Hamilton journal. (Hamilton, Harris Co., Ga.) 1876-1885, April 15, 1881, Image 1

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THE HAMILTON JOURNAL Subscription Price $1 A Yoar. J. L. DENNIS, PVXLSSnEXU Hamilton, Ga., April IS, tSSJ. Personal Intelligence. Quite a number of gaaala at the Ham ilton hotol this west. Be tor* to read '“Tho Ox Barmon" in (bu lane of (tie J • vsn al and let a* know • whet you think of it. The beautiful leudenoe of Miasaa Schley (about completed and ad da greedy to the ujipaarauoe of that part of the town. —Oar yVUhg man need no longer aing “ Wbe* the sprier, time cornea geaila An nie." The ‘time” and sprung i.aeif bare -arrived. —Wilkerson, the p’aie-o!ecer and •ewtng machine spinner seems to be do-> ing a igood business. —The West Point feogny man it in town this week and offers to tbe riding publio some splendid vehicles at reasona ble -rates. —Tbe measles are still in Hami'son but spread very slow and are a mild type -of that disease. —Dr. Kerr, pastor of the Presbyterian Cburoh, was in town last •Sabbath smd preached in the morning and at night. —We have long seen the need of more 4iors6-raokß in and aro&nd our town and would suggest to the authorities that a -few more be put up before the next term ■of the oort. Otr ooaotry friends will •appreciate this item, and ail the more if She number'uf hitohiog places is inefeaa sd. —Bennie Kimbrtfngh and Henry P.ftS ■are np sad on the streets. They won't -run from the measles any more. —‘‘May it pleas Your Honor and gentle men of the jury." Did anybody tver hear that' sentence -uttered more titaa once a day in a court house.' —The oat patobes in and around town ■are looking well, aad we learn that tbe email grain throughout the -cowuty prom ises wall. The area sown is far to small. —lt is Slid that a good orop year fol lows a severe wiuter. If this be true and the yield of the fl ilds this year is ia pro pdttion to tbe severity of the past winter we will surely have "a land of pleu -4y." -Tbe 11 iwing court verses of Col B. L Harris, ar. not as fiery as usual, but -overflow with good humor. —Col. Walter 8 Do Wolf is now in town -easing tha consciences and pockets of those who are indebted to the Times and relieving the miuds of those who are anxious to take owe of the very best newspapers published. —Col. Charley Itussell is ss important • factor of Harris Superior Court as the judge on the beuch. —-®r. A. B. Copeland left last Thursday to attend the session of the Georgia Med ical Association at Bsinbridge. Hu is ai compauied by Mis. Willie Copeland, who will speud aono time with her friends there. -—Mrs. 'll. Wollson retnrned homo Tuesday evening from an extended trip to relttiveg. —lt is rumored that Mrs. Ben Lowe has been tendered the musical department of ■our college. Mrs. Lowe is an accomp lished pianist, and a woman of culture. We hope she may be induced to accept a connection with the institution. —Miss Mary Gtorge has gone to Bsal wood to teach school. We congratulate 'the oommunity that secures her servic es. -as she is a higely cultivated lady of ■scholarly attainments. —Prof. W. L. Palmer of White Sn’phur Springs was in town Saturday and paid the Joiktkax a pleasant.call. As he did not come dowa to court he returned home Sunday afternoon. —Capt. G. W. Ely, Southern Passeng er. Agent of the Star and Cresent Route, a Harris county boy who is an honor to bis old ! hom9, is ou a short visit to his moth er, in the Lower Nineteenth, acoompamed by his wife and baby. Tbe Jocbnal ac knowledges a pleasant call from him on Taesday last. —Mrs Eilis Miller, of West Point, one of our stolen Harris county girls, is visit ing Hamilton, the guest of Miss Mollie LoWe. —Robert Spivey, E3q., of Hood was la town last Tuesday, smiling as compla cently as if be was not affected by the rise of calico. —Hood sent ns a fine delegation of cit izens last Tuesday. —Tbe Li Grange bar is represented at cur oonrt by Judge T. M. Longely and Col. Albert Cox, —West Point sends ns Captain 3. W. F Little and Co'. B. L. H irris as her legal representatives. Tbe absence of