Hamilton journal. (Hamilton, Harris Co., Ga.) 1876-1885, March 25, 1881, Image 2

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THE HAMILTON JOURNAL. Subscription Prioe $1 A Year. ’ J. L. XJENNIS, PUBLISHER. Hamilton, Cos.. Mar. 83 . 1881 • A COONJIUNT Disturbs the licet of Mr*. Arp. Atlmla Constitution. The boy* Mid it ws* to wot to plow nnil they were going down to the creek to hunt rahtiiton I con., eluded to no along and toto the game. Mr*. Arp *ho (“aid !te knew kill anything, and we asked her if she would cook all w brought home, “yea, and drena it too”. About the tiino we got started the two liitlo chaps came up and begged so sweet that I had to lot thorn go, arol so there were six of us all,and two guns and two dog*, and in about an hour we had jumped six rabbets, and killed five of them,and they were gelling aw., fa I heavy, when suddenly one of the boys looked ni> it an elm tree that was in the middle of a cane hre k and said, ”1 thought them things un there were squirrel© nesta, but I do believe I saw one of bun move.” tVo all stooped and look ed, and auro entif it did move,and the other one moved, and we knew them were coons' I never saw boys get excited so quick. They cal let the dogs and made for tlju canebrake. The creek wn* to crosa and nary log in sight so they just waded through and Rurrotmded the tree and hold the dogs fast while one of the hoys got ready to fire. By this time 1 was gct'ing ready to be a boy again myse'i, and I hollow, oil to in to wait end I pulled the little chapH through ti e cane till I found a log and got them across and was soon on the buttle grounds. Jiang went a gun and down came a wounded coon, tho biggest old fel'ow I ever saw, and I never aaw sueli a fight in all my life. Ho wasent hurt ittuoli wiili the small shot, ami lie did tight and growl and screech most amaziu. First one dog and then tl*n other backed out with a howl and then set in on him Again until tiually old Zip surren dered and gave up the ghost. Hang went another guu tunl the other coon let go and fell into a fork nnd there he )ny for about, fifteen min utes, when one of ilia boys said he was going to have Inin anyhow. Ho lie itliined the tree and whim ho had got about fifty feet up the coon straightened up in the fork and look ed Rnvsgelv at him a id gave a grow 1 1 wish you could have seen that ooy slide. Ho euine down that true like A fireman conies down a scald ing ladder, lie left h|* hat and right smart of his breeches on tho bulk nnd grape vines. Well of course they shot bint again, and that tum bled him, nnd then we had another fight, nnd tbe boys said they never bad as much fun, and they felt sor ry for your town boys who don’t have any sport ami are penned up within brick walls nnd the best they can do is to spend a few dollars on n French actress, and not know a word she says, nnd then go borne ami say bully for Sntali. Well, 1 shouldered the biggest coon, nnd 1 think he weighed about twenty pounds when we started and ' bout forty when I got home, and laid suddenly in Mrs. Arp’s lap and said ‘Vkin him and cook him it you t)l?a*e.’’ I oughtent to have done that. It was premature and not al together calculated to promote our conjugal felicity. Mrs.'Arp isa state ly, deliberate w oiuur, but 1 think .-be got up a little quicker than 1 bad evi r observed her. Sjlio thought it was a bear, or a hymn, or a catamount, nnd she screamed accordingly. All this was last Monday and 1 believe she has about recovered f.oin tt now, but it 1 were to kid a thousand coons 1 wouldn’t try that little joke again. It didnt pay. I wonder what makes men and bova bo cruel. My little girl was Che only friend the poor coon bad and 1 cannot tell v hat made me take pleasure in death, lfoys begin early to show their love of cruelty nnd destruo lion. They rock the birds, and tin cats ami the chickens, and rob the bird’s nests, ami then they hunt tho rabbits and tquimdu, and shoot nil kinds of wild