Hamilton journal. (Hamilton, Harris Co., Ga.) 1876-1885, October 07, 1880, Image 2

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IHE HAMILTON JOURNAL. . 1 -r. - ►-rirr —r M /; c itirrws hi ns . One onpy f*oy*nr VI ,M " V>u* eofiv *ll mot) 1,0 o©v copy thr** tnoti'h* V* Aiv <v* fnrn'-h-nc flvti ribcr*. will rno< iv<“ • co y AI • nut •K<*rii’t i<ua Uil <t bo pod in *<l v*noe. Fifty iinailtiTM complete the y*nr. Ha mi! on, Oft,, Oct, tl, IS SO, ev~i The JUI KSAL wilt be *< nt on trial until January / ISSJ/'or V 5 cents. Qm'ernor ttnnen'H Candiftary, Go?. I oh. E Brown in n cundidwt© for U S. to All the Yununey ( com lore by the i>n <*f (j. n. Gordon Ills hope* for cictnoomtic support are bulled upon hiM two lite speeches in the K imte— lor the privilege of funking which he in imppofied fo have given l'. predeccsHoi tbo $14,000 p union he in How Mippo ed to have Gov. Brown, iu ft letter to Retirriil A. K l4wton t claim* th*t bn cotir-e hidcc the wer liHH been *nt rly c< ln ter t—(but the party h*a come to him, not he to the party That be ftdvi id doing iin mediate y alter tbo war, what baa Mince beeo done Wa take the following from tue reply of Geu. Lawton, it aiiNwem the Governor folly. Avery large portion of Governor Brown'* letter ia devoted to bi* own political rooord ainoe the close of the w*r. 1 will not follow blm an tbe whole mil j *ot haa been luily di*- finaed on l*oth aideN in document a which bate receotly fl oded tbe state. Ho clhiiiin with great empbania and earneatne**, th it be waa right dunug tbe terrible period o. “reconatroction”— in to el ct Gl -eral Grant In 1808*—in pulling upon the peo ple of Gwotgia tbe aduiiniatration of (In? ernor Bullock—ln mmsting (hat w should promptly aocept ail tbe lei in* nu|.o*ed upon üby tbe conquaror and do whatever be ordered at lo do, and that quickly, If be ift right in tbia claim, then all the true and loyal people of tbe aonth were wrong. They were wrong in cberiabing the sentiment which (ben aniamted tbeiu that it wiih bet ter far to aoffer and endure f.r a neaMOn, than promptly to cant r preach upon the ■uetnoriea of tboae who bad fatten in our Oauaft. What would the world become, if tbe weaker never reacted tbe airongftt? Are we prepared to deny tl at there iue tiiuea io the biatory of a nation, an well as of tbe individual, when in coutftr.ding for tbe right, it ia better far to try and fail, than not to try at ail ? Would our present posi tion have Ueu an goou an it now ia if all bad followed tbe (Xitnple rf Governor Brown, which he aefa before n wiih Much oouiplaoenc)f Ii ia indc<d quite certain tl at we would not have retained the respect ot oar tauiniwe, and of the world, which we now ao proudly at joy, if we had not re sisted and endurt and ao long all the thr ata of •®gry power; and held together as one man in our povotty aid o rowing Tl• pi km ve, united and peiaiaicnt atruggieof ihe aouilo eru people after ihe cdoae of ihe war vhn &o leaa honorable and praiaeworthy than tile heroism while it lasted. If thia be not ao, if 1 hid