Hamilton journal. (Hamilton, Harris Co., Ga.) 1876-1885, April 01, 1881, Image 2

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THE HAMILTON JOURNAL. Subscription Price $1 A Year. rneasSßSßfmtm .• m f— —T* J. t. sunns, PUBLISHER. Hamilton, Ga., April J , ISSt. HENRY W. GRADY. nv TOM A HTRH. In nnrmdmr niy temarks on emi nent men, it in wilh gr*t pride • M I fake this i;vtilie ’li'll b* ll e ''k of his j*w mid :i hint upoi. ll) pul.ltn pillory. Of all <t o- junt. prohsbly with the single txc> j 1 .on of WjSeiy K.vldm;;. none lift* th facnliv of the Irishman’# flea r fun y devloped an Henry Ward firstly. Yo'i may spot him ■> ' e.w Yo-k hanging around Fulton nv r ket atid sampling saddle rock* and at ran Gerry abort cake; y-> t nia> think von have hint oo*n.rrd m Wan g! ii, clothed with the hi); met:; v i may unugm him ef. rik ing a Dee line through a virgin counti v, looking (or noil plae® in •Which to lay the cr sftiea of the f’norgii Western, t ton mny *us pi'Oi him of being |r Atlanta whip., ping iha cream if hta though ln'o datiirtitfnl ayllnhub for the o.i lie taste; but you can’t afford t< i gain tin on hr* e* set whereabout*. Take Guniy all i all, nnd he is a wonder—tpimiigv lie born mewhcre neai .'hen*—no mut ter where so he wa r boa Inaide the fetal e. ITCn* Ilia boyhood we. hah of dev-'- naent, oratory and idleness. Hi* ci 'Hsmßt'ra have toid that at school Ik coold outspeak my of mein. lon t* too lot)' to Bill ly. He seemed U absorb ihe less* through the closed corners of ' * hooka. Ami I wouldn't awear that bo >* ovrrly Industrious m*. Grady fif* imi 1 the <lcnl *'*a fruit *'■ journaliMi on i little hit ol a .ooeffg of ft piper tailed th< 1 tn Gomrrtnreta,. At hat tiui<> the sound of thee llrg:.' hciU mere ringing in hh* earn, am) thr angnago in which he bundled up his local pitrngarphs waa of that figura tive nmure which belotirs of light to the (fifth graduate*. During hit* connection with the CommerriHl he failed to .uhoffthftt highffown style from hia prancing pen. It wns not Bind St. Glair Ahraota, tliat erratic but brilliant g- nfue, took him in tow and eliminated for a tow times l e guh from bis gnrgle, that lie c -t off from the (lower banka and n oved hims>lf to lh plr.in dock J lien Grady begs:) to devilop. -- v ~ erylbing ln pencil touched i >eined to haVbtisvr life and he utv itd’ised mil. it. His deft pencil r 'I wilh appeiiziug frot of •rtkiiws. Th# ProHjiicoi.’s m> -**ge —Hie •tales* reading < w 5 vipon the g> neral rfaiw- -w i’.cn mp pod wDh nn alHti r .'ive *v - ! from Grady’s |ieituik-fin*fef ws* mane a jpalatablu to the ! r ! .i " • 'plait or toast for lirc:>k fast rttgui-oon( ed **vsei tlva- hi'ter |itli, th* Si rj'a ;tie Gourt reports, and it >d ways half*wsy ; tied down before the nnsu.pec'iii), r* ider saw in* n>i*<ftk. Tin* style of forcing his supply of‘a’tevi iv® j I**d him uito iis,r.g theta iii hit* articles, and tin r < ’tti natural powers of description, h** cut 100..* tiom tbi old ruts of jottr afiem and (narked afft >u(* st* which 1.1 it* i:ifi ii.i.vj : . *-T which h* iiincie him wh’t lie ia, (JraihN connection with ilic Herald s a paradise. He ruach >il in the dellchia of iha frothiest ami bright*at paper* In tha S *ulh, *n<i wrr too young to folly appreoi cue the oaree, IronLliw ami itj;hi# which jjrnvtiil poor Alston’* lia r ■utl kept Abinrus malar the jflaro ot the midnight lamps. Jtj was a mere l>oy, then, and no doubt hat often hub trouble in keeping hi face vtiaight luring consultation* ot the proprietoiu aa to whether the paper could live a day or mu. Ho looked upon the visit* of the ehorifl' a* tun. A •hot-pun treat *i a good joke. A chalelnge for a du i a a* treated in the name man* Hex as