Hamilton journal. (Hamilton, Harris Co., Ga.) 1876-1885, June 17, 1881, Image 1

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THE HAMILTON JOURNAL Subscription Pries $1 A Year, J. L. DE271TI5, PTO2.ISS33. Hamilton, Ga., June 17, 1881. Personal Intelligence . —Columbu* pe» p t> die juui» mwoys intd wUen ihey gtft hot low. 4 ~-Dr. J. W K^rr, preached on flUfi Gordon ut tbe Methodist church last San- j d ; y inorniDg a -d g.*?» an historical tec* lure to vfco JSabbutH School ui the fcl'-er linen, —An exoUtuga veiy properly demurs plaio to the ili.i Usable cua'oui of fe-jicn uiakere ignoring liutua of abort st .ture ytnd por'.i* tu ld. Ate only bean pejes Over supposed to be fashionably drevaod. —Superintendent Gray is rninmering bis family at Hood. A healthier place Would be hard to fl .rf. — Oar B other )l. B aek is tbs tii'o of a new hook by Dr. A. U its; go, d. I- hi* been .very 'av.irab.y criticised by ihe I isew Yetk Tritiuee nud other nouheru 'papers. ■ i —The L*G a -.ge B •mir'or s iys that Home of 1 he lute stock ho dtrsof (Uo At¬ lanta & West P iut railroad, whi euld their sioi k fur tilAtf, h:nk,f posetntiig the direo ur the io..d tor n..t to ling them of the p.ot, buiiy of the pi: -o of Biook r- c •i.ing J 2 ,i 0 —Mr, P. A. Paschal of Geneva, has taken 142 lbs f exeellent honey ibis sea eou from one bee bive. He uses tbe Golden Bee Hive, which has bten sold iu this county, and haa made apiculture a study for three y. ars. —Dr. R ibe.rt Bruce, who is now a rssl dent of Murcogee, has been q*nte ill for several weeks. Last Monday be was ie- j moved to the res deuce of tus fa'lior, Dr TV. W. Bruce, and wo liope lhe chsego j will prove beneficial and that be to -.y j speedily recover. —J ihnny M ibley and Dr. Cdpulaud will build a fish pond j lintiy. —D irk nights-have at last arrived, to the ix renio g*atifieHtion of town council, and lire lamp at tbe bead of mill street throws a light alums’-poweiful <f u h to firow the shabby bridge across the gully Hi the side walk near the cemetery. — Attentiun laerchsu s! M B ..'e h Cu , A lsu! 1 , sell Ware Grsuitc and 0. C. »"» “'**•*■" Stamped au 1 piece Itu Wate, Wooden SVate, at manufacturers be. torn p-iyes. Special ies-L mbdh. Po'e.t improved Fy Fans, Seth Thom* Clocks, bruit J,o, Im Oomf.-’Zis, Bier Oners tamps and Leap Gi.its f every kind. -Snow .Casas, Lock tig Glasses and t> B.n F Fic fires, B,r Mirrors aud x uras, Water Coolers, Baer Coo’erMce Gem Pierzars, Chandelier', L nips of every kind, you cau save money iu fright «‘d breakage by aendmg your orders to Mi ..... .1 ....... M H * & Co, AtLnia. Parb.r Lrn.s, Jla I Limp Bcur Coolers, Ld.rary Loops, ’Glass Limps B.a-s Loops U >1 loud and r ir>, b. Yt 1 1 p irmers t Li.i.eru , , H.mp .,4 »( C 1 u„« .»■ l ut head off, we coa defy e mputiuou ou t t:.esti , (1 L >oh r , a -8e t li.T50i, a Clooka, Limbeths V :■ ent F,y Fans latest improvamaa-, Show n% SJZ ‘.v Ws at a!„f,:u« ! t,, Kb ■ G > d, and sill ,u low. cstpric. M Bdb'itOo., Atlanta. Job l.ers of F.a thaiw ire. C iiai, Glass W ire' —Speak gei.ti'y to u/ mother. She is fuff ^riag with a uiv-re ron*..h, hu vie li-»\e seut to tho 9 ? oro of Mnrrab & Crew fofd for a botlle o Cons- ns' fl ney of T-^r, which is hicuhv reccomclouded by all who EHe it.Trice 50 cent-*. —Take the buckeye out of vo«r pocket pnd mftke an appU vation of T tbtev's Backave Pile Ointment, if you ara «i;ff *r ing with piles Yon will certainly be ourod. Pr'oa 50 onits. X f or ss'.e by Kurrah & Crawford , -Dr Honrer.fLabeCily.FK.savs: “I htfe nied Hsll’s Tette^a, d R ' e«orm 1 Bpee'flo in my practice for a number of ! years; and find i an • xcelteDt remedy for koald Head, Groii* d-I <*h, Toler end jl.r.gwrirms ” 8 uH by R ley & Jlasoa, t)H*mil ; on, Ga. . fail's jPi’SiJjve? Ccr« for Corrfl, wil fcdrd w’arts, Sore and Infi,med J.mits i tM Biiuion*. Sr'd by Riley 4 Mason Pllr£gi3i3, Hamilton, Ga. --- m * ~ Last Off for Texas. Monday Col J M M *t>I<=y left for £n extended trip through: Tex** and lhe great $est, He goes to attend to a cuae .. \L ,.. K . r io tH 1 bere iDT ' ,lTir,g the ,!,!e ,<l ‘ : . a,e ’ h ' U " : ^manly-heo'j'ctofh.svs, oe Wd. inre it Into one of p v nr* and see el that i» to be seen id