Hamilton journal. (Hamilton, Harris Co., Ga.) 1876-1885, June 24, 1881, Image 1

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THE HAMILTON JOURlWl, Subscription Pries $1 A Year. J. L. DSiTSTCS, nJBLISESE Hamilton* Ma., J/nse £4, IS'll. ■jjjyjii—taeAf IV-??ff? ! Za tf whoiijuj filjpti:ic.' ■—Mr Fr.-.nk Harris, fjjc gaver al yens baa been. chief < agiowtx cf the (Jolumbu-: &, Home railrojd, hvs aec-otp : "c lucrative po.-iT:on on tlto Gtorgfa Pa ciftc U|jd« General treated Gordon. . Sir. Harris is a faithful workman and the Geoigie. Paettc is fertunfite in SMSSfBg him. : —Mrs. PL ni ie fil'd is v'sinr-g her fail:* >er Dr; T. B.STiichetl. Her-m,’by fr.ewoa ere glad , , to see , her. -C.-T K M.tohell returned OT -ndsy f rorn a pleasaut trip to South Wed Geor- : gia- ! — Miss Battia Blacktuar a ohartnlng : 1 jouag lady of Cojyufctu.% is visi:itg . | -Hamilton the guest of Miss Al.ggic Cook. —The Cuinmbns Erqnirer man says “Hamilton has a s'.reet lamp,'’ One iu dead- We've got eight. —That l.ridge near the cemetery is to be flxad. When jt is wo shall have some¬ thing to say about fixing ihe cemetery it¬ self. —Vto hava been requested to say some¬ thing with repaid to the condition of our cemetery. If you will go see it—it stands upoa a hill and c moot be hid—there will bs little necessity for enyiug auything nbout ds condition. S)me people judge of tho refinement and intelligence of a cemmunity by its cemetery, Shall v?r raise our standard ? — We return thanks to Prof. T. L ■J ihfison for an invitation to attend the cloning exercistc of the Waverly H-ill Academy, next Thursday. AVe will be glad to avail ourself of any opporlunity of being with the people of the model farm¬ ing community of the State. —Col. W. R. IiuUretl of Waveily was in town Tuesday. He represents crops in a fivorabie bnt critical condition. With favorable seasons thei-e will be a full crop gathered. —la a conversation with a gentleman from above the mountain We were - gtud to hear favorable reports of crops. H says they are nearly as well advance as at this time last year, though planted three weeks Nter, and ara in fine condition Bain would bs acceptable. —It has been rather warm for '6 week past and thermometer ha? been up iu the nineties. -Last Sunday it reached 96, in the shads, at one place, but there were several cooler localities in Iowa —Hatnittou wiil be full of visitors this summer. —Misses Bit-file Scheucssler and Alice J ,'hnson are gn.-sts of Miss Mamie Couk. —Miss Johnson cf N.w Hope is the gne-at . of Silts Lila Barnes. ,, —Attention merchant,-' MtBride * Co , AU*nta, g«li Wixite Gi^he a ad C. 0. i "Ware at Iaiporteis pricaa. Glassware j nt,imped and piece Tin VVaie, Wooden ITare, at manufacturers boltoin prices, ftneciahies—Lombeths Pufent improved T j Fsua, Seth Thomas OIr-cks, Fruit -Jars, tea GreMu Freezers, Baer G u ert Lamps aad Lamp Goods of .very kind. —Show Oases, Looking Glasses and 1 P.oioros, Bar „ Mirrors ... and , Brr _ Fixtures, r , . | Tffst Coolers, Bear Coolers, loo (Jio.u) j Freezers, ChaDdi’iiers, lo tn ns of every i kind, yon esa save money in fright rd breakage by sending your ordars io Ms Bride & Go., AH a* a, Ui. —Oersplato stock of Tump Goods tn every variety, at lowest prices by AT. Bride & (Jo., Aiian'a. V nor Luxqrs, Hall Jjanapr, Boer Coolers, L.. r uy LOrnyv", Glass Lamps, Brais Lamps, Bailroad and F irmors Lanterns, Lsmp (.V imnies. Don’t aeusl c ft, wo oan defy oompotitlon on these Goods. —Seth Xhor? a Clocks, Laailreths P.rt eat, Fly Fars latest improvement, Show Cases, Look'ug Glaeses, Silver; FUted Ware, Rogers Cotlsry, Agate Iron Ware, Beer Coolers. Wo aro Slanufaoturers j agents for above Goods, and sell at low st prices. McBride A Co., Atlanta, Job- I j bars of Earlhanware, C-iiaa, Giass Ware Tin & Wooden Ware. I —Speak gently to my mother.