dun, and ibev were about at frequent. Once a diinner called on him, and dtuitiß a fight that ac oidenialiy followed, (jrad) burl ml the pastapot at the head of the man ot billa, and lie thought a such a good j *ka that ho at once made trieuda an I both laughed over the matter at it the whole proceeding had been done in tan. Sine# lhen those boyish prodivp ties htv yitidiid away ami we look upon him now as a man. A* a jonn nlisi ho has made himself, ami owes no lotilujr# except, perhap-, a tr fle to Abrania. His letters are fruitcake tlongaide of tlmse ■ 1 the best newspaper letter writers, and his articles, Sellers schemes to bomttinetie* plucked fr u the well tended garden of" Ins niHi’lnauoti, are eagerly read, lit goes despm* to hi subjects, dig# an around the roots, throws back ibndi.t and huts it daintily in place, ami the Mihj'-et blossoms at the rose bash from the magician's list, and you oau almost aniell the frn t am cants. 1 am a great admirer of Grarty. ■ I Know Ins laulta—.which ai# lewni ( ibn “<iue people imagine—and yet j l know he oils lh heart of a wo man n hint Some people, from entry or other cause, occ.sunuilli ray souk herd things of Grady, but even it ad iiwire true, uo tnai or WorMnii xi- evir HjjHie ! io hiui for Abi ritui W(f<4 h*mv uU|>* iy 'Ui it I, Auii tl the gre.it cl t w ),o G r; > the I'vco‘tl, of)sets 0 ' O', s qu:-t n. and rietb.l.-, by ruhb llg oui asm. a* tuue, then .vili * h .vc a iJ,an t> w.-l at th ml ie - ottug. A Southern IVmnus. Hemy firmly haa had his aore eyea cured by the right of a mail whom he designates ae above. Una ia tb** cm veraa'ion which tel la all a out the Cur tut “That i* Richardson, of Mia-iaaip pi—the largest cotton plauier in the world.” ‘■ln the world?” ‘•Yea air! The ex Khedive ol Egypt, it w * rniil,had larger rot* toil crop th.in Richardson—hut he hnr alnce that tune gathered the largest crop of cotton ever planted by i no m in.” “What ’ * ' ;rop amount j to?” “It run "and one r over 12,000 bilea. || *u xrye number j, an' . .mil. a email army l.'iii.i, i:, n under h ontrol. He rti ,*• S ut. e.iii' i hugely, ntul fin i* iho.r ''.h .r, "i urae, highly profitable.” “I have heard, < ;h, tliat thi* plan mg ■ is n the smallest part ol In* husincs ‘‘That i* a p gb thing to , tt hU crop •low* l> ng i . ,iri\ ain !:i a year, and v. ' 1 *upu ** it .s ' e. He is not ii y t ie large, pi an r hut ia the la ,-I mai . tarer ii the (South, lie owns o hi.mry that is the larg. i the Sou h, except the Eagle an .ii mix. 1® told nie to at. th ..f that facto ry.at.ni.' w , f ' dm one year, .t JVM ver. profit itils. II I aril noc im>t.d '., he ■ .id tint ho once cleared ’/ per i .uit. |i. r annum on the in >uy invested hi Ins cotton factory. 11. *i es th ,he ban three < r four con >n rued m mills that do an imnieh.-e no. pud hie busineas, lie sold a sh irt, tu ngo 1 000 bands of •lion ae oil through the Thtnb.is o' this' iy to Ant werp. I su.. <*e it w..l come buck to us an olive oil.” ifusidee being the i? gust planter ai.d msfiulajiu*' , I the largeat mtrohaul ir, the 'or. h. He is the h< ol otibehoiiii. I K.ehardson fc May, whiel. J uu J. .id lias hftn died more fo'loti t. one year than any house i the wotld- In oue ini t *l,o' 0 Imles ol cotton pass . i tlnongl im hand-. 1 do not id.. . dns . t ever been ►,t,l. t• l re 11 o this home I. '! . ' and run* a , i. a ■ titrt : .ores. He in ti ■ 1 " these slonrs ii '■ e iik and wi I spoil ! 'ay , ;; u nong the wholes i'u i .Hi- . tug notions, dry goods, e ~ Ids country •Lock. “Beyond id thex Iu ps lie taken live itneres’. mi gim > I investment and in railroads esf ■ !y. lio is . ooiitrollim. ow n road from !>h I'vep Mi io ' !