either from HiiTfis county would bo nested by tbe frequenter of the c >urt room, as read ily as tbe absence of tbe Sueriff or Clerk. —Captain R M. Willis, Captain Cs'vlo O.lhouu and Col. Jimmy Worrill repro- MMittbebar of Talbot county at Our court. Thirty s'x years is s long while, for a crystal to last in an open-Lice witoh. “Uncle’’ Henry K mbrougb’s w.vcb w,: bonght in WAT—h s been ID constant use ever since, and baa never b .and Int tbs one crystal in it. Hurrah for Our hide! Many peOfl* Ibtve UM tl uir i,fe rest in politic* and in It-.ar;*,- tbyy ate so out of soft* and tnu down th.it tin y an not etijry anything, if rn-h persons would only lr wise itusiib to tty that (V * t\nwrt, nrardr Kidney- W-.rt sirt expeii c-jtce its tifiic una ntuoriitig trff <ls they ■wcsild soon l<e brifr.Mn? si'b H e loud *t In cHher dtjr or Hqti I fi.rm it ! * perf-ct remedy frjr brrjrrd Hr or, k duty* or bjs tl.—Exchange. Do cot bnj caep medicines in tbe score of t(o~.omr. ,e best are none to good for the sick, r.d ore the Che-p* , lurch are tbe Cherry P, ctoral, Harsa; aril i, and offcer etaadard remedies of Ur. i. C. Ayer k Cos. Ttey ere woith VI they seat, and should bo in very Lea e. Hamilton Journa l. VOL. IX.—NO. 15, Jlotxl Jotting*, —Tournament praetioe was engaged in by onr boys last Sataul y evening. Onr boys Withs little mot* practice otn be come expert in a sport that ia highly en joyable. - Soveral gentlemen met at tbe Hood Aoademy last Saturday night and organ ized a debuting society. Eighteen names ware earn led. —Tbe Sabbath School at Bethany was re-organized last Sabbath under very favorable auspices. J. F. Jenkins was elected Superintendent, and it ia thought no better choice could have been made. J. B Ua tey was elected bible claaa teacher and S. T. Phillips, secretary. —Bethany church is tbe largest in tbe Golumbus Association, numerically, out side of the ffity tjT Ootwuhna. Our very iffiiient constable, Mr. Walter McGee, who is ever ready in tbe discharge of duty, has met his reward. Twins—boy and girl—aggregate ltlbs. Palm work is retarded to some ex tent by tbe UDbettled weather, and if we do not bsve a change soon we will all be stricken down with a Tom Aner chill. Wheat presents a fresh and vigorous appearance, although it is too soon to give even a conjectnrai yield. —Oats that were sown last fail arc looking tolerably well. torn is coming up and farmers are preparing their land to plant cotton. —A gentleman in this neigbotbtiod killed thirty rata, one day last week. They had taken possession of ten baskets of corn. Tnree rats to the bushel, were calculated to get the gentleman's Irish np. —Upon examination it is estimated that three fourths of tbe peach orop, two thirds of the plumb and one third of tbe vpple is killed, and i-t is feared that many of the remainder of these will fail off before reaching maturity. List Sunday a negro. Gas Williams, was very severely mashed in trying to couple an engine and tender here, last Sunday. Hood’s If g and talent will be represen ted at your bar this week Mulberry Grove Items —As the boylt sey “hard times in the Hamilton jail.” And so this applies to ihe Lower 19th. —The fru.t crop id certainty damaged in this section. —There is a man sixty years old in ■ this distn t, who tays he has been (dead f. rty years. Can any of the readers of the JoTIUnaL explain this conundrum? —We are glad to know Harris connty is independent to :be ex.eut of raising one crop—mu-o<lines. Wisdom’s Store Notes. —The fruit was all kiiied in this section last Friday night. —M. A. Marshal, Eq , lost four hun dred stalks of ribbon cane by the cold wxiather. Wheat and oats are looking well not withstanding the cold weather. —Surely the time has come when we shall not know winter from summer nor summer from winter, only by the budding of tbe trees. —When will the spring time come gen. tie Annie. —The formers are planting over their corn—those who planted before the last rain —Prof. Cleaveland has a fine school at Salem Academy. —The young people have organized a singing at J. 0. Hardy's. —We acoord Ihe honors to