Hamilton journal. (Hamilton, Harris Co., Ga.) 1876-1885, July 08, 1881, Image 1

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THE HAMILTON JOURNAL Subscription Price $1 A Year. w 3 . L. DESftTIS, PTOLSSESa. Hamilton, Ga., July 8, 18S1. Personal Intelligence. —Are the mounxMuero filming it oat OB J. ff Davis’* line I —It appears that the poetry only of the Savannah Hews ia registered at the post office as aacoud class matter. Iu other paper* this dutinciionys bestowed npon editorial matter. v —The late purchaser* of the Colncubus 4 Rome railroad show go d judgement in retaining the services of Mr E Igar Gray. Be bus shown himself to be well versed , * in the needs of his road and to his man¬ agement is due in a large measure its present proapero* condition. Wnan he took oharge people were afritd to ride on the road. Now there is no road in the •tats ot its length whieh has a larger d»s •enger traffic. He is an excellent officer and we oan safely predict a brilliant fu¬ ture fer him in railroad circles. —Gubernatorial nominations are begin¬ ning to be in order. E action next year. —Judge Hiram Warner died in Atlanta las week. He was considered by many the ablest jurist in the state. - Prof. W, A. Hill, of Georgetown is visiting Hamilton, wi>h his lady, the guest of Dr. T. 8. M 'ohell. —Col. Charles R Rua-tll, of (Vtuinbng, was in town last Wedne-dsy looking np the Sheriff. There was mi-ohief in hta eye, but wo den* believe he is going to assassinate anybody. —One of our g t s esys “1 don’t know what took J hnny Mobley to Alabama lest week, bnt I’ve a notion.’’ —Hr. Dogas Trammell returned last week from an ex'euded trip throne boat the southwest He wtnt as far as Arizo¬ na, and mikes favorable comments npon the development of this great section. I’ is rapidly filling tip with immigrants. —Mr. J H. 0. B’arr ought to be eap tured by Rome nice woman in search of s good husband. Hfi is one of the most sensible and sncees fnl fa tuars in the county and we should ha'e >o believe him a confirmed bachelor. List week be brought to maiket fifty pounds of lard, of his own rai-ing, for which he received a good round price A y mng mm who has a surplus of so scarce a commodity at this time, needs the influence of a good wife to bring him into enviable promi¬ nence. —Attention merchants! McBride 4 Co , Atlanta, sell Wm e Granite sud 0. C. Ware at Impart*'s price. Gla-sware Stamped so 1 piece Tin Ware, Wooden Waie, at iu •tiufiiotnrer* bottom pritwR. Specialties—Lmibfth- Patent improved Fiy F«us, Seth Thom ,s Cl eki, Fruit J««, lot Or on F- zi-s. Bier On er. Limps and L,mp Goods of every k ud. —Show Cases, L ok Dg Glasses and Pictures, Bir Mirrors and Bur Fix'nre*, Water Coolers, Beer Coo ers. Ice C e>m Freexars, Chandeliers, Loops of every kind, you cao save money in fright i d breakage by send ng your orders to Mj Bride 4 Uo., AiLu’a, Ga. —Complete «to. k of Limp Goods in •very variety, at lowest prices by M 15 de ft Co., A lama. Pirtor L miw, Ba I Lamps, Beer Coolers, Libroy L-mips Olaas Lamps Bra -s Limps, Rsi road and Farmers Lantern-’, Limp Culm ie< Don't Nil cl. «a oan defy competition on these G>oii. —Seth Jbo air Clocks, Lambeth* Pat¬ ent Fly Fans tit, st improvement. Show Cases, Looking Giassei, Silver Pined Ware, Rogers Cutlery, Agate Iron Ware, Beer Coolers. Wo are M nofactuters •gen e for above Goods, and sell at low •t prices. M-Bride 4 Co., Atlanta. Job¬ bers of Eartheuwar8, C.tini, Glass Wue Tin 4 Wooden Ware. el —Speak gently to my mother. She is B suffering with a severe oongb, bnt we j have teat to tba store of Mnrrab 4 Craw ,4 fold for a bottte of Conssens’ Honey of ajar, whiobia highly reocom mended by ail ® who uae it.Price 50 cents. hi —Take tbe bncksye ont of your pocket end make an application of Tabley’s p Bncksv* Pile Ointment, if yon ara snffsr iug with piles. Yoa will oertsinly be 'cored. Price 50 cants. For sale by Mnrrab 4 Crawford. —Dr. Hanter of L&ke Ci'y, Ft*., ssys: — P “I have need Hall’s Tetter and Ringworm ” Specific in my practice for a cumber of years, and find it an exeelh nt remedy for “8cald-He*d, Groand-I’ch, Te'tor and Ringworms." 