Hamilton journal. (Hamilton, Harris Co., Ga.) 1876-1885, April 15, 1881, Image 3

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GUANO!GUANOJGUANOI M VFE ARE AGENTS FOR Ober’s & South American auAiios. Both ai*c well established brittuU, Itlglilj* osteoiwcd ami heartily recommended by all who have tried them* Sold oil easy term*. AVo>olii'it;the,patronage of our friends and the public, llcspectfully, BARGES & SFABK.S, Hamilton, Georgia. SKASON OF 181. WALTOX. W’ii V\\ & CO'S BAHAMA SOLUBLE GUANO AND DIAMOND DISSOLVED BONE, Or ACID PHOSPHATE. - ■■■ "t> for Sale,by.A. F. TItUETT, Hamilton. By FLOURNOY & HUNT, at Hood, Ga. irUXT BROS., Sole Agents, Colizmlaus. Groorßin. JAMES m, IM4LMB, Oglethorpe Street, opposite IHsbrotr <€ Co's Stables, COLUMIjDS, - - - - GKOHGIA A X CFACTtT UIbU Of carmaqes, busses m 2 msm. Repairing of a'l kind done at Lowest Cash Prices. l Ili.-O h:iv i H W Mill Ha!l l til At IV II SfiVrt'atli* •*• ill lc iSt 3>-0 A Oil lii- ’to L.ivo t.icta o;i hid CMi mil li.it j Laeiu rxp. iuo 1. .3. it. KNGUAN‘>. ■A a „ ti_J ;. . J . ...ira (-1 C 0- '.t •, .. a I fcj* V, 1 .., Manufacturers of ,2 Jt'SiJBI ZZi 1' M” - .k : I mjk- ‘ Hi V??#L v ‘' A-’-:'- v To-:-;. G/< * •' ■ fjf&i > ."■ ■ 1 - ' - - • - - | .-.. ~ § ;!" ♦ fc ': . cisit Vij V V > _- v‘%V J '• ft ' \y X/ -X ;/ /'j\ '• -o'." A - • Ai V v .. -h.."' / ,-• >. ' : a ■ i ../ ■ ji . 1 •••'• .y dj \p'/- ' THE ..11TGHKI.L STANDARD PLATFORM SPUING WAGON. Also Three - Sr-rn -a.l V, r ngo*ls,-'•-nd ■■ Me-S,'trine Duggicfc, ■ 'liw MI ICHELI AGON is Monarch of the Road: only G,e verjr trt rtoeV used in it? r.cn rtructiou ma le by the best wagon i.;cc!t.iaics in iS.c worl-l. The i3uj;ipfUe jiartnic :'. is''nnrvl'f separate from the r'ar iu '•V i/on shop ./* Ami for the inannlacture of this class ol wurL wc have fm: iitics unsurpassed. Send for Ca... gue and Idu.-.trucd PriwC l-ist. iTi ITfIW fiEWM A: ( 0., Iticine, XV m. _A.. O'. ZEtIIDIDXjjE, ARTIST - PHOTOGRAPHER, COLUAIIJI>*, GA. Awarded the Highest 'Premium at the State Fairs. Gallery Over J. S. Jones & Cos., Nest tc Banfrfa House, CARBON PORTRAITS. L fe size, for Thirty Dollars only, including an elegant- frame. There is no fade in these portraits —they will lust for generations. PHOTOGRA PIIS Of every BiZ’ and style, finished first class. The finest fi'tui Gallery in the Booth— headquarters for ell who admire the Ait Ihvirio. 