* She is ; suffering with a severe congb, bnt we ‘ have sent to th^store of Murrab & Craw ford for a bottle of Conssen*’ Honey of Tir, which is highly reccouuu ended by all who use it. Price 50 cont3. —Take the buckeye out of your pocket nnd make an application of T.ibley’s Bu*keve Pile Ointment, if you ara suffer¬ ing with pile*. Von will certainly be Cured. Price 58 cent*. For sale by AInrrah & Crawford. Fix., j j —Dr. Hunter of Lake City, save:— “I have used Half's Tetter fl d It ngaorm : Specific iu my practice for a number of and find it exct-ltent remedy for 1 years, an Scald-Heart, Ground-Dob, Tetter and ; Ringworms.” Sold by R.ky & Mason, | Drupgists, Hemil'on, Ga. —Hall’s Positive Caro for Corns, wil Cure Warts, Sora aud I .flamed Jomt* and Buaions. Sold by Ruey & Mxsou i Druggist*, Hamilton, Ga. Notice. | Tlere&fter we will bo obliged to adhere strictly to our rule of cash in advance for all legal advertisements inserted in tbe j Jovenal, except with business houses with whom we have a running aec unt. We have upon several occasions expet ensed inconvenience by the negligecce of parties to *ett!e according to promise and ; tbe only remedy we con see >" to iasUt eu the observance cf tbe eb -ve rule. We : are entitled by law to out psy « sffvafcye, credri • and we cannot flff rd to grant where there is some imts no re'poasibili* i All who are indebted to us for legate adtertiriag-will p’ecse call and pay t* ? ' ■onef. If the adveiiisemeut has t)r haEited into the offi e. the fee is due and must be settled. We need the money— j or our creditor* «io. ■ j Beat it ichocnn . Mr. H. T. Zahe*- hn C€ 1 on onr fa¬ ble tbe Tfcxffo po f - fca meadkiires siz and J jj> cd nine iachea in ,-- jjt ^ * f»W jf ftp*# t JOURNA \ H i £] m ON 4 A im I -A **** *« *r <* i » * v .■ ' n i • Y_J J. -i VOL. IX.—NO. 25. The State l -liversitv. I.r.st Tttr»ttA\ , J tV-Tt.'titulTon con vpA’y miqk>s.ti|Uj{ report btatelJn of lli^lv.grd* iversii of. \9^it4Ms to the v. From it we 1 ,that ti.ere are in attendance j up-ui tlie L T tversity proper ]5o, students, wiiile the branches at. Alilkdge vi'Tk', Thosflftfc'ville, Cuth 'hurt aii.T D:\hh r n“ ga have an ag i-’ro-jatn ot 99.. The income of the university is $40,370.70, of which amount the thirty paying students contributed $2,100. T he board nays “a beg . gaily showing indeed. But this furnishes the moat powerful argu incut that can be adduced in favor oi the total abolishment of scholas¬ tic lees, and the immediate inau¬ guration of tree tuition. The srep already taken in that direction ly the trustees of the university in the establishment of four subsidiary branches of the main Athens foun¬ dation, all of them tree, makes the necessity inevitable libit the parent institution must ere long extend the same guraeqn to her mmtricn lates. hailing to do so there will be an immense loss of prestige and popularity to the university among the masses, However wrong ana unfounded, the tact cannot be dis¬ guised that scores .ot farmers ar.d men in moderate circumstances, refuse to accept the free scholar¬ ships tendered by ihe trustees,from the belief that their s-ons and wards will occupy inferior positions in tho‘universally and be looked down on as charity rtiulcnts: “Every attempt haa thus far fail, ed to disabuse them of this eiro tiVotis ufofi., Suid as a cor.sequence OU I* noble institution !an2uisfn*s.’’ The committee think ibat free would treble or quadruple tne attendance, and that tho ous Gimc.iy <*»*n !