8o)d bv R.lfy 4 Masor, T Druggists, Hamil’on. Ga. —Hall's Positive Car- for Corns, wil Care Warts, Sore and I .ff.med Jonit l^and [kDniggiata, Bunions. Hamilton, Sold by Ga Ri'ey 4 Mason Turnip Seed. Uatab&xa and Red Top I'v.rni > s-ed fresh Fly VoUou, Simroo s’ Liver hegulator - nd a full line of frerh irugR and medicines Idtist received. l.iLry & Map n T. The Best. i Messrs Riley & Mason:—'Thv 2905 r-m edy I .oucht from you is the be>t worm kteJicma I hive aver u.-e’’. expelling Sorms in large qu.antiti-i- where ever) thing el had failed. J W. CuiWF |RD, B'a k.-aith, llainilton Ga. NOTICE. The unde r dirnm t*k.ts j lea-ure in sn ^ nouncing to trie ladies of H imii’ou anil L wfeinity that he his a lar e sto k o- new Millinery Good* on han't, which he will Liellet low price. Mis Loi efhore and It. Mi-. Lizxj- How.- vi l t*c pi ’-I'd to have kstheir L fiienda cad on th-m. Re*ix- tfully. la J. FBFI-t.ES!:*. Next door io Miller k Hi'' ■’ "l o- 8:ore W'Kt f'.iut Go. — Lydia E Pinkbam’* Veenfob’e Com¬ pound h*a done tbonf jiD m '-e goed ibun |%he ra diriuau of man? doctor*. It i« a £ positive ctre fer all female oeasplsiata. * geud ta Mr*. Lydia E- Piukkam. The best prep.rat.on ,, lr(wni . n mrket Hamilton Journal. VOL. IX.-NO.26. President Garfield Shbt, As Resident Jam <s * Ga fi-dd, Hccompamed by Secret BUine, was entering ^*e depot of the i tiinore and .Potomac Railroad at Washington last S atifdav morning to take the train tor L >ng Branch, lie was shot twice by a anonndnl named Charles Jules Gaileau who had been iying in wait for him. This occurred 9.20 A. M. The first ball from the assassin’s rero'ver struck the President near the left shoulder blade; the sec □ 1 struck him in the back over the left kid ney. The President turned at the first shot and fell forward on his knees at receiving the second bnl let. Po-tmasier General James and others ot ids paity wlio had preceded him rushed to his aisi-t vnee. The a-sas-in was instantly overpowered and arres.ed. The President was carried to a room Oil the floor above, medical aid was summoned and si mulants adminis te.’ed. The gnat, strong man thus basely stricken down soon rallied from ihe shock and was at once borne in n ambu.ance ic the White House, where effort* were made to ascertain the nature ot the wounds. The gravest fears were entertained, The patient remained conscious, converse^ cheerfully and hopefully, but his pulse was high, he ua* suf¬ fering some pain and internal hs rnorihage was believed to bettking jilace. Moiphino was hypodermic* .it y injected and he became easier, id> aining some sleep. The dinger from shock and trom internal bleed ing having been tided over, it was hoped the remaining danger from i fl inanition Would be surmount¬ ed. The latest news; Thursday, rep. resell s the President’* condition as critical, but hopetul. Trip to Ta’botton. The writer spetii last v<eek in Tallotton, I i- old home. I is now a railr'ad-o*H'r-e, bumming, over w ith enterprise, hopeful of a ureal fut lire, Everybody—o'lt*ldo of Geneva—now believes Talbot! on will regain her ante belhitn glo’V and we number ourself among a tew who believe rhe will * xceed tin*, l’hero is now not a more eligiubie place of residence for the well lo do man w how idles to ifctire fiom active business and i* also an iuvi ing fi dd for t lie businv.s man, Railroad connection with the <>ut*iil« world nv.vki s it an eligible summer resort and her intelligent and hospitable people make an unexceptionable SOs cieiy. The greatest feature of the town is he magnificent Tbo n’on House, one of the tim *t hotel* in iheS ate. In it is located the Post Office which i* a model of its kind, which we hearii'y commend to ti e considers t ion of poo master* ol otlnT small town*. There i* ample box space tor everything that comes into the office and no waste paper corner for letter* to be mislaid, The thirty lock boxes r.re all rented at I s 10 a year, and not one of the renter* does not feel sunuty repaid for the expense by the convenience aff»ni