Hamilton journal. (Hamilton, Harris Co., Ga.) 1876-1885, January 01, 1880, Image 1

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HAMILTON JUUKfsALi. VOL VIIL-SO. 1. immense Stock! Low PHICES! J. J. Hagcdorn 4 Cos., West Point, On. l>r) Good* ISotioM, Dress Good#, LmA Triuufi (o eaatcfe U *ll qualities. Clothing, H*U and GenU Fvraißbing Goods BOOTS AND SHOES, Everything at bottom iy r^^crtiy na hud a eornnl*te line of Burial Cases Are mU lor it** world renowned White Shuttle Sewing Machine THE NEW SHOE STORE* East Side of Gilmer Street, WEST POINT, GA. IMnucaOM **n*ce of the people of Harris oousty treeing at this market Umj Urge m 4 htadtont stock of Boots, Shoes, Saddles , Bridles , Harness ,; AT/f oe-Find in gs , Wr., -ETc. In tart I bare ey**ryttin anallT lonnd in a first class 800 l and Shoe fclor*-, and will* TI belter and eAeaper good* than any house in West Point. lam alo engaged in the uiarmfae tnre of shoes Mild gunniulee every pair sold. Come ami see me. A trial is all I a>k. pf iliguc-l i>rices paid lor good dry hides. T. A. LOVELACE . School Books and Drugs. J. P. MILLER, WEST POINT, - - - GA. H KEEPS Pai©r, Pens, Ink, Pencils, nouless and oih*r Slates and evervitiing used in schools for educational j>nrp'*e-. Lank Kook*, •••bool books and copy book* at lowest price*. H.a a lull line of Moulding for picture tramra, which will be cut and made up without , xlr . ci iarg<-. Pajnls, Oils, Brushes for all purposes, VV indow dam, A•• the lowest possible prices. Pure and Fresh Drugs, Patent Medicines and Chemicals always on hand. I thank my customers and friends lor their patronage in ’he post and tball try to merit • oominuanee. J. P* MILLtlv. foC lam spent for the yitly celebrated Howe Sew ing Machine^ 1854. ~JEstablished 26 Years. 1879. THE LEADDfO PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, Over Kern A Leobs Store, near Chat. Nat. Bank, Columbus, Georgia. Q-. T. -WTT .XJ-A-Ih^ES <si£S A **• ■.,rtlntn>T aed comfortable resort is the city to limtc picture* made. !“*"* “ (or todies, the finest collection of picture* of everv sirs . P" jw. nIT the public it oordislly invited to call sad examine. Prot ‘ fTsmed wafremed. from oard to life sise, cheaper thsn any ptoce tn far pictures, I reman b _ utodc. Any aiae or atyta pioture. from Ufa or LmfoTold meawra, arf-aagardlma •< cloudy weathar my location, orer Kern and Loobs store two doors below ibe Cbatuthoocl.ee National Bank. Look for Giles T. William* and you will fiod the Photograph Gallery of Columbus that lead, in l**t nd Uveat atyle pictures aDd lowest price* 3=L_ X- Ld^ELA.LOIR,. esATwa xHf GROCERIES, CONFECTIONERIES AND TOBACCOS, Gilmer Bt., West-Point, Georgia- T HELP a large and choice stock of plain and fancy Candies, Nuts, Csnned Good* Fruit*, Toys, Christina? Tricks, , which I will sell at hcittt w prices. BT” Drop is and m me. J. J. HAGEDOKN & CO., WEST POIXT, GA. HAVE adjoining tkeif mammoth Dry Gowk KetaUiahiDsat, two large Furniture Mare rooms Filled with a beautiful atock of Parlor mad Bed-Boom Suits, Lounges, Bureaus, Chairs, Bods, end everything inigiuiili in the fnmitare line, vrkiob oen he bad to aoit the pane at everyone. HAMILTON,'HARRIS COUNTY, GEORGIA, JANUARY 1, 1880. N>w Advertisements. 722 ENQUIRER-SUN, COLUMBUS, GA Oneof the Oldest and Most Sub stantial Papers in the South . TUOBO UGHL T DEMOCBA T. IC in polities, end devoted to the inter ests at the South. Now k the time to oommenoe your enbaenption, aa the PraeL canvass will doaomesoe daring the present aeaaion of Congtaaa, and aa it wiP no donbt be intareating to all, there is no batter ebanee of bearing all than by üb aeribing for the Enquirer-San. . KATES: Dailv, 1J aaonthe $7.00 Sunday, “ “ / 1-00 Weekly “ “ 110 >®*Liberal rates will be given to get ere-np of Cluna. We have Agents in nearly every eity and town in Georgia. Alabama and Florida, who are authorized to receipt for snbe'irp taons to the Enquirer-Son, or yon can aand the money threat to ns. JOHN KING. Proprietor. ALPHA A. WILLIAM , Photcgraphic Artist, Columbus, - - - Georgia. o*n*ry Over Wlttich It SlimL Ail work first else* in style and finish, at tbe following lew pries* : l Dot Card