Hamilton journal. (Hamilton, Harris Co., Ga.) 1876-1885, May 06, 1881, Image 1

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THE HAMILTON 'JOURNAL. V . ' i _____ __ Subscription Price $1 A Yea A J. L. DENNIS, PITBLISEER. Hamilton , Ga., May g,'18S1h Personal Intelligence. —Tbs county Will enjoy many picnics this week. _R .-v. E. J, Burch preaehej at Waver, ly Hall last Sabbath. I —Tture wa- very little btisinis lefoie | the Comnrssioaers Court 1 uos lay. —Ool. Wqj, Hones, of Columbus, representing Swift ifc $on, is in the city. —The m -as’es is working up the last lot of material. Nobody has suffered sevete If. —We have no poetry typo. Effusions to Spring are published iu the waste has. ket. —Uncle Rem ns enlivened la-t Sundays Constitution with one of his best sketch Those who consult our advertising columes before purchasing, always get the best bargains. —The Journal wins praise everywhere. The Enquirer pronounced the last num¬ ber as bright as a new dohan —Ws hear nothing of picnics or cele¬ brations by the Hamilton Sabbath School. Are to have v"--"* 9 —Cooper Mitchell coaid not take bis departurefor Columbus Monday, because be was taken with the measles the day before. —The Sheriff sold nothing Tuesday It »t and has made but tVvt) sales and tinea advertssmeuts iu six months. Jhis shows something. —Tiie charter of Hood was obtained by E. A. Russell, Esq and ispeihaps the first . ot the kind ever issued in the state l-y the Superior Court- tink —We understand that a skating will be opened in town soon, by Prof. W. H. R ibison. A more healthful or pleas ant excicise is unknown an 1 much f'tn is in store for onr people if the scheme is in¬ augurated —Hamilton hCw bchSts of more yofing jnen and beautiful young ladies thatl at any tftne in her history, This shows progress in tbe right direction. .—Last Saturday an election was held tor Justice of the Peace, to fill tbe vacan¬ cy occosioned try the deatu of J. T. Wil lietms, Esq. It reunited in the choice of Captain C- L. Dendy. • Tbe Messrs Cliristopbcr have (liBCon tmued the daily Phonograph, but are pub lishing tbe weekly, whuh is no experiment lu.t an assured success, with their usual vim. We wish them success. —The St Paul Sabbath Suit ".ol of Col¬ umbus has an vyraursiou up the road to Hood next Friday. We know it will be made entirely stiocesfful as far as the road is concerned, by Supeiinteudopt Gray. —The town coodciI of Gen'sVtl placed the bar room license at $3,COO not long ego. Bo much fnss was made on the streets by disgruntled parties, that 'be members of the council agre*d to submit tbe qae 9 tionon t>f prouibition to tbe free holders of the.town. The vote stood at the Close of the polls 23 for sustaining the council and three against, Hurr?.h for Geneva. Mty she life long and pros- —The Georgia Pres Association meets el Jl imf D*xt Wednesday, We lattirl: thanks to M *srs Scovill & Terry, propri¬ etors of the Kimball House, for an invi¬ tation to breakfast wlihtheur Wednesday morning. Col B. W. Wtenu hat plated us under nbligations for complimentary tickets over the W. & A. road. The Central toad httS also favored ns with complimentary passes to Atlanta. —Yesterday afternoon the case of ti c » state vs. D.G. Smith, charged with aj-auit and oattv y, came u,> before Judge N. L. Itedd, fc t trial, Mr. W. II Bia.ihon appeared ar tbe d- fotisa an 1 Mjssr.i Guetchius A Chappell tor the prossecutor, Mr C. S, Murphy. Quite a number of wri nesaes were examined who were p tser.t during the difficulty Alter a,gim.ru,ts wtcie made by Counsel oh each side, the HsMa.aa.aa. difficulty w coRsIdttilnpr the to hfcve been a ’•stand filf—GolutobUj Enquirer SUn. —I know fi lady who hafi an ugly wart DU ber boss K'tnijvefi by the nse of Cous W LtghlQing h n ment. For corns and bainuhs it i* tip top. Use it for rbeuma IMm find sore throat, also, and be Cfired. Trfoe f,Oo. Eor sale by Murrah & Ctaw fotd, anything be bette ? I can’t think so, as CoUsens’ Honey of Tar is the best cofigh remedy I have been able to get. One dose alone is Worth 50c., hot you can buy a whole bottle at tbat price. lor Bale by Mhtrah & Crawford-. Hied. Mifl, Epsy stribbtig. in’Harris county, Ga., March 13th, 1881-born in Abbe .Site District 8. C. March 12 b, WU, ; ' AbttOI thirty years ago, a mole on her fees «a*e signs of trouble and five years *tu* her sufferings began from Cstreer aafi