animals just for sport. There is an original sin about them that don’t belong to girls. GM* are tender and sympathetic. I reck on that is one reason wo love ’em, but why they love us 1 don’t know. 1 knew a buy unco who caught a wild tom eat in the barn and lied a plow line round bis nook and tied the other end to a ring behind tho saddle that win on (tie old mure hitehed to the fence and then turn ed the old mare loose nnd pitched the cat on her back ami she run herself to dea'h to fifteen minutes, ami the boys all laughed and holler ed and ei joyed it splendid. That was mighty bad. but that boy niar.. ried ore of the nicest gii Is in the county and made a fjood husband ami a kiud father. 1 recon its the devil that is in us for a while, and (hen he quits us and goes imo somebody else or into some hog or mail dog or something. They sav that every boy must sow his wild oats, though i have noticed it takes some a heap longer tliau others to do it. They love a noise and a rack ct. 1 hey bi-gin variy to shoot fire crackers and little pistol* and beat drums and tin pans and tie tlimtfs to dogs’ tails and make ’em run nnd make ’in fgl.t and set 'em on the eats and a nigger eon’’, go along the road but what they w hisper sic him Caesar, rt'hen they g*t bigger and have a few bumps on lh-ir chin they .want to do something more heroic. They want some gid to hot in the c eck bo they can jump iu ana save | her life, or they want some wild horses to run away with a car ) riago ao they can jump to tho rea- J cue of the Indies and seize the turi ' ous nnamnl* and jerk em down just in tho nick o! time, or he wants to whip another boy because lie buck | od up to bis girl, ui'd what is curi ous about these boys tlio girls seem to like that sort Ilia beat. If I [liadent fought a feller who insulted me I don’t believe Mrs. Arp would I have surrendered. I don’t. May be she would have took the other feller, and then w hat have become of me and my children? It’s rnel nncliolly to think of. I’m sorry we killed them co@ns, for they don’t do any harm to speak of, and they arc lively varmint* and enjoy life. The hoys got tour coon skins now, and the girls have promised to make a rug out of them with a striped tnil sticking out at, every corner ami I’m going to put it down in Mr*. Arp’s corner for her dainty lit'le number twos to rest upon as nn atonement for my rude ness. Hbo always comes around right when I show my repentance, and I’m shore to show it sooner or later. Well I suppose tho inauguration in over and wr have got a president at Inst. Four years is a long titno to do w ithout one, and I’m glad they made a big fuss over the swearing in. Now if Mr. (iarfield is going to be king over all bis sub. jects nnd wauls ’em to love hiui just let him throw our share of the nubbins down this way. 1 hat’s all we want. Yours, Lir.r, A tip. f/oenip About Curjhid'* Cabinet, Dorsey was Window's chief back er. Every member of the cabinet is married. Only two out of seven are college graduates. Secretary of ihn navy Hunt, is living with his fourth wife. There ia only one Ohio burn man in the cabinet, Secretary Window. Hon. W. E ( handler, of New Hampshire, will be assistant aecre t m y of a ate. Senator Allen ais offered the treasury*b:p, accepted it, and af terwards declined it. Simon Cameron said to l-is son in-law, a tew, years ago, that the beat lie could say of him was that ho was a “snub.” If Senator Allen had taken the treasury port-folio, Judge Gresham, of Indiana, would have been secre tary of tho interior. Congressman Dick Crowley did not want to be post master-general, but would have accepted the at . lorney-generalship. Mao Veagli bolted the republican candidate tor mayor in Philadel phia last month and suppoi led the democratic independent. Soiiiutary Jjinclon i* married to the eldest daturlilcr of ex Senator Harlan of lowa. Secretary Windoni married a niece of John S. Gilman, ol Baltimore. Hl.no, J limes nml Hunt were