Photographs $1 50 1 ** Cabinet “ 3 00 | “ Pencil Photo’s 350 6xlo Photograph and Frame 1 50 AH other size* of work in tbe ezine Heme proportion to the above prioes. Remember 1 gear an tee aatisf action in prioaa and quality of work, and the work aa good in every particular as work done elsewhere in the city at nearly double my prioes. Give me atrial —I charge you nothing if yon are not pleased. pie nrea copied and enlarged. Pictures taken regardless of cloudy weather. A- A_ Wimnn. REAL ESTATESALL I offer for sale 1,000 eeree of land in Harris county, Ga., .150 aoree in Mueew gee oounty, Ga., and 3150 acrea in Eneeell oonoty, Ala. abav* named proprriT will be sold on favoraide terms. Per lull ,erurml apply to J. H. Hakiliok, Columbus, Ga. Hamilton Female College, And Mai© Seminary. The txerciaes of thie institution for 18&0 will commence on the third Monday in J Kcusry the ISNh isst. Taition for tbe year for ail el saner S2O, one half in advance sod th* balance on the Ist of Oc tober next. Incidentals 25 cents per term, llunic §'2 per zuontb. While tui tion has been greatly rednoed, there will be do drc'ecMon from the true standard edneation, and the moral development of tbe pc pi is will be no loss promped than their intellectual growth. The principals pledge themselves to put forth their utmost endeavors to make the bchool the pride ol our section. J B. Hi Ft , ) Principals. T. 3. Lout) HEALTH. Il I , W/ For >A\, | * /i*/ more than \<L\ 2 S ///S™rlitiMt*VV> . S / a blessing to Woman, P * / yopg use Oln vate. \ * f What Is it - That** * tpeciie far w'man, f Qiwct tamm to tbe nbrvoufc center*, '5 m Pari bkscA. • m Htimnlju** tbe wonk 1 j fUseulMM* menstruation, * Wni mieHv gu%r\ tbechange©* life! 'J t it >w^ ls f. 9 prAW*. I | I S. Witt this Weflicine / M m max cure tbeinweJva* S * *L * ofu X v-aT” “_*i”VV'/4 t i * * * fOK sacs av *uv pautcjwiw * —"price PIANOS & ORGANS FECI FACTGRT TH WIBCHMEB. mm MAN HIS OWE ABIIIT - - * Bairs' amad latoHwtWa ! Buis confessed until Ko- 1. .Sfc>. Osi/ ml* * the kind eeer (secsssfeti, earned out m as^rica. 1 • J*m> wperb iortrsmest* at fWrtorr rsa far 1 ■ trod ti A<rrUe*t. . New i jaiAß©f©©nific: ikAfwfei: fcficiibiH tajv MtotoWaMt<rtmrMW7tt|n<kaMW IBM. i Mriptosm. antimtutcJL BKrtoM.m* KASO. 7 net. : ftjsfSqsare Grand*, | dan tet trial Porcbaarr* cocnce ttm utask* i v.c malxrt ami *0 Hfemt dpa Ja tkia 1 rUaatk c-lmh efuu purchaser* and *m , u inatrament ai artooleaale rafea. Specal 1 term to Tatcbert, Chmrdut.md Patton. Address for Introduction ule ctrcoiars, I I I7>!>yy *B * TEH. SaTsanak. Ga* Tots me Light. With the present number the Jodksal enters upon the eighth year of ns existence. Founded in 18 J3, the great panic struck it in its very infancy, and its cradle was rocked by the terrible cyclones of lb auoceeding year. But adver sity has not dwaribd its growth. It haa only caused it to develop a ro bust constitution, and to-day it en ters upon anew year, hopeful of the fittu.'e had proud of the past Taking a retrospective view of the year just closed, while we where we might have made many improvements, we find ‘much con solation in the thought that we have done more than we promised. Our effort has been to constantly improve, and in this we have been suaoessiul, it patronage is a measure of that success. We feel much encouraged in en tering upon tbe new year, and shall devote our best energies towards mating Hams county illustrious through tbe column* of the JOUR NAL. m• m The Columbus Times. We have no grounds of com plaint against our excellent cotem porary and shall not enter into a controversy with it What we wrote last week concerning home patronage was only an expression of our opinion. We are of the same opinion still. We are proud of our Coiumbus patronage and tbe popu larity of the Journal at home will help us to maintain it. The matter we oomplain of tends to ct eate a false impression, aud for this reason we have objected to its repetition. One of our ru!s is to publish do tiling that we tniok will not tend to accomplish good. During the year a number of personal alterca tions have occurred in this vicinity, of which we have made no men tion. It would