>h and has several n e r ii i-■ resent ami I prospective m He ii ’ “Who s i in.mm estimated ! at?’’ “ All th< wnv ■ *; ,000,000 to f 20,000,0 I. suite is the idlest mini ! South beyond Iquln- bio wI * i*i i. ei in* is worth n.io-e or • i ,000,000 I cannot sn;,” Mott i t ■ . u C 'all*. Uhe . ■ ' till. A parts *>t ;iarm were nests at i, !Y hoi*|, and tins ladle" had a pi n, deal of unitisi meiit with t fit mi, Htudving enstoius. I'hal i-, they all let •v (! one lady. l’llO indies eullcti ii the lnniarn and the M'tv .ee Mill.led till' Us almost loir rooms, trim M.i. taoeo .i ad and tlion went to r o< u and tired, ami pretty nil, tin i" •a. a knock hi their door an ! vim lov id that ii was lie ' e Wei and him to cillie in I lie .nuiUlii >■ The ludy Miilooks her door in !uimiimg no the ' i tii .a., e’. ami build a tiro hctv i *1 e grts up. Bun heard atu < i in tin morning, ami supposing to ho the porter, she mid: *'Ci>niO in.’’ ’’lit- door open t and and n'■ :tlkd Mr, i) hair 6lie (ink ino h kal him and pulled itm bead cloth over li.r lad. tie sat deIWII id* ihe > 1* <d the bed and said, * W 01. no was so scared that all* * ilidt tr i ‘How’’ from Ai mu. Mte t *o lute iiithe best Sioux slu c. id command: “I*l ease, got i Mr. India' go awa> until Ic< l ( ' dh • n’t seem to bo m a hurry. ll** pu'kei! up |>i. c* * of if wear !mg appaia-l iu.m . e • ditroieui ivnii'le * that he iii 'ii’: ■*• 110 know .anything about " :cro 1 Icy wt'i'ti ■ worn, ami t" ike c* . 4:111 ion tbein iin tin} Sioux loilen I lic* (locking* si elllcil to l * inlulcl'eil 'id ini the nui't. I ney wcf* llio*o long, Ou 111 tiic • mi* M.--kin>:, and tliev wti.e lo lino hi* Itcblt Hi* 4 licet, 11 he!.! th, ai ni> by 1110 tuea Ami i-ai'l “l T g!i! 1 The Indy '.m f.hleii inU * i*ned ho woulU i;o an *y. II -i *iihil Io lake ; cal ill iig l in % m illing the loir 11 * (till b okeil at the ; ly "1 1- 1 mV, *‘l*oor sit mi B iho war on no 1 * uni t,o eii many *C‘A {*s.’ I'm tU *he 1 ■ > think ol ' be! , 1 I *li4 11 is if the s* n ' •>; tty Rivnii tii*. ju>rti*t si i 1 i the Ir.. a. I*■ I:*’ a *1 uk- a drink. 1"1 *i!y !.*■ n door ir lenvi' i*. open ire In - li'AU* in i- ' - r hair— on 111- il gray front friot . 1 '-v-n break, j 1 - h * >1 - juMills 111 hour j i > ’- 1 i let ! 4. He j "I *•!'>■ Set ween i e New | v MeniHer. • at six. 1 ‘ "i • 1 g ** ilh Lis J eiuls /f t ran all Itiyhi, Detroit Tree Press. Several People were making pur chases in a Woodward avenue gro cery yesterday "lien an old man uhli a cans in one hand arid a bun dle in llm other •tood in the door mid asked: “Did miy ol yon drive up here in a sleigh?” “Yes; I did,” replied one. “Was it an old while hose?’’ “Ye - .” “And an old woman in the cut ler ” “Yes.” “And can she manage the hoss?” “I guesa she can.” “Then it’a all right,” said the man ol iho enne and the bundle. “The old hosa has run away and the old woman i* nanging to the dash board and yelling murder with all her might; out, if she can manage him, there’s no ue of anybody gel ling excited over it. Let me in qu.re what the juice of cranberries •a u>-dy.” WHh* In answer fo his advertisement offering SIO,OOO for the services ol the most beanttul woman hi Ani'-r.. '.■ ior three months, Mr. Adam Forepaugh, the circus manager, had tp to Saturday received 1,180 pho- Digraphs from women in all section# of the country who think they will fill the requirement*, and are justly untied to the prize, lima lar a China o girl is th* Invorite. DR. S. RILEY, Hamilton, Georgia. Tenders his professions! services to the people uf Hamilton land vicinity. • Calls attended from the Drog Store. RED HOT Drops, Citron Ice Log Cabiu Cresma, sn gar P. liras, Crystal Kiga and Dale*, Al mond liuef Hloaks, Hand- made Ch< oo late. Drops and 60 or her varieties of Pen oy Caudles jtml received at DUOMOOOLF. BKOS’, 63 IJroailbt., Columbus, Ga. |) / I \l O S3O to SI,OOO ; 'l to 32 Willi /X.Ji 1 'Stops. i’isiio* $125 up. I’nper nee. Address Daniel F, Beatty, Wttrlilnut.m. New Jersey. TCAPIICDC wanted. 