originally Whigs, link wood was a iteinoorat and VVindoin and Lin coln have ullvvuys been republican*. Mno Vtfitgh was always a kicker. Dr .T. H. Hrowiuan of Kentucky, would have guiio into the oahinct in ihu place of Jtiduo Hunt if lie hadn’t have been a Christian —that is a member of iho Christian. church. Blame was a school teacher nnd editor, James was a printer. Lin coln, Windotn niul Hunt were law yers, Kirkwood was it farmer aud miller, and Mac Vur.j’li was and i* a dilletanil. Secretary Blaine is*tifty-om ; Sec reury Winuom, fifiy lour; l’o.i miihter James, filly; Atioi ney Gen eral Mao Vungli, forty eight: Secre tary Knkwood, stxty-ei;;hf; Score-. tiiry Robert 'l'. Lr.leolti, thirty sev en; Secretary Hunt, fifty-two. l.ey I stla five A p port in n mrnt. The result of the census of ISBO rendered necessary anew appor tionment of the represen*alive* in the Dgislnfuro and hoiiio changes will bo made. Under the constitution the six lari;est counties in the State are entitled to three represen tatives each. There is no ohango in this class of counties, except that Floyd county ha* outstripped Houston oouuiy, and under the next apportionment, the former will have three and tin, latter two renresen tattves Doughertv, Macon, New ton, Stewart and Talbot, which now have, two representative* each, have fallen behind, ami will hereafter have only one reprov titativo each. Their places will he taken by tho counties of D K ilb, II ill, Pike, Put nam and Walt l n, wlncli will hereaf ter have two roprcseiilnllveg each. It will thus be seen that the ne cessity which exist* for restrict tug the number of mends rs of the K' ~_ oral assembly mbiiY.ariiv makes groups ot population in-tead of poptilatton itself, ti e basis c.f rep lesenfation. This (act i* liable to give rise to a fcelitto on tho part of those counties that have lost a representative that apportionment is unjust; but the feeling may be very much modified by the reflec tion that sue.h an apportionment ts more orjnst to the larger groups of population th mto the smaller, Ful ton lor instance, has many times the the population of Floyd, hut wi.t only have the same numbs r of r<q - restntutnes, no that tf there is any coctpla.nt to be made, it should pro ceesi from tb* la'geaml n>it tr> u li e small groups of popuatioil.— Constitution. The limper-'r o! Brar. 1 will wel come all missionaries to his country Inn thy must I. ok alter iheir own lives w bee they go beyond the limits of his capital, • • >■ - —— Buy a m..use eofoicd hut if you would be in ft vie. Vanderbilt In the. Chair. A Herald interviewer scat* Mr. W, 11. Vanderbilt in the chair on Monday be-idea fire of hissing logs in bis library, coiner of Fifth Av.. enne and fortieth street, and ap plies the soul-pump to hi* indlecl tial vital*. Vandeibilt toll* the Herald man that the past has been a terrible winter to railroads —par- ticularly such as were short of loco, motive*; bat the business will be protracted heavily into the spring. ’I bo demand on tho locomotive works anU car companies is beyond their capacity, and many of them have large orders even for 1882. ife insists that pooling is the on ly safo provision for reasonable and steady freight rales, and under it t ransporntion tins cheapened at a much greater percentage than the price of goods. He is in favor of consolidation of nil long continu ous, hut not of competing lines. The cry about monopoly connection with the railroads is the cry of agi tators and demagogues, and is ab sit and. Thu stock market is afflicted with a speculative manta, likely to email loss and demanding the exer cise of prudence, hut all standard stocks will maintain themselves, Tho general idea that he speculates in stocks was entirely erroneous. Ho'ulso tho notion that he hold any controlling influence in Wall street. There were one hundred and twen ty men who dealt in Wall street who could go round hi in three or four timer before breakfast every morning. the