Hamilton journal. (Hamilton, Harris Co., Ga.) 1876-1885, October 28, 1880, Image 2

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'ME HAMILTON JOURNAL. iVBSVRIPI'IOS RAVES. On* uwpy on*year •' On* oapy at* month*. One oopy three month.- Any on* fnrntebing five subscriber*, will raoeive • oopy free. All anbaoriptiona must he P*' 1 * m TUN. Fifty number* complete tb y**r. Hamilton, oc., Oct. '4H, IHHO. Lit U H" - 1 ■ ■ Our Trade /Mwe. Thl* week we ou.uu.eu oik npon onr 4r*4* )*•**, to b# publUbed b.mt the mid die of November. A large unm or of err., eppiee for gretiutoua Attribution will b. printed. ltd* number will be i*ned “P* oielly iu tb* intereet of ou. o unty, to ebow it* m*t*ri*l progr** *Dd to edvenoe tbe to terrain of oor advartteeing patron*. Tb* J..t)*i. b* jnt cloned * j**r ol proeper.ty eocb a* It bee never before en joyed, wi b • larger lint of subscriber* tb*. •rer before upon it* books end more edver Using patron*, *d we pnrpo* preaeuiinp Ibi* trd* i**n* ** *u eernoal of uur gratl tude to our patron*. Katr* apace in ihia number will be grant ed on faroeble term*. Catania Campground. Tbeoontr.ot for building lhe aten.l or *r bar *t G*tenl* O*n.pgrooud, be* hern awarded Jodge P 1, Dannie of I". I bottot), who bnllt tbe on* near Geneva. It I* to he 70 X 70 feet, end will ooat con plate S.WO Tbl* oampgrunnd t* oocupicd annual y by a nu* of tbe very beat and moai aiilmUotial citizen* of lUr.i* county, end tb* ain.iial meeting Ulo Wed forward to by lb. usaud a* a great uee,*iou of redgioua and auaial p'.eaeur*. Tbe building commit.** have i aued a o*ll fur -obo ipltoi.a lo fii i->b ite ground* and knowing ihe boepita'ity of the rnoampment baa been highly appreciated, W* b*ii*ea Ibair oall uioet with * cordial raapinae. Tb* accumulated evidence of uaarly thir ty yaaraabow lh*l the H tt*'* •* o*rlin reiua.lv for malarial diaaaa*. ** wall aa ite aureet preveuliv*; that it eradicates diapep ate, oonaiipa'ion. 1 m complaint li 1 ner vjiietjv-a, ooonterac'a a •*' denoy lo gout, fbeawaliam. urinary and nterm# dia. rdera, tbt It Impart* vigor to the feeble, and cheat* the mmd bile it invigorate* Ibe boly. U,jt Tuauday a*t> tbe <p>* ion of Pres tdautial eaeceeeion. Betting tn flew Vo k ia with tb# odd* In faro- of (iat&ald. We U e afriad b* will be elected. That bogo*Cbmea* letter o' Oaifield’* nod iboe* Florida diapaieb*-* of Jewell will a<4 accomplish much in favor of Mr Hen pock. Burn trlcka ought to te .M-h. wed by • great party end *1 ow tbe Deiuoora'io leader* lo bs abort of material. Wa acknowledge to aotue degree of re nunatruotion. but to elea* oor moot balov and kinamau Friaedent w* would not admit that tba oauae for which ti*e end .laekaon fongbt e.aa wrong. W„ do not want a Vontbarn t.oufaderaoy, but w# aball over tnatal upon an aHvwt obcarvanoe of lb* Con*'Motion and }ewH enacted in aooordauo* therewith. Ha. very wa* wrong, but lb* ceuea for vlieb loe and Jackson fongbt wa* right. A nneers to Correspondent*. Iu reply to Ibe many inquirie* which w have received rrgarilirg a moat promin'ul irodern r. medy we wouldaeyt To tb* beat of our belief Warner'* Safe Kl tney end l.iaar Cur# I* put* iu it* nature, vflh'tent In it* action and certain in it* reenlta. W# bars learned o * am* remarkable cure* wblub it baa • ffected, and believe that aa a preventative of dtaeaaaa it ia unequalled. For deli.ala