305, I E rill OIL law to tl.vi |..r month. Hte-d) work nil pring arid aiiniiner. Fur particulars address J 'C Mctturdy A Cos., Fhiladelphia, l*a. FLOWER Fresh & Reliable, Tiu* l” name 7 lor 2oe Sr r (In neat papers, 15 “ 50c £ t y Q-illi cut, de* 32 " crlpt oil i.i.d post |a and culture. Ca*aloirne free. F F, McAlustkb. 31 Fulton St., N. Y. TXXIS IUsLISH,O7 Tffi3 WOULD I HALFOBS ZAWCE! Sold by all Grocers ‘.'HOMES IN TEXAS” Is the till 3 of A New Illustrated Pamphlet, lJerondllve of thrfcomitry along and tiib- Utaiy to the line of the International Ss Groat Northern It It and contains ft good county map of the Hiiile it also contain* tne names ind ad dressee of turmers uml planters in Texas who have Farms for Sale or Rent, and llion. who want F .rm Ilnuds for next year. A copy of the book will lie mai ed iiis; to those who desire reliable ilitorma li.nnb.iui l.xas upon upplicitiou by letter or postal card to ALLEN McCOY, Gen'l Fr’t tV 1 nsn’r Paleittint*, It x.u. GEORGE PAGE & CO. Ms nnftictartr* of Patent Port&bla Circular 3AV/ MZLLS/f 2^ Vm Sutwiry ss l STEAM ENGINES/ B\ 6 H. SCHUOED2R BT., / JL 3,*. BALTIMORE. Orlit and Flour Mill*, Wt*r Wood Worktnif and Barrel Machinenr, ShlntrV Mill*. Circular H*wi wi,£eS Beud f r r CataltfU The only Vapor Cook Stovo that hat ttood tbs tut cf yrt, and given tatir. an it por.oct latisfastien. £50.000 Now in tiNiv And growing in furor wh#rov*r Usri. Thow* bo hu*e them will nol do without thtfui. Th® Host Simp*, TH® Most D^rab'w, The Itast IVfccL The Most EconcrvcV, Ho SwdtrfD r mat, Ho r ir to Ho A C Kwnov®, Fu®lto Carry, No No Odor. FOB UliiZS ns: mUEs imspexsabll evwrr of cooking crcolvor work hkovtofoix* by thoMthtiAry Uowtr raugo. withwwso nn*\ prrfoct comfort, W®Mhmg, iromtig, baking, broiling, fnii: canning, rtc*. etc . witlnmt the tn*uff,T*bl® IwMd * ( tlif v!u laKhuu.vd CvHik atovt% aud aiwaya rratiy. Our * l'ats'nt Automaft*' (UMy Can ** on* the use of our Movcm “I'cMocPv In t)u> hash of the most carvkaa ci' mixperi* CUCr'd. Send for full docriprtrw ctnrular anti prW list —Sj>vnu induCfiiirfd lo agpnt* in un CCvupb \l 1 1# r i (ory Add t\ ss, “HULL VA?W STOVE COMPANY, ** C!rl*atl, 4Dik* MRS. LYSiA E. PINKHAM. W LYNN^ASS. Disrovturu or LYDIA E. P3NKHAEI73 VSgETAELS COMPOUND. The 1' i*ltlv.i Cnrn For all Femalo Complaints. ThUi pr#j**iration, uIU liaiuo M*fi,liT< u, rvmorits r.f <Kota:>lo rroDorUw* lh*t aru Larml -wt to th n*o-t uwl Mi valid. lr'r>on ot trial the inrrlM of thlg (V*m pound will he rerojnlawtl, on rwlhtf is lmm^llt<’; luvd When Mm nnoln oonUrminl. In ninety niuo confvt In a bun drwd, a punnaawiit euro I* ef7tK-toJ.au thmikr.nri* wfO L*w Mfj. On nroomtl of IU proven uierit, Hi 40-!ny ro* •ommeiKWwl •ml ),y thu )>oet jibjairiiiUH Im $Hm oouatrjr. II will eur enllrtly s** fonn of fallin# of the ntoma, laStirorrho-M, irrs;iiL\r aad p*afal MtnsLtitlon,r*JlOvarUu.Ttcuble*. InlUmmatlon and T7leo ration, Flood I all IHi>lacementji and Use <■©- aaqnentvplnal weaJriiewe, and la eepeeleUy adaptvd to *i<s (Ttange of life. 1$ will dluaol e and t>ips*l tamera from the utorn* 1a an early stair* ef develojmiont. Tkf •aad eney to oanceroue humors thore U r hoc kid ver/ speedily by 1U um. In fact It has prorod to be tbe irreat Ml and beet lecued/ thut hae ever U’eu discover and. II [tormealos ever/ portion of tho s/sUou, ond (flrne hew llfeanand fttro/s ail craving for ahinulaota, and roUevi*e wookneea ef the stomar b It caret* Mooting. IlcailachoM, Mnvoni Froe(rsl ; on, Oonural Deblllt/, &leepkimii*t<s, Ifoprmelon sjmJ limJl gestloß. Tlial feeling of beui <ng down, rauejog (tain weight and backache, le alwnys poruaneiit!