attempt to float 3 per cent, bonds in Hits country he considered a great ini-daku. Four per cent would bo better for tho eotin ry. The country is nil right and bn be lievid ilie good times would last from three to five years longer. The deep snow s of la*t winter would insure good crops. The danger of personal wealth accumulating in few hand was ideal. A man worth a million is as well off as one richer, for, beyond that sum, he is exhaust ed by the labor of taking care of hi., wealth, ami it adds nothing to hi* comfort. The rate of living is too extrav agant. The number who are talked of as owning ten and fiftoon millions is far beyond tho mark. Men find it not easy to lade that amount of wealth. The talk about wealth controlling Legislatures is stuff. Men of mean* are not going to risk the attempt. Capital is the best friend of labor, and though labor is sometime* im posed on, yet capital and labor rarely'qttairel. New York will al ways lie tho great metropolis of America. Other places would grow, but New Ymk would be ever ahead. He would help tbc world’* fair to the extent of i,i- ability; but in the hand of Gen. Grant it would lack nothing. The last four years have added immensely' to (iron’s stores el ability and information, .tud lie i* a most remarkable man. TnTs. g. hilly, Hamilton , Georgia. lender* hi* professional Rorvicf-a to the pDopln of Hamilton nnd vicinity. Calm t*ndnd Tom th* Ding Store. RED HOT Drop", Oitron Inn Tog Cabin Cresms, su gar P uius, Crystal Figa uiul Pates, Al immd Beef Ste aks, Hind msda Chnco late, I'lopN ami 60 oilier varieties of Fan ov Candies jail received at DKOMGOOLE liKOS', 68 liroadSt., Columbus, Ga. n lift AIV VJBBO to *1 000 ; 2to 82 V/ I\ \ f iXII IJStoj a. Piano* sl2 > tip. Paper free. Aiklrens Daniel F. Beatty, Wiieliinnt.i'ti. Now Jersey. TCAnUCB'^ wanted. $35, I CAvllCinid to *l.'>o |r month. Steady work nil spring and summer. For particulars twliboaa I'D Mtluidy H Cos., Philadelphia, l'n. FLOWER Brash & Reliable. Titt i.o name 7 tor 26c SB* f nAn neat ] wipers, 16 •• 7a K £ c U nitll cut, die. 62" sl, tr*pt on ,tid|pot |a and culture. italotfiie free. F K VcAllistkh, 81 Fulton St., N. Y. TU3 nausnlos 1 the world i HALFORD SAUCE! Sold by all Grocers “HOMES IN TEXAS” la the till * of A New Illustrated Pamphlet, I*' crulllve of uic count ty tilcti" uiui Ciib utaiy to the Haw ot the laternatiOE.al £ Great Northern It B, amt <‘ontai‘s a u<ol county map ot tin* State it al<> c 'UUutiN the name* in l .*vl tii v j-so.-* ot Uruicrb ami planters in IVx is who have Farms for Sale cr Rent, an t tho-t* who want K-nn H *nls fur next year. A copy of the Uook wilt he tnai tuo to tho<e who deMro reliable inlorma ii**n *h ut It vis. upon uppiicitiou oy letter or postal card to AI.LEN MeCOV, (ien’l l'r't & Pass'r A,t, Palestine, Texas. $ ny alisSll* *t -3 r ~h sjiia ca s oPt!! r - QtkZ't'*# g sfe-ssi! cj cs MRS. LYDIA E. FifiKKAM. OF LYNN, MASS. i a. 1 Dl<HOVEI<r.l or LYDSA E. PINKHAM’3 VSSETA3LS COMPOUND. The Positive Ctirv For all Female Complaints. Thin prrjvvroHon, If* rm P'ni4rt* of that aro kurtd- mto t hm most dl ioat fnv&lLl. V;ko one trUl ho nirrili of thU Com pouutl will 1 rorogni**!, aarllf U immodinto ; nnd whvn fO n*' Is continued, iu ninrty-nlno mm-i In * him dr*!, will n* •Ify. On account of IU proren iuilte, it Is a/ ia commAiwtml uu<t rimcmUml bj tho bui |>L; *lcbuig Iu tho country. It will cure entirely tho worst form of falUnf of tho uterus, I>ucurrh<>A, Irregular *u.