Hamilton journal. (Hamilton, Harris Co., Ga.) 1876-1885, April 08, 1881, Image 1

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TRE HAMILTON JOURNAL Subscriptioil Price $1 A Year. fcaa^trrr■ ..., ~ -w- -...t. . ~ 3. Li LSNtris, Publisher. grr- -—--- ■' 1 1 —— - ' ' *- Hamilton, Gd., April (it 1881. Editorial Warning. About this season of the year the new*- papers art filled W.Ui advite to farmers. This ia very proper. The editors feel a pßrsdnrtl interest in tile Success ot the far mer, as they know where thelf hutterel bread conies irjtu. Then who cotild rCsht tbe temptation to advise, when afforded ■nch an opportunity ns the editor enjoys, addressing weekly ns h" does, hundreds ot the horny handed gentry. To reject itidircrimiriittely all of this newspaper Acividd) ltcause It is newspdper advice, WoUld be as loolish as to accept it •II: The wise man takes all, and acts on what he deems best. If you tried nil cottori 1 ist year, and an accurate inventory of all your possessions kHoW* that yoiir Work has bdtri more prof itable than the season previous, wheti you diversified your crons, and the inordasti is enough to warrant the Vxtr* risk which is incuircd by having everything stnked on nite catd, then It will lie bfiat for you and best for the cduutryi that rod shodlh plant truly “fitted: Vh at ever system I rest pro motes individual interests, be-it promotes cbmmunity inteicniS. bon’t list! toiprUe cial fertilizers because your heighttor finds them prdfitvblrt. The question is do you find it profitable to use ahem. If not. don’t buy any ju*t trf lre in the fitahidn. and if you ennnot get tin kind your soil needs, do not take anything you can get. Buy lly the atUlyHis, ra'her than tbe smed. This last is sometimes rot in —like aaifuiditi iu a bail j'ollrd—to tatch the Vmwaiy. Newspaper c litors would plant Urarely olfWl'n—lo ffccd his obloifhd hfci{jhbors hog* about roasting-ear timfi ami strengthen to i stuck la*. But lltfl thoughtful farmer will Wise cniy ns much in* he can at a cost, of less thdtt tbe western art We-. He will btt.y whAt he can get in Ih'A hs-atket cheaper than he cu glow at feoiAe-. Tn fact, Sertsibl* farmer will take th'6 editor’* udvicc kindly, tend his farm dlli?etitly, and *Joi. as the editor would, the (the very best be can. - • %m- JPersonal Intelliffeikte* —Htrtfrj iPgls is down whh ‘tbe *neas -Im. —Captain T. J. Neal, of Elleralie, was in town Tneeb*?.. —ttaafliall Johnston, now an .Ahbhtn Cadet, was home on a dfeort wait -last -week. Benny Kimbrough baa the wreaeles afi (Herbert McAfee is acting as railroad agent. —Our neighborhood gossips tfurnikh an xxnuxnsl nrrsj of interesting items this week. —R. A. Russell, ff, Bnjsmirtrdent of the Hoed Suuday School, was in town last’TnesAw^.. —Hood most give nan rest on twine, or we cannot hope to keep p-mw with her in point of itro-ptr'intion. —TbeAM'inta Phonograph wants nn dc'ive agent born, to whom liberal in rkooemenrts will W (.flowed. —Mr. Jewett Devotie, editor of 'ffce Cofei'nhns Enquirer, Hied last Monday, of infl tßudwtyt'kenmniiisK:. —The Hrumroer ntili vi'its Hamilton numerously, as wiF! be seen by the list of hotel arrivals published iu another ool umn. —sXdll in and we us -nett, wec% when yon oome to oourt and if yon owe us for snbacription settle up and see the devil smile. —The J-rJUNii is published every Thursday morniog, and reaches every cfffice in the ooanty before Saturday noon following. —Judge W. C. Wisdom, who was in town Tuesday, is of tbe opinion that all -of tbe yonng peaches have not been hilled above the mountain. —The worst abnsed man in tbe United States is Rutherford B. Hayes, and yet there are not two men in the United States who would refuse the Presidency -under the title he held. —/Mrs.iCopelaxkti, in jamping from a buggy last w.*k, to gt out of the way of a kicking horse, sprained her ankle, -and has been confined to her room, at tbe residence of her Bon-in law, Dr. A. B. Copeland, ever sinoe. —The democrats have everything to gain and nothing to lose by maintaining the dead-lockitn the Senate, ecd thereby -preventing the delivery of goods bargain •ed tq Mahone for bis vote. They should - stick until December. —Walter DdWolf, the Girling youth who represents that sterling newspaper, the Colnmbns'Times, which rivals the . JorssiL in its popularity with the people of Harris county, will he -up here next week and invites all the friends of bis Journal to meet him—and settle up. —Hundreds of persons can now testify M to the good qualities of our premium garden seed. They are fresh oeyond question, and although we have given