/ cured h/ Iks use. It will at all times, and under all efrrumsUut •ee, act In harmony with the law tlial govwrus Um* female system. For Kldricy fVjtnplalnts of etlher sri this compound ia unaiiriyLieod. Lydia E. Pinkham’* Vegetable Compound la prepared at 533 and tM Weetcm A venae, Lynn. Mass. Price 91-00. Biz bottles for $/>.OO. Sent by mail In ihq form of pills, also In the form of Loaeuges, on rocei)>* of price, SI.OO, per box, for either. Mrs. PINKIIAM freely ansv.ers all letters .f liiqulry. Bend for pam phlot. Address as above Mention this paper. No family should be without LYDIA £. PINKHAM' LfVEK PILLS. They euro Constipation, Diliouanvaa, •■dTorpidlty of the Ii ver. £& ceoU per bos. Lxuxn, ltxNKix A Dauau, Macon and Atlanta, Wholesale Amenta. Orrics or A. S. QILGB, Obdinart, Hodhtok Cousty, I’kruy, Ga., Jan, 28, 1880. In th year 1878, there were two negro prisoner* confine! In the jail of thii county. who were very badly afflicted with that loathsome dirciwe Syphilis. In my offleisl capacity as Ordi’iaty. I employed Capt. C. T. swift, then a resident ot this place, to care them, under a contract, ••nocnre, no pay.” lie administer dto them his now justly celebrated Syphilit'c Specific, ami in a lew weeks I felt bound voider my con tract, to pay him cut ofjiflie county treasu ry, as he had effected** complete and radi cal cure. In testimony of the ahove, I have hereunto .ot n>v official signature and seal, file date aM>v>- written A. H. GILES, Ordinary Houston Comity, (la. ChATTANOfMIA, i ns.N.. Feb. M, 1879. Gerts: Wo take pnaeure in saying that the S. 8. S. is giving go al satisfaction. We have had excellent results from a number of cases. One geotlt lu ,n who had lieen confined to his bed for six weeks with Svphili ic Ulieumntism was cured entirely with two bottles and -peaks *n the highest {liaise of it. It also acts as well in primary aa in seiomlarv and tertiary cases. CHILLS & ItEIUIV. Prepared only by the SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY Atlanta On. For Sale by Dr, T. J. Brooks. Robinson Wagon Cos. Manufacturers of SM&S WAGONS. Sud for auvi prices to BOBINSON WAGON CO., CINCINNATI. O. THE HORSE L WAGON. A NEW BOOK on the Horse. —* p SM Hi* history, stmetur®, use® ind trtatiuent. Also giving; a low of the most Important and effective Remedied Tor the cure of the diseases of the horse. I Valusble to every owner and lover of th® kone. t’ubluhcd by th. lOSISJOK VABOH CS., Ctseti- Utl, 0., and lent, postage paid, lo any address, on *ccipt of THKnnS-CLar stamps. B. I'srlrr, K. M-sit Kooina C. Biaui,; Hooxa 11. UaLL • Three sheet*. 10*24, heavy plate paper, contain ing elevations, plans and details f* r the above house* also book ot M pa-es, giving specification*, itemurd Estimate and form of contract —invaluable to every ‘artxenter r*r party proposing building, as a guide in making bids or ('rawing contracts. Price SJ.QO. bent by mail. iH stpaid, on rvceiirtof met n. E. WALTON. W 0 W. Ninth St., Cinoin • TIIF, GREATEST Labor-Saving Invention OF TII 17 AGE. "Will slide* Mt Cucumber*, Almonds, etc. No Hotel, Restaurant, Boardixx ht ise or private family should bt without one. Price only 83.00 * JOSBEH.V MFG. CO.. hisili K, djelH!..t* ' COOKING STOVES Cheaper than Ever Before, at P. It. Patterson k Co’s COXjTTnyTBTTS, G-EORGIA. Great Reduction in Prices at Cargill’s. Blankets, Flanele, Shawls, Cnußiinc.rs, and all classes of Woolen Goods down 25 j>er cent. Special bargain: in 3b riuo Ucderwear, A large line ot Gents’SCARLET WOOL SHIRT’S and DRAWERS to be told before my stock of DRESS GOODS shall he reduced, if low prices will move them, Sjjecial prices in Iloniery! 