Hamilton journal. (Hamilton, Harris Co., Ga.) 1876-1885, May 27, 1881, Image 2

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THE HAMILTON JOURNAL Subscription Pric8 $1 A Year. J. L. DSiTNXS, PUBLXS22R. Hamilton, On,, May 27, 1SS1. OLD TIMES. Papor-hangings worn original! v just what their natn« tndm«'e« — 1 viz., strips of pr»|i -r ■ u« pended from the ceiling in such n maun t a« to cover the imperfection of the wails. They were used exclusively in the houses of the rich; the poor man in his but had no such device, but must needs pa cha hole to keep the wind away. The carpets ot our forefathers onceconsi'ied /f ru lies, among v.Inch ibe dogs hunted for the bones that had been thrown tip* on the fl >or. In England, on' 1 end of the hall was the, kennel 1 >r the bounds, mid above ll tin perch for lnwk-'. In the reign of Queen V.I hob] 17 . ibcitr.^ ilm join the host at table ii»"d to 1 of b**ef w i' li one hand ami carving knife with the other, ttniis fnriing the meat to the plates of Id guests with liis fingers, ns folks were not y«t n use. *'fhose wli . first intop'e l forks were much ridi¬ culed. Some k lid ' It ' lLbD* wii* opposed to it, and that it wan nit insult to the Ahnighty to use a fork when lie had given them fiugms, The art ol making glass is of high antiquity, but t> l>('L iiijjs io modern ingenuity to th velop the value of the invention, and to an - ply it to ft multituda of important, nnd in some cases, indispensable Not many cen'urns ago, yrindofound °nly in (he houscH of the very rich; its its began in palaees. For a long linn il w ns so scarce that at Alnwick Castle, in 1567, flu? gd-s was order ed taken out of the "indows ...... lniil up in safety when fits lord WilF absent. * There was another luxury, so expensive ' that, for more than two thousand years, it. remattn I com Jiletely ftbove the reach ot the poor, innl none but the wealthy could iu dulge in ys Ti/ We mean codon cloi Id Tne of ^ li the cloth wn» w as - pl<ti t y and easily obtain* ‘1, ns is (In* case with glass; 1 u' th • cost of in' nu¬ factoring uvule it viry dear. ll a Grecian lady con'd nwaXe from In ' sleep of two thousand yen’s, her astonislmient would bo llllbnutlilod to'see a simple country girl cl« 'bed with a ca'ico dr ss, a nm-lm ki r.. chief, and a colored shawl! \k ’.'h in the past one hundred years, nut., chinery hits been invented which Iiur made printed cot'on so neifeet, so plenty, and HO cheap, flint the humble servant gt'l can ( wont* ft better calico gow ti than 1,upa va ever rivw. slock of When the whole a car pooler's tools w a s valued tit. one shilling, ami consisted altogether ol two brimdaxes, an adze, a mj lart* and a speke-shave, wo mu'll t‘\)*oei to find rough work and none bin rough dwelling iionse*; "h- n there xv ere no chimneys, and the lire " as laid against tilt’ « a 11, "iilt I he smoko to i»*tio out at the rend, i lie <1‘ o', ot the window, and tlm p "0 pie M«»pt on ►trnw |» lias wtlli a 1 .ur of wood for i« mUovv, wi* i»»Mir nliy vxjift't rout'll nrmDt h. nn - w’ o'v onv (• o 1, rn<1 n on*.it luck ol tidiness. (4 hut vt an l ho ooioli (ten of (lie F.nyhfh people in th , ri ijn ol Kdward ill. Evil ill nobilny went without chairs ftnd tab es, and sat upon the chests tlint rontatmd tit ir clothes and linen. The skill of other trades «as on n 1« rcl « ill, that of 'ho carpenter, and agriculture was as low In the seal' » riiv id the arts. The tii-t mi"- mill limit in F.ng dnml "as hv a Du'chiiiati, but I In oppoMll n f - men tint' \u itv li) hand was so r- •eft, that be Itac io pull t: down, in 1 ■ (>*7 nnolliet v ns rs ed, but ft nii't> tore it do" in So progress lias cverv where had to cv. return: ebstne les. In 1300, some build friars in wnul-mt-1. Swit*;r* lund, "i-lied to a to sflVo lord, by hambbuY v bo hud u'"g 1 " ' 1 ■ round, forbade*!hem, In cause,1 < ■aid, lie owned the "md- IV« the I'lL' * wi' ind dludon-md* help l to*' tho ‘ 'church and could not be used. A » filer, of good nulln'M' \ It,leaking Of (he fl ne of l!e V v i\..vra there w S no tun ill' It 1 - , ‘ v - ‘ :u - * rage (turation ol nmna i >u , that pet hid, not one-halt long es al the present day. Ihe king nubility of a few o< nun re- ago !'