Isdle* at and enfeel.led rueu It la f ova'osbla, and ita pure vegetable qnaltlteN command it to tbe favor and nae of all. JunounmnrnfM. Fo Cun—l am a candidate for Olerh of the Superior Court cud aolicil the sup port of my fnanda. Aum i F. Tm xtt. Foa Taiuvaxa: - At then ipiea' of frlenda 1 announce uiyarlf a caudulaie for ‘lreaaiir* ar of Harrta connly If elected I pn mini to discharge tba diltlea of the office aa fsilh fully in the lu'nre aa 1 baa* in tha pant. Heapeoifuliy.il C. Kiwumi tin. Fan I*l —At the r qnl of rarponstble rintena 1 announoo uiyealf a oatdidale for Tax Keoeiver and solicit the anpport of my fnanda. 8. W. UiitTiK. FoaTuaatinU: -1 respeolfnMy anotiniipe myself a candidate for tlia office of Treamr er of Harria ounnty and earneatiy aolioit the Help of uiy frienda throughout the county. If elroted I prounaa to diactnrge the dii iea of the place honaatly and failhfuMy. He* epaottnlly, H T. 7.vb*k Koh Clckk I rapei-tfnt|y annouuee myself a candidate for the > ffice of Clcik of Superior Court, T. .1 1 *MIB New Atlv*rl i*it‘it(s. CHOICE FLAVORS, Euibrifing Loco on, YntU f PiO* Apple, Peach, I) D*D, htiawberrv, Knkflwfr, O inpp. 4 %c., At DHOMGOOIE BROS, M broad 81.. ColQuibua, Uft SHHRIIFS SALKS. Georjfia, Harris ('ounty. Will lc sol • liefore ti-e Court House dmr. ill the town of Hamilt n. at public ontov. eiihin the legal hour* ot sal, on the hrt Toe-day lo Duimhcr. in . the tol loving lU-oril-ei orojir y, t. -vit . Sixty one and one qiiaih-t acres of lan '. more or lee. Ivin* i" the south t comer i ml . f land No ITS, hounde ' on the are t l v lan..a known as the i*i and. of Marv Ann West, on the smith hy the |a> and oi J. V Heel, on the en*t hi lands of I, Vf. W'oal, m.d on tee nortn hy'ands of tinman Car linyon. and kn am as the place |wlifiwon If H. "mi h (raided tor the last rive or six veer-, nil litLg In the ri th <i|.tij, I of Hands < ot iity. at and levied no mas ti e pioperti of saidtiarmon R Smith *o ssti-n t... ft. fa’s is nd from Hartis supeiior C uet oar n favor ef Fltt.uaa ('arrin ion is H B Snd'h end Ote hi taver of At tintuß * IU.sU i*. H Jl. Fu Ith. ~ B ’’ V - - * Administrators Sale. o©orgis, Rants County Agreeably to •a order from tbe honoratov cvuit of Or diufcry of Hid o<auty, mil t>© no a ix-foro tbe Coart H o-e door in ibe towu of Hum t-ton, on tbe flMt Tun<lny in N'lvtiulirr, unit, witbiu tbe Ik* l l*-urn of sate, th© following land ri k io th* ftxta’© of iJnidm VA bitatiOvd, d*©* in and, to al : Ij *t of land Luai* nr 210 •o l lo i- nb©r mil lying in tb© Jflnt dimnot of • riginaltv Mm* o-n-'f e, now Harris county, o i-t intng 40 aura* more or tea* Tb©rt in a lar#© • • c tmruodloiiN rftfildftnft# of e ght rooms npoi said land, ba-iria* all o hir ioiprovvoroi r< cjn aiu* to a first olafta farm S- y*nty flvi a.voa of original woolNt)d and 75 aero* < ‘ tfrHt rhß botiom Ui don tba pUo. Th©- ar© 150 Kora- of ifc© land in * g od Hate o noDivattot) and th© r*niaindar to *ftll tiui barad aaoond |<rowib pin a. Tbia pla a 1 nitiiatrd a'gbt milaa r orth aunt of Hannltoi and two milaa fio a tba aiora b‘UM*M a V-*! ley f*l*.i a, oonvfti ifti't t * oboo a aud rbm f-hfta. Bold for diHtnbuiion J H AW T Whitimeaii Sftpt. yi, Adm a with til A*. Administrators Sale. GrorgiM, H-rna CoaQiy ;Uy v.rtua of an ordr from 'he i) diuary ol naid o<iint>, will t> Mold biifore tbn Court Hn-e door it ba town of Hamilton, on th 0r t Tm* dw\ m Novftmbftr ni', to tba bigh*Mt buld**r ona ha f raab and ha bala< o<i ou iwelvt inon'ha tirnft, with intar#Mt frttni ha da* of ►ala, tb f Powinu pr*p-rt% , viz : Ijot of Und N > HIM in Wbi k r’a di<*. l.ot of land No *J 7f # in Wbitagcr'a dta 50 aorft* it N* 197. in “ diMtriot. AIo !