the ma ■'** llu cooq ry norlii nad east of t it. rr Je u fcas na |,.otuis£». . r j to : Ut bkf readers heir from him. Desirable Change. i ” lie iksrn that Mr J s. M Einibrdnsb i’a? prehrljed Ih" G odtn»n place «.,d , fill^ill improve at once. Tfee «?ac* tS £‘«de ire oft e most tie , ;ra’.ls i? Hi town atd Mr K has the rirte *nd (i do it Tbe va-sof let lots sida j tj r'F-j’ uwelline i* being snn'os-d, end «n e*«oore will be transformed into HI iUrac'ive fea-me of tbe town. Commendable Economy, jir. 3. W. Gioible has g ms red- I a beautiful cokt of white paint sd- : greatly to i's fc a an-v. t-.e (f t the Ifoik himself, ard in using th" b n *h, 89 ! th everything else bs doe*, disp ajed L-,s j H?ellent skill. , Notice. : Thecopartntreh'p-f L'in 2 *tore& D w ieryy has heen dissolved hy-mn'ual con- : eent. snd all bosioe s g ,r > " w 'o Se adjostod by B, E D w' err alon J P. ivixoa ose. B F.. De atr-Ev. , Ice for Sate, : The public cun be s-pp'ied Wtb ice at T -west market price, at Drag Store of Riley £ Mas 0 JOURNAI TlAMILTON 4? - -c* ■ S* VOL. IX.—NO.- 24 . Th a I ni on. We publish belo w a abort speech delivered by tlie lion. K. IT. Ili!l r.l! a railroad banquet in All mia, Tues- j t'tt-.y i iibt, wbu-h was given b y tlie . business in: p of , Atlanta cotnpli iruuitavy to John B. Gordon, ijent id the Georgia Pacific now bi iti j contemplatively constructed from Atlanta to I>i< njingbam, Ala., tne toast was “Tlie Union." and in resoptuVmg Senator Hill said: : ; ‘«T*t 11*1 o has bn ii inindi talk about wiu'.t tli“ union is. I iluubt if hat q ii'-ii'in is ever pc tied. But no in ittei* whrtt it is one tiling is tier loin. Tilt bontii is and will remain a pin of tie union. [riicera] 1 umi oral nine ynti and the country licit this question has been pett.’ud. Hereafter soutbern genius need not wastu lta energies in 1 rying t" find what the union is but in detennin injr what vvn will make it, [ \p plause-] It is ir> that fl Id that till!' .Imifp'gui.hcd friend has entered, lie mli find in.tbv co workers. The tati re of ihe s.-mh lies in stinnsith iidi the union by building up her¬ self. [.-Applnii-e ] Look at the south’- eninecUon with the union. Pitrie Henry, a simtliern man, fired tin: head of rho nation to resist ep pies-i m, .L ffmsou’s geniu's tram eii the immortal dichira'ion ot in dependence. Washington, a soinliern man, !.*d the armies of tuk ZZZZZZZ t„ virtorV ftJ.heersi Af Ml ’ h “' 11 rt u, V v ‘- T, fl' n r-on OU and W ish - Ulg.ou wrought ...tgitt , have been swept aw .y. Tliere was a great t an .titir ioi'al corty'eotion over w hieti W il.diiugto 1 pre-ided The » ^ w!(U .jj most icwards ‘■.i.Htng the OoDSl .=, . u 1 ton « as a < Utticji' m in, Ma l oti. I * heels] B-.l ihi* i> not a I. The south has lljui . h , „ ,hb country in the » ;•-* *'*»' » w- «™*'*• * t *»" ami part ol Lite siXth, ami * * a my fn^nd ivn- speaking of a lam Irbm ; Jant a to Mississippi I could not j ;0 ' „ 1 t 'laikb'w ' V’ !t would , o O.-s tie . [» \i‘\Vk o,> v i.icd v\ is [ cs.J , .r timer j -sngias own. u. tnu .................. ot J dl-reotl »« u ' qjIlv ' 1 "r u ! va ‘ lwr T' y !, ut-'g with L >Ui-l ins a«„l ex teu.ling U> ° I I ' h " M ' XiCai ' «'ar which £:vn us Texas, tile g.'cat lll-.j irity of soldiers were ........ ■■■«*• ............... .. ..... iicsshe.[Cheers ] Strike from his n rywliai Hontheru \> ^.tnoti-s) lt»» ■lone, arid how li t!-it Il'tl ! f Cotl* : in lid JijriDlU-e.] r s;iy thpne inin^M < o show t hat w e hi ve a tiohl to 'i t*l at home in t he un on. 'iieers J it i« our union, an,l we will make ii ouia. A few years ajT" we trieil to get out of it, ful l the north just s .jil it e* tildn’t d'o xi him ua. rL'Uirl't.r ri fifl'l , upplausm] , n I lift was the Inuhnst c-onipli.ui'11' "ne people cVor paid un it *.er. Think oi the blond treusure they spent to ^ ko.pusin lha union! | L night er trid i heels.] Do you suppose any. body u oiihi fi-ht to keep Ik'i w England in the niffon? fLatisfWer.] We are hoie and ntttst d" the be-t ue cm to nuke the union what it ouolit lo be \V'* must build our railroads and factori* ; o a n our own es. Above alt, we must raise our own sttppli.