away several thousand papers, we h>ve several thousand more to dispose at in the same way. •--Mr. Engene M. Beard, an ea'imsb'e and promising young man, about twenty three years old, died at the residence of •his father, Mr. Alec Beard, at Wbitewille, of consumption, last Tuesday rooming. He has beenaneKhandieitig at Wbiteevi le for three or four year*, eod has made a host of friends who regret his uutuce'y death. w' ■ The Atlanta Constitution, witli chaw deristic enterprise, prints an edition at 11 •n’clodk at ojgbt. which miho in this section of the t-late twenty-four later* earlier than if printed two hour* later. A* this edition print**! near midn'vlit. it i. very propetiy dated for the following morning, arid having news twenty h'wire ti er than that affor led hr Uo rtgulur edition to parties lirtng in this section, it receives a liberal patronage and i* more hu’.hly cite ra-'-u than o'ber 110-th f> rela publications. H has nioro new* than any paper that remb sou. effi a:. Hamilton Journal. VOL. IX.—NO. 14. , Farming. The foliowitid from the Miriatta Jour hill is ffill oi trUib and practical good ssuse- Every farmer has felt truth sa told, in biS own experience, and mant df them "have felt it moset bitterly—but, without a ohaDge of oropping polioy, they •ill feel It more keenly id the oomiug year: , ‘,l’hd targe demand fof Afisno and snp pllee dn time fqrtiahes a question for se rious and Calculating reflection for every man who regards his own success And tbs prosperity of hia oountry. In Satur day’s Constitution under thfl Mad of “State Honse aieanibg*, 1 ’ I notice iff* asjonut motived np to Maroh Ist from inspeotion of fertilizers (ia $54,400 againat $41,000 last Jieaff, ThW ouly laoks abont $8,t)0o of bhang s tottdh as was received daring the whole of lest year. One bendred thousand more tags are Uhkhd fdf in Savannah and 50,000 iu Atlanta, and the prospeot is fnlly SIO,OOO Will be received tbifl year frofil tbe in apedtioh df fertilizers. As the fees of inspfeCtioh Art no higher than last year, these flguros show a very large increaae in the qnantity of fertilizers being used, llrat# la fifi HdihflartStfß between ibis and last Ab for tbe domaud for corn and meAt. Th merchants can aoarcely Bhppiy the detfiAnd. This id some extent is attrib uted to the general failure of the wheat and corn crop last year. But the saddest part of the pidthre is, All the fertilizers, abd l may say throe-fourtha of the sup plies, are bOfigbt.on time, and at prices that Bo farmer oan long hope to survive. The experieriuce of 1873 is still fresh in the minds of many. Will the people not take warning? Is it hot time that the Southern plan ters and far nets abandon the qetniCious Credit system? It is tb4 great drawback ho their prosperity. However hard they labor, favorable the Reason, and good their crops, they find themselves, as a rule, in debt at the end of the year. Why ia this? Failure to raise supplies at home, utilize barnyard mature, and in cotstqnenoe Vhe enormous per cent, they bave to pay for them hh time. A* the system is practiced, tb# planter or farmer gives the merebant a lien on his crop to l;e grown, and mortgage on hia stock and land; and the merchant, bvibE'O’enrrcd, furnish* 1 Ike MoCesHary srtppliea, and at I fi/arvs ranging from 25 fo I*lo per cent, nbove cash prices, lur papers are sign ed, and tbe farmer becomes tbe mer chen’s serv'Dt, hit mcr’gsgc w recorded, and bis credit destroyed, so fur im ol>- tainieg aqytbiqg cine .these coneerei It, and bis merchant charges him jnst what he likei for (he supplies he furnishes. I urge no complaint against the merchants who furnish tbe snpplies; for, as a rale, considering tbe advantage They have aud the risks they take, they dwiii ahortt as lenient with the farmer as the geiiiraiity of -masters with their siaows. In addition to the embarraßinent en. cumbered properly, tbefarm/r promises a goer-cent, ha oauuot reasonably hope to pay. No man can bear 25 per cent. Sec. ator Brown in his recent speeoh on the funding bill said “I think I may venture to say that a irge;pro.patien of the far mers of the United Siates do not make olear more than 3 per cent, upon the cap ital invested.” I once heard a success ful fiaancit r'ssy fhrft no man in the or dinary and legitimate peisuits could loDg ciford to pay 7 per cent, on money. What hope then can the farmer have that promises 25 and 100 per cent. “Now to the remedy. Last year was an exceptionally nnfavorable one for wheat and corn. We may not have snch another in years. Don’t Ist -tha short grain roprf last year disoourage the the planting of plenty Jhis year. Give the same attention to the preparation, mutaring, planting and cultivation *-of corn that is given t cotton. Plant tbe best land in corn and cultivate it wdll. This is the season far planting. If yon thick twenty aenes willmake oore-enough, plant thirty far a certainty.