#€> # or*a of No 197 in “ “ A ao lot No M 42, in Wi.itkville dintrlftt Alan f'Ortb half of HHI in " Irt No. MO, iii l>vidMori'a district U‘l acraa of No 115. in “ HO anrftM of No Jf'it. in ** “ H2O a'T* h nnuibara not known, bonndftd on *bft wt and nonib by lb* Cbat'al o rbe rivor, <n tba north by iba o >nn’y lina ba iw ftn Tr< u|> and Htirria conn'iH'*, and ou tha ftitat by ib* liuidn of tr a latd Wu. Uftid and lioa jna f ontida the corporate lim U of tba oily of We*! point. Tilba will b- K v ii whin tba lawt u ymant in made. W A PoKR. I (i W Pi fr. Adm'ra. s pt. au. mao. h u. p. *r, t Ui'orifia, IliirriH Comity. Thirty and *yH after ilmlm I wilt Mp ly to th ( <ni t of O and nary for lv to h*II the land tielongitig to Ihft nf L*vmu Ciowm, ol aaM ooii'tiv dftteaNi and. Tina Hftpt. IMW) W. I>i (un Tkammem.. Adrai< latraior Administratrix’s Sale. Agravai ly io au order from the t'onrt o’ o.diuary of of Ibirria oonny, I will aeii he for h the (3nrt H -u**© tto r, in th town of Hamilton, on fha tirat Tuaday in No vanjf>ar n**x‘, within ih© l**gal bonra of aa c ill** following land, h©lor ging to th© ©Ntai#- f .faiuea S. Walker, of aaid o nnty, dao'd. to wit; Lot of land No. |(>H aud Mavantean and a t-alf a-r©a <ff of bt N • D4, all of Maid |.iud being tn lb© 19th diatriut of waid o >wn y. Sold for dietribnfion Termn oaa!i. Limini'A I- Walk kb. H< ptamber HO, ijjxt) Admininiratris. Ocorgin, IliirrlN County. J, B iiiyatit uimluh appdcAtion Jot lut litn of adiumiHtration up n ti>a **Ht*ia of Tbnua *a H Bryan 1 , hit© of *>aid eotiniy da ohh). pNian.a oti oru©d ar© hereby uotitiod t. How UriUN©, it any th*y bavr, by lb© tl Ht Monday iu November urxt. why aaid latter* abou'd not b© granted antd appliraut. Oiian tinker my hand and ofli oial oignalura, - IJSO, 4. K (). Wiujam*. Ordinary. (jU'orfcia, llarrlM County. 1* .i.rner uiakes spplio.iiou for Uttrr* f sdiui.ilstraliun upon Ibo estate of Ad.line Garner. It* of s.id oounty d c**Hcd AH peraon* floncerned *r# hereby uottfl Jto *how c*use, if *tv they .have, hy the Brat Moud-y lu N >veuit>er neit, wby letter* of adiun>itr't(Mi should nut b* gr,Died **ld uppdc-.ut. Given under ■ny Lurid *ud IH''tl slgn ilo.*, Heple.uber y<t. ijsu .1 K. 0 Wat 1a m* Ordinary Administrator’s Sale, Georgia, Harris County . Agreeably to an order fr m tb* honorable Court of Or dinary of **id county, I will srll Irafora th* Court llou-a door in lb# towu of Hamilton, ou Ibe first Tuveday Id November, with in tb* I- g*l hoorn of xil., tb* following l.nda belonging to the eetat* of Wdey Brennan, deceased, (known ae lb" widow * dower,) 10 wit i—s(l acre*off of lot number 4H, lying iu tb* eighteenth dietriot of Harrie oounty. Bold for diet ibntton. lerm* cash. H. C! KiMunomm, Adni r A A lot WL M.watoc Pay. wet Olrlv I! toeuearnl Oittn A NKW IX -yeiSWiWcrVXrn let ju.t l-tautwl tar tli.ni, IRsSSIrWL lor Home n* I r.et end S' rail S.elaf, Tan !.. e I- 111 „,0r.,. Screw CuOiue- •*'"' tn **"■ Semi * ceate ! 11*) I Ni'. rKowx, u..n, m*u. y^ftiy{| The Uwdtag ScliiQliili of to day that Dioft disease# are c Qa*d by disordered Kulnevs or Liver. It, IbnrtfMf, the Kid** d**> a nod Liver are kept In perfect health \xill Ihj tin* result This truth hw* onlr born known a short time amt lor vea*# |*eopV Mtl kivtl great ug ny without able to find i>hrf. Ihe lif'oeei> of Wnir’n Sale Ki! net mihl Liver t'unr matka a iii’xv tra in the tHutment of them* tnMH. Malt* from a .*in.jk‘ tn| kxd leaf t*l mix* value, It rout *is u*t the elements n t*siry to nourish and tlivtio at** both of thtwe rfrent orunu w , and smMy r*doe ami keep them In order It i a I’o'itix‘e lteme'lv for nil the <!•►**** tint iwu** |*h!uh In the low* r pni t of the hotly - for 'lnt|M Liver - Head ab a- J amid Itv iHriimw- than*) —Kt Vt r, Avne Malarial L. v*r, ami all di thru I tie* of the hui #)>, L* er and liinsrx Organa *,t is no excellent and atte remedy for fe dial** ditriutf IVtPiinov. It *ib cvtih*l M mtrM*inn an l is inv Liable for I**uoor ll tv i or Failim; of ill** Womb As Jilood rmitiei it is nt equalled, for it itltes til • organs that make the nlood. •it savtnlmy life.** K. 15. Lckely. Selma. Ala “It la th* that will cure th-* many Hismatyr jterulisr to women. “ *•- Moth era' M£ ajur.r. ' It bail jaunted severe test* and xsron en tmtn *i*ie f the hi mehetl Uh*nt in the connin' " New York W rid No re mily wheretoforedbaovt rd tan 1* held for one moment JncxtH|ar*an with it “ Rev.C A Harvey. U U Washington D C This lUmiedr. wlik’h ha dene sin h won dev*, it* r*t up in the Lsrn>t >i**d Ikdite of •ry m *doinv nja*n the mHket. an*' n* Mid hi hp'H iU Mid )i den lent at I' *-A p*' ooU* K* i enquire f* W kkwV Safa I)iaij it* Ct'ai it i a IVlfw l.ema dv. IT. 1! Wa*m A fV . Roc beater, V. Y Oita 8. Barnea. WltS F. Sparks. BARJNES & .SPARKS. NEW SrORK! NEW GOODS! \XJj THE LOWEST PRICES! UT E ar© daily raotving and p*v.ing up *t ti uh atnr*, ou tbe ©hhi mil© of tba pub lic *q i (fe, in llatuxtrin, a largn and I -gant .*ck *f Dry (hoods, yof ions, Hoots, Shoes, dents and Ladies Jfats, ( I loa/,‘s and Shaa'ts, And a General A*aortu)-ut of Groceries and Hardware, Bagging and Ties. t*r Aedaplo tiOo iucui pit • (’ II wnd iiq se >ar atoc , p r ioe oar g>o'fl aid judge for yoaraaivaa. Vo ty reapaotfahy, BAItNES & SPARKS. f + CO'iTON. We will Oolartibnw pro*, for Cotton, lam freight charge*. Will barter for chick en*. . gir* iM Ci.n..try p.odun*. WILLmOHAM & CO., SUCCESSORS TO W. A. WILLINGHAM, UTkolesalo and Botail Dealora In llnilders ’ Supplies of All Kinds, Sash, Blinds, Doors, Paints, Oil and Patty, Builders' Hard wants Linus I'lastcr Paris, Kiilsontiii©, Latli, llnsterers Hair, &c. WILLINGHAM & CO., OOIiUMBUS, GBORaiA. Monumental Mar Tole "Works, 1058 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga. 1 X MONUMENTS OE THE VERY REST ITALIAN AND AMERICAN MARBLE On lien.l’and’-i mlr to or'er. We re t*o ecenta for a wiperior quality of WROUGHT (IRON RAILING, Of .liff-teut <ylv-h .a.i.l pettcire, for fin.cm nl cemetery eiioloHUreH. Information nod eHtiniatce fitrnlehe.l tor aoytbinr in our line. A. M. & I. 11. PLLEDihE, Proprietors. F. J. lIcAUIHJ; IVo. VJNJ I3roa<l Street, COLUMBUS, - - ■:* GKOR3 v Manu'acturer ami Wholesale Dealer in TIN-WARE, HOLLOW-WARE I V/> 7/ O CS E- 1'11! -V /.S II/ XG f. OODS. 3 M Tm Gutli-rinj* nn.l K-oH>to .tone to order. Order* solicited ant. promptly fi'lcti hv •*xp* , workman. SCHOOL. BOOKS AND DLLUUS. J. P. MILLER, WEST POINT, -_ , - - CA. KEEPS Paper, Peß, Ink, Pencils, noble** and ether Slates und eveiyibtlijf tt-ed in *cho..l* for ertuoa'tonal i nrp-we-. B ank Ini*.lc*. eohnol hooks and c<>|.y hook* at lowwi jirtoes. II .