£ reut fee ot tea do!.. ^ wou!d tf]e 'rotvrtzo' am }*!fc foi* all puiposej*. In this whole niiiuhr ;hey present sensible views, w liJ.yh H e licartily commend to the consideration of the trustees. No Jileetpjm. let. The New York legislitnre seems to progress , backwards , , in . its .. sena l ° 10 I..V election. It seems farther irom a choice than ever, and we brgiu to hope for an adjournintrii. In tore a choice is made. This in perhaps the best thing that could happen for tho democratic party. It would have a tendency tp widen the breach in republican ranks, and at the same tini; offer some hopes of democratic fcccess. When rogues lull out, honest mea may expect their dues. --- mo-o • Mr. Jot Tl-.idley, of Blue Springs district, in this County has, the finest field of cotton, perhaps, there is in this section. Last week he brought an average stalk ot the fifteen acres to this office, which contained forms dooms and small bolls, and meas . ure( j f our i rK .ji eB j u height, Arka nsns Notes. —The health of the' country is generally good. —Crops are fine .where they have been cultivated, but owing to the wet spring many are behind and in the gra^s. —Our sta’e is agitated over the “Fi-tiback Amendment.” This is a morion lo declare null and void certain railroad arid levee bonds. It is of democratic origin and nn foss the Fiidibnck faction abandon i the idea of repudiation, it will re„ j in a complete division ot the l« rI Y> — Jay Gou’i] has bought the St. j Louis, Iren Mountain & Southern railroad for $5 2,000,000. He ih trying to bay other toada in this ’ "’Ate. Some More Sugar for Bismarck Br*nev.de Advaitiser. , Gnr renders may not know a tew i facia *1 interest about the State i r g;tJ that we gathered on otir re* cetti trip over the same, to wit The road' ia 120 mile* long, and ni - nt t. Aorj. i x 000 over it at the rate ■! oars ’ ff m fifty to sixty trains pi r dn . .te ’ If these ears were placed along in a line from Atlanta to fj. , would be ten miles of trains left over to go on aorue other road, \Y .I, Joseph may have had Radi¬ cal proclivities and r» *y have been ndiscreet and all that, blit r of two we are sure; He can run iai road and bo- ig # INDEPENDENT DEMOCRATIC NEWSPAPER. HAMILTON, GA.. l-TtlljAV, JI NK l$fi G ear-gin -\V ws. —Art' Atlanta letter to the Avis»us ta Chronfcle eava it is tjohtteJ uj. theie that “Gen. Gordon is pl'Os peel ively the 1 richest umn in the Stale, Gov. Colquitt is reported to have recently made several thotis— and dollars by the «sale of a coal mine in which he and Gordon were in tcrested,” — A Coweta county preacher ir-,filing through the country, took ortt his false teeth mid put them under the baggy seat. The road was rough anil his grinders i >Ued out ard were lost. When iie arrived at his church he copldu’t preach. —A fellotv tried to brat Geo Grogan, of the Elberton Gazette, out of $2fi at Chattanooga, because he had a pistol in his pocltep which in the hurry of leaving the hotel, he could not put in his valise. IL> carried the fellow up to his room, pulled his pistol autl threatened to shoot the fellow, then looked irm ap in the room and overlook the Atlanta train at the last switch. It don’t pay to fool with an edi¬ tor. We fintl the following items in an Athtdia letter to the Savannah News. —Railroad matters aro very quiet just now, but something startling is expected soon in rt'garl to the Georgia Pacific railroad. A very prominent railroad man — one who is interested ir, the syndi¬ cate t hat proposes to fatlild Gordon’s road—told me yesterday that tho line would not be completed in a hurry, and lVmted that there was a good deal ot humbug about the whole thing. The engine?!- yorps aud working gang are still in the field, and twenty or thirty miles will soon he ready for ilie crossties and iron. Time only can reveal what vyi'l "be done. — And now Air. II. I. Kimball corues to the front with an old canal charter in his pocket and promises Atlanta one. lie says lie never lads togive what he promises, hut forgot lo add that what ha gives generally tails in the end . —Gninervide is not satisfied with hei railroad, and she proposes to take a hand in constructing a canal from that live city to Atlanta. Alt that is needed lo make the project a grand success, and to