Hamilton journal. (Hamilton, Harris Co., Ga.) 1876-1885, July 22, 1880, Image 2

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THE HAMILTON JOURNAL, ~ 9 rsfCßJ prTo.\ juiuu. Ou oov on"*r#r . tl 0* >o Mt mi moult), *-'* On* ewpy Ihrv. nionih- HKty on fnrmahing B*. bMiibl t •111 mo.lv ■ oopy froc All nb.vnptlwo m*< !*• P , ‘ < * ,n *'■ Klf*v •OWplat* ,fl " T ' ,r - J rmuHTmi. fitt.. .TnlgM, tS.SO, \olit r! Tb. vot.n of tne Ih mioratir party of Harrfcirwiißty nrvrrqiv at e<f Imm l '* *' r a.v.r.l prveinetH oe Sqturiliy, Align"' If, Mi by ballot ole<H'brim ddi ro,u parti dhtriet to ra| r.a.nl Ihma it a ron v.nttnn to meet at Hamilton op la.adiiy, jlignat V7'b, to arlrnl .b !ra*ra lo rap irarDt Iba eonnty in Ihr uppr'iiK'liing O' (rrarmnnl DUlrint C.nvtntiou •-< oranga, Tty orlur n( Et. Com T F rr,n ,n * Letter frotr if on. |{ * Tl " H,ll ‘ Attar-b. Oa, July ]*>!>, MHO. Pubtor- On titiv Pin: To J..nr Imio ol I ootiord lbt “many dtiuo. /nta' *Uf guatril Ibn name* o£ lltilrgatr, from Fulton county to tb. convention ol Anguti' h, ant* my owd tiauie in of tin ■nmbar Hugc.si.d I do not doubt Ilia patriotin molivea ol ki* gvotlemi nwb bnw thin nanl mj ■aaaa, and I ooncude Ihr rigb td all gmd daamarata lo o*m my natna and domand py aarviff a id Ibo lateral of tba fkiitucrii •rpartf It ia now Tory doubtful whalhnr I ran 1 ia Ibn S-a'n on tha 4th of Augnat. I'* it Ibia, andotbrr roaanna, I must reaped folly in >iot tbat my namr 1,0 not roolit - aad on Iba ticket. Tho luilaui ia othar cm an riotdlent one and well worthy of on) anppor*. Wbtla I hawo been mtn h ahient from Mia Stale, and my ld has been national, f bare col been inattentive to the Heui erratic ait nation and tendenoy in Oior gia, and a aenaa of duty lo the party and Iba peop'e Impela me to aay a few word* in thin eotinaoibin now. The Democratie aitoaihio in Georgia ia fe,,-aery bad, and tho tendency ia wotae. Durbins die enaiona, eiiat, are, dal y in ateaaing, and if not arreated will iuavila biy diampt the party. He ia not an intelligent D.imocrst who A tea not aee the cause of theae eaila, nt.d be b not a true Deaaoeiat who ia unwilling *4girorty to apply the raiuottv The o inae may be expressed in one •old and U ie peaaonelimii iu the ptrty. k ianeuew dialemier iu political wgan iniHona. It la eaatly cored if tkeu iu lime, and it ia oertam death to the party A not tekeu in tim". What ia personel lau. Id a p.rljf It ia the attempt of indi viduals —one or more—to u-e the party to advance individual ends. I’oreonal (e --weDi aa, p. r, on ill vindication!*, pwsottal grievance, aad pvwua.li glopiftoatloaa, ana all htat forma of the enroe direa-e and an vwrv form ia equally diwgaruuv and AwpioaWe. i'olitio.l partlea are orgnD‘xe.l solely for ptiblin good, *ud those who rorapoaa Itm aolio to proawita that public n*o*l by aooaviag * faithful atni tftcU-nt ml ■nui.tration of government according to ■ common political fa.tb Thom who aeek to one a party (baa or gait ad for Ibe good of ail, to turthir tbc good of one or of a few, whether for re ward, or for revenge, or for vindication, are attempting touee for one or for a portion taut wtwch wa formed for all Corruption wkbta tbe i arty ur iud> pt lid eotiswi are tbe