• > K(*8 k ( d their crqwns and big sound ing titles, but thete t- nu’, i" t 1 ( 1’i'iteil Stales, a prosp. i >mis rm* t biinic, poasessinjY a fair degree »>! y.fined and eiLnoi’i n, "• uoild 1 desire to exchange lit- man >n*r of life, and living lor th. iis, -o fn iiM x\\p coitvetiii ih‘i s <*£ tie ti*nccii)^(l! I * u** it U..»t :ii t Is ever at work, breaking d wu iht harriers which stai d bet " i . u the rich and the poor, and b ingmg both classes more and move tow » eo'hmos level—-Hot by degiadiiiv * »he wealthy, but by ex tiing both 'fts-es to a lirghet stai d i 1 <■! i o *' \, tefinement and edueailoil TlLidelpliia Saturday Night ^Po.irarces nvo uoUiifiti \i y >ti * r * i** ri»jlit; if vt u mo r.i v rou*;, Y^uuusl pay tion io he. —•• ♦ « Fr< tting to .morrow’ Irotihles never • iv<*< t hen, » it. A« rr i-^TCa, lirealifast Table Tall.'. i Does the wife realize or mother how much of every the j i establishment j happiness cf her family Io- a whole .fay, not to Speak ■ I’canning year-, j is in her kee< ing; Ur > i her pruv inco comet the ordering ■ f het ' household, and there is no shifting the re-pon-ihility breakfu-t. of preparing or | I ordering of the ' breakfast IS the. key-note individual t ■ lay to almost every j Those who aver that they rare | nothing fo • ocnkla-t, dinner is their meal, aro the voiy one* \\ ho j are unconsciously the victims of an | ill ported day, l*oin the ritsfistroiiK I i fleets of an ill-conditioned bleak. f .1 wT. “llunoet i< good sane",” w l.en stimulated by i s demands, ! |ni)f| fustidiona may ileal peace- I a t,;y wuh the di-tressing agglomer- : a ,j 1>n ( ,f | fl0 ,i prepared by some f )(l „ i ,,| <( , / ,p,.|s, misc illeti dtnut-r; but j j |,e horrors breakf of a slovenly ‘ nit-, j j ni , r ny ,, V er(lone ml ssims, angels and iniiitstei> ot grace d. lend u«.” tlic Too oft on, especial y \o conn* try, dm s “the madame” rise late, after it day ot lie .vy cares and ho liors, and perbaps < it I III In d ft' ! night by sick nr rest less cliildieti and wearily begin h er da y's wot k widi spiritless eniiset 'UsiiesH ilia 1 is Ini' ntiotlier of 1 hose tb it inns' come while her strength lasts to Mlp|>h - ni 'iit those already gone before, and r)ie g cs about ber bre ikfas wdb throbbing bead and laggn g Sin* ; 1 1 -i life is a tntt «U'H| Uh* Ih»j to-s ( ,j 1 1 • r vmitli aro a D iiJiin*, anr? iijor« oil on h**/ flH>U^h?K are si rny.ii*' m rrloomy reiroH|M'Cj* ji >u L u o *<*ti|>i* d in j»r « paring a tidy, w ioilesouie hi i akfii-t. The itdci n - of yesdei diiy’s fond nre inddl* retiFy i»aihered an 1 placed on a smoldering or furious lire, to dry or hum, ns ctrcuiuHlnn <!< s may die a o A Im-lily anang • < I tal l"e is prepared, with dishes -<* il ten'll heller sculler upon it, " it h bill a d zen necessary an ides oint'. led, tliai some member of Ibe bun ily is called to 11 C and procure w ben net <!('(!. Then the family H Cldlrf) to bre'Hk fast. They, too, wi I 1 knowing tbo styl^ am) bill of fare, I i er and delay fill the vry la t grace of patience Is exhaust'll; giithe* aioui'd in i-ulhti ► il. nee or u itit angry nlteicarion, an 1 partake annritig y of ►m h arti elcH a- in iv he necessary to stl.sll'in nut tire. ’] lie htisbi.i il goes to his tabor or loi-mr-s i Ily pr [ ur <1 to meet the (lemaii'ls on hi- system for want ol nutritious food, Ills feelin ;h disturbed and nervous -y'■ ■■ tent nary by reason ot Ireiltilness fi <,in some one ot more ot the f un ily, nnd lit) is cross, disagreeable and oveibearing in busmens ruin¬ lions .,11 dinner time. The el,thIren are i.eev isl, and tin manageable, often .low ~ right nnd qimrit ........ | ul - ib,. 7- iv — lor a brnkon clay ih scltlom nu»luU*«l. Hut wotfe than all, the poor moth or (iik- s np In i Imitb ti <•) vfn|»io>~ inenfs, wi ll ilint billing strength ami utter giving wav of milur.al spirits that make umful days !m her children, h-in sliu l.n es bed ter than life, i s.,u ir giving ln r life iu ihi» care of them, but bo whom the stm-hine of neither modi - 01 ly love mu' |.a nutcc beams that, j day And no a " bole day is sp i! ■ ed lor a family and many a Ills sor¬ row begun by the ho "ho would open their eyes « idc in astotish no ni ti told that its genesis Slock was i lie break lust table.— \V i stern .) olll Dill. i Initial Wo men. i fl is not to ne wandered at that I die people in despotic countries tin.' a i -h to throw oft' tin* yokes i rest on tInir te eks when we oon- i sider the character ol many who j • laim the “divine light’’ to rule. A eit'T from I’m is, in the 1 rib,me, nas the ful'ow ing account of the hinpryss of Aitsuiu, who-pends a 'll !. :e part of her time rn hunting 1 vi11: tin* hound-: •I! M jest v has seen a good - .1 In r tl I i*0 si-t'O's, the ex a* < n id \ ip’e-, the l tm boss d Al ettoOn Slid ('ountess no These ladies are all ‘horsey’ " uuv n. •nil love ihe lb jl i : ll I b te-t . T|) nrp a , H , wo , r , wo Hijh spl«i», ;p),,. fiMtmis and of sungu tie lein Jll'Z onghli ed human animals. I heir ,„ it .||, H . u yet 11'"’V nol stupid or mevbom'e. Th. do;: Tb»f» auil , - , -.<*» the ha- expressive the «•>'«"* Of no<'ri.s a < !>’»'j«l ot a tiois,-. Diudet, in his -K ngs ' j ^ ’ <I-,■>«-b.. f \ 1 a t ii' hlul |i. rU'lilt 0 rU , N :in ,J of the w t Cl . HII , W s «h* Tnuil, ,, "ho , re*, tnbh , , 1 (*:«< j, ofr ;l < , r w in 1 ui. smoked' Tl <* l'*n]>ri*^< oiJ lu*r si'ld'* ,«v„ ton'th.r " an it tmile m.in: er ol .'.^ai .'ttes it the , Ifme! !»i istok a i.t n<.n* her \\\x i v,! in » t r \ ’ a \ \ tin* way »-( Mutt ch. Win II i .ll ■ ks IM>I h,Bring nr pile ei g wmaasue >Ik* >s .* :n< k ;.r. H L N f** )* d «t *J nd i- up it J to m • !*.t i t'.vor.. tu* ! i O' U I Ho S la.. time tor can < i nig «•= I,.' id f, res¬ III, lines " n few a t n Aw / Orion f :e g. , s out « i:h no ft r ■ 1 mts Mi* —- a • up. j le ot t* % - ? el d digs her boi v e. a nd / St e 1 a—ard . uni i lor the state ru’ed by l'. iu j tiit’e y ch »J«>?*<»* n — wn shed her hands for ! p. li ivs. Since li'e iti of the . Km pet or, h«i abdicate in her t vor, the imperial cohort) have been «’< 'I fi k ri, .and the K.'iipres «r\> had her share «>f the money. - Great : ifrr huutirg trip this ycar to i IS i i ti l as e. sv, tl appeals. JL40VHO.” Sunhrani c**»ih 1^6 Idlest En tizAIACDA " Eight Gallons. The N. Y. Times, after giving the MR'intic* of the e,..n«ii£n;.ii<.n of |i rtttuiUs liquor-iu fir eat Ionian, add-: “A-totilsdiiiie as these figures are, t hey c m ho ea-ily Otipi:Cried j in this country In the i cm of spirits, for instance, the eonsijmp lion is steadily growing, instead of dic-va-mg ** in lv gland, ami lias doubled within tin yens. In 1870 the quau'ity of fetmerited liquors ret timid for taxation of the Com.. n,in-toner of Inieri al Revenue was 6,574,000 hat refs, of 3t gallons each. Dm ng the fi-cal year end¬ ing June 3u, 1880, there were re utn.eil 13 547,000 barrels That is 414 600,000 gtilons of tef inented domes ic liquors wore made ami drank in that twelvemonth by somotbing over 50 000,000 people, aii aiuinal allowance 8 gallons and ol spurs to each imm, woman, e.hilil is c rtainiy ample, hut to make the est’inale eomplete ih-re must lie added all that imported and ail tiiat * a-> made on t he uly.’’ “The Gnat West.” Ti is elated that the centre of population moves Westward at the ■ ate of ninety feet a day, and is slowly passing across the southern portion of Ol io. It is evident, therefore, that the “gorgeous Fast,'’ 10 u liie.lt tlm West lias hitherto looked for it- literature and lucre, its manufre! ures and art, its pedn» gogues and piii.«, its capital and ■ u urn is fast losing its g ip, a ei if it wore to be sunk out of xi-tonoo Mj-moii*nw, or raised out o! >i »ht in its own o-LinaUon, the WV*t would merely patt-.o to H.ty Ua-la- 1 it, atul keep tight ot) with its work. The loss of thirteen Congressmen to the East and a guilt ol nineteen to the West, hy the recent ceiiMtH, sltows where the crowd is rushing, and in ten years mure thetast -ill he taken under tlm wing of the West, an<1 the West wi I see that no burin c ones to if. We feci sorry for the E i.-t It lias always done as well as it knew how, and there has never been a time when it would not sell us ilrv goods and Yankee notions and take it. out in wheat, or loan money on it farm at 10 per cent. Il i s people generally cannot yet regard the West as anything Out a howling wildcrncsH, where the In¬ dians and the wild bison) roam at will, instead ol a land possessing lie is linemi nt of enlightened civ¬ ilization, why then it is their uu — for nne and not til it' fault. No enuiiiy can eve.’ come between the I wo sections, for very many of the wealth. Drillers of ibe Wes', who nW ll broad and fur til acres, will '"'ver H'** *»•«.- car y man hood was inssed amid the sleep ""'1 rocky hid.-ides of the Last, -vhere corn was planted 7 111' a imt,'let and cold elu-elj 73 in a'ter Ocitig washed hy r I a tutu ole of times grew .and ll itn-fied to the high, of two and even three f'o"t, « ifh aM ear on almost evgry No one who is wo,thy the name of u man ever forgets tHe -celt s ol his boy hood. I* it the oolion factories of the Li-t are passing to the South and South west, wheio they wi 1 he Heart r the source of the raw material; the publication of bonks, which lio body i ver supposed could ba done anywhere except in the Eist, lias suddenly be '., begun in tlm West, and $ ’ 000,000 worth were exe euted " ill, Hi'it ness and (lispe, ell ill one Western city alone ill 1880; Eistcrn il lust i at t'd papers, relb'Ct* Tim doings the culture, humor, and policy of. he rim"' ry, still hold ihutr own, bill their time will >me; Eisuoti ]dds, winch have draiiud -o much in nt y from the \y,.si nnd built so many palaces in ,| u . F.ast, vet hayo a grip upon the alleetimis of onr people, h'" iheir ii fluence.ts weakening, and fietorira are springing tesiored "p uid manhood is being pijrlii heir in the West and by w esteru ft in ' car factorrea are com jug nearer the Western iron and cud < very day,* our flouring mills, hn h already make llour enough t >r | isle, are imu easitig in ntlUl tier nnd e.apacriy, an the woods ate full oi saw mtlis; we shall reed Kavern -'il and coal a little* longer ' tnvuis to ft'k, and the East must 1 „ ol ^rej. ,ecmmi/. ■ ns when Wu n>ect on l)lt . ■ -IVek’s Sun. j Saiilpa. _ 1 III. nso/thtf. . 7, | p, ,dh, (1 i; dcuei st toed licit he , ' 11 ti ipt ot billow ing qn- rigs, j was ) ei propounded 1 by the Goneord School f . V, 1', 'lo-opliv, , , u hr do CO" s not , ! s.i( ,]«» n to iu>! tlic* Mime as «(>•*.-> Wiiv -s a do ; turn round a ' tint, s b<L n- he lies do".-2 Win .bn a ,•»« *5 t op yn the ground i s j bind rud tn ^ and J- ir<>r^o loro end ti>? \\ > dot s j-quirrvf c«mH‘ j d -wn a ti l l-head fitst and a eat t Mb-? \V,.r does a muV lock wrh it* o :*.-i f<vt nml a sbeiu wjiii r.?* t» vo U-c.'r* “Nii' in' kas liur own wav, at d i |,er « ay am k’reet.” lenlH-d tne old ' i man, a- he laid lbe letter aside, ■ l (nice lost a week’s sleep try in, to ( fin’ out "In eats didn’t s t oi i nest tor Its'teen da\ same as a tt, to br.t.g lo’tM der ymmg, an' I I'um ly :iru>»o to tie eonciuslinn to ! tackle sutlltli’ easy,’’ — lA-lroit l i re I’lesS. j SOTH E, ! i The fikts p]e;%c«re in an nouncmg 10 t e Unties of Unmiuoa am! victiirfy tlmi a lar k of imt Miltinv ty Goods**'hunJ. t*Ui«h lie wil ►oil lit low piio Mn* I 'Lgrvu'iv a* <} Mi * Usaie Kowe will j l -m*! h-ivc ibeir iiicuJf* oh l i n tliem, fully, J. FbKIJ'LETEN , 1 Kext kvr tv’ >!:!!• r n W>t liavis Foint, sbos Ga St ro MRS. LVOIA E. PINKHAm i. OF LYNN, MASS. * '-!■ -■ V, \ ... 1 W% * s Wj lb - ■ .-A $ . ■ 1 j ; < tk lydia e. VEGETABLE COMPOUND, The j'o.ittv' ( iire Tor all Fcr.ialo Comnlainta Thisp^rjiaraft»*n. :■ :N nan' ►: Con-*'tx of vVfrptable JVo;*--.*.-. . . . . }. ; • •• !o lu' inOKt. ti l ieateinvalid. Tj. • trial fb a • - of ti.is Com pound v. ili h-7 rot*o.;:iu ■ {, at n , ; :•*<*«fi.*tf «* ; ni«l when iUust-Jg contint; 1, i. l liiU' * v t, lit f! i .i a Imn drtfd, a permanent curet- V■;;'«.*< '.*• .. thou -i, •..'!* will tes tify Oa account it proven im.-rit it i ■ to-day r< coinmended and i ■ i 1 -;* the b'-t j.hy i.-ia-m in the country. It will cure tr.'i if d forut of f illing of the* uterus, 3 •..< h n prular ais.l ) jjful Mt:nxiri}ntio&. n)l O riribh Jnilonfittntioi RijtJ Ulceration, 1'Toodiujg:', ;»u ,.1 . t:f :4 nod \] v * t oti Hcqnent spinal weabit . ■; i esp*' i 'ily :<oi pi the Change ot Life, i v. I <i‘.. yc]w anti c.vpei t from tins utcruainnn >■ ■ -f <]fVflo;)!tu tit. TT tendency tocaneeruns hum* -. • thuro is clicciif 1 vci-j upeetllly by Itw use. in fart it J ..t ) to r eat and lif’st r- i.u - ®d. It p(:rmcRt<*?“'Vt ■ ti. 11 ot 11 k* system, ::;i 1 irivc.s newlif,?and vl^or. I t < I’atu’..-;.' y, dt atroyg oil craving f«*.‘ i.;t *. .-.ud ix»iv*-ta waU:n of the Btmna'.’h It cures Dloatinjr, 11 • -t Ll -1 >.ci-vo»tg FloatrnlIon, General Debility. . i I>t; v<a it-H and Jntii gestion. T’:ut feeling of ir. : v. n, enuning jmfn weight and bad;a* be, l-r e; \ i : ::;:vncnt3y cured by itauBe. Itwiliataliti :.t : •. :u! r; !J cirecnisL.u ces, net in harmony . i ttf 1 \rf that govemU th« femalc*y? ! tcm. For Kid:*ny Coniplai’i? « f 1H" r ta x tins conij>oun<J is unsurjyisacd. Lydia E. Pinkhani’i v»gefable Compound la prepared at 2.T5 n.n<l - . '.Yi siitrn Avenue, Lynn. Ma ?. Price $1.00. B!:c bot* Jc ? l'nr $-'>.<> 0 . Fei.t by Jmiil jn tLo form of pills, tilsoiu i! r»*.fi/i« ! u g of price, $1.00, per ho :. f.»r either, Mrs. I'l.NKIlAil freely answer* all l. tt : ol' inifiry. Send fur pant phlet. AdUrca.i a i n i ivo M- . li ullhiupapur. No family should l»e without LYDIA K. FINK HAM* LlVtlt TILLS. Tliey euro CoiirftlpatPm, hiliouBnesa, unuTorpidity ot the IAver. "•'» centa per box. Lamlr, UanKin A Lav.ah, Macon and Atlanta, Wholobttle Agf-ntw. 9 1-2 LBS. Of Snow Whit© Sugar for St. at | LliOMGOOLE BRO , £3 B.oad Si., ColuinbUH, Ga. ! Only Nova llesirtloy. MORNING NEWS SERIALS, A NEW ST r.Y HY A t >DPCLAR AUTHOR. Only Nora Heart lev. BY MRS ( Pill'Ll A NI.-DET REID. Aotbor ot “My Mu'her's l>.lighter,’ “Mrs. D. re," ‘ MutH ,” ole The Sav«3.Jisii 'Wceisly iTc^-3 OF bATURDAY, MAY ( Will contain the opening ohapters of a charming atory of i.bsoridug i 'crest, on titled, “Only Nora Heurtleyfrom the gifted pen oi Airs. Ophelia Nis' °t f‘ 'd. of Eatouton, Ga. The previous eontrihil'icns of Ihis tal t Bt.,d l»dy t« onr series of stories has mads ber »’> »«U,!y xnmva Mttl so gri.t a fttvorhe with oar rending public tbs! commen.IMimt from us of her fortheem iiig rotiHinc© is nmiPiTH^nry. SAVAX^.vn Wlfil KLV NEWS y on ( a j us g png^s of re