50 dozen Gunts’English Half Hose at 25c., forinci price 3®c, 25> dozvn Misses Fancy I’iaid Hoo at 250„ former j.ric.e 370. The finest lino of Gents’ Half Hose in ti e city. RIBBONS in endless variety, to which I would call •pkcial attention. Fresh arrival* ia Girdles and Ball.*, Girdle*, and Spikas, Girdle*j3 p d Tassels, Paasementrres, Silk Hnokerchiefs, etc., etc. My stock of good* is too large for the season and must be reduced. „ IE- C ARGILL, No. -O Broad Street, ........ . COLUJIBCS, OA. HELP NEEDED. Iliom* to whom I lihvo xt*ikiieii crecHt, ami wliosr 1-hUliter* are pai*t due, '•'ill bear in inind that I neod tbe money and pleant* return favors by settling tip. UuLLIN JkFFEJLSON. • Unclaimed Freight. Notice is hereby given tlmt the following named frnglit, remainii.g uhclaiuied in the Hamilton depot, will be sold to pay charges it not called for wit. in next thirty .lays. 3 Bundles Cotton Ties —No Mark. 1 Bugxy Tii s.- Mark Jot.nsou. 1 Box. —No mark. 1 Box.—Marked 0. P. Murrain 2 “ •* M. 1 “ “ M. F. Clemmons. 1 Coil Rope.—Mntked U T. McDon W. 1 Keg Beer. —•• L. A Dewberry. 1 Cotton planter.—" liatuble & 0. B. C. Kimbkocou. Ag’t. C. & K. R. Cos. 9100 PREBENT! ff* Y.r a Msoiilnetlist will Jky*i£zx> Saw aa Font and Tory \ aa this one. This Is the Kina' of Saw Zlaohlnes. It daws off a 8 foot log hi 8 minutes. 80,000 In use. The cheapest machine made, and fatly warranted. Circular free. Oct tod .'talcs Manufacturing Cos., Chicago, 111, CAtrnox •—tV* are the first inventor*, and own 17 different Saw Machine patents. Anv awinfc Machine bavinga *eat or treadles is an infringement on osr patents and are are proeccutins all iahioeen a honor* of whom you tiny. Georgia, Uairis County. 1. O. Heinbert guardian for Wr.ddell A Item hen sod Tberess M. Kcmbcrl, miuois of IVu, P. Ketnbert, deceased, makes ap* olicuuon (or leave to sell the real estate be longing to sa.d uiinora. All peraonßooncerutd are hereby notified to show esnse, it any they have, by the fourth Monday in April next, why sn order "bonld not be granted said applicant to sell •aid land. Uum under my band and official signa ture, March 7th 1881. J. F. C. W ll, li * ms. Ordinary. Georgia, Harris County. 8. B. Champion executrix of t’lii.anion Champion deceased, makes application for tetters of dismission. All pi-r ons concerned are hereby notified to show enus,- if any tl.ey have, by ilic first Monday in April next, why lette-s or dismission should not be granted said applicant. Given under my hand and official signature December 251 h 1880. J. F. O. Williams, Ordinary. Harris County Sheriff’s Sales. Will bo sold before the Court H <use iloor In the town of Hamilton, within the leusl houis of sale, on the fint Tui wlav In Apri l , next, to the lushest and best bidder, the following described property, to-wit : Three balsa of lint cotton, levied on ns the property of Ardrew Bryan, to satisfy a distress warrant in tavor of F. J. Wells, vs And ewr Bryan. Levy made aud returned to me 8y J. H. Williams, L. C Also, at the .same time ami place, four hals-s of lint cotton, levies! ou as the proper ty of J. H. Lowe, to satisfy :s distress war rant in favor ol J. I\ Lowe vs. J H. Lowe. Is*vv made and returned to me by J, H. Williams. L. C Also at the same time and place, lots of lane, numbers 220, 270. 