—Marietta Journal. Biij. Au*> sq's “it looks like the farmers were getting rich, but they ain’t. It costs some farmers ten cents per pound to make cotton. It costs the majority of ’em about eight, and then there is the wear and tear of mules and wagonh eod harness said plows to be considered. Cottom brings the money all in a lump, and a fellow feels so riob and good with it in his pock et be stintserosadamd buys* nice drees for bis wife *ud eoiaetinjng kU round far theehaldECU. He bus waked ibwrd, *ud so h*s the etd lady end Alia hoys, end at does look like they -ought tc bare some thing out of it; end the ooofcing stove is about bunted owt, and ftaesm is obliged to have anew bun-net, .at,d Jack wauts e pair of ftwadey boots; sard there's iots of things they oa't 4 wrllintrt nay longer. And, wi, by the rime ike euaaia J* paid foT, sod the edwsceea aaxi tamd iatssg, and so forth, (late * ariabty kittle ief't and the corn it low ra ib> enb, and *bt meat won't hold oat for reothsr erp. Thut's atom the way with smsll femmes alt <-*er the ewatry, and (bay make the bulk ef the crop. Forty yearn expmiaaee hue atuunpsd public approval of Ayer’s Ctwray Peeto rsl, us the most reliable of ell remedies* for Throat or Chist diseeaes. Ite oontiu , ned and increasing popu ! anay is conclu sive evideaoe of its superior curative qual ities. In ah Eoglish court, lately, a plaiotiff made good hi* claim to an esta'e which seventy years ego had escheated to the Crown for lack of n, xt of km. Georgia Xeir*. The Oedrgia Press Association meats at Rome iu May. Tbe Dawson Journal estimates tbst it will take $10(17*00 to pay for ike (. nano sold there rbis aeasotl; Tbe editor of tbe Baptist Sun wan crowded out of his sanctum for three days by tbe freshet at llouie recently. A negro while attempting to burglarise the residence of Mrs. D. Harris, df Ktt. onion, a few nights since, was kill ed. The Atlanta Phonograph seysi ft is a settled faot that Governor Oo'qnltt will be a candidate for United States Sen ate at tbe next cleo'fdti. Mr. George I. Seney, of New York, has given $50,000 to tbe Waalayan fama'a college, at Maoon, and relat'd bis Etuory oollega gift to $50,000. It is estimated that the amount of dam age done in Georgia, alone during the re cent freshets, will amount in round mini* bera to more than one million dol lars. Macon Telegraph and Messenger: Jack Price, tbe champion pedestrian] of the South, ia in the oity, and will remain for several days, hoping to make A match to walk twenty- six honra against any two men in the city. Abont a year ago Mf: J. C. Lumpkin, of Coweta oounty, had bis arm amputated above the elbow on account of a oatici-r, wbioh had appeared on bis hand. The canoer has broken tiUt afresh nnder bis arm, and he ia in a very onticai condi tion. Dr. Jarrfell, of Crawford, has ia Ms possession the eath of allegiance that bia grandfather look in the Revolutionary War, and also a chest that has deeu in the fainiljr alnofc lffl@. Not one of tbia family has ever taken a homestead, or any other manner evaded the payment of a detit. A vigilant lawyer in Lexington has a list of every jnror in tbe county, alpha betically arrauged. together with a state ment of their birthplace, list of property, standing and character and family con nections. By glancing at this, ba has A key to thto probable verdict of a ju ror. Tha Romp Bulletin publiahes th" fol lowing wonderful slory. \f it ia an April fool It is ■me'#what previous, M tha papar ir whi-'h it appesra ia dated March 80 b: “Mr Frank I'erry, who rcides dawn on the Coos* river, near tho Greco Foster pisoe, was in the oity y.aterd.y. As is known, the Fuaier farm lies in a bPnd of ib- rivsr. Mr 1 , yorry siys dating the halt freshet the Coosa tl oded this plai;e, end fhe'carrpnt that swept over it was so stror g that kin some places it washed off tks aurfaoeto Abe ex ent of five acres down to tlienltup. fin one of ;be-e washes a buried Indian battle Cetd was .xtioseil to view. The ground wafi screwn with bones. Not a human Hone that oue contd think of but waa to "beon 'lhia long biden field of battle, chat tbe Ooosa had, as it were, so suddenly lifti-d up into broad day. An addltieti to tbebonoa a large number of Indian beads, varying in siz * from an average hickory not to a small pea, were also found. Ia one place