mere.scd, till the last several years they btestne intense, and her extraordio ary poflef, of endorsee ceflsad. For a time her accustomed rearing time was from early morning till 9 or 10 o'clock, I fearfully 6tl6 was spoken to and made no answer and it was discovered she was Within half an tcuf of the long rest for Whch as she bad expressed she was “just waiting.” Ftecrd'y she ley as if sleeping i «<» we»‘ ont ***** • s;rn Cg'c, »e | verily believe, from her great and pro- ; JoDged affliction, to the rsst for those tnadeperfect th.ongb long seffering. Bhe | was a devoted member of tbe Baptfsi cbnrih for abont 46jears. Eevendaught ers stoood around her grave—all of b< r children save a son who prece ded her abont two \ears 6iDe*». Ty fc thir.k - strangely these eevere afflictions come on pome—as indeed they do, on ell alike-* bat we now r'ee tbfofJgh a gla^s d««ik!y It will all be m«de plam berenftf r. A Fr.trND. ulmt littCuet . , Anew lot of Spring irxavs tt J. E. fror. 6 . AV'/* >- JOURNAI J. . VOL. IX.—NO. 18. Where’s the Remedy ? It is well known y our readers that in 1879 the taxes levied by the County Commissioners failed to defray the current expenses of the county for that year. At the April term of the Superior Court of that year, the Grand Jury l’ec otnmendea an assessment of seveu ty..five per centum of the State tux mfiluntr, as they supposed an in . cr case over thejprevious year, when the eoumy tax had been seventy per cent, of Wial levied by tbe Stale. Bat subsequent to the ad journment of the Grand Jury and ... j -a the Lesfislai ure assembled ahd re dotted ihe assessment of the pre¬ vious year thirty per cent. This made a correspondin'; and urn x peeled reduction in the county tax, which was not distiove ed until too late to bv remedied. J has 'he rev enues'Wei e made inadequate to the expenses. In 1880, ns show n by die report of the last Grand J^ry. the taxes in excess of the ejfffcnses fot the year, tinder tbe largest lux Possible ll n d e r the cotlSiituHon, and the old debt was reduced to tins extent. These a* e the well known reasons for our being; in debt, but lioW we arc to get out, or bow much we owe, are the perplexing questions Last year the Commissioners, with eoumy scrip never lower than 90. and much of the time at par, were only able, by the closest economy, io reduce the eoumy debt $75 — less than 10 per cell'., according to die guerses of the best informed. But this year the problem is how •o do even this much, with county -cup hard sale at 80 cents on the dollar. There is no good reason why scii|> issued at tliis date, which i-> sure to ho paid this winter, -houid be di counted more than ten p'*r cent., but it lias bum disttonn ted tit twenty and even tinny tier cent quite rtiently. Or course ih" c unty v- the loser by these discounts, 1 a lie paupei w ho receives till order on > lie Treuurer for five dollars, is really paid only fool dollars. The pen pie are taxed four dollars (of him mid one dollar for the man who arc unn'odates him with the cash. 'I lus money lender pets twenty-five per cent fur the m-e of his money from May until December, bur be is not to be blamed for this. It any one in the county is willing to as sttme tbe risk for less pay, we w ill advertise him free. Here is a field for the \Ye understand liai tho comrais s.oners have been rendered as much money as they . want , for r county . , urp >so8, upon tb. ir indiviunal elI , )OMe , Be „ tj n t eight per cent. I5v = J„ ly payments of the rT r ' una . giving $4 in money, instead of an order for five dollars, which C lll be ?0 |doidy for tour—enough cun |, e saV ed to ptlV interest OU money enou „|, lt defray tho current ex >’ e “ 3e8 ot the con "‘> ,0 . ^ S,S | monl,W , : Scnetlimg ought to be done, and 'hat speedily. The commissioners can restore confidence and credit if they , id. T Let them , the . w ascertain exact md. bledtifess of Die county, :ii k 1 j>ubli-li it. We offer tb?m lire free use of the columns of the Journal tov this purpose. Then le' t l,e expenses be made to tally wlt h the amount expected from tilIe8 f or t }, v year, k‘Mi the debt of ^ ■> When this ttmoUnt , 1!18 >ee i e t .