-l painful Menstruation, nil OTr.rinnTrauLlo*, Ini amirwitbrn aud Ulceration, Fhx/dinFd, ull Wipliw.’onionta and th r**a •oqucntapliuj wuakin-s% and adapt**! to the Cimr.ge of Life. Jt will diasofvo and exjwl tumors from t!i uleniFinan c#rl/fty *f dovolopmonl. Th? lamli'iicy to oanccrou* humors then* U chocked vary spoodijy by Ua use. In fact it bos proved to be the ricat oat and boat roinody that Inui tr**r boon dlaronr ed. it pertr.oatoo *vury jiortion of tho system, and iflT*o m.w Ilfunnd vigor, ltioniovo*; fslntneNs.ftatul. jicy. dn ktroys all craving for rlimulauWi, and rolioves w* *tkno:.s of the ntomnch It cures Hloatlng’, Jfdncht*s, Jforvowo Prostration, OonoraJ Dobliity, Blneplv:u(nr! f DcpiCMdon and Indi foatlon. Thai ffvjllng of dov.n, cnuing pain, wt itpbt nnd barkmdic, In always p< nntn* nt’.y cured by IH hoc. It willnt all times, and under all clrrmiiKtan eos, act In harmony with tho law tlii.b goveriM thue Casnalo system. For Kidney CVrmplaints of oßlier sox tblu otnpoui] Afl ansurijfuacd. Lydia E. Pinkham's VegetaLlc Compound Is prepared at 253 and ttil Western Avenue, I.jtin, Mass. Priuofl.OO. Six bottles for Bent by mall la form of pills, also in the form of on recri; * o# price, SI.OO. |er box, for either. Mrs. I*INKILA>( freely answers all letters of inquiry. Bond for pum plilet. Address on al/ovo Mention this paper. No family should be without LYDIA E. PINKIIAM* LTVEIt I*ILIM. They euro Constl|Nitlon, Dtliousnosa, •adTorpidity of tho Liver. 2& cents pr box. Lam.ii, Kanxix .t Lamab, Macon and Atlanta, Wtioleaale A(>nutH. Ornci; or A S. IIILES, Oiiuixaiiy, Housto* County, Tuiiiiy, Ua., Jan, 28, 1880. In the year 1873, there were two negro prisoner* confine I in the iailof tliia county, w!io wme very b,ui)y nffi eted with that loathsome disease Syphilis. In my offiirfal (tapiicitv as Or.Jiaiiiy. I employed ('apt. C. T. Swift, tlien a reslilfiit ot this place, to cure them, under a contract, "no cure, no pay." He administer dto them his now justly relcbrntcd Syphilit'c Specific, nrul in a few wricks 1 felt bound, under my con tract, to pay him out of the county treasu ry, as lie had effected a complete and radi cal cure. In testimony of the above, I have hereunto set my *>t!ioid, signaller and seal, the date uliove wiitten ’ A. S. (lII.EB, Ordinary Houston County, Ua. Ciiattakooua, I'k.nn., Keb. 14, 1870. Ousts: We take pleamru in saying that theS. S, S, is giving good satisf.-ciion. We have Irad exi client i.-kiillh from a nniohrr of Cases. One gentleman who had tieen (onfimal to his lid for six weeks with Syphilhic ltheumatisin wae < lited entirely with two bottles, anil speaks hi the highest piaise of it. It also acts as well in primary as in sevondary and terthvy cast's. CIIILKS & BERRY. Prepared only hy the SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY. Atlanta Ou. For Sale by T>r, T. J. Brooks. Robinson Wagon Cos. Manufacturers of sss&s WAGONS. Butjg-ieg &. Phaetons. Send for designs and prices to BOBINSON AVAGON CO., CINCINNATI. O. THE HOESE & WAGON. A NEW book |Sr*|o' on the Horse. Hi* history, structure, us** ind treatment. Also giving a few of the most Important and Effective Remedies for the euro of tin diseases of the hors*. J.Tv'*’ Valuable to every owner and love* of the hofw. Published by the ICBIHECIT WAQON C3., Clcslfi !Ati, 0., and sent, postage paid, to any address, on •eceipt of three 3-cent stamps. K. I'.- t Kooaa. w ' > <\is&*iSEhk > *i C\ Pinujj Room 11. 11*11. ’ Three sheets. 19x24, heavy plat* papT, contain ing elevations, plans acd detail* fortlieabove house: also l>ook of V'il pages, giving specifications, itemized estimate and form of contract —invaluable to evepr carpenter or party proposing building, as a guide ia making bids or drawing contracts. Puce $2.00* bent by mail, postpaid, on receipt of >hcc. H. E. WALTON, 330 W. Ninth St., Cincinnati, O. THU GREATEST Labor-Saving Invention OF TRIE AGE. Cucumbers, Almonds, etc. Ko Hotel. Restaurant. Boarding house or private family should be without cme. I’rloo only 83.00. * josbern are. to, *3 5 Solß ~ tlnrlnmH, O. COOKING STOVES Cheaper than Ever Before, at P. B. Patterson k Co’s OOXjTXILvtEIBTJS, GHEOIR.<3-X-A_- Great Reduction in Prices at Cargill’s. Blankets, Flant-ls, Shawls, (’a**fraeTS, anu all classes of Woolen Goods down 25 per cent. Special bargains in Me rino Ucderwear, A large line of Gents’SCARLET WOOL SHIRTS and DIIAW'EHS to be sold before my stock of DRESS GOODS shall be reduced, if low prices will movo them, Special prices in Hosiery! 