an Indian pipe, carved into the shape of a human face, waa picked np. As there are a great, many logs, so lying one on the other as to indicate that they once consti tuted a fortification, it is supposed that these bones are indications of a stubborn Indian -battle having been ifongl't on this spot in the unknown past. Who can de cipher these tueroglyphieal reoerds of In dian history.” Erichs' Fashion Quarterly is titoe tbe swaßown; its ptw i'brt +\pring is here in earnest, laufl What 'ttbe ificmaftfui.l wiulwr of o?0—*8 *> art. lomff* ruaeM totu tbe pdt, ta foraWh forth a Tnvrtlfdl ties*? for fireside disaasnwyn * wwy * ifMcre eA-OU* night, The Faabmn Quar terly as usual, is full of information for tbefwir. It tells them what to buy nd ■how to get it: what styles have gone oat of fashion, and what are coining into vogae: and its copious descriptions and price lists will enable Its readers to practice a wise economy, by foreseeing, and providing for every kern of the season's necesities A strictly novel fea ture of the present number is the system of ladies’’ unmade dresses: wbice is in tended to enable a lady to secure the most fashionable goods and patterns | without being subject to the charges of a New Tea* dressmaker. Uuder this syo -beta, the Ebeicbs' furnish Me sa-teraa-ls *tji ifjattmr,us -of tbe various costumes li fe stunted M their journal, for a filed <priee; wtruditg mart only the dreas goods, tmt the Among, trios mi ug, buttons, *•- dog salk, wad, in whort, everything bat tbs needle aad thread. 'The-economy of this aystsm is -evident, *pd it is safe to pre dict for it am immense sncce-s. Tbs Fashion<Q(Tart*dy is published by Khrieb HnsUxsie, Eighth Avenue, New York, at HU voutu m ywer, r IZ cents a copy. Two e‘iosbt* t*ut cash Bull ilo girls, iackmg the money to boy orchestra chai ra for a Bembsrdt psdamww. blackened their fecei with etwreoul, uetiffteJ bem uelvea with eloaku, and Uxk otwap places in the upper gallery. Ttory were stffl eieaUy disguised, bat their color did not in the least rea, table a negro’s, and they soon became objof inter-st to the audience. They were at length taken te a police station, where they were reorgan ized and sent home. A Soboolinarm who eloped from Omaha with a seventeen-year-old pupil, left ber board imp. id and an empty trank nailed I to lba floor. INDEPENDENT DEMOCRATIC NEWSPAPER. HAMILTON, GA„ FRIDAY. APRIL X, 18X1. Creating ft Sett nation. Ws had the pleasure yesterday of look ing through the large sd<l varied stock of merchandise |(|rft reca.vrd aud epabed by rdlr ebterprising fellow tawnsraan, John W, Gamble, who having purchased and handsomely fitted up the Ruraeli build,ng south of tbs Cotut Hutiae, has again entered (lie mercantile bosiueaa. His large pnrohascs and the very low priest at which hb (tilers hi* goods, show that ha has gone in to win suocses. His dry goods department ia now Boui plete in every detail. He has thh ¥dry largest and prettiest line of Si ring prints in the tnaikol, yet notgithstuudir g this, be will receive Ibis weak anew lot, more bountiful (ban the, refit, anticipating the great rush which '1 to be oeasioned by the ar.nonnoemont tbst -a is selling these standard brands at six and eight cents. The Uditn will flu 4 hia fancy goods, notions, trimmings, etc.,-displayed in the b oidsomeat show ease iu town, atld offered at the lowest prices. Iu tba way of bleached good) mi and domestics, he offers a great variety, at prices which plaoa him beyond competition. In the shoe department he showed na the finest ladies' sb.ie lo be found in this market. Bat hia slock is com preban Hive, and embraces all qualities, from the vety beat to the cheapest grade. For $1 lie sells a aervioable grnt’a or ladiaa’ shoe aud hiH prices range upward, always giUrthteeififl • belter IHiols for your money than you can get else*hart. A larger atonk of hat* oaneot be found th'a aide of Columbus. Tike atook ia en tirely too larga for the market, Mr. Gam ble thinks, and so he haa concluded to sell them at wholesale rate*. We were offered bat* in endlea* variety at from ttiree for a qnarter up to a* uaat a hat as any gcbtlelXAfi fionld want, at equally luV figures. “There ia no nas for oL—ri to try to compete with rue in this lino,” he r- marked. “My New Y >rk friend, who flllbd my order, haSlgiVeA tn* more than \ ought to carry, but in doing t'nia be made mo prices that will arable roe to sell A* figure, other MelAfiaAta here on -bdt afford,” Only oall aud gat his prices ou lb"*** goods and yott will look no fur ther. He hjs a full stock of crockery, tinware , fa-rnors hardware and g-omrics. Iu flour, meat and corn lie proposes to lead the ' uiarjiut, hud his V*ly Riga sales indicate 1 sooceas in hi* iff’ctl to carry Wilt lit* proposition. WLh • Istrgb .xoaricnoe as tto !h want.* o' the public, thorough ao quaiutenoa wilh the merits ’ (he varume markst, and an ample onabowpita'l to Jig dnot tiis htt dbV**. he i* amply eq.iippel for hi •nr der'nking, and hie off >rt* to r. volnti'.niza Vhe cash Wads here presage aucoei'A. Haying Gordon Off. Correspondence Conner. Journal. There is something new under tbe enn as rogarda the Georgia Western reilroa l, nndjit ia(thisr Sotmiltme einca General Gordon came into possession of tha chart er of the Georgia Wcsiern, which the company'gave V m in-lieu of a salary of $5,000 a year, wnich he wapito reoeive * their attorney; bnt they. Banding aub- Reqnontty that hia service* wonld not lie required by them, fenftxefcd him 'o *i:eept the charter and “call it square.'’ It i* asserted that he ba disposed of the sameliie an luster®, company for tha mm of $30,000* but to whom ia a secret. It ia thought, however, that A. J. Jewett, of Nw York, and Governor Colquitt are among tbe number, aa they have been traveling t gather through Georgia and Est Tsnnosaee for several weekes past. It ia nnwxfemJlueßtly believed that it will ■be put throngh at once from Aherdeeo to Atlanta, via Birmingham, and great en tthuTsiaeai prevails here and all along the tlnie atrat itba proKpedt-. Am EffteAe.nl Officer, Vlr B. BH Wdliams, tiie popular HhcrifT ■df Hur'ia county,tin very quiet t the dia vfimigte of fliedlintica of 4ri* office, but be ia very efficient nevcrtuvlea*. He ima mwle nimiti'cii arresta lince Octelier (xmrt and has in his hands only seven warrants mark ed “no arrest,” and ha* poesies summonsed to make some of these. 11s has in sale keeping thr-e jail birds—and when the atm shines they sing like larks, showing that they enjoy humane treatment. O.ie of these is for burglary, <■- • dint-irbing religions worship and owe lor V,,vny Few <eotn>tier have.a sheriff who -esc show a Better record than thin. Buinen of Court. An examination of the neatly kept dockvia at the HnperiorOoau, shows that we have much business for the term of court whwA* teegins next week. The Com - mon I**w dwetoet ahous forty-seven Dew usd fifty oU vase*. The Claim eight new and twenty old. The Motion Avs new nod devvc dd, while the Appesljha* five new end tee. many eld cases to be count ed. No one cap. go into the Clerk's office without admiring the nest srul systemat ic arrangement of everything lu it und I tbu well kept records. Mr. Trnett makes a model officer and ootnmsnd* the very | highest regard nd admiration from oil : woo come tu contact with him in his offl : ciai capacity. Hamilton Hotel Arrival*. Moses Lowtn'ball, W J Pearce, J M S-moion*. C D Hcwwll, W T Hankstou, G W Brifinghsm, I L Bollard, W M Hose, H W Card, F B Lignot-ki, ColninhnM. A C Hoth. Augusta, Ga. Wft Kv-ins, Atlanta. N M UMinioa, B A l*ac. I A Spain, Ma con. J Wiae, Havaonah. J A Benois, Nashville ienn. T N Sparks, county E T England, G C f) vis New York. .Marshall .Jobrnon, Ant.urn A ; . Jlonry Ml-oro, Igiubvi! Ky. fioliin Hu-jsel , H ,ou U. The,Atlanta Cotton Factory. IChaItUNR the Atlanta OoricXpdndrtnt of th* Ketmimh news, gnfed the following concerning the lata transfer of the nbove institution. 1 was present when, w : th a gtand (lone ish of trumpets, ML H. I. Kimball looks grohnd for Ibo Atlanta S asm Cotton Fsctoty and helpr-d on the otiicrprine from that day wt h all my JoornaliauU lo (luenoe. i,,.„ But whed I discovered as I did in fha trial of thd Atlit of tin Lnwsli mAobine shop th*t “fiuil play” ws the policy of ilia “Graat Diifelopfir" wlio was at ita bead, l ohmged my views and declined to advocate its Claims. , l bAve AlWAya willtKn frankly and hott eatly in regard Id it, sin! when Mayor Eugliah told II I K mtiall to his face, in a mealing u,f pbe aten-k hoHleis, thai he (Kmiballj irotild >et “steal the facto ry,” I rather took aides with Ibo accused. Tima, however has somewhat vimiuutud Mayor E giieh in has rush charge. K <utiall has not stolen the Factory in a diieut manner, but he and his friendn have fpitihled it up “hook and bob and aiuker,” sod the origiUfl stock boldera now hotd thi < utpiy bsg, while a few Northern caplta'ista walk <ff wuh the pig under tl.eir aims. Of oour-.e Kirn all and Bullock have donu nothing wrong, ipe, factory goi s otl, the poor have employment; aid (Verylbihg is lovely. It ia aluiply A sttddeu and sharp change of ownership throngh a reoeiver. Duty this and nothing more. Different Tune*. On of our