< ______ ' , '* mwinners enggeais, stop. Pay no more* ^vece-sity knows m> law. ----- The Grant Crop. We hear nothing but encouraging re ports from be gram crop. Everywhere m the county tt .s domg well and prom a splend.d harvest. Fields and patches around town took better than we have ever seen them. Altogether the crop about to be harvested has a valfie , <b.t cafimrt be fifer estimated and we ex | peet to see very little no them hay in the j market «fter oats have _t»e~n With favorable Weather for a month, we ehal; harvest the finest grain crop ever known in Ihis conn.y, which .opp-RUiented with a goon Held of bla.-kfiernes, will aid ns greatly in bridging the Enmmer and in ^ moderately profitable sev^o cents cotton crop. We Shu'l Have Jt. f or ect^rpm-ing drnggis's, liiLy i: Mnwon ordered a wdd fountain Hcd wid refresh oar thirsty citizens wish ibis health giving and delightful tx-vtr »g. during tbe Sn'omer. We h'pe they w!!1 ^ with p , tr on»gfl lo sustain their enterprise. INDEPENDENf DEMOCRATIC NEWSPAPER. HAMILTON, GA., FRIDAY, MAY 6, 1881. Improvement Xeeded. Notwithstanding the graCt improve meats in the mrii facilities of the couhty, during the part few years, there are a f ew changes needed that will iuiprove our service wonderfully. What we need most and above .U, is a mail route agedt on the Columbus & Earns IUilroad, to dis tribute the mail along the route. It is only three miles from Hamilton to Kings boro, yet ft letter mailed hare must go td Columbus, before reaching its destina tion. A letter from Hamilton to Hood travels nearly sixty miles, making an all aSy trip, wtren an agent on the road would assure its delivery in a_ few min¬ utes. Such an agent would releiva the Columbus office of muoh work, and many mistakes which afe made almost of ne¬ cessity in that office wonld be avoided. The establishment cf H mail roule from Ellerslie to TulbottoD, announced in the J.uRNAL of last week, suggests a charge that would be acceptable to all concern¬ ed. By extending this route to Dataula, and making it tri-weekly, the route from E lerslie to Columbus might be dispensed with, as our corresprudent suggests, wou ]j | cave an easy route then from Ellerslie t^ Bhiloh, via Waverly Hall, which consid#fipg,;the populous aed in¬ t«aiigerit^tioh through wbioh it passes as sooft a8 p03ni bi e . It would greatly fac the delivery of mail matter to oiti¬ zms of the eastern part of tbe oounty, whose intelligence and general coladitiou entitle them to greater consideration. The change of route from here to La Grange, making Hood tbe terminus in¬ stead of Hamibon, will work a hardship on many, unless we can have a route agent. With an agent on the road, the change will prove acceptable to all. Cadet Midshipman. Tbefe is a vacanoy in the Naval Acade¬ my from the I ourth Congressional Dis¬ trict o! Georgia. I am requested by the Secretary of the Navy to recommend a candidate for ap¬ pointment. Tbe candidate must be over fourteen and under eighteen years of age when examined for admission, and an ac tnal re’sident of tbe fourth Cogrossiooul District. Candidates must be physically Bound, well formed, and of robust const!' tntioti; they will be required to pass a sat isfaetory examination before a Medical Board composed of the Surgeon of the Naval Academy and two other Medical iffioers to be designated by tile Secretary of tbe Navy. Candidates must pass « j satisfactory examination before the Acad j em] - c E oa .,j j 0 reading, writing, spelling, j arithmetic, georgrSphy and English gram j I mar. will apply Applicants immediately, for Cadet by letter, Miib-hipman td me ' »«*“““• Georg,a ’ IftOH DUOIIANAN. Timely Hints. Mit. Editor:—A s yon sre always so ready lo gWe \oforu\at\ou oa various bu b j BCt8 t0 yonr subscriber, I thick 'it but | fajri t t jat ,j, ey should occasionally morn ihe favor, and tell some.tbings they know about their different occupations. Therefore SB I am a farmer, I will tell yoa a few things I kDow about the farm¬ er and tbe farm. I know it is a ruinous policy for the farmers to raise all cotton to the exclusion of grain. I know it is, rather late in the season to Bay much about wbat shou d be p anted, as most I faraW8 ara about through planting. g at x know ie i8 noUoo late to plow up c sttoh and plant corn, if they have plant- I e d too much of the former and too little of i ic . t ih»i Khenffs and ^ 6 v L -. tb not" c ,f ru a ,,a fodder. But I know , afraid of cotton balm, I kn<) w ,he fanners of Georgia end espe cialiy of old Harris county can be inde pendent if they will only pursue the O or rect ,Lely poltey I