Hamilton journal. (Hamilton, Harris Co., Ga.) 1876-1885, August 03, 1877, Image 1

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H AMI LTON®J OURNAL VOL- 5-NO. 31. THEJOURNAL cash BUBSdRimON KATES. One ropy one ye ar. $ T o '° One copy six ruon'tr* One copy thn month* /ny one furnishing five subscribers, wifi, ti e money, will receive a ropy free. Subscribers wishing tl.elr papers changed from cr.c po-t-ofiiie to another. mu*t state ih , name of the post ofic. .Van wMch hoy wish it chanced, a* well as that to widen I'icY wiMi It Rent* All rubscriptions must he paid in advance. n ht . paT>er will he topped at the end of the lime paid for, unless subsciiptions are pre viously renewed. Tift, numbers complete the rear, cash ADvmrns’sa batc*. I, PA cK ; 1 wio j 3 mo* | 6 jnos | 12 mo* llrmb jTT TTSTiI 5 4 <3O i 0 00 S 10 CO 2 450 725 11001 18 00 8 Inches.. 6 00l 000 15 00 k 2 00 4 irchss.. 6 50; 1100 18 00; jT 00 J column.. 050 I*oo 25 00 85 00 ; r lnnn..! 12 50 25 00 -*0 00 £ je- lnnin ,J_22 OtAjl. 00l 02 00 1 100 00 Man leges and deaths i-.it exceeding six ines wi*l he puhlishe’i free. Payment* to he ma le ipiarterly in nrlvan'C, according to schedule rates, unless otherwise j ogieed upon. i'ersrms sending advertisi menis, will state i the length of time they wish them published j and the space . iev want them to occupy. I’m ties advertising hy contract will be rc- j trhted to their legitimate business. TjROAL ADVERTISEMENT**. SlurlfTe per li.ch, four week*.. .$3 50 “ mor’gaga fi fa rales, per inch, eight week* 5 50 Citation foi letters of administration, pnnrdianship, etc., thirty da)* 3 GO j K'niee to (te'itoi* and creditors of nn | o>ia*e. forty days 5 O') Application for leave to fell land, four weeks 4 00 Bales o r land. ete., periueh, forty dajs 500 j “ “ perisheble property, per inch, I ten daw - 90 Application for letter.; of dismission from guardianship. forte davs 5 Ci) Ap;iicati.n for letters of dismission from administration, three nmntli* 7 50 I'KtaMMsiiig lost papers, the full space __ of three months, per inch 7 00 CompellitiK titles from executors or nd minist For*. -vliere hood has been given h the deceased, the full space of three months, per ine.ii 7 00 Ks ray notices, thirty days 3 00 lin e for foreclosure of mil targe, fou me; th*. monthly, !>er inch 0 00 Bale of insolvent papeis, thirty di is... 300 Homestead, two weeks 2 00 CSMTTAJKOCHEE JUDICIAL CIRC! IT. V. J. Ctr.-wf.ird ia'’fr<- ! AV A Little loliiilov jo-nor:.' [ < 'l.sttnlioc -lice tli M *>,!. vi in March r.rd Septi inln”'. iliti'N-Jl Monfif.Ts in April nnd October. ; ’ —Ll*l Mondays in Ap il und Oetolirt. ! Alina-opec— 21 idotulujv in "May find Nov/I r ‘ Mewiiit- 4t *l Mondays in Apr* I Bli<l Cittol c-.i Talbot—2d Mondays in March Cards. T. S. Mitchell, ALL. | A. It. Copeland, M I>. MITCHELL & COPELAND, jtcsuhit t rHTSICIANS AM) SURGEONS, Jfamiltov, Ga. Omen Noun i-West CoExrn I’i-nuc Squawk. JNO. T. WILLIAMS, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND Justice of the Peace* HAMILTON, C.A. , ""Office wit Mhe Clerk of the Court. IL 0 (tisM in.QUA tf CAMELJN* ATOIMT V .’.T I -'V. IMBi LT n N, OEarGM Will piwfijcc fn ♦lie Stf-to And Vc/Jct.-I rourln. Ofrici* in the Count Hmiw AIONZO A. DOZIER, Attokney and CmtNSEi.or. at Law, COL I’MJIIC, GA, Practice* in State and Voders > Court* in Oto'jf.a and Alaliinm. M.dtv Cotriinejgfiil JUiw a Hi'eri.ilty. Office verNo. 12G Colh--i- Luh. Cl a. de4-lv 3fjt Ml-liliy CL Lundy MO PL EY & DENI Y; ATTORNEYSATLAW • Hamilton* ga. Wil! cwiftoiju to practice law in all t u © tale tE'I I’Lii and Cunta. Etines 33os!ier . ATTORNEV-AT LAW, KIND BORO, - GEORGIA Will practice In the Chattahoochee Circuit, or anywhere else. Office in the h 1 '.hwot comer of the Com t-hoese, up-et:dr*. j tiS W. F. TICNOR. £ZS TIST. i-w )/-:* ’^sr -O ; tv V/ r V'G. • J * • ? • 1 r ’ Items oi" Cioiieial Interest -1 hit. R 'lihia spends $2,508 in pos nge i c • day. . New oern, North Carolina, is to have a cotton factory. Increaso of con) production over lest year 28 per cent. Ninety in the slnde is regarded as cold and pleasant.” in St. Louis. The reservoirs oi Philadelphia have a capacity of H>0.000,000 gallon*. The first Hebrew temple 1 ttij: in lowa was dedicated at Keokuk on the 3rd inst. The Uuiieu Stales annually ships over 100,000 boxea of clothes pins to England. The city of Richmond, Virginia* lias over 340 factories, that give em ployment io 11,000 person*. England has been a buyer of trade dollars at San Francisco, and the prtcenl supply is about exhausted. During the ha* f . six months 110, 357 pounds of opium, valued at 501, 199, hav been received in New Yo-k. The Young Men’s Christian As sociation in l’liilade’phia has tuet.ni.. mated aboflt half a million dollars worth of property. A man child in Ciswell county, North Carolina, twelve years old, weighs 525 pounds, or.d is fvc feel •on iuehco high A little colored girl blown from a bridge at Milledgeville, descended sivty feet in perfect safety, her para* soi acting as a parachute. Tin* is the season for gathering vanilla in Putnam county, Florida, aud the woods arc full of people en gaged in that occupation. It. is worth $5 per 100 pounds in I’alt.l.. ka. Three "young gi:ls of Wausau, Wisconsin, ran away from home, tak ing ’he road north toward h . woods "i iiey were arrested seven miles aw..v from home r.ud biOUjlit back io tl tir parents. A p<i“!ma‘tcr out in Wi.condn says :‘-If an edict t.issued lhai tlicc- ItoWerr shad neivb: ] o’-li al nq.crii w„ cMur t ’ the •'frier pt.d change flits to a ci. til day schooljonin.il.’- A lawsuit, begun in larii: i a fourteen years ago, to recover ?7 50 for n o of a water j -j vR ge, bis lately 1 ten enA 1 by a deci-ion in favo' of the iUienda.it. The costs amor-’t to e..oc:. Twenty-live families of Russian settle.s, in all tv o huailpd persons, arrived at S .Uon, Nebraska. They w ere met r.t the depot, by ihe'r coun trymen, and all taken to their new hon.es further no“i h. John A. Garber, of erst Donegal Township, Penneylvfltii.., mixed sc.i.o ; mis f*r-:ci in a bucket and set i‘ iie-r e fence adjit”'ng tin* pasture. — Fu-tr cows found llie’stuff. and “kick ed the Lucket.” Near Forastvife, North *Ca*olitia. is a curior-ilj )Q 'he shape<fa lal lanced rock. 11 is about twelve feet in di ureter ami is so nicely poised that a child can move it readily, bet a giant could net overthrow it. A. _() Bell, of California, after years of bad luck, has recently taken o’". s"■">,oo from a “gouge,” and at. last scccjnts was preparing to sell his claim for P‘lo,ooo, remarking that £50,000 is enough for him. There ir a church in the quarter of Berlin calkd the Burg where the Leans of diseased members of the Prussian royal family are kept in silver unis. They are behind a rail ing and an inscription is upon each turn denoting tlie name of the for-- .uerjiossessor, his birth, death, etc. Two young men “of a-xcein?; t fain il'ies,” oi.a named Babin and then ti er Duciest; had a difficulty in tno Parish of St, Martha, i few evenings r go, A duel resulted, the a. ins se lected being pistoia, and the distance lwen"/-*'ve yards. At the first shot young Ducrest was shot through the heart and died instantly. Some fifty yer s or more ago a. good old woman it. Ireland had her cottage pulled down over bead by her landlord. T ler name was Molly Maguire, and she cL dof g~ : ef and xposure. There upon her, son and some neighbor l-.ds formed them selves i ito a secret baud, and and tp ' ook Hero j revenge on Irish landlords iu general. The band spread rapidly and they called them selves Molly “Mrg' : re.--,” and Pish coal in'f.r- brijr.jlt ijip I 3Plf f HAMILTON, HARRIS C 0„ 6/, FMT, AUGUST 3. 1877. l’iiclcpitu-Y .ii Georgia. The stocking of 11-. o d'fLront | streams of the country null shad ii I likely to provrv of great benefit p. the inhnbuan's of those I o.? dittos where this delioio"s ti-h'his hereto fore he'ii comparatively unknown, and wo are gk>d io see that Georgia :s not being neglected in the general distribution. Mr. Charles D. G is.. wold in the employ of the United Slates Fish Con*.ni <sion, with his assistant, Mr. Carl She 1 -nan, has e cently visited Coliunbus, and pished lifiy thousand young shad in the Chattahoochee river at that place, and also dej >itcd th**nir.a number in that stre.iin at West point. These gentlemen left lloljoke, Massachusetts on the Connecticut river, on Friday last, at which place the Fish Commission are engaged in hatching on: shad for the purpose de singiiated. The process <>t this hatching’ will prove interesting to sportsmen gene-.Jly, and lovers of tins favorite species of the finny iribe in particular. It is thus described: The spawn from five female shad, averaging about twenty thousand eggs each, is placed in a pan about one-fourth filed villi water. The eggs are 'hen impregnated hy arlifi ciul mean*, and in about twenty uiiu.. u es swell from the si::! of a grass seed to that of a small pea; they are liien placed in another vessel con taining pure water and washed, when they become quite hard. When brought to this condition, they are kept from ti ree to six days, accord ing to the temperature of the water. A bout seventy degrees will hatch the eggs out in three d.ivs, i.nd this is the temp’rature usually desi.ed.— Upon being hatched the yomg fbh are provided with a natural supply of nourishment which lasts about three days, after which lime Rev are left to take care of themselves. It ■* a colons f’"t that i.. this mat tr of ha:chin * s’-ad, scitDcc has proven superior to na!r c. Native hatches or.lv about one d.-ii in a thou sand that live ii.ore then th ee days wive sctcrcu produces iii.ic'y per cent, v.'hich live* Jo y i -... im ii to be planted. This may be r.i coeni e l f..r by tl a the y ibu' eels and other . i follow lie pfiienti shr.d as ir goes to is -p- wnirg p'siCe and destroy a g'e.itc. 1 pv.'povti ui of the igg which s-re depod.od. It h.i* never be-'ii n*eer...ined ujio'i what, to fe. and .he young shod, '.*i.l unless tly n-e dcpoiited in large bocTdic? of vailr, within <igl't days after liny r.ie h?u.l.id tltey .ridefarve to dee. h. When so deposited, how ever, ihcy f.id on some.lung roi •j'tidiscovnrt.d bv science. In transporting the skrvh recent ly placed in the Ch&ital-oocbee to tiieir poiiit" of dost'iia.ton, they were put in eigli l e' , n gallon cans, and the ■ ater iu these had to be changed eve. y t v hours. It is calculated *hai. ir. about, three years that strea l will be plcn t lidly stoe' ed with the ti-li, and the peopie living in its m-iiiity can then enj iy h' undfnl feasts upon fresh shad, a luxury they have, to a great, extent here! ofo.es been unfamiliar with. We hope the experiment Of pisciculture in Georgia will there, and everywhere it is aittmi ted> prove u decided snccesß. — frto.Neic*. China fairly revels in capital pun ishment. In Canton alone no less than 2,/CO (xocutions for crime takes place in a single year. A Belgian who recently visited that city visited the principal prison yard and wi:„ ness-/ the execution of twenty-four peisons at one time—-two headsmen going about and slashing off heads wi'h as much ir.d>fforence as though they were cabbages to ho severed from the stalk. There,.loo, he saw Hie. implements o r torture which the ir.quibtorial nr .ndarins use to extort testimony from reluctant prisoners, wiio are used to implioaie others, ""here is no cruelty omitted All the devices of torture tn he found iu Western Europe, and which fid the soul of the tour st wish hurror, arc employed daily in the prisons of Canton. The 15'sck Hills excitement has hern ro gre.d that Dead wood Gi->, tiieciiief town, r’ eady has 15,000 people, l ui 5,000 ot tbo \ would he out acy-dav they eon id get mouy enough to leave. Many :cin a start - iog condition. There is pc woise p'ace ic r a tnii' ft wl< i ti-s no SoineHiiiig in l!i;i Ucd. .Tnd ’o Pin..an has a habit of slip ping his watch under bis pillow when he goes to bvu. Ti e otm.* night somehow it slipped down, and ns mo Judge was restless, it gradually worked its way townward to word he foot of the bod. After a let, a while he was lying awake. Ids foot touched it, nnd it, felt very coM 1 lie was am prmeu n and scared, auu jump nig Irom bed, ho said : Rv r-acioas, Maria! there’s a toad or tvi'lie or fomo’.hing under the covers. I tourhod it with rnv foot. Mrs, Pitman gave a loud rcrem nnd was out ou the floor in a.i ins'ant. Now', don’t go to hoHering and waking up the neighbors, said the Judge. You go and get the broom or something, and we’ll fix the thing mighty quick. Mrs. Pitman got, the bioom nnd gnye it to the Judge with the le mark that she felt as it snakes were creeping r.’l up and down her legs and back, O, nonsense, Maria! No>v you turn down the covers slowly, while I hold the broom and bang it. I’ut a bucket t>P water alongside the bed, too, so’s we can shove it in and drown if Airs. Pitman fixed the bucket nnd gently removed the covers. The Judge held the broom nidified, and as scon as the black ribbon of the watch was revealed, lie cracked a way three or four tunes with his brcoi i, then he pushed the thing oil into tin* bucket. Then they tooK the bucket to the light to inve: ligate the matter. When the Judge saw what it was, he said : I miglii’ve known lliat. Just like you women, to go screeching nnd fussing about nothing. Who’s going to pay me for that watch? It’s ut tcrly ruined. It Vt is yon that nude the fuss, not me, and huid Mrs. P. You needn't try to put the btame off on me. (.) hn. h u , Mid go to bed. T’ n tired of hearing yon blat. c. ilhinie :no il 1 atu’t going I get a divorce and emigrate. And the Judge filmed In and growled a'. Maria until lu /ell asleep, - JL", • Acll'.r. Four Hours -A .’ln ,al iVtil. Near the site ot ‘he nev’ C'l’holn* college on the hill w .st ~f Omtha, a well was di g twemy yean ago nnl wall. 1 \iiih buck. Tlie supply of water failed, ad abot *wo eeks ago Mr. 11. W. Brown undorlnn': tv bore in the hoi loin to ga : n a bettor supply. Tfriit was dona nnd embing v. as put in; hut a quicksand • as Bti uck, and this caused a fading in at tee bottom. Accordingly Hlr. Enoch C.V Mi.is decended into the 'eo in a rop' - 80011, however, the looks began to cave in around him, nnd he eii.'d jut'.o tile men to null liiinAip), and began at the same tic to ro[>e hand over 1 u . But iie was caught '.y tl;> gene.a. caving in of the brick wall ;.b >ve him, his hands stilly oil the iope stretelVd above Ids hood. In tins attitude lie was buried und-’r a col umn of brick about 45 feet in depth. The struggle to save him was then begun !.y men who were at work near I. v . They were able to converse with hi .i even at the great depth at which he was buried, and the work was cont ■ ued without cn*saiion for four long invars, uutil at hist. 60 feet of wall was taken off, and at about 7 o’clock, Collins was luonght out alive, and was able to walk with a firm situ) to, a coach. John Stouc Pullen, tonncrly a New Orleans augur merchant, mem ber of the Louisiana legislature, and a colonel in tlie Ccufuicrate army, who loaned #200, <100 to the coriLd biategovcr merit, and was beggared by tire ri .it of the war, died in a wretched tr-gemem, in Grand Sireet, BrookJy.la.it wetk, and was saved from be lai at the puboc expeu*e by the charity of his poor fellow-tenauts. lie was oorn at Ba'on. fbonge, La., .md 'va.- educated for flic ministry, tint in leaving college embarked hi the hi.g .r bti-incss. lowa is the second State tn the | Union for corn, raising last year ' 15.5,000 '.'oo bii.-hch, lilinots alone exceeding her. 'ilmbtat. ■ next range iu the following order : 4JL;o, ludurir., .Missouri rstiti iLnisa*. The w leal crop <>f (.'alifointa fn export this year, it i. e.-timatcJ w ill * .m oo _ An Indian Vnuiili m. Among the Seminole Indians there •s a sii gu! .r tradition ivgtt'ding the white mans origin and superiority— They .ay that when the Great fcqiirit made-1 ho earth. Kj a'so ma Jo three men, nil of whom were o.' fair nu plcxion; and that after im king them ho led them to the margin ot a small lake and bade them leap th*.. -in.— One immediately obeyed and c .m< out oftl'e xwtor jmrer than lie;ere he bathed, the second did not leap Mini: i..0 water became i lightly mud dy, fin when ho bathed be came up ioj per colored; the third did not leap until the water became black with mud,and came mil with its own color. Then the Great Spirit laid before them three packages of hark and bade ihetn choose, and out o! pity for his misfortune of color, he gftve*iitc block man his first choice, lie took hold oi each of the packages, and having felt, them, chose (heheav ieat: the copper co'ored ono then chose the second heaviest, leaving the white man the lightest. When the packages wore opened, the first was found to contain spade*, hoc*, and all implements of labor; the sec ond enwraptod hunting, fishing and war-like apparatus ; the third gave the w bile nu> pens, it.k and paper— the engines of ihe mind—the mu— tial, mental improvement—the social link of humanity—the ft'iindation id the white uimisV. mi peri on* v. .. <tsa> The Graphic of last week gives two sketches, ilinwn by T/teiit. Iliyi.a of If. SI. S. Oaborne, if the sea mon ster which the officers < f that vessel saw oft the course of rvioily o:i J ir.e 2d. The first sketch i* merely along row of fins just appearing above the wnt-r, of lrregu'ur heigh*, aud cx temling, says Lient- liuynes, from thirty to forty feet in 1.. jgth. The o'her bketeti is c f tlio creature as seen ‘V.id on.” nnd shows only the. he;. ’, wliich was “tiullci shaped niid quite six foot i. ick.” anu .i onpie o' fl ippers, cue on each side. 'J’ltu cr’ii'.i.iv iris, says I/mif. i/aynes, rt least fifteen or twet.’y feet v.i.le across .he t)’ok, i.n l “'.ion *li top . i tic J.cs.d to thy I It. ft of the bV •.v' ere bccitnc i.i.ini*.'be.i I siojiild' consider t.t>oo' !i. y I ct, and that uccii.ed i.bout a*' lid if ii* whole.’' Tl as it is cert.iiMy Pom eight t. lift ;, ii limes tis l.e’ig’s rny tape fi-h liiihe t,a kr.owii in the zoologist, nnd is at East romarkaVea creature as most of the ild won for makers ever alleged. —Fond >n fJ’wWr/.'op. Dr. W, P, llatii ou, J.Uai’t \ wlio has been on nu extey leu unir North, ‘ The ; \ immesnniblv better off to-day tuan tne North. \v Jnr<|. ly know what hard time* l are. l?ii>, Lsaw more life and prosperity^and Wivi.oinfltiebmo., ’, than 1 in Piltsioirg or in any of those vi.ieh. 'f’berc is little orjio bt.ild i.ig on—none '<> compare with t,,e 'apid reeuperatiou of the Sonllir— Then is plenty of money, bni**lto circulation. There is no heavy Lils iuciß, and no demand for houses, 1 know of a family that owns u*> ; . #IOO 000 of railroad stock, and cMi ll oi get an income sufficient to Juti.. fv them keeping a Imiise ret van'. J know o< a lioti-u in Pittsburg that cost $31,000 that rents for #ooo. In Chicago there isenon.'h koi.i room, to do the Lti-ioe-'S o* the continent. ’ •‘Will von lovo me this way when I’m old ?” she asked as she emjved a handful of peanuts iu her lap. ‘vFv.'iiP darling 1 swear h,” ho passionoj-e!) protested, ns lie carefully laid ft;-id'v/ his cigar, arid cnmtr.enced on w hat was feft, of the ruckle’s worth. That was when i!.o flowers v'tc and the birds was mating, one b|its year ago. L,.st night Vttey sr.t in the gloaming, and who kno that there memones reverted to the happy past; and yet when she csked fur a fifty emit oarasol, lie remarhcii that a w oman whovu face was as ye!- ‘ low as a duck’s fool, needn’t be so particular about her cortnplexion.-* The peanut baa done their work.-* There bad been a weddjng ere the budding blossom bloomed. Ross’ goo-o laid eggs in Holt’s ,W r yni'd fc ic ('iacHiiiati, ai.d IIt; goose liab bed r ron> then 'me g u-iin. Who own: .1 the gn-lin ? The ques tion * 'angrily disj ttfc’ by lloss m.d Ifotl, nod tiiey to law about it. Tee gos-in bn.'grov into a goose, find is wonl. .i do I r ..t tnosL 'lie litigation l.:>s uL‘....ly ... ~t, ■ • 1 i ii'ni's. lYilliont n New. paper. I .thing proents a sutler cmn* mentary t*| oti the present uondillcti j ot"? than the largo numb"r of families, both in t.nu n and country , bn* inoie v*">eoiallv the hit :r, that sid' cribe to no piper at all. lln.i ■heds and thoiiMimls of f'ami!te.v art growing up nit* "Iy ignorant of wiiai is tinnspiiing in t!ie world around them—ignorant of the middy events of the day* Hut who can tell thn vast amount of injury tlmt is being inflicted on the rising genet .a ion— •hose who are to take our pk.ecs in the busy world it no disium day— grown j up wi.hout any knowledge of the present, or any study of the past; this ignorance, toe, being im.* dued in them by tlie sanction ot’those "ho i-hould, ami doubless do, know hotter, did they only think of the in jurloiu efleet of their i’vane ouure. Lot the head of every family think of this, and place in the hands of those I for whom ha is re-ponsibtc the means ;of acquiring some kno w ledge of the in* .’ing panorama in which wo aet i our part*. — hxchange. At nictkbg !ha rniiiic Eyo. A wnf'Ly Ckerman died in Frank-, lin recently, nnd his next fiiend, also a worthy German, as api>o : ined ad ministrator to M t.tlw up i ff.urs of i t.-i estate. The aduitnistrutor called at a priming office the o.lier day io have posters priuted announcing that the goods of the deceased would be sold at public auction. “I vant you to write r.p done lulls m s i.'i.d . f sth'le,” said the ad mintc. raiot, whose mit:d nine tuneli to bn-inciss ; “I vant somding dal attract tho jmblle eye, ami priug iu dt-r btfople from der koundiy.” The printer asked for a suggestion or two. “Mrs. Brown mid tuinesrlf haf J.aTed it oler,’’ continued Uio busi ru-its man, “nn ! we vant you to head ('.oso hills somdii’gs dis "ay,’’ an 1 Iu mar. ..1 oi ho wall with ’ isennot) that ho warned lug letters, lloer-rav, * ii£>or-i..w ! J.ikc Brow: is dot. 1 !” Till,’ Diff:"k v ‘U. A w man take the sm.v l -it |niwcr iu a l umiu ft r h<" own private u and will pack away ii> it. Iniglit hits of noxes. of ulI shades mid sizar, dainty fritg- i fr, .boo, and sev'ipr of lace, foamy rniLx, velvet things for the neck, btuul'us of o’l love..lt It .-r*, piece- of .! * eb y, hr idserch et*. t..ns, things that t.o man knows the name of. Ah MO..K of tre.-h looking, br'gl t 'title naps tl .t you c nldi’t eats.. 'oiiguo ina column, ft'<l any hour in ihe nay or "i r .h'. slm can go to tl at drawer and pick any nri'cle .die wants without tiisluibiiig auytliiiig cdso.— Wheroiis, a man, having the biggest, deepest, and widest draw er assigned to him, v. ill chuck into it thrc” seeks, a colar-nox, an old nee., tie, two haudker'chiefs, pipe, end a pair of bus,. gliders, and to save Ids soul l.e cat.’l shut flint drawer without leav ing mom end <>l things sicking out than there me in il. and it iibinyi looks as though i. had been packed by a hydraulic, press, - <cw —■ — Mr. (,’urey, of Silbyvile, Del., op posed Lis daughter’* mariingu s c ecssfully, l/iit bis ;,.ice s Inis *• him Ins life, J/e recently desired o gel murr' 'd iiiinsilf, nnd to that e.id courted a young woman. The •laugh., ter interbred violently. Once *h> j went. to. the young wotnn house | w!i'-n In r hi’her v. as theft, tl r nt n-1 ed iu ns.i a gun ibrit she had 1 r night ! vd.lt her, and drive him in mo. II 1 became dbco.iragcd, and broke >I! Jjie mate!; whe.e'ipoii the ir o 1 on micd him for brent li of pronti.-n, A u way out of his dtfflenlifes he ha.- &t kilhd himself. Wu,i IM s.—'3’ls* t" bos hoci dici ve.red by Mr. Olftmic. L ffeard, iiUi. • lot st r. j ujj’f-R near Hm.ih scL ii'bhe*’, Ain., a r-.r.l wid man. I UA- described by Ms, IL, lifer be sei if, n* tali, in n nude suite, thoiigl covered wit!i*l<R(g, grey Imirc Ue liv. k and snbswits in.irel' ivnotfro<its ami heib-t from his wih ui.ode. Efforts are being mode t< him. G||e.".l To. mws says, in lefe:e i - t‘ 4udti e, “When capital presumes on the' { ow-er *i: money anu labi prelum, cm the fun or of mu-el'. then sei Mlarchy, and it can’t 1 1 p.. (La£i w: bout a cjugio iLt ci ; 1..., I. . Lu.. )) sift $2.00 A YEAR Rovrßvis.’ir orwBDflCU *\l. 11 VID n'IVJITVB.. 0. A'Crw-t II t> 'V AtexamJcr and .1 \V r arron WM-rt* i -d.||Uv .I..|wrfm, ri IV Tli .m e.I! tLiwirl ant v! W.lliim,, i’rk* ! v ■ciltlni .1 It (! miu'mjll vv.mwntißWi. W H vtrig.viv mHMonfer ..idrseontiaselec) s i'.vrv. cuusk urficen*. N 0 Harnett b .'••Any of slate. .1 K*.tunes o Irrk. V< ' <i -I-*-iiillti eenniVolier general.*, .1 Vv’ (I .lit in...ti elerkx. % J W Uen.'i- letreusnre'. V.’ 1 1 ’ r thieve eletk Jtn'l It. autism ’.iliruriaa. • ... * E A Elowelh Htip't of imb'ic buildings, fit .1 Gir htat’* Hchuol cmiimul, uoner. Dr Tli in is F Green Biip'i of luaatk asrlai tV 1.1 Wil'laius m:v : t ' ’kw t<*r the l.ltm IV (J Counor sUjj't (leaf mi l ilamti ajluiu. M.'I'REMC enC'RT. ihiu IFr. m War' er chief justtvij lion 1. K .VI <!jy jm!<u. H'-n I! 1’ fiipne jin I'a. N .1 ilnitininiitl nttu~ney-g'‘uersl. ’* liairison ch.rk lleuiy .) mAh >u reporter. Tlu- Supremo Cmrb t it* nl neat of e.ivs til': n’., Iwriisn'eir on Mie Isli ie.| M.tn tnv In uary an I tir. Uon my in .lull io vtuu jr. O LI VKIi WEEMi Ii It B E K an thlil Slhrt. Opposite Struppei old.Tb mid, Columbus. Gn. 1! rherini', CTitrruttiii ;. ic l ., iv., tuuil ill the mot tashionahic srvuc. o.t ii —lf. , liAiii.inmi. use Distovnites hy otanuv i ntiheis mo is.,t lulu, dto thu onlv tOiupidi TC THE LADIES. I li.iva ron <)> u 1 my nnlli.iervst.mns (Ivs)i' .ist ol (iiliierl's piintlinr oi ; -e. uu U. -1 Hi n et, n.'d iiuni iv np|H'rite tin; IV ntlu.'e, ".here I am and i<lieu i,, welt eeluc'eil Htovk ct Fall and R Infer Jlillinn fi mprining nil tne nlvo'tie* of twa*. .‘Ly ini'.d* nru thu lawni.fr. I‘msitimc and ti and will ii,* nl.l hi ; lios-io enii. My old filenilk-Hii.i (>,i,.’1)1110 saint the nil O ouei'lly me invited to call at lay in w.to M. R. HOW AKB ft thh AirN<*rscE3JE| • of TUi Murray Hill PubiishinsCt jfuhu P. Icnrtt, Htsacir, RPflNlfi KSBS2S v' *J li U%J X • sltiP ilenitit by that pliiiniiM ■ll boolu— P* UN Hdmh 'J’alk A H 51 tvu FENE,wi|ichooul„inguevl)r l,o(tpft’ of w) Itpual met tor, n- cntirt dining Of n li>ccii.4l ■ropy. Ilcaltli .tn<i lor ' Ufe tiiiilo t*y for fcarned and Bnlonrncd. t ronmu-d full of tr >itv faoa/j) wlilcUaro checrluuWtlicrirk.i lr.ttn ■<•/y cutiTtuinlngto tboic wlio nrr tcitur ttoii.fb t0.2--pu disuse, U guards ilmj teat r, U nn*. .10 pftholoa of hum mi ottfrem-fr, i ptiin i!.wnvof tu tior-culi' fthonly cniniDh Ly rltTn* fis, fnd or.l fcboof it. t * t/k. fop you. li ouflior. J’r. P. l-OOTC Of *2O LEX INC. TON AVIEKfJC, J Yourc, in conruVd by invalid* at loirr i ■broad, in pcruon a.id lv loft or. end bar lid | tjr; rloiiccof nearly u ] jArtorolNfenlH’ tTji.icircar*ncr.lo! lont? t>iund • nm 1 1 ■n en of ourv ehiUTCtcr; Luicc Ida i tilHy wiifo irajtical tiuti/sfor invalid r*trier 1 coAsuitnrlouft ure meat lo *ho rick, tvrrjukr Voice bUuumen. o vlfb ibt ► *!'. ovu tiv> glol v Yon. hcadm, >tz iti icnrv ToroNar i r flu; abL untbor q 1 1 li ifi I!4 *X Arnd ihodiu.d Comimm H* hc. Wrilalof m.. Jim will lx* ►truck w ith lit* Common to t Wha* vrr your .i/ulad you Dill rveeha lb V'bicfi drill do ym gootf, by in voting Hh atnnip, nml writing,to Pr. If. vi’ru wo iairi*M # -ou in b.-tH tlie- d<>' tor : and hl 1 uiora! booit. Iho Siuok liaclf. which r! ant's|action to tl* vhonail It, cu# be bud j a. r.’f’, o. of the j)uHhLc’ra dint*. I'Uhi m im Hindi. %\*ZA, in the Knalitdi or Gera Ir’igtiuge. Library, binding, in m fH./a. >.nd by n n ~ pontt e prrjcid. on rva price. A indy write* the author: •{■ liAxu umay* feU thn; yon wore lhs ))liv*k!i* the world, UGin the f iet of ymir woii(li-rful com n’d If/inui idea*.” Ou reader My* *'/ hfivo found if to bo ona of tiur-pTm'd thflmro/ f AnUbot **y#-* M fwould! without It for twice It* cot. fifuiilar k*ti reach the uuUmr every 4a>. CoLUMts W i tr<*' d> ecfCMpi: s ,tr(a. tie*. 5 uA*. lu-1. i-* bound, In ft i**iarHte tola, at and f7. ACt’ording to binding. bo*it by wt 1 <i rrct of price. -1 i*t the • liing for young people. Ct free. _ nsacr ?rwR ▼•** ntili H i-fmi. loot* ms la*!sf DimePiilillcstiom un ImwiSa kli.flr.-S I.; Ice. “OLIIEVI S MACK NEW tell.i liuw to reatorethe- up(." wlrlimn ihe nIS of Doctor or Mrdicii.c. J.ul million liuve b.-cn le.ued elrfmlr 1 "I'oitro j.:ioi-tiß* run thb tcirnuii I* *)i lii'DOg"-.|fh fur tUose wlio ure aiHlcltsl w.iu I- 1 (ore or ,lernl*. -J’litMO-otnc*). I*rw*in C-r Ili-)i,i,iTr,"relte* to 111* M11.j.-rt .l ri. people born rlubt. “Pht.iowic*!. ManMM |rlve* the tate.l rceurche* icaimcjl'ig li t la s;.vemlii - tcTTiperamenlul da|Stkm. Ae., . Herr- Dai .no -to, revtuwhiE incomWrn b-ri .lotion tonecrnllg tlie rreveuuoo fJond-pilon. ** tbpucKATOßJUTffii," or So fn.l WelkueM with eviik-r.ri- of Its curul-m “ Cirour, Its rutmes, [ rcsentn'ii m.i! curt.' Inv usMt* to every i.unli- r l.u--tnp t!i* cure of-n. el iliren. "( oil) Far," <, prevenn ).,.! cure. Any one of tlie Iweiroinsj nil piibllrm ion, will bo rent by iuU, paid, ju receipt Of ten cents. rnrr pbi i<k>*. ** p P“stS*lP ply lis- booTES Free Pr.ble li I'lUlU tlone. •'Oratvlteiu AUrlet to I 61 -:k," c'u uad v well ae al lum ; jw* 1 " *c I It.) fo the lib. “ Arlil/nett ft J tr -J 60 ccaa-.-" e sixty pe&O -•< - fcCIIQ f it .brio. AGENTS OttWiw’atioTUH, # j>abli*bt'U t,y ;i*. IU for tifirtutuli.r*. . Aut./f tf Murray Ii? 11 kUtuVHth blnrti Ike Ladles’ of rnUmlfle ir® woman OIJ) Harried or Sin v ill thank i. Hand-IS oo ototlH .■ wl to placing i’ Ijptidoofher tersvlheael Books are i private t ret fses, hut art lor era! cnla-j^Sr. ti° n -A3sy r ‘ *> tamp.si