50 dozen Gents’ English Half Hoso at 25c., formet price 35c, 25 dozen Misses Fancy Plaid Hose at 25c„ former price 37c. The finest line of Gents’ Half Hose in the city. RIBBONS in endless variety, to which I would call kFKciAi, attention. Fresh arrivals in Girdles and Balls, Girdles and Spikes, Girdlesjstid Tassels, Passomentries, Silk Haukerchiefs, etc., etc. My stock of goods is too large for the season and must be reduced. CT A.ZMHES EL CARG-ILL, No. 70 Broad Street, - -- -- -- - - COLUMBUS, GA. HELP NEEDED. Those (o whom I liavo extended credit, and whose balance* are pa*t due, will bear in mind that I need the money and please return favors by settling up. Holms Jt mataos. Unclaimed Freight. Notice is hereby (riven that the following named freight, remaining übolnimed in the Hamilton depot, will be cold to pay charges if not called for wit" iu next thirty days. 3 bundles Cotton Ties —No Mark. 1 Buggy Tii j. —Mark JoLnson. 1 Box. —No mark. 1 Box.—Marked 0. P. Murrab. 2 “ •* M. X “ “ M. F. Clemmons. 1 Coil Itope.—Marked R T. McDonald. 1 Keg Beer.—“ L. & Dewberry. 1 Cotton planter..—“ Gamble &0. B. C Kimbrough. Ag’t. C. & B. li. Cos. SIOO PRE3EI3T! ft _ For a Machine that will Raw as Faat nd £My X m tils 0n.3. This le the Ktnr of Sew Machines. It rtwi off a 2 foot log in 2 minutes. 20,000 in nso. The cheapest machine made, and fully warranted. Circular free. Untied States Manufacturing Cos., Chicago, ill. CAUTIOX. —We are the first invertor*, ntd owa 17 different Saw Machine natenta. Any sawing machine having a *eat or treadle* is an infringement sn our patents, and we are prosecuting all infringers, 2o beware of wham jaa hay. Georgia, Harris County. J. C Xtembert guardian for Waddell A. Remberl and Theresa M. Kembert, minois of Wm. P. Hembert, deceased, makes ap plication for luavo to sell the real estate be longing to said minors. All persons oooceroed are hereby notified to show eanse, it any they have, by the fourth Monday in April next, by an order abonld not be granted said applicant to sell axid land. Given under my hand and official signa ture, March 7th 1881. J. F. 0. Williams, Ordinary. Georgia, Harris County. 8. IJ. Champion executrix of i’hiuuion Champion deer used, makes application for letters of dismission. Ail ner ons concerne I air hereby notified to show cane,- if any they have, by the first Monday in April next, why lette-s ni disiuis ion should not be granted said applicant tiivni under niyhand and official sign .tare December 25ih 1880. J. F. 0. Williams, Ordinary. riarris County Sheriff’s Sales, Will be sold before the Court H .-use door in the town of Hamilton, within the legal hours of sale, on the flirt Tuesday in Apri l . next, to the highest and best bidder, the following described property, to-wit: Three bales of lint cotton, levied on ns the property of Andrew Bryan, to satisfy a distress warrant in tavor of F. J. Wells, vs And ew Bryan. Levy made and returned to me by J. H. Williams, L. C Also, at the same time and place, four bales of lint cotton, levied on as the proper ty of J. H. Lowe, to satisfy a distress war rant in favor ot J. P. Loire vs. J. li. Lowe. Lew made and returned to roe by J, H. Williams, L C Also at the same time and place, lots of lane, numbers 220, 270. 276 and 272, con taining 276 acres, more or less, and lying in the 22nd district of Harris county, bounded ng follows ; on the north by W. H. McCul lohs, east by W. H. Luttrill and the White head children, south hv T J Neal nd L. 17. Story, west by Slaughter and I. R. Lawson. Levied on ns the property of C. T. White head, to sa*i-fy an execution in favor of Hosette, Law horn & Cos., vs, (’ T Whitehead. Property pointed cut by plaintiff's attorney. B. H Wilsiaxs, Sheriff Georgia, Harris County. Whereas certain petitioners have made application to the Commissioners Court of roads and revenru s. praying for an ord-r granting