insure its speedy completion, is about thrss million of dollars—a mere trifle. Bill Arp, in his last Sunday's tet¬ ter to the Constitution Says: Well, wo have laid by a good part of the corn crop and its done with until fodder pulling. No hard « oik in July, and its not re¬ corded that we will pull any fodder i: > Au *n<t. It hurts the com some, and wo can buy it at 90 cents a hundred in the tall and sell U to tho cotton growers next spring for $2.50, and we’ve got a bum full of clover and there’s more to copie from the second crop, and the crab grass will be numerous and can be mowed with the mower, and the oats will fill up everything, and so I recon the corn crop will 1 e all done except the gathering, bnt these poor cotton makers have got to work and sweat and grunt all (fig summer iong, ^nd bn until Christmas, and be in an everlasting strain and stew all the time. Then t p e y w itl se i| for about what Ju, costs to m >ke it, or perhaps less an ^ if there n any profit at ail the speculator will get it. It would a great calamity for cotton to get down to .7 or 8 cents next fall, but I recon rt would be the beat j ihing for our people, tor its ^ etler > to break all over ;U once than to be the time. > breaknpr jillie bv It tie ftH ; it would tench ’em a lesson that, will. • nothing else IU re ' . I . tiring wc are enjoying now as well I as we can, though I’m prepared to - sav there’s thing* id nature I enjoy j .h» ,.a tagC: It te..p. busy looking ibr eta -on *he ch , dres and grersfing 'em with salt J butter; but l tell ’em they are a I heo’ttiy Bisect, for they feet,- the • »' , ' ,-As Jflhe ei in open 1 and' rrv . - doctor s bills. I never knew , any- ; . body to die while red bugs w ere ’em— and iu bettor lo save ita by a scratch than not save it at uii. I ’ Victim* to Constipation and its tinfold miseries keep in good condition by a I can of Aye □rest, j tat-stolid most rei.At*«c vavliumc. Another tear in Getytoa. * Ihiwkinsvlile pfitpatclj. A grand temp«r.‘ uic » moveineat tins been inan«’ttra,' ,e <l >b Uyor.rw, i. ami we are s " ,V»'«\a«.o of the livelier ,. carapaiiAp . \ i ^ , , . in the state. We'ldtiK llto wepnri Are at the bottom fronTtho are <».>iug to have lil>i'*i W'tiw*' assisiarvoi men. AI».w '» «oun ... , have already^ , , , , ,. f K ties ‘ 1 tion laws, and nilM« . or* looking to the ,1> u iy I which nveets on the 6th "XT 1, month, tor tbs passage of bills for their respective counties, A teaiper anco State convention has been called to meat iu Atlanta on the 4th of July rorhseuss the question and agree upon seme general prohibito¬ ry law for the State. Wo doubt if the present legisla ttire will take any decided steps m the matter, The members tvill urge, and perhaps with some degrse of reason and justice, they were elected before tho prohibitory movement was inaugurated, But if the friends ot temperance can get the question properly before the people, the next election for mem¬ bers ot tne General Assembly will be otic of thu most, lively and ex¬ citing known in Georgia, iu many years. The nfcxl election will take place in October, 1882, and the present legislature, after closing it a atljon, ed session, will meet no more. The people will have fully a year to d li¬ Cllss the question and select their candidates. It would not surprise us it prohibition is made ihe main question in tho campaign, and pern ocrats, Republican* and Iudepen fieitl, be entirely left out. Iu such an event tile candidate would he ru quireil to ph iltre himself either tor or against prnhibi i n. Prettv Fair Scratching v WsHUngteu Post. Gen. John B Gordon hit ihe United Stales fFne.t# to earn a hv ing for his family, fl- *eetn* 10 have found jirotfy fair scratching. Within fifteen mimth# hs has or¬ ganized a railrord four hundred end seventy nr rules long with $ 10.500,000 capital every which is Hubsonbisd, and