: 1 Work flur Western Border. A Complete and Graphic History of Anocii'- can Pioneer L’fe iOO YEARS AGO. H* thrilling roufii ts o( Red and White F -ts Kxcit'nu Adventures, Captivities, Forays, scouts, Pioneer women and hoys, Indian war paths C-tiDp Life, and .sports. A hook for old and youmr. Not o (lull page. No< om rv*.*4’-in. • Lnoianoui seif-u \v Hired evtiv where. Illustrated Cir ulars senrf ee. J 0 McOCRDV & CO. Pid s. Phila. Pa. AFENTS WA.nthd for THE ( K!V TENMALK'iOX OF BIOGRAPHY. or tlie live of the great men of our Kijist 100 years, send for c renfars. P. \V lleioi.kh & Cos, Pidla, ?a. or Chicago, lil lUp.d Reading. Psych'MNcy, F.\s rinulion. Son'.-Clm mins. Sesmffisia, nr.i! MaRUIAGB CiUIDK, shO\V T ng ll(’\V ll.'tl’T SOX may f is inatu and gain the a Tec io-. of either j'eisnn tliry < hoos4> in -'tantlv 100 {.ages, By mail ‘ Hunt & Cos., lot) 8 7th rt. Phil Pa WANTED ifor’STLt Centennial WIVEKSAT. HiSl' 0 R Y to the close of the first 100 years of our Na lio uil Independence, including an account of the coming Grand Centennial Exhibition. 700 pages, fine engravings, low price, quick sales. Extra term-, send for F, \V Z.iglcr & Cos., Phila., l’a., or Chicago, 11'. Fuller, Warren & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF STOVE fN The Lauciest Assout- RANGE FURNACE Mext in thf. Mahket. OFR NEW WOOD AND COOKING STOVES GOLDEN CROWN REPORTER. SPIRIT OF ’lB - GEui. AND the eakous TEWART* IMPROVED’ MEET THE WANTS OF EVERY DEALER. Correspondence invited. Price List and Cut upon application to FULLER, WARREN & CO.. 230 Water Street, New York. AGENTS, Mak3 no engagement till you tee our NEW 1 BOOK, Which in thrilling interest, sterling merit, elegance and cheapness, has absolutely nO equal. It is "The Thing” for the Centen nial period— takes on sigt .. The North American Review says it is “de serving of unqualified praise— we anticipate for it an extensive popularity.” Tim Dan ube 'limes says “Just such a work as tliotis ands of the American People w ill be be glad to possess, The Detroit Advertiser calls it, “ Pbkfkrabls to ant tut rmusiiKD.” Any Active Man or Woman of good address in sured large profits and sternly work for a year. For full particulars, address J. B. FORD & CO.. 27 Burl: Place , N. J". THEPARKERCUN- PMB CWC LAB PARKER BBtfS WEST MESIDE* ,CT. SI MINER’.*. MONTHLY for 1876 j 'I he publishers Invite attention to the fol lowing list of some of the attractive articles secured for Hn ibner's Monthly lor tin-com ing j car In the field of fiction, Lc.-ido-' t.u tn.'ii its novelettes itid shorter stoiies, there ivili lie two iein,il l.able serial stiuicx by Am nil an ail hors. The fitst of thi Sc, WOW com plete in our litiiiil- 4 , Gabriel Conroy, by lire*fi Hute, begins in the Noveniher number, nil 1 will run twelve montl s. 'J'his is*Mr Hutto’s fust cxtiitileil work. The scones a,id charac ters, which the author hus chosi n from his fuvotilc field, California, are painted with etinrurteiistio vividness mid power, and (ho work is doubtless the most graphic record of early California life that has yet appeared. We shall als i In gin, iu Iho January num ber, I’liiiip Nolan's Friends, or Show Your Passports, by Edward Everett, Hale. '1 he scene <■{ this story is laid in the Southwestern territory, now forming the States of Louisi ana and Texas, a lie t ; : e of Aaron Rutr’B tie son. The cliarai.ti , s lived in a si r'ion which iva now Anu ri. m. now French, and now Kpaidsh, and this r. e roof their atlvcn tor ms lives makes a stoi v of intense anil un flagging interest tlirou.! ■ i. A second Farmer’s Vacation, by Col Geo E Waring, Jr. Col Vhuina is nmv in Eu rope, visiting, in a row-t oat ride of 250 miles, one of the most fertile and interesting of the vine-growing valleys of Europe. This secs ond series ol' papers promises to lie even more interesting than that with which our readers are already familiar. Centennial Letters, edited by John Vance Cheney. A rare collection of Revolutionary letters, mainly from