ed. Seven.y call boxes accommo¬ date at a dollar a year tho-e who can afford to «ait tbe convenience ot tbe postmaster for lhe delivery of their mails and still other boxes receive letters and package* for transient* and those wlr» always expect but seldom receive. Mr. C. M. Bethuna, the efficient post ’ mas¬ ter deserve credit for hi* enterprise and we will be glad to know it is (Ui-eiing with proper reward. The C- Jumbo* district conference was in se**ion here from Thursday until Saturday, It wa* liberally attended. Dr Hin’on preached two „t bis fiue*t ui rmou* Samrday and Sunday. The ootnmodiou* Metho Gist church wa* crowded to it* ut mo*! Sunday morning. The railroad i* doing a prosper oil* bubint-s* ami we believe its slock «ill yet coramaml two hun¬ dred c* tit. in tbe dollar. Crops ar-- clean and in a growing condi¬ tion. bui a r e n nt well advanced f'»r ;he stSFon. Evi-rjbody i» hopeful and all disposed io talk up ihe ad Vall*'ige* and pro-peot» ot ihe town. Long m»y it proep-r. Our Agent. Ur. W. B, Tucker u onr general .gent above the mooit.in and is aoifaor sad to ,Dd ^‘P* for • nbfc "P tioB " to ihe Jocb-vap Any aid F ven him in ^ vi Z*?*™ * INDEPENDENT DEMOCi TIG NEWSPAPER. HAMILTON, GA., FRIDAY, JULY 8,1881. Mail road Transfer. La-t Satu daykoiir prople were g^ily surprised by tile annotince that VV. D.-> Chipley had purchased the Columbus angl Rome railroad. Later news confirmed the report, the road having been purchased in the name of a wealthy gentleman ot Florida, The report is tliat the road ia to be converted into a broad gunge and extended at once. In what di rection the report does not say. The fact is but little can be gamed of the purchasers as to their in ten ttons. Their plans are not suffi matured or advanced tor them to be divulged. The general belief is ihat the road will be ex¬ tended to Rome at an early date. While our people take great in¬ terest in tqe road, they feel that limy cannot be injured greatly by any change. The road lias been run stric'ly in the interest ot its oaner. and ot Golnmbus. Freights are higher than formerly by wagon and fully as Kgh as the lailioad commission could under any cir_ cumstances allow. They feel »s sured i hut any change must be for the belief and await with hope fu lure development. Temperance Convention, The b dy of men who mrft in At¬ lanta in conveniioa la.-t Monday to give direction to tbe temperance movement, were wise and deliber¬ ate iu their action. This only could be expected when we consider tbe eminent men who entered into its deliberations. The-people are now fuby awakened upon this great sub jeoi and * e do not beileve ’he leg¬ islature can re’use to make a law in accordance with the wishes of this convention. The time has come to take active steps towards the sun pressiou of this great and growing evil and lhe law maker who tails to lead aright the siotis of the times may prepare to sup down and oin. The Commit’ee on Business re p >rted in fwvoi of a law prohibiting the manufacture, sale or furnishing of intoxicating liquors, except for medicinal, manufacturing and sacra mental purposes tuid-providing that distilleries if desired, may be esuib fished by lbe vote of the communi¬ ties iu which they may seek to be located and in which liquor is to be sold. '• his plan compel* the cue. mies ol temperance lo become the aggressive parties. llcv. G. A. Nunnal’y, of Rome, off red an ain. udant in the shape ari elaborate law to license under lhe petition ot the people of any neighborhood, but the suloou to be on the public street, a single room, no side or back door* or ucieeri* or painted windows, and lo be run by the consent of all par t e* occuping the same or contigu ou* boilings. Said saloons to sell only from sunrise to snnsft. Judge Arthur Hood, ofR indoloh eoiimy, earnestly Hdv<-cate<l the report of ihe committee, and J. Y. Carnnohial, of Coweta, mgdfl a thrilling speech on lhe same line, General Wm. Phillip*, of Cobb, spoke tor lhe committee, arid ex¬ plained their action. First, lo pro¬ hibit the manufacture and sale of liquors. Second, to