know ihry were onCe com para P independent. I know that be ^ d o{ tbis WM so . j kcow tfaat farming wi n pay m this section though 8 some seem to think and «ay to the _i I know a God ji i. has a done „ a ***** B reat . contrary. deal for this country in giving ns a 0,lm * ate and soil capab'e of growing almost anything we may oboosr if we will only take a little trouble. I close for the present by say,eg that T I j kDO w that the farmer who raises all cotton j makes tbe most money, but he flho raiser bi» supplies aares the most money and Leetemost iudependent. Most respectful ly> .1 ,1. W. B. A T*mvera%vee T>mptt«nec Movement. mom menu Woman. Tamperefice Union, a copy of a pet.t.on for «be p.s*.«. of a general lo cal opdSr. la* for be state the law only hxml o affect law snob •» •>« local, * t-ass., J-je « petirion will meet with many s.gneW.n this community Ttacause is on^ which should meet with hearty encour froor every good c.t z U. Whisfley dnnktng u the curse of th.s and o e - ery community not proceed by ting hw-j. e Crtnno prev o i drmkrng, but by the enactment of proper laws we can greatly abridge the n-e by stopping .be sale And in thf. mty. win. h form a ,.es a vexy Mg* «'-dpe of country with the sccuntd article, can get a majority of .be free fcolders to vole fof prohibition. V.e are e>-« the ladies are moving in tb^ matter and think they vetv pro-srly do ao w they sre the greatest sr.ff^rera. Let tAem work vigoroas'y and victory for tbeir cabaw it gysared. Very Truly Said. Acvthiag j»i want can be b -toS;. > for ca h at CoOk Brothel* I if Wong Right Vs. j This week we have thoroughly tevis ^ ° af ra!liIin g lis I corrected the ■ subscription dates; Every subscriber can now tell how he stands exactly. If i we have your date wrong, please notify I us at once. If you are in arrears, let us j hear from you. We need the money. If ' cannot write ' word call you pay, us or and tell us what yon propse to do about \ it. Less than half a dozen of Our sub | scribers are in arrears for mol* than on# year. Let all of these sen-: up their sub¬ scriptions at once. Miny others will be owing us for more than a year if they do not settle soon. We are'ftware this is the season when there is little money afloat, but a dollar is easier paid now than two this fall. However, as tbs black berry crop is promising,*we wdlj^rraa -sarf, to oon tinue all until fall, if neor and to send Ibe J crnal until then to any good name sont us. But if you eau apar» tho money now, and would like some of onr excellent garden seed, we will be glad to get your dollar and let yoa have the seeds We have seasonable seed, fresh and genuine, and every subscriber in arrears will do well to try tbUM, A Loving Epistle. One of tnlf cotrcsp ndents hands ufi the following original and wonderful espistle which will.be real with interest and piofit by every boy and girl in the county. The original is in cur hand of which the follow¬ ing is a libmal translation. The fa; tics are supposed to oe colored. Talbot Co., Ga., The year 1831. The 3rd clay iu Grysmas* Mr. Jowseph Giddens;— - I have ownce mow Taking pin in luin’ to seat mysef' to inform yo,u a few rem ifka to let you kno tint I am w,*ll an’ d iiV considcrb's well at dis time present ail’ I hope as tlitee few remark i ree.h you rn joyin de same blousin'. Sir, My Dear Honey, .1 am all sou standin' to my word, and if you atan’ to yyurn Word we will bring dia subji' c to c'-Cse nr*’ ctywmns, I am pentdn on you. Ro( is red, violet is blue, BUgar is sweat an ’bo arc you Ml pin aid dul my ink are pad, I hope I an' yont^love will never file. I would have wrot BoOnev, but I could not get it fix in time, so I hope you will look over (hit.’ O how I wish I could Her you once more, you said you was coinine’ I if y.j il,i coin I wilf^o b.tc wid you } jj j, y 01lre i) t .,ires of it. You told me ; A , H ; a single hh’ never marry, I (lout iu j fa . n to n „i ess ; K jt you I expect to ke ip | for ■ you and n me but you. So j Howdy & Good i,ye I aro your idividml pvi-feiueof any won el.-o. -f I am your i c |, ( ,j ce y in i will git inn, if not you will not. Your Truly frieu A* Home tvil a sweat kiss. Hood Charter. In f.H Petition T. IV. Mi G. u, [ to Imorpomte Town. Rob'I Davis, lit At. ) Older Grunted. Whereas, it appearing to tho Court by the petition of Thomas W MrGi e, Rob't. Davis, Charles T. Flouvioy. Thomas J. Hunt, laylor White, A J. Irvine, Z. T. Hardy, Vi gil Harris, Joo W. Jolmson, Tli(>ma« J. Forster, W. YV Thrai.kill, EiN ward T. McGee, E B. Grmmell, J. A. Mm rah, T T. Murrah, 3. N. Mur rail, Oscar Hardy, J. M. McGee W. G. Dtvis, Win. N Reeves, 11. Mcsus J. H. Durham, J. L bin„Icton. • f A. J.Jordon, J.L. fS Gillibjte, lite'V *. R H. cTark Ua , N.,H. Sh-diii;, J. M Ttidler, John Isom, 5 T. Ragsdale, Rubni t SpVey, J. C. My e«. Robert O. Budo k, lines Holt, and » H «nr; A. llussetl, Wood. while Allen an 1 ^ Jurphy, j,,r Bu-Jianan, Charles ............... «* head, Isom Willis, Robut Hudson and Samuel H.r.ly, colored, that they are qualified voters residing n the town or Hood, in said state and urn,ty and that s ‘ id tow " '* n ” t fnco!prated and that tlieru ls uow mor “ than went; -five quali ** '>«'** 8ai<1 tuwn f ,uore ,1,,u ‘ one hundred iuhtWtante. an. that «ud peu Loners constitute a majuity of the male inb iiuta :ta <> sn own, an p< i loners wUi to have said lown icorporated, and ; in _, ,, v eaill p< „ tio „ thlt there was u0 newg p;lper pubHucl in raid terri ^ th , u , titionera » uged a no , icc to ^ p thr( , e of the ' most pubic places in said.erritory for four ^ a curtajn ^ #qJ place in ; reqU( ., tillf j BlI the voters to ^ (e f(a . ^ agailJst jnci.ioration, and that ^ election was held ad superintended lljr R*,bcrt Davis, Q, T. urcell.and J. M McGee, an I toc.ir swornrertlficate, of file in this court and showing ;, in ftvl tty of forty incorporation nine votes we/e a A'id it further apriearin^o t),e court that j ^ jerg ^ wilh the <>f ^ Q Geolgia , of the j ^ m2 ^ anl( ,^ ent8 thereof en ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ the manner of 1 incorporating town; a,E villagis in this ^ iSai(1 ewpr.nrti.w t embrace vhe fob : te;rit< mil centre of I , r} . one fquare , ipl „ c v „ 1>C j^.uW,i.eretheCtffum UoW! . tbe wagon road ^ ^ ^ w , jn ., X j , U)a(1 , w „, , ;acil Umn.hy line to be one half mile from pai l poir on sail railrt tid. | [t =, old r , ;(1 by the cm that said t.-r.i ^ ^ . , n du|il> , (1 ]lti { , late , ,, a town o? the wne of Hood, r- 1 j of aud |n 8aH with all bo '" ... e ., a "' 1 ; ’ ’ ^fies, conveyed In tbcoorls of In. state, I Aon it is further orligd that the cte-rs ■ i f tli:-' coim do issoi a ritificate of Incor of 8ai.| town ait> »yed for uni it • i*" funhci ordered that F B. GAmmcJl, Q I Y. Ptir&ell abd W If VV')fw»n. voting of ! *N«i i luWfi, be appjotited in^pectois ot \ tbe elect on for Mayor fik e c iincilmcri I a' * a re oid r 1 t/> be field on 13th <Uy of.in iHl j:- iP * j j4tJj i 4 ,. h»l 1 l . Wu-is J. ■ 0 C, C. . Hood Jottings. —Dancing school baa been organiz. ed —Hood Debating olnb is on a boom! — Mack Parker went to church last Shnday. WhSC yon come,to town give bt*n a poll as he deals in notions of all kinds. —Ia onr last missive we slated that GOO tons of (juano bad been sold here this sea¬ son. The estimate was made by parties not interested and was far too small. We have dbtuinad accurate information which s veils the numher of tons Horn GOO to 1200 . - The health of the community is un¬ surpassed No one has been imposed on except a lady wha was kicked by a o.ilf. •v i.L-. ntrsyeu away from home several days ago and came Very near beiug killed by the train, If the train had gone fifteen feet further the child would have been mashed to at oaas. —After an interesting sermon was pronebed last Sunday at Betbany by Rev S. W. Bartley, a collodion was taken to get money to defray Ihe exphnsea bf a surgical operation to be performed on the person of Mr. William Durham. The gentleman namfd was severely wounded in the late war. The ball has never been extracted and the wonnd from time to time bits grown worse and be now suffers exnruciating pains. The people contrib¬ uted liberally and we hope that be may liYS to see the day that he will stand aa erect on that wounded member as be did tbe day tbe Confederate flag whs proudly unfolded* ...Wo are informed Mr. Marion Smith killed 185 rnts in Ilia orib laae week, 47 weighed 15 pounds. Mr. Smith is a mod¬ el farmer but he should take time to con¬ struct a few rat traps just at this time. —Ate the expirution of Ihe mail contract from Hamilton to LaGrangh, the mail then will le carried lo ihis plaoe from La Grange. And if we nay be allowed to quote Mr Waterman several years ago we will be placed more direotly under the inffnenoe of “the growing im¬ portance of her suburban dtp. —Those who planted the Joi rnal premi¬ um seed have the best gardens. Juat precisely as tho “printer’a devil” pre¬ dicted. — brother Mnlhery Grove quill driver wis cannot aalve yctr conundrum. We will let the hard case alone for if ho b£s been dead forty years he stiuketh. —A little incident occurred the day on wh'flb Hamilton and Hood oorae in com¬ bat, that has caused considerable Itvi ty. A gentleman made b powerful tx temporatreoils speech nnd ot tha conolu f ion fell over < n a lounge and said : “Haro Lard I givo myself away ’tis all tLa. I can do." A LGer(trj/ Revolution Chal¬ lenge. Timo'd line publisbcis have, vetv nat¬ urally, not been well pleased with the now famous on tci pi ire, “The Literary Revolu¬ tion”; and in depreciation of its character have laid special stress upon the tl iim that in cheapening hooks so vastly it is against the interests of Amtiicun authors. The Revolution boldly meets Ibis asserUotl by statements us follows: 1st. That they are already paying American authors more money than any other pub'lsblrig house that is lissihan twouty-five years cstab lishnl 2mi. Tiiat Amtrk'im cutlior rarely receive ftom tuibllshcrs a copyi'iit exceeding 10 per rent upon tbe relui price of their books aituraliy sold. 3(1 That at bust i he tirtlf, uiiil piob.bly mofr nearly thr' e fourths, of the books | ublisli eil by Arrtciiiun Htilbois liave been (Inb li-lietl at the author's ixpiixse, the pub¬ lishers furiiishiug uojthoueyi and paying no cup)tight, but tnemselvcB v. eeivjng « large percentage upon lalt-s made. 4th. That they propose lierwufltr to pay to American authors for acceptable manu » cipt* a copyright of 16 p«t cent, instead oi 10 per cent, and they claim that their low prices, and immense sales resulting therefrom, are ini more in the interest of authors than much larger copyright on the commonly limited number of sales—“One thousand books, profit $1 00 each, Sl.OfiO. One million books, profit one cent each, $10,000.” As an examtrle of an American Copyright ho.,1,, they issue, i:i an exceedingly hand some form, the famous poetical, historical, and satirical American classic, “M'Fingal, an Epic I'ui.un,” by John Timnbj l, with vciy full unnoiations by the lelebrated historian Beeson J. J>assirig, LL.D. 'ill’s poem is almost as much a part cf Annul can hietfif y as the battle of Bunker Hill itoelf, and Dr. 1/w.siug nas, greatly io cr- as-il both its intcrist and its iustrinsid yalue J by hia hi-tmicul comments and Ulus, triitio This Dark wa. publisbeo fc a few vca „ a ,,„ ,,y one of .be obi publishing I i011 h « at the price of $2 00 per copy, and lw . loul> a v rv limited a .Id. The publish .„ Ih .t ri.e lw| , i.„, uf their ,,evr ,;,i t |on g.,-.rattle, s tt sale . f at Met 60,000. < r ^ IQOre , Ul())j . I00.000rep.ee. a..d Mr L ^ iiu „f «, lir reap a hand . M>t»e reward, t Veti from the HtiutU royalty the low price. Am.uk,... ID* I > | R., Wishers. Sefl York t.’ity. , A Reminder. Tbe pVe to get good uh.ao r 0 j ^ u j. R. Frost’s, and don’t you forget it. For ti e delie»t>* and con p’icitrd diffi eaaies peca'i^r to ibe feirndHCooft itution, Lvijia K. PisKHirfs V»;KrABLc Compound is fovs » igu retoedy. lt »»*»»» at tbe caiHiA, and prodaoes Ustirig roenlts. Head M.> . Lydia _ L . Pinkbatu. -3d „ Westein r 1 jo Avenue, Lyon, tor pamphlets. II A YEAR. FrZsh From Arctic Regions; Ilest Thing on Ice. Friday evening, at 9 o’clock sharp, I wil open at Collfelfii Hull v skating’ rink. The geneml admission will bo ten oe-its Use of skates 25 cents. All lovers of healthful exerci'w! svnff In o cut a unseat at, are reap tfallv and cor¬ dially invited to attend ihe opening levee of the season. 'Nothing furnishi* hotter exercise or more amnsem t.t. Saturday morning st nine o’clock, the manager wil! give lessons to the ladles No charge for admission, and only 25 en > for tlve lesson, and use of skates W. H. ItomsoN. Muling T. Klyslnm. Da yon wishjto spen-1 an hohr in sweet -oblivido? If so go over to the (IfIt store of Riley [& Mr.sau and try some of their Now Cigars. Good Land. Last Tuesday, Virgil Hargett, Esq., pnrehased at Ouardiau’s Sale, thirty acres of land for wbich he paid #700. Twenty three dollars ail a; re iH a good price for land fifty mika from the railroad, but this is wufth it and more. English Peas. Many of our people are now feasting upon IbiS excellent vegetable, Those who planted tbe Journal prennnm seed are the first to have the matured pea. I)nil Times. Our merchants who insist on tbe cash, ktiva beau doir.R but little businoRH the past wet'll. The weather has bead so fa voraide for fanners, that they hav« been very bu y. The streets even on Tuesday, were almost deserted. 