it.v rtable trui a if Iboaa who attempt enob personal ends are Uot wpndtatrd aa leaders It anil be with tbe coLvention which assembles on the 4 bof nut month, to dotrrniiue whether tri'l g dissensions abell be oontinued to s dial disrupt on, ■art the part) he precipitated into u bitter, angry perianal aauvasn ; or whether those dkaaiuaa shall cease aud a nomination jm ■mile which will secure s lisnnonious cau v.tas to the party and readtirg iu an elec turn that will give the an administration vrbioh shall be atioi g in lh> in united con iriroce and support of tl e peop'e. ■ delegates come togetbei umuiated by adaetre to anvanra the patscnsl desnes 01 aiuhitlanaof pets and favorites, the •oral evih wsU follow. Uut if tLoy c* me together remlvtd to rvniesutiea that their supreme obligation is to n present the who petty and work for the good of all, tbe, will render a actvioe wortl y of oalti atai and ail tbe peop'e will h o cause to bieae l bent lu tbia matter ’’l have no friends lo re wardaad ao eae-aafea le pnrnish," aud nothing personal to accomplish I could aapport chierfolly my worst enemy ( f 1 bad on*) it bis uomiustion would avail lbe evils mention! and, and I could vote against my own brother if his nomination would not avert them, laball bold myaatl tu resdt ess to on- Operale with all who siueerely desire to preserve It e kttaiui y of (he party, and tbroogb that biro ory to sarnre a faithful ad efficient admiuiairatioo of the State novel muent. Him 11 Hull J/We|f liiiitht-r *' l.ocrii*. Mobley Broihets have juat receivid a twit supply of frtab apice** ut all kinka. —Tiwl-a-t it last, and r. tf **c, fie.lt ltd an Cnot to aiijthiag in thia tuailtrl cau be and at Mobil y Brtdhcra. K full line * f anp. ■ ior crork ry or.n I* ou* and at Mobley Hr *k. I yon wish the )><wt cigar in town lot Ue tuouey, VI .blej Brolhtra own anp p V yon. lb-y have it. Mobley Broth.t. l av* rail* Va ught •too- tha rcc- in it.e me. Itair price* are alwata the luwe.t. Lcwitv, io gieat variety at Mobley Ilr*. —A. fall Ibtc at tin were <t*l rtcev and by Boh'ev Hr* , Mob'ey Br Ilhers have j*iat rec.ivcd a rg a' ii ui.tit lit vary fit,, chewing In • aor*. Bhyil B threat y Irom the faotor;, Ml taVK* quaßti tt,* y obtain tin lovrei-t pvtcea and can * .p,ct,l uiduo. un Dt* to their ea*lotnvra. 4 tt its hue .if gent.. Udiea end chi’- dtraoa nboe. ja t iq eaod by Moblev B-otber*. r- M*obley Brother* irvpe ih. attention of tba I* diiM'o .p'endid lie* of dre. good*, in Kpm,g -.ba.Va, shi**b 11 tl*.y ,r, bow receiving uni < C tl; g g.iat bar gai’i* A fr*-*h t.P of pcntl. irect'a hata, a B'o'hers. Call eailj aud get *Lt The Gul * ■ notorial Situation. Aa the oanvaca progreaaee mtareat n the rare tor gubernatorial I onors inerea * ee with tb* people. Not enough i now known to predict any icsr't. nniree it t'e III* detent of It " prceent wenlt iTirttltl- Hent, 'lbia will be glory enough for one d.y and ia now rrggideip ea a foregone eonelttaton. That ft Ta regarded by bla managera aa a f.ict iba! he euanut aeonre two Ihirdaof the convention, ia provi u by tht ir ignoble nppoul fw the uijorlly ruin. JJul the appeal cornea t<r ltc. ft la right U at Mr. l!o guilt ahould he tb fueled Ilia a ludniatfatioll baa heeit weak and Ida eanvaea for vbidieation hae boon liuiudUbng to oor state piUln. Hu liaa aeeiriNgf the petqde of making all kiuda of ai/iy chargtia againet bitu, only to oh eare tho reel point" at iaetlo. 