the Hood correspondent of being the champion poultry man, but have an anxiety to see tbat wonderful chicken. A Narrow Hseapc. Last Wednesday as Col. F. M. Longly was returning borne to La Grange, from attendance upon court, he esoaped fatal injurries from a perilous fall very narrow ly. As be was approaohing tbe snminit of Pine Mountain, at a narrow pass bis horse shied at a rock on the npper side of tbe road and backed the bnggy, pre cipitating horse, driver and all down tbe fearful precipice, a distance of fifty feet, Fortcaafoly and almost miraculously, bu‘ little damag'd was done. An Invitation. Cali On J. R. Frost and get a hot of his bfarcb polish and b> happy. The Very liest. Cook Brothers have just received a fire lot of extra (rood coffee which they off r cheap for cash, Jag Factory. We iebrn that jag factory has been ar&ried ne>-r Hndson A Brewster’s mills. We hope the short peach Crop will not materially i.fleet tbe demand for this ar ticle of domestic economy, and that tbe enterpiiae will prove Kocsessful. Fresh l)rur;si We learn that onr live Druggists, Riley A Mason, will in a few days receive a fell line of Lmgs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, and Dye Stuffs, P rfnmrv Ac., direct from impo era and manufacturers. Fresh anti lleliable. Lard Oil, Machine Oik, Tanners Oil, Castor Oti, and 112 ! N m Explosive Knr oen Of, at lowe-t m irfcih, for sale by lidey AM on. The Flare. Tf yon wish pnre and gtn ine medicir e r dmi diciDea that you eon depend on po to drUj store f,i tie j. Georgia News. Bays tha Newnan Herald: Sometime since Mr Harry Fisher paid one hundred and sixty dollars for a Jersey cow and oalf. He afterwards sold the oalf to Dr. Faddy for one hundred and twenty-Ave dollrra. Mr Fisher informs us that he has refused two hundred and fifty dollars tot the cow alone, and Mr. l'eddy his bean offered two hundred dollars for the oelf. Daring the late freshet in the Chetta hooches river, says tbe Newnan Herald, “quite a number of human skulls aud oth er bonea were unearthed along its banks. In one instance, on tbe farm of Mrs. Sal lie Lane, two miles and a half south of Franklin, an entire skeleton was found, and with It a number of earthen vessels. One of these vessels, a morter, may be seen at this office. The pestle, also of earth, ia hollow, fitting the mortar so as to nearly fill it " The Ishmaelite of Sparta states that some of the most intelligent and most enterprising farm-sis of Hancock county are directing their attention to tbe raising of upland rioe. It thinks this is a oheer ing indication, and sayr: “It ia a move in Ihe right direction. There is no coun try in the world that admits of a greater diversity of farm produce than oar im mediate section. Why should men raise cotton with which to buy rioa when it costs leas to raise a pound of rioe than it does te raise a pound of cotton? A pound of rioe is muoh mors easily raised than a pound of ootton, and both brings about the same pr ce in the market. We hail every movement in tbe direction of di vercifjiug our farm products as a step In tbe direction of presperity and practioai independence. The men who lead out in that direction are benefactors.’’ Says the McDuffie Journal: “About one year ago Virgil Bacon, colored, of tbie county, was the eubjeot of a singular ex perience. Upturning from work one night he pulled off his heavy boots and placed them in one corner of the room. luto one of these boots his little son dropped a small pocket knife The next morning Virgil put on bis boots and wore them through the next day without expe riencing any inconvenience from the presence of the knife, but when be pulled them off at bight the knife dropped ont and it was found that one of the blades was gone. Virgil examined his foot and discovered a small cut in the pottem, but as it did not oain or trouble him he paid no attention to it. Several months af terwards a painful protuberance appointed on the side, or back of his heel, (for which he was unable to account, and so he ap plind topr. Durham for advice and treat' mfcnt. Doctor soon discovered