Hamilton journal. (Hamilton, Harris Co., Ga.) 1876-1885, March 25, 1880, Image 1

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it A 'A/Tl T HPA V\ r lif Yf 71F\T A f . ' 1 vJiM JUU M;xN xi-Li* ■ VOL. VIIb-Ni). Li. Tmraaafia £ l|oolx l Ld\7 3P23IGES l J. J. Hagtdorn & Cos., West Point, &a. nAVE on hand an enormously large stock of Pry Goods and Dress Goods, And Trimmings to natch in all qualities. Clotltins, Hr s] and Gents Furnishing Goods, BOOTS AND SHOES, Sewed, pegged and standard screw fa ,ten ed ft speciality ovety pair warranted. SiverytMiig Bottom IPs^ses. Constantly on hand fi oomnlete lino of Burial CIISCS Are a trellis for tlie world renowned Wh'iO Sind ' h* Si;" mif M-wii'"-- * Miss Warn Vazxsasad. kira. v. ruasaaii. miss :.::d MANTUA iNIA.IiIi.HfS9 Hamilton ------ Georgia. Respectfully solicit tbe patronage ot the ladies of Harris county. They can be found ;t. the residence of D\ Q- T. Purnell, where tlivy vm bt* to see find ‘‘ewe tbeir friends. McCTJLLOHS & LOWS, Wholesale .and Retail Seniors in GROCERIES AND STAPLE GOOPC, 4(5 ISvosttl t., Columbus, G-n. i \UR s'or.k of groceries, staple dry good., ad plantation snpplirs is now complete 0 invUe our frie, ' give ns a call. Everything in our store is new and rresh, and bought for - enabling ua to giver our customers rock bottom prices. We keep a well twk of Whtabie.. pure and ohn.p. M'e are agents for tbw rectmu for the celebrated Export Bier, bottled by F W Book &0 . , Evansville, Ind Don Pjir chase before you have inspected cur stock, or you will lose barge mu. A cordi .l welcome to all. McCULLOTIS & LOWE. ffz-The friends of Mr Geo. R. FDoe, of Talbot county, will find him wtih ns. _ Sell©©! asasl lPraag§* J. P, MILLER, WEST POINT, - - - GA. WEEPS Paper, Pens, Ink, Pencils, noidees and ether Slab* ■hi and evtrvihing used in schools for educational imipose-. ’ books, school books and copy books at lowest prices. IPs a lull lino of Moulding for picture lramcs, winch will be cut and made up witliou! Glass &c„ at the lowest possible prices. Pure and I resit Hi UgS, Patent Medicines and Chemicals always on hand. 1 I thank my customers and friends tor their patronage rn, -he past and shall try to merit a continuance. J. I* MlLLldir, I am agent for the lastly celebrated Howe Sewing Machine. 1854. Established 26 Years. ISIS). THE LEADING PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, Over Kern & Leobs Store, near Chat. Nat. Bank? Columbus, Georgia. <3-_ T. WILLIAMS, vssscss: aarwj tssgs "~bes it the most complete and comfortable resort in the city - ,J ' tVo l>‘t ares inad It bus private toilet room for !-/!■■ . thr finest collection of pictures of every •/> and style in the city and the pu die is cm...wily invited to call and examine, luces ?or pictures framed or nnfron.e I. fr uu emi to life ,iizs, cheep, r than any place n the city and as coo,l as those ink-: by anyone. Any size or style pro nre from life or copied from any size or kind of old picture, and all regardless of cloudy weather enr ßemember ivy location, over kern and L'.°o ;.no t< floors below the (Jhaiiiihuoci.-je 4 y) ' Williams, and you will find the Photograph Gallery ot Columbus that leads in best and latest style pictures and lowest prices. lEV I. IMIIEDVILiOIR., fcZALES IN GROCERIES, CONFECTIONERIES AND TOBACCOS, Gililier It., Vest-Point, Georgia. —to: — -| KEEP a large and choice stock ot plain and fancy Candid , Nut?, ' . ■ - -. C; ■■•■v.ivi Tr&c., which I will sell at. }> it ton) ..iriccib Drop it; and c. j me. j. j. HAGEDORN & CO., WEST POINT, (HA. HAVE adjoining their mammoth Dry Goods Establishment, two large Fssrialltsre Was*er®©ass Filled with a benntifnl stock of Parlor and Bed-lioom Sails, Lounges, Bureaus, Chairs, Beds, and everything imaginable in the furniture line, which cun be had to snit the purse of everyone. HAMILTON, HARRIS COUNTY, GEORGIA, MARCH 25, IBW. | For Tub Tovrna.li. Xrrer Bet rag Conjldvnee. Tantalus, a st'ii ot’ Jupiter, tvns held in great, esteem hy tho Gods- So much so, that Jupiter entrusted him with nil his Counsels, in other words, his secrets. He was allow ed ih privilege ot eating with the Gods. lie was cautioned not to be tray whatever was gome on among Ins Superiors. Tantalus, like a great many m n of the present day, could not keep a secret, an I told all about what was going on among Gods. For ibis crime, this most detestable practice of b traying confidence he ws pi a a ’ in tin In formal Regions to thirst forever. Whenever '•• would attempt to take a drink of watt ”, tA. ; a.