Menwoibet faiiuvra drove to Hood last week attui a anpply of go ami. Returning home .he camped near a wotdb.yi obaervatil rild H.rria fariuur. Pipe iu iiiuulh, the old Harria gent atrollr ad au -A tho camp of iho Meriwether gA auo purchaHar, After being auatod aud gattiug through tho proliunuary reuiaika ebuut the weather, roads, etc , the Har ris veteran ehked hia Metiwmhor neigh bor wual ho had iu fits wegotl. ‘•Gu ano,” said uur Moriwother fticud. “Yea, *MI tbh old uiau; “1 oo a great iuuy wagons coming troru your aeutiou; they al: coma enui'y amt go away loaded The dm.id appose ru exce lent .puns, loudly singing L .rd revivn ns.' Next tali I ex lo sue you coming back *nb h .ggaut faces All J hanging lioada, singing ‘suo* pity Lud, oh, L .rd forgive.'” '1 uo uid men aud.d tlial he had never ued * p kU'.d if gdaiio bdt ilid na ever in reU'i dk.iug so, i.hkjOki he alwaya wuni VO Hood Wkth s f hvijy Joadod wagon and ierai iked with at', ciritdy ontt. If the wag on TcinrneJ empty, wn’H be buund roe <y.( Vuee's pockuia wore uol, Huriab for H.rria —Viudicator. Fi.th Culture hi LaGrange. ’nielc iVio ihiVleel'. iidi peudk in La- Grange, perhapa more lhart any towu in theM sie can clulM. Until tbe last year or two not mu li Kiwnnoii mil devoted to the culture nf fi b by the owners of tb*Ho|oruia. A year ago i-mt November a few ccty vouAg Oormau oi-fp were plac ed in uome of tht-m. At the toon they wkCuld nut weigh half an nnu.e. i.uwt week oue td Ihv ptriidA %ae let. < 11, and tbo'C.rp tkeu Iheret-rura averaged foot and a half in length arid weighed from three toJ.iof pounds. 'I here was quit* WHrit'y of other 'tiafe taken from the poitd, the whole uurnber being about twenty thousand. A few ph'toh bad grown to an enormous siz t. —Reporter. Opinion of an Eminent .trlist . Letter from Victor Capoul, the K r *> ul tenor of tho Indian Opera : Mettdelssobii Fiano Cos., New York : GeoGeaaen—lt iaa pleaaura to play up on your pianos. Nothing nan aioel your Uprights m power, quantity of lone, and elasticity of touch, and judging from those w* have seen on board the liropnan steamship*, where a piano is subjected to a severe trial, I think they are tha best pianos iu lb* world Cor durability. Vtot .11 Capjcu Atlanta I’oal-Appea': IvhA, week IA DoKslb snperior oourt was tried the noil of Dr. J. D Mitchell ve. Jno. B. Gordon and EdStsYd Cot. Dr. M tckett live# Teylor county, and supplied Corn, baAOri and WUnbeY to the firm of Gordon A Co*, lessee’, working convicts in branch pen itentiary No. a, and his suit was far pay meet for tbese snpplr-s. General Gordon pleadad, among other ihii-gs, thet there bad been accord and satisfacion in the 11, utter, in that upon the dissolution of his partnership with Cox, the lattsr assumed all Indebtedness, and Mitche.ll did not dis sent from tbe name, npon notice to him, hut really ksWen ted MjH uoido A contract for convicts out of Cox's quota in pay ment of this debt. Mitchell replied that toe contract as sub-leass by Wn> Iron! Cox wan illegal; that when be had taken the coriviots to his pD.oe, they were taken away from him by the princ pul keeper, on tbs order of the Governor, because it was contrary to Uw to work convicts in that fashion; hence such a contract could not be a payment. I bare were other in cidental (glints made, but the ooor charg ing that the contract wr.s illegal as claim ad, the jury returned a Vetdlht Iti favor of tbft plaintiff, Mitchell, for Cl,7(X> princi pal, with interest and costs. Anew tri al will be demanded by Gen. Oordoo. Secretary Lincoln is eaid to have more v.sttora than any other member of the Cabinet. His list is swollen by troops of oolorod people, who oour in simply “to shake bands wi'h the sob of the man who issued the emancipation proclamation." Mabooeien democrat tbiongh prin ciple sud a ri publican thro >gb policy. si A YEAR. Sudden Death, Mr. John (’nonius Wj'.Hama, a well known t-iliaon *rt Jlaiiitltofi, and brqtliot to our Ordinary and Slid ill di;id vt-ry rud d.