the pres ence of a foreign body in the negroe’s heel, and makiug an inei-ion discovered and drew out the missing blada of the knife which had been dropped into Vir gil's boot, the strangest thing about this occurrence is that the full length of the knife-blade could have penitratod and worked through the foot without giving him pain or even attracting his notice.” “One day last week,” says the Thom asville Enterprise, “We were in the count* ing room, of a prominent business hoose when one of onr best and most success ful farmers came in with ootton to sell. The prioe offered was very low—about stvsu cents and a fraction—and of course ihe farmer wanted more, if possible. While the discussion was going on we beard the agriculturalist say ‘Well, I brought a load of cotton and • load of hams to town last week, and I got very nearly double as much for the hams as I did for the cotton.’ We bad not paid much attention to the conversation but that remark challenged our attention and, like the merchant, we were a little in credulous but when our friend went oa to say that there was about 1,200 pounds of cotton and a little more of the bams, and that the cotton brought only six and a quarter cents, while the hams brought over eleven cents per pound, we saw that he was right. Now, then, think of it, a man toils ell the year round to make oot ton, that when it is made is not worth at much as bacon, True, our bogs ate lia ble to disease, and tha meat is apt to spoil in some of our winters, bnt then bow many dangers threaten t ootton cfop from the time the seed is put in the ground nntil it is actually sold add the money re ceived? Failure to get a stand, washing rains, grass, shedding, mat, Caterpillars and rain and storms in the picking season and the danger of fire after it is gathered and put in the gin bouse. Is hog raising any more risky’ Make arrangements to fill your crib aid your amoke house and then raise all the cotton you can without neglecting three, and, like the gentleman *e t ilked wish, ItS7-J. K. Battle, yon will get along smoothly all the time) io even these hard times.” 'lhe Fruit Pi'Onpect. Which means the peach crop—la the average oitiz — will be very short the coming summer, but if the Winter is re ally over, we wi.l have & stßll supply of the de.idiona luxury. In a conversation with M*j. O. A. D. Dozier, of Waverly Hail dis rict, whose Uniform success in raising fruit of the finest kind; has made fur ! ui a state reputation, and who is nerhnps Ibe beat sn bority on this sub ject in lhe comity, w we v C glad to learn that he was stfll bUjefnl of the Crap. Me thinks while a large part of the crop has been billßd. there is sfrtl euotfzh left to make a moderate cfop, if no further oeld weaihtr is expericne-d. Very Truly Paid. Anythin? Von want can be ha ) cheap for ca b ai “-..0k Brothers. INDEPENDENT DEMOCRATIC NEWSPAPER. HAMILTON, GA, FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 1881. The Court. —The oharge of Judge Willis to tha Grand Jury, stamps him a man of nerve, abd meats tha hearty approval of every good oitizsu. —Solicitor General Grimes ia miking hosts of friends throughout tha entire circuit. —Sheriff Williams ia to be reoognized this week by tha breadth of his amilet rather than the length of bia cost. ---Uncle John Turner, who hai served in the capacity of grand jury bailiff for forty years, ie at his poet this week. —Col. Joseph F. Pou Woe called upon to ptvsida.in the triad of a oase Monday evening, in which Judge Willis was dis qualified. Re presided with the dignity of e veteran _ , Grand Jury Notes. —Tbe grand jury way fortunate in ar. curing tbe services of Captain Torn Neal as foreman. —When Sheriff Williams selected Judge W. 0. Wisdom and Captain T. J. Neal to complete the panel of tbe grand jury, he showed his entire disregard of tha claims of the professional juror. —Col. W. H. MoCullobs and Mr. H. L. Hnguley have served on three succes sive juries. They make faithful public servants. Nrly every district in the county has a representative on the grand jury. A Cincinnati Pujwr Cheap. We have