Hamilton journal. (Hamilton, Harris Co., Ga.) 1876-1885, December 11, 1879, Image 1

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Hamilton iKi J o u rn a l. VOL. VII.—NO. 48. Immense Stock! Low PRICES! J. J. Hagtdorn & Cos., ■West Point, Ga. HAVE on hand an enormously large •took of Dry Goods and i Notions, Dress Goods, And Trimmings to matoh in all qualities. Clothing, Hats and Gents Furnishing IGoods, BOOTS AND SHOES, Sewjd, pegged and standard screw fasten ed a speciality and every.pair warranted. Everything at bottom Prices. Constantly on hand a complete line of Burial Cases. Are agents tor the world renowned White Shuttle Sewing Machine THE NEW SHOE STORE- East Side of Gilmer Street, ■WEST POINT, GA. I desire to call the ettention of the people of Harris oounty trading at this market to my large and handsome atook of Roots, Shoes, Saddles, Rridles, Harness, Shoe-Findings, Etc., Etc. In tact I have eyerything usually found in a first class Boot and Shoe Store, and will sell better and cheaper goods than any house in West Point. lam also engaged in the manufac ture of shoes and guarantee every pair Bold. Come and see me. A trial is all I ask. Highest prices paid for good dry hides. T. A. LOVELACE. School Book* and Drugs. J. P. MILLER, WEST POINT, - - - GA. H KEEPS Paper, Pens, Ink, Pencils, noisless and other Slates and everything used in schools for educational purpose-. Blank books, sohool books and copy books at lowest prices. Has a full line of Moulding for picture trames, which will be cut and made up without extra charge. Paints, Oils, Brushes for all purposes, .Lamps, Window Glass, Ac., at. the lowest possible prices. Pure and Fresh Drugs, Patent Medicines and Chemicals always on hand. I thank my customers and friends lor their patronage in the past and shall try to merit a continuance. J. P. MILLER. I am agent for the justly celebrated Howe Sewing Machine. 1854. Established 26 Years. 1879. THE leading photograph gallery, Over Kern & Leobs Store, near Chat. Nat. Bank, Columbus, Georgia. Or. T- WILLIAMS, FORMERLY over Carter's Drug Store, informs his friends with pleasure, that the recent improvements and additions to his Gallery over Kern 3c Leob s store makes it the most complete and comfortable resort in the city to have pictures made. It has private toilet room for ladies, the finest collection of pictures of every size •nd itvle in the eity sod the public is cordially invited to call and examine. Prices for oictures, framed or unframed, from card to life size, cheaper than auy place in the citv and as good as those taken by anyone. Any size or style picture, from life or copied from any size or kind of old pioture, and all regardless of cloudy weather. isr Remember my location, over Kern and Leob’s more, two dooi% below the Chattahoochee National Bank. Look for Giles J. Williams, and you will find the Photograph Gallery of Columbus that leads ia beat and i*Ut style pictures and lowest prices, HAMILTON, HARRIS COUNTY, GEORGIA DECEMBER 11,1879. J. J. IIAGEDORN & CO., WEST POINT, GA. HAVE adjoining their mammoth Dry Goods Establishment, two large Furniture Warerooms Filled with a beautiful stock of Parlor and Bed-Room Suits, Lounges, Bureaus, Chairs, Beds, and everything imaginable in the furniture line, which can be bad to suit the purse of everyone. 11A Y ELBOW SHOTS, As Caught on the Fly. —When yon go to Golumbus don’t for get to call on Oliver Weems near the Times office,'and get your hair out and your beard trimmed. All work done in fie best style. Prices low. , —Rev. S. D. Clements left on Monday for Perry to attend the annual session of the South Georgia Conferenoe. He is greatly beloved by all who know him,and his entire charge desire that he be sent baok the fourth year. —Capt. H. W. Pitts is renovating his place in the southern part of the city with a view to returning to Hamilton. When he has completed the improvements he contemplates, there will not be a more beautiful residence in town. —Last Sabba'h the Baptist Sunday Sohool resolved finally apon the Chris to as Tree question and a committee con sisting of Mrs. J. T. Williams, Mrs. M. H. M-Afee, Mrs E. C. Hood and J. L- Dennis, was appointed to arrange for the oooasion and carry out the plans sug gested. Each member of the Sohool is to be given the name of some other member of the sohool, the name to be determined by lot, for whom be is to make a present, which shall be placed upon