110 Mint Mr. tiordor, ahould lioth h avu 111 t **wfir hi 'ho goda would daatroy, they lira* in ,ko mad " Tho tTc-eh in ib*i don triratic ratitiH ia ou od by Colqni'ttein mol will grow onttl the rao-e ia removed. •‘Governor Ifrowu aiol tfau C dnriibti't F’riaonori.” ia ttio Htlo of an r non j’ tii'ua nainf hlei with which tho C iwilry ha* men Hooded. An nppn-ite and belter view of aorne tpiaatifinable onuduet ia giv en in a pro plilvl by Mr. 1,. I . Garrard, which might hu called in ooqfrn-dlatit n ion “The lie'mi,line Vriaionera and Oov. Ilriiwn,” a- it certainly leaver Guv Brown in the loral. The ('ritie, ia an Atlnn'a pnoennHnn a> and olaitim lo bo >ne only cntiipiiigii paper in Georgia. If amne of tbu candidateil whom It ao eernoatry anpporta do nof eup prc it they w ll wiah that there had gov. er been , vert. t)rie lot the name be chang ed to the “Ifootuorang,” The brawn iinpu letice of Trea nrer lienfroe a king for a re-election wilt he -nitahly rebuked by the Aognat vonveu- Ito New AdvvrtirHunent*. Jnn. AV. Hownnl, Oyh thorpe St., Colum kt/n, Ott., Ijm \t.ak In- Hides Oltl Cotton, Hemp, Cuiiny Hope, IHiKKing, Fin s, |{et!s\viix,olil Metal, Cotton in-the Seed and Cotton Seod. M*- f)ii!f* h rm* paper uml paj t*r ttllM hi nhoit n"lif’M. (ieorffia, Harris County. J.ttiirH M Cni| epprr. a mini-tratur u| nti fhtf mtate of M. C (.’nipt pp, ini' nt uM county. (Im'dkmiiJ, nmkrN a p'inttion mr k tier of (MiunitiHU u. All |h ih. §ak <• u cpi iiml nr- lien by uttafll fc nhow cnw, K any (hoy have, by ihe niot M ntl.iy in OctA-lMir lu-xl, ttli> raiil b lleiK not tx'granio i. Jul) 5. I^o .1 I*’ (’. Williams, 0 THIS INTERESTS YOU! TUB BUST OBOeI.V.VJBK.' For tU) u l*ennj YOU CAM SEND A YOITAI. CARD TO TUB A B. CHASE CR3AN COMPANY, NORWALK, OHIO, and receive their Illustrated Catalogue, Circular. aud "1 asttniomals, allowing liuw they LAN and 00 make the BESTOBGAX In the WOKLDI Many ocinta of KXCKI.I.KNCK over AM. OTtllllU. We can't pamiuUi *.*- here, hut \w say,if you want an liuUuiucnt hr your own use you want itovhm£ hi* OCR ORGANf If you want Organs to tell again, there are no othera that soli so easily or give so wood aatisfactiois alter they are sold. IT'kAKAt T. A. U. CIIASC ORGAN < <>., NORWALK, OHIO. THC Cleveland Co-Operative Stove Cn. CLEVELAND, OHIO. CHICAGO, ILL., ST. LOUS, MO.. ST. TAI L, MINN. Tie asst Extensile Mawlaciurerc o( STOVES m HOLLOW WARE IN THE UNITED STATES. Employ no Traveling SwWmcn. ami tell for rah InolUr 30 !.), hence have no bud debt* and can gi.e to theb on. in the way of inw price. an amount eftttaf to the saving thus effected, which experience ha* shewn to be iU IS cel rent Style and finish of work nnsuipassed. Terfcc ttc-M of opemik.'*’, yuar-mteed of ttti'wT by thi CompnDT. Their lw of Co*-k nr.v Hr ritqj Stivec* fW every kind of f:irl i* tr equaled w extent aid variety , and thdr V-JJic Buotw f r cilhm hard or soft c*a! are Ittamot Jierltct yet produced. .