made arrangements with the publishers of the Weekly Cincinnalj Domineroial, a large fifty-six column pa per, by which we are.enabled to offer it and the Ji Ibnal one year for $2 00 and give to every subscriber our liberal seed premium end hitt choice of either of tbs following books: Manliness of Christ, E idymion, lieminisceuots of Thomas Carlisle, Pilgrim’s Progress, Ivanboe, Middiemareh, ltobinson Crusoe, or Mid shipman Easy. You can get a copy of this mammoth sheet, by addressing the publishers of the Commercial, Cincinnati, O. Special Tax on Hitters. Tax Coiecter Irvine has been inquiring diligently an to the sale of intoxioating bitters in the oounty since the first of April last, as there is e special tax of twen ty five dollars on every merchant who en gages in their sale. Last week we had a talk with Captain Itvine on the sut ject and be ia of (be opinion tbat tha number of partiee that have been dealing in tile article as a medicine, will resell twenty five or thirty, and tbat the revenue o he state will be, if ootlected folly about a thousand dollar*, as many are liable for tb present ss well as tbe past year. He is dn posed to do his whole duty in the matter end it will not he his fault if tbe ax is not collected. While we have lone ’ympathy for thosa who have sold bitters as a medicine, knowing nothing of tbeil liability to thin special tsX, we can bnt regard the law as a wholesome one, as the sale of these intoxioating nost rums has been a source of great evil in many communities. A ri|ht enforcement of tbe lew is ol6nlated to abate th* evil to a considerable J('?nt. Another Candidate. lty a large majority the people ot the United States lntve declared their faith in Kidney-Wort as a remedy for ail the dis eases of the kidneys and liver, some, how ever, have disliked the trouble of prepar ing it fiorn the dry form. For such anew audidate appears in tbe shape of Kidney Wort in Liquid Form. It is very concen trated, is euci'.y taken and is equally effi cient as tbe dry. Try it—Louisville Post • Cheap Hooks. Cook Bros at Hamilton, ltob't Spivey, Hood, and Flynn Hargett, Mountain Hill, Ga., have on band a fall supply ot school end college Text books adopted recently by the Board of Kbuoaticn of Uairis Connty, which they are selling at low ex change an&introdnctory prices. AH Ingenious Invention. Mr. Amos Smith of Mountain Hill, has a olock which has been rnonihg for sev eral months, that is a self winder. By pla cing it in a current of sir it winds itself. The arrangement is of bia owb invention and ia b Very ingenious contrivance. A Itemlnder, The place to get good Shoes, cheap to cash is J- It. Frost's, and don't you forget j . PE SI St HE '^"“onsSEWIKSHtfH#^ 0^ AVOID! KG ffARS.CDGS.CAMJ AND LWWS.ANO SUBSTITUTING THEREFOR AN ENTIRELY HE ft AUTOMATIC.DIBECT & PUffECT ACTION IH CVERYPART HO rRiCTIOH.KOHOISE.HOWEAR,HO TANTRUMS koft getting cut ofopper . AUA-yjy s riapy to SEW THE FIHESTOR HEAVIESTGOODS. GIYINGEN lIRE SATK.FACTI OH. HO LONGTALK OR ARGUMENT REQUIRED EVERT UCHIHETOIJnG ITS OVH STOW SECURE l!£ MEMATESAEES.HEaCE THE BEST MACHWE FAR AWL TO SELL. SElffl TIP, ILWSTRATEJ) CIRCULAR AGENTS TAVEWMftCO. WANTED r * first Annual Distribution —or— TUKHKNTS to THK Cash Subscribers OF TUK COLUMBUS PROGRESSIVE AGE. Will take plane in the (' 'nrt House, in Columbus, UJuly next. Presents to tbe amount of $1,500.00, Rangin' in value from Twenty-five Cents to One Hu (lred and Fif'.v Do'lnrs—will be given to the yearly Cs h Subscribers of the Progressive Age. Tbe following list shows e part of tha Present*, viz : One Gold Watoh $1 oil OO One Present in Gold 75 ml Twtorty Prwarti'a in Gold , 111 00 Five Sewing Machines KAO 00 One Ladies'(told Watob... fit 00 One Silver Watob !i."