-s if Applause.) Slavery IS irone —fort'Vcr tf one. No p*. pie j s-ml their thnnksoiviiig to God i - , do we f „ r lhi , j <] !iverat;C . ( v Xpp’ause.) He !ie« j d | , hvnce? 6 r*li , . n t>ur (•ne^ieH in thenrufi. Tile cliiid ig burn. Y ii vvi'l }o*l nee li.i* tbe tint fit, l * i-’ble>t tili.l m fit gloH 'U* Jauil b a»u zr fl*i* tun, {Coaiiimcd ap* j> iii- w Commencement Exercises Ham¬ ilton College. ConiuiciiCeiiiLui sc, mou on fcun r; \ June 10 I). Monday, A. M., examinalion of f!is ITituary and In cimedir e *■ Compositions and D ciu ' i rtton of lhe Jmior pnjuls at r. gut. Tuesday Ex nrin .tion Of lhe ' e r i is-t-s. At 3 P M add A’ . it Com- j Literacy e*s. «..*■£ piisiu n- and D c!arv*tlon. W.-iI.e-tlay m o 'ht L.-vee by the p. n . ,^5^ ' mi eranprsed with Exercises . , by Mr*. . LOWfc T Die big.i so 1 her class. j Tbe public are respectfully invi„ Led lo aUend. J. M. 3Ja3o.v. PrinctPftl. INDEPENDENT DEMOCRATIC NEWSPAPER. .HAMILTON* GA„ FRIDAY, JUNE 17 , 1881 . Idle Fears. , Gold win Siutth says; ‘There i* no dou^t as to.the moment ohs and prcgnAnt fact that 1 lie blacks are increasing faster than the whites in the Uu>4'd Sidles,’’ and semis to npprehewi thai tliey may soon have, po!itio»tf>iV-eeiulfiT:Cv, anil make a Ilaylt These fears are ground b ss, remarks the Chicago T .ilium*, The rate ot increase of the black fane over bhe whites is sin ill ; and g. is by tf*-rt 9 U 1 jmrt of it af Teifsl (Lies ticit tejn-esfii! defiomi eii's in . the census of 1870 corrwted tn the census of1880. Nothing is more deceptive tluip 11 caiuuiation Im-mi mi percentI'.ipe, w lion tic principal mini hers are a luro e and a (small one respectively, The blocks are, roughly, enc-eigbth of 'be eu'ire popn!aiion. A growth ot 85 per cent, atu »ng them does not lepiesent nearly the aatue.abso¬ lute. increase that a rate of 20 per ei tn , dues among tlie 11 bites, 'lie* blae.ks, for instance, increased 1 ,1597,488 from 1870 to 1880, while the white population in the .Same period inci'ea-i d about 10 , 000 , 000 . Il the same r-la ive rate ot increase should be mamained the black pm * U at ton would lie ntimerieahy eq ml > iib the white popilla ton 419 years f»o.n imw, or it. the year of our Lord 23u0. 'l he danger is not, if « >1! be observed, Very im.i.iiieiil. Morenvei, tlide is no Ussuiauce thtff the same conditions will be ..... . ........................ I- “A mb. paiatively small black population nay ' .hr ; ve be. b ter than J, * la.......... l*! J 1 be mix me of ( the races 111 ,3 all,cl t he l,!mk unfavorably, tor the mu ihlbms ate nouiriousty not prolific, H W evidel.lly 00 , o, mi o sp, ctilale on the tltstli.y ol the hcgVoTacc “ on • __' ' _____ . ^ bo entered AuT« L> a H tfcor>,i the “C, . I,..... .1 ... V, - Ters.t^ a Oo.lege of Ag.yu .,«r. end f - uvaim* Arts urn b.ic-nc. to be vtitsh o h ,u “* ‘biuuibu. in ‘ , 11 ' “ (l an thjr z ; a.rt’Gfc ?.UO l.ruiite&s fo* na-ike epproptl , ...oua . for payment of ,, tpa h , -r, of. . bueb co'.itvge, out of ibe L iul fcori^,,! uud provided t b, . kat of to> got . J 7 ,» 2 , lib-, or any o b* r fund, now ad-miB.w Vc. h i. n, *'***,m ^ ^ o^ y Qjbr .^ when .bore shall b. legally toco,poiaied snub College at Hamilton^ afousaid, aud the same sbatl be endow d with suitable re.! estate, Trustees, ibe later eh. H be autboiSs*. to aecapt such institution, as a branch of b*id S ate University; to be under the genertil wupei viMoii ol K«id Iioiir.l, and governed and ministered according to rules and ia.;n atious which smd B lard shall approve and that said Xi iard are author Z id and dirceled to Bppropuate annn liy for ibo p tj ai, ot of leiobcrs for sueb Cilbge, on of lue Liui ae.ip F md aforesaid suen seems ss they losy think fi ; and stl ih other bums from that or any other fund as said c nud may d id it precticable and wise to appiopiinte for the sup ort of 8 ‘i 1 College. See. 2 '{Vd.i*,n in said College shill be free to all wbne maies and females, pro Tided a matricu.aiiou {• e uot etcesdirg five do.l.ts i>er aniinm. m .y be ehaiged for admi-Hion iulo said College. Bee. 3. The course wf insirnetion shall be especial y directed ( 1 ) to preparation for the higher Glassis Ac A bens, (2) for the business of practical life, acd (3) for ,he profeaaion of teaebii*. A certificate of proficiency, granted by the faculty, Shad be sufficient license to teach in the publlo BCbouft Hhs 4 That all laws and parts i f law*, meinta ing against the Act be, and the sum, are hereby, repealed. I ’ above is in substance . c py of the trodaoed , lot# lhe _ L^Jolatore by bill it Cap'. L. h Stanford, an t will come np for fi-ml aeiion iu July nfxt. its Action is Sure and Safe. 