Hamilton journal. (Hamilton, Harris Co., Ga.) 1876-1885, October 14, 1880, Image 2

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THE HAMILTON JOURNAL. S I'lt.s (HI /’ II O V It A TKS. One o*|>y ~ue year %l L>n oapy nil n.oritli" ‘>9 On* oopy three • • 25 Any oue furnishing live subscribers, will receive ■ oopy fr**. All snbacripiioua most be p*M In *d vsi ee. Fifty number* complete lb* y**r. Hamilton. (In.. Oct. 14. ISSO. The JOl'H VI I. will he unit on trial until January 1, IfiSJ for its cent*. Public Speaking. If the people have not been en lightened this week on the poll Moil issues it has been their own fault. r J liey have not listened. During the week we hive l<h<l tour speeches Monday Albert Cox of La- Cranjje, delivered one of hi* ininma irle ad.li e*e* in tavor cf Judge lltio lianan. He w* loudly Applauded by hi* many admirer* in ilii* coumy At noon Tuesday, Judge Huohan nn delivered a speech which gave en tire satisfaction to hi* friend*. It h<- i* elected the district will be alily and honestly represented. The rpeaker )ia* a plain, straight forward way of deporting himself that wins frienda for him wherever he goes, Hon. Lavender R. liny snoke Wednesday noon for Hancock and English. He Is an eloquent speaker in.tl i doing good service whcrevi r be goes. Judne Jos. Pou oocnpied the noon liours of Thursday, ably replying to the speeecli made against him and selling Inmselt right before the peo ple, fully satisfying hi* many friend* a* to the correctness of his position. Thai he is an sb e man no one can question and he lias hundreds if fri -ndr in Harris who only wish au excuse for supporting him. The ac tion of ol the Lagrnge convention af folded many tins excuse. tVhlle we do nut pretended to suy that he will poll anyllnnv like a majority of tlie demoeratic vole of the county, w e think ho will ge* enough ol it to make the result here very close if the iiegro vole is polled in Ins favor. While we shall vole lor Judgo Buchanan for pnvaie reasons, we cannot believe that ihe district will suffer greatly should Judgo Pou be elected. i Marriage*. At that residenoo of the bride's father M* J. If. Toler. by Bev. E. M. Whiting, on the ROlh of Snp'em ber, Mr. John O'nenl and Mi** Sand ie Toler. Mr. O’nesl is one of Harris county's moat promising young men, and has von the heart of a loveable woman who will make him a goon life partner. May their liven he hap py and prosperous. A. R. Rev. K. Whiting and Mint Eultt Mart were united in the ho'y bonds of matrimony, last Saobath. Mr. Whiting is one of the moat promising young men in tlie South Georgia Conferenoo and ta fortunate in win ning one ot the most charming young ladies in Harris county. We wt h the joyous couple much happiness. Hie two thirds rule la now among the things that were. What's the mof a nom ination when a reomnnienilatlon carries with it weight enough to insure a 00,000 majority In a small vote f>>r the State ' it* agree i' **i! -od t>f <1 irdered •\*dnty , ft, lli etui#, <: Kld ■ i' i . . r'i l bfillh * ■■■.•■ vjy l wn t . !„ • iVmii b*ii ' ts i- 1! >• > to Mud rrhei t he.