- : brook woul i recede. How uanieii-. ting must this have been! Ripe apples hung over his In ad; and whenever he would ■endeavor to pluck ibis and. lic'n us (iaiir, the .■ mcl low apples would he blown from bis grasp by tie wind. How tor menting, how ha ,sing was this! Hunger and thirst could not be sat* istied. Nut content with the pun ishment, the Gods ordered a very tinge rock to be suspended over his head. This was to keep him in per petual fear ol Ins lif, Wanting water to drink, food to eat, and the fear of 10.-ii g his life every moment certainly was a puni: krnent, not surpassed by any kind of torture. Why was this inflicted upon poor Tantalus? Because he betrayed private confidence. Let ns all learn a lesson from this. Let Hie politician, as he wires in anil out, beware ol tins groat sm. It the heathens would inflict such pnni'hment as tins, what may we expect from the hands of the God, w ho made ns for tlienob est of pur poses? Shame be on him, who bo.. trays his friend, Ids i:.-i_rhl>or, his benef ct ir! !,<•• ea i>- c ! to infamy, nrnl sh re the late of Tantalus. Such imei be the fa'e of t'Vl’i'V n 5111 v —. v "'TVM LTfrY I r^** fij-ml for Ins own gain, or liis po litics! elev it ion. It. is sir-nige. passing strange ih it men ini Women will be guilty of this sin. Of all the evils that have ever escaped ftom Pandora’s Box, none have so much afflicted this world ot onrs a- that ot the betrayal of private confidence. We s iv, beware of this Bin, of how y,ui speak of the secrets en trusted to you by a friend. Wo might manufacture a now word by saying this practice should receive Tanta lian punishment. Piiilom. Hamilton 0n.., March 20. 1880 COLUMBUS DENTAL ROOMS W. T. Pool, Proprietor, GEORGIA HOKE BUILDING, Columbus Georgia. pit. S. G. RttEY, JSamiLinn, (J<orf/ia. Tenders his professional services to the people of flimiitoi, and vicinity. t\ iih an experience of 2‘i yema, prompt atten tion to business, and modi rate charges he hopes to merit a share of 'he public put ropKiO;. Office at Old Drug .Store. Resi dence at Goodman place near college. J., W. HOWARD, Ojlot&osrpo St., - - Columbus, Ga. Dealer m Rags, Old Cotton, Heini), Gunny Rope, Ragging, Hides and Beeswax, Old Metal, all kinds of Furs, Cotton in Seed find Cotton Seed. ' ■ All orders far Wrapping Paper and Paper Bags filled at short notice. "I If A V r r t' i 1 Ti'xiit and number of v\ xl-’i 11 D Lautive, energetic canvass rri toer.g t" in n pleasant and profitable business. Good men will find this a rare chance To Make Money. Bueh will pitas am wer this adve. tin ! merit by loiter, enclosing stamp for re i ply, staring what busintas theym.ve Leo/.. i. . •<: and in. None butt Loss who mean : busiue- . apply. Address Haevet <fc Cos., Atlanta, Ga. XV TIIEI *4 TsTO A T? LLmy & t|f Hf I] r ’i til fiV rO? J.L W 1.1- HAMILTON, GEORGIA, "The Latest Novelties oi tlo Season. HOSUX&Y. Ladies Solid Hose, 15n. Ladies Striped ll.i e, 10c. Ladies White Hose, 1 Go. 20c ana 23c. Children’s Fancy Hose at 10c, at 15e, at 20c. Ab u’s 1 ancy from 10c up. ■sms. Ladies’ Silk Ties, 25c and 50c. Ladies’ Laos Ties 250 and 50c GLOVES. Ladies’ Lisle Thread Gloves 25c L idia**’Lid© Thread Gauntlets 00c. Gen!a’ Li In Thread doves 50c. JHaadkeiroMcSi. In teat variety, from sc, up. Silk Handkerchiefs from 20 toe 75c. I Muslin Piques, 10c. Fiench Suitings, yard wide, in all shades, 12Ac. Lace Bantings, 26c. rVoolen Buntings, 20c. Knickerbocker Dress Goods, 12.1,-c. . WHITE GOODS. A iull Inn rf London Cord, Check' and Nainsook, White Lawn, Swiss, etc. The best Laiiusdulu Cambric, at 17 Ac. Towels! Towels! Towels at 10c, at 15c, at 20c, at 25c. Table Cloths. Table cloths in Red and White Damask. Also N tpkins to match. Domestics and Bleaehi nijs. A full lino of Bleached Domestics and Sea Islands. Bed Ticking from 10c, up. Ladies ’ and Men's Furnish ini / Coeds. „ The celebrated and best fitting Spoon Bust Comet, and others. A full lino of Hamburg Edgings. No advance in prices. Irish Trimming, from 4c, up. Ribbons iu all shades ana prices. A full and complete line of (vent’s Kumi/'i eg Goods. Novelti ‘s in G‘ nf’S Neck Wear, C 'liars, Cmis. l'.