'lue ce ei iftted .eatedy K..UU»y-Woft cm low be obtaioed ia tbe UftUa> dry veg triable form, or in b^ nd form. I- jh pnt in tbe latter way for tbe especial cou?e aienoe of thoee wbo cannot readily pre pare it. It v.ih be found very concen trated «nd will »et with equal read imiieocy in either case, Bo sure aun tbe new sd vertiseiaent lor paiticu ars.—Son h and West. A Fair Drop?sal. Can cry of joa boy- (ell me how much men y 1 have in my pnr-e? Tbe square 'oot of toy money diminich d by its cabe root mi four dollars. Tell me, tioys, and le-ve solution in J raSiL efii .e. Do ^ ^ yu „ baw my band and heart. Mxtv. -•*- Cwn. All persons ns'n* western corn wiil do well b. trv our Horse and Cattle Coudit on ptrwdeia _' They keep , he htcluactl f r „ m tiecnmiog inflamed, thereby preventing Cob , which is so often produced Lv th sc of damaged c>rn. Price 2 o cents. For « e I;:! ^ & Matcn. Georgia Mews. — Atlanta is to have a oauah Kimball has said it. —The Atlanta Coaatikr.tion istr. be an larged aod iiaproved. Thin seoai* htirdly possible, yet its munigers seem to kaow whst they are doing. — Elijsti Q irdon, fbo was carried to Liberia about teu ye«a ago, returned to ilawkins ville « few ffeys »go. He is now ab mt eighteen years pld, hut has lived lo-g enough to beooBio thoroughly dis gusied with the Ian J) of prnnise. He is represented toy the Hawkiusviils Dia patch os an irstetligy^t boy, JitiU some eiuoaiiou. 'i he steamer that brought him to New York was forty one days in making ilie trip. —Mr. Charles Ivey, of Gordon, as we lenin from the Irwiutou Sontnc-ner. shipped a lot of je ebes to New York £js|r 80 th, which were sold ut an average of tJSi |>qr bushel. —Mr. Vf. T. K ndrick, of Talbot val¬ ley, oue day last week threshed two hun¬ dred bushels of c its from four acres He has a field of twchty acres n* good. —The suit of Hratal bH-er against Ute Atlauttt cotton factory waa tried iu the ,oity court and r janlting in a v irdipt lu fa¬ vor of the p!a utiff for $ 11 , 000 . The amount sued lor wus $ 10 , 000 . f. —Thq Ooustitution proposes to pui ou four nety ; psges —one for the Georgia p '.c.tio , oue for lie 1 e» road to liooie, one for the new road lo A1 icon, *n^d will one for the exposition. The canal be represented by an oooisi JU il snpp'.o meut ?. —The Gopsiitution learns that psrtioB icining for go d five miles from tSoueck' found, twenty febt b'j!pw the surface, c.-r 'uteeh diamond", said to Lie equal to the African diamonds. They were pro¬ nounced by Fi i *k Go , of blow Y ii.i, g oimne . One weighed tweuty-six grains. The Inokv party was an E ig'i htmiU, Mr Joseph Itamey. -Ery CooMy Kews: A cc insit y was Been it, Blakely a few days ago A {Mm ^ an contlt y fariner c ., ms t „ town | we ; vo B nd a half bush la of c.ornr-y. q, corn-und it wai for sale. Ho Lot ua say. eofn agkia, it rounds »■« well, and there is such a lltueus abo« it in com., ctiou v.i h farmer. —Eistmaa T mtn “A few days ng 1 while M s. Johii llurQh, of Lmrunce com, y, w„« breaking soma guinea rgga | jk,, ^ ( , u ^ ^ ac( , ^ , w „ oont.iiaeii a huifctl egg about tbe size u 00wm „ bird egg, 1 .with a peific s‘kU, 4 and , about . the abnuo . and , color , cf ^ . TuU ,„ ^ / h a small ' oue) wab fxhila.dd to ttio writer by > 1 . - 9 . U. f , om wU((Ui W eoUt.iue'UUeaImval.. f ors , uatU> wb ^|. tQl|jt U1 furth* rmore Ue about the ,g g b*. for. br*.Mg it, ,e ?r M l )4 tbi '» 11 * l *» s lttr S ' 1 ll ' * u lhe u ' 6 r “2 3 fcO'bea cgj;....... ■ . .rj i,iyj eouesy. .. on «- 0 Font, reports moat sa-isf.ictoiy p ognss between thnt place cl< 1 Monlizuma in 'be w ay of dredging, blastirg and removing obsli uctioris from the chnnel. tinder ar i.'e s from the departiueut ut Washington he baa recently nailed in person all tbe counties coD'igoaos to tbe river between