stocked a coal mine at $100,000, the capital ot winch is secure’.. Interestinit to Ladies. » Oat lady rhkdern tan hardly fell to have ihr.r fttlrntion osllel this week to lb* comUnalion 1 improvement* iw that roort n-icfnl of ill doroestlo imp'ovs mont, tha “rtow.ng rvoohipa.” As^we understand it, a machine for f*mily are should meet first of ell these reqniromenla: It rhoold be simple in its meohmifim, so ns to be easily mended; it ahoull run easy, r6 bs not to vrenrj tbe workor unduly, it should do a wide range of work, that tbe owner need not wish for »ny other machine; it uhonld be ns nearly noiseless *s possible, that it ~r«a - • »»»-i » light, handsome, durtblo, and as oheap as is oons stent vri:h excellence Jthrough These conditions the “Lfght tinning New Home’’ certainly meetn. It has also several very important and nsefnl attachments and “notions" of its own, whioh go far.to make good Its claims to popular favor. Now a great many ramifies have teen and are still nsiog tbe old msrhines wailing for the times lo improve, wait ing for thu latest improvements in 0t gigns and mechanical excel ence. Bat why deter joEgerr Considering Ihe ie% prh)« at which good machines are now sold, and the improvements that have been made, now is a good time to buy ant tba “New Homo’’ special!* r»ccommends to purchasers on account of its superior raccuanical construction, ement and reasonaiile ba7 a wlI:|otl b «ve b(lf . n R0l d ,; n (he te.st three ye*#*, all of w y J i t h ar* giving universal satisfaction, xbis unrivalled machine is m»nnfact«red by .KDINPOX CLUCK AG O , 80 Union Square, New York, who wish e* to aev that all who wli! send for their nrw illustrated catalogue and enclose tlreir advertisement (printed or, another pogej wi =t receive a «t »f fancy advertising to — Onr Agent. -j Ir . W . P,, Tucker is our genordl agent above the moODfoin *nd is authorixed to solidit ar.d receipt for anbsctipi.oDS to the Jatmtua. Any aid Riven hire in ** ^ cire£)JaUon ,. a highly appreciated. 7 food Wanted. Parties on the line of C. & it Rood can get cot trad* for delivering Cord-Wood on th© way of ri^fct of tb© C. K. apply fo “Colnnohm Wood Yard”—»oppo site C. l* Dcp'jf. U Hat hi Cj., I’.cprys or. «'• WmkmH&men¥ ’ F-derefSes. ] Tke.cypnisu^f'ment exercises of Han - .' i iltca pale ipd female College were inan ]’psrated SJnn^ay, by the ^imimeuatnient Sertpjfi, Church which Ijy.lfey. w«s preaebsd It. at tbs Bap ««t w^davofeM K Callaway, 'Monday to an esamina tltin of (bo pttjijlw, i-Vich was entirely sa fisf B ot 0 'rjr to the’ frfenWtrtlia sqbt^ol. ..Monday night vra« pupils, derf^n^t^ thp exhi uition of the junior was an «><••**»*» All iilwell. . Tuesday lifternonn aij^s'. Cabfc.lr, I< Stanford delfyevad the aonuol Uta. theme *. 1)Ub i io koUjoIs,” is one of vital interest any} was handle^ in his bappiest etyle. Tuesday evening’s exercises were Vary iultrusting oci 1 qU of the aonior pupiin of the aoUool did well. Sirs, Lowe's music clues furnished muaio for the occasion, svh.ch was certainly one of tho pleasant cst features, fihe has been in charge of the music only a law weeks, and the per formnnoe of her pupils was really remark ab | a Wo regrot (hat we cannot Rive a more ex ended notica of i ha rkeroisee. ■ m Wool <*t IhomanvilUt. Thomasvillo Times: “L'.st Tuesdily Was a I,,Id day for wool sellers In Thom, asVillo. At an early hour a long train of wagon*, ludsu "with th* olip of wool in Oolqailt county, filed down Jrtck sou street. It belonged to Bubers, Miu pbys, Pierois ahd others. Tho lot oon sisted of tmnty Sve balss, whibh avarag •d Win poutd* to the hale nmkiug 14,00'A pounds. Of coarse buyer* were Boon si tively anggfd in negotiating for the whole lot cf it. The o wner* dually kecurs. pool od out am? cold the whole lot to Bass MtKinnrtn at SO cents per pound, A simple .alcnlalion will show that this single dot of wool brought tha haudsime sum of four thousand two hundred dol lara. 