the tree. Be sides these other presents will be award ed, and the oooasion will doubtless prove very interesting. —Next week we will issue a double Obiismas number of the Joubnat, It will be the most interesting paper ever issued in the oounty and will contain sixteen pages. —On Monday morning last we got aboard the construction train bound for the mountain. The ride up was delight ful. Messrs Lee and Mabaffey have done an elegant .piece of work in the track laying, the road from Hamilton to the present limit being absolulely smooth. Things assumed a picturesque appearanoe as we shot up the mountain, and the sun rising behind some scattering clouds, added much to the beauty, of thb scene. In coming down yon feel that " peculiar sensa'ion one has in a swing. Charley Lawrence says the road is good for at least forty miles to the hour, but the next time we propose to man the brakes ourself It will at least afford something to bold to. —The Jobbnal acknowledges a call from Mr. A. M. Elledge, representing the Monumental Marble Woiks of Col umbus. Altbongh anew house, it is fast attaining an reputation for its elegant designs and superior workman ship. —At the last meeting of the board of edncation of this oounty, a resolution was passed requiring the Connty Sohool Com missoncr to settle in full with every teacher in the oounty, byj the first Tues day in January next. —The report of Captain Dendy, to be found elsewhere, is a good one. He ha 8 discbaiged his duties faithfully and satis, faotorily. —Mr. T. J. Hunt closed his tax books last Saturday and will at ouoe issue execu. tions against all defaulters. He is a good officer and discharges his duties faithful ly- —A regular tidal matrimonial wave ia sweeping over our county. If ye editor escapes the infection it. will be—mirac ulous —lf building lots were priced reason ably, a dozen or more ?residences would be buiit in Hamilton this winter. Those who own lots are awaiting au advance in prices, and those who wish to build await a deoliue. We call for a compromise. ■ I Marriages. —Tuesday afternoon last, at the resi dence of the bride’s father in this conn ty, Mr. A. G. Ware, of Meriwether oounty to Miss Josie Lynch. —Tuesday evening, last, Mr. Lynch to Miss Texas Duke, and Mr. Lem Davis to Miss Lou Doke. Both the bride's are daughters of Mr. Green P. Duke, one of of the leading citizens of the 19th Dis trict. —Wednesday morning, last, Mr. Lam bert of Muscogee to Miss Matilda Davis, daughter of Mr. J. M. Davis. —Married, at the residence of Mr. Jno. T. Thornton, in this county, on the 3d, instant, by Rev. C. A. Martin, Mr. J. C. Simms, of Hogansville aud Miss Cordelia Thornton. No attendants. —Married, December 3d, at the resi dence of the bride’s father, Mr. C. H. Watson, by Rev. C. A. Martin, Mr. Rich ard Greene to Mias Ella Watson. Ail of Harris oounty. HEYMAN, MERZ & GO., WEST POINT i GEORGIA. ARK ready to exhibit to their namerona friends and customers an immense atook of Fall and Winter Good§. Fine Selections in Ladies* Dress Goods, Notions, Hosiery, Gents, Youths and Boys Clothing, Ilats, Caps, Etc., Etc. BOOTS AND SHOES A SPECIALTY. One price for all, and that as Low as the Lowest. HILLER & H A V I S, WEST EOIIST, GEORGIA. o Sell You. Better Boots, Shoe*, Hanses* and Feather Than anybody in the city, at lower Figures. t&F Call and see them when you visit West Point. If You. want Anything- in that Line You Cannot Do Better Anywhere than at The Carriage, Buggy and Repair ESTABLISHMENT, Of W. E. JONES, - - - WEST-POINT, GA. The Most Desirable and. Stylish Buggies, with or "Without Tops, Wagons, Carriages, &c., Made to Order and Fully "Wd ranted. r~ IR,. I_ IMHE-A-LOIR, DEALER IN GROCERIES, CONFECTIONERIES AND TOBACCOS, Gilmer St., West-Point, Georgia. tot J KEEP a large and cboioe Block ot plain and fancy Candies, Nats, Canned Goods, Fruits, Toys, Christmas Tricks, <fce., which I will sell at bottom prices. Cr5T” Drop in and see me. RIDDLE’S NEW PHOTOGRAPHIC GALLERY AND PUBLISHING ROOMS, Over J. :s. Jones 8s Cos., Next to Rsnfrln Bouse, COLUMBUS, GA. I HAVE Just opened a suit of Photographio Booms, second to non* io this country and extend a cordial invitation to ail who visit Columbus to soma aad sec as. My pictures shall be of the very best finish and I guarantee satisfaction in every in.unn. Lif e gizß portraits a apeeialty, made either from life or small pictures. A, J RIDDLE, Artist Rhotograyher. SI A YEAR.