Albany ami M inlezu na, in order to ob¬ tain accurate and roll ble alati ties ot tbe I amount aid cbaiac'er of freiguta iu tbe way of cotton and oiher product* that will be likely to aeek waivsr t,an*p ,r atiou to market. He was surprised at tbe auioRdi of cotton produced along tbe riv¬ er portions of Do'.ly, Snmier, Lee a d Worth, and tbe incoLveni- noe and ex peuae ho lo- g ineurris] b. tbe planter* n hauling the same long distance* to tbe railroad* A 1 tbia wilt remedied by opening np tbe Flint lo navigation, which he regard* a* a fixe I fast in the near fu¬ ture. Si* regards the F.int as one »f the finest inland streams we have, and des¬ tined to bk'jotwe * most important aud valuable ar'ery of commerce, at least aft far up as Monteiiiinia. B.ll Arp eases bis u si-i regard to in oendliry Sherman, as follows-' We en dorse Bill bearn'y : Fai mighty glad J« 6 Davis fcaa w«kf d np them »ucenrfn,ries who burnt our Country Colmnbia is oie place and Sher¬ man belt ts another, at.J its lung and wide and fen tbon-and witnesns-es still fire to testify arid be carj't du Utl tior Looey* fngg'fe *t m $ a id I went him to go down to hi'- grave with a balo of nbacnd Bfoui*d biio; ! do—ibat’s a tact. Kaekou ; woo d delay buroibg Caftftv.lle, clo^e by j w ^ere I live—horning her chnrches tnd colleges, every su g’e dwelling tnd ou ,boo*e. Eecken he woo d deLy tearing l a5; cemhtery pltc r-s .i K,me v-here my ehildreu w. re burn d, and taking the tombstones and monuments for big forti fi rat ion when there wm tbousends of rock close by. Wei), he did Lave just one lor it was a monument to sn cffi.er of the Coiled States navy who died before the war. He mrds his soldiers protect that. Talk about Sherman to me. lXe’s'^otiso more pi'y, nor mercy, nor sentiment, than a C imanebe Indian. It’s a little thing to spesk of, but it makes me mad every time ’ I tbit,!: abont them lying rascals saying they caught Mr. Dsvis in peiticoats and ’ has known it lie lor fif Shertuan was a tern years and never denied it, and the whole yar-kee nstion believes it to this ddy—dogon tbeir slanderous pioftnres. I'm for Mr. D*vi«, I am, tnd the longer he hves tbe brighter he shines in the gal i aiy of treat and good men. bo mota it be. Sulphur. Springs Soles. —Crops are in guoJ ctuiiliuoa in this section. — .t’r, Cluts, Hardy had a fine mule worth $150 to die n few any* sitiee. — Airs Stinson lets been quite i 1. Slic is yet not thought to be out of dancer. —Mr- Tiiitfonl and family ure here f am Columbus for his he dth. —Me. J. if Gilloqm*. J L’., has been in Urecnville for three or four days, silting «s one of the justices in the trial oi Turner charge', with killing Shuttles. '—Some hf on. voting ladles leave to day to l.Uc iu tin* commence TtV iiffrtttfrfff went at Col hmDus, Aub irn. ike. 1 top m 'cii'goos of fun*’ rt these maiti of pjeus ure. — Mr. Willie “liver fr. m South Oaro'ina is vi.-iting bis aunt Mi.-s Oliver ei tbia place. —One of our citizens, who is tin re footed on top of itis bu d, is tbiiiking of resorting to the stuitagi lit of having a spider uiuwu upon the bald crown, no as t j frighten oT the flics. —'SVie Closinv Fieri isc.- of tins High School will commence on 27th and an I UUtli Monday and Tuesday, ex.imiuuti, p 0 f C aascs. 'i’uiadiy night, calistheuios, icc: tations, &(j. Wodccsday morning, U o’clock, leading of cusaj’s by young la liis of highest grades, and ad tie s by L C. Joevy of Columbus, Ga, WeXne.day tvuU iug, Concert, Ifooil Jottings. — Our debuting so i :ty has adj niruud sine die. - Spring oats me a f.ilurn -Cotton picuouts au ordju iry nppsirance and com, thnvigh a nim.b nnalbr itcreago phihted,.looks decidedly more fanciful. TVs community lifts suit i'U*>d a Wver« loss in the iKa’b ot Judge Hfnry Mo« which occurred Situid.iv evening. A whole solve I mail is l id silcutly away till tin* lesmc.ct'on morn, an 1 icgrcts arc slilyed by t ic assurance Hint there is a sivoet 'Lye anil live ’’ —Tim closing cxrrchMB of Frof. Thom aslon's scliiro! were ivimc seii and highly enjoyed by a large number of spectators. The pupils di I credit to them*elves and honor to tin* r t ,tor an This accompli.