mistaken on to the pniiiot c en tinunts of her people, then indeed ih Gov ernor Brown a proper lepraaeuUlive f ih aoveregnty of Geoigia in tbu ouiigrtm of alatear Society at Vault, The law make* duelling a crime, even to the extent of the forfeiture of settle civil end | l 111 *mI right*; hut society rerluo*a th lew lo a farce by not auatainfßß it. Had society don itM duly in South Citiolma be fore ike late duel, n Hue old luutheiu gm •l* man wcu'd not have been ruthlewily nlhiu by a akillrd due ml hiaduty kb a bainatir. Soeirty i* at fault, and until it ahall have the moral and lawful nerve to do what m riftbt in the preuiiaea, folly ami vainly will take turn to Iba duel iog ground, and tbu injury, nr murder, at* may be tbe rnauit, beconieM ilie eriiue of not only tbe duoliet and their ahettora but of the community that permit* tbe faoatile meet log- Duela are rare among gentlemen, but common among their o.uutei fei;a, Tht ltcuuit. The new a from the time indiettiea that C’oitjuitt’a iiiajoi uy will i t noli 40,000. We w ould uot have thought it. Hut under otir ureal unu-mutimi we tun hi and I wo years of worae ruin than Colquitt line ever given us. We uie glad tin* light ia over and lioue all good wlnlo nun will ti w vie wnli each other iu inoieasing tbe im*j\>ritv lor llrnoock and Eiidliab. A prominent farmer mforma (be Ogle tborpe El'ho that he not ice* atalka of tot ton growiug among Ueituuda grave Ibal are loaded with bollti, while olbrre near at baud, on aoil free Iroui tine peel, ale aluuly trmited. He arguea that ibia gran* retaina moiature through dry Weather, and la an advantage iuetead of a drawback to tbe plaut It ia a singular fact that driug a dry summer ooltou that ban been aadly eg leeted by both the hoe ami p ow yield* much belter than those crop* properly teided, thus aubeianliafing the taot that gnaa does pioduoe moiature. hermits call tlu **tbe laiy man a yeara " tiraiu cio,e uuai he kept cleat) lo,produce. Hie lit publican have (flagged Grant on the Kturnp ** a iaet msort. They eel him ns in Ohm first a ute ludioaliun that lh<y ere alraid of ioeiug 0 at State. Gen. Grant deeirea the defeat, and the continued defeat, of thn I . luocrutio paitv. There is another thing that G*u. orant wants. He wsuiN a third term. \\ c dal v i. C'o quit Itoi up ag.,,n. We Dope ;bl ia the l.*-t vmdie*- tioti the bi st governor Georgia na* ever bud will bute uciu.-kL to a-k or. We itiei*! tba*. we weie r : glp if we were in the Minority, and we invite every Colquitt tnun back into tbe democratic fold. We promise lor fcm’eiiett, ll iLes ts.b Cos more. Now Ailvort iMoinoiito. Administrators Sale. Geo* i , l i <'oi.it Agre*bly to nil oide from tbe boie<||l)it a of Or dinary pf paid oou<*ty, wpl be ao and before tbe ( 'tin H n *<h or m the low of Item Hon, of* the lir-t l in-aday in November} next, w th n the legal hours of ie, the following 'arid belonging io the eat ate of J tinea Wbitel e..d, d•• e ia* and, to wit; L*t f land number 21(1 and lot numb* r 211 lying in th? 21st <Jl*irct of # r g ne"y Mua