* 1 . . ' ■ . ! r Kid ney amt l.ivrr Cure n,eik a urw rra in tfcr tiratmout of the*. tumble Made from a *’mplc tropica] Iraf of rare value, il cunt ioa jnt the elements nr<ratary to nourish ami invumat* both oHheer great orgs n, and nirly >Voiv and keep them iu order it i* a Positive K.qiolv for all Iho diwaaoa that n’liaa | mnt in ihe lower part of lha hodr— toi ii>ipl<l Pwr Hcadai hr* Jaundice— IMaaditw- tirmrl-y F* ver, Ague—Malarial Fry t -r, and all difficultita of the Kidney*. IJ or and V' inary Organs It in CMellant and sale remedy for f tuslr* during it will amlrel M. aetma’ion anti it- inv livable for Lenoir 1 1 tea or Falling of th- Womb Aa r Bhawl I’m if\,i it j, -it equalled, for it rtin* tti • organ* that make tlie t.Ussi. •It saved tny lit, E it. L.kely, B,lma. Ala ■|t ia th*- irnitnly that ail] cure 111,' mary tliaaaat* |oulijr ■„ aonun "-Mothers' Ms*' arit.e it ha* paa**--! severe tesl. and won cn dor-emeu t* It„m m„„, , ( t|„ |,i h.wt medic*! Ulent in tii* com Irv —New York W rid ‘No rein - tly aburl ofora dianr- r>d,an he held for one nun i.t .n <.>m|.ar'ai,n with it." - Re C A Harvey If 0 W,h ng>on If C Thin Ren edr. which has d* nr stub wn dera, i* pot up In the 1.-rseet M*-d Bottle of any m.-dieim tip n th, ma k, t and ia told hv limp M aid an dealer, at i! -JA per lotile Ft Dial* u, enquire f, i W itnra's hair Diases a, lias it as rottvivs Ic-Uiw dy. *, H TTa.KEi Ara Rochester N. T New AdvertlHomcntH. Administrators Sale, G*r„o, ll* i, • lorn,t Agria.bly lo •u onl*' from tb honorable cvml of Or dinary ol seid ciniy, will no to.u before be Coon H, o e door in iba town of ilain i too, oa •be fir.l Tuaeday iu Nuvaiubar, next, thui the I'gal hours of jale, tba following land belonging lo the estate of .Inna* WhiteLesd, d•reset and, to ait: Lot of lauil uumlmi XIO and lot number XII lying Id Ibr ‘.’lst dieiriot of orig-nally Una CJ|i*e, uow Harris ouooty, cont lining 405 acres mure or less Thera is a large aud oominodioii* resiileooa of eight rooms upon seid land, beeidas all oh.r improvement rnja site to ■ first otess farm. Heveuty live seen of origioal woodland and 75 acres of first cites bottom land on tba plan*. Thera era 150 seres of the land In a good state of enlnvatloo and tba remainder m wall tim bered aeoond growth pine. This place U sitnat.d eight milea north east of Hamilton sod two mile* from tba atore houses at Val ley Plaint, convenient to school* sod ohui obaa. Hold for diatrihn'ion. J. H, A W T Whitehead. Kept. 211, 1880. Adiar'a with 11l A*. Administrators Sale. Georgia, llama County By virtue of *n order from iba O dmery of said oouoty, will ba sold bafora tba Oourt House door in the town of Hamilton, on Ih* diet Tuesday in November nex , to lb* bigheat bidder, one half oaeb and iba l.ala oa on rwelvr month* lima, with interest tf m iba dal, of aela, the following property, vlx : Lot of laod No. 313, in Whitaker's di*. hot of laud No. 273, in Wbilakcr'a dia 50 acre* < t No, 107. in “ district. Aleo 00 aorea of No 197 in “ “ A HO lot No. 842, in Wniteaville district Alan nortb half of 881 in “ Lot No. 110, in Davidson* diatricl. 