a public road commenting at H"od ami running up the riuht of way of the < & R. R. R. alr.ut three timrths of n mile, and thence out by P Durham's and J. 11 Haste)'' to the IsiQratiae ami Kirrs’s Gap road, near Robert Crawford’s iu Slcriwether county. Also for an order granting a public rod, to commenre at the same place uud run in the autre direction up the right of way of the C. A- R. R. R., to or no a the Menwelh er line and thence west tc> lire Hamilton aud Mountville road. An I, whereas, commisioners ap(*orn'eii for that purrKcse have innki\i out sain con templatecl roads, aud reported to said court that sail! roads will be ot much public utility and convenience, now this is to cite and ad monish all persoos concerned that on and alter the fifth day of April, 1681. said public roads will be granted it no good cause is shown to the contrary. Given under tny hand and seal, this first day of March, IS'l. By order of the board. Flts.v HARorrr. Jr., Clerk Com Court R. .x IL Dsatal Notice S :0: J. M. Mason, Dentist. Ofiico over Enquiisr-Sua. Columbus, Georgia. :0: Trents Ab*e**cd Toetti nnd Diseased Gums fnrc9Bifuliy. VTIs Tenth Besuli fullj With GOLD OK OTHER MATERIAL. Inserts Artificial TeethSfrom one to an Entire Set. ALL VOJS ©UARAST ’SI&KD. Friers very KeasOMsble. Teeth extr*eled without pain. p ll Q. gg fS/g\ s §! 1 JS c/s | i TOR RWIftOAS AND EXCESS SOMPANff.S. I ! IST IMATtSAL’O R'BKISHED i HOUND COHcUtIR j. Fi ?<£ PROOF EXTRA SECURE LOCKS LV M BUTLER- X general agent tor DOOLD SAFEf LOCK CO) HAMILTON Male and Female OOLLEaE. The exercise* of this Institution will be resumed on Monday, January 17th. 1881, for a term of ten scholastic months. SESSIONS. The term will bu curupos and of (wo sessions, of fiva moths each. The First Stssion will commence on 17th January and end on Bth June, which will be commencement day. The Second Session will open on lOih July and close on 25ih Novembur. RATES PER SESSION; Preparatory Class $7 60 Academic Department 810 00 Collegiate Course sl6 00 Payable one-half in advance, and one-half at close of session. LOCATION. Hamilton is now a thriving village on the C. & R. R. K., twenty-two miles from Co lumbus, and Nature seems to hare fitted it as an educational center. Fertile soil, genial climate climate and pure free-stone w-ter. Ihe morals are good, the society refined and intelligent. THE BUILDING Is large and commodious, having a capaol ty of two hundred students. It if construct ed wi:h great care as to convenience and comfort, and occupies the beautiful site where the Hamilton Female College stood, THE GOVERNMENT. The discipline will be persuasive and firm, the instruction thorough and practical, keep ing middle grounds, not adhearing, in a tiresome way, to the neglect of the better course. REMARKS. The Principal, on entering npon the duties to which no is called, does so with a feeling of confidence that {be will have the co-i>pcra.uou of the Braid ot Trustees, tire patrons and the entire community. Having this, and the blessings >f Providence, success will crown h ; s efforts, emoluments accrue to those committed to his care, anti a rich com pensation nturn to Ids patrons. Students will be charged from time cf entering school t’ll close ot session, unless detained by onvoidable causes. Incidentals, for fuel, -etc., charged to each student pro rata. Only those of good moral character will be admitted, which character must be main tained, and all students violatii g the rules cf the institution must suffer the penalty. Board can be bad in hotel or piivate f.imi lies at from ten to twelve dollars per month. Rwkbcb—P. H. Moll, D.D., L. L. D., Chancellor of the University, Athens, Ga.; T. J. pen-ter. M. lb. Dallas. Ga.; Rev. F. Jt. Dauiel, Atlanta. Ga : Col T. W. Latham, Fairborn. Ga.: and Judge Hugh Buchanon, XL C., Newnan, Ga. Persons desiring information will apply to the l’nucijstl, or Judge J. F. C. Williams, Hamilton, Ga. J, XI. Mason, A. 8., Principal. PA7KE ’3 I Vortical & Spark-Arreiiting Engines from 2 to 12 horse-power, mounted or unmounted. Best and Cheapest Engines made. 150 upwards. Send for Illustrated Catalogue U for information and price to l B. W, PAYNE A SONS, & Box 846, - Corning, N. T* MM*t—.MH* Ib warranted to sew a tiro-foot lojT It* min* ■tee. and more cord wood <*r locs of any sire in a oaf than two iaa*n can rhon or (nw thu old wav. Jst?er*jF •tanner find f/7im?