'J'hst beats'cotton out of eight. Strong Testimonial!): — Rrv. Caleb W Key, fal lui of Itjr. Jos- 8. K<y. nay si — "When I hm Jh yowr city, you jfavo me a baitl* of tapping'* Comiouud Kxlract of Bucliu. When I caure konm 1 begun tnk I trig It According to dfortiora. I have j never eftcial received effects. from I feel any writ remedy «ueh 1 bsr a« now us over felt in my Ufa, afior aulfuiing many yaara frm» kidiiey tvfftihlea. I «l«ia H air in valuable remedy for d:* 1 a»-s nt tho Itidnayk aini wtinavy urgnnv, >'.\ h as in .vv .ou, in fl mimatioft, etc. Plena f irvarrf nr*, •• / , d bottle*, anl'mAe me your j once, one 1 ohm agent Tor Asig'iitft. I vh uv I (tan lutro iimwi it ext*u*tvely tisra." J Manufactured ami for f*'e try Ifcaoaon A Carson, proprietor', doi^yl la, (teltoh* o*, <■*«■ — « A Lime Cmrrespomlmt, Mr. Khit Pi*«* m*iid in* »p»o* in th* } oasii, td ih* public »t.d In * fw.ur* dty, te eomply wtlli th* letter of Mr. J J. W. iu j M»y last. VY# »:• b!*»t w ebandeno* ■ «,f ft*in »tprv*»nt, bet we ere Somewhat j troubled by our ii.nicbuHis, who «ay« tfiay otiU not tl.e'.r ovi-i'.omkfll any eut pjjea aflsr llr*y fluiah l»yln:{-by. Thin in very ba^d ob th* laboring oba: of people who are (mpposttJ to b* farmers. Why; la tbe first pirn* there are no fruit and p a t few born** Secondly, the laborer *ho di*oliargiw hi* duty, on his form, deserves a liltls comfort and feat. Cuf flu Eesrns to h» profopt iu bearing hi* burden in f umin» timo. Thirdly, culil* is weak but willing to act well Ml part in every re.peot Fourthly, pay for what ha buy*. vVi y Nuon d ll * be forced to e'lffor daring the leiiiura grsiu will make bread ohe»;>, bat w* ere not got the grein. Our crop* ate in * prosperous oondilion. Wear* trying tn ranks some oorn ibis year. Our ootu and •Otton »re fin*. I need 1»>0 lb* of Gu ano tfai* y*»r. 800 lb* of the Soluble Pao'tte Bought ot W. C. Johnson, and 10 00 the of tbe South American Bought | of Messrs B.rnes A Hparks. .took Vfe* getung aro feeding en oats but our is very week. Well what they n.cd corn corn oorn and wbat do Cuffle knaed bread and meat meat meat and whera are Cuf «*’s boarding House if he oamt get bread and meat the J»il J»U J.il. i parted from Jit. J. J. W. B. j*t Mancie* Glossing May «th. We had a ch.arring conversa tion on tbe ishnea of the day *9. I wii answer any Oommuaition that will oon tr.dict tho above, though the columns of tbe JctmwM,. Mr. Editor you will pleaae send a few exiray oeppies to my post of fice in order to •ocommod.U .ora* of my friends that always w»nt* a n*w*y p*p* r end tint a »» to i-ubrcrib* to the Editor of the Joiibnad for it, yo* please a»ud me th* J mjanai. until I decrease, and then send * copy of th. Mat. to my F.atey for I *ia one your B n* Bpring Patron* at -Whilesvilia 3 - Tl ks. wlth»he.fers*At,neverdi«botfo:ed<lnr ing (he eight year, of it* existence, th. ’ fourth of -July will b* c«tebr»ted by ««- | pending the work in the office for or* ! , week. Oul, a sm.ll sheet conUinlng le- j ; C al advertisemenRi will therefore*# m I aae d next week. ( ! Notice. ■;> ,t;co is hcrei-y given that application will be ui.de at the next ission oi the l^' f .Rtare fer the pasasge of an eot am itidiriR the oher’er of tbe town of li laiitoa lo allow druggial to set 1 «c a.* ! for mediciiuu pur- ? f A te f.AK. JgiUuy*. i * 4n- A — ;Uli»rd^ar« ri«4».4 'yittv. spiy,V\ tiiat thn:iii:nu*jju»t ,noy, ,aui(J it, .fiseiijs nothing else can dispel ths/nionotocy of ‘boss wbo p»rlipi,mtS|,* ,. I , - Wheat threahon are bwng.ia^rUntely fed on blyet berry piea. n , „ .