20 acre* of No 115, in “ 80 aoras of No. 100, in “ 820 aorta number* not known, bounded on lb* west and aontb by thaGbatiahoccbae river, on tba nortb by tba ounuiy line be tween Troup and Harria oounlie*, and on tba teat by the land* of the lata Wui. Be id aud lies joet outside the oorporal* limit* of tb* oily of West Point. Title* will be given wbeu tba lasi Daymen! ia made. W. A Poiu, ) O W Poxn, > Adm'ra. Hept 80, 1880. B. O. Po**, ) Georgia, llurriH County. Kraemau Hruitb ha* applied for exempt lion of personelty and 1 will pees upon the same ou Ibe 21st of Oolober, next, at nij i.ffl a. J F. 0. Williams, Heptember 27, I*Bo Ordinary. Georgia, llnrrln County. Thirty day* after dale I will apply to the Ooutl of O.d nary for leave to sail tba land belonging to the eetate of Laveli Craws, of aaid oonnty deceas.d This Wept. 29, 1880. W. jit uaa Trammell, Administrator. Administratrix's Sale. Agreeably lo an order from tb* t'-.nft of Ordinary of of Harris oonnty, I will sell bafora the Court lluuhh dour, iu the town of Hamilton, on Ih* first Tuesdsy in No vember nax*, within the l*gal boat* of sal* the following land, belonging to th* astsi* of James 8. Walker, of said o.vnnly, dao’d, to wit: - Lotof land No. 108 and aeveulean and a half acres off of lot No. 94, all of aald laud being in the !9tb district of naid oonniy. .bold for distribution Teim* ossli. Idcimua K. Walk kb, ISeptemlmr 80, IjKO Administratrix. Georgia, Harris County. J. li. Bryant makes applioation ;for let ters of administration npou th* a*tale of Thou** U- llryuut, l ,te of aald oonnty de oaased All peisnus ooncarwed are hsrvhy notified to show oause, if any tb*y have, by tb* first Monday in November uaxt. why said letter* shonld not b granted eel.l fppMrant. Given my baud auf offl oial signature, Hapt 27. ljuff. jJ. F O. William*. Ordtnry. Georgia, Harris County. J areas P. darner make# application for lauera ef admimairation npou Iba aalat* of Adeline Uarner, Ute of said oonniy de oaaaad. All |H>r*oua ooDoerned r* baraby nouflad lo show osuse, if auy they bsve, by the first Monday in November next, why letters of administration should not be granted said applicant. Given under my band and olfiem signatnre, Heptember 29. lj* o J - °- mliuuw Ordinarj. HAMILTON Male and Female COLLEGE. APPLICATIONS of Tsaohera will be received by the Hoard of Tnisieea of tire above Instimtion, till Iba 20. h dy of Ootober, next, at wbiob tune they will elsot a principal teacher to take charge of tbe above school*. 0. L. Ova or, JL. Ij. Stahvoiio, t’bairmao. Secretary. Administrator's Sale. Georgia, Hern* County Agreeab'y to an order tr> m tbe honorable Oourt of Or dinary of aaid county, I will aell before tbe Court House door in ibe town of Hamilton, on Ibe first Tuesday in November, aith in tbe legal boom of sale, the following lamia belonging to ibe estate of W'iley tireu ian. deceased, (known aa tbe widow’s dower.) low itMl acres off of lot number 4;t, lying in tbe eighteenth district of Harris eonutj, gold for distlbotion terms cesb. H. 0. KiMßßotrou, Adm I. O -a TOTFULHawaftwß^raaadOtrUll mM&tl Tiittf and Old 11 A ktt lit* ®PWvMimOll Just paw&ind tiw tlma. < MJrSr , |wa lawtof, Trnimia, Hard .*anUlo. 100 l-aews. MOW*, LmU, Mass. Gxecutur’it Stle. AuiMwMf to an order hour the Court of Culinary of Hand* county, 1 will sell lie fuse the Court Houae d<K>r, tn the town of Aamii'on. iu aakl oonntp, witblu the legal hoot* o aale. on the tir.t l uce lay in No wember nrxt. the foil, wing pioperty, be longing to the eatite of Robert Weldon, dec*am-1, to wit:—7o "i re*, nunc or lona Of lot of hunt No. k!l lying i the eiglt tcentli .Hat riel of anid county, rxeept one third Int real in a*ld land alt r tha death of Alia Swan Ttacmaauu. holt* for dia tribution. Sept. 20. N. 1’ W*li on Eiautor. \XJ A NT KM A Gmtted utiniher of Vv -*\is 1 I.l'active, opergatio oanvaaa era Ureugag* in a pleasant and ploftUhie bnaiuea*. Good uian will find tka a rare obaooa To Make Money. Such will pl*aft •nw#r tbi* rnul by leHer, mcloßing stNtnp for r# pljr Blutirg ha< bn*in** *b#y hate baei. •n.aged in Nod# but thoM ho maac bnnn<*“* apply Addra FiKLat, HimyiT A Oo , Atlanta. Oa. Agents Wanted. For ■be I line'rated L ; fe and A'ivcntiirea of Frank and .fe-w Janie, the no*ed Wes tern outlaw*, h? H" -lohn A Itacua, I’h. P A true aud tliililing no "tint., lil net ra ted, of th.ii o)i'rati na for IS t.tn In 20 dibi lent Mate* and territone*. I adling dr in hr*, and iffit iai* of the law Hre‘ telling htsik for ytwra. 21 .‘HAf *ohl in fotu m n'hs 60 cent* for on*tit* SI.OO lot a-mule iop I, htr.ll tennato agent. N P Ibvmraou A pub t-her*, 620 rin tticct St Loin* Mo. Clin S. Barnes. Wick 7. Sparks. BARNES &, SPARKS. NEW SIOREILTNEW GOODS! AND TIIE LOWEST PRICES! A A , T E are daily reoiving and opening op at tba new atore, on tbo aaat aide of_th* pub- V V lie squire, in Hamilton, a large and elegant stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Boots, Shoes, Gents and Ladies Hats, Cloaks and Shawls. And a General Assortment of Groceries and Hardware, Bagging and Ties. UTS, luplo.HOo unbus . in* 0 ill and >xa vi ne oar atoe’r, prlea our goo f and ju.iga fur yoaraalvaa. V-iy.reapaolfully, BARNES & SPARKS. M COTTON. Wo will p*y Oolotnbm priori for Out ton, Una fr- g.t obargat. Will barter for obiok •dh, igv* aud country prodnoe. B iULTGIIAH & CO., SUCCESSORS TO W. A. WILLINGHAM, Wkolesalo aal Betail Dealers Ia Banders' Supplies of All Kinds, Sash, Blinds,ZDoors, Paints,ZOil and Putty, Builder*’ Hurdwaoc, Pari*, Kalsomiue, 1. nth, l’lawterers Hull*, &c. WILLINGHAM & CO., COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, Monumental Marble "Works, 102 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga. M MONUMENTS OF THE VERY BEST ITALIAN AND AMERICAN MARBLE On band'andf , ode to order. Wc arc Also npenls for a su|ieiior quality of WROUGHT |1 RON RAILING, Of different styles and patterns, for fences and cemetery enclosures. luforroat on and cstinmtes furnished for anything in our line. •A. M. & J. 11. ELLEDGE. Proprietors. For €a§h at Kirven’s. S'and.inl Prints 6c. llesi PnciHe Lawns 12 l-2c. Lustre Poplins, choice shades, 15c. Hero bleached I'ottou, as good ** Lonsdale, 10c. \Vamentia Reached Cottons, 12 I-'J. P|i|ori*ll 10 4 Sheeting, 30c. Pujier Cambrics, Bc. Corset Jenna, 10c. All Wool Bunting, 18c. Cot ou and Wool Burning, 15c. i /1 Checked Nainsook, 11c. ’ It st Utilaundricd Shirt, 90c. fyTlipf prices wi'l serv# to show the general reduction I have in.ilm on my stock in view of milking a change nt my business on the I*l uf August. I mean ju*t what I nay. When 1 advertise a th ng, I have that thing at the price mimed. 8 J ALBERT KIRVEN NO 90 BROAD STNKKT ( OLUMIHJ- GA . F. J. McAItDLiE, No. Sia Broad Street, COLUMBUS, - - -r* OEOROA Manufacturer and Wholesale Hauler in TIN-WARE, HOLLOW-WARE AND IIOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS. 1 t°t Tin Glittering and Hoofing done to order. Orders solicited ana promptly filled by experienced workmen. SCHOOL* BOOKS AND DRUGS. J. P. MILLER, WEST POINT, - - - GA. K Eld’S Pnper, Pens, Ink, Pencils, noi*le and ather Slates and everything used in schools for educational purpose-. Blank books. s<-hool books and copy book* at lowest prices. H-.s tuH line of Moulding for picture Irnines, which will be cut and made up without extra charge. Paints, Oils, Brushes for all pnrpoaes, .Lamps, Window Glass, &<•., at. the lowest possible prices. Pure and Prosit Drtlgfi, Patent Medicines and Chemicals always on hand. I thank my customer* and Irisuds tor ilia..