Hamilton journal. (Hamilton, Harris Co., Ga.) 1876-1885, August 17, 1877, Image 1

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VOL. 5-NO. 33. THEJOURNAL CASH subscription rates. fine copy one Tear S2 00 r>„e oifpv nix month- * JJW One copy three months Ar.y one furnishing five subscribers, with () u . monev, will ret five tv ropy free .Subscribers wishing their papers chanced fr(im one pn t-offiee to another. imvt state t(|., name of the post off. e from which they wi-)i it changed, tut well us that to which they wish it sent. All subscript! ms must hr pnid in advance 'I he paper wil’ he stopped at the end of the time paid for, unless siibsciiptions are pre viously renewed. fifty numbers complete the vear. CASH ADVERTISING RATES. ‘■"fii .u'i: Imo :* mos Iti mos |Viin • - fiS $ 2 .S| f.TTiO * *i 001 f 10 00 2 inches .. 4 fin . 720 11 r . 73 f>o S inches .. 600 000 lfi 00 22 00 •1 inches.. 5 fiO 1100 00 27 00 1 column.. <> fiO HOO 25 00 35 00 4 column.. 12 50 25 00 40 00 00 00 ] column.. 22 00 41 00 02 00 100 00 Man’ itres nd deaths not exceeding; six fries will be published free Payments to he nude quarterly in advance, according to schedule rates, unless otherwise agreed upon. persons sending advertisements, will state the length of time they wish tly m published and the space they want them to occupy rallies a Ivertidne hv contract will be re tricted to their legitimate business. Lkoal Acvkrtisbmkxts. Sheriff’s sales, per inch, four weeps... S3 50 “ mortgage fi fa sales, per inch, eight weeks 6 50 Citation for letters of administration, guardianship, etc., thirty days 3 00 Notice to dehtois and creditors of ail estate, forty days ... 5 OAg Application for leave to sell land, four weeks 4*o Sales of land, etc., per in- h, forty days 5 00 “ “ perishable property, per inch, ten davs 2 00 Application for letters of dismission from guardianship, forty days 5 00 Application for letters of dismission from administration, three months 7 60 Establishing lost papers, the full space of three months, per inch 7 00 Compelling titles from executors or ad ministrators where bond has been given bv the deceased, the full space of three months, per inch 7 00 Es ray notices, thirty days 3 00 Ru e for foreclosure of mortgage, four months, monthly, per Inc! 0 00 Rale of insolvent papers, thirty days... 3 iX) Homestead, two weeks 2. 00 CHATTAHOOCHEE JUDICIAL CIRCIIT. * VT. J. Crawford judge *W A Little. l solic J tor genera’ Chattahoochee—-th Mcad-iys in March and September. Harria—2d Monde.Tß ip Anri! and C,cfobr JT-.rlcn—Gfl wonuavs j r , A r >,j] H)1( j ,>u> ;.e Muscogee-2d M.ru.nvs : n Mav.m-'fOctobcri Stewart— 4th 'ormaysin A-,, UUCIJU - Talbot— 2.' '•‘" nf lar ; ~ vilc _ Hrcfessicnal Cards. 1\ S. Mitchell. M.I). | A. B. Copeland, M I). MITCHELL k COPELAND, Resident PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, Hamilton, Ga. Omct NoBIU-Vt'esT CoRNKE PrBT.IC f-’QVARV. JNO. T. WILLIAMS, ATTORNEY AT LAM AND • Justice of the Reace, HAMILTON, CA. Office with the Clerk' of the Court. J. T. BIOIJST. 11. C 0/.MKKON BL O UNI *fc CAMEii OK, ATORN EY S AT LAV, HAMILTON, GEORGIA M ill practice in the State and Federal Courts, Office in tiie Oeirt IP-cre ALONZO A. DOZIER, Attorkky aivd Counselor at Law, VOL UMB US, VA. Practices in State and federal Courts in Georgia arid Alabama. Makes Commercial Law a specialty. Office over No. 12fi Colum bus, G a. der-4-lv J M Mobley C L Der.dy MOBLEY 4 D E NDY; ATTORNEYS aT LAW HAMILTON , G'.-l. Will continue to prnctlre law jin all the tate end United States Courts. SCirAcs ATTORNEY-AT LAW, KIN'CSBOBO, GEORGIA Will praoticeen tk Cbattshoocbep Circuit, cr anvarhere fisc. Office in the Northwest csrner of the Com t-house, up-rtairs. jar:B W. F. TIGNOft, I>SH Tl— ■ -tF'&fk. * v ’' r Mason's Drag Store, Kandolp; fe- Street, Golunabus, Georgia PARTS OF THE NEW CONSTI TUTION. Tito Executive Department; SECTION 1. Paragraph 1. —The Executive j Department shall consist of a Gov j tumor, Secretary of State Comptrol ler General anil Treasurer. Par. 2. The executive power aha!] he vested m a Governor, who shall bold his office during the term of t wo years, and until his auccessor Mmll he chosen and qualith and. lie shall tot be eligible to re-election fitter the expiration ot a sicond term tor a pe riod of four year*, lie shall have a dompeient salary, n- t to exceed $3 - 000 established by law, which shall not he increased ot diminished du ring the >eriod tor which he shall have been elected, provided re duction shell not apply to the pres ent Governor; tor shall be receive witliin that, lime any other emolu ment from the United Stales, or ei ther of them, or from ar.y foreign power. Pat. 3. The first election tor Gov ernor under this Constitution shall oe on the first Wednesday in Octo ber, in the year 1860, and biennially tbei • liter, by the persons qualified to vote for the members of the Gen eral assembly. Said elec'ion shall be behi at the places of holding gen eral elections in the several counties of this State, in the manner prescrib ed for the election of members of the General Assembly. Par. 4. The returns for every elec lion of Governor shall be scaled up by ihe managers, and directed to the President of the Senate and Speaker of the House id Representatives, and transmitted to ihe Secretary of Slate who shall, wiihout opening the said return’s, cause the same to be l* 1 '! before the senate on the dav the Houses shall have been or -''! Z ed: and Ukuk shall be t-*nsro‘ ie - , tv;-iiso ui Icopro** the Senate to the 1 0 sentatives. , , . , p ir r jne members of each , of the General Assembly snail convene in the Hepresentstive Hall, and the President of- lie Sen ate and the Speaker ot the House of Representatives shall open and pub lish the, return in the presence of the General Assembly; and the person fiavin." the majority of the whole number of votes given shall bo de clared duly elected Governor of this State; but if no person liavo such majority, then from the two persons having the highest number of votes, who shall be in life, and sha’l not de c ine an election at ti e time appoint ed /or the Legislaitire to elect, the General Ass< mbly shall immediately elect a Governor viva voce ; and in all cases of election of a Governor tiv the General A -seniblv, a majority ot the votes of the rnenib re pro ent shail be necessary for a choice. Par. 6. Contested elections stall be determined by both houses jf l ' ie General Assembly in such metier as shall be prescribed by law. Par. 7, No person sh<*l L e eligible to the.office of Governor who shall not have been a ciu’r.ens ol tb 1 * L i ted Slates fifteen years, and a citiz-n ofibis State s* years, and who shall not have attained the age of thirty years. Pm,. 8. In care of the death, resig nation or disability of the Governor, the President of the Senate shall ex ercise the Executive powers of the Government until such disability be iemoved, ora successor is elected aid qualified. And in case of the death, resignation of disability of the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the 1 fonse of Representatives shall exercise the executive powers of the government until the removal of the disability or the ejection and qualifi cation of a Governor. Par. 9. The general Assembly shall have power to provide by law for filling nnexpired terms by h special election. Par. 10, The Governor shall be fore he enters on the duties of his office, lake the following oath, or aflhmation ;“I do solemnly, swear (or affirm, as the case may be,) that I will faithfully t x onte the office of Governor of the Stale of Georgia, ard will to the best, of my ability, Dre ss. rvc, pro'eet and def. nd the C< n stitution thereof, and the Constitu tion of the United States of Ameri ca.’’ par. 11. The Governor shall be Commander in-Chief of the army and navy of :L.; State, and oi tkcrm’-tit’a thereof. HAMILTON, HARRIS CO., GA„ FRIDAY, AUGUST 17, 1877 Par. 12. He shall have power to grant reprieves aud pardons io com mute penalties, remove di ahi’ities, imposed herein, nr otherwise by law, and to remit any part of a sentence for uffnees against th* Siaie, after conviction, except in case* of treason and impeachment, sulj ot to such rcgulationx a* mif he provide 1 by la* relative to the manner of apply ing f.>r pardons. conviction for treason, lie may suspend the ex coition of :he sentence, nud report the case io ti c general assembly, at the next meeting thereof, w hen the general assembly shall either pardon commute the sentence, direct its ex eu'ipn. or grant, a further repiive. He sti.ib, at each session ot ihe gen- era! assembly, comtnunioate io that body each case of reprieve pardon, or commut:uion granted, slating the uame ot the convict, the offense of which he was convicted, the sen tence and its date, the date of re prieve, pardon, or commutation, and the reasons for granting the same. He shall take care that the law s are faitlifnl|y executed and shall be a con servator ot the peace throughout the State. Par. 13. He shall issue writs o election to ft ! all vacancies that lvt )- pen in the senate or house of r l )ro " sentalives, and shad have pc'*’ er ’- 0 convoke the general Asv-dd'ly on extraordinary occasions/ shad give them, from time H nme hdor-. [nation of the siatc lbe Oomn>- fll wealth, and recommend to the- 1 cun sideration sue 1 measures ** he nn >' deem and hut no law e’ali beer c,eJ al called seHß)< ,is of.heg' ,eral assembly, ex.. such as ” all r, ' !a,e t o . ll ' o ob * :-cti.t|.-' , ' n his Proclamation con vent'’ tl,em < Par. 14. When any office shall be come vacant by death, resignation.or otherwise, the Governor shall have power to fi ! l such vacancy, unless otherwise provided by law; and per sons so appointed shall continue in office until a successor is appointed agreeable to ’he mode pointed out by tins Constitution, or by law, in pursuance thereof. Par. Hi. A person once rejected by the Senate shall not be re-appoint ed by the Governor to the suin'! office during the same session, or ‘ ,e | recess thereafter. Par. 16. The Governor jaP 1 ' * )1 ” 1 the revision of all bills, by i both houses, before ** " wne * h;,l! become a law, his dissent, and if Jf blll * bou!<l ~OT be returned bv Governor within five days (SiutdV excepted) after it has been pre -' ,l,pa 10 him, the same shall he a la*', unless tho General Assem bly iy their adjournment, shall pre ve ,t its return. He may approve rf.v appropriation, and disapprove any other appropriation, in the same bill, and Hie latter shall noi be effect ual unless passed by two-thirds of each House. Par. 17. Every vote, or order, to which t tie concurrence of both Houses may he necessary, except on a ques tion of election, or adjournment, shall be, presented to the Governor, and, before it shall t ike effect, be ap proved by him, or, being disapprov ed, shall be repassed by two-thirds of each House, according to the roles and limitations prescribed in the case of a bill. I’ar. 18, Ho may require informs tion, in writing, from the in j : lie Executive Depa’’trtji > nt, *>ri any ; •'object relating to tie duties <rf their 1 respective offices. It shall be the duty of the Governor, quarte’ ly, and oftener if he deeutd it exfredient, to cxaniine, under oa h, the Treasurer and Comptroller General of the State on all matters pertaining to their reaper-live offices, anr to inspect and review their books and account*. The General Assembly shall have authority to provide by law, for the suspension of either ot sk**l * ffic'-rs, from the discharge ot the duties of his office, and, also, for the appoint ment ot a sub able person to discharge the duties of tl<* -me. SKCTIO.V 11. Par. 1. The Secretary of Stale, Comptroller General and Treasure) ►hall he elected by the per-ons rpia'i fbd to vote for members ot -he G n era! Assembly, at the same time and in the same manner as the Governor, arul the same rules as to counting the vote lor Governor shall apply to these officers; they shall he commissioned by the Governor, and hold tbeir offi cer, for the same time as the Governor. Par. 2, liiifii itsvend •gtliuiw i2a ■ he fixed by the General Afispmb’v tint shall not exceed the sum of two thonsand do'lars, each, per annum, and shall not be i creased, or dimin ished, during the period for which they shall have beex e rciel. Par. 9, The Trea-urer shall not he •Unwed, directly, i :> receive any fee, interest, or reward, from any person, hfiuk, or corporative, tor the deposit, or n-e, in any manlier, if the pu die tunds, and tho General Assembly shall enforce this ;rovj mu by suita ble penalnes. Par. 4 No persrti shall bo eligible to the office of Scretury f Stale, Comptroller G’ufrul or Treasurer, rn'e-s he sh df, i, Win u < Mitten of the Uni ed $t at least ten years, and shall have r -i<ied in this State at lea t six yea.e ncr l"’ ctl.ng his election, and shall Je leaaiiwePty five years of age v'hcn elected. And the General A--' njbl Y shall l, y law require that ot " aid officers shall ,<nve bond secnriiy for tho faith— hil disci 'B° of 1 boir dm ins. j>, ir 6. The Score!ary of Sta'e, t j, e Jomptroll r General, aud the qvapurei', shall v ot be u lowed tiny I.eo, perqniste, or compensation, <>ih r than th. ir salaries as prescribed by law, ( \cc[)t their necessary expenses when absent fn>ni ihe scat of Gov ernment on business id tho State. SKCTON m. Par. I. The G oal Seal of the State shall be depositee, in the office of the Secretary of St a i, and sir 1 not be affixed to any instrument of writing, lint by order of the Governor or General Assembly, and that now in use shall bo the Great Seal of the State, until othetwise provided by law. Par. 1. The Governor shall have power to appoint (is own Secretaries, not exceeding twlio number. tub: mutia. Par. 1. A we).regulated militia being essential retht) peace and se cuitv 1 the Statu, the General As s-- 1 H y shall have authority to pro vidr by how the mili ia of this it shall consi> t. " -,Vr 2. The General Assembly call huve power to authorize the forming of volunteer companies of infantry, cavalry and artillery, and for their organization into battalions, regiments, brigades, divisions and corps, with such restrictions as may l>e prescribed by law, and shall have authority to arm and equip the same. Par. 3. The officers and men 01 militia, and volunteer forces, shall not be entitled to tec-ive any pay, rations or emoluments, when not in active service by authority of the Sia.e. EXEMPTION - . Section 1. i’here -hall bo exempt from and sale by virtue of any pro cess whatever, under the laws of the Sta'e, except aw hereinafter excepted, of the property of every head of a family, or guardian, or trustee of a family of minor children, or every age I or 1 firm person, or person luv ng the can* mu support of depend ent females of any age, who is not. the head of a family, realty or per sonally, or both, not to exceed in value 111 the aggregate sixteen hun dred dollars. Sec. H No court or ministerial officer in the State shall eve.r have jurisdiction 01 authority to enforce any judgment, execution or decree against the pt< potty set apart tor such purpose, in* hiding such itn provements as mt de thereon from ' time to time, except for taxes, for the put chase money of the same, for I labor done t' reon. for rca’erid turn j j„hod therefor, or for the removal of < ncitmbrances t hereon. Sec. 3. The debtor sha'l have power, with the consent of his wife, if „dv, to be made in wri'ing and at . tested by two witnesses, to wane or renounce his light to lhe benefit of the exemption provided for i., this article, except as to household and kitchen fund ore, weaiing apparel, a ,and provisions for one year, to be selected by him* If and w ife, if any, not to exceed thtee hundred dollars in value; and he shall not, Pr it is set apart, alienate or encumber the property so f xeinplttd, hut it may be Mold by the and U or and hi< wife, it any, jointly, wiih the sai c..i00 of the Judge of the Superior Cou:t of the com iy where the debtor reeid -s, or the land is sttuated, upon application to him, the proceeds to be reinvested upon the tame uses. Sec. 4 The general assembly “ball ! provide b\ r-s early at- practica- hie, for the setting apart and valua tion of said prnperty, and there shall he no other exemption than that pro vided for in this article. Sec. 5 Tfi# | plioant shall, at any ime, have the light to supplement hts exemption by adding to hii amount a ready rat apart, which is less nan the whole amount of ex emption heroin allow ed, a sufficiency to make his exemptiou equal to the whole am Mint. • Sec, C. Rights w hich have become vested under previously existing laws shall not bo affected by anyth in g herein contained. Sec. 7. All property of tho xvifi*, in h.-r j,ows#rt-loij at the ti.no of her marriage, ano aM p> i-,.,,iv!*n in., herited or acquired by her, shall re main her separate property, and not bo liable for toe debta of her hus b mi. The llrid of an Hour. She lay upon h*r death bed, Miss Miuinio M. Prichard, ihe loveliest flower that ever bl mined in the Queen Ci.y of the ■South. For four long years Mr, James M, Walpole, cily editor of the New Orleans Pica yune, had I neltat the shrine of hei resplendent beamy, and at last his pleadings were crowned wbh suc cess. On tho 101.li of June last she was to have been his, and they were both happy in anticipation oi the ap proaching event. But b fore it came a deadly disease hud fastened iis fangs upon her, and when told that she must die, she sent for her lover, and w hen he came she s dd : “ Dear, they tell me I am dying, and before I go 1 want to be yours.” rhe young man stooped and im printed a kLs upon her pale brow ned then sent for a preacher, for lie saw that her life was fast ebbing away. The parson c me, and Mr. vValpole took the cold hand of the dying girl in his and theso'emn ceremony was said. 'I hive hours afterwards and the sprit of the young brhle had eternity, net *>•-.. -■ ’ , ' '— l ..1 her windii g shee l ; tier itti*ial cham ber the cold, dark gtave. And the widowed husband mourns for the dying btid* that gave herself to Into, then bidding him good by passed quietly away from Ins amis to the boßOtn of her God. “Lawlessness in the South,” Senator Ohristiancy, of Michigan, announces in a | nblislied letter his belief tha* tbe President has noth ing to fear from the opposition ele ments in his own party. He thinks j the t.-st of his policy will not lie the prevention of ail abuses and lawless ness in the Smith, but the reduction of tho whole amount, He believes me great mass of tho Republican party sustains tbe President, and set s no obstacles to bis ultimate tri umph, save the improbable one of n increase of lawlessness in tbe South. Perhaps ihc frequent, repetition of the w ottls ‘T. 1 w lewsiiess in 1 he Soul h,” will now, in some degree, abate. — Perhaps the malicious sectional par i-an " ill be a little ashamed of it, as he looks at home. , Recent events may possibly enlighten the ingenuous and silence the frowadfl. And if tho lamentable nodal convulsions and dmoiders in the North should have even this effect, they will have partly offset nmch mischief by st/tne linl,- sprinkling of good. The Vented Ucor'il) Weekly says: “About liftceti thousand pounds of d>: (! fruit were sold in Ih.ine-vill*, on Saturday last. It is estimated by some that ns many, if not wore, pounds were sold tho day before. A Zehuloii ru in was in town last week and remarked that there would he one hundred thousand dollars worth olf uit shipped ft <>rn Tike county ihi, sea-on. The remark is not wide (rout the truth. It is no exageration to a y that there will be one hnn dred thousand pounds brought to io n-luring this we* k. f'l e ftiet i tu* for drying are excellent, and the p ople ar fairly at v- rk, The qual ity of the fruit i* naal:y good an<! ;m*l htings from -ix to nine cent* tn , ; ah, c ten cents in trade/’ Thus vo gee that tbe tide of economy ib ri ing. and shonid the meat and bread crop fail “dried applies for breklast, hot water for dinner, and let ’em swell up for supper,” will be the watch w ord. Tell Your Wifo. Tho following advice from a cor respondent of the Country Gtutle. - man is well worthy of acceptance, but we would add a little more to it iu the form of a suggestion, that in case you ere a fanner, and have no wife—get one. “If you are in any troublo ov quandary, tell your wile—that is, if y.ui have one—all about it at once Ten to one her invention will solve your ddliulty sooner than all your logic. The wit of the woman has b.en praised but her instincts arc* quicker and keener than her reason. • Counsel with your wife, or your e.mliwr. or sister, ami be assured light, w ill flash upon your dui kuv.ss. \\ omen are too commonly adjudged verdant in all but purely womanish affairs. No phdosopui.iul students of the sex thus jingo them. Their institutions, or insights, are the most subkle, and it they cannot see a cat in the meal theio is no cat there, 1 advise a man to keep none of his affaire a secret from his wife. Many a home has been happily saved, and ma>s: a fortune retrieved, by a man’s full coaTh-kpice in his wife. Woman j is far more a >wr and prophet than man, if she he given a fair chance, Asa general rule, wives confide the minutes of their plans and thoughts to their husbands. Why not recip rocate, if but for the pleasure of meeting confidence with confidence ? I am certain no man succeeds so well in the world ns he who, taking a part ner in lif*, makes her tho par ner ot his purposes ami hopes. What in wrong in his Impulse or judgment, she will check and set right with her almost universally light instincts. — Ami hat she most craves and most deserves i,; confidence, without which love is tuver free from shaJow.” Quick Time- The citizens of Carrollton, Mo., have been employment in ascertain” in*'iuhuw short a lima wheat cm bo bread on me * ,0. lime wni made by J. F. Lawton, proprietoi of the mill I 4 omiucoccd liming with re.,per at 3101 p. ut.; finished cutting, 3,02; began thresh ing at 32. J; finished one bushel at 3:Bf commenced grinding at, 3:04.}; finish ed at 3 ;06}, Mrs; Lnwu.n, began m iking lire and tt 3:oß;finished tit *l.O 1 Griddle cake baked at 4:09} and biscuit baked and eaten at 3.10; the whole accomplished in eleven nim utea. The reaper, thresher, and the mill were thor ughly cleaned out be fore the trial commenced, and not a | pa’title of flour was used that did not come from the w heat cut in the above trial. The witnesses kept, sep arate tiuie, and in the result all time agreed. Multiplication of tho Scriptures. The Bible production in our time h ,q>ial f*r more than a million cop ies a year, or say, more than nine teen thousand every week, more than three thousand every day, three hundred every hour, or five every minute of working time. At this rate the press is producing an En glish Bible or Now Testament every twelve seconds. Those Bibles are not wasted— they are required—find more copies of the Sacred Scriptures are demanded in the English tongue than in the languages of all the oth ur nations of the world, although the number of version to which tli country gives encouragement nd as sistance, over hod ab< vi*. is con siderably more than one hundred and fifty.— The J Jay <f Rent. The Fort Valley Mirro* says : “The other day two tramps, who aid they had walked all the way from New York, pa-sod through this i,lace. They had soldier’s knapsack* on their backs, containing blankets, ent cloths, boilers,coffee pots and tin cuj s. One of the fePown had a shot gun, and he looked tike he hud en listed for the war.” “In my country,” sai I Julia W aril Howe in Europe, “when a woman commence* to spe k you can hear a ,in ilro| * It is frequently a rolling pin aid tfcj next (iroj is He man under it. mi • Josfi Billings in Ids new book, ‘Trump Curds,” say*: Enny man who i ban swop horses or ketch fish and not , lie about it, iz just about as pius as | men ever git to be iu this World. $2.00 a year, *ntnM Kltaftlithai April, tfiCJ. GILBERT KSIEitS & CO. Law & General Agency. Ofioes * ( D. C. f Mrmphifl, ' i Toxin., and Vicksburg, Alios. Particular Attention given to and ruxiko atm H'laincifch.'forc the 1 xccutivc Departments ot Wash* Inptosi. ti'c Court l Clatm% tint! the Supreme Court ?f the Unit'd State*, will receive piompi aiicjmoo. Having made a Specialty of Claims before tbe UI.M:iUL A PAT£.\TOITIiEA >'C i iv prepared to give particular RtUni.un to that ua'.s oi bu’.inck*, ami to Contesting I.4.Nit AMI) C'V.ASMM UU^>SS IHK i'Olßll. Chtlinn ft%r XATrNTI9| Pi:.V9tIOHM uoc .vrw am> iiAi ti.pir rROMnXV ATTKNI'KO TO, Ahl OFFICERS’ ACCOUHT3 SETTLED anil CEE imCATES OF WON-IfJDEBT£DKE3* Rroourjd witbout uoneeuxary delay. Prlortpal OHlee, iOJ lClfe SI. S. 17. Look-Bu IG9, WiUHKfiTOK, D. O, OLI K ¥E Hi MS BARBEE. o andclph Sfcsoot, Opposite Strapper's old Stand, Columbus. Ga. —o Bovhering, Hilmitting, &e., &c., executed in tic most fashionable styie. oct 6—tf. 7'Aii l ' imm-Tyo Distoveries bv RTAKixr anil otbcis a.e just added to the only complete TO THE LADIE3. I lotvo rati'' vod my millinery .torn mart d'>or i' ! l of Gilbert's pi oflii'e, on Baa dnlph street, and nearly oppo-ilo ibc I’o.t olii' e, where 1 am receiving aim opening a well Belootud titoek cf Spring and Summer Mllinery O.rniprising all tho novelties of th# season. My goods are the I.atrht, I'limmn and I'xsr and will hr sold at pile s lo suit. My old friendsandc istont'eisand 110 public generally are in viteil, to call at niv r ewotand. M. R. h<>ward. u> nrn imimcsam • or rna Murray Hill PubllshlngCo* John P. Jewstt, malinger. CHRONIC Wllll I" 1 w lic&ltii by lbt plaiiiPMt ot *ll boot* Train How* 'lauc and Htttncau t4C** 9 '* G*‘Jl UfL 1•" • - lni** *cy eiitertttlnUig to tuoft* who *rt* ivr tnit# enouirb to vHCpu disensc. it grinds the ro*r Afyairmt the