—l’- IX OdlWtis an(jl 9bHh .Hardy of White Balpbur b*FS rented the hotel. »o : * natural —Mr. J«o. Ifl^rpoy ttd%ne«i«il ig^rpepseesian of entity. with only one log awl It lie# die* dijwn to "Oratob. Now U'u.y .me doubts this es eertion call at Mr. Flournoy's reaWenoa and he will take p'ensore in having it shown. -« . '. ' g . r - -Wheat lhAi v;$i<a pqiAB tn thtq munity haa made a very good yield in proportion to the acreage sown. But the acreage was so small that many farmers w *h have their seed wheat to buy. - —A largo concourse of people attended LI >» o'oaiug exercises of Professor-Philip’a school Friday. The examination ' was thorough and the pppils demonstiat °d ti> 8 ability ot their tuaBbe?. CapL Henry rersous addrorsed the alt dieaoe aud iu pecapiououa language drew the atte.Uention of the people with a philosophical bomwou aease view of edu cation. Hou, A. H. Go* also made an eleqatnt address and profoundly iuterssted his heavers as he sailed them swiftly along in tho ship of lifo. M*j It. II. llullooi next name forward ami owing to the, lateness of the Lour tui.de only a few remarks ooanplimentury to the teacher aud the pupils, IVdple hover made a nobler charge on wo!1 pwtpMed Viands than they did «t 12 o’olsck. The day passed pleasantly away and many parents«ped| their way homo 1118 poasasaora of protling tongues and buoyant future hopes, Collat’d Soiitl Wanted, A good price wilt be paid for cullartl ueed at this affine. Yen lu«t a $IU not'o not aalliug oa Kalliu J 'fferaati whan you weru in towu last. I have demited l* Kurrka Cigar*. Try the Rurek* Cigar* f*r t Mate. Tuey ar* th* n*at m tbe market. Far ! aal* e»ly at C«ek irtrfher*. — i —.........—-■ Hall anyhow, nay Wey, to tny one, far Ihe 0-sli—think of gimd Flour for lane th*B 17 Wiper herrel, Com 75 to fh nt*., Bro g*n ubuei, 91 25 yar pair, good CoP** 7 punuds fur 41.0U, meat at bottom Katev. 2905, wliat is It f Do till* u* wb»t’“?p05” is? * ■ ~ u j 0Jtl K?t „„ the trail of any Cash, I ; w jll i U n it aftnw ta g*t liregata*—o»ll on j mg) Yours foW, Fresh Lament. Cook Brothers keep lemons *lway* in stock. Call un them if you wish a fresh artiel*. Brown’s Iron Ritter* haliteh lll bcalth, thought* of suicide, melancholy,I «to. NOTICE. Tlie underiitemoa take* pleasure Is au nouncing to th* ladie* of Hamilton eml viciniiy that ho ha* a lares stock of new Millinery Goods on hand, -which he will sell at low prices. Mr*. longshore aud Mis Howe will 'he pleased to b*V* tbclr fiiend* ca l on tliein. Leaprs tfuFy, J. Kiel EKBWf, Next door to MilW A HavU' M/>« Store West Point, Gn. Hood’s Kureka. Hamilton, Ga., May 27, 1881 Measts M. D. Hood ft Co., Dear birs;— Please ship mi on* doaro of your Eureka Liver Medicine. We hav* a aw*) demand for it, and it gives satisfac¬ tion in the diseases for whl-h it is teccim— meuded, We cad cordially endorse it. 31it*v ft Ma-ov. Hrn^l*’*. Notice. I will h* »t my offle* iu IlAmiteun fro» this date »ctil th* first of July tor th* porpisia of atUadiog to sobuul bu*ine*a ,-T*r th* *«v*r*l nab dist’*. of tbi* couaty. Tho** who apply i*r lioous* mast bring a r.ooujmetdaiion from T*ru*te«a A»d ftopy of cantrsat* with th.ir Patron*. TMcher* wii! plesse t.ke cote And govern them solve* accordingly \s m. M. PeioKsx, <C, S. C. Ice f or rkUeu The public can > ith ic© at w wc*t mmket-price, at Ding a arc of iff MiJksOl*. •■| "" n ~ I Tf.* Adlan is Sure amt Tkife. The celebrated img/dj:, £*#««'-Wort can now be obtained in tbs naOAl^ry Tegr etabie form, or itt tor liquid tile ioim ucpggial JjJ $onve¬ if put in the latter waj rbenas of those who os nnot JP 18 * pare It. If wi8 “be t6t)AjSSi&[oBhe9B TTsrsd find win act »tttr v Vm'iie’ oy i&aassnsrsB jd :a’.—Sontb tiio new aud VVeot. — Wl w,\w6 All |-<M$^$5$jP«Tstern h«tt!#P>»p com will do well w try fteiffiSbr-o and f nt ; <*i thou Hen. V fie? keep tb«, *t«n*uft - from iNtomtag Tftiditecdj thereby' iwqdne*{ • Guile, wi.ich Ueo oftsa. by #1’ re of dHtkkjfwJ ofn. • Prise‘*B epnti, For Halo by ttiley St MMofi* '-. *!t — - - ■ • - mt.t v;.*<v i .:*2003.”