-hed .I'hi-.tnr.t. MajJ R. H, Bulloch was called upon,to addre-s the school which he did iu an nff ih’cjn) 1 c and to ion so a little mirth brought to bear all 'liu tbive of modem lore upon a pone ol light btenk*’. It, A. lUisael also addrcaced tbe er.iwd ami tdo* it hr tlitoit ing n ilictori j il hoqnet at the la dicp, Moreau Roberts the mot ytmtlilul spodu-r rcspomlj I to lm'U, nod whim lie ilink ifl on the ’*i':‘ht bro.iit,’’ Ins la nd reacheil from the lit limy AM intio to the culm I’.tcif’c, in discussion of the allitnpor tunt ftuVj.u t e 'u'atiO’*., •*— Y/.f ure to ho oongrutiil ifed that we h ivo gnoj utii* fliuient officers to enforoo our muaicipul Jay.**, The appointo-t in specters have ih ol.ircd Jl.e following per¬ son* duly elected and ttoy wdi all once iter upon the di cliuge of their 'ilutjes. Mayor, < his W. Flournoy, Recorder, T. J Hunt. H dit. DiVi'i, Wolf Woifaon, It .bu t Spivey, J A. Murrah and 13. F McGee, oouacilmei* Fllerslle Soles. — V.'haat thro .hing has .commenced.' —We have recently h ni fine seasons and or<ips are now glowing raidly. — M- 8 . Btribling has a fmkey hen which ban laid fifty eight eggs tlaio spring. —The closing ex *roiscs cf I'ref. E. W. Rodger-’ school near Ojtnula look place last Friday, and tbe result was entirely satisfactory lo tbe patrons, demon ilrating j that the Prof bad d me his whole (Inly. The examina'ion was thorough and rigid, aud rifh cted tnneh credit ou tbe 'pupils and teacher We congratulate the citi¬ zens of Catania in being so fortunate in seeoring the services of Prof. Il idgera. —After the examination closed, an ad dress by K v. II. 0. Fentrice and Dr Brewster, were delivered, ahiob w'ftrft full wi h instruction And highly iuterest ing. —Miss Ida Tarvin worn the ptige as the best speller iu Prof. Rodgers school. Mr R J fimi’.h of Ml. Air? has-, in connection with his mill, machinery for making chairs. Ha makes a first class Chair and cannot begin to supply tbs de¬ mand. lie baa j rat rojtived uo order for a thou-nmd. —A young married lady in this neigh¬ borhood, gives Lror “oetter ball" tbe affectionate appellation of “Gons.n Dor ham ” . -------•*# Tax, llecelvcr’s Notice. Lift Round. I will be at the foflowing p aces for the last cail, at the following times, to wit. At Valley Plains, Hatnrday the ‘ol J(jne t] ,. yj v , oei aad at u j; jb erl’s in tbe m'-»rnooc. At Hood oa Monday ilt 20tb, till noon, 1 and at Coefiran’a iu the evening ^ WfaUwvj )a io lha moroiuK of th e j oj , t and ut ‘u^ vl(J sons’ in the f veniug. ! M c , JohtJia8 ttt3tc ) u ltsa moruteg of tht 2 2ad and at tha Upper l'Lh in the , eveIiio g. A . [he L jwer j 5 , h in tba mornip g 0 f 23d. /.f*er which time 1 era be found in H(uoilton ntltU llie first Tuesday in Joly, r gfiail close my books. Ail concern wiURsk# doe notice thereof t-fid bo governed accorjmgly. ! C. IX. Pbicuabd, B. T. K. ■w* No matter what j our ailment. Brown’s rou Bitters "v,ll help nature cme it. --—— lhe lost Sp.* u./ medicine known is that j tiwngtberring toeie, Browns Lou V tters. Jlarris Coujitt/ School Hoard, J ( SB l lli.M 1HS1 C*' ;, ho County Bear'd of Education met iu Ham it ton ou ih i it Tuesday in June, Preset)', W. I. Hudson President, Flyuu Hargett,Sr . %V. C. JolynstOD, T. J. Neal and J. F. Jaukiua. Otdeied by tire Hoard that the Public Schools of this County ahull commenc* on or about tbe f ret of July ami oou'ione sir y days. And it is further ordered that at the expiration of ea"*' term t.l school , each und every Teacher shall h ive atlaohed to bis or her report, a our tift.srla I rum the Trustees iu in*. bub llsst iu which said School was taught, c.eriifj iug correctness of said reports a full and complete report of the whole number of Soholars admitted during the term, dis lingtiisbiug lieuwcen male ami female, colored and while together w th tl e uun e thereof, and the eulire and average at ten Jat oe, &o. Ana nntil such report shall have line.