pftbofc® of bnmu fufferti*, and t>oin • t'uh way of (kilivenuioc to thoae who aro •jreA.IT encufphrd. By oil and out all •bout it. It la for yon. it'o author. Dr. K. B Foots, of ISIO Ijmiwotos Ayjcn! *, Few Yofuc, i consul tod by invalid* *t Imuie awl •broad, in pi rson and by letter, arifl baa had tho experience of nearly o quam r ofw rtiiry |u the trcatOK'fit of lonir wLaudlfijc oiffictilt <a*- •fViit'H of (iv**ry character; Ituce bl* ability to Trritc nrai tlcuf tiuth* for the UiYalid raoer Hi* ConHulittiion* are rsKi to tho i*i<:lc overy^ncre; tence hlalumienao C4i!n*ejondeiJ<: with the*ic* nJi over the global Yon, at ns tffTT TO consult t!ie able author of Flab* Hcffli Taik- and Modlcal Common fi urn. Wfftetomxtt and jou will be ulnuk with hit f'omtnoii Henaav Whatever your milady, you sill meivc liglit which will do you giwid, by Invorttts only J poatace Htamp, and writing to Dr. r. wian 10 In ter eat you lu both tb# doctor and hi* ira inortal book, Tbe Book baeif, which give* •Atlnfaction to all who read It, can t> had or •genta, or of th publisher# direct. rl*m nin*“ Ifn binding, s:<., in the EusUah or OcnsM lanyiiug*. Library binding, In Ffigliah ou .*y* Sent by uiu*l. poata*;* prepaid, on of the pri.a. A lady writhe tie author: I have uhvav* flt you were ih4 plivician ot the world,’ from the fact of your wonderful auo* Ccps and orit/inal Uie4M. % * One re ““ •* 1 have found it to he on* of the Krandeit Work hof ihcujfe." A noth*! I In- without it for twice in cowk Uliuiiar lett.rs reach the author every vlajr, CoutenU taw* free, g >- SCIENCE E.‘H" s S bound. X 2; In !> ssimrst. vol. lit fO srtd ■ccniillng to 1,1 minis- S-aU bJ “*‘ l or prl* ,• Jimt lb. lbu,||(orX(HUi|.l*eovlu. Cua tni u*bto f***.- K|| ,p> Pttbllr.llon.. VTf> fnt*. Ktlnlrg. nb* u<f u. boot*'. iß,|,uif Uf 1 y , mine PubltcSttOD* **o heelth end kH.Ur'd tolrtc.. "OL!KYK MAIiK NEW," tell, bow to reetiTS (t>e .is.IH (mil el' “I'S I ***!** Wlthonl Ibe i<i ''tlssb.. or ilJiel*. lialf * million have been lMund already I (,oOBT Sib , "It* eon r... ttl-rrt'MU.* I • lu.bl. mowri>h for lbe ho .re IH,etl wlin Knp- Inrcor "B’HV.ioLisiitai. l*r*ovi*v ot Hii.aOTt," ">!<*• w ">* •*'tt' •" having pee,pie t,oru rgd.t given (he lutcM rewcairbrti reg*rdhj the Jaw* tdlßo n the ColKt Cllon. ” BeSHJe.T'.BBICK*, Ot Sll b.ai VFf.kiWMwith .vldsnc.e of IM '•Ckoi p, It. eau—r (,ream Hon and enrt,. •’>'}( .nolo to every molDer Iwiviug tbe tars °G“‘**j4 children “Colo Fikt, rm •'**'•> I'feejitio. •nd cure Aliy one oi the ti.regoiog Idm. B’libll riron. w be seat by mail, jutta*. ptft paid, ou receipt of ten (.ent*. f— . ■ [-njef F(i,llea!lone. We will o> tlfie|“ I>iy l>- Foot*'. Free Fublicy. f hIX " iiratuilvut AdHrytoth* * Tutid A. uU tu st horns ; . circul.r o/ ealue to tbe *ck. " Dr. * Buuttr; " * 'tt> PH* pwH*!* 4 * /** “> “*“■ —aiid for thiitt. AGENTS SS* foreirom* Duplication., and .1.0 Mieeral other* RXhSi “/i- KG* "of the .hoe*;, 4 KII-I for jertKitil.r.. Addreee, for term*. ““UJJJ Jr The Murray HIJI l'abll.blng Coiupauy, **• The Ladles’ of valuable ’eformation to every / women, 01,D or VOUN ® #* Married or Single. kADlEfyi^y will thank ue for tkis/VV ***** Hand Book, and ’*** mother will objectASv Hto. o placing it hi hand.ofberdauglify fl 1! \ ♦era These Hand fi*. / Book, are not /AwfOKn Book, are " 0 /g7 WE !VTSofboA pne-afe treaty particularly leva, but *F*/spA“*rmlvsiß,Apoplc.ty, Intendedy ljSyT.pilcpHy, ami a.l ner for rt/S7 Tl>u) derange meow ; IT, i Causo and Cure. C,r /sJA will be found eul a- / interesting to all tfon. ASp/nervou. sufferer*. BOTH EITHVR of the foregoing AA5*/nAVI> BOOKS sent fkkbU. •ZStrAny eddreea. AddreH, with 7 *C/B|,.mri 8 |~mr i K. Y. T. Cos., Bedford,Maa.