*erfm needs own. . CyAETN WASTED.—lllie.fm-1 rlrculnr *4 term* AddreM M * N t FACTUWJNO C’O., 17 JLUn street, Ucehnod. O. gfh rtj TOTFUL News for Bo 7 nz><\ Olri-1 f Toonff and Old!! A NEW IN- 7 yXftTIUN juat patented for them, for Home cm I Fret and 9cto H Sawtng, Tftrrrirwr, cyij>*ivlSri ru Boring, UTiHingfirxndiTn, Scresr Cnttina. Fre* i. to f.VX iG-ml ri cmtn lor 139 yg*. BIUTWN. Loidbll. Mm. Cathartic Pills Combine the choicest cathartic principles in medicine, in proportions accurately ad justed to secure activity, certainty, and uniformity of effect. They are the result of years of careful study anil practical ex periment, mid are the most effectual rem edy yet discovered for diseases caused by derangement of the stomach, liver, and bowels, which require prompt and effectual treatment. Avf.r’s Pills are specially applicable to this class of diseases. They act directly on the digestive and assimi lative processes, anil restore regular healthy action. Their extensive use by physicians in their practice, and by all civilized nations, is one of the many proofs of their value as a safe, sure, and perfectly reliable purgative medicine. Being compounded of the concentrated virtues of purely vegetable substances, they are positively free from calomel or any injurious properties, and can he admin istered to children with perfect safety. Avun’s Pills are an effectual cure for Constipation or Costiveness, Indiges tion, Dyspepsia, Boss of Appetite, Foul Stomach and Dreatli, Dizziness, Headache, Boss of Memory, Numbness, Biliousness, Jaundice, Rheumatism, Eruptions and Skin Diseases, Dropsy, Tumors, Worms, Neuralgia, Colic, Gripes, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Gout, Idles, Disorders of the Elver, and all other diseases resulting from a disordered state of tlio digestive apparatus. Asa Dinner Pill they have no equal. While gentle in their action, these Pn.r.S arc tlie most thorough and .searching cathar tic that can bo employed, and never give pain tmless the bowels are inflamed, and then their influence is healing. They stimu late the appetite and digestive organs; they operate to purify and cnrieli the hlooil, and impart renewed health and vigor to the whole system. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer Sc Cos., Practical and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mass. SOLD BT ALL DRUGQI&T3 EVERYWHERE. New Copper Still For Sale. We will sell a bargain in a large new cop per still, all complete and in good order, with stands &c. if nppli and for in the next thirty nays. Terms easy, applv to Mitchell At Coi’FT.ano. Hamilton Ga.j LANDRETHS 1 M SEEDS S BEST lpni If not sold in toot Urwn, yaa I fill I can get ttiemb, mail. Drop I ill 11 us s f’-o'.il Card lor flat*. AUUA Incut* and Pi ices. The Oldrtt artjwtort ezSawafr. Brrd tfr in the TTnitrd Sln'er. DAVID BANDKKTII it SONS,PmL*nA.Xx. _j T Outfit gent free to those who wish to V** engage in the mo t pleasent ami profit able b sices* known. Everything n"W. Cap ital not required. We will furnish iou ev erything. $lO a day and upwards is easily made without staying away Irorn home over night. No risk whatever. Many new work ers wanted at once. Uanvjare making for tunes at the bueir ess. Lad "os make as i. ntfw as men. and young boys and nit Is make pay. No one who is witling to work fails to make more m ney every day than can In made in a week at any ordinary employ ment. Those who engage at on< e will find a sheut roa Ito formne. Add:e.s 11. llabetA Cos., Portland, Maine.