ding matter, com p r j s ir,g «U the n< wa of the week, Ttle graph! • Dispatches up to the hour of go fng <» press. Agricultural 1 earn. Ortgit-«l for m, L'irst A initial DisU'ibltlion — or — 1’RESENTS TO THE (’ash Subscribers CF THE * COLUMBUS PSOCSBSSIVB A5E Will take place in (lie Court House, in: Columbus, 6i , July nexu I'reseats to Ibe amount of §1.500.00. Rangin'! in ralne from Twenty 3ve Cents to One Hu idred and Fifiy Do lnrs—will l>e yiven to the yearly C’a-b Snhsctiliers of Ihe Progressive Aye. ibe following list shows e part of ihe Presents, v:z : . .$15!) 00 .. 75 00 Twenty Presents in Gold. . 10 00 Five Sewing M-u-trire*... . 250 00 o.,e Lad.eH Gold Watch.. . A0 00 25 00 One Hnndred tfeis S-.jver Spoons. Two Hnndred Pcokiges Gail .% Aso- M -eaboy gnoff. One Hnndred Geo. Wostt-u holmes' Pocket S uves and others, *'ne J Hundred Lamps ^roty Dress IV * terns, f lftv pHin Gg f i ifff Lao v ^’ d Fifty- Sacks Silver Leaf Flour, Oo© Vrg*u -*f the best makf*, On latest Edition of Webster's i nr bridged Du-tion.ry, Twenty Silk Il.m kerchiefs, and other presents not mentioned, t OD i y „ e.n the ca-h subscriber ho diug a priuted with mv sig unt nre or an pTV.bor .t*d «. All monry must lie sent by Post-office Order or X.^'g.-ler ed LeHer, otherwise, ^ limited number of a goofs irsnted— &,ood pay Send for specimen copy and particulars. r*w»«’riv "list t Ad •«** 1 mean ssy. dress all eoa.mnm.-i iocs to ,T. VV. THOMPSON, l’ditor and Piop'r 7 regressive Age, (’otuinlns, Ga. J. V. Floyd 3 South si.ie ' Public 8.|V.a'e, Hamilton. Ga.. j uvites the nl’fv.Mun >f l friends and 1 the public to a 'yrll sckctwl sloe* of ’ j Dry Goods and Groceries VV 1 ?v.VD will <;• J it tl'c ]' ",->t pno»s pays the w»y Kst pri > :cr all kinds ■ Count! 'j Produce. smmEMMsm timt u, e. TH®SIAS I* The only CLOTHIER In the Market Allowdcd to the C elebrated T9 vv» ~&i. r & € 4 . 1 ' aflat Clot is Saifs! \ Korurn CV.Vr (• Heuap of iLia market participated ib '.he pa’s of th<se superb" Ysel K nr,!' 1 sWnt lwoyfsrs are, when W. i G. ret.; ■■it t sell that house, for tbe rea- n the, wanted to coo tine thei,- Yxcb'X to only r-ne 1 otpe in Co'ce hua. \V. &■ ti. has reorisp ''til G. E THOM >S with a banner to put on , xiubitihn to appeal to ns easy reference tbit lie bes tte eictuivi lOntrol of S.e'r Yachts Severs! yei.is igo THOM'S sold other makes of no-c-riud Yw-;ht Gio b Suits in confcee'ion with the W. S: G , and the trade wi i testify that it > other Yacht eroep* *h“ W. ,fc G wni retain their c> or and t ot loot: shoddy. Id order •o sustain Ida rrputati' n for sellit g first-clafa Clotninp, '1 HOMAS is But 1 ruing It e otl er'Yaebis, so ahocdatit in all Ibe New JToik honaee, but confining I ts Yacht pnrcbasf a alricth to the \V & G., ar d bis fthds are node tip I y lii t special irstieetio! s in the most elrgaut timcw, and «bm on the buyer reedliy perceives the d fiarence bet«ech the fit of these and those sold in ready, made sp ies in ’bis coy. Til' if VS. so long tti he h.w the control of these superior Yachts will resort to the second-dess Yechts and put them on tte rna-kei *s ti s‘-cln's Debtors and Creditors Notice, AM po sod c if <!' btv fl t-.tho estate of T. 11 ]i van% Lite of Hoiitn conrfy, deceased, are Lerehy lfqniied to make immediate psyinent Ail perf-on«? haviog ciiitns yw >1 in^? -t;!t es'ato will present them, duiy Huthe'-iicated, v,ithin tie time presciibed by Haw. J. T3. Butant, Adm'r. Georfjin, Harris County. Mrs. Jane R. E’y makes fippHeation for Ict'ers cf guardianship Jennia for W. tbo Y7i)liatns, person ar.d property of Minor of U . A. Williams, deesased. AH por ous, com-ernc-d f.re hereby no¬ tified to sb.osv cause, if fry they bxvo. t.y the ii.st Monday in June, next, why le lers of guardians'ip should cot