> 00 One Hundred Sets Silver Spoons, Two Hundred Packages Gail A Axes' M aaboy Snuff, One Hundred 000. Wont in holmes' Pocket Knives slid others, One Hundred Lamps, Seventy five D ess Pat terns, Fifty plain Gold Rings, Fifty Can vassed Mams, Fifty Saaks Silver Lesf Flour, One Organ of the best make, One latest Edition of Web,dor's Unabridged Dictionary, Twenty Silk Haudkerohiofs, and other presents not mentioned. fT 1 only mean the cash subscribers holding s printed reealpt, with my sig ustnre or an anihorized Agent’s All mousy tunst be sent by Post— IB : Order or Registered Letter, otherwise, I am not responaiblo for it. A limited nniuhrr of agents wanted—- good pay. Send for specimen copy and particulars, p •* I positively mean what t any. Ad dress all ooummnicetiors to ,T. W. THOMPSON," Editor and Prop’r Progressive Age, (Vlomkoa. Gs. Georgia, Harris County. Whereas the E tato of James M. J.mi 1 sou late of said eoudty deceased, ia un represented and not likely to be represen ted. Therefore all persons oonoarned nro hereby notified to rbow omne (if any they buve) try the first Monday in June next, why the clerk of the superior ooltri or some other fit and proper p> rsou rhonltl not be appointed administrator upon tbe E-tate of said deceits, and Given under my hands and Official Big signature. April l.'l h, 1881. J. if. C' Wii.maus. Ordinary. Gvoi’gia, Harris County. Mr*. Jane K. Ely make* nppliofttion for letter# of gnarriun uhlp for th* p* rnoc and properly of *T*r>bi' W. Wiiliauin, Minor of VV A. Willi mom. AU part'onh, conct-tlied ur* hereby no tified 10 if any they ba*e t by tbo firt Moudf.y in June, nckt, why It* ter* of onardi .tisbip ahuuM not be granted Raid applicant. (liven under ny bund and otHoal slg tint are. April l2*b, 1881. J. F. Wn.MiMi, o ! dinar? Georgia, Harris County. John A MtC.inta makes application to inr lot letters of Lust'd unship of Murv Ism JnlilW'tn, minor of T N. JolinKnn. d-i'-as <•<l,and Eddie Atkina.oti) u lnor of W. D. Aikinsoii, deceased. All | t-tvoni concerned are hereby tiotlfi ed to show cause, if any they have, by the first Monday in May, next, why letters of liuardiaiisuip should not be granted said applicant. (Jiven under my hand and official signa ture, March 111, 18M) .1. F,O. Willi auk, Ordinary Georglii) IlarriM Couttty. Notice to Bridge Builders. On Malutdav the 28.1 of A (it'll, next, wil lie let to the lowest and best bidder, >t public outcry, in front of lhe Court 11 its loor in til- town of Hamilton, tbo bui'd ii;g of a bi fibre across the Mulbeiry crick at Dowdell’s Mills. Also at tile same time and place the building of a Iridgti actons tbe Osalmlcllie creek, on the public road leading from Waverly Mull to Catania. Plans and BpecUScatidns sod further par ticulars can lie bad ii|K)n applicutb u lb the Clerk of the CouiiiilsSiontr, ,'ourt of Ho,ids and Itevenuj. By order of the board—this March 22d, 1881. I'i.ykm Hai!mm. Jr , Dior. C C It. & It. 1)11. ,S. G. lULEY, Hamilton. Georgia-, Tandefa hia profaskional aorvicta to tbd people of Hamilton fund IJvieinity. Calls attended from the Drug Store. GUST THfi -JwlßSrEkJjtßr. a /(jfUNABRIOCcM **' r°rMj /ffIOICIIONAriyjsUPnLHEHTfIFtfI T'"‘ t,r '■ t'ublixhcd by G &C. MCRftIAM, Bprlngfieltl, Max* If you Intend Rome day to get WEBSTER'S UiiaGrliDGED ‘•DO IT 17Ct7.” Tiit: nuw KiJiTiox Contains orcr 118,008 Words, 182 R Four Pages Colored Piatoi, 4600 NEW WORDS mid JHraninio Biograpliical Dictionary of over 9700 Ucjnes. BEET TOP- FAMILIES. Great amount ft thforiuatiou iu the I>4*ljfi i X Ulnl TahU'H Evrv fti<y !*• a f* t wtorehouAio <jf uvv it? fui know XL* rviiii- vary i*-t aid to he Ip a (wily t> imfFWI i ootii : intclti'r'vUL JL • BEST IN ENOHAVIHG3. ** moat hn/ttfUifuf suid eouijhtlo f7l hah l/ietioMnry.*' JL ua 3000 I figravinjra. warl* timtai .tv rnuuy u.~ any olhri Limy. Evt-ry school a>i*i taiitily hhoutu Ittiva it ft tr eoriNUtiu re ferelw:e; JuJ BEST FOR SCHOOLS, . Biographical eictiuwapy ns over to moo Muiuea of rioted ptfhcnn. Ear’ll wf,ri iri i f< arifl deftiivA vrtl. utm rurc. JjQf SVPPLKMKNT. fonta‘;a vVer 4COO 42 Nmw Wtrlf* ufi'J 5J* US' TifA? jvirt*t+'* of "lou* "Fi 183 t r( siiov pr | the rat aniDK of HQ vorh. r JL Aho Webster 's National Pictorlt! Ciction*ry }■ JO4O Pages Octavo. 600 lojrawngf. Sl A YEAR. mh&. Life:A K, I'iK.wlM.l.. OF LYNN, MASS. iH'H'OvfrllMl OP LYDIA E. FINKIMARS’S vesstabls coMrotniri. The I‘iultlvs tHiri For all Femalo Complaints. Thin profviraHoN, hi IN iiitino filftlilftr*, in %>t iVgfitublo Pn>|n.'iTiin 1it..1 nr> iiftmtii"** l< lIMI tnoetl lrl icvMnvuli'l. I,’j*oh onr trial th*- merit* oft) !