-e. o©Slilj#g. Ooltoiiig* If you wish to save money, call before purclia-inj' elsewhere. SHIRTS. The celebrated urilauiidriod 1'.,l Shirt, at f.Oc. UND ER IVEA K. A full and complete line. gS'ioes. Jir-t received st lar"C assortment of Ladi 1 "-’ n*i ( hihlr u • Slipper-, Sandals, S roe, K ! in-; Pox Booe. Also lull iiiiv of Gout’s sniota, in 'Jn:*ers uud 1m a t v . Call and see. I Remember that ti j.ke a prido :o showing our goods. M. V>OLI • )N, The Columbus Btore. WONDERFUL. Tho Immeceito ( (facts of Pioiua. won mauiTt How soon sever* oases of Colds and Ouuglu are r*)i< vo() liy I’inina. WONnEKFItI. The favorable oplnioos eiprossod by those who hive used l’loino. WON I( Mil'll I- The many coses of croup that have ’ bee* Aborted ly Ticino. . o'nrniri-. Tho u->ny testimonials received from thasu who have used Pioiuo. won iMiaiir. flow pleasant I’ioine is to tho taste. ; wONDEurt't. The effects produced on cases of Asthma Li) i'luue. WOltUKRtm. Tt: < —n;>iU and perm nout onros made by Tici: a. WO|in: S*TT.; !: >.-• .D.ei hi irueeesu will disappear after using f iiauo. woNJHinFru H„W pioiua will iengthon tho timo be twoeu puroiysma of Whooping Cough. WO NO ('.lll'll !■. With what oaso I’tcino is admmistorod to tho young. WON II EM Fl r l.* How Picine w ill ease and givo roliof to iho coughs of tho aged. F >r hiilo by Druggists and by tho Man ufacturer, John S. Nkwt n,M. 1)., Druggist 107 llroud SI., Columbus, diu Trll Sire, 100. I.argi* Htzfi, 50c. Georgia Harris County. Thomas 11. Kimbrough, administrator do bouia non, cum teslamonto flnnexo, upun tho estute oi VVildor Fuillips. Into of sui t county, deceased, mukoß application for letteis of diniiinmiou. All persons concerned are hereby noti fied to abow cause, if nny they have, by tha first Monday in May, no it, why let tors of dismission should not be granted said applicant. Given under my hand and official signa ture, February 2ud, 1880. J. F. 0. Williams, Ordinary. Georgia, Harris County. .1 F Culver, H. C. llillingsJoa and M. 3. Billingslea, sclministrators upon tho estate of John liili'iig'dca, Into of said county, deceased, make application for loiters ot dismission. All persona con. oerned are hereby notified to show onuso, if any they have, by the first Monday in April, next, why letters of dismission should not be granted said administrators. Given tinder my hand and official sig nature, January 2, 1880. J. F. C- Williams, Ordinary. COLUMBUS TIMES. Dally, Weekly, Sr in-Weekly and Sunday, The Daily Times Contains full Telegraphic Now* from all puts of tho world, Editorials on all topics of tho day, resume of tho general news nod full Market Reports. .Hnhsoription price $7 Ob per annum in advance. Tho Weekly TimcH In a mamolh eight pago shoot, issued ev ery Monday, made up of the croam of tbe Daily. Hutiscriplion $ I.lo'pet annum in udv nco. Tlie Semi-Weekly Is issued every Monday and Thursday containing th > news of the three prec end ing day-. ’ {Subscription piioe .jil.fiO per annum in advance. The Sunday Times, A largo 152 column shoot, in addition to he current news of the day. embraces a number of literary departments, filled with entertaining reading matter. (Sub scription price SI.OO in advance. Families wanting a good papar could not do bettor than subscribe for one of the editions of tho Times. Tho Tunes having at all times identi fied itself with the interests of tba ptoplo and labored for their welfare, is a wel come visitor at their firesides, and its ool niuns, therefore, most valuable adver ting medium. Wvnkh, DeWolf .t Cos., Proprietors, Columiuh. ------ Oboboia. IS jgfti IRON BITTERS. Sllwll Us I I LlsUj . <••-< : requiringurortaln A Great Tonic, and ottloient roxii't especially in imUyfti flon, Oympep*in, 6DOW DITTCDQ Mntfrmtttent inllN Dl! I End, iroMi <>r,t -... . .7. petite, MjOß* of A Sure Appetizer, av retifjth, #.<•/►• of JEtirryu, <tr. Iteu rich mi the blood, IRON BliItRS, AC*n.u sugttr. I 1 j r( . n roq;tiring' reeupor. IRON BITTERS, 3*B£SS* A V J-listit'- u.c. | |f aft ft lihv it rhtttm | on the digestive cryuiiH. I A t< H ipoonftil iKiforo |pv:?i S?HTCOO meals will remove all lllUi’3 Uil I L.JIV9 dyspeptic *ya ptoiua. Not Solti as beverage. TRY IT. ~ Sold by all Druf^ste, IRON BITTERS, I THT.BROWH CEOTALCO For Delicate Females. BALTIMORE, Mrf. $2 A YEAR.