1) u;’t fail to visit n when y n eome to Ooluuihns. rtriotz piettiten of "the loved and lost," end hove them copied, ltend thin tntioe to yr.or fiieodn, tnlk the taattee over, "and eer Decay's effaeinger, has swept the line”, <fce.,” have yor entire fatuity Photographed, thin everything will be lovely and A- J. lliddle and Chau, A. Madden will be '.be better off financially. FITE - HUNDRED Best qnHty,|T T n!finndried Shirts jus* r>-eeivf-d. Neckwear Uidelwon -'of all kinds. HUskor 11 >nne!,;red il mnel, lambs wool,„aud Merino Uudershir!B_ and Drawers. We gaarautes.morc.value fur your DOIXARS ..f dollar* and dlmos. than yotrean find at ary o'hor p-Bre. Onr stock of Fall £U& TTixitjr Clstniag, Eats, Caps, Snutfes, Vali-cs, Canos, Ua'brolu.3 &al Uses CrOOeLj > 11 comp ete. Our KirCll&2,t I/iipLr 0-AiJ.at .> now well Mlpobel, and *9 are inspired to oil. ami iiiuze suits to measure in the b.st style. Wo jiffer boiler liarg tins lua tv.r beforeJ ... to one custom ?M an 1 llic trde gerur ;l!y. Wa i.-.vito a ceil every one and feo| CjottJeat lhot.no.om will go AWAY -iconvinc -t’J i. 'b* snoorlor esiolleTt"* of our goods nd tlie'g'opt b -rzains we effer TII.ORXTOX & AC EE 8 Broad Street - Columbus, Ga. llvpentance. (Mvuton N.wa. bast Sat tualriy night sontJ Mimcr stole two chicken* from the coop of Hev. Atnttudab liledsoß, of the Gal v cot on Colored Bine-Light Tub ei unde, mu) iho next day tho rev., ereiid gentleman preached a must powerful sermon against the am ot stealing chickens and promising ev erlasting tot ment to tne in an who 'tale his two chickens. Eirly Mon day morning Jim Webster called at the pastor’s residence with a soared face and some poultry. He said: “Parson Bledsoe, dt, er eermnr most soared ine to and If. I couldn’t sleep a t\ ink so I to;oiled y. r oiiiek .■ns luck’’ “I dou’i keer fer de fowl*, deems, but, hit, phases me ■nightly to know dm I am an ’u.o. lile ills!ruiiKut in de bans ob de Almighty to bring siom vs ter re pemattOe and to ciu-'o dem to lead anew life. But, lo<>k iicub, Jeetrt-, dese chicken* ain’t de same on. s Cor stole from trie.” ‘ ( knows il. Your.chickens am done vit tin, bat yer seripott opened iiiy i yos to de ob m< uliu’ y.otn chick, n-, ind I felt. s<> bad about it dal d< lust tiling I,did when church was .out, was to climb.ob r into O i'onel .Tones’,yard and cabbage tn ob his fa pest bullets t<> replace de chickens you missed. ’’ A I'arli am cutary Bog. Mr, fingers, of Third street, 1n a sen Thomas who whs sent .tf to Lansing on a vi it some weeks siiee, and it seems that- the boy put fi much of ins ti nr nround tht State Ifonac mi l took a deep inter est in the proceedings of the leg-s --1 ive ! odv. lie came In me chuck, t'uil of par.iaincutary tnc'tcs. At (lie dinner.table be m >ve t to re consider the vote by which boded ham was placed on the bill of tire, and demanded the ayes and noes on the question of anew pair of tub tier lion's and a spring, velocipede. He hadn’t been homo two day-be* - *re observed to his mother: “I move he prev ruts vpiesti.vn on the hunk of maple sugar in the pantry.” “Y 11 can’t have it.” “But T must. My motion oui of! nil (1 li ilp, and 1 shall nnirotmee tip questiiu as oanictl in tlio iifli - mniive ” l|i.s father sn the idea of itn hour's ex.