Hamilton journal. (Hamilton, Harris Co., Ga.) 1876-1885, April 22, 1880, Image 1

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HAMILTON JOURNAL. VOL. VIII.—NO. 17. Immense Stock! Low PRICES ! J J. Qagtdorn & Cos., West Point, Ga. HATH cn hud mi enormomdy large •lock, of I>rj_ Goods andJlNofclons, Dress Goods , &n4 Trimmings to matoh in all qualities. Clothing, Hats] and Gents Furnishing Goods, BOOTS AND SHOES, gitil. pegged and standard sceew fasten ed a apociality every pair warranted. Everything AT BO noM Prices. Constantly on hand a conin'-to line of. Burial Cases At* amenta tor thf* world ronowned White Shntfl* Sewing vi.. TirTUWTr! ■WHITEHEAD. Hri. It. V. PURSELL. MISS WHITEHEAD AND MRS. PURSELL, MANTUA. MAKERS, Hamilton ------ Georgia. Rettnoctfully solicit the patronag-* ot th<* ladies of Harris coumy. They can be found hi the residence of Dr, Q. T. Pursell, where they will b* ;;lsd to and serve their friends. McCULLOHS & LOWE, Wholesale and Retail Dealers la GROCERIES AND STAPLE GOODS, 40 Broad St., Columbus, Oa. OUR stock of groceries, staple dry goods and plantation supplies is now complete aud we earn* tly invite onr friends of Harris oonnty and the public generally to ... na a o!ll Everything in onr -ore is new and fresh, and bought for the cash •nabl no ns to give our customers rock bottom prices. We keep a well .lock of* Whiskies., pure and oheap. We are also agents for this sectioni for the celebrated Export Beer, bottled by F W Cook & Cos., Evansville, Ind. Don t pur ehnae before you have inspected our atook, or you will lose bargains. A cordial welcome to all. McCULLOHS & LOWE. |r-The friends of Mr Geo. B. Edge, of Talbot oonnty, will find him with us. Scliool Books and Drugs. J. P. MILLER, WEST POINT, -.- " GA KEEPS Paper, Pens, Ink, Pencils, noi.lesa and ther Slates and everything used in schools for educational purpose-. Blank hook 4, s.'hool books and copy books at lowest prices. H.a a full line of ■Moulding 1 for picture trainee, which will be cut and made up without extra chart;* Paints. Oils, Brushes for all purposes, J,hhipa, Window <lkc the lowest possible prices. Pure and Fresh Drugs, Vafilnt Medicines and Chemicals always on band. P I thank my customers and friends tor their patronage in -he past and shall try to merit a contmuarce. *. x • jy I, m agent for the justly celebrated Howe Sewing Machine. It you want Anything in Bis Line you Can Do No Better than at The Carriage & Buggy Repair establishment or w. E. JOSES, - - WEST-POINT. Withont Top., MADE TO OB DEE AND WARRANTED. J. J. HAGEDORN & CO., WEST POINT, GA. HAVE adjoining their mammoth Dry Goode Establishment, two Urge Furniture Warerooms Filled with a beautiful stock of Parlor and Bed-Room Suits, Lounges, Bureaus, Chairs, Bede, and everything imaginable in the furniture line, wbiob can be had to suit the parse of everyone. HAMILTON, HARRIS COUNTY, GEORGIA, APRIL 22, 1880. Personally Bad, Politically Bad. We copy the following editorial from the Wesleyan Christian Ad vocate, and give it our fullest en dorsement. Bad men should not be eleoted to places ot trust and honor. In all cases of county rep resentatives and officers the voters fully understand the character of the men who seek election. If they elect corrupt men, they must not feign surprise t( their officials in dulge in crookedness, frauds, and delalcatioos. Every community ha* good and capable men enough who are willing to fill every offioe. Elect them. Do not let the selfish and corrupt aspirants elbow the purer and more modest men from tbe chance of office. AM offioeala are to a degree representative men. If theyaie corrupt, their constituents are not supposed to be pure. “The Wesleyan, in its discussiou of“ Politics and Religion, ’* has not concerned itself with the parties or their platforms, but with thsir methods. There are many good men in both parties; if theie are re ally more than two, we should, per haps, say, in all parties. But noto. rioudy, there are very bad men tu each of the parlies, and somehow it comes to pass that many very bad men get into office.