Hamilton journal. (Hamilton, Harris Co., Ga.) 1876-1885, May 06, 1881, Image 2

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THE HAMILTON JOURNAL Subscription Price $1 A Year. J. L. DBN1TIS, PUBLISHER, Hamilton, On., May ft, 1H81. ON A WHIRLWIND. A Story Told in the Senate Cloak lioom About a Bit of Horne Flesh. “That is a very fast frain lluT flies between NevtYmk and Phil.a ■ tlelphia, but I don’t think they will ever gel a railroad train that will go as fast a* loncu was carried over the old Bloommgdale road.” So said Senator Beck the other day to a number of his brother Senators. “I don’t remember jn-t what jear it was.” Mr Buck raid, “but it was before I came to Congress, and wheiil was quite a young man, that I was In New York City. It was hi the day when the old Ulnoiningdale road was a favorite drive for New Yorkers with tn-t horses. Now- I like a fast horse myself, ami 1 though I had ridden behind some. (J.ie afternoon I was tip town, or what was tip town ill New York, and a gentleman came nlong that I knew. Him name was Gapt. Norn#. He w is driving a dreadfully bony un i angular-look¬ ing male, and when he a-ketl me if I would like lo lake sent beside ; a | bun l u as almost a-limned to get in | behind such a specimen of hone flo-h. Nuh I knew that Capt. Nor- ' ns was something of a l.-ver ot hors¬ es, and beside# I Couldn’t retu*e him. feo 1 got in. The •leepy #e. tiling uiyre jogged along in a most tiresome way. Her head liung down, and it seeuid as though it w as all she could do to drag hi t 1 feet along. 1 ■ ■‘ ‘WiM go out on the Blooming dale road, if you don’t mind,' the Gaplani s ’. 111 , ‘and see pome of the steppers. 11 IV ell dm would ho pleasant , enough, lor I thought I won d have a chance to see n liru-li or two bo.. , tween some ol the noted horse* ol New York on that. day. I said to the captain that I almost, wondered why fie wasn't out with fue|»|rt>r hiinsclt, knowing how fond he III!." ol fast driving. He said that he dnl sometimes take a last horse out, ami I remember looking at tint dm «v, bony, mare, anil touting tor the , Captain some ol the shame which 1 thought lie ought to have I- It for liiniseif, I noticed, too that, tip people wlmm wj passed, who rco <'giii/.t-d him, were stating nt. his mare, anil I thought mat they were woiidunng how it. happened that C’aptmn Norris w ns out w ith such a plug as that. Well by and by we got on tho Bloomingdalo road, and one after another team passed by. I ohst rvml that, now and then the gentlemen w ho were driving notie.u fthle fine and speedy animal# would turn to tbe Captain a* tin y were alongside and itiiimale a desire to niateh wou'd speed with him. head, Tho Cap mid tniti shak, hi* rotnetime* reply, ‘No; you uve tin good;’ mill ho said this in a banter¬ ing w ay, as though tl ret ui nod ban¬ ter for banter. "Then wo jogged along, and I whs really getting sick of it. “By and by a noble animal pass¬ ed us, Tho gentleman who was dining it looked) ns ho passed, around at the captain. I noticed he that took tho Captain little nodded, find that a fiitu grip of tbe reins. Tho gentleman slowed.up a fiule, snfluiietit to let ua pass. “ ' Try it, Cap,’ ho shouted. “The Captain nodded. “1 saw that tLo mare lifted her head a little us tho grasp on the reins tightened, and put some liulo , ammittoii into her leet. By and In ! we heard the clatter ol bools back ol us. 1 looked aroni d and saw that the gintlcmuti was uoming at a splendid once. ! “ 'See it lie passes tt#, sntd tho ; Captain, mid lie made onu little chirrup to the mare. . “Geutlemso 1 have aeon trims formation scenes. I have seen the old man in the operu of ‘Faust’ ohaugod in an instant to tbe lur.d- , some young ftllow, I have seen a pulitieian change hts ootit, but | ' never saw such a tratisfoi niaiion us then happened. Tho mare lifu-d her head. Her ears no longer hung 1 limp. They were erect mid tossed back to ea ch the sound ot the tip proaohtug boot’s. Her dingy body now .-(Mined it) gleam, and ) lt . r lrg« looked like llio ►poki»H of n • «ii r-iiii.llv i-i voivim’ ai,tmation,*a!l w hei-l Sho was file, a 1 eleel ,-oU v. 1 could thick ot nothing but a loco motive running nlong at the rate ot a mi e a mibute. llvawus how ilu* wind cut my lac.! ! “ ‘Look out tor your bat Beck,’ 1 said the captain, and I pulled ,t down «v«*r H»y esrs, 1 glnnctd qimk nl Ihe ( Jkpiain, lie he d tht* n ins fi imv, and hi* eyes v.-re f.x.d ahead. We weie plunged aheed on a »hirlw imf. I thought liow vi hat a brainy that inaro no'v 1* am. I ihoogtil that there w as only one end ol it all—aimihhatioi) I grabbed he seat thinly with bmh hands, and I pressed my f*el against Ihe dashboard. The wind moaned iu mv ears, ulthouge wi «,«t, a., it-™ our.. u,-. i could hardly breathe. I could not ace, except far ahead. I knew we were passing theTeoplo team after team, and I beard cheer. I shut my eyes. I thought ti e ca-h would come. 1 would have ask,d the Captain to stop, it the speed had not been so great that speech was impossible 1 I said to myself, James Beck, your day lias corne. Whew-w-w-w! How we were fly¬ ing! There was now no motion ex¬ cepting speed. We were flying over the road, horse and riders, seemingly impelled by an unseen trresistalile power. I opened my eves ortee and -aw some men away ahead waving their hats. In an in -tan! we had reached and pas-ed ih«rn, and as we went hy, the three men seemed mingled into one, \V In n will this end. I w.>nd* red. I he suspense was awful. I wasted i whatever was going to ban pen to happen at once. It j seemed as though we had been an ’ hour riding- "hen the speed »laek. | er.!'d ( slower and slowei, and at last j the mare stopped. I opened my eyes and nsw thru we Were stand ini' at a roadside inn. “ ‘Are we through Captain?’ I asked #4 ( Yes,’ be said, laughing, ‘let’s take a lit le Santa Cruz’ ‘Captain, you cave me a great fright,’ I said, *T hud no idea 'hat mare could .jo. Why she’s fit to he a rarer.’ “ ‘Yes, ’ '1 nt know lint she’ is.’’ sai<l the Captain nonchalantly, llr re a in in touched me and drew mo aside, ‘Dont you know’ that mure, ni' ii'i" He asked. 11 ‘No.’ “ ‘That’s Lady SnffMk.’ 44 » The fleetest mare of llie day,” said Senator Butler. “‘Yea,’ replied Senator Beck. Bv-and-by w« star.erl home, nod as we trotted h-istt eiy back we met ilie team that had first passed us, and which we snl>*i cptctiily passed mi ihe lightening’* wings. Then I knew w liy cveiybody stared at (tie mare.” “Senator Bock, Mr. Butler, your riatne# are being called on the roll by the Clerk,” stud a page, looking into the cloak room, and Ihe Sena¬ tor# went out lo lake their part in he dead-lock proceeding#.—New Yoik Niiii’h Wa-hmeion Letter. A Georgia Judge. The Georgia report# ; rc* a year ’ |1|)(1 u 1,,-hind. But when we n .,„) j„dge Bleckley’s opinions, and ,, ,|,at we are reading the last ,,f ij,,.,,,, w « wish that those reports were much more in arrenr, so that w e could cotit time fo lie refreshed and delighted hy the unfailing foun¬ tain o lit* wiadom and humor. In Ilarrimnn against First Bryan Dipt 1st Church, which involved a breach of contract to furnish a Ht ,,.,iiiil>ont for an excursion for the S ocieiy, the Judge says; “A com miucemau on board was threatened with a most prolatm form of immer¬ sion.” In Kupperman ngaiost McGehee he says: equity; “ I'rusts aro children of and in a court iquity they are at home—under ilie family roof-tree, and i round the hearthstone ot their a iieoe tor,” In Nussbatim againt Ileilbron, a son carriud on business in the name of liia lather, b-'oauso ho fell that Ins own name was under » mercan¬ tile cloud. A* Judge Bleckley ex.. pre*aes it: A ocordmg to the char go* of titH bill the lather had no capital and tho son no character, the man without character eariied on bttsiii'ss iu site name, ami upon the credit ot the man without cap it at.” In Dee against Porter we find the following: “li not infrequently affirm¬ happens that a judgement is which ed upon a theory of the case did not occur to the court that ren¬ dered it, or which did occur and was expressly repudiated, The human mind is so constituted that in many instances it find- the truth when wholly unable to find tho way iliat lemls to t . •“The pupil of impulse, it forc’d linn along, conduct still nvht, . with his . H' 8 ar_ gum- nt wrong; Still aiming at honoi, >et fearing to i oniii, The coachman w as tipsy, tbe chari¬ ot drove bottle.’ " In Forrester against Slate the deteudant uadertook to evade the |8W *k B ' n! ' 1 roituling lntoxicntmg l»l««w " lth '’ ut ‘“ettse, by having his eook »eH them tn his kit chi... defendant’s kttelu-ti hy his servant, :n bis piesenoe, and with hts co.upeta ton thioti-li yie re., s| onse, ‘t»o lo .Mary, i, "d Dne money to Man,’the traffic was 1 11 ' u, ' w 1S lu lle doubt 'I”’ 1 lbl defendant was the , deny , ot ’ 'h' 8 ,m ‘ u ! 'b , j"e, and that ,liuv was oi.ly »h* mmtsteniig piiestoss >ut fbv w is the di\urn \ at d he h‘ r at^'^ding spirit U* \\:u n li»u>ty <lu- | ' <> tee# w here to drink, and at « b- - t“vi «« b.V their U tbu.e, Iu * >»™‘b « lu the State as the pro ,,,oUl ot forbidden libations. hfUicr . iu liiv>o u^uiptfu rights he was serving Maiy or *» r t «»»>’ n!akt ‘ <**» lc cnee * i. h tbe gods and godsde. but uone UHL. L«-*>ler against jue>ler ihe quvstioii was about at'aehng a nU.ba.H. tor eo.UeUipt... retuslug to 1 ) a.nuoii). lhtsis what '‘‘v ; judge ihougUV aboUl it: “li a man, ihotigh iiaving health, will Hot lor the support of his wife chiMieii, a court cannot aastinie dliect control of his will and Miu-cie and compel hitu to la r - To tie idle (taking the com. «»»i.«aa.,s»*e. freeman, lesa lie is convict., j 8 ui *d -ome i flense and put to work aa a punishment. But while a civil court cann.a order an able-bodied . matt u»go to wotk, it can m a proper case for alimony, order him to contribute so much money at such and si ch time# (o the ma n tenancu ol In# dependnnt family, j and leave him to provide the money : hy the free and voluntary exercise of lit# faculties, mental : n<I |iliy»i- I cal, comtnand. or hy anv The other attachment mean#, at will his j bring tlie actual resources ot the re* spotnk'iit to the practical and de ci-ivt' test. Pressure is a great concentrator and di-veloBer of force. Under the stress of an atfehment, eyer. the vision of the respondent himself may be cleared and bright¬ ened, so that be w ill discern ways a ,„i rn ,. n ny which were once hidden f rom j,jm, or * ee n obBeenreiy.” ]n „p C;il4 j Ilg 0 f tl , e power of amendment on appeal, in Bnrrus ; ag a j,isl .Moore, be say-i “Curative: „re „ 0 t restricted to the ■ ea ,|y of a case; ottr conrt physicians’ now treat chronic dis¬ order- as well as acute ones.” Is Dodd against Middleton the judge dissented in the following terms: “If 1 could Vie sein forced here hy the votes, as I am hy the f opinions ol the Supreme Judical Court of Massechnsetu and the Court of Appeals of New York, I could easily put my brothers tn the minority; but as it is, they are two against one, and I have no opinion but to yield to the lorce of -tfum* tiers —111 other words to ‘the tyran ny ot majorities, Tiiongn in twice the beaten, 1 am still strong true faith, and am ready to suffer for it (moderately) on all proper occasion#.”—[Albany Law Journal, Billing’* Advice to Joe. By all mean*, Joe, get married if yon have a show, Don’t stand shivering on the bank, but pilch in and stick your bend under and the shiver is over. There anil any mure trick in getting married after you’re ready than there is in eating peanuts. Mentiy a man has stood shivering on the shore until the river all run out. D'>n’i expect to many an angel; them hav awl bin pte.keti up long ago. Remember, Joe, you aim an angel yourself. Do not many Ur buty exclusively; bn’ v is like ice, orful slippery, and thaws dreadful ea-y. Do not mar.. ry for iuv, neither; luv is like a V 'O king stove, gud for nothing w hen itic fuel gives oir. But let the mixture he >u»i buty becoming¬ ly dieted, wit li about (tl40 in bur poekut, a good speller, handy and neat in ber house, plenty nv good stnee, a tuff constitution ar.d hy. laws, small feet, a light step; add to this sound teeth and a warm heart. This mixture will keep in any clim¬ ate and not evaporate; If the cork happens to be off two or three min¬ utes the strength aint all gone, Joe. Don’t marry for pedigree; unless tnere it is isn’t much in pedigree A family bac ked by bank stocks with nothing hut pedigree generally lacks #ence. -------- *** ■+.«^ N. tlih g bull Is up slmtterrd constitu tit n.i so quick as Biown's Iron Bitters. Froth and Iteliable. Lsrd Oil, Msctune Oil, Tanners Oil, Castor Oil, and 112’’ Non Explosive Ker¬ osene Oil, st lowe-t margin, for sale by Riley X Mason. Unlike otter iron | r partitions, Brown's I on Bitters will not Injure the tc-tli. J. €. Floyd, South SiJe of I’ublic Square, Hamilton, Ga., nvitcH tlie attention of h'H fnonfis ^nd the public to a well selected stoc*. of Dry Goods and Groceries Which will be sold at the luwrst pr een He jHjyn tho voiy best priced for *11 kinds »t Country Produce. oil! Mj! How delicious and beautiful are the Can¬ dies and Confectioneries st DU IMUOOUK BRO S, 68 Broad St. Columbus, Ga. First Annual Distribution —or— PRESENTS TO THK C’iisIi Subscribers OF THE COLUMBUS PROGRESSIVE AGE Will take piece in the Court House, in Columbus. U»., July next, I‘resents to tbe amount of $U500.00. R , n((in „ , D T , lne from Twen t v -five Cants tc ,OneHu dred and Fifty Dullsrs—will bt» nivtMi to the yenr'y Ca-h Subscrihera of the Progressive Aue. The following apart of the Presents, vis : ■*'%* Twj<n|;r Prwwn „ in Oold . 10 OO p lve Sewing Maehiree... . 250 00 One Ladies' Gold Watch 50 00 J>neSii,er w.teh...... . 25 OO OsJl Sunff, On« Hundred Geo. Woeten holmes’ Pocket K'HTee *nd othere. One Hundred L.rnp^ ^«. n ty five Press Put tr^Vl.ms FiBy si‘ok.%Uv.r w! p| linr< () c . Organ ,-f tbe best mike. One Utent Edition of WrMer’n Unabridged Dictionary. Twenty Silk Handkerchiefs, “li**' *^ 1 ^ | h( R „ p ; ielw1 receipt, with my sig n ,t are or » n anther xad Agent's AH tnorov must be *«nt hy Post-iffl#*: Order or Keg.-tered Letter, otherwise.: 'Tjasfsscr ^ p>y send for specimen copy sod par'icnUrs. whst I Ad p#-I positirrlr mean s*y. dn»s alt couwenri««iora »o . J. M . I IHD11 MLY, Id I tor and Prop'r Frogreesive Ago, j Cclauibns, Ga. J. S. JONES & CO.’S CASH DRY - GOODS HOUSE. OPENING New Goods DAILY. I unite inipeetion of their Xew Fancy Colored and Grey Mixed Silk* at fide., 05,7r>, 85, and $1. Colored and White Satins 59c All Shade* of Solid Colored Al paecanat Ft 1-‘J and 15c , SOLID COLORS IX TRIM - MI Ml AXD DRFSS SIGHS 50 c. Victoria Lawns 8c., Worth lOc. A Large Line of Colored and Black />•(•.*.* Goods at 17c., IS anillOe, reduced from 25 Cents. W« sre deternined t# reduee onr im¬ mense stork of Dress Goods, and and wll not (le tbe price stand n the way of parties ’anting them. J. S. JONES & GO., Columbus, Ga. REMEMBER that G. E. THOMAS Is The Only CLOTIIIER In the Market Allowded to the Celebrated W. & <Y Yacht Cloth Suits! r " ^ * /\ 4 yrOTHEI! Clothi&g House of this market participated in the sa’e of tbrse superior Y'aeUp. Uufil about two years age, wb eft W. ife G. retn-ed to snli that house, for ttaa reason they wanted to confine their Yachts to only cne bon-e in Columbus. W. A G. has represeoed G. E THOM wiLb a banner to put oft exhibition to appeal tn as easy reference • bet he haa tfce mc umt* control of their Yaohta Several years ago THOM \8 aold other makes of so-culied Ya-Jht Clo h Suits in coenec'ion with the W. & G., and the trade wi I testify that no other T ait exuept thr VV. A G will retain their oo’or and not look shoddy. In r rdeV to auatain bla reputation for selling first-cla-s Clotninp, THOMAS is not buying the other Tachta, so abtihdai t in all the Kew Yoilt boUsea, bnt confining bis Yacht pnrehaaes strictly to the >V A G., ar d his Suits are unde up by bi a Bfecial instiBCtioi a in tbe tnoat elegant manner, and when on the buyer readily perceives the d iterance between tbe fi; of these and those sold in ready* made sforaa in ihia cey. THoMaS, fi-sf-class ao long as he ha3 tho Control of these superior Yachts will reaoft to the second class Yachts and put them on tbfj market as Debtors and Creditors Notice. All peraons indebted t.the es'ate of T. R. Brysnt, late of Harris county, deceased, are hereby required to make immediate payment. All persona having claims against Raid estate will present them, duiy authenticated, within tbe time prescribed by law. J. B. Biiyant, AcVm'r. Georgia, Harris County. Mrs. Jane R. Ely makes application for letters of guardianship for the person and property of Jennie W. Williams, Minor of W. A. Williams, deceased. All persons, concerned are hereby no¬ tified 10 show ci use, if any they have, by the first Monday in June, next, why letters of gilardi.nship should Dot be granted s&ia applicant. hand and official sig¬ Given under my nature. AvnJ 12 b, 1881. J. F. O. Wit-J.iams. Ordinary. - Georgia, Harris County, Whereas tbe Estate ot James M. Jami¬ son late of said condty deceased, ia un¬ represented and not likely to be represen¬ ted. Therefore all persons concerned arc herehy notified to show oause (if any they have) by the first Monday in JuDe next, why the clerk of the superior court or some other fit and proper person should not lie appointed administrator upon the Estate of Raid deceased. Given under my bands and Official Sig signature. April lfitb, 1H81. J. F. C- Williams. Ordinary. 1100 A MONTH o business men, ase-tts and ladies taking orders for the life < f J ffjrton Da¬ vis, by Win F. Stanford, LL. 1L, of Ala bama, including a fjl, history of the Lost Caurk. Illustrated. Now ready Send for particula-s. E. B. TlEAT, Publisher. 757 Broadway, New York. DillA p n A rrtmy’s I I organs 17 stops a X sets Golden Tongue reeds only *8a. Address Daniel F. Beat¬ ty, Washington, N J. HAVE YOU EVER KNOWN Any person to be s< riona’y ill w ithout n weak *1 tunnel j or inactive liver or kidney# 1 ? And wVn t-hono organs are in good condi¬ tion do you wot fin<i thwir pos*o «or enjov ing good health? Parker’s (iiiiiftT Tonic a)regulated thebe iu<portant * r g;irn», and never fails t » make li e blood rich and nine, and tortrem then every part of the Rvstem. It has hiimlieds of tie-pi in^ in vulidri. Abk 3 'oar nefgfibor about it. TANITE EMERY WHEELS."* CRINDINQ MACHINES AO ID MEDAL AWARDED the A tit nor. A new an<l icreat Med¬ ical Work. warranted the be«t and cheapest, man.entitled indiapenr-ahie “tbe Science to of every I^fo or, Self-Preservation bound in finest French ruusim, embossed, fuil wilt.300 pp.contains beautiful steel engravings, 125 prescrip¬ tions, price onty $1.35 sent by iinnp ........... 1 Wur" , , ///A7 mail; illustrated sample, 6cents; t'urm aentl now. Address Peabody Med i rlUVr TUV^FT iUI UliLif V KKR. Institute No. 4 Bulfinch or Dr. W. at. H. Boston. PAR • EGEORGE Mnnuflcturcn PAGE of & co. : L Patent Portable Circular ‘ {SAW MILLS u. . . ? Aha Statuary and Portable ‘ 9k mum mamas \ » amscxmonnnn sn, " ’5 811"] . ._ BALTIMORE. MD. .AWGM§ / ‘-‘—=':=_n y .. ”if???” 2 .{ . 1 x44}; 1 ' ,_ 1 23:2,;2g3’gsggggaa‘zzmmz-mam: “uaxusmmzngmvwmw Sell! for Catalogue ‘ WHY DELAY Sending yonr orders for Farcy Grooeres where yon will find everything fresh, a lnrge itock to *e)ec’ from And tbe lowest prices. That piece i» DUOMGOOLE PRO'S, 63 Broad St. Colambas, Ga. The Atlanta Post-Appeal. Daily, Tuesday, & Semi-Weekly. ‘ D. £. Caldwell, Proprietor. The sue'e*'of thv Atlanta Duly Post Appeal Das l or n i nprece*’lentp«l in the hi-to vy of Soucbern Ji un nlism. Although in its tbirtl volume, i< bri been tnvnml with a dai y suhioripHon quite cqn *.1 to sny pa¬ per Sovth-esst of Nashville T i n. An i this*, too without tie i xpcnrlUnre of men lijihcti in popuUr favor her*use of i'8 new- ! py character, com)une<l with a si Irit « f in¬ dependent f-(pne>* t n all s»»l ts It fear le^slv denounce i wrong.and ui field wright at nil time* and tinder all tirtonigtancej. This ha* been .and is now It motto. If promises to tontinue .1 im.o»| nr-wspa per. tnir, truthtnl, honorable. Its tele graphic news include* every thins of conse¬ quence ontiriimr in tbe wor d Jt mirk’t leports are reliable and a< u»ate. ml ted to the Fonthcm States It i* mailed ic^idar iy on the dar of puUicfttion -o a* to r»*Mch all Feeti»»us of 1 he country with the news in advance of anv Atbmti* pa?»er. I'erms of Subscript ion: j Daily Poit Appeal one year., •#6 00 | . ■ , Daily Post-Appeal one M ii .. .. '50 i Daily I’"-* Appi-ni three m-mtUa. .. 1.70 S.nii-Wot 1'tedej k v Post \ppeal ent- year.. 1.30 e Post Ap|>eal one ' cir.. «i Tuesday's Vest-Appeal iu clubs of 20 one ye»r...................... oh Tuesday's Po.-t-App'.il ia club- of ~<Q on*? i - ear.............. ...... 15 5-enJ .'•oft-offi f money npirr payable tu P. 1. ( allwell. Publi-ucl . A-ldos ill c mmunii ations to, P t., 1 ALDvrii, Atlanta Ga: For Saw-Mill** Eomulricfu n.ntl Machine Shops. For circular*, uddrcss TIIF. TANITECO. Monroe StrondRbunr, Co., Fa. STIYY IY THE YEAH. Good Goods and Lou 4 Prices for the Cash* HUH. ‘WOLFSOIT, Is daily receiving a nice and well selected stock of Spring and Summer Goods, embracing n large variety of Edgings, Insertions, Irish Trimmings, Languedoc, Valet.cine and Torchon Laces, Fancy Neckwear, the latest styles of Ladies, Misses and Chil¬ dren’# Fancy Hose, for low cut shoes. While Goods—-* a nice variety, Figured Lawns, Piques, Etc,, and A Full anti Complete Line of Notions anti fclioesJ I have also received a nice line of Gent’s and Youth's Clothing, at low p.ic-s, Gent's | Low Quarter Shots, latest styles, and a full utotk of Hats, of fur, wool and straw, 'always 1 on hand. Iu connection wiili tin above I always keep a eotnp.ete line of GROCERIES, cheapeJ As low as the lowest The celebrated Violet Rose Flour, always on lisnd, is than any otlwr good brand, and solo tor les- money. »A1I I a-k is give me a trial and sec 1 know his friends. that I can Respectfully suit you. Mr. Britain William# ir still with me end wdl he glad t<] M. \YOLFSON, llAltjfES & SPARKS I HAMILTON, GEORGIA* OFFER GREAT INDUCEMENTSTO CASH BUYER! M Receiving IVewGoodsDaily. Stock Always Full andCrmplete. Everything N'mtv and First ClossJ The attention Dress of the Goods, public is called to our complete stock of Spring and SnmmeJ Domestics, Clothing, Hats, Shoes, <fco. Our Grocery Department Is kept fully anppliad, and cash buyers should consult m before purchasing. Wd pnv the bifch^r rn«roet price for all kind* of country^odtio*. I WIYYOfGHAM & CO.J 1 SUCCESSORS TO W. A. WILLINGHAM, ‘ Wholesale and Retail Scalers la Builder v’ Supplies of All Kinds, r Sash Blinds, Doors, Paints, Oil and Putty, Builders’ Ifardwaae, Lime, Plaster Paris, Kalsoniine, Latli, Plasterers Hair, Ac. WILLIXGIIAM & CO., COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. Monumental Marble Works 102 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga. M MONUMENTS OF THE MERY REST ITALIAN AMD AMERICAN MARBLE On liana find* i.arte to drier. We . reulso audits for a supeiior"quality of IWROUGHT |IBOX BAILING, Of different, styles and patterns, for feners ami cemetery erclosures. Informat' and estimates furnished lor any (him: in our line. A. M. & J. II. EL LEDGE, Proprietors] J. It. FROST, — Dealer I.y - STAPLE and FANCY DRY - GOOD BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, NOTIONS, GROCERIES & PROVISIONS Crockery, Glassware, Hardware, Tobacco, Cigars, &c. t^IVill make it to your interest :o ca]l on me before purchasing, n 1 Rm determined to «=ell ns ell-no a# the cheapest for tho Cash. STANDARD FERTILIZER 480 b* C e ton, and Seal’s Acid Pliospliafel 400 ibs Cotton. T^Ren.l wh t v rrouv-ert fsrmer nesr Albany. Ga., sa-s of the Ftamum : »Gk\t« MAxneiD Fxbtiiixsr Co.:— G ntlenieu.— Plv«*e «e~«l me four ions stnn-tsr Fi itilize.- wl ieii I wi» i to put on my on* crop L l Lave ir.is tear tlieff the .-tsi HarU o ton am corn, an-1 al-o on my vrp tible [sr.'en I Save then usilir cunnos of \a hr n 1. ev, r since the war ami consider the Stan iard best. Y.-uis resfaelfottv B-,c sto#. f.\ , Kor 1st. 1«?1. G M. Bynoy. For Snle at AVarehonso of TTmlsnn Ac .T Hamilton, A, T« T. IJ. Kunbrough, C7atam*i, Canflier, (ieneva, and W. II. Martin, Talbotton, On. H. BUSSEY, TOT! HUTU GRADE FERTILIZER Columbus, Georgia-