-nlv last Frldty tliorifing, at his p'anta tnyi, tivq uiD's froiii tpwn. The day bc lofi' ho -vaa Iu t i*n and 1 t'' 111 the after noon walked out to Ills plantation, and alter supper let! cd as q.uul. N--xt morn ing the servant who piiqlilea hid lin-aJs called him and gelling no reply he cn. lered Ids room and found him, pot oust lons He irmained In this loadll.on up lo hi ileatli, wliic'a ocbuircd soon after (ho ar rival of Ids wife and Dr. (’opdtnd, who liad bei-U SoltitUottsWi to his bedside. Mr, Williams hm* iotlg been a mitlersr Ironi nKtlona, and Ilia do ttli la douhtles* tiaceablw to Ita ravug a. H waa a man who had many ltfeii If, has' held erveral public oftli-ea gf houotjj ,anil tilUt, Clwava with alilliiy, Ami while hi- heillh fttt rcV-s rial veara has grrrilv Impabwl his useful ness as a citizen, Ida death is regretted by all. A Cincinnati Vapor Cheap, We nave made arraugementa with the pnlilisbera of the Waokly Cincinnati itommerolal, a targe fifty-ail oolnmn Da per, by which we are euat|Jed lo offer it and rhe J, i nrUr. one year for (2 00 and g;ve to every subscriber ntir liiiaral sard prem'n'U atld hia choice of either of the following books: Manliness of Christ, E.dymion, Reminiscence* of Thomas Carlisle, Pilgrim's Progress, Ivanhoe, Middlvmareh, IlolUDfon Liuaoe, or Mtd shipman Easy. . |You can gcj | a copy of tbia mammoth eheet, by afidreMiug tha pnbliahera of the Ooiumrroial, Cincinnati, O. Another candidate. , i Hr laigo rnujrfrity t|ic peo| 'e of the Uuited Stall’s luivu dcclaie.l tin Ir taitli in Kidney-Wort u7a remedy for all the dia eases of the kidneys hiiil liver, sonny how ( ver, huVe dislik'd Ills tridiblo of fttepnr iug it fio’n llio dry form. Pot such ,new candidate appears iu the sliepti of Kidntsy Wort in Liquid Form. It is vary coftcen trated, is easily talo*n and is equally efi cicnt as the dry. Try it—lxiuisvide Post • llvvrah for Our Side! . Many people have lost llitlr interrtl, In politics and In amusements because they are so out of Boris ami run down that they i annot N|J iy anything. If such persona would only be wise enough to try that (tel abrateo remedy Kalney Wortumi expoii euee Its t inlc and renovating offsets they would Honn tie lie 1 rshlng with the loudest. 11l fithe- dry or liquid form It is a perfect iemed* for Wirpitl liver, kidneys or how els. Kxchan.<e, Fell Deatl. Jc ae \fltrliHm, n colored man lb mg no on the plinta'lon of Mr. Charley Po ter In HI lur-lle district, fell dv-td l ist Katin day t the wnri'hni.H •of MoOliee A Hatcher in Col'.mbs'- He was a negro who exsiclstd a rood Intlucnoi over his race and his I u*l -Xt eat I v re.cettO'l by nil who knew him - both black ami white Cheap Hooks. Cook llros at Hamilton, 11-ib't Spivey, Hood, and Klyun liiountaiu Hill, (is.. hsveea hand a fnll anpply of school sod oolleg* Tail books adopted recently l>jr the IVjsrA of lCbuoatiou of Hatris County, which they are selling 'at low at* ohauga id iiitrofiwdol,* piccef'.; Ice Avaln. Winter dallies in ilia lap of Fprlng. Tlieie wa* u very thick coat ol 100 formcd last 'l'u -riiay morning. It was preceded bv a icavii-r frei-7,0 b.iUitilsy Moiilig. lint little bop - it wutcrtmne t lor llio peaih crop. Fresh Jiruys. Ws Isarn that our live Druggists, Itilsy A Mason, will in a fsw days receive a foil -line of Dings, Medicines, I’siats, Oils, aud Dye Staffs,. ersrfumery Ac., dirsot (roxu impotsrs sn-i manufacturer!. Complimentary. Everybody now has u good ,word for Hit JofAsat. ’(lnt of our erteeuiul |ialrons thinks it as good as the JiG range Jlepoit cr. As tie is an old Troup cmiuty clt.z-n, w apprnii'v tuis as -he highest comp I nicnl nc cull'd pay us. Fresh and UoUa'jlex Lard Oil, Machine Oil, lauuarn Gil, Castor On, and 11 if* Non Kxplosiva Kor oMSll-> 0.1, ut loursnt uisrgiu, for sele by Uiley A Ussou. The I’lace. If yon wish pure aid genuine inedicii o and uii'diclnes that yon can depend oh go to a drug store f>* r thbSi The Ox Sermon. We liaye on flic an exiellmt Wrinon, equal to Talrniige'e licet—will, h w.ll Le published next w :ek. A HeminAer. The piece to get good shoes, cheap for l cash is J. U. D coat's, aud don t you forget | it. j An Invitation. C ,!t oh J ll Frost and get a boi ot h a staieh pods# nii • if lisppt The Very Heat. Cook Brothers have jut received A rint! 1 lot of extra good coffee which tliej off r chcup for cash. Very Truly Salit. Anything you want can l>e h and cheap for cash at Cook Brothers. Junt Itecelred, Anew lot of Spring Print* tt j. Ri Frost'*. Oh l 1 ThO'A beautiful hire* *t J■ R. Frosi , s and •0 i Lei p. • W. ♦yjppj’r Debtors and Creditors Notice#' All persons I id bt*<l t < tbe Mtalr of T It *’ yen', late of HarrteiOoOi-fy, dee*ea*u,. imrehy required to make luiaiod a* P*TUisnt. Ail peraona having ehrM* eg*hyt esid eatste will preasnl them, dnior sntli'imc.tfd, within the ti ne prertH id by la#. J. \\ BnvsvT, Ilurrl County * Notice to Bridge Builders. 