-! prepaid and filed by arid Teacher, with the County School Com¬ missioner, lhesi.nl County S. C. shall noi audit the aooouut of eaid Teacher fur his or her eervicoa. Oa motion, Mr, Tamo* O-btnn n-poinf ed a f.ooal Trustor in Bluo Boring sub Dart, for tile term of three year*. Tuere being no furGior l usiuo** tbe B >ard a- jou intd to incit the first Tuev day iu Ju y n< x . Win. I. Hudson, l’resideut. Wm. H Spend,O H O. Y .p 'ost d $ I ) note by not odlitip on Ujltiu Jeff irsou wlien you were iu lovn last. I have decided lo Kurvku Cigars Try the Kurt k i ( ig-ii» for fi cents. They are the best in the muikut. F. r sale only at Cook Brothers. Se ll anyhow, any w *r, to any one, for ho C'»Hh~ think of good FI ur f<»r Iuno tlmii $7.00 p(Sr barrel, C »tu 75 to 8 ) oIh. , B*o g-m ebboi* 1fr> l 25 i>er pair, gNod < ’t If o 7 pauudb for ^ 1 . 00 , meet at bouuui UaUm, 2000 , vi hni is i ? Do tills ua what “?D05’’ is* If f out gr-1 on (lie trail of any Cash, I will mi i it idose lo get the game—o Jl ou iuV u*» T"l [ T, ROLU.V JEFFERSON, 133 West *i ie B.oui otr,.et, Columbus, Fresh Fentons. Cook Brothers keep lemon* always in stock. Gall ou ’A ton if y ; ,u wjhb a fiesh article. Brown’s Iron li tters banish 111 -health, tboug .Uot sulehli) mclaUL- oly.l ole. NOTICK. 'Die uodevslirnio take* |d cits ure In an¬ nouncing to toe ladies of lliuiiituu and virird v that h» bus a lar a sto k 'of new Millinery Goods on hand, which he will sell at low (iricts. Mis I/mgsUore and Mi s IJzzie Kowe will l«) pi -sued to have th.-ir trioniJB i*u:l on them. Respectfully, . 1 . F a*i-i.uiizs, Ncxtdior to Mi'Ier A If ivi-' i.|iO!*KIoic W ui.t Point, G Hood’s Eureka. Hamilton, Oa., May 27,18dl. Messrs M. 1). Hood & Co., Di nr him: — Please ship ur, one dozen of your Eureka River Medicine. We have a good demand fdr H-. and it give* aa'lsfoc tion in the diseases for V,hreli it is iccom mended, We cau cordiu'Iy endorse if. ltfbiv A M*«i/ft. Druggie’S. Not ice* J will be at my offi *e in Hamilton from this date until the first of July tut ttc purposs cf uttknding to school butines* for the several sub dist’s. of this conuty. Those who ajrply for license vnii«t bring a recomuiendstion from Tnvuslees end coj.y of oontrac'a with tbtir l’a'rone. Taaohasft will plea*n take note and ^orern themselws accordingly Wm. Ii. KftU>C», C. S. C. 2905. 2903. 2903. 2906. £905. ‘2905 2905 2905 2005 2905. 2035. 2905. 2005. 2905 Ayer’a Ague Core baa saved thousands of lives in toe mataiial districts of this anJ othar countries' It ta GcrranteJ d 09 I jaj n and apeedy remedy, and fiee ft ore ^ Lj . rm ; a i i D {..tJj.nts. 81 A YEAR. 2005. 2905 “2905 290.5 2905 Horrible Murder. One of the moat, liorriblo Cases o? fcjm der that ban ever come Within our notice, has been recently developed lu Vlt-verly Hull district in thin county. A terribly mutilated body *os 'found Sunday near he Mulberry creek, A coronet's inquest was hold oViif the body, Tuesday. last st v.Uicli thelollowing testimony w 8 adduced. ad.'H rxarxr stvon.v. About 11 o'clock on Sunday la< went from Thomas Farley's house, down to n certain willow log across the Mulbeiry creek- Went from there up by Luttrui. j melon pitch across the cott n patch up ■the hill to the 11 o fence, between Mr*, fftrlov an 1 Wu X. ttieil. Went .own to the swamp in Mrs. Xfurlfry’s fieh). 1'aiU Horn the tWaxfnp leads to Jfra. Jotle’s. Got to (he rwauip an 1 heard a no.so to the left Wont to 0 : whit the noise was. t-aw somctUins ying on th<> gioumi. Aft.r looking good decided it w-.w a .me deceased p.-rgon. 'iliouebt it was l’ftor Maun Tin tight it iv.'ia Urn because I heard bj \v s mi-sli g. It Cioitu l me rouu and I • ft'Cut on the path to Airs. Joins'. • 1- met Thomas a Mill.or ami tarn, d I'.hu b o!: to show-him th < Ixi-iyi Me. MiUn r thought ttuwa.- the 1 ,. tj rtf Sbime «lwid jicraott. i Body was nil gone cxepi fr«a the »*i down. One log off shove t ie ankle nml OUi jeat b low the knee. From the looks of Ihc body 1 thought it was Peter. acSi rasLXT sivoiix: Oil about the ls : - of June, IVlev Miuiii and .iini Farley pus i d my iiouMe (e jcUnr going to hoc i.i Mr. Lull roll's he'd in the fo’*e iioon. At noon Jim i'.irlcy came back lo my spiing. where tlioy were i*i tn * hab¬ it of eating .dinner. Peter w,i* not with him. lie ask d me If l had f-cu I'eler lie was wet un i muddy und bad ids pants tolled up to Ills knees, lie appealed to bo ix its I. lie .do Only a ii'iinll piOCb ot bread an 1 meat and s d 1 in; was n it iiun uvy. 1 a-Uud him where iVtov wv. . Ho said til vt l’eter lult the field about t/o'eto ;k Jim Fmley i* no kin t»> nio. 1 think 1 d is nt bail el Kinder, qtt >md»i>n»o and fo to From wli.u I riiiv of him I c*rig wet at rlii ner time 1 thought tip had kill' d l’eter und ihinwii h'm i’i the creoh. Kcehi.