—None who heard Senator Hill’s great “Davis Had” speech in Atlanta, during the reconstruction times, can forget his masterly and Eloquent introduction. Among many other excellent thoughts he stressed and impressed, with his matchless array of words and arguments, this position: A per sonally oorrupt cannot Ve politically good. We would gladly reproduce the eloquent periods ot the great orator in the lutorcemenl and illoa.. trationofhis position. What he said on that subject ought to be pub lisbed in tract fotm and circulated by the million. It was good doc trine then, and it is good doctrine now. We contend for it earnestly as part ot the “faith once delivered to the saints.” For indeed il is Bi ble doctrine. It is as we look ai it, as self-evident as any axiom. Sure ly it needs no proof —“a man per sonally corrupt cannot be ooluacal ly good.” If anytning we have of fended against the general ion ot our brethren, or against the chil dren of this world, it is in this only —fbat we fully believe the doctrine ot the * Davis Hall” speech, and do insist that all pairiotie, not to say God-fearing men, should vote on the basis of this doctrine. If the doctrine needs proof, proof is ready to hand. Every party can furnish scores ot illustrations. COLUMBUS DENTAL ROOMS W. T. Pool, Proprietor, GEORGIA. BOMB BUILDING, Columbus Georgia. i BEST II THE lORUI ABSOLUTELY AND ■■aware 81-Carb Seda la ef a sltghtfy dirty white eelor. It awf appear white, examined hf It self. bnt a h COMPABISON W TH CHURCH * to.’* “ AKltt AND HAHHBB BRAND will shew the difference. See that Tar Baking Soda *a white and PuShMShoald be ALL 81HILAH SVBSTANCBS need fer Seed. A simple bat severe teet of the comparative value ot different brande of Bod. it to dl—olre a duesirt spoonful of each kind with .boat. pint of w.Urfhot preferred) in clear trlanes, stirring until all is thoroughly dissolved. The deist*- lions ineohible matter in the inferior Hod. will be shorn after settling some twenty minute, or sooner, by the milky .ppeitranca of tho solution and tho qoaattty of floating flocky matter ae cording to quality. Be enre and aak for Churdh A Co.’s BmH snd eee that their name is on the pMkage and yon ■will gst tho purest and whitest made. The as. ot this with soar milk, in praiennos to iMkiag Towder, saves twenty tunes iu cost. Bee one pound package to r vahiable mfonaae tios and reed carefully. SHOW THIS TO YHH 6ROCEI. Jnst Rcteived at tbb COLIINBIIN STORE, HAMILTON, GEORGIA, The Latest Novelties of the Season. HOSIERY. Ladies Solid Hose, 15c. Ladies Striped Ilose, 10c. Ladies White Hose, 10c, 200 and 250. ChildrenL Fancy Hose at 10c, at 15c, at 20c. Men’s Fancy from 10c up. TIES. Ladies’ Silk Tie*, 25c and 50c. Ladies’ Lacu Ties 25c and 50c GLOVES. Ladies’ Lisle Thread Gloves 25c. Ladies’ Lisle Thread Gauntlets 60c. Gents’ Lisle Thread Gloves 50c. Handkerchiefs. In great variety, from sc, up. Silk Handkerchiefs from 20 toe 750. DRESS GOODS. Muslin Piques, 10c. French Sailings, yard wide, In all shade*, 12jc. L.ce Buntings, 25c. Woolen Buntings, 20c. Knickerbocker Dress Goods, 12jc. WHITE GOODS. A lull line of London Cord, Checked Nainsook, White Lawn, Swiss, etc. The best Lauusdale Cambric, at 17|c. Towels! Towels! Towels at 10c, at 15c, at 20c, at 250. Table Cloths. Table cloths in Red and White Damask. Also Napkins to matoh. Domestics and Bleachings. A full hne of Bleached Domestics and Sea Islands. Bed Ticking from 10c, up. Ladies 1 and Men f s Furnishing Goods . The celebrated and best fitting Spoon Bust Corset, and others. A fail line of Hamburg Edgings. No advance in prices. Irish Trimming, from 4c, up. Ribbons in all shades and prices. A full and complete line of Dent’s Furnishing Goods. Novelties in Gent’s Neck Wear, Collars, Cuffs, Etc. Clothing. Clothing. If you wish to save money, call before purchasing elsewhere. SHIRTS. The celebrated unlauodried Pearl Shirt, at COo. UNDERWEAR. A full and complete line. *. Shoes. Shoe* Just received a large assortment of Ladies’ and Children's Slippers, Sandals, Serge, Kid