allow any town or neighborhood to have a di.tihe ry and saloons*if 1 he people vole for them. Third, no present law* regulating the liquor traffic to be repealed, *o far as such town* or neighborhoods are concerned. Gen¬ eral Phillips made a strong argu¬ ment for the adoption of the re port. After some few dilatory mo¬ tion* by tbe oppj acuta of the meas¬ ure, tbe committee’s report wa* adopted by an almo*t unanimous vo'e amidst great aj p!au«e. The committee to prepare tbe bill and secure its passage through the L<*gi-lattire is composed ot Judge Underwood as Chairman, Judge* Lester, M-r.hon, Hilly<T and Hood, J. G. Thrower, Rev. G. A. Normally, Thomas Hardeman, ot Jefferson, and H G Everilt. Singing Convention. Ttefn. nd.ot the hue B. F. Whiu, author of the Sacred Harp, purpose holding a singing tion at Flat t'h’-als Church, Troup county, next Saturday and Sabbath, in b.. memory, at which selections from the Harp will be sung sive’y; lL v R H. Buliock will preach a funeral have ora' bw- ion n »n made 8 |ba Arr ,ngcinen’» aU ° n " DonH I>o It. We do not have any idea that the legislature will appropriate as large a sum as twenty thousand dollars to the Atlanta Cotton Ex position, and we hardly feel called upon to put iu a word of camion. Knowing something, however, of ihe intoxicating nature of oily and lobby influence, we feel called upon to say to our rei>resetuativ«s don’t. The exposition is a good thing, but the state is badly in debt and there are grave doubts as to the consii lutiQtiality of the measure. The »ta<e is being developed quite as rapid.y as a conservative element could wish. Let ua hasten slowly in thi* developing bu-ineS» under the Kimball leadersliiu. ■ ■ * >»♦«■ The Legislature. This body met m extra session Wednesday. It has uo busmens of great importance, but we may very safely conclude that—crops being abou laid bye—it will remain in session during the summer. Atlanta is counted by ths Constitution a pleasant sort of summer resort, and as ihe state foots all moderate bills for board, lodging and drinks, the member* will doubtless be very deliberate in their action. We ad¬ vise them to go slow aud keep cool. .. ^ 14-t »■ Sulphur Springs High School. A Ji'Uiinai. representative had the pleasure of attending the clo¬ sing exercises of thi* excellent in¬ stitution, which is under the man¬ agement of Prof. W. L. Palmer, who is well known to many of our readers. Thu entire exercise* re¬ flected great credit upon the insti union. I.ho literary address whs delivered by Col. L. C. Levy, of Columbus, am! wois in itself a ’lit¬ erary least. Indeed the entire ex¬ ercises wdbever be pleasantly re-, memfxrred by the multitude who were present. The yew Translation. It is safe to say that no book, the appearance of which modern history records, bus attracted halt the attention that lias been aw»k ened by the New Translation w hich ha* lately been b'ought to the notice of the public. This is a significant fact, aufl shows very plainly that the New Testa¬ ment has a much stronger hold upon the public mind than hud been generally believed. The cenirul thought' of that book is that a man appeared in this world about nineteen hundred years since who claimed, and was by a large number of ■’parsons ac know lodged to be, in -soma im¬ portant sense, our divine Ruler, Redeemer and Savior. No event has ever occurred that ha* held ihe attention of the world with bo much interest as the one hero re¬ ferred to Who was this man Christ Jesus, and for what purpose did he visit this world ? are questions that are now after ihe lan*e ot nearly iwo thousand years, asked with a deep¬ er interest than ever before. We have good reason to believe that the large number,, of scholar* ot acknowledged merit who have been giving more or le*s of their time for the la*t ten year* to tbe revision of the New. Testament, have furnished us a butter transla¬ tion than the one we have hereto¬ fore hail, and this is tne general, it not universal verdiot of oilier scholar* who have examined it. 01 course, persons who have no kuowl e dge of