coiee, now llarria county, noptdoing 40f a*res more or l**aa tbWs ta a large and oummoOJou* of eight roorua upon aard land, berdea all o h* r in provem*nt* r-qu ai’e to a IJr t claas farm K- v uty five a.iica of original woodland and 7/ acrea of tir*t dun bottom land on the place. There are )A<| acre*- of the land in a g a>d ata'e of rnl iVHiion and the remainder hi a-II tim bered eeoond growth pine. Tbia plft'*© i** ajtufitf’d e'ght uiilea rorth enat of HanrHon and two nillea from tbe atOre houaea a* Val ley PMmn, ootivai i?it to aobooiH and chut* ehea. Hold for diatribii’ion .1 11, A W T White-irad. Sept. 2'.', IHH'I. Adtnr'i wit'l *MI A/'. Administrators Sale. Georgia, lUrria t'innty;—By virtue of an ord.ir from be O dtnary of aaid county, will he Hold before tbe Ooort II ir.e door in thn town nf Hamilton, on the flr-t Tue-day ifi Novemi*er net , to tbo btghirt bidd .. one brt'f < hhU and the baia c* on tweivi motitba tiui**, with internal fr in the dab of “ale, the following proper!f, viz : Ix>t of land No .'IIH, iu Wbi i.Uer'a die. 1. tof lund No. 27G. in Whitaln r a die fit) HCiea * f No. li7. in ** Al k o !fO •cm of No IH7 in “ Aiao lot No. 1142, in VVoiteavillo diatilol. Alao * orth b*if of 831 in ** Lit No. IK), in liividHon'e dndiict. 2<> aeree of No 11/ in 44 HO aorea of N*. 1011, in 44 <J2O s'p h numbora not known, bonnded on die e*t and Hoofb by the CJbat'aho cbe*- river, *l*l tbe north by ibe c *nn y lioe be* i.weii Ttoap and Harria ooTiri'ie j , and on the e(,ai by tbe latula ot t e late Wm. Held and liea juat ontaidw ti e corporate limna of the city of Point. 'i itl* a mill fe given when the laat DBvinent in made. W. A Povu. f <i W Pom. AdOi’ra. Hep! JH, 1880. B (*. Poem, \ (it'orgiiii llarrin Comity. Freema** Hoittb haw rpp'ied f r exempt- Mon of personalty and l will pas* upon the same ou (hr 2lsl of October* n* I*. m> m e. .J F O. William*, B*rtember *7, lsw) Ordinary Georgia, Harris County. Thirty ds\H nf'er date I will apt ly i* H Gou t of () and fiery for leavn to mII the land helongirg to the ea’st# *f L vhii Cicws, o# hhlcl counts (I*THHsi cl This Sept 2D, IMHO. VV. I M oa* Tkammfli. Adoii' in retfir Administratrix’s Sale. Agreiahly in an orilet tri m the i ,urt ni Ordinary of of Hnrrta oouoty, l will sell before the Oourt H-aen do**r, in tbe t*i*n of Hamillon, np the ttrat T'ueaday in No vember nrx>, wi'hiu the legal hours of *a *• the following land, belonging to ibe enUii' of Jamra S. Walker, of aald o Hilly, deo'd, to witL itof land No IDS ami-event* on and a half ai-rea '-IT of b*t N. fit, **ll **f Mini land lining in the Huh district of said county. .Sold for distribution Teims raa'i. I .unit I) a K. Wai.hku. Heptember SO, l“>o Adurniairatrix Georgia, Harris County. J. IV firyaot ninkea application ,for let tern of adminiatration tipoti thn eatae -f rhoiiHH U Hryant, I .te of mmIH Bounty d* * ■ >t-tt sl AM peiMoiih oopcerned an* b:b. notitied to atn online, If any thy hiv*% by the ft.B'. Monday in November nx>. why hmid lattcra should not In* om*. ted •id applicant. G.ven