275 and 272, con taining 275 acres, more or less, ai'd lying in the 22nd district of Harris county, bounded as follows ; on the north by W. H. McOul lohs, east by W. H. I.uttrrll and the White head chi hi ten, south hy T. J Neal nd L. E. Story. west bv Slaughter and I. R. Lawson. Is-viesl on ns the property of C. T. White bead. tosati.fy an execution in favor of Sosetle, Lawhorn & Cos., vs. C T Whitehead. Property pointed cut bv plaintiff’s attomev. B. H W installs. Sheriff. G.'orfria, Harris County. j Wheruu* et'rtain {etitroners liavtr made i .sppl*. atin io the C4.inmisi.i44iiei o>*urt <if ; ro.ut. ami revenm s, prardng for an ord"r 1 granting a public road commencing at Hoi | a4t running up the right of way 4*f the C. -K R K. K, ai*-nt thnm fonrfha of a mile, ' si. 1 th.-nct' I'.it hy I’ Durham’* ar.d J. It. • Has;ay’ to il.f LaGratue and King Gap - I. -ar Robert Crawf4>rd’s io Meriwether ! county. Alto for an order granting a public roid, jto -snu.4 at ;l, aa0.19 place •nd in in | i‘i - ■csn!4- i- CM n tip the right of w*\ of l- * R 11. U-, t*> 4ir ii4-:4r Ihe Menwcth •t' tli< m* west tti tire Hamilton aii4i - M :ntvil!e i-ctd. i And. wher as. ton.u;i-u tiers appc.prieii j for that pur -e have mait-eii out saiu it.,:- t- iiiplattsi rv I*, anti reputed to s .ui court tth ,t satrl rt* >,ll t-.- o! n.u- h public utility cmi couvetii. ■ now this is in cite an.l a . monish ■< 1 com-iineti mat on and ; alter tin fifth -lay .if April. ISSI. sii-l pith! c ! roa-i.4 viii e granted i! i.o g vkK i oa.-se i howa to the cwn.r o Given under nn hami an-i sesi. thia tirsi day of Mi.:- i. 18*’!. By order of the N a M. Iu xv Has. '*T Ir. <-hrk Com Orrt R. C It, Dental Notice! •—:0: J. M. Mason, Dentist. Offics over Ehquirar-Sun. Colnmbns, Georgia. :0: Treat a Ab*e**ed Teeth unci Diseased Cram*) lareenHfullj's Fi leTeelh Ueauil fally Hill* GOLD OR OTHER MATERIAL. Inserts Artificial TeetbTfrom ons to sn Entire Set. ALL ‘WORK OUAEAIT TESL* Prio-s very Ueasoiable. Teeth axtrsoted without pain. IfftEß’S lIH 53,.© |SI S=l N ? I sm.lt A R-.-yj k-r iOR aa:; .)•})> 0 m fXK r Sc. C:A iPANIES LST MATES AND WmXGS H in^-Sb’D PJUN O CCHNER v FiKt PROOF j; v sj.7* 1 m sp. Extra secufij LOCKS ufM X BUU .JL-,-, * r\*h-tY *- v m* im CFXERAL AG.F.ISST fOfi dieboLd s/mioa; coj HAMILTON Male and Female COLLEGE. The exercises of this Institution wifi he resumed on Monday, January 17th. 1881, tor a iirm.of ten scholastic months. SESSIONS. The term will he compos and of two sessions, of five moths each. The First Session will commence on 17th January and end on Bth June, which will be commencement day. The Second Session will open on 10th July and close on 25th November. RATES PER' ESSION; Preparatory Class $7 nfl Academic Department $lO 00 Codegiate Course sls 00 Payable one-half in advance, and one-half at close of ge.-sior.. LOCATION. Hamilton is now a thriving village on the C. &U K. K., twenty-two miles from Co lumbus, and Nature seems to have fitted it as an educational ctnvU-r. Fertile soil, genial climate climate and pure tree-stone water. Ihe morals are good, tue society refined and intelligent. THE BUILDING Is large and commodious, having a capaci ty of two hundred students. It i construct ed with great care as to convenience and comfort, and occupies the beautiful site where the Hamilton Female College stood, THE GOVERNMENT. The discipline will lie persuasive and firm, the instruction thorough and practical, keep ing middle grounds, not lulheuring, In a tiresome way, to the neglect of the bettei course. pov, i Pits The Pilndtsi m .-ottsii.-g .pon n. duties to wliici lie stalled, oocarowlth > feeling of confidence that J.-.e will nave the ccv-operaiion ol the Baudot lruste *, tie patron, uuil the enlirecommunitv. Having this, uud tlie blessings of Providence, suivc-- will crown his efforts, emoluments accrue to ih*ise committo>i to biscare aud a rich com jicna-itiou ritiiru to bis fairons. St idenrs will lie charged from time < f cut ring school till doth.