-li i-e wi ll an ox. hut ill,' Ifo\ e.ulioil for a oenoral > xjire - Mini ot o|iiiiiiiii anl mi 'C ih'il in •la- siiis' u vote in i njiuiillii’ the q lesHou i o the (Ji"iitttee on Rules of nmetiilm. i.t. Thiturs 'tu on II this W ft\ for ft Wieii, nml the nl't i iiuii IJ, callu’ vii to aJm.iii tei a e.mli'in. | ' lh.v.’t you know tlref ri nmemh j m ill t:,!iiw Jeccede'-ee -'f the q It'S- | '.ion it*t!.V ‘ io|'Hi 'l ilia I'. 2- ‘t j ftiin oil as 'nil w ‘ R -o 1 vi i|, T imi tin - f-umly no- : non. a s (In hian's Mum lus stun j thi't! ;i..'li""i y mi <i t Miow ot and .. 4ft"• . Al l yolln-.ejo loi the qHes.. 100. ,No ’-h r. I.lieii the nl 1 mitl. ‘I) v u wish for a call H"‘ I lon-.?'” ' ! wi h von ’o ntnles.t 'linl tllil I your talk ,]i jileft“es me! ’ ‘•Wei!, white 1 lifti't reSjieet the Unlit- ot Hie m noritv I -till f'•'! that il would ho a su'er |>l to ta life '.our motion. It (ton pome n|' nnftin under, 'lie head of pU.-fidied Rush) ss.’ ” In about ten nii'U'cs the old man aft?' ready for him m tim wood shed, "ini lie remark' and: n j'he le a ijiim ilia present 'And we will.;n oceed io Viii-im’ss *’ ‘ I ill ve we take a rce.ess,” repli ■ed th>i troy aa his back to ache. •Can’t do it,’’ said tlm fit her ns he hunt; up his hat. “I ani tmw goini2 into ooinniittei ot tlm "whole on tim w haling Im-iness, and if I can’t tan vur j wket in ten m nates 1 slnill ak leave to sit again. Stand out here!'’ ‘•i’-ea-e oall mother to!llie ohair?” pleaded tlm youth, (mt. it was no gn. The ol.i man had at o..thirds v.de on him, ami tlm question was so well settled that the foy wns able to buy two liars ol soap at a nvoemv that afternoon without single allusion to (lushing. JCI>/niinn. Do yon wish to spetid bonrfin swoct obliviuL? If so go over to tbe drag s'.ore of Riley * Mason and try some of their New Cigars. jIGHT-RUNNING V PEOPLE’S Sewing Machine. Th People 9 * Sewing Machine is Ught running—hag simple tensions, a large, eaeily threaded shuttle—winds the bobbin without running tho works of the ifaAchine, nnd la so simple in its construction that it U ea!y understood. ’ ACENTS WANTED VTher© our sewing machines are Kt repre gented, and we offer the most liberal Induce ments.—Bend for Illustrated Circulars to the Philadelphia Sewing Machine Cos., PHILADELPHIA, PA. inycTVLEiiiTSiE] 1 1 TY\e StocAr Qf Farnitare & Carpels OFFERED FOR SALE EY G L. ROONEY, 83 & 85 Broad St., Columbus, Ca., Irp STATUS, i* tho largest nnd li in (ha St a• o I> > not fiil to mil on him bn you are in (he city* Is. 1> —All s’yl* J <i # \,l H *'• ttt K, HsftJ* Hf.ui (.5 sk *'ts On N )*' Lull /.