%k jnur t’.aUr for Storm of tl< ClfiflMnd i o-opral4v Move < o,* viakr. For Ca§h at Kirveu’s. S*ettil:iril PrinN se. Km I'lii-trto Low 11 a 12 I O'*. llein lllenehet) t'otlAA, hv good aa Lonstla't*, 10®. Wnm-tutii R'unchetl <.'otion, 12 1 2. Pe|i|)L'i ell la-t .Slit'tiiirio, nfg). j.•! 10-4 fS4i*otit'X, -Vro. I’uper (JnitiWeina, So. Unreel JetMta, 100. AH Wool Bintinjjr, fflts. Cot on tiri'l Wool Burning, 15c. Clioekeil Nuinwook, lie. • U.Hi UnlutMiUrvetl Sinn, kOc. •.■JF’Thba* prieea tvi'J pfvc f> ,I\aw iRa general roduction I bov niudtt on my eiuck in view ol m.ikmg u dkiiigu iu my bueineen on tli let ol iVtlglt't- I ti*e:ttt ju*t wl'itt I gay. When 1 tulvcrli*o a tliino, I have thn iliiHg at ilit - tvriet! iii'uu'h. J ALBERT KIRVEN NO Ml ItbdAli STVG.KI < Ol UMBU- <!A 1880. SPBIN J and SUMMER SEASON- 1880. THE COLUMBUS STORE M. W'OLFSOX, 9. I Isi.mil ton ------ Weorgia -— t :— Dry Gooils, Shoes, (I'oeeries, Cloibing r Kcet, fur me million. Largest guiirely new slock ol jjooda in the place No Old Goods! No Shelf Worn Goods! tpetf' Everything new, stylish and at okl price", “tgji Full line of f.adiep nnd Mi'aea irinmud Hwf, at astoni.hing pricea Pitraso's in atl ekutie* and atylc". Fun* and stuuerous oilier goods, The pnlilic giner.tlly ia cwnlially invited'to exaßifne •■mtl priee theat ooimlh he lore purchaMng elsewhere. Hutiafawtiou guuraiileed, and re iui tuber 1 am noi to be under.-old. M. WOLFSOH, The Coinm Ims Store. F. J. McARDLE, IVo. iZil I3ronlStreet, COLUMBUS, - GEORG A Mniinfhcturer and Wholesale Dottier in TIN-WARE, HOLLOW-WARE AX!) HOUSE-FURNISHING OOOJhS. . t°t Tin Guttering anti Ffooftiig tlomi in* order. Ord'ors solicited? ants !*r*-nr| lIv li let! liv ••xperienoeir workmen. HCTiOOit ROOKS AND DHUGS. J. P. MILLER, WEST POINT, - - - GA. 1 it KEKI’S Paper, Pens, Ink, Pencils, noi-less and oiler Wales mill eveiyilnng ii-i-tl m reliO"le for eitucaikmal purpost*-. B’ank li.mftj. school hooks mid t',o|iy hooks ut, low**al |incew. ll,s a (till line of Mould ill tc for pjclii’f* rant- S, winch will he e'lt and made tl j • without , Mill eliaic,'. L', lilts, Oils, Bni-hes f. r nil purposes, Lumps, Wm lon Class, it,•., -.1 the lowest (lossihl.. prtees. Pure ami Frcsli Drills, Pittcnl 3le<[fcTrtc and ÜberuieulM always mi h um. i ih.ink my tiiistf.ueis at id lnui'ls tot- mir pgtrooftoe in ’he punt, and -li ,|i m y to merit it uiintin'iunce. *L I*. ITIILLER. { i uni -no n lor the insl iv oelehrafed Ihuvi* Sowim; .\luetime. li yon want An.vt liing- in lii< Line yon Can Do INTo Better than ut n iie Carriage & Sic pa if ESTABLISHMEiW <>/ Jf. I'. JOXES, - - WEST-POIXT. Die most desirttUe Mid s*yli-h l>ii!rL r ie°, With and W.ihont Tops, CiM-riagtn, Wagons, Bft, M\m TO ORDER AND WARRANTED. T ock to Your Interest--3ave Money by Buying Dry Goods, Hats Hoots Aiml Shoes GORDON’S Not York STORE. E 2 Mia 6* BROAD STRS3T, COLDHDTJS, OSOROLA. 100 I'ucos Ait Wonl limiting. 100 I‘ireos T.aee Siripn.*! Hunting. 100 lVrny Hrnoadftt Buntiuir. Doli'Xev MVtlisi'a ami A'pcn Lustres, 'or 25c —SjiitMitlhl \£l ue. bt>ecul drives will bt> t.ff rtsl in BLVC Iv CASHVIEIkL. Our eroo.L are llie lies'. ami never softer by ••ompanor. settl 1< r samples DOMKSTIC < rOODS ! !0 (’uses Sprin r Calico. 10 Oases JHetebed Cotton. 10 Oases Set I.’ ,u i * Y>Uon Piic-s ifu ft run total as low is cun be had. Examine our meek bef.re purchasing. The Vota York Store. % I 'r't . ; r r;'y v' *V~ '•M. . E. BUTTERICK Jk. CO.’S Ing- Het ropolitun Fashions. HWj—r-41 \ Any cf the patterns irpreaente lin thia t-Ucet. Mid Wioukunda of othera, fßuitratinff Hmjr \ / TTI all the leading sUee* worn bv Indi. *, M sae*, &oy.i, hil l little rhildren of both neie„ V M wilt lie aunt by mail poat paid ou receipt of order utal price. Addreaa 110% BRAMHALL’S sewing machine depot, M eidm For the sale of all kinds of Sewing Machines 99 Broad Street, --- - - Columbus. Ca. THCOZEL3STT OUST J±I<TJD AGEE, Clofluers, Hatters and Manufacturers, 83 & 85 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga. Call and Fxatftice oor Large aad Superior StocK of Clothing , Hats, TrunTfr, Valises , Umbrellas, cuts Furnishing Goods, Cass line res, Cloths, Ete. We ham a ajiTemtid line of Piece Goods wliicli we will make np to order, cmranfecrng it perfect lit uni i-atiafaotiwn us to workmam-hip. Our entire ntoek is bonghi for rash and we will not He undersold. J-S't*' llep in ino anil dyeing old suits, and cleaning and ironing <ld hats a snceialty. Prices very low. CAQ Cll I as ust rom New York with C A Rfif If Lf r% il ulUd M oinesd and .host complete stock of Vat HJL IVJ 1 LLw il ill Ever Br <>"Oht to 11 111 If UIIIIJS Columbus. JUmtinqs of every! description. Black Cashmeres, all f/rarfes. Colored Cashmere** new shades . French Suiting* with trimmings to match. My line of Black Silks . including the celeh-r ate Cashmere Alexander brand, is not equalled In this market. I offer special bargains i Colored Silks and Safins, Hose , Glares, Laces, Dress Goods, White Goods <T Gibbons. Vlcase call and examine the slock. ,Vv trouble to show goods. JAMES E. CARGILL, - No. 70 Broad Street, - COLUMBUS, GA IS. If. WALTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW r Hamilton, Va, Will praotioe thronghont the Cb'ta li sorbae Circnit. Prompt atieuiion given to 11 bunint bh entrusted to his care. DR. S. G. RILEY, Hamilton, Georgia, Tenders his to the people of Hamilton and vicinity.. With n < xperience of 2K ye'S, prompt atten tion to bnsineea, and chargee- he hopes to merit a share of *tie pn Wo pat ronage. Office at Old Resi dence at G f'fdman place near college. 1> U. T. L. J EN KINS; y : A V >1 •'■ : A- r ** y d* f A', . ISTU\, ■ >Esr y/ - - 'r' rrAMTT.TON. GEORGId Will lie. in town on the ftrst Tuesday, j fourth Friday and a**cond Saiurday of ! each month. Tf-BM* (’a n Itargatus! Bargains ! J. S. JONES & CO. ColumTms, - - Ge©rgi- Pu’dias- rs of D y Goods w*T do well to cull iin*l (rot our | ices on ull LUrsls hefow sole. tinK. a wo slm'l i.isugurntegreat har auins in tunny lit.es with n view to reduc ing our Itiijjfi- Bt**cu to the Itv st possihfo point, previous to tier minimi stock-taking. See some of mu' now prices; White London Cords 7c teduced f om 10 Colored L nd* n Corns 8c leduced. liom 10c. Whits* C'.tecke dNVnsook, loc..sold early in the season ut 15c. White IT id Org ndy 10c redu ed from 15c. V# offer slig' tly rfaimtgrJ B rdered Lt * ns t 6c. We continue out otTcr of Bordered Lawrw at 8c Wo have a few desiakle patterns of Fivneli Organdy lo’orvd Muslins which we soli low. SHEETING AND SHIRTING. SEE. 4-4 I, it 10c; 4-4 Mason villoand Wamsiitni at H!J; 10 4 Peppe.cll B o;u hed Sheetings at GOc. CALICOES*. Wc op* n new assortments, good styles C.tlic es at sc. ROY'S AND MEN'S C.iSStIIERES. We haxird n tiling in claiming the best liru ill tii< so good- in the luarko-:. Boys' Caasinteres at 25c worth 30c Boys’ L'.iSSinior*s at O'c worth sCtc. Fo* o' y'w * ui* res at ■ 0c wot tb Goo. We continue these goo*f aat svy 75, ?