1 On SLfnfdai the Sfldinf At.nl, next, wff lie lpt. to tl,q lowest atld t est b'dder. tt phtqic outcry In front bf Die Cou-t H na itoor j„ tie- to il nf Hamilton tl.a luil'a iflg of a inl'hr* a< - rosa ilia Mulbatry week a> Ijowdalt'a Mill*-■ . i at the same BrtW nJ tW tte bull-ting of A b Uge .cross the Uy-I.at- hi* creek .'n lbs public nsad leading from WeVqily Hull to Oawula. Plat' a and ape' ll'twtlona smlftir'l er per ticul .rs. an be bail upon application to the Clerk of the Commissioner, outi of ltoad* ami Jlevenue. fly order cn/ the L'Uld—th|< March Md, 1881. Fi.tn'n lljikdaiT 1 . Jr . (tier. Ci 0 IV A K. TheAtUnV Post-Appeal. a. Dally* TueßdajT, & Semi-'Wee^’’ 4 • \ V _ | i). Ei Caldwell, FroprUlr The sue*eM Of 111. Atlaufa Dally p.mv, Appeal tins laieii nnieeee tented In the hi-to t-y oTSotlihrln Jolt nalisin. Although ini Da third vidumc, I has t'bu favotiai with A dal ysul'sjrlp Fn quite aqud td ahy |a per Hoc.tli-cast o' N#sliVll,e Tei-n. tAnd tlil., 100 wifi,out tl o ex|tenditnre of mull-- ay iwunily ri-qilired to isiubli.-h paper In circulation. Tli- Host Ap|a-sl wis estab lished Iti popular -tsver brennne *>f i' new ay ch iraCt'f combined with a sjlilt ( f in depOfldcr lf h ness * n alt ant'jsf ta It fenr* less! v denouniw t wronr. And uplietd wtlght at ill times and under alt drt umstaiico*. Tilts Inis I'C'-u and is now it- motto.- It prouilaea to , ontiiiue * cood newsjia. per. tail, Libhlul, honorable. Its 1.,1a graphic nowal eludes every tiling rtfeon.o qneu- e(H (unHi tiu the world It muikrt loporraarcvcDablo and anpate, >u teo to the Houtliein states. It is malldt ie. u'ar y on ihu dftv of pnhdr-miouso as in reach all MH-tiolis of the coiintrv With tho news in advance of anv A11,, j 11 ,-, psiatr , Tot nut of Subscription f Sl ,, , DalitV T-wt App,-al on- year $6 fie 1 Unity PiHi-Appeal.nwi niou'h UO - I‘o.t Ap|-sl three month- t 70 Hi mi-We k'v Dost Ap--eni one year.. 1 itO Tuesiliiy . I’oat Appeal one voir.. 78 Tuesday's I’oti-Appc.l in ciuloi of 20 one je tr. 7 8® Tuesday's Dost Appeal in clubi of 80 oun year 48 Sen t post > fll in money order payable lo D. K Cal-lweil; Biibllsiict. 1 Aililtera alt e nimunH-ntlitfcu 10, , L D. E, UALnw.i,L. Atlartla n; fiuhrgla, Ilarritt County. • Joliu A McCain* in ke. appl'cai.oii id' me for letter* of u ini unship of Mar. Lou John* ib. minor o' T N. Johncon, d-n-a** ed.kml E'l'll* Atkina m, miner of W. D. Aiki'ismi, deep Sad. All |cl sons oMiCerned are hereby notifi ed to chow causti, If any Kiev hare/ by the’ fust Monday in May, tixt. wtiy letter* of gnardlniiHUip shouM not ba granted said applicant. , Given under my lignd and official signa ture, Maich ID, iHbl) J. F,C. WiUiaUS, Ordinary <uj>t &E3T. I'uMinheti byfll &C MCRKiMYl.Npringftolil, Mow** If y*tl In tend lotnfi fa fei WEBSTER’S UftABRiDtiED, “DO IT 3MOW.” THIS NEW EDITION Contains over 118,000 Words, 1328 Pa£a, 3000 Ennravincs, Four Pagoa Colored Plates, , 4600 NEW WORDS mill Jlcunings, Biogrraphicnl Dlotionarjf cf over 6700 Kautiies. BEST FOB FAMILIES. Gn'fit nmoiiiit tif Information 4a the lendin and Tuhlc*. *ll *1 vnry copy in n vowt hloklioun of a*! 4 - jSu4 ful AjJ fllho veJ-y Vm*h aid to Vielp ft ttoufif to oe- fifl JL coin® tntttlljgrMt. JL • BEST IN ENGRAVING*. The “ most hi-autiful amt crHvpisre i'.n/ f¥l liali Dictionary. A ’ Ha" 3000 Kn graving*. meirivthree TV times as many as any other Dict’rv. fl Every school arid family should iiavs It Vt fur constant reference. rJ BEST TOR SCHOOLS. BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY has over TH 9100 N*rn of uotwd persons. *1 Each word in Supplement hnn l**n se-1 1TI Icctcfl and defined witii grpat cart*. JCf SIJPPLIC!MTK>TT. confains orsr 4600 Q New Words and Mcfimugi. kj The pirturn of *hiw on pnge I-M9, showrjfl the meaning of 110 9 JL AUu Webster's National Pictorial dictionary <64o Pages OcUre. €OO tngtivinji. MADAME GitSWOLDS PATENT KKIHT-SIirPOUTWJ S CORSETS /Cl hve become thsftvor- u /*vV‘ -T •t of the a-e! Ji'Ribin- AsMIV 'f.jVf uacomj'rrt sr.dA alllnO i’J t , riineheaocenf h-na l- ku >' ; reiinirltsbie ducrsis Him , ,l - 1 ,r hitMyt/vlmol M KlViyAi iliyiOir.i. Thsyreceivnd ‘ v,£\ .e Hiirbsft AwstA r.t the ,'onWWbwl AsuostUoa. > :b I>lltlTisnd yve nla , rail vnaeers VV **(l ■. everyehoro. These corset* are n itwy-tji i*-‘ Kiclusivi- territory ir'.v-n. A cents pw,K#t,h nsnt soil Pi-i ftt'b'e bll ■ ir-’.iw. fiend rot te-re ' i OSISWOLII * Oo'jrt Br'-niWsy, N. Y.nrl .1 -iv Weetera Agents. J fl wresnt AOo . Prsdon-.v, ti i.. J.ll. l'stnsu,. lit Stv.te Btrg nh., m I I. WffUiICffrRS.CO.CmAH9 L'LVrr, substitutiwtuSefor am Di T mr.i.y MEK'ASK ALCffWCIPLE & h'CVEMEHT.A iH?Aaf.aft tmm’mstxiw?' AUiDMATic.oikm h mKcmm . R3 dOPerrTiiiso'JTbffft- - srw ll'EF.K'.VfD,"!rl'>./iLv r S' ' - f.t S ,'AC Tiliii, rid. 1C ,'i g'kVJv - Jit f Si. v : *l X iKI T EIUWi IT j C-i ;l 'iji-'OtU'.. • lfflWElMs?;escraßlT • ' M ■ - lOSEII. SOirf3l!. l h.sTi'S‘n? .t.-'sv AGENT’S TMt:' ;