any language but their own, and iu some case# bnt little of that, are scarcely entitled to ex¬ press a» opinion m regard to the matter. Their opinion*, tending In *ome instances towards ridicule, are not deserving of any apeoial atten’ifn. There are also gratifying indies uons that the new tran-iation i* already awakening a more general deeire'hao haa ever bven ex'.Jeii •need before, to know just what the New T«*tamer.t doe< teach in regard to the word* and doings of Him io whom it relates. York is still wiihout a sen -tor. Tbe ballot at Albany has not changed materially since the first, that the name of Platt . v.een withdrawn. What wi'l j „ HlC ome the future only cao show Th fi „ h , ha , been B „ protracted to Llunt public-nt’-reat. Stray Elbow Shots. Editob JoPB-val A few stray eldow shots, at a dud time like this tnav be of interest to ‘those whom it doe* not concern,’ bnt will I (ear cause considerable pain to those victims who may perohanoe be pierced by the back shot, sq Ur¬ iel shot or whatever shot may be fired. Well, our old fusee has been loaded a long time, but as the powder is dry, w'c think she will fire, and if *he doe* somebody wilt get hurt. Game u numerous aud we will shoot oft hand. Well, what iff the rustier with ihecoun’ry? The cry is hard nines. We can’t get money ttf run our farms, we can’t buy ottr sup lilies from the merchanta and we don’t know what to do. Well, I oan tell you. Go home aud perish—then your wife can get along without you. Shs will make a living ami she wont do it raising cotton. There ara other and easier means of making a support. The idea of the men who own the land that makes corn, aud cane, ami oats and wheat, having to go to mer¬ chants for these necessaries, and beg for something to eat u ridiculous. Tlie man that will do it ought to perisn—and their bodies be hung up as a scarecrow to others. Why theru are a great many farmers who go to tow n and not only buy corn and bacon, but cabbage, strawber¬ ries, Irish pota'oei, and even water¬ melons, hauling them home twelve or eighteen miles into the country. Well, what is the cause of these hard limes? It is dobt. The mer¬ chant buy* goods on a credit and the farmer buys from him on a credit and mortgages “took, stock and barrel.” When the debt becomes due he is obliged to red his cotton. Speculators know this and conse. quenily they can buy itnltheirown pi ice. Another c.ansc is the usury law. In ilm first place merchants can’t got money because of tin* law, and inoney-ruei) seek other investment. This is doubtless one cau-e of the excitement in stocks, Thers is where the money is gone, Welt, when thu warehousemen full lo ad¬ vance tlie money, the farmer then goes to Ins merchant and buy* on a tew' months tunc, paying an ad¬ vance of from fifty to one-hundred per ceuL on the oash prioe. So it is plain that the usury law works injury to the farming class. Now, brother farmers, a word of advice to you. I kuow that, liku medicine, advice is easy lo give but hard to take, but you must take it or die. We must raise our supplies at home and not depend on the west and have to pay credit prices for thorn. My plan is to sow largely ia oats and some wheal. The oat crop is the best of all. It’a the cheapest to make, tbe best for stock, and when harvested w* have such fine paaiurage for our hogs and cows. I’laut your best land in corn for bread purposos. I do not advocate planting poor lend iu coin stall—it can’t maie it. Flant sujjar cane and make your syrup. Then plant cotton. *■ Most of us can make fine rice. I have some of the finest growing I f»v<*r sa w, on land of no uae for a y thing else. It wai planted and ha* been cultivated with a hoe. I also have iwo ro*#ot upland rice, which i* fino. I planted it as an expeiiraent ar.d am satisfied it will do. All such croDff »« these we should raise, instead of piyi-fi money for them. In cj>nclu*ion I urge you »H to vote against the liquor law. We do not need any liquor. We can do without it. It i* ruinoua lo tbe ccnn try, ruin' jU* to brother*, fath¬ er* and husbands. It makes them gamble, and fi^ht, and negligent of their duty. We must pet it down \y e have sons growing up and it 0 ur du v to protect them from ^ lfae gr<< atest of all evil.. T. Total. ------— But for the split in the republi cau ranks, there would have b-en no attempt to a*aWinate FieeKlem The tuot.omanuo wa. wrought to desperation l»y feffra ol party dissolution. The I’re-ident was firm in the discharge ol wha he conceived to be b.s duty 'aud it will be a sail day for the country when such a lackey as Arthur! ‘.. j foisted upon the [ eoplc by tbe a... spin’s bullet. 11 A YEAR. Happy lie-union. Mb. E»ii.-b:—H aving «t*jiytd lha privilege of attending the an¬ nual re-union ot lbs neighbor* of Blue Spring*, l de-ire to aav some* thing in yonrycolurnn t of the happy occasion. It has long been the cus¬ tom for the enure district to hunt, fi*b aad t;ap alt day oa Friday be . fore the first Saturday in July* and to meet at Blue Springs the follow¬ ing day and have a general iab-fry* harecue, dex You cannot imagine how Very pleasant these meetings arc. Of all the go ld dinners where i hare been eo fortunate as to Le pr««mt, none out surpaaa the last Blue Springs barbecue. There was game of every kind, cooked to per¬ fection by men who understand the art to perfection. The leading spirits ate A. J. Adams, Jas Swiut, John Cline, Win. 1L, Joe, Frank and M. M. Hadley, A. F. Cardwell, 'he champion bird hunter, Stanford Harvey, anti his father Noah Har¬ vey, the champion cook of Georgtn and many other good aud clever citizona. Long may they all live, and may your liuntDle friend eiyoy many more happy re*.unions with them to feast upon the good things of old Harris. Knikiiprisk* Mountain HUl Ifotee. —Partial showuts prevalent. —Corn and cotton crop* are tol orably good; wheat and oau are very poor. —Maj U. II. Bullock preached an able sermon at Antioch last Sun¬ day which wo* appreciated by all present. —There are five ot Dr. P. W. Bartley’s family attacked by typhoid fever and are pronounced in a criti¬ cal condition. It i* hopad lids uu woluoine plague will soon b» bda ished from them without iflouting any deaths. —Our Juvenile Ciceros have or gun'.zed a debating club which may prove a Buecess. Thor discussed well last Saturday night the Huhject t “Are the manufactories ot the south beneficial to the lanoring clasres ?’’ Tbe next aubjaal for dlse.UsMon is “Ha* the credit system been an ad. vantage ?” The First. Iu another plane we present oar first card from the enterprising oily of Hood. Weare glad to com mencu with the card ot bo worthy a house as that of Robert Davi* & Co. Our many readers above the mountain will find them as liberal lh they are enterprising. Their advantages are such that they can not be undersold, and it is a real pleasure to dual with such uievfir gentlemen. ----•«.. Crop Prospects « We have seldom known farmers generally *<• hopeful of the future. The growing crop iff iudeed prom¬ ising in some localities, and fully up to an average throughout the county. Some damage was don# along the Mulberry by the sudden overflow last Friday, but the rains proved refreshing to up-ends. We hear of many brag crops and may name some at another time. I. — » ♦-. notice. Hereafter we will be obliged to adhere strictly to oar role of oesb In edvaooe for ell legal advertiseinenta inserted in tbe Journal, except with bnsiDese booses with whom we have a running acoonnt. W# have npon several oooaeions experi¬ enced moonveuienoe by the negtigenee of parties to settle according to promise end tbe only remedy we can tee is to insist en the observance of tbe sbove role. We are entitled by law to our pay in sdvsnc < and we cannot afford to grant oredi wbsrs there is sometimes no responsibili »y AH wbo ure indebted to ui for let*! advertising wil! please oell and pay ta once. It tbe advertisement baa been handed into the office, tbe fee ia due and most be eettled. We need the money— or our creditors do. Strong Testimonials s — Rev. Caleb W. Eey, Culler of Rev. In. ^^ jo y(w dtf> ym< me » bottle of Epping’* Compound Extract of Buchu. Wbeu I came borne I began tak i UK j t accoVting to dircctioua. I have bee. never received from any remedy such J*°! l yeL from kldney , roul)Iw . icecmlt en in „. |. lt M e remedy for dlaewma of the kidney* m j nr inarj^ orgam. ruth as irritation, in . fi^mMlon, ^ etc. H-m^ J* up u* I oan intro i)oc(j ‘ °^ , t fX i fcfaive tj hria.” nil fact ared aad for sale by Brwncn & ^ pto pri*tor», Arnggi t*. Coliustwa, Ga. Jts Action 1# #»*/•$,. ajwl Na/e. T6f! celebrated remedy "Kidney-Wirt can ojjW be obtained fn tbe maal dry Teg otablo form ,ot in liquid foaffh. It input in the tattaf way for the especial <*>nv» nienoa ot IMffffwho cannot read it/ pre¬ pare it. It w»H S»# foood aery ^noeo trated and will on* fitb amlVeid eqa&l efiffsiecoy,** in eiiher naie. Be *ue the near adTe'-taement lor pertieulars.—Obftlft •ad Weak >: Com. All paneae using weatern pons will do well U» try oar Horse and Catt’.e Cdhdifon Powder*. They keep the atoiaaeh from becoming Inflamed, thereby preventing Colic, vrMch I* so often produced by th m of damaged c>rn. Prioe it oeuts. For Sale by Riley ft Mason. v v •*1»05."--Tb« mystery aMaehicg to these figure* is now aelyetL as a gUsc.v at onr advertising column* wtt show, ami no ilread of them BOW rsm.vins. exo*p*. , among their dosdly enemies, the pin and stomach a or ins that infant tl>« humau system. No mstlsr what your ailment, Brown’s rou Bitters will hutp nature cute it. ... .... - , ’■ ‘ ■ The best Spring medicine known is that strengthening tunic, Browns lion S tUu. -a. BotWN JrrTicasivf. Roa’t Davu. ROJB’T DAVIS 4k CO., HOOD, GA. Offer a full Hue of groceri s -fish of ths b. Nt qu ilitr when in season—tobacco. Hour, sugar, cotlee, 4c. Will sell goo..* at (loltiuibus i ll es, :reight added Tbe house being connected with Rmlin Jiff-non, of Columbus, g’larsntiw goods bought direct and can be sold (o planter’s advantage. Parlies »cl!lrg cotton at Hood are invited to call Will bo cord ally wslcomed an if supp.ied Jit bottom figures. KossAt Davis ft Co. ''''Hard Seed It'anUyl. A good piios will bs paid tjk collard sued st this office. / Eureka Cigars. Try tbs Eureka Cigars ' for t oents. They srs tbs best in th« i—.tat, F„? sale only at Cook Brothers. Hood’s Eureka. Htuuiltuu, On., May 27,1881 Uont M. D. Hood 4 Co., D» «r Mrs:— Please ship us otie_ dozen of your Eiueks Liver Medicine, We hsvs a KOod demand for it, anil it a Ives salafai tioa in the diseases fur which it is lecom mcBiled, W« esu tordutdy endorse it. Hiakt 4 Masos. Druggist*. yotiec. Ths copunstr-hip of Livingstone ft Deir beriy has Isicw diuufvid by mutual con¬ sent. and alt bimlne s putlninfug to it wilt be adjusted bjr B. E. DewUerry, alone. J. It. Liviko-tom*. B K. Dnwbikut. 2906, what is it! Do UII* n* wbnt “2905” is f 'this Mystery Explained. £)(it ) A I* tbe patent name »f an invnl uuVlv untile remedy for removing front tbe human system pin and stomaob worms It was tbe prescription o>' * cel¬ ebrated physician, and saved tbe life of tbe ebild it was dispensed for. It bae •inoe been tbs iuej.ua of saving tbe fivee of tbonsands of children by it# timely use. It ia pat ap in tbe form of pow¬ dera. ready for ase, and children take it readily, as U isapiesanni medicine. Bold by deslur* in medicine et 25 cents. EVAPORATING FRUIT, SE FREE ' TuMes, Treatiue yields, on improved profits. atulUUis, meilioda. Amorlcau Drier Co., Cbathbershurg, Pa. BEATTY ’8 ORGANS 17 Stops S sets Golden longae reeds only (85. Address Denis) P. Beat¬ ty, Washington, N J. GET THE BEST. nffOKM/oftrA -j/wiBinrs, fgliTWMfejlA Pn?77DM/»J£ I’ttUUhM Q 4C. MERRlftM. Sprir^eld, Mim, If jro* Intend «osae day to gut WEBSTER’S UKA 6 R 2 CCED. “DO IT HOW.” » TliB NEW EDITH)If Contains over 118,000 licit*. 1328 Paces, 3 000 Ea«ravii*es, Tour Puces Colored Plates, 4600 NEW WORDS aud H-antugs, Biographical 0703 Dictionary Names. of over BEST TOR FAMILIES. a £ fjfua '-'.'.dr-. ^ ^ !)b ^ ‘ , BEST IN ENGRAVINGS. rpim-most.b-a.uifateomptom E. e m H IS. ^ Ure ‘‘E BEST rOR SCHOOLS, WCTiWiffiiT^bM over B ^ K 4000 $ npi« jwffnea ef 5^c2?pS«iaI a*«ni 0 » P"f» OMIe^ WkSSrt «jr**vm**m?