stoics in the hands of the descendants of Col Joseph Ward. They are full of interest, and will he read with a rare relish in connection with the Ceutenuial celebration of the year. Brilliantly illustrated articles on American colleges written resp c-ively by their fr'eiids, will appear during the year. The revived interest in college life makes these papers os peci dly timely, and will secure for them un usual attention Elegantlv illustrated articles on Ohl'Xew York, by John E Mini's, will appear at once, and will attract the attention of all, in city or country, who mark with interest the de velopment of the gieat metrop iis. and affec tionately remember the quaint peculiarities of its olden time. Every number is profusely illustrated, thus enabling h; to give to our descriptive and narrative articles an interest and permanent value nev. r attained in a non-illus,‘rated pe nodical. Under its accustomed management the magazine will in the future be devoted, as it lies been in the past, to sound literature and Christian progress. Terms $4 a j ear , See a number. Address BCKIIIXE & CO, New York. Awarded the Highest Medal at Vienna. I, & !!, T. AJITOAJY & C 0„ 691 Broadway, New York, (Ojip. Metropolitan Hotel) .llasiiifadurcrs, Importers & Dealers ia CIIP.G?,IOS AND FRAMCS, Stereoscopes and Views, Aliiiimri. r.a\l Smttihh* Vic?vs FtIOTOGRAPHIC MATLRIALS-. lliTidqnartei-s for eve-y thing .<n (Mf xv.vv of STiSSfcoPTJCOSS and JIAGIt: ti.'iTEESS, Bcir-g munuf‘.cturers of (he SllCfth-Poirx-TI! X I.AXTKrX, tIBU'C-i 1 , !■; ICI V, Uuvr.: -i i v KT!.:;ror?icos, Anv; s. i; .:.inco.v, Am ■: r rico.N, School Lastpbn, Familv I astern, I’bopi.k’s LA.S'ti ax, Each style being tlie h; sf of its class in the mark-t. Catalogues of lafti rus and slides wit'i direcdotls for using suit on application. Any en term is, rig man cati make money with a Magic Lanti in. ( ut tins advertisement out for reference. GuILY 15 CENTS i In order to introduce it into thousands of homes where it is not already known, we will send our greal illustrated iiteraryand family j'uirnd, the Cricket on tho Hearth, three months on trial for only 15 cents. A mam moth 16-page paper, size Harper's Weekly, containing splendid continued and short lies, sketches, poeiiis, etc. Only $1 a year, with elegant premium portfolio, Gems of American Art, by Aldine Cos, or 75 cents with on* premium. Write at once to F M Lupton & Cos 37 Park Row, New York. nm lo Dr. and. southwick, 85 and 87 Whitehall st, Atlanta, Ga, Contimies to cuie all cases of obstacles to marriage, blood impurities, obstruction ol menses from any mu-', and every ailment or sickness which ri-f'ii’ts fiom abuse or impru dence, with unparalleled snere.-s. Having the experience ot many years in his special ties, he has perfected remedies that are effec tual in all these cases. His patients are be ing treated hy mail and express ‘ v aywhere. Cull or address with stamp in confidence. ©ail (BISjLVJB THIS is the title of anew and beautiful ork of art width wo have hist published. It is 14x19 INCHES in size, artistic iu de sign, finely engraved, and printed on heavy plate paper, fa (he foreground is seen a young Confederate soldier, who has just re turned home from the w r, looking sail and thoughtful I v at his father’s grave which is shown to him by a:, aged negio servant. To the right ilte calm river indicates peace and rest as well as the harbinger of brighter days to come. It is a picture that will touch every Southern heart and should find a place in every Southern home. One copy will be sent by mail mounted on roller and post paid on receipt of 25 cts, or S copies for 50 cts. Address JOHN B URN OTU d> C 0., Puls., Bristol, Term. AGENTS wanted every where to sell our cheap and popular pictures. §5 to $lO per day easily made. No money required until the pictures are sold. Send tbamp for cata logueand terms. teb23-2m. Masters’ Patent c This swing is now bein'- the undersigned Eve one. Agents Wall to'’ in the United Slo* Come jui cO-lr