* patronage in the pt>l end eVdl irv to merit a continuance. J. P. MILLER. vr i am sgen' for the jnsilv celebrated TiXwe Sewing Machine. I< you want Anything in hi* Line yon Can I>o IVo Better than at The Carriage & Buj Repair ESTABLISI ;i VENT OfW.E.JOXES, - • II rST-POJXT e moat deirb! n<i a!y'i*h d W.tho nt Carriage*, \V a-goa 0.. MADE TO ORDER iAI M iRRA.MED. O A.RC3-ILIJ, Ilnw Just Received DRESS GOODS ASD TRIMMINGS, To Which He Calls The flspeciul Attention of the Ladies of Harris.^ 1 An early inspection will be appreciated by JAMES E. CARGILL. - No. 70 Broad Street, - COLUMBUS, GA. NEW GOODS AND NEW PRICES! W offer to tb* pnblio th* large** and bast selected stock of goods ever ba'or* put on tbit market, at prices that wilt rail lbs e:o eat boyar. We are oonstan’ly adding new varieties to onr stock of anob Goods as wa think ibe people want- We do nothing by pie-re- meal, nor allow onr store to gat empty, bat keep everything pin quantity as well as quality. In th* line of Provisions and Plantation Supplies We offer our usual array of excellent good*. Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Tobacco, Bagring, Ties, Salt, Syrnp, Fish, Corn, Oats, Rye, Meal, Bacon, Bulk Meats, Pork, Lard, AND A FULL LINK OP CASK GOOD* SUCH AS Potash, Soaps, Starch, Candles*, Sardines, Cracker*, &c- We have added a full line of CIGAIH of such grade* anil style* as the market will afford. Wt bought them direct .from.U* Fact'llL n and Importer., and know w* have bargain*. pK~ And we invite special attention to our WAGON AND BUGGY DEPARTMENT, Which is complete in all its parts. We are rgrots lor the sale of the eviehrated Old Hickort Fabm WaOos, known and racognixcd every where ai the best ami cheapest in the city. They are built of the teat material, very Lent workman.bip, finished iu the vary teat style and warranted to stand aa much if not more wear and teat chan any otner wagon in the market. Wa a'so keep th* Htea mv* Wagon, and recommend it as being a first-class Wagon. Hundreds of them are in us* by lively men and planters, and all Agra* that they are well built ami eaav of draft. In tills dei artmei twe keep a fine lot of BUGGIES, PHATONS AND CARRIAGES ol any style and pr.ee desired. When nit in stock we keep a variety of catalogues and cuts from which we can Older any style of Vehicle wanted, and we put th-se goods uown at bottom figures. Harm-hh for Huyyie*, Wagon*, Carts, Carriages, and Lines, Collars, Whips, Breeching, Haraet. and an el, gant assortment of Bai>ulbs in handsome styles, and all at prices that will guarantee a stle. Our Mr. R E, Parish will travel for u., while Mr. 'lark Urathsr and Mr. Jxmi. Watt will wait on you in the store. Com* to see us and you will always find plenty of goods at the lowest prices, and the beat treatment we ean give yon. Kespec fully WATT & WALKER, Oolumtous. G-eoryfa, IIMIIMIIEILTSIEI I IIMIIMIIEICsrSIE I TY\© stoc * Of Furniture & Carpets . , . OFFERED FOR SALE BY *. L. ROONEY, 83 & 85 Broad St., Columbus, Ca , UP BTAIHB, ia the largest and finest ia the Stats. Oo not fail to call on him whan yon are in the oily. N. B.