-n t, ■ ha excited at dinner. My wife sa'* Jim lar ley ai d IVb rMaim clo-e togdii'i, as if iltt.i .1 rulingi ou the uiorn'.>t£ that lVuir was missing. M%. w«. tr. urfrurax,' svfohjt. • Hired Jiui Farley t.uui tin father ‘<r. tYui present v *ar Has been tivi g with me cine * January. Il .ve lmd some trouble with him. f*. in his UoiiluieiH v,u;s JI is run Away nothi n', good cause, once or twi o an i gone to his f' fan's. I h 'vc found him tiverliriiilng and quarrelsome with hands witli hh*. cspceiiilly with tmull Umi. 1 regard him ns.a l>»i. bov. tiomu ilny., I.oto c lids llody was found 1 laid seie.ftl hands bin d by the day. Auioi.g' the fay hiinds was lvtcr Mum. 1 went to Coltiiuhu*. Left no day linrids but Iyfci: Hu and Jim were liociiur ior:i tope ho, iu a Uelil on the i icek when 1 lift Tiiryfi wore lie hands nearer Unit Tun lanloj’e, on the oppiisi c k Je oMIu erfcvK, t-lfico ir four huudred yard off. About . ix o’cWi k in t)ib morulng Hint 1 got h vrk Ir. f , CM* rtm’oun, a ft ir the hoy v.* n misaiaij, I iound J tin hud run away, It's faUtet . b^bukllt him hack. lie worked imtil the 11 th. tl if tiny before Abe body was found, ’ihia I gave him pertid sion to go to Hamilton after cle.in elnthos. lie scut me wotd be could not get luck Mutiny. Kuudiiy aliiiut 12 o’clock. Mr. Jldncr rode up to my house and told me Adam Fitrlcy li *ci found Peter. I gor. tuy home and rode in lhe direction lie a dd tie found Idlt). 1 found A ’am at 'Join Far’ey’s. 1 g t il;eia to g i with me and show me where the boy was found. They were both very much excited and seemed to- 'think Jim had killed Peter. 1 examined the body and ntn satisfied it wan a human ho ly veiv much uiuliilaltsd. Both legs appeared to he off, one just below the knee, the other just above the unkle. From the breast up was pone. 1 wint to Hamilton to hum Jim niresfed, on'Susp'olou, hut he had iuu iiivnv. Pin t of the eliathing and part of tbe inibsing bones were found neftr where ill* bi.tly was The lieua had a »p!H in iho back at the ‘head of the Spinal column, a'out two and a half Inches Ion*; Itici mw to have been cut with an axe cr hue, and was iuCl ient to produce Ucatb. JaKXaAHil, J»t., SWOBS Kays that, he knows the hotly before ft ho j ity Is Pebr, Ids brother. Recognized tbe shirt found to be the one that Peter had 'on. Peter told witn ss that he and Jim b ,d quarrelled at the well some time ago. Ji a Fitzpatrick told me that Pet r told lorn tliai he and Jim ha I u quarrel in thu fi -ill the (ley before the missing o f Peter, VV’ttue s an.l Ande'son Wliitehead ivtoft wi h J;m Farley the night of th» day of the iui sing of Peter, to Mr. I.ultlelFs house to watch after him and he ran awaf. ile appeared to lie very uneasy the ni^ht that he ran away. MS. A . C . JOffhAX, SW'lE.V. X saw Jim I’ailcy the evening he was brought up to liny house from the fi* XI. t asked Lite what had become o f Peter aud Fe said that be had ruu away about 9 o’clock and wa* going to cross the river into Alabama, task'd him if he had killed Fc.cr. ifild he had not. ’.Ve* tifil easy und excited. II* was carried from my store to Mr. LatUtli'a to he kept until morning, but tan away. Hive kuowh J m Fatl y lorteo or tweivo yeirs. K garJ him ol b d eliara ter. He is high tem¬ pered and over beat ing. I hate alwayt (hougbt th-t be killed Peter Maim. Vrll'DiCT Gtoigia, Harris County:—An iuq'nwitioa lield iu said county before J P. Sutton, J, P . atliuK coroBor. In tire case of Peter Menu Wing found (lead, after lic&'ing the evidence in raid case have decided that Peicr M u-n came to hia dcatii by the band* of J.m I alley, Colored, by the us# of h e, axe, or sumu other sharp tool sod wu imthet find it to be murder. W U. Luttrull, Foreman. L. B. Milner. A C. Jordan. J. W. Spark?. T. B. Hanmtft. Ua¥ld ^’ ,i,rd ’ K. C. Milner, Sv. The t*oy Jim has baen eaptnred and ’* now iu jail. Ha confess* pleads self •’ ... .m* a-:me, ont - oaCjfefl&f*.