( *hl ?**ol ! F. W. IJWSPENBEM, !M .\Nri’\rTt'itK't *>f FIITE OTGA.IEF3, Axe lijAt.iut In Pipes, Tobaccos and Smnk 'rR Ai tielt w, Choice U'incs nnd lAquorts. n£tlil u>r AI. \ * var • I Koiui cUy” lvy* Wni-* 4 * v. 41 Randolph St., Sign of the Eig Indian, near the Post Office. Columbus, Georgia. Nit*. (Jlia,vl,y "I,n\vrcnPfl IK with Ml? ?inl will ho 4?la Ito Ke'rtH his fr’umt* mi 1 form pt-*in. STANDARD FERTILIZER 4t?o lis'G ittoll, and Seal’s Aclsl Pfeaspliate, 400 .1) Collin. jrtMt.-wl wit it i p eminent fatmor hour Alhtnv. (in., c *ii 4 . kof the ,: tam)\ud ; AliT.nts i a ni> .inn I ,, kktii.i/.;:h (’>.:—(* n'iomn.— l’tof lme four icium 'liuvlmd I*'. 1 1iliz'‘ wl.ich I wisij to put on my on* crop 1 huvt* thin yc.r tii•! ii>e on rotl.-n nnd (orn. nml a.co oil my v* ir tnMe I taw i tu*ii iirsiiig comnos of vari ous hr il ls ever since the war nml count er (lid Stamiai i br.-t VoUtH resjnifollv lac kton, (j a., Nov 1 at, ISBI. Ij M. IUooN. For Male at. Warelvunse of ilmlnon .T., 11 nsn'lton, r l'. 11. Iviinbi*<nijj h, CLt tsx.i l:t, A. T. Ottncll*i*. Geneva, anil "W. 11. NXui*liti, Tnlbotton, Gti., H. BUSSEY, AGENT FOR HIGH GRaDE FERTILIZERS •^1 M. CI;(HVX & Cos., *T' ; C'MTin. Shoot iron & Copper Ware I'!- C "MiCCIA V,!A Imu ml lx " CooktHg 1 mid Heating v diTi'N -'•r r Cruid.e \ . S;’t erware, I lon R ..Kttr if lii-l.it,: G W<te **** “C fuT' ‘ lin r ni |l, < i j • •:(•) lit'*, \( ho Sio&d Stvjih - - Oabir.'.h’i’j, Oa. fS| (if i : ' -Mi IS vh-A vL'se, y,t : ... a im & t-J V - M a t ::'jz TQMJC '** A PCRFFO* SUFt#-** Rt!VI. -T, , -W-~- • r.— “■—— , - Bin—- - —••->- m'V XROiif T.f'i.'TGfi-* V. •* ld'_'id.y rei-jm-ipwind f.r : :1 <!N. ecs re qtlirirg Necilftiu .led i f li iertto’iii.* \ ese'ei... /lei. ;/; . ( /(//. iiy. h', hift/- '.lullrnt F.r.W'anl cf AyprJif , Jm-‘,*o[&r''nytli, <; >.)ur ’J,'' Ju ft- h< 1 tli * hloe. l, 1 1 ren,-: 1 'y ’is tin* imiselPs, :iud gi /es new Ju ‘ I ■> t. ,■ m 'V i, <, •*j■ 11r t iika n charm oil dm ili.ee..ti'. c nivarei. rein -*.n:: ■' ,iy.';i'. p.ie i _ve ;di : ■ ,ni'h :h T*' '.hi / th 1 : Fund, JJllcli i7,jjit mi 1 i 'h 1 *<’>n'iij'i '.e' 1 , Sb'ii.y.ly Iron IM'opurnTion thu'. wi l no' hi:.idee > ti e 1 -of li or - ve lioutinebe. tiot-J iiy r.!l drnf.'sinlt. Wrilt!! i .1:i C Ih.'i.k, ::.i useful and amusing reading fit ffr. liitowN ciiK?rrcAr. co, imiiin.orc, aid. is “* Rk ; 3B* — y- a. J 1]? ■ ** c ? !■/-• $p _ jiL, Z* <*swu.vW. i? Jpu ft • (> 6 r n,TTtt;tO - rautiiuteraw. '& > .f, /?•/fa • ‘ 4 ft 1 V, -l-f QUf PLO, y, £ r~) BOOK WALTER SHOTS I c- *rv % EMtb, Side, Ms and Cheap. Compact, a- roononr.lcal and f casi!/ gi. '0 and . '! J Outran teed to v."r,:: xn.' 1 : 'id ivo L.l power 4 ° jovt m rr thing- ron a pejiitiito- omc® ' 4 \ i.v.