be granted said applicant. band aed oflioial sig¬ Grver, endrr niv nature. Anri! l;> h, tool. ,) p (<' Wjii.tams, Ordinary. —— — Georgia, Harris County, Wherens fhe V. t.if« of James M. Jami¬ son la*e of paid toudfy deceased, is uu represented and not likely to be represen¬ ted. Therefore ad persons concern'd nrc hereby no id *d fo ib >v/ cnn<e (if anj lh°y have) bv first Monday in J im next, why ;h<‘ clerk of the superior court or some other ht and proper person should not. be appointed administrator upon the Kstate of sab] deceased I Given under my hands and Ouicial Sig j signature. A or il Id h, 1881. Ordinary. . J. C- Williams. (U( j- gist, If arris Cmmty. II. T. Hu'ing makes implication for let . tfrs of ndministra'i hi up< d the estate of Mark A- Ilalirg, lalo of said comity de¬ ceased. All persons concerned are hereby noli fi d to s-hovv oanso (if ar y l ey have) b\ the first M-mday in Jane, rex , why le r - ters of ndm uimration thou d Lot be g»HD f ed said app icanb Given nnder rnv hard ar.d ofTie?a! sig nature, this 25 h day of A ail, F81. F. 0 WlLLTAMR, ():din» rv. Georgria, ixarris Vmmty\ Whereas (he est-t'e of J <hn J> 1 1i* gslea lato of 8;*id c-.H?n*y deceased, is u n tre- j Rcr-tcd and not likely to l»o represent*.d. therefore, nil perse ns oouceiMr? are | heieby notiflled (o sh< v c:n<e, if any they liave, by (he first M v day in J n* nox‘ why the CJeik « f the Superior <h*n rt r r -onte o’her fii and prop* r j evson should i ot be appoin t'd admi.- BUcti r U{ oa said » 8‘ate. Giv n »tt der mr Vind ard * fa *ial si l naiuvo, •J 1 > 1 . v. (J Williams O 1im*"v. Ge:>vp,ia, Karris County. J •>'». A M^OAnls^ua di-*D for - a ru :r Lon J >huHor. n-irv r of T. N. • ~ on il -or as <1, Hii.i Ebii© Atkinson iu Z o \V. A. A S in on d. cease'), m,skos npp ! ic« tion for ie-.?«* fo f 1 :he ieul e t.fo bf futifrinp; to ■ aitl niino’K. A 1 pe’suns eeacerne 1 nre hereby noti¬ fied to : ho v oanse ( f any they h .ve) hy ,1 o ti:.st Monday in .lane, next «by an order should i.ot be granted ■ aid guar^iia t*. pelt an d eattife. Given u uter me hand and nffiriu! sig natinc, M v 2 1S-1 ,1 F 0 Wii.T.TAsts. Ordinary. MAKE HOME BEAUTIFUL Met! Kiue E min vin s, CJ Giro Fiikjrcfs. Lmvo 1 I l ie * 8t i J r or (' fnk'.jriu* ui <1 p’ico ii^t A&BNTS AU.m-s J a»o( I'i.liV \ . JL* l:i i ! j>l ia Fa Mult Bitters Unfeuii li'e I M 1 , Hops, Caltsaya am I I Off No incrfii in-) like it for the Wood IF i’ll. Ndi V<*- ;in frinvs Nt w life foi iTuictinos v.>*akeii'<{ l*y d’Feasr, dcli'itv and iti- inat uu lk»bt*vi* cure Liver, Ki : at'v and l iin-tiY iliffii'iil'i.s ( omfort ,;nd srret Li.tli f> ) iJr'ik iLit I t s and Ku-siiiji; M the is. Finest aiiff Uest iiicdiciiie called ■■Bitters,’’ Said evernvh re. AI dt Bitters C.i, It s en. M iss. H3P BITTERS 7 cure all dis >nse> of Hw Stoinmh, B uvels. m, H >d l/-cr. K: tm-i sn-l Urmavy Organs. Nl-l VORSliCSs. &lv»*. 1 ‘8S1IC-S, Did (*.» peei:i!ly Ft'inalv* (• mi’i-iMs A'U drr.ujribt j Lr H p P.i iris; nd try tlicfti bt*f**re you I i p n > i tl»e>*. s*’iid for circular. Hoi* Ikm.iD VanT^C ilotin b(*' , N V ai.d 'Y ronto, Out m:\rn S Ot> i s N 8 1. •- ops 5 he’s (I »lden longue r^eds . ! Ix £;V>. Address Daniel F. Feat ty, Washington, K J. HAVE YOU EVES A nv person fu U‘ s. rimi-’y ill without a weak s'oumcU or imutiCc liver or kidn-ys? .vud when t'e.s«- organ* are iu gend cor.dh tM ,, «,«, you not fill I their piw-e sor enjov tit V.uk.-r’s Gi niter T-nic ahvavs r'n n"4niart s Ha-.-s vnipo:f:;nt ffp.fi'. , n l ver fails to 5 ke tl e b.oud rich and « ,„ m . t nm l tostm A on every part of the svs'om it. Iris hn Jiodri of de'pi*'ng in¬ valids. A>k your n» ighb-fr ulHint it. TAHITI r® n^TAXTTrco. n.riri »»rs. -3 EM^RY WHFELS Co., Pa. CRI.Nai.MC MACKWES Monroe FREE TO EVERYBODY .1 J*ea;iti/ul Book by Askiutj! By spy'llirp peiseuaHy at th-3 nearest ffi-.