* a lull line of Moulding for (liolnre irsnioH, u Inch will Ite cut mid made ti|. without exit* charge. Paints, Oils, Hrtiche* for all purpose*. Lamps, Window V la*-, !fc>\, at the lowest po-wi'd.. p.Pure and PreHli Drugs, Patent Medicines nd Cheuiieals always on hand. I ih.ink my ousio.uer. and friends lor ilteir putronaire in the past and sl.dl irv lo merit a continuance. J. P. MILLER. I am lor the jn-tlv celebrated llnwe He" i<i*r Ma.Tnne. K I |it)LE*S NEW PHOTOGRAPHIC GALLERY AND PUBLISHING ROOMS, 07 r J. 8. Jones ft Cos., Next to Rankin Souse, COLITMDUS, GA. I HAVE. Ja*l open cl a *uit of l’uob graphic llourna, aecoud to non* in Ibi* country .till extend a cordial invitation to ail ho vi*it Oolombn* to corae nd e* rue. My picture* .ball h* of Ibe very beet Boteb aid 1 guaretitee .atiefsetion iu every lueteuee. Life #i*e fwrtr.it. a *r-r *(•'♦*. ni.d* *t*ber from Hf or xmatl pic'nres. A. .1 KIDDLE, Artist Photographer. h; KUiNti <&- K nGLA in I . OarriagEl Manufacturer 8 J COLUMBUS. GKOHGIa. Isthe beat place *f> buy your hngs.de* We have recently reduced ti e pique of uur wotk and .-an rtlcr a good lor SBO. SBO. RT Sa isfsetion guaranteed, Oiv in a call kefnrr porch .*tn(v. HERRING & ENGLAND UR. T. J. BROOKS, DRUGGIST, Hamilton. Georgia, V H HA VI G bonpht th© in tbe Prog bovine©* formerly eondnct©d a del the firm name of Brook* A OopeUnd, 1 ©xpei't io continue * before to on bend e varied •'H-trimotit of Urnge, P.tenl \|©dioiueß, end ©v©-ytbi g ua ehy ki*t in e firut cl*me drug More • also e full line of Stationery end School Bo- ke. My cnHtf'mHru will e'weyu find io me e willing eervaot, at the same old stand, the K©d Front. Executor’s Siile. At?**** 1 ly to an order irom the Court of Ordinary of Ha ris fme the Court House door. m the town of A raU<on, in said eonntp. within the l*nta| Ikmiir t sale, on the tir t Tuetafay ir No vemh r m xt. the 101 l win* jwopertv. be bnivin; t*i the eatot** **t Hol<rt Weldon, t.'rotase 1, to* it:—Tu acr a, m re or leo* o* lot of land No. -10, !y n iu the enrh ferutn r istid of ad<ui.tv. except one third iut r *sh iu a*i 1 land ait r iha de.th oi M s Sna*n n l Qua n fold tor di— lr! *, Sol. s ; t 30 N V Wu~ < > Ixe -..tor Hit. S. G. HI LEY, Hamilton, Georgia. Tender* hi> professional aenricaa to the people of Hamilton end rieimtv. With n np-neue* ot ill yeais. prompt attco tioo to baaiDe-a, aud moderate charges he bopea to merit ■ atmre of 'be po lie pat. ronage. Office at O' * llrng Sto e Keel, deoev at Guotlmao place ne.r college ~ NEWSPAPERS, 1 Suitable tor wrapping paper,' aheap , THE JOEKSAL OFiTJE ATTEITTIOIT EVER"X iiOiD X' I Valuable Tottu Property For Sale. I offer to nell for eu*ii my store in flumilton, 32 feet wide, 50 feet long, with u buck y ard 25 feet. Also my dwelling with six rooms, tw o just finished, 3 uere lot well fenced, erih, Btuble und out houses, uil in good eejnisr. Also one 3*4 uere lot, with two dwel ling houses occupied fry negroes, Also 50 ueres of loud four miles from town, liulf in woods, 2 houses, crib, etc. All the above I will sell low, if you will come und sec me. I will ulso sell my stock of goods or u liulf interest. 