* <\*m iiftUiitl vriil to rt*'<>,;uiK •t, nrulta>f U Imi'ioUl .., atu<\ Wlivrt ItMinoU rnntinunil. ia nlnuty n huh drrl, A|HmrtilHviitcurcl t.Hl.iutlHU' :m<'4 wlil lc fcify. On AfOoUtil flt i p-urpn iiihiit .it! to*t!a,v r unmitoCMtlrri Ah! |HVwi ilm.l by tin* hunt |>iiy. < 'lriati4 in lltp minhy. It will run? vntlrcly ilia wm .t form %>( r>t tho xitcruA, l.oiicni'rliu'A, iurt'k'iilAi' wn l jalw •>I Muiiatillation, allOvnrijutTrt.uhU'N, inr.Nini thn Mint Ulcerulton, Klooitiiis*, alt Dis(ltu'cf.io!it < * <t tint r*u- FtGjurut Npluul wruknrsi, aml t* rpAclnlly mtnpti it to tho Cliantro of Ufc•. It will tll wolvo mill t xjw.l (11111014 from tho utnruMiiiah early •tfn~*‘ f tU<ve)o;im*ut. T'p toniloncy (oiwuccUki* liUmui .1 tltri u i.i Very tpecilily !)>■ Us \lh |i it h a * (jsnV“'l to 1(> thn tfrwit •>t| ' -.it remit!/ Hint luih ever Intii thm-vv. r cd. J Hcnlt-M every Mn-flon of Hm ny!*lrm. nii.i iflvfA how iu. and vlMor. it rmmtvot fnliitiiwH^latulciii';, ho- Mroyaftllcnivlns lor ntlmalnnts.uinl n hous wuultuccA f tho HtomAoh ftP\irv UloMUtfy Huft.l.v'hv*, Jfi'fnniff IWtdrMlnh, Uoiutal iH’bilifj , Eln*'plo.i>n“ns, lVi>mihloii am! lm!l Ifvntlon. Tlial fueling of heAriiitf do* m, rutiniitjr |wi!n. wtight And UackAcho, In ulwnyn iH’iinnuentlj' cu.'t tl by Its uao. It Will At All tltucM, mul RndernU ciuruilmtuii. Aot In harmony with tlm law th M t j;uvu 1.4 tint timnloijwtdu. PSir Kidney ComptAlntH of either ncx this uoui|Kiun<) in un*uri|jiH4oti. Lydia E. PinUhant's V<i;;@lal)lu Compound InpropAreil h! !k\l aim! TW W(*Nttrit Avenue, t.yjin, Uanh. Price £I.OO. SI 4 Unit 1> and for $.1.00. Sci.f liy liihil in t)n| form fiillft. Also in tho form ofL)M>hRuN, on t ucciji* tjfpfke, SI.OO, per Ihix, for vltliel*. Mrs. I’INKJIA J fftsel/eitHwuritUl littcrivf Uujuliy. Fmt for puna, phhl- Addrcßs an a!k>v M, nliu>i this ja;rr. No UtltlVy rimu hi bo without L7IXA K. MNKHAM* liVDR I’ILU They euro ConittlpAtloM, liUiua4iuHHH mauXorpldlty of tho Lvn*. SJ cuiiU (m • Lob, Lamvr, Kanuiv t LaMar, MitOdU and Atlanta, Wbolaanta A'^tUn. PEARCE’S IMPROVED CAIIOON Broadcast Seed-Sower. Hows drain, Grass Seed* Hemp, lUce, Everything. No man can dojji so well by hand. It dot-3 tho work of 5 inert. It hhs stood tho test of years. 'Re ceived First Premium at 21 Stato Fairs In 2 years. Good, Substantial, Reliable Machine, warranted to (lo all that is claimed for it. Price only $6.00. fiend stamp for descriptive circular. K. Whitman's Sons, Agents, Baltimore, Md. 11. M. Smith A Cos., Agents, Richmond, Ya. OOODELL COMPANY, ANTRIM, 21. H., 8010 Manufacturers. Debtors and Creditors Notice. All persona indebted t the estate of T It H'jaui, Ihle of Hants county, deceased, aro hereby required to inska immediate payment. All (lersons having claims against asid catate will present them, dnir bUthonticatbd, wi'hio thu ti oe j roscilhed hjf law. 3. B, Bun: t, .’.dai r. THE ACME EYE GLASS. The licsf Ever Offered To The Pttbuc, Th• spiciul a1 vu t'g.s of the Amrie live ClaAsCs, life l p*ent: li,ut u ju-tafje iittiM liruwit f |H'iccti> Hi h niff h riL'imi, for k* i.u -• c ,n the now* , nod ilmh pit vei tUw a ; innu‘* *f h <’UH wli* th r tire tveatvi he in ufi iff*’ r* < I fU-iK i-owitioii Ihvc iilaj | rtiiiitd the it# y invei toi Uji.oiiutu iu. lit auvUiutUiy. r 3\ StEAR, rll (EMX JE WELK Y STOKE, 10l 13i-oati !* trtetj - - G lumbus, Ou* Tho Atlanta Fomt-Appeula Daily, Tutistlay, & Semi-Weokl. i I), ii, Cutdilell, Proprietor, Tl.o i c cm of the Atlanta Daily I’ust* Appeal tuts I O n "tip OKI icntwl In tic- lii.lo f, ((f Hoittli r 1 Jour a Dm. A.lho gli i' Its lliird vo time, i hits Itccn tavorid with a daily aulm.in, tiji. quit equal It* anj’ j> • per K< tuh-cuHt o Ns vilie Tun An l tills, too witliuut ti e expi'iicit'ire uf rtiim ey Usually muitrc l to establish a pa Sr iu driul .timi■ Thu I’ost Appeal w. s t siab li.ibtd iu popular favor ijeiiauso of i new sy character, combined with a soiiit of in eh 1 c idoiit f iitiess . n all sitljn Is It tar- In-Rly ilunouHio* 1 evtotig.alld upheld wriglil nt '.ill tlm s mul ttn-lef ull circumstamui. lliia lias latcti alPl I- Mow it- motto. It p 0 nines to lOiitiiiuu a giietil uewqia- I>er. tair, Iriillititl, honorable. Its tele graphic news it clinle's every thing oftiouse qtiebce octitrtiltu In tliO Util ltl it umtket ri'poria are reliable mid ftettrate, suited to tlio Southern State-. It 1- id ulbtl teyUtar y on the (lay of piihtlca'lon so us to r. iich nil ►cctluiis of tho country With the nvaa in advance of any Atlanta paper. 