—The wysUry atfw>?h})»g to tiieas ilguros is now aulv«d (f e« 9 a * our Advertising oolutans wi'4, atm#-, and no droid of them now matins, aRcspt among thair deadly ecomivs, the pin and stomach worms that infest -the human flyateia. Tujc Recelror’p Notice, Lost Hound. •' * • ' F ■ ■ ■ ■ * if : »# \ t foUowing for «;<: I will be at thp U«t cal+, «t the io)lo»-iuj( ,twa—, to wit. At V.nlloy Plains, Saturday the tilth, of June till 12 -.’olook and at Ji. JB. Kdbert ’B in the rftsrnooE. Ay Hood on Monday the 20td’, till tio-jis, and ot Pophran’s in tha ov-ming At Wnitesyille it) the morn leg of tho 2ltt ami at Haviduons’ in tpe ovouipg. At CJoohratt* Btoro iu th* toon (IMS *f the 22 ud afcd nt the Upper lJ.h iu ‘the .evening. At tho Lower 19th iu tlio moriliuflof 2.V. After which time l can be fauud > r Haiailtou until the tirnt Tuesday lot July, whan I shall oloeo my books. All oocoare ed will tnko duo notice thereof and be governed cocordin^ly. O. H- r*tc<uitP, R. T. It. ttm No matter what your, «ilment, Jifowa’i? rou BUun Will luilp natuie.auc it. Tho heat Spttnjf metUclnfc known is tha' siranjUbuuluj.' teak, Browns boa Bittern. g O i. 2905. 2905’. , <3~ 2005 $905 2905 2905 2005. Cf . 2005. 2995. 2905 —— .«... Ayer’* Ague Our* haa aaVud thownsmls of livoft la toe uularial (li-triatR of tUia and olker cotintri**- It in warrautod it oartaia aud *R*ady roniedy, aad free fa>-4* all barufhl loRcediaiUti Nursing Klttani, Mr. Ben Luwa haa on bia plaatatlon a HMiall ret terrier that la uuniing two litlta kHUna. The adopted tuo Chur forpiahift *11 lb* uoiU ic’Lni.-ut needed by the kit t«u* cud they *eeta to be thriving a* welt a* if nursed by their real luothor. tt -r- ’ SLi T'y . 1 : i jttj.vi.ti__ ujl. i. sgaBiiar g' t g ar ." this Mystery Explained. i)(U i r I* the patent name of an nival uable remedy for remevieg from the human syatvin pi* aud utoluoeh worm* It was the preacriptiun of * oel - ebrated phyiioian, end ssved the li fo of tho child it wan t*e*ha dispense!! of fer. I t live* haa sine* beau tbe saving tbe of tboea*nd* of children by it* tiwvly n*e. It la put up in the form of pow¬ der*. roadv fur use, *bd obfldrSU lake it readily, as it ie • pl*a**nt niedieiae. Sold fej doaiet* in mmUoice el '-’A cent*. CT7 EVAPOR^TlNO MT ’l iiaprevtul FRUIT, methods. VH< icnise on RKK i - LTuble*, yields, profit*, sfo'tistio, r American Drlel np., chawnbrrvlmrg Bi. BEATTY ’8 OUGAN3 17 Wopa S *efs Golden Tongue reed* only |S5. Address Daniel F. Beat¬ ty, Washington, N. J. 4 % m P u kt* Ayox’s RairVigor, FC« RESTORING CRAY HAif! T# lT3 NATURAL VITALITY A No Pfo »» It Is a tno:t sigresahls drusiihg, AfV’"Jf is at <*jc« IimtuIuss aud efftctual, for proaii'viii* 111* hair. It restores, with the glu*. - u *d fi'ushusss of youth, faded or grey, lljiil, kuu red hair, to a rich brown, or deep black, as may he desired. By >!* use thin half i» thJck**i*<|, *Jid balilnes* ot’ihh tlioujU not always secured. It cheeks fulling of iti* Ttaieiinreediathiy, aud eau»®s a new gio»fh in *11 .case* wh^tt the ghutd* nr* nctducayoi; xvhilo lo mashy, went, *.r .uyhefv.dse ilsoasad hair, ft impart* vita jhy and strcngtlv and re.<u»is it pliable. The Vi«om cleanses (he sculp, cure* and prevents th* formation u» JandruSLj led, by it* couJing, stimulating, a;.sl soothing projim tie*, it heal* most if not nil nf Die huiuore .uni diseases peculiar tw/.lMi sosJp, keepiug U. cool, el*An> Slid . .ft, u iidar which eondRious disease* of the so.iip :uul hair are impossibl*. A« a Dr^ssfes for Lctdiesf Mair, Tha Yioeit is incoiuparaWe. Tt Is *ulor less, con*. iiuitbsr oil nor five, and wiil lAtii soil white cambric. It fin; ;in* fit* airti-.- Joie and Icrffiuf perfume, aatf as an a-'te’le for flie to Pet ft is Cbfr...:ui c.vl aud unsurpassed In its cxtraP.cucc. ri^rPAiaffH ST EJ. J, C, AYES 8 £&, lr?d! : Esi, l*nnrticrf1 sAi**Hi 1 t g OLV I iY Ai*. 3Stn'8biI38tB iT.'iik/WirSS^r pi 2905 Z2305 12905 $2965