Hamilton journal. (Hamilton, Harris Co., Ga.) 1876-1885, July 15, 1881, Image 1

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THE HAMILTON JOURNAL. Subscription Price $1 A Year, J. L. DENNIS, PPS DISSSa. Hamilton, Ga., July U> 1881, Personal Intelligence. _Johnny Cooi spent Several days of this week in Hamilton. _Mrs. Eugene Cranberry is in Hamil¬ ton the guest of Mrs. J. W. Gambia. _Mr R. O. Pitts, of Cedartowu, ac¬ companied fcy LL friend Mr Jap. Dodds, is viSitiDg his father Captain H. W. Pitts, We wish them a pleasant stay. —Col Tbo- J. Chappell, of Columbus, ia registered at the Hamilton Hotel. —We learn from a private tetter re¬ ceived from Capt. L L. Stanford that the committee to whom was referred his college bill, reported favorably upon its passage aud that he regards its passage now as almost absolutely certain. This is the best news for Harris county that wa have printed in a Ion g time. —Ed Oueal will go up to .Atlanta celt week to interview tbe legislature, — Hood seeuis to have the inside track on Hamilton in the matter of Ljutauii r boarders. —Last Monday evening Alirahut Nor wood was tsied for asrj with intent to murder. He wta banco v. r to liie (jape Xior Court, for Sr.asult asd battery, under a bond of seventy five dollars. The bond was voluntarily signed by most of the business men of Humiltom aud is good for over one hundred thousand dollars. It seems to indicate that public sentiment of the town ia in favor of the Marshal. —Attention merchants! MeBrido & Qo., AtUrata, sell White Granite and 0 . C. Ware at luaportete prio.>s. Glassware Stamped and piece Tin Ware, Vi 'l? r i Ware, at m.iuufactnrera bottom pvi bpeoialties—Lambeth 1 Patent ^ . Tly Fans, Seth Thomas CU’ck;, Fruit Jsr«, Ioa Cream Freezers, Btisr Gaolers Lemps and Lmip Goods of every kind. —Show Casas, Looking Glasses and Pictures, Bar Mirrors ai)d Bar Fixtures, Water Coolers, Boer OodvoK, Ice Cieun Freeaers, Chandeliers, Limps of every kind, you can save money in fright *od breakage by sending your orders to Mj Bride & Co,, Atlanta, Ga. —Complete stock of Lamp Goods iu every variety, at lowest prices by McBride & Co., Atlanta. Parlor [.maps, Bu’l Lamps, Leer Coolers, Library Lamps, Glass Lamps, Brass Lamps, Railroad and Farmers Lanterns, Lamp Chimi ies. Don’t send off, we can defy competition cn these Goods. —Seth Thomas Clocks, Lambeths Pat¬ ent Fty Fans latest iaiproveuieut, Suow Oases, Looking Glasses, Silver Plated Wave, R 'g-rs Cutlery, Agate Iron Wore, Boer Coolers. Wa are Munnfaotnreis agents for rV"jv - Goods, and sell at low »t prices. M Bride & Co,, Atlanta. Job¬ bers of Earthonwars, Cniuo, Glass Ware Tin & Wooden Ware. —Speak gently to my mother. She is wefferiug with a severe cough, but we have sent to the store of Mnrrah A Craw P.i-i for a 'bottle o." Con.isew- ' ' Tar, which is highly reccomoieciieiT by all who u •(: it.Price 50 c«nls. —Take the buckeye oat of yen- p-»ok*,t and moke »n application of ing BiKkove with pi'es. Pile Ