Hamilton journal. (Hamilton, Harris Co., Ga.) 1876-1885, May 20, 1881, Image 2

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the Hamilton , " c «. Basrysa, rrsusnsa. Hamilton, Ga . v lSSI, Rt-LIGiOUS PACK OF CARLA Mow they serve as Bible, Alirtes Wtc and Ct union Prayer book. A toldh r l»y iiie name 1 Uicii» ftrd Lee v»ns nketi -.'ore e tti«•_ tstr ites of U’i-gow n • playtt g card* dtirlntt i.uua »«t e. account «•!' It !; 1 bo /tvei Surgeont < 0 1, nd •! lb * di cf the church, ami when ine pi s i" lild reini the prnver*. he took tfie te*'. Tlio- who bad a B ble, <>ok it out; b ibis s ddier had tie’ih Kib,e nor Common F; i>«r b >s; bat ptd ii.g 1 a 11 k iif e .i ds, 1 spr « id tlu ut out r tore b.m I i. Jeokci. first at one card an t tio ■■ Hi>o her. Tbs ■ . t iv him - aid ; * Ii chard, tin' up ibs ca 1 -, (hi¬ lt no juiiCi- ti 1 11. It •‘K'-Vi-r* ' ;<? R -bard Whin the service was over th* const i b e took » 1 10*1 -1 iirmom-r &t <i bro'tght b m tivtcre iiie timyor, M i 4 ed, wliat b '*' y-iA brought the soldtcr Ft st a /■ ? ’ says tbe ui rvor. “Well i>oliii-r wFtnt. h-r-o you t fAy f.»r you-sell ?” •‘Mucb, HI r, I hope.” “Very gornl; if n (, I n .11 ri itm-t you more ' »z ever man waa pun i.bed » • I hsve bsvn,” Hfiid the s<Jd ‘'jti-itU six 'Vreks (•>! lit- nmii'J. tin ye Ho B be tior (’oitiinini I’rayt book; F li.ive imibing tint a pa< o( curd-, and i b q.g tn sans y yottr worship of die pun y cl my lotet-. tmns.’ ! Then spreading Flu* citr-ls be’- >•' til© tun lit, bo beg . with I'.o “va'I ii I s' e tin m e, H icnn mo lint tie n >* but - tie I M h n l Ht-e tb« (me , it. ti tti 'i’ Uia ut Fattier nnd Sou Wli-i, I A 4 ( dim-*-, it retmn I* iw ol Fitlu i San «*n* ll.iiy Giho-(. VVb.-t. I H<‘. the ftnir, it ri-muiit- mo ( I tbv Inuf t vnngebatft '(lit (' tv'.' ' bo then Mat k lp'k'- i d John. Wfu-ii , of he I io'O the five, it remit |’“ till* t fivu w ise virgins hut tnuutipit tb“ir llMMp*. 'lli'-Va weft* trti, but ti* wise and (ui- w* f Oj I, slid wri' abut out. Winn F i-p I try, tl n-'iiiini* nn- ti til <U.Y the Fail'd O'mil- 1 iiVi-n a. r U f). VY hen t -pc tbe i wn u %'•*»*» me that on Kt vi-i b d -; God rested from tit© urnot! work * He 1 id mads*, and h ill- . d i . ’When I see tit© eii h , lliii •.,! the rig'll :’u hit- il- |t- I'-ons that were saved when r. .1 <11♦ *‘ i) y i * ll u viorM, v i* No h i<i' I hU wifo, hi* ,ihrw* h n-, tiu-it wives, When 1 see lit* UJH< , it n minds mo i f tot nine bq> ©r« ihai weir-i-lentisi d I v our S.i .dor. 'I lore Veto S' ltd out ol the ten that w I'rptuito-d th ink When l *»e ti t< it. rendtid tn 11 ton eotmnandn i nts t-b I at dtd down to Mo.i-s on the t.*»'>lo Of witine, "Y hi lt l spp tbe kin ", tl romiiiiF- nn- of tin- (• »-•»»i K n:r of Hpftvori, w liii-Ii i- 'jnil Almigli'y. Wl oil I -oo tbo qm-iui, il r'-miuds jne of 'be great queen <d Sheba, wIm visitvti Sid 'inoRy for slid w n** as u i«<t a woman a- h'* w- i- a man, She brought with her fifty I ny* and fil’tv girls, nil dtesst d in boys' ap parel, for Iv n j: Solomon to lidi \a hit-!i were hoy* and whw-h \-. e. o g ; r!s. lying So!om m -out toi¬ W \ - ler tor thorn to wa-li; tIn* girl vrti-hod l-> th© elbows oil tbe h v ta the i ri-t, so In* to' l by that.." “Well,” sat 1 the urivn", - you have given a d(*<i- iptnnf of .-ill lii 1 card, in the pack except one.” ‘-YYhit Is thiii?’’ ••The kit-ivti’' slid lit'* mayor. ‘‘I will give viiiv li'Mlur a d *«©i'il> ticin ol that, 1 0 , if jon will not b angvw..’' “I ayll not/’ sail tlic mayor, ..;i you do not te:tn mo to Fie the kn iv. “Ws»id the sol lti r, “ gTvt t-st knave \ ktn-w of is Ft© ©c«i*i d>V tjiat Kioughl me b n'.” “1 don’t kti- iv,’’ -’on ih© u iy-'), ‘ tf h© l* til - gee ite-l ktl lV-*, btt F kilo * ! e 1 * the o > 11 . <t to ! ” * When I ©OIMt! bo ' 111 t v spots ir •* js-xek rd ea*-ds 1 fi d 3-i'i —a many- a* th**xe nr- days in the veir. V* hen I eveml ili» na n 1 re ot c -t itv ., pack 1 find thor- an y t * o th© mm K r nf v eel . in a .a ; ml 1 find four suits — the timlu-1- »•! *" V» .a a men'll. 1 find (Set e twelve rey-dtr© ca.-i* b ;* y e’., resent 1 g the mtmbec ..( m.m l.- i:i a year; and on emm-big tlo* 1 un - e' ot >tH-k- F find ti iric.'ii, th, '!((( tier of iV f k. in a q tart».-r. S- \i >i ftp© si-, a {tack ot i -11 d- si-rve f... lUoie, Almanac a - .1 ('ouiuiou Ft y « U A” .4 FABLE. The Fix’s Ailvlcce to the Ilare. . .!.,*• a Fo* mi-cov.t, d a line i - ,i t* to csjmin* a pullet for hi i t ) r, if e un’y lira •< b u;k being ; (M ihm toe F»mii«r had -el » t, list in the path uhi -h any du o- Riurt travel. In tins gein-y t tie bungt y Reynard d injtjitd mud be fiitirid » • and altera fe' v ri-niarka <ut iw of the wenther. the ecrant u -r < tiice, the Whittaker inves nn, at.U die Turkish litiestion, - .id: “1 W 11 . ju-t hoiking, an I over * >0- you, what impudence sorru ! IliVe.” low?” Ybv, I rn M Mi’s I’nllct n «Fioi t HIICC, and -lie boiitUid ol b mg to dir run you.” 'In- bra-t-y creal nri-!’’ i xcl-itned lit- [fare. “Why. I c;n rt;u tit f - :is ciit* (‘Mil fh ! ’ N-i-t iniv yon can, but -he’s do you great injury, Ktnotig yom ( j I- in her stori. s. If I wcia v > * i- her and m n h. r that thing must s op.*’ I’ll cj.i i ! I was Iniilt Ten a .,,i everybody knows it, and I .1 dt have no Pullet boast mg tint 1 can oatt un me. Chum! along show me whi te tint iu ” Well, Fd go a® it s| t'cinl lavin -i you, of coniFiuuib’y rep i’-d I. Fox, “uml lo show Miss F’ulit -1 it tin- I-'i xi;s 11 11■ k of FFurca, I it,I b-t you uke the lend nnd #.»!,, i v in your loot-li'p-.” A limy ncnrci? lbe co> p the i ,re begin to Airnngo ;i little i cell ol greeUtig. lint he so n Foul ifi-li to by. He wnlkt'd into ii tmi) with eyes wide open, ntid • re !m Imd r eoveri < 1 ’rotii tliesFlock He F"X Irel see ired his dinner. ■'S ty! S i )! I'm cnuglit!” yelled tl • linre ns lie etruagled with tim I! p. *g„ 1 observe,” «ns tb© reply, “Ami what is your idvim ?” 1 * 1 *,, eet aw ay us noon as yon n!” 5f'>R.tR Evi-ry iieii.'hlaii'linod wfti.d il Iri .rei- I ps to om* truili. Nn pf-rtum o. c tilt's i tufe-bearer CXUPllt to - a :n d soiiiO sol. eme of Ins own. ‘ bci a I’, x is i.tiximtH to pri'i , i* rt-jin ti'i'di ;.( u luu-, let ' it-- look out. One Vaccination t’>o Many. Do l'uit Free I’ti-ss. Idiiglit , n I iuii i vi-jH-til ir muni ■ io ii iiipldlp an' d man. «>t iiiiai -ii nik nnd mill'll pinnislty, palli d at t 'ii> ri> v ball uml want to tbe chip I if j oIt-h « it! : “lluf we seine sltmitroox in De¬ mit ?'• * I b lii'vc wo h-ive a sjunail c 111 * 1 - nr two, 1 * was the rrjiFy, ‘ U' d d. Zi- kiiiiii jiinfy huf to gi l viu-pimi pd to k' <‘|i him uvn-,?■* ‘Tilery citizen should protvCI , " imsel|.“ “How many d'tm-s w tin 1 U'd w neeitiated to keeji dot -Fuinl box >tt> id un it- hotiK© nnd saloon?* 1 “Oh I gin -* "tn‘<* wi'l do.“ * VnllVI ! Groat Sbiminy! iini'i- ii si) dot! Shttsl wait a mint! * FI, j. ik' d off bis e -at ml | u-h od «|i IFi- -I,ill sli'PVPs and pointed to four spots mi Ins leli arm and five - tl I t- t igb', and said: • Four and live maki-s i me dimes lot I vims w: t-ciiiati tl iu four day id ' ‘Mime is th ?“ “Flow isb di.i? D i’s xbat f , s my- , | t IO knovl I s' as slitisl t'oaditlg about dot siiini'lh x ib udder day in bhemi .11 bnpvrs ven mo , "men vie,Iks in mom saln-m ui-d sny: ‘(’hat I.-y, dot shimHI.ax i ■ n'i iib-i low n und vm» nins| u u ciii:Ht*il or Lemmon cmitinl will t’h so von noD.’ So I was u u«l . rlf’i *» Hal i • rum br t no , nu;s ZtVUl .•lass l>eet ,“ •“I ib - -but I io I ot-rs more as n, ., ,--nws tn nnd -ns i Xl a-t nr.,-, nnd I Hits 1m two rh.ln.es -r d a ■* I't !iu-r.‘‘ *< “ “ I t-e ni If a man » t'h spccta .-!<•* e ties pi H id savs he v.ls si ut v b r healthy board u» see ©of 1 ■ ' 1 - vie mt' ) show him two . b, I shako- ‘u< b- tdl lit ui • ry . . .....„ ...... n ,„ ~ ” ’ ’ ® ^ to 1 vlili’ git (fi-r slimal’-liox ill dev hands.* JVn e mates do* b .ata* here, and 1 git h ot C'-ms nnd eli-s oi bs-er.“ * Y . t’.yder ©ours.- ot four d-ys , m :i a r.v * ttr- undt to kV Ac*c*i •! »• I- IA>- • hv 1 A o *. oi tier may., • r, * 1 * r L’ljS 51 ’»#»• r .2 i td- ul, (fei I • .? *i i ( !» i*?l »' > rk«. ami i (loan* ((.* v uh \i *-ls<\ HMil v-wy tim* LiVs 1 w <» -In? bws :in \ sj.f i-s 0 * bc.-r. V:h*H ? \ tj- Ya:»* t ItlH’tl lljftV S ? \ I’i*** ti l»t* v r«* ‘i u* 1 \:i' i* i't 1 * * n s rn, iiuil vli* 11 •!$.**' hi'n* mil a !>*' - i.c -ttsi ihaiks oatcr 10 see you nbo-r it. Vha* it till right? 1 “F guess iho beys were guying you." What is do ?“ “Why, yon haven't real’y he-.-ii vac-uinni'-d ai it!.?“ ' X i !“ X i, aud you’d better be- vaccina¬ ted again. 4 * “W ncinntr-d tig did Waocinated den dimes 1 Jti-ver ! IXit r I vast •vaccinated den diiner 1 cat dies tier *mn(l-box nn<? goes to ped tnit him till summer. Dot's some elnse p 11 - ike I am.“ Confidential. lbe oilier morning when Mr Jones etiteiecl I11* fiiiiuly drug store to luve a prescription put up be found 11 new cierk 111 iitteudance. .Mr. Junta lias considerable curiosi¬ ty, mid while he waited he began. "Be. n here long;” “On'-y two days.” ■•Going to stay?’* “I Iiit.k so.” 1 * 0 *d clerk gene for good?’* •Yus.” “Come from New York?’’ “N 1. I came From St. Lou's.’’ ‘‘Didti’i like i Fie town, I suppose?’ “<) fi 1 y.” 1 b 'U butter offer here, I pre Sllilll “Wed 1 , not miicli better.” ■‘Druggist related to you?” “No.” “Going In marry bis tlanghle 1 ?” ‘ Haven’t thotiohf, of it.” There was a bin I rest until the clerk had finished bis labor, and 'hen be beckoned Mr. Jones in the ba k rot in and said: “You look lif e a person that can be depended on, and I’ll tell you in confidence "by t came here, I liked St. Lmi-, and I lmd good wages, but I happened to kill two or 1 bruit persons y puuirg hi wrong nreserip ions and I thought a < h inge in locditios would relb ve my sorrow. This i* on tbe ►qiiare, \ou know, and nothing i- to he said utiles- I layout two or three ol vom Lading citizens, in which ease 1 will give up iiie dmg business dt 1 g iber and go to sailing a sand barge.’’ • Jones we'it out fetding of bis left 1 and looking into vacancy, and bis p,~.re throat got well wuliout the belli ■ I tbe e no’... His Modesty. The otl i e night a jio iiu-niAii oil epivi l a rrtui Fmcgiiijf iii'dtiiuF tbe i ntt hih-i- tn tlic Mi.-liieuii nvi-nue hall in a qum-r sort nl way, and he asbi'il him if be Fn-lnngeo In tin* o - dt-f then in session ii)> slai'“. The man n film 1 tti;*> be did, nnd (lit* i fln-.t r it qniipil: “Then why donl v- u go iqi?’’ “W- II, 1 was ihinkltis about it >, “Iluvn’i been t-xjroll'-d, hive you? ’ “Ob, no.” “Ai n’t Aliftid of anylnnlv?’’ *‘Nn,’’ “And you Ftavn’i lost your itiH-r t-sl?” “I niighf ns well 'oil you,’’ said the man al'u-r bwiting around awhile longer. “I went down io Toledo tv fi-w days tigo, nr-l sorno . how the Dory o-’ino inidk liore ibni I was drowned. My lodge these iipon |ir,s-pd icsiduii- us to the ef fri-t that F was i ones:, llnr-glit nnd idipfnl atnl a shining orintinciii, and th.u vn iI" Hs l«»ss « :i- my jjnin. I wti-u’l iFrnwn d, as you see, I ut I k.n 1 o’ bate to walk it! on ’em and i}u-;r r. -o'ii’ ions. I've iriid tt i hree I inn-s, atnl i t- n' get Fiiglier ,|,an the filth stair belor e I weak.. ------* * "V *" C TT f ‘ > %l 1 1,1 t ‘ ’ Anything von w v\t c\ 1 bo hul cheap wr cuh ut C*ook ttrothns. —-**• -----— PEARCES mm jh (■% a mm % £% ISII’llOVri) KWMiU V.anuuil C4HOOY BlOAdOASt SOOd-SOW^J# -T :-i ,.A' Srpt&f - ^ - /v ' l -.y-! i 4afkir b ?'' » SlRt - v rl ’ '' [,/■ ..A”? ' ife .. | (- 3 ^.---— . Sotcs Grain, Grass Seed, * frr .-tlicc ’ *»* c -k Xte» Fvei'tith tna No man can do it so well by hand. It Coes the ut-rt ©f 5 men. It 1st, stood the test of years. Ro ©rive! First Prcnii itta at SI State Fairs in ti rears. Good, Substantial. Kt-liahle FUsohinc. vra.-rauted to do all that ia claimed for it. Price only $ 5 , 00 . Psrrd stamp fev ileacriptiwa oircaiar. Y WniT.u.y.N s Sons, Agenf* BaltiRu.tr©, MI JL >1. Smith Jc t'<x, Agent.*, ltichmoEd Vs. G00DELL COMPANY, ANTRIM. N. a. Sole Manufacturers. KBMKI Mgs. udia^jinkkam. m. 'M 1 W \r%Sz 'm. -JPfazk* V r-‘\ r ‘ ■ 'M M Wi Ns® r* DifcCDVEBL’P. GP LYDIA E. PgfiKHA^’S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. The Pceitiya Cnro For all Femalo Complaints. Thla nropnration, tn lt^ name «lj?uiricn, consi«t» of *Vtfet*iUo I'ru^CTtios that arc karmic** to the moU Uwl iC&toinvalid. Upon Grie trl/il the »nerit3 of thla Com pound will berocojfiiizctl, a*relief is Immediate ; and Vlion Its ursels PonCnned, iu ninety-nine case3 in a hun dred, 0 . perma nent cure b: effectod.aj thousand)* will tes¬ tify Oa aecoutit of it* proven merits, It i» to-day re¬ commended and pre*«riix*d by the best phy*iciaug in the country. It will euro entiroly tlio worst form of falling of the uterus, Iicuconhcua, irregular ajtd jjaluful Mcn»truatwn,allOvarIanTrouble«, Inflammation and Ulceration, Floodings, all Displacements and the con seciuontsphul weakness, and is especially adapted to the Change of life. It will dissolve and expel tumors from the uterus in an early sto^e ef development. Thf Djiulency to eanecrous humors there is checked very spcot.'ily by its u*e. In fact it has proved to Lo the great¬ est and bed remedy that has over been diewovrr od. It permeates every portion of tlio system, and gives hew ltfi/aud vigor. It removes faintness,flatulency, do itroys all craving for stimulants, and relieves v.'cakzvss of the stomach It cures Floating, Headaches, Xcrvoug J’rontration, Gozieral iX'bility, Elceplczamc&s, frcprosalou and Jzidi jfcstlon. That feeling of bearing down, causing pain ; weight and backache, is always i>cnnanently cured by its use. It will at all times-, andnndcrr.il circunihtan ces, a t In harmony with the law that governs the female system. For Kid a y Complaints of either sox tliis compound is unBurjyvssod. Lydia E. Pinkltam’s Vegetable Compound Is prepared at 233 and 236 Western Avenue, Lynn, Wiu«;a, Price 51.00. She bottles tor $6.00. Sent by mail hi the form of pills, also in the form of Lozenges, ou rccoij» f of price, $1.00, j>cr box, for either. Mrs. PINKIL'.M freely answersalllctters of inquiry. Send for para phlet. Address as above Mention this jxxpcr. Ko family should be without LYDIA E. PINK HAM’ LfVUH FILLS. They euro Constipation, Biliousucaa, auuTorpidity ol the Liver. 26 esutspor box. Ijam'-.k, Hsneih k Lsmae, Macon and Ailanta, Wholesale Agents. 9 1-2 LBS. Of Snow White Sauar jj, ft t DVIOMGOOLE BROS. 63 Bioad St., Culumbus, Ga. Only Nora Heartley. MORNING NEWS SERIALS. X NEW ST. EY BY A P.I't'EiB ACT BO ft. Only Nora Heartley. BY MBS (I-UKLIANI DET BKID. Author of “My Mother’a Doighter," “Mrs, Dare,” ‘ Muffit," etc Ilia Savannah 'Weekly !Tew3 ur satuedat may 11, Will contain the I'pstiing cbi.pters cf a churnin g story of nb.nrbmg interest, ec- the litleil, ‘ Only Nora Heartley.” from Rani, gift-(l pen ol Mrs. Ophelia Jiu> l -et of Eiilonton, Ga. The previous contributions of thi* tal ent«d lady to our series of stories has made her a > widely known and so gre t a favorite wiih our readir g publio that couiturndstion from ui of her forthcom¬ ing romance ia (inner,eHHRry. KAViVJIXAU WKEKI.V NEWS Oontaiua 8 pages of ro dmg matter, com prisieg »I 1 the news of the week, Tcle grapki ■ Dispatches np to the hour of go ing to press. Agricultural Team. Original Serials, etc. Only ;2 a year: f 1 for six months. First Annual Distribution —nr— PRESENTS TO THB Cash Subscribers OF TBK ooluissus rnoGRESsivE age Will lake place in the Court House, in Oolnojhoa. tti, July next. Presents to the amount of $1,500.00, Uanglna in rains from Twenty five Cents to One lin drod and Fifty J>o lars—w ill b« given to the yearly Ca-h Subscribers of the Frogreasive Age. The following hst et>ows. part of the Presents, viz : Oae Gold Watch. ... f 150 on One Present in Gold 75 00 Twenty Presents in Gold 10 no F ve Sewice Mnchirea........ 250 no 0 *e Ladies Gold Watch...... ro no One VOI* W itch .......... 25 00 Ooe Hncdred Set* Silver Spoor*, Hondred Packages Gail A Axes M cihoy gut tf. On* Hundred Geo. Wosteu , bandred b-nups,^ qYiP ^ ^ »-■'"* "™J Ip Dio.l-.ary, T-enly 8.1k Handkerchief., an a other prweeta not mentioned. J<?” I only mean the cash subsonbera ho ding a pneted receip', with my atg nature or an en honsed Agent a All »oti. v rnnat ba sent by Poat-* ffl-e Order or Registered I.el ter, otherwise, I am not reapon-ibl* for it. A limited number of agon'* wanted— good nsy Si ad for specimen copy aad part tellurs. •©- I jioeilively mean what t say. A* dr»» all com oumUm. ions to \ ^ * THOMPSON, _r Sditor T .. and p Prop . - S ™ v - • »»♦ S*> relnmfma, Ga. _ ® ■f. €. Fiord, Sonth hi leof Public Sqi; i-e. ' Hamilton, f, (l , 4 \ t.-s tuntien of fits fnem 4 , arvl til.' 1 '-; be to a will sebeted <(ih X of Dry Goods and Groceries Ufi-c. » hi be i at the lowt-wt proew B« 1 mi ih. ve v best i rtces or n ! kind* < i Country Produce, ■ar> * ** * *** REHGMBER that €L E. THOMAS Is The Only CLOTHIER In the Market Allotuied to the Celebrated W. & O. Tacht Cloth Suits i o--- *\_ 4 XOTHEil O'othirg fleotfe of this nooket participated to tbe sa’a of these e u; < rior Yachts 7«ct {*. anti. ftbeot two years ago, wfi*a A W. 4 G. refared to sell th»t hoase, 'or {!;.? rei*on they seated »o confine tfcr'r *0 mly 11 e t i n e fc Co'ccJ ns. TE*. .t G. baa repre-e-ired G. ii XfluM 'Sr i-.b a banner to ,-at on x h ;bition to sppeei lo as»,f; reference :fc«t he bee it.e drciTi control of ’heir Yachts. Sever*! je»ie *.?o TRvJT *.S .old oibor males gi so-c Yaoht Cio’b Sait* in coot, setter trill; ti e W. it G., aud the trade wi I testify that di other Yaoht ntieri* 'be W. A G I retain ti_c. ; r ©o or aud tot look shoddy, fa t rdrr to an-tain l;js reputation for rellit g first-clcrs Clotninp, r i HO31 AS is Dot 1 us’Dg tl e other Yachts, so abundant in at! the JO w £n;k houses, bnt confining hi* Yacht purobatiffi Mrietly to tbe W & G , Bi d hi-Snit* me no fie tip fiy bn sj.er)»l jtnip.c’io * ia tbo most ebgsnt manner, and when on ihe buyer readily perceives tbe d Science between the fit of these and those fidd !n lerfiye made sp ves iu this ci-y. THOMAS, so long as he bw the eontrol of these snperior Yachts will resort to the second-eUtss Yachts and put them on the market as tj st-cloi a Debtors and Creditors All persons ireii-btcd t tbe estate of T, H Bryant, late of Hams county, dicei sed, are hereby rfquiieti to mi ka iuiBiedia'e payment. Ail persons having claims against said esta’e will present them, duiv authenticated, within the time presc.ibed by law. i. B Brtast, Adtn'r. Georgia, Harris County. Mrs. Jane B. E'y mskss npplication for let- rs of guardianship for the Williams, person acd pnpe-ty of JcnDie W. M:nur 01 W. A. Williams, diceastd. All persons, c-oneerDed are hereby no tifi d to .how ctu-e, if at y they have, by the firs’ Monday in June, next, why le ter* of guardi-ns* ip should not be 8r , d a P n!y°r.and G, ve umide r a.,d cEeiai nig nature. Ainal 12 t;, 1881. J F it. Wii.mamm, Ordinary. Georgia, Harris County. Whereas the Estate of James M. Jami¬ son late of said eoadty deeeased, is nn represented and not likely to he represen¬ ted. Tbnrefore all parsons eoticerned arc hereby r.o'ificd to show came (if anj they have) by tbe first'Monday in June next, why the cletk of the snperior should court or someother-fit and proper person not lie appointed administrutor upon tbe Estate of said deceased G.ven under uiy hands nnd Official Sig signatnxe. April 13tb, 1881. J. F C- Williams. Ordinary «00 A MONTHs ,:x faking orders for the life • t J If. r-on Da¬ vis, b} Win V. St iuford, LL. 1).. of Ala b .mtt, including a f.ib history of the L ist G ilts*. Illu-trated. Now ready Send for particui.v » E B. T EAl’, Publisher. 767 Broadway, Eew York. JjjLjil I) i.i t rp/ji a, X 'd ORGANS 17 s ops fi 1 l sets G'llden Ponyo reeds ouly £8fi. Ad-iresa Daniel F. Beat ty, Washington, N J. HAVE YOU EVES KNOWN Any persbn to he s rioudy ill without i> weak sfomacli or inactive liveror k dnryif And wh> n t.V,-e organs nre in g od cor.di lion no you not lin-) their t Os c sor enjoi • ing goo 1 liea tli? Faikur’s CHngT ’lonii always re.-nlatt-s 1 h'-c in pni 'ant 1 rgans. an I in ver fails t. it.akt- tl e blood rich am nuts. Hud to i trem then < V- rv part of tin svs't m. it. has liu dieds "f dc'l-i tv,..; iti valid*. Ark y our tit ighbor about !t. ;For ^t-xr 3WH i MaftMnc Foundries* Shops. a oia ! 1 1*8 U tl* For ci^culara, address a a w u tiiktanitfoo, EMERY WHEELS *•* I Monroe Ktr..ml»i>tm', Ca.. kx CRINDINC MACHINES i , 0 010 WEUAl AWAROEB tile Author, Anew ana xr».-nt ojea ieaiW'crrk.wnrr.mtedttie and cd»apeer. itidisoen.-n'oltf to eve- y 2na:3.i*/)Tftlhd “tile Science of L J» or,Solf-Prfcservau©a bowad iu 4*t a finest French reusiin, ew*bossed, full *ilt .300 pp. rontains beam;. ui WZjS steel ti’>na, emrravrags, $1.96 iiu prescrip. by \jPjM nnce omy sent 'f/ mail; iilnstrstedpernpie.fieents; Address Peoandy M«d> ________ .y send now. rvnTIT .riUiT •mvcrri iul ^LiiGivER, X* ><?** * Institute nr J>r. W II. PAR. J Ko. 4 Huianchst. Bust<-a. GEORGE PAGE 8!. CO. Manufacturer: of Patent Portable Circular 5%,, l, :aAW "c MILLS 1‘ ,. . ., . am Stationary and Pam’nlo {k - ‘\ STEAM mamas 5 N. SCHBOEDEB 51., /-‘-':.:§.~;I,“{‘ ‘y‘ mL'rmonm. MD. 'W‘Ww / *w—-— mag: r « fie" 1“ -, 3""ng >’3f'...'£‘:":‘-:§4u ' fifii’m“ .‘ r’wrd“; 3" Grlut and F1431“ Mina. “(urn- Wham, Wont! SVnrking and WT umsbmu mwn‘mnigv. WE; ‘ bcm‘. tor Cutalouuu WHY BELAY yonr orders for Far cy Grocer ei where yon will find #*very?biDt? fre-b, n large stock to neleo' fiom nedtte lowest prices. That place is PltO’b, DROMGOOLE 63 Brosd Bt. Coltunhos, Ga. The Atlanta Post-Appeal. Daily, Tuesday, & Semi-Weekly, D. E. Caldwell, Proprietor. Ai“b"*s U. n • ftp: e-.O ta rtw Iff to' g Wn «U«?nditL of m.,« ev usually required to <-staWi.il a paper m circul .,The I’M* Appeal w-s «.t»b jfebed in popnlar fiivor m-cawai of 1-* new »y character, foaibine ) with » spirit of in- 4 ,.pendei t fairness , n *tl imljr-'ts It fear ! CfcS ’ x denounce 1 wiur-j .and io lu-ld erigiit a t-.ill times an-i under alt i inu > stances phis has been an 1 is now it nmtto. Jr piom'se- b*. ontinue a .cud 1 : wspa per. »rr, tinthtul. honoralite. Its. trie pni ,, Wc ,.»** j, clmloa*very thfng ofoonse*. queme occurring in the world it mat Ret re|Hin* arc reliable and s< u-ate, suitcl lo ti,! p<wU '' rn It is mailed 1 ei n ! »r ,y o» the 'ar of piil.iica'ion -o as to all aecti.-ns of the com-lry with the sews in abrri-.' c nt nnv Ail r.ti* pa:>.r. 1'et ins of Subscription: J)dly Po-t Appeal one year.. . ..$6.00 Doily P's.!-Apveal one ci.*r. h ...... 60 L'miIv P.rt Appeal three rn'-uth,..... 1 ~f) Srmi-Weik'y 1 ’cs: Appeal cue year. l.so Tinsaiay'i- Pest Am **1 one \eir.. To Toe»sisy * Pott-Appeal in dtihg of .0 one y e ir................... 5 a Tew*.’ay’s Post-AypeAl in clubs of 30 oar i ve.ar.................... 45 Xen i- -t -< :Z f m ney .>rJ« paynhia to D. F.. i ai uc■;, p ! ACu.es* c rare ir.i- at 1 as t '. C. S, TuiCmru. Atlanta Ga: STILE IN THE LEAH. Good Goods and Low Prices for the Cash JVC. WO LFSOU, Is daily receiving a nice and well selecied stock of Spring and Summer Goody, embracing a large variety of Edgings, Insert.ons, Irii-Fi Trimmings, Languedoc, Valeticinc and Torchon Laces, Fancy Neckwear, the lalest styles of Lidie--, .Mi ses and Cbil dreu’e Fancy I lose, fur low cut shoes, White Goods— a Lieu variety, Figured J.iwns, Piques, Etc,., and A Full and Complete Line of Xolicus and Shoes. I have also received a iui-#line of Gent’s mt I Youth's Cl ithina. at low pik-s, Gent'* Low Quarter S-hins, latest styles, aud a full sto.fc of H.its. of iu-, wool slid stiaw, on bani. Iu cout.cetiou with tna ahive 1 always ketp a tump sie line of GIlOCERt l^H, A® low as the lowest The ceiehrated Violi-t- It >se Fiotir always nn hand, Is cheaper than unv othi r goml brand, and sulo tor lt-s. m ney. AH I a k i. give u.e .1 trial and 1 know that 1 can suit you. Mr. Britain Williams is still with me end w.ll te glad to see his fiieacU. Bespi-ctfully M. W O LFSO V, BAMNES & SPARKS 9 HAMILTON, GEORGIA. OFFER GREAT INDUCEMENTS TO CASH BUYERS. -H- Receiving Xew Goods Daily. Stock Always Full and CJ< mplete. Everything New and FirstClass. The nttmtion of the public is called to onr uonipto'ei stock of Bprirc; and Suainaer Dress Goods, Domestics, CJothmg, llats, Shoes, &o. Our Grocery Department r* kept fully supplied, and cash buyers should consult ua before mrchasing. We par tiie hit'll --if in-reet price for all kin-’s of connlry produce. WIIiliOGHAM & €0 SUCCESSORS TO W. A. WILLINGHAM, Wkolc-iaio &ul Sietail Dsalers 2a Builder ? Supplies of All Kinds , r &ash, Blinds, Boors, Paints, Oil and Putty, Builders’ Ilardwaac, Lime, Plaster Paris, KalEcmiiuev I atli, Plasterers Hair, Sz 9 . WILLINGHAM & CO., OOIjTTJFtCCaSTJS?, aBORGIA. Monumental Marble Works, 10‘2 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga. -- H - MONUMENTS OF THE VERY BEST ITALIAN AND AMERICAN iWRBt.E On huna ai d* i ade to order. We r re i.lso aunts for a superior quality of !WROUGHT [IR03T RAILING, Of diffctcnt stj Ii s and pittems. for fiD'eR and cemitery crclofurts. Ir.fortnut'on and estimates fern shed for ai-ythiag ill our line. A. M. & J. Jf. EL IE DUE, Proprietors. J. SS. FEOST 9 —Dealer In - STAPLE and FANCY DRY - GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, NOTIONS, GROCERIES <Sc PROVISIONS, Crockery, Glassware, Hardware, Tobacco, Cigars, &e. Will make it to your in'erest to call on me before pirchning, ss I run determined to «e 1 11 a ih‘*nii as tin- cheapest for 'he Cash. STANDARD FERTILIZER 480 bs Cotton, and Seal’s Acid Phosphate* COO ibs Cotti i>. 1 pOrR-nd wh t a f-om’if t -"armer near A>'>-ny. Ga., sa's of tl I SrAOi xn : dG xnt* T'seAT-o FKSTiiizrB.Cn.: - O n' -nn-n —I'iia-e -c': t me four i^e* rTtndxrd F itTz<V wV.icb I - is'i to put os ms on crop I I ..ve inis ye-.r Ui-d tbe sUi-daxd tn fitb'nanu cran. and ai-o nn my v.g tilT- ta. .-n I -".'ve been using gnjBoa of vtri* oua br n t* ever so.ee the war •nd cm st ier the Suiaifai J Uict. YLura rew tctf-dlv B*c sTcy, Gx., Nov l«t. JS8I. d M. Byoo». / For Sale «t Wnrchonso of Hnd«nn & J., IlBrnilton, T. T’. H. Irimbvimgh, Cuta ifa, A. C'cantHer*. (»ent-va, tiiici Fi. >la.rtin 9 Talbottn,-.. o a. H, BUSSEY, ros EISH GSaDE IIETHIZIrS Col’ara.'bixsj G sorgia' . 4