-r; I- n-i-r *•!.<> r.:ns a Cotton Gin, Corn > r . 2li “ or v '“ ,a ~o<i J, OI IC LOW J*Mless. ' ’ *<***' Z Horne Power F.mrine and 1 toiler $240 ' S3S& . vv-% 4i *> X3ggr&r*'.J. •> •* :: :: :: S SEIsD FOB A DESCRIPTIVE PAMPHLET. James Ilje±±'©l & Cos., SPRINGFIELD, OHIO. IIEA1) <1 IJ A 1 1 r r EK S fob High Standard Fertilizers! O ACID PHOSPHATES FOR COMPOSTING COTTON SEED AND STA3LE MANURE. If goo leant a Fertilizer that trill laereen" yield - ~ per rent., rail nail c.ranilu< oars before baying, i'crius reasonable, coltuit or tush. I GEORGIA AVAUEUOUSE, J. \v. WOOLFOLK, Urop’r, - - - - Columbus, G:u THE NEW YORK STORE, COL UM l! t .S', <: EOKGIA. Plowed* of la©w Prices, AND— Hoadq.tiar-tors for Sry Gccds. Sulihciibi'i- to the T>it?ttnar, rend the racket, nnd prefb by tin- opportu nity iif red uti l mivc Jb |cr cent, on ycur fpiing purchftr ot DHY GOODS, SHOES AND HATH. }pcV if Fpiing good. - * "ill he th.i litrce-t i vit brought to (olunl.* liiih and will be sold at bottom prices. Don’t l-rgct tho place. ; M. C. Gordon, G3 Broad St., Columbus. Ga iMoa'jaeatal Marble works, 103 ITrctul Etreel, Ooluimlju*, Ga. tot MOM'MIA'TS OF THE VERY lihST ITALIAN AND AMERICAN MARBLE On hanu'nnilf.MulM to inter. Wu are also ugiuls. fur n suj'Ci'ior qaul.ty of tWHOI'GIIT IUJIsING, Of ihfis'rent stvlis and pnttiftns. for fours and ei'inetery I’l'i'iOtnires. lnfol'Diiithtu mill estimates fmn sled fur mi) Filing in uur hue. j A. M. et J. If. ELLEDTiE, />ropn(*or*. ■ The Estsy Organ Still ! no. at:. Don’t fail to send for Illustrated Catatonic before deciding what to tin i i. ESTEY & COMPANY, MANUFACTURERS^ Bratftßeboro 9 Ui _____ WILLINGHAM & €©., • SUCCESSORS TO W. A. WILLINGHAM, - Wholesalo tad. Eetsil Doculora In ]it(itfldt‘H 9 SU})pli(’S of All Kinds, r B Mish} . Jilinds, Doors, Paints, Oil[ and Putty f BiiHilimV Iliinlwaac, Unto, Plaster Paris, Katsumlii©# T nili, I > lnH(ei'crs Ilfiiis AiC IV f L L INK If AM iV VO., ooiiUMBUa, G-nono-iA. DU. T. L: .) ]•; N K I NHi / 'A. V •>.-> #-*v • r.. " isxia. -A ' • ’V •' ’ ’ HAMILTON, UMOnGfA Will le in (own on the fi-st Tnndsy, four.h Friday and H.ebnd Ss urdny o esi-ii muntb. TmiMs Ca h. las. AV. li-AV.ud, [ Oylethorpc it-, Columbus, Chit, I,cam u In Old Cotton, lit nii), Guimy Hopr, Haggiug, Furs, B(“cswat,old Meta!, 'Cotton in the Seed and Cotton Seed. /-•'** Orth* t tor wrapping |>a[Hd' mil jp ipiT haif*' ti l ’• *! r short n f ife. Jc €. FSoyd, B'urli W-leof Public Hamilton, - - Ca. 4 nv’bs <)ir sttinfion of M fnem's Ind the |mil)iit-to a w. ll sel.tWd sloe* of Dry Goods and Groceries tV i : ch will I*** *ol<t ut, ti e lowest pr atm I?d jny the vciy pricew lor ai! kiii<!rt f Country Product*