—All style* of wood Coffins, Oases and Casket* on hand. Night bell at the front door * E. BUTTERICK & CO.’S _ _ Fh- flptroaolitan Fasliions. v^Lsjfl I Any of th* patterns rapiesentad in ihia shaft, and t v onanda of otl ars, tilustrating HRwFMflag \ /pSRMHggggEI all the Itadins atyo.a worn l v 1,..1ie5, kisses, Boys, an i lit,ia ehildrau of both saxaa, M will lie sent by mail post paid 0.1 recsipt of oroerand price. Ad'irass jrlT [wjk BRAM H A LL’B sewing machine depot. For the sale of all kir.da of S-wing Mschinaa 99 Broad Street, -- - - - Columbus, Ga. Agricultural and Mechanical College of Alabama. o The 10‘h fs'on begin* September Kl, ]BS(j smkvlo-es last Wednesday in June I°Bl. Tuition Free. Collego Fees for the Entire Tear $20.00. For full information apply for ostslngu* to I. T Tics knob, Pres’t or E T. Glinn, Trtaw. Auburn, Ala., Aug., 1880. DR. S. G. RILEY, Ha w fltoti, Georgia . Tenders hie professions! wrricei to the people of Hamilton snd vicinity. With au nperience of Sit vevs, prompt atten tion to business, snd moderate charges he hopes to merit a share of *be pa lio pst rontge. Office at Old Drug Kto'e. Resi dence et Goodman piece near oollege. Lumber ! Lumber ! T. M. BEASLEY Will promptly dalivsr lumbar at Catania on ordara from Qamiltoo or Baod, as wall a* any intarmadinte plaoa. Address at Oatanlv Jam. W. Howard, Oglethorpe St., Cohitnhu*. G<t., • PatLgn In Rags, Hides, Old Cotton, Hemp, Gunny Rope, Bagjriug, Furs, Beeswax. Old Metal, Cotton in the Seed and Cotton Seed. ftit* Or*le p tor wmppinc puper nnd pijNr !ajrs ftflfd ai short uMiee. NEWSPAPERS, Suitable for wrapping {>••*, “eheap THE .'OCIIN'.L IFFICE HEYMAK, Mi l!/, & TO., WEST POINT ; GEORGIA. ABE ready to exhibit to their numerous friend* and customer* an > • stack of Fall and Winter Goods. Fine Selections in Ladies’ Press Good*, Notion*. Hosiery, Gents, Youths and Boys Clothing, Hats, Caps, Eta., Eic. BOOTS AND SHOES A SPECIALTY One priee for all, and that as Low as the Lowest DR. T. J. BROOKS, DRUGGIST, Hamilton, Georgia, H ''-A HAVI ’G bought the entire interest in tba Drug buaiuMi forrnarly eonduetad nndei th* Arm naaaa of Brook, A Copeland, I expect to continaa aa bafora to kaap'on hand a varied assortment of Drngs, Patent Medioinea, and everythin u*n ally kapt in a first class drug store ; also u tnll line of Stationery and School Books. My customers will alwaya find in me a willing eervant, at the same old stand, lha Bad Front. UKRmNG & I^iNGLAN J), Onrria#E Manufaoturerf 4 COLUMBUS, GEORGIA lath# brat place to buy yonr bnggiea We have recently reduced the price oi our wuik an.l can efier a good buggy tor #BO. #BO. Sanfaction guaranteed, Givs us a call before ptirchtaine. HERRING & ENGLAND HIDI)LL 7 S • , NEW PHOTOGRAPHIC GALLERY AND PUBLISHING ROOMS, or*r 3. 8. Joaw Sc 00., Next to Rankin Sonee, COLUMBUP, GA. I HAVE Jnt opened a *uit of I’hotographtc Ro ms, second to none in thia country and aztand a eordial invitation to a i -ho vt.ir Colnnibni- fo come and ace ma. * pietnrae ahall he o< the v.ry be finish ar and i gnarai t< e .atisfectic r in avery instance. I.ile a.z, portraits a spscia’tv. made either fr< m life or .mail ptenres. A. .1 RIDDI.E, Artist Photographer.