* of session, m:h t* detained by uuvoidahle caustes. incidentals, tor fuel, cic.. chan: 1 to e..* h student pro rata. ■ ‘ni l tls.au or good moral charac'or will he a .mi!'. wbic.i character must c ... to n.-.i. ,md l. -tudents v ; ,■ _ the i; cs of Hi. u.MMuiion must suffer Ihe penal’y Is’crd .an Lcivil in hotel or private fan - lies a! in mi tee t*’ twelve dollars j r is <: nth. BtisMwtti- P. H. Midi. D.I. L P . Chase -.- • *- Alums, Ga . i.J. Fori.trr. M. Dai M Daniel, Vtkn.ts. G-* : ’ i J. tv. I*. Fotr’ uri’. G*.; and Judge M. < ~ Ncwnats. Ha. Persot s deainri? iufnrrra!ion w ill rij ■ M tp the Principal, or Jnd.gt J. i ‘ c. wpjl, .. Hamdton, Ga. J. M. Masox, A. I!.. I’rinii'®! ?AYJTE’3 PABK ENOIITEBJI Mift • Vertical & Spark-Arresting Engines from* 2 to IT Korse-po A’cr, mounted or unmounted. Ilesf and' Cheapest Engines made. $1 50 upward*. Send to* Illustrated Catalogue U ffir information and prico l* , B. W. BAYNE A SONS, fc Box 846, Coniine, N. Y. J BOS giat‘ C:s This Wonderful Improved Saw Machln# is warrantt-d to saw n twtvfftff! lojf Jri min-; Qp*fi, and more cord wood any size in * da f fhnn two r n ehon or t-sw tho old vny. JPittnfJ rrmherK'WW ono. Q /'AGENT*' v* *NTkfi. ll!i * vii.Trirr-'*r ‘ 'rrm ra Addreu FAikMF.lt ”A 'L F ACT IRISH CO., 1 ;ii Llui Uadcaadt Ou ft m ] O'Y n* L H v.fi s foe Bo yt Oiris :! v‘ T.muifu.td Old! I A ?JKW 13- '*',•* •** V i•. i: \ ...-A .and ler C>*va, tiom*. a ; ,*: x ; ■*. t• ’0 Krct and thwTl P-wiTg, 5 Faring, I>r. f ;i^,Oi>rdintf, 'I. • ; 4ct.-w Cutr• *:. ?r*..u to ?• *o* JB&,'2y ijj Sc:: i c.< * nT * # 5-r 180 W3. t.* StoM. Lvert-B. 49k mm mm Ew %ii \, Has been In constant KTy / use by the public 'Y: for over twenty years, Y, X Yi*.v' l auil is tbe best preparation ever invented for KESTOK- j ~! IXG GRAY HAIR TO ITS State youthful color and j Assayer V IFE - <j Chemist : / It supplies tlk© uaturnl of Mass, food aiul color to the liair I l glands without staining; tho 1 TgnflJjjre 1 skin. It will increase and Pkv;i thicken the growth of the 1 . hair, prevent its blanching CiaD3 and falling off*, and thus | endorse ‘ > AVERT BALDNESS. J; and I y\ recom- j It cures Itching, Erup- j mend it i tions and Dandruff. Asa as A HAITI DRESSING it is very great desirable, giving the hair a tritllDpll ! silken softness which all . i* admire. It keeps the head * 1 clean, sweet aud healthy. CIHO. m -| . j WHISKERS will change the beard to BROWN or BLACK at discretion. Being in one preparation it is easily applied, and product's a permanent color tha€ Trill not wash off*. PREPARED BY R. P. HALL & CO., NASHUA, N. H. Seld by all Dealers in Medicine. New Copper Still For Sale. We will sell a oargain in a lartrc new cop roi- still, all complete ami n ►.ool order, stands &c. if applied for in the neat . ,y days. Terms easy, apply to MiICIIKLL& C’OPILAXD, Hamilton fla. LAW D BET Ii S r MSEEOSZBESTinni if n*t n*ld in ytmrtawiivr4a I B cm fe-*.'t them ny mu IL Drr.p ill i Cnr, tor Cnt ■iVVi. 10 and ■'*- T!' OidMianil la. ojlmri:< £™-f A ID L’jf Uiirrti A 80NS.Faua.Di. tk. ‘ "T Out Ii t sent 'r<:e to those wno wish to • ‘J eng’ice Ui the run t jjl.-tsiTO ai.rf profit' able b hir.r-s known. Eve vth ug n**w. Cap* in! not rtijr.ir.-.1. \W will Sarr.i.h u>u cv* ci ything. 810 adv stul u anrils is *is ly .'it-..vie with:* ;t .:ayif**x nwny from home over . lit. No risk whatever. Many new woik cr w.int-n at - rcc, Maneja e mihinv k,r— no at 'lie bushes. Li-! cv uiske.vi.-nch men. and young hoy. auilaii 1* make great y. No one wlio iv willing to work fi ls make n ore m ney every day th-in ell 145 a-i- in a wivi at nri* on i-.m y n.i|i|<.y *n:, Tl o-c who 8! gage ut omi<* will find a - sort wal t.i foi'.t.ne. V,M c-s 11. iiai.et & * I’.iitlnmi. Main .