(J, 1 00 1.25 aud $1.50 till retching $5. SO am' $7 per yard, ail equally cheap SHI "To AND UNDERWEAR. Our $1.25 Bhl* fs we offet at 51-00: our $2.00 S* irt wroff. r a' f 1 50. NJ'on's G ttise Uo.Wtrhirta a* 2-5 at *1 50c Alia s Braun L n. n D i*i at 15, 20 and l'-V. HO XERY! HOSIERY! In Bi.e H*icry we show the best l : ne i'l the 8 Ull*, at pile to p'.eaae g*JO*l jmlgc-. tt.l an I ore 1 to- choi e DHITGS ANI X> STsATIONBIJEIY; J„t Brooks & Copeland, Hamilton, Georgia, HAVE opened" n first olsr Drng Store, and witl freepall article* in the drug line, together with a fall stock of Pa ; uts, Oils, Varui.-hea ar.d Patent Medieines, We will also keep Stationery aud Toilet: Articles. GRAND OPENING UE THE MILLIIERY EMPORIUM Of Columbus. i t ON TirCHSEAY, YHirAY tad SATHEBAT’ cf This WESIE, wa nn ill have od * xtaihitjoii the largest rtio Hricoi 'ck ot JtL-HDLoijf uiid F noy Goods ever brought to this raaik-f, co i f ing in part af Triiiniicd Huts ttft-f Bonnels, irom 25c In sls. Uiiiriiiitned Hats frotii VfJkrlttfT. F ins from 2i ■to sd. TT i-ie r v Nrotn IlfVrtft Gluv*s hi*Jin I'A*. I<i %l ao. I'aiapois from ‘.sc to ? 3. IS'ack line' mu taa t'rd'ftvra and fnQk. Fisiitf s, S niore’C"ilars. N vtltieshv Gosmetles. O* nuincnts* mini .Tftt eiry in t-Ltlless variety Mrs. Colvin & Miss Donuelit/, 100 Broad Street . WAGONB k BUGGIES. —O Ti T e am now regularly enirge<J in the sale of Wagons m l Tinggres, anil iuuie the public lo come ami ex-iminc ottr stock before buying, AVe are sol© Agents for file celebrated HICKMAN FARM ‘WAGON AND ROBISON BUGGY', The Best and Cheapest in the Market. GROCERIES. We still keep tbe largest stock of groce ies in the city, w hich we wil sell (ib low as anybody. WATT & WALKER, Columbus, Georgia, 1880- SPRING ANNOUNCEMENT 1880. OF L. HARRIS. T HAVE now in store and arriving daily, one of the largept stocks of * Dry Goods, Clothing. Boots, Shoes. Hats, Etc., Ifver fxhit ited *n this mirket, eahr.C’ng >I! the Ist; Spring S'yles. Having selected my 'ook in person from the g*eat wholesale Louses of the north, I assure the public it is Srstrdaes in every particular. Ready Made CLOTHING & Gents Furnishing Goods. This department has not been neg'ectfd-and in i’ can he found goods in endless variety. Call arid see me when you are in town, and don’t forget the place. L. HARRIS, 114 Broad Street, COL UMB US, GA . RIDDLED NEW PHOTOGRAPHIC GALLERY AND PUBLISHING ROOMS, Over 7. S. Jones & Cos., 2?cxt tc JUtnkin House, COLUMHUP, GA. I HAVE Juft opened a nit of Photographic Room*, aeeoi and *o none in thiv country at *1 extend a cord;-*! i* v.tation io a 1 *h * vi-it C lnmbtia to come and see me. >,* picture** Vail he of *he very b-et filn-b a* and 1 (*n,rn tre s‘ii-t:iction Ut fcVf j, t • email pic'uree. \. ’ ■ * i V - J*