1 'onr Attention Ladies. In vour seiuch lor Millinery Jo not forget Mrs, Colvin & Jlins Donnelly ihe farliionsble ittid popular milliners of Co¬ lumbus. Their stock Is now complete in every I articular, and their well known taste in trimming, insurei. it stylish and tasty outfit to Ihe lady who eiitrus's them with an order. Their advertisement will appear next ws-k, The Very Rest. Cdok Brothers luivc ju.-t received a fine lot of extra good toffee which they finer cheap for caslt. A Cincinnati Paper Cheap, We have mart# arraugeinmits with the pnbli-hern of the Weekly Cincinnat Commercial, u large fifty-six column Du per, by who h w« are enabled to i tier it and the Journal one yea f for f2 00 and givo to every subscriber our liberal seed premium Mild h!r choice of either of the following book*: Manliness of Christ, E dyrnion, Reminiscences of Thomas Catlinlr, Pilgrim’s Progress, Ivanhoe, Middlemurch, Robinson Ctusoe, or Mid¬ shipman Easy. You can got a copy of this mammoth Sheet, by addressing the publishers of tbe Commercial, Cincinnati, O. College Picnic. Tbe Bladen Ih ot the .college will have a picnic on the eollge ground i m xt. Fri¬ day. T’-'S occasion will be on# of pleas, ure to all and we wibU all participants much joy. 'Jo At’eommodate Tht Publict The proprietors of Dial immensely pop ular remedy, Kidney-Wort in recounirroii -f the claims of ibe public wbioh haa so ibarally patronized them, b-v» nruedy |irepar-d a liquid preparation of that for the special accommodation of those Who 'rom any reason di.liko to prepare it tiemselviH It is very concentrated ai d, as the doso is small, it is more easily tak «n by m»uy. li has the same tfferln 1 action in nil disea es of 'be kidneys, liv¬ er or bowels H- n.e end FsHn. Its Action is Suro anti Safe, The celet rut i <1 remedy KulL^ Woit can now be obtained in the nsiial dry vega stable form, or in liquid form. It ih put io tbe latter way for the especial conve¬ nience of those who cannot rea lity pre¬ pare lt. It will be found very c, nceu Hated and will net »ith»iq«»l efficiency in either case. Be sure and read the now advertisement lor particulara.— f.eutn and West, In Ayer’s Ague Core we have a positive remedy for fever and ague and all mala¬ rial disorders, and one entirely free from qninioe, arsenic or Other injnrioui irngx. it is the chamical and medical triumph of the "tgo. Among the little items of p-rsoBal coin forf and economy are Ayer's Fills. TL>y are the ready rsuirdy which defeat many disorders, if tak' n in sea-on, and ehou.d be kept in every fiiBrfly. fuel TO EVEKVUOnV A Iicautijul Rook by Asking! By srplyirg peraoha'lr lit Ihs nrarcst , ffi ■« of t he Singer M .r ufsetoriog Co ( >r 1 y poatBl err 1 if at a d'»ta ffr) any adu't poraon wilt be presented With a be.fiti fo ly illartrated copy of a N - w Book en titled C 2 NIUS aSTW’Ar.LSD, —OIL'I HE— Cturr of ths Soma? l-adtino, containing « bsndaonre t-nd **- »’*«« ssrairSKS'SL.tria: blue and gold liibographed ,, r »le cover. N<> charge wbsterer is made for tb's haid-ome book, woilb rsn he obtained only by app icatfun st the bram-b and aul,indicate < ffiee» ot J he Singer Manu¬ facturing Go. Tint Sivoxr *UKtv*cTilS0 Go I'ciifCJp*! 34 tjai 'fi bYjaafe Yotk. Iron As a Mediate* Wbat a prominent medicine moo e»y«' The preparations of Iron which ere termed itJ rrediolne «s Ferrttginofti or Cbs'ybeate; are by far the most lospor tant of all tonics—In fact, there is no ton* lei iitber inihfetil or vegetable; Which meets so maty requirement* of man. B’asidew the local tonic effect that Iron is bound lofptodoee, ai»d the general ootrob, Mat action bn tit# ooryb ra-y Lnal system wbich itJpbssfesseBi it. WialfftitSa restorative influence on the atat# of the blood by increasing the number of its coloring J’ittihies anti tit# feinotitd dt the Solid constituents. Iruti is iu fact a oafttra! donsJHusnt of .ho blood, and is to be considered aa a nW o< saity in enlivening this the stteain of life. The effects of froti ate beit !tt conditions ot the systefh in which