and Fox Shoes. Also a lull line ol Gent’s .shoes, in Gaiters and Low Quarters. Call and see. VST Remember that we take a pride in showing our goods. M. WOLFSON, i The ColumbuH Store. CHEMICALLY TUBE. WONDERFUL. The immeeiete effaota of Pioina. WO.VDEKFIL How aoon severe esse* of glolde end Coughs ere relieved by Pioine. WIINDKRIII,. The ftvoreble opiniooe expressed by those who have need Pioine. WONDERFUL. Tbe many coses of oronp that have been aborted by Pioine. WOIDERri'I. Tbe meoy testimonials received from those who have used Picine. WO\DKIIFII 1,. How pleasant Pioine is to the taste. I WONDUHFUU a IV effects produced on oases of Asthma by Piciue. WONDERFUL The rapid and permanent onre* made by Pioine. WONDERFUL. How soon hoarseness will disappear after using Pioina. WONDERFUL How l’lolna will lengthen the time be tween paroxysms of Whooping Ooogb. WONDERFUL. With what ease I'icine is administer ed ot the youDg. WONDERFUL' How Pioine will ease aud give relief to the oonghs of the aged. PICIYE, Fur sale by Druggists and by the Man ufacturer, John S. Newt in, M. I)., Drugoit 107 Hroad M. s Columbus. O*. Trial Rise, lOc. l.wrg., nise, 1110. Georgia Harris County. Thomas H. Kimbrough, administrator de bonis non, cum Ustamento auuexo, upon the estate of Wilder Phillips, late of said county, deceased, makes appi.cation for letters of dismineinon. All persona aonoerned ere hereby noti fied to show cease, if any they have, by the first Monday in May, next, why let ters of dismission should not be granted said applicant. Given nnder my hand and official signa ture, February 2nd, 1860. J. F. C. Williams, Ordinary. Sheriff’s Sale for May. Will be sold, before the Court liaise door, in the town of Hamilton, Harris county, Georgia, within the legal hour* of sale, at pnblio ontory, to the and heat bidder, the following described property, to- wit,: Fractional parts of lot* of land NVa 72, HI and 182, in the 18th dim net of Harris oonuty, known as the J ih Kree iiiau place, containing one hundred and thirty earns, more or less, conveyed by de.ds of 11. 0. Kimbrough and Hope H. Hill, to W. H Thompson. Levied on aa the property of W. tl. Thompson, to apt* My a fl. fs. in favor of A. F. Johnson A Cos., vs. W. H. Thompson. B H. Williams, Sheriff. Georgia, Harris County. William A. Poer makes application for letters of gnardianebip for Eugenia W. and Lhuib L Poer, minors of D M. Poer, deceased. All peraona concerned are hereby notified to show oanse, if any they have, by the first Mondry in Mey, next, why lettere of guardianship should not be granted said apphoent. Given nnder my b.udand official sig nature, April Ist. 1880. J. F. O. Williams, Ordinary. Notice to Debtors dlt Creditors. Georgia Harris County:—All persona having demands against 1). M. Poer, de cessed, lute of said county, are hereby notified and required to preaent them, properly attested, to the undersigned, within the time prescribed by law. All persons indented to said deceased, are hereby required to make immediate pay ment to the undersigned March 25, 1880. . W. Poxu, B G Poke, W. A. Poke, AdrnV. MILTON F. HOOD Att’y at Law, ofll9e neit to DrSi Mitchell It C. Hamilton. Georgia. ThEALTH • STRENGTH '-HAPPINESS * mm fj^IBITTERS I IRON BITTERS, A Great Tonic. IRON BITTERS, A Bure Appetizer. IRON BITTERS, A Complete StrffßftfceMTe IRON BUTTERS, A Valuable Medicine. IRON BITTERS, Hot ftoM ss a Bffvsrafa. IRON BITTERS, For Dslkste Fmb*)bb. 12 A YEAR. Ill*hly recommended to tta<t public fur >ll dt* ease* r*qnlrln* a certain and efficient TOXIC'i especially In Inrlla**- Hm, Itwmprpmi*, Intrmilttmnf ft* rcra, Hunt af Ap pr.tttr, Mm* •/ Htrmgth, lark •/ lurrgy. rtn. II en riches tbe blond, strengthens the mil*, elm, and give* new lira to tlie nerve*. To the axed, ladle*, and chil dren requiring reriiper allon, tbla valuable remedy can not be too highly recommended. It cf* If lie a rhnrtn on tbe digestive organ*. A teaspoon fu l before meal* will remove all dyspeptic symptom*. TKV IT. BoW by ill Druggist!,' THE BBOWV CHTHCAL OD. BALTIMORE, MdL