'Trim* of Subscription} Hilly l'.irt Appeal one year.. *.,..5600 Daily l’ost-Appeal bfle man h,...Mi (M Daily l'o-t Appeal three nioiitln....i 1.711 Semi-Weekly l oht Appeal • tie jrMti. 1 80 Tuerday's Post Appeal one rear, i 75 Tuesday’s I’en-Appesl In 11 itLm df SO olid year . 6a Tuesday l * I’ost Appeal in club* of 50 on a year 45 I*cod post-rtU P money older paynbte Id If. K. Caldwell, I‘utili-nci . Atldtess all c nlluunhaliont t". I*. E, ( /ilMWkw., Athiula (ia! MADAME GRISWOLDS FAT ENT Btt IU MUPPOIITI NO CORSETS aw libtg hocomrt tho f ivor tjf in a/Jii JSI In u with eit'lfrtftuo of f*rm t .yg/ M u ii'iimi ka!>(o (IfmrGO, iL rw highly Mttlnrtwd !> WIM-M K nliyijiomnß. Th**y HoeivM JRy ? V. • l*i ti 1! $1.60 ami upwarda. dy CnnviUNMir* Wanted ' rvtirvwluiiu. Thi'no oorßiiU ro n>t. si*ldt> merrhAnta I Exulufflv.'i territory given. Agent# mnknthiiin PWliiaj ■ iicnt nnd Pr itit-ihV oußinokti Ncnd foriariunto MniWi | ORtHWOtn AC' '.>J3 Droadwiiy, N. Y , ortn iioneml Wflihm Akao'a. J. H. AVygunt \ Oo . pVodoaU, N Y.# J.’J. rutUAux.Uottaw Htroot, ( 'hlogOt ill. HftI.VAPOR COOK StOVE. Xhu only Vaflof Cook Btbvo that halt rtOofi • I-j Vest cf yo.ira, afitl given awtir* tvl per ect Batisfiutiaii. ro.ooo j Now Ih ttao. mul frrowintr lit favnf wHorovef Uai'il. Thowi v lio have l hum ill Lot do wiihout Cbctfl; Tlw Most Sltrplo, Tho Mott Durable, 1 ho Most f erfwt* Tho Most Cctnomlcalj Ko iwofloii-a Moil, N.i Fires U Build, No (j r..‘niovf No Fuel tj Curryi No jntoko, No Odofi ros SCHIEU USE TPF.7 itt INDQfUSiBLt Poe# tvmrf di'Porlpflon r.f orolhof work hen'iufoiti limn? Ly thnortllnni y cooking Ktovnnrruuga, wltlmiwM* and prrfectiH>niffpti Wuwhiiif, Ironing, Inking, broiling frnlf< Cannlnjr. # tc., Ho., thn lln>irffcrubW! Imut *( 11 it* oldTtishlofit'd Cvol: ktovc, and oiwavn rwuiy. . Our nt AilbitUhllo fart ’fwtid-' fhthe UNO of onr movea * j nrf* t*lly nnO*” In tho imndj of tha moat ce*tvleß or inexpert* enced, Send for full duir*i Iptlvo riri-Hlnr ami pritMl Ufj ,4jhh Im tel in Uu* ocLUpii and territory.Addrkhr., "H’JU VAi'OG STOVC COMPANY," CliivKiuttri, Olika SURECUBE r0i1”!.,. UIIII- Smu Tiinait, lima■ fllillN, A, 111 III:., COII-tllll llllOtl, bud .111 IU. i.,. u.d 1,11.1d1l Put lip In itu Ogn UVr I'amlly Us*. Rciwnt 110 lly pn#(tir l iif D/IbhHi Tnlu. <)ry-tjlilted Liiik Oiuly, Old Ky, mid rtthar tonlr. 'i'fin K i*-tnu! % • known in <air it*t pbjrffieittnn, i tilafhlr rouimMnd . f y them. Hlld tie •nulla*ftaa .f n,ir liuHlt. winm.nwid fiAiulAl, Frol, (j A. MAItiNP i< 111 (!|.|. •*?.>. m-m .• tbnl uf nvarv li' Mln. It is wml Known t 1 t i*t meJlcal nllon Hint TOM/ fl'H K n-l UYKwill ifford Hl# ro-itr-t. relun for Cniitftm, tlohlu. Inllijetixa, Miohehil tv, r Thrimt, Wnuk hung. alao OoiiAUiiipnOn, in tha In- IHnot And AdvHlirnd ni o-ea. 4*. DKVRICAtfK Mnl APPft riZKR, u i.i .k-B# AOhdlUlli t'lih' for f.i • lly t*#i. In idn.'ianiii t •ik or ilr hitutoail, it klvim lorn*, ai t*nty and stu ff .t.t fb whnlf l.ii'M/m fr* Ilin. (i 1 4 If DOW rBE DECEIVED^ VV/m " I J \ "1v •by ti'iniinniplod dai \ era wll 1 tiy to Dili in G I Uitoft y.n Koim ,ihl Itjrr If: ■ jtl ico of ntirTOLU iiOi-K AX'D itYK. wlilcfi U ■ thn only iH"disJit"d vrift la in.ide 'he w**iiiinm hav M hig a uOVKiI.NMKN riTAMi* ait mach h.W' / ■a.l %V l U\CK A n A ItTi*, Pram iaUxt 111 Mndlsun Miraiit. fir Auk yor IM ucfflsi f<# • fef f A*U (.’roufei* f'i* !• • IT" AnU vour kVinr %i*ci-i|int ftw ll: |i/’( liilrircn, Uk vour Muniiim fur it! |rklil #r Oil I UUI vrn* und fl 1.11- dJ hiitliA N'J Jl •verywkr. They Van not Be Shu hen Off The yo.se.