-e of I be 8a ger Manufacturing Co. (or v po U :i Of r i if at a distance) any sAn t pers >n wi . be presented "aiii a tie.oti u !y i lu-traitd copy of a N w Hook ea - j tit.eA eS2i3US BEYTASBSIS — OK THE— St:ry ed tbs Sewing Macliia?, •ontaii.:cg a bardsome acd cos*ly a'eel •cgrsvinp frot-tispsicf; ai-o, 2- finely »n .raved «i od -n*s, and bijiinii m aa elab rate t>'.ne rad p-14 lithographed cover 'so charge nr aiever is aiade for ibis land-c.me t o k, wLicb can be obtained -niv hv avpii-Hiion at tie branch 1 : ii.-td ffi.-e-of The Singer Macu ; .c:anr. Co. The M*srr*crnso Co. I'.iu. ie. t'thve. Ht 1' mn S'piar* So,: loik IN Till LEAD 9 Good Goods (cud Lots Brices for the l a s 3^. WOLFBOU, Is daily receiving a nice and well selected stock of Spring and Sumrrer Goods, embracing a largo variety ol Edgings, Insertions, Irish Ti Huntings, fthngaedoo, \ aleiicine and Torchon Laces, Fancy Iseckweir, the latest styles of Ladies, ibi ses and Chil¬ dren’s Fancy Hose, for low cut shoes, White Goods— a nice variety, Figured Lawns, Piques, Etc,., and A Full and Complete Line of Motions and Shoes. ' nave also received a nice line of Gent’s and Youth's Cl nliinsr. at low pric-s, Gent’s Quarter Mines, latest stylrs. ami a fill! stotk of Hals, of fur, wool and straw, always on hand. In connection With tne above I always keep u complete line of G ROCERJES, A • ; low as the lowest The ceVhrated H *s;^ Flour, always on hand, is cheaper Ilian any oth« r fjroocl brand, and x<>)'i tor Jrs> m r uoy All I ask j>- irive id© a trial end 1 kiH'W 1 hat I can ui( you. Mr. l»ntuin Wiliiains is .still with me Mini wi 1 i be glad la Mid bis f i lids, llcspcctfully m. WGLFSOY, 5! W IIA'MII/rOX, GEORGIA. t.,1 r + OFFER GREAT INDUCEMENTS TO CASH BUYERS. tot TSeceiving- ew Goods Dally. Stoc-lc Always Full and Crmplete. E'vex *y tiling- Netv and FirstClasS. Ito attention of the public is called to onr comple'e st ick of (ipring and Suiricer Dress Goods, Domestics, Clothing, Hats, Shoes, &c. Our Grocery Depart anent [s kepf fully siiDplied. nnd cash havers should con-n't us hefora ] nri h-iair-g. We p tv th« highest, rn t oot price for til Uic \s of eonrUry produr*"-. WIIAKSiAa & €©. ? SUCCESSORS TO V. A. WILLINGHAM, Wholesale anS. S«taU Ect lo?5f la Builders' Supplies of A if Kinds, Scsfp Giinds, Doors, Paints,, Oil and Bniiy, Builders’ ITartlivsiae, Lime, Flasier Fttris, Kalsomlue. 1 ath, Plasterers Ilitii-, 4 ^c. WILLINGIIAM & CO., 7 * COLUMBUS, GHHOrtGIA, Morrameatal Mar tie y csss, 10-2 Bi’otul Street, C«Iuint)us, Ga, MONUMENTS OF THE VERY BEST ITALIAN A a D AMERICAN MARBLE On'hana*nnd( nude to order. We'„re also neents for a superior' qtiality_ of fcWJtOUGHT (IRON RAILING, Of frillcrent styles and patten s, for i< n<vs and cemftny ct cicuircs. Infbfm&it'oil and estimates furn^lifd for ai,y tliiim hi our iii.o. . 1 . M. ELLEJtfiJ'. Proprietor. e tLl® ---- FROST 9 —I) Ai.t i: In ajX i,fr. ^1.1 t Ji r Ci and FA NC Y 1)11 r - G O OPS, BOOTS, SHOES, HAiS, NOTIONS, GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, Crockery, ti lass tea re, Hardware, Tobacc®} Ogars 3 ^ ill :t to your orest to onll ofr me hrfore jrtrch isis>nr, $3 X •*• m d(*tt*rmibo<l t<» «eii :»s c-li**np tlu* choNpest for !i»* ("ash. Crrand Mflllsaery llisplay —a:;d— M ffjtZZiStt Wi ' —**' r.:q ; tax srsa ; V! Sf .'i \n)d Li O. COLVIN •A V- MISS D0VX£LY. Invite oTn'iu.'p^r’i^a ui their :i? i Ar;ivi’« of SprifTsr Bonnets and'Hats, and the Most Fashionable Ribbons, Ficvvsrs, Feathers ar d Mcvelxlec, WI ich they ere iff, line at p-puar prtr-s. Ord- rs > y mail wi 1 receive prompt acd c.rs.'ui at'enti . We off-.-ecu u Tir-v.iii . ■ .rriry ueri-tan'.. Sirs. Colvin & 3Iiss Doimelly. UgIhimIjijs,G a*