4. T. PURSELL. iiii STOVES Oieujier than Ever Before, at P. B. Patterson & fo’s COIjTJMBTJS 7 QEORG-IA. J - AMES E. C A.RGILL, Has Just Received DRESS GOODS AND TRIMMINGS, To XA'liirh He Calls Tlie lilspecisil * Attention of the Ladies of Harris. ®-s5“ An early inspection will be appreciated by JAMES E. CARGILL, - No. TO Broad Street, - COLUMBUS, GA. NEW GOODS AND NEW PRICES? W* offer to tbe pnblio the largest and best selected stock of goods ever be'ore jat m tl is n'B.tvt, t , rices ib** will sn't (be o'o-est l.nysr We re ci.Dstan.ly adding uew varieties to onr stock of such G.n ds hh we thick .be yeeple wan*. We .lo nothing by piecemeal, nor allow our alore to get empty, but keep everyibiog vp m quantity bh well as quality. In tbe line of Provisions and Plantation Supplies Wa nff-r our usual array of excellent (roods. Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Tobaceo, Bagring, Tien, Salt, Syrup, Fish, Corn, Oats. Rye, Meal, Bacon. Bulk Meats, Pork, Lard, A V D A FI LL LINE oF CASK liOOLkS SUCH AS Potash, Soaps, Stnrch, Candles, Sardines, Crackers, &o. jPir We have arldtsl a full line of CIGAR*' of tacit tr Aden ami styles as the market will atf**rd. VVe bougnt tbtu tiiicet fruui fc tb tt Fiutoii s an*! Impoitev , and ku*w we have bargains JtiP Anti w* invite special attention to onr WAGON AND BUGGY DEPARTMENT, Which is complete in nil its pert*. We me rg. nts tor tbe side of tbe celebrated Old lld koby Kars Wagons, known mid recognized rVeiy.vbe.e as the ls-st und cheupest in the city They are built of the lice* material, very heel w. rkuv.u Lip, Hnk-hed in tbev.ry best sty'e and warranted to stand its mnrh it not more wear and teat linn any ot.u-i wagon in the market. We a's . Beep the Hick vn Waoon. and recommend it as ladtig a first -class Wagon. Hundreds of them are in use by lively men and planters, and *H ti.ai they are web built and easv . f draft. In this de, art.nei twe keep a tine tot of BUGGIES, PHATONS AND CARRIAGES ot any style ami pr.oe desir'd. When n< ttn stock we keep a variety of catalogues and cuts from which we can Older any style of Vehicle wanted, and we put th sc goods sown at bottom figures. Harness for Itugyics, Wagons, Carts, Carriages, ami Lines, Col’ars, Whips, Breeching, Home*, and an eh gant as-ortmeut of Bapi.bs in ban some styles, and all at prices that will gu ir mice a s.le. Our Mr R K. I’abish will travel for it-, while Mr. 'i.akk Pbatuzr and Mr. J a are Watt will w .it on you iu tbe stor“. Come to see us and you will always find plenty of goods at the lowest pi ices, and tbe best lieatiueht wo can give v n I rspec fully WATT & WALKER, Columbus Georgia, IIMIIIVIIIEIISrSIE I ITNCMIETSTSE3 I A\\e Of Fornitnre t Carpets OFFERED FOR SALE BY L. ROONEY, 83 & 85 Broad St., Columbus, Ca, ITP STAIRS, is tbe Urgeet and finest in the State. Po not fail to call on h’m when 3on are in tbe city. N B.—All style* J t.f *ood Ca fti m, Caaes and C*k©ts on band. Night bell t (he front door tE. BUTTERICK & CO.’S Metropolitan Fashions. Any of the pattern* rc*piesent4?d in lh ; s 'beet, and of others, illustrating all th** leatiinti st>o*s w>ru hr Lwlies 3.is<es, Rys. *n 1 little ilii : d>a of both sexes, will be t*cin by mui paid on of order and price. Address BRA 31 BALL’S SEWING MACHINE DEPOT, For the sale of all kir.ds of Sewing Machines 99 Broad Street, ----- Columbus, Ca.