have proven more profitable to us, pecuniarily, to have pj dUmb**! wmuntsjof these affairs, but we thought the good name of the community would not be added to by the publication, and we hope ever to liold our interests subservi ent to those of the community. We shall not t-obli-h anything that will tend to injure the good name !of Hamilton, and will do our be.t to suppress the anonymous corres j pondent. We heartily commend the Time* to ©nr readers as eminently worthy of their patronage. It is ably edit ed, and is one of the cheapest pa per* in the state. After providing yourself with your county paper, vou cannot do better than subscribe for the Columbus Times. The Yew York Store. This is one of the grand institu tions ©f Columbus. Tbe proprietor and presiding genius, Mr. M- C. Gordon, is a merchant of long ex perience and mnch ability. His stock is always kept full and his prices are always tiie lowest con svtent with first class articles. Tbe corps of salesmen of this bouse, composed of Messrs Tboma* Chap nan, i . B. Hill, H. G. Smith, M. C. Spivey, J. T. Hunt, A. Murdoch, and T. M. Huut, is not sopassed by any bouse in the city. They are all gentlemen well known to the pubbe trading at Columbus, and to their uniformly courteous treatment of patrons of tbe New York Store, may be attributed tbe immense sales which it enjoys. We very kear.ily commend tbe house to the consideration of our friends. At |our readers well know we admire ithe Atlanta Constitution. We di£er with it materially .some times in its political opinions, but it is only natural for two progress dive journals tt> differ. It is made specially interesting just now by Uncle Remus’s Folk-Lore. We are not alone when we express tbe bope that theee very in ter eating papers will be given to the public in book form. They will stand tbe test of unit, because of their literary ex cellence. Mr. Hams stands alone in bis delineation of negro charact er and dialect m these sketches— cnappr cached and unapproachable. HEYMM, MEBZ & €O., WEST POIXT, GEORGIA. ARK nftdj to exhibit to their cm&oroufi frionda i&d outorntfi ad immense stock of Fall and W inter Goods* Fine Selections is Ladies’ Dress Goods, Notions, Hosiery, Gents, Youths and Boys Clothing, lists, Caps, Etc., Etc. BOOTS AND SHOES A SPECIALTY. One price for all, and that as Low as the Lowest. MILLER & HAVIS, WEST POIIS 10, GEORGIA. o WUI Sell Yota Better Boots, Shoes, Harness and Leather Than anybody in the city,at lower Figures. MV* Call and see them when yon visit West Point. If You want Anything in that Lino You Cannot Do Better Anywhere than at The Carriage, Buggy and Repair ESTABLISHMENT, Of ?r. E. JONES, - - - WEST-POINT, GA. The Most Desirable and Stylish Buggies, veith or Without Tops, Wagons, Carriages, &e., Made to Order and Fully ‘Warranted. A RIDDLE’S NEW PHOTOGRAPHIC GALLERY AND PUBLISHING ROOMS, Or*r J. ,S. Jcae* ft Cos., Next to Baaftfa Soum, COLUMBUS, GA. I HATE Just opened a suit of JTiotfgraphic Booms, second to none in this country aad extend e cordial invitation to all who visit Columbus to com# sad see use. My picture* shall be of the very best finish and I guarantee satwfeetiow in every instance. Life size portraits s specialty, made either from life or small pictures. A. J KIDDLE, Artiat Photograyher. Albert Kir veil’s Prices. COLORED ALPACAS 15c Choice Assortment of Dress Goods 20c. Beat A * sort merit of Drees Goods 25. AU..Wool Drews Flannels 30e. Cashmeres cheaper than elsewhere. Colored Trimming Silks 75c. Colored Dress. Silks tI.OO. Pekin Satins for Trimming, sew aud cheap. Black Silks 85c, 90c, 11.00. $1.25, $l5O, and up to $3. Zephyr Sbawle i, $l5O, 2 00, 250, 3.00, 3.50. Cloaks $2, 2.50, 8,4, $5, np 30.00, Dolmans iTtfriip to s3o. Children’s Good S’riped Hose 10c. Same in Oil Colors 25c. Avery Superior quality at 25c. Good Crash Towels, all Linen, 10e. Good Damask Towels, all linen 15c. Bo teething extra, 20x40 Damask only 25c. Bargains in Casmraeres and Jeans for Boys wear If you wouid save money, call and get my prices before buying anything in my line. A dime aayed is that much profit to you. J ALBERT KIRVEN 50 90 BROAD ST BEET COLUMBUS <iA , $1 A YEAR.