there! is a relative want of activity in the nerve and musics. Under its hse* the blood neenmer richer, the digestive organs are promoted, the pnlae becomes fuller and stronger, the skin tiSsnsites a healtflj’ ti£!t, he lips and cheeks grow more florid tfcM temperature of the body is inoreasedj ami the mtHctiiar strfeuiitfi gfetfi'y invig orated. The ted sorpnsolee of the blood, which are increased by the use of trail; act ad garners of Oxygen wbicn they take up from the inspired air of the lunge; and it is now geuerally conceded thet tron faked up in the blood corpnsolea converts Oxy¬ gen into Oxoue, a much mote active pow¬ er then oxygen, abu one tbat i^ consider¬ ed as the greatest destroyer of malarii poisoutl. The direasos in which iron ia especial¬ ly serviceable are these which conic infill want of riihnesf! in the blood, strength iu ihe muddies, and tout! Itt the netye’s, sueli as Weakness, Inactivity, Depression, Loss o' A| petite; Dyspepfta, Indigestion; Neuralgia, Hysteria, eto. Among tho ailments for wbioh iron is # remedy, is Bounty as well as excessivd menstruation, for it may be, end is gen¬ erally due to deficiency of Jiiacid: It is also one of the bust remedies id reten¬ tion Hr tk cess of Cfrid, Seminal Weak¬ ness, and all diseases dependent upon any debility of tbe systemi Indeod, there are but few diseases wbioh are not ameliorated or cured by the iron rente dies. The trouble has always been with cur chemists here a'id in Europe to com¬ bine this wonderful health restorer, Irotl, into a medicine that was pleasant td fafle add this did not diROoior tbe enamel of of tbe teeth, which is so sensiiive to ail minoral preparations. All tbe valuable components of iron are contained in Iron Hitters—a valuable household medi¬ cine that does not contain the tnnoh dreaded alcohol of olher tonics or bittorfi, is pleassut and agreeable to tbe taste, will not dikt3oi.if the teo!h like olbcf ^rou preparations, ami will; from tbe first d s qcommence to itnproTe tbe gcnSTa houltl.l Ihe Place. If yott flush pf're am genuine medicine and mfilitlines that y ou 6ait i epend on gn to a drus store for them. Only Nora lleartley. MORNING NEWS SERIALS. A kfiW STORY BY A t*Cll'tjLAR AUTUon. Only Nora Heurtlev Hr mW iriiEMA ni betreid. AutLor of “My Molher’a “Muffli," Daughter;" “ilrs. Dare,” etc 1 Tho Savannah Weekly or SATURDAY, MAT 11, Will fcfinUih tbe opening chapters of s cbarmti H story of ..baoibing interest, en¬ titled, “Only Noru Hearlley,” from Reid; the gifted pen ol Mrs. Opbelirt Uiabet of Eatotiton, Ga. The p fey .oil it contributions cf this tal - .Tiled hilly to onf series ol stones has made her so widely known and so great h fiivoii'e wi'h onr resiling public that ooimnemlHiiun from us of her forllioum^ ing romance Is 1i!iiiPcensefjr> SAVANNAH WEfKl.Y N BtV(4 Contains 8 pages of re uling matter, com • prising all the news of tho week, Tele graphic Di-paiches m> t * Ihe hour of go*, iug to press, Agricultural Lems. Original INerlals, e 0. Only i 2 a year; $1 for si* inontlH. itl \ sn ‘ Ayer’s Hair Vigor, FOB RESTORING GRAY HAIR TO ITS NATURAL VITALITY AND COLOR. It is a most agrei able dressing, which is al oilce harmless and effectual, for preserving the imir, It restores, with the gloss am! freshness of youth, faded or gray, light, and red hr.ir, to a rich brown* .a dei ‘i black, as may ho desired. By ,'ts «-.re thin hair is thickened, and baldntsS j often though not always Secured. It cficck* falling of the hair immediately, and causes a tietv growth In till crises vrliotut tir” glands are not decayed; w htlu to Lrashvi weak, or otlienrfse diseased hair, it imparts vitality and strength, and renders it pliable, The Viuoil cleanses the SCtt’p, cure* and . revents lire f filiation of dandruff j end, by its cooling, Stimulating, a’d soothing properties, It heals most if not ad of the humors aud diseases peculiaf t, the scalp, keeping it Cool, clean, and s .ft, u.ider which conditions diseases of the scalp and hair are Impossible, An a Drossir.t? for Ladies* Hair, Ths Viooh iN inconipsrable. It i» Color-' , ]eM , c ., W f»i„* neither oil nor dre, at,l -........ ■»a ^ an agreeable ami lasting perfume, Slid as An article for the toilet it is bronomie Cd l mtj iLisurnasScd in its exoeUence. PnzPtnXtf fir Dr J. C. AYEH & CO., LoWcB, Mass., pnirticiil nnd AjhiItUcxI CheiulsU. HfhU BV ALL DjtUWOlaTS tVEBlTWIiSB®*