ii'i 'or my band and olli olul signalute, H* p( 27 IJJHO. .1. V ( William*. Ordinary Georgia, Harris Couiilv. P. (inriitT uiakee nppliuation for I*((• wm| mlum.ihUuUoii up"n IhefHtHte of AtV'HuG Gnrmr, Ute of *aid of.uuiy de* tv-HHf <1 All coiioerued > re by iio'it\**d lo Ahow o*uso, if Hiiy they bnve, by th‘> first Mon Vy in November iu it, whv V'ttt'tH of Mdiuiiiistration nbould not be prn'i*d *fiid applifomt. Given under my bond and oIH 1 I lpn tiue, Knpteiuber of), ljjsii .1. K 0 WiiuiiAMH Ordinary HAMILTON Male and Female COLLEGE. VriMTCATIONS of Toacher** will be received by the Board of I'iuslm hof Uit above liiNtmitiou, till tba 20 h dny of October, nrx, a* which tunc (bey will fleet h pnocipwl teacher to (Hke of the allow HcboolH. O. L. Drm>v, L L. Stanioru, t'Diuriuaii. S* crotniy. Administrator’s Sale. Georgia, Hhuih Coimly 4 Agreenb'y to hu order fr iu tt‘ bof.orab e 0 orl of Or dinary of Haiti county, I will Hell before the Court House door in the town of Hamilton, on the flrnt Tuesday iu November, *i‘i m tbe 1 gal hourM of wale, tb fllomg Ivklh belonging to the entide >f Wiley brnn.ian, dewnKcd, (known hh the widow's dower.) to wit :-f*o acres cflf of lot nunlber 4:1. lying in the eighteenth d'Mriot of HnrriM county, SoM fr d**t ibotion lerins e>nh.' H C Kimiih umi, Adm’r C\ TOTFDL Newnforßoyand <Hrlt ? At id’vAw.l Young ami OKI 11 A NKW 1N- Jurt patented for them, P*! for Home um t 1 rrot and Scroll Sawing, Turning, Honug. Drilling.ttmuling, Poliahuig, Screw Cutting. Price to Bend B conta tor IOC juv*; s. IBSSSBP"EPHKAIM BHUWM, Lowoli. Ahim. Exerutov’s Sulo. .\gri‘tablv to un ordci Horn the Court of 1 I'nlii Hiy of Hu*rin i*omty 1 will m*ll be | fine Hm Court Houee floor, in t Ipwn ot A fiiiil’on. m wiid eouuip. within the 1 vol 1 *iith hhlc. on tie 11 t Tuenday ie No veinlwr next, the following pio|H*rtr. b< loin, im.’ to tl.r tst do of 110 l vrt Woldon, iftH'oase 1. to wit. -70 ■<?•* m, more or Ire oi lot of laiitl No. 210 !yfng iu tbe citth te ufh ( let lic of s>ii| (\u ty. * MVpt one third lot rest in a*dd land nit- 1 tht death >f Ms Stiitni lie mast n. bold l r din tribution. Sept 2V N IV Wt.1.l ON KXkH lltol \\ \\ i I'M L'unted i umber cf \\ .\.> iI 1 -u*ttv**. energetic o*t v er* in n ntul uroflUl'lf h mooes*. Good uit-n will fiud thin a rare chauce To Miiko Money. Surh will ileus.' toswer I*dveti in* tit by Idler, enclosing Mump for re \ :’y, stating wbat btsinifa tb*ynve beeu e *gtl in None but those who tncau busin apple. Adrhe*a FiNLft, ITarvit A Cos , Atlanta, Ga. Agents Want oil, for tl,o !H* x-rated 1. fo I*ll 1 A 1 vent lire* of frank riel .V s*-the n*'el W* tlil OUtI&MK, l'\ Ill'll -l' hll A I‘SCI’H, rh. Jt A true to and tini unt. Ulu*tm t \of ttivii iaii ns for 18 yen’* in ‘-A* dW*mt •ml 'v\: U ru". ' rt filing do ti tiv >nnd * fruit*!* of the law. H**si ►cliirg txHf for \r*os. m nils 60tvnfor outfit. $1.60 for K>m} lv\*r*v I;K cal terms to events. N pl'honpi £ v publisher*, c-.'O line *uc*i, St Louis, Mo. Clin 3. Barnes. Wick P. Sparks. BARNES & SPARKS. NEW STORK! NEW^GOODS! and THE LOWEST PRICES! \ \TK nr 'l.iljr rtioi an.* opening up ( tbe new .torn, on tbe ewit Hide of tbe pnb v f io qusfe. in Hannl!'n, a large and elegant stock of lh‘U floods, Motions, /toots. .Shoes, dents find Ladies Hats, (Honks and Shan'ts. And a General Aaaortment of Groceries and Hardware, Bagging and Ties. fff lipl ct * f 'o irobui h a Gdl nd jo me ar a too , price oa.* go s ;ul j .igelwi youisuivoa. Vr j s^ootlally, BAI&NE8 & Sr.VKIvS. 4 t COITOX. We * ill pay Oolombua pncea for <‘oUou, freight Will barter for chick- D. t gtja and c.*n tlry pioduoe. WILLOGHAM & €., SUCCESSORS TO W. A. WILLINGHAM, ■WAaioa&lo ar.i Dulors In Handers' Sayfdies of AH Kinds, Sash, Klimts, Doors , Paints, Oil and Putty , Builders' IhirdwiU'.e, Liiue.ll’lawter Paris, Kalsoiniue, 1. otli, I’losferers Ilair, t tc*. 1 ' WILLINGHAM & CO., COLUMBUS, OEORGIA. Monumental Marble Works, 10*4 Broad Street, Columbus, <a. l"t MONUMENTS (IF THE VERY REST ITALIAN AND AMERICAN MARBLE On band mid aile to oHer.tWe are rtlKo imenls for e Hii|ieiiur quality of WKOUGIIT |IKON HAILING, Or'duTi lent Hlyl.e end piiHeim, for fi nren ml cemetery pnclociiri-B. Infoniiut'on *i-• nod mlinmtcH furninheil lor anythin* in our line. mS A, M. A* /. HA ELLEDdE, Proprietors. For Casli at Kirnn’s. Htfiinlunl Prints su. ll**Bt Pnmfic Lawns 12 1 2c. I.ustiv Poplins clmicf aliaili-s, 13c. Ilcrn |{iciirli(**l Coll Oil, us i*on*l us L msjalc, 10c. Wmiii-iiiiu I! cach'd Cottons. 12 12 Pi'pncrcll 10-4 Nlicetmir, !)oc, i.csl 10-4 Sin-eliu;, 33c. Paper (' iinhrics, B*s, ('ni-sel ,Tciins, 10c. All Wool Bunting, 18c. Cut. "ii in • 1 Wool linn mg, 15c. ('ln-i k *1 Nuinaonk, 11 c. I! si L 7 ii lit mi.) ii cti Sliiri, 90c. J?,P'Ttiese prices will serve lo sliow the mi neral reduction f have nude o*i inv siock in vie ol making a chanye in nip bu.siness on the li of Augii-t. I mean just ivloii Isay. When 1 advertise a th tie, 1 lnve that limit; at the price mimed. J ALBERT KIRVEN NO t o l!l!0.\l> ST UI.KI lHi I'J'liT G.\ F. J. McARDIaE, No. Uroa.il Street, COLUMUUS, - - -'.T- O EOltGik Mmuifachm-r and Wholesale Dealer in TIN-WARE, HOLLOW-WARE AM) IIOUSE-Ft It V ISIIIXG GOODS. , Tin Gulterinft and Kooliee done lo order. Orders solicited anr. pmninilv fi led hv experictmed workmen. SCHOOi. IJOOKS AND DRUtfS. J. P. MILLER, WEST POINT, - - - GA. KEEPS I’aper, I’t‘its, Ink, l’eneils, noisless nnd odnr Sides and evi lvihint; u-e l in sehouls for edncauoiiiil purpose-. B ank lionk*. s.-boiil books mid copy books *d lowesi prices. IDs a lull line of !llnuldiu£ for pietu’e irHines, ulneli wiM he e'lt and nnnlc up uithont oxira charge. I* lints, Oils, Brushes fi.r all i>m p so-, T.-imi W’m in. (Mas-, it,.., it tin. lowest possible jineos. Pure ami Fresh Drugs, Patent Mtulieines ami Chemicals always on hand. 1 th ink inv cu-U'.in r- all.l Inends lor tlicir pnlronaoe in lie cast ami sid! 11 \ to meni a eonunu inco. J. P. MILLER. Iv’ | •mi ritfpn' tor ’bo oolohr-itod Tlnwc S*wino MiuTne. It you want A n.xtltino-in him Line you Can I>< No Hotter than at r Fhe Carriage & Buggy Bepair EST \ 111 S ll Of Ir. E. JONES, - - IVEST-POINT e most iDsirable and Busies, \Vj*h and Wahou t Carriages, Wag* ns, E e., 3IADL TO OlWEfl AND WARRANTED. E. CARGULL, • Hat) Just Beceived DRESS GOODS ADO TRIMMINGS, To Which He CallH Tlie Especial Attention of the Ladies of Harris. 4fe*r An early inspection will be appreciated by .IAMBS E. CARGILL, - No. 70 Broad Street, - COLUMBUS, GA. NEW GOODS AND NEW PRICES! Wr; r ffor to the pnhtio Ibe largont end beat seleoted stock of fjnods ever l)P r ore pnt on thi, rosrket, si j.riees ihst will enit Ibe e'o eat t.nyer Wo are oodhlso'lv sdditiK new varieties to onr stock of sooh tiorids as we thiDk tfce people wsnt. We do nothing by [ e e meal, nor allow our store to get empty, bat keep everything up iu quantity as veil as quality. In the line of Provisions and Plantation Supplies We off.-r oitr unml army nf excellent iroorl-. Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Tobacco, Bagring, Ties, Salt, Syrup, Fish, Corn, Oats, Rye, Meal, Bacon, Bulk Meats, Pork, Lard, A v D AFI LL LINE F CASE GOODS SUCU A8 Potnnli, Soaps, Btarcli 9 Candle**, Sardines, Crackers, Arc. per* Wo have added u full line of CIGAR■* of such glide* *nd styles as the market will afford. Wo bought them direct Ktuf^ni-a mid Importer*, nd know we have bargains pH And w • invito special attention to our WAGON AND BUGGY DEPARTMENT, Which is complete in all its parts. We are eg. nts tor the sale of the celebrated Old Hickory Farm Wagons,' km.ivii and recognised ereiys’i.ere as the best and ciieapeat in the city. They are built of the lasst material, very best w. rkrn .u-liip, ti.iishwi in ihe very best style and warranted eo stand a- touch i! not mar • went and teal th tn any otner wagon in tlie market. We as * keep the Hick mv.n Wagon, anil recommend it ns being a titst-class Wagon. IfittidTeds of tliem are in us. by lively men and planters, and all agree teal they .re well built and easv . f fir ot. It. this de artinci t. we keep a tine.iot of BUGGIES, PIIATOAS AND CARRIAGES nt anv stile anti pr.ee 'les’rerl. Wlien lit tin slock we keep a variety ol catalogues and cuts from which we can Older any style of Vehicle wan e l. an-t we put th se cotsts .town at bottom iispues. ( thirties* for Ihifft/ie*, H'ltf/ons, ('art*, Carriage*, ami Line*, Col’ar*, Whip*. Breeching, Haines ami an < b ira'tt aasortuient of Sadoi.ks in hail -some style-, aud ail at prices that will ipl rsntee a s.le. Our Mr It K. Parish will travel for ti . while Mr. 'niftt I’aAruna and Mr. Jahks Witt will wiit ou veu In the stor •• Come fo see ua sad you will always find plenty of goods at tbe lewest ptiees, and the best treatment we can give you. Pesprc fully WATT & WALKER, ColumDus Georgia, IZMZIMIIEICTSIE] I IZMZIMIIEIISrSIE I AVie Of Furniture k Carpets OFFERED FOR SALE BY L. ROONEY, 83 & 85 Broad St., Columbus, Ca, TJP STAINS, is *he largest nd finest io !be State. T>o not fail to call on bim wheo ,'ou are in the city. N. B.—All styles j . ' wo"d roffina, Caaes and Gnhk‘ta oo hand. Night bell ;t he fiont dr.*r # E. BLTTKHICK .V CO.’S Metro|>olitaa Fa§Mfins. Any < f H <* pittoinn in 'V s beet-, ond fl of other?, illustrating all th‘ li'Hitinu stye* s worti ly ladies Missos, 15>s. <.n bt> >e lii'dieu of both sexes, will he sciii by in.il po.->t paid on iPCMpt of order anil pr’ce. Ail Hess miAMIIALL’S SEWING MACiIINE DEPOT, r'VWVW A5 A for the sale of all kinds of Sewinir Machines ■ Vf •*■*■*■* -5-1 99 Bioad Street, ----- Columbus, Ga. Agricultural and Mechanical College of Alabama.. O 'J’lie lO'li •i"s : on lupins Spp'eub*r 2K, lHsp and cliisi n liiNt Wc'iiifwiay in June CBl Tuition Free. College Fees for flic Enure Year $20.00. For full information apply for catalogue to I. T Tioiikxob, PfrKs’t or E T Guknn, Thhs. Anbnrn, Ain., Auj?., 1880. J)K. S. G. RILEY, lla miltou, Geary ia* Tenders his piofessional services to the people of Hsmilton and viciniti. Wiih an experience of 23 vetß prompt atten tion to business, and moderate charges he hopes to merit a share of *be pn lie p*t ronage Office af Old Drug Sto Keai deuoe t Goodman p'ate near college. Lumber! Lumber! T. M. BEASLEY Will promptly deliver lumber at Catania on orders from Hamilton or flood, as well as any intermediate place. Address at CaNnl-i. Jas. W. Howard, Oglethorpe St., Columbus. Go., Dr.vn.n In Bags Hides, Ohl Cotton, Hemp, Gunny Hope, Bagging, Furs, Beeswax,Old Metal, Cotton in the Seed and Cotton Seed. fat*- Orde u Tor wrapping paper and pA|*er laigs tiiietl Ml slurt indite. NEWSPAPERS, Suitable for wrseeinc pa 'er.’cbeae lEE -OL'KXAL OFFICE HEYMAiV, HERZ k fO., . WEST POINT, GEORGIA. ready to exhibit to their oauieroae fiieuds aud enstomera an irumeoso stock Fall and W inter Goods. Fine Selections in Lmlics’ Dress Goods, Notions, Hosiery, Gents, Youthj and Boys BOOTS AND SHOES A SPECIALTY. One price for all, and that as Low as the Lowest DR. T. J. BROOKS, DRUGGIST, Hamilton , Georgia, + ,+ 4 * 4- HAVI 'G bonght the entire intercut in the Drag business formerly eondneted nndei the firm name of Br >oks & Copefar.d, I expect to continue as before to keep on band a varied assortment of Drugs. Patent Medicines, and everythi e nhU ally kept in s first class drug store ; aho a lull line of Stationery and Sohool Bo°ka. My custom rs will always find iu me a willing servant, at the same old stand, tha K'*d Front. lie ID tIN( i & D. NCi A. M, CarriaglS Manufacturers^ COL UMB US, G KOKGIA. Isthe best plnee to hny ymir Imgijies We hnvp recently reduced tbe price of our „uik au l r:m rffer a y-nod buygy for SBO. SBO. Sa.isfaction guaranteed, fiiv? n a call before pnrehn>ing. HERRING & ENGLAND ii I LH >i .t’ss NEW PHOTOGRAPHIC GALLERY AND PUBLISHING ROOMS, Over J. S. Jones St Cos., STest to P.aakia Souse, COLIMBUB', GA. I HAVE Jiat opened h ef Pt)jt* gr.pbie Bouds, seeoi and tonoDe in thin ronntry and extend a cordial invit t.ou to l ho Co!noibn to come sod e* e me. My pictures ‘bail be of ibf very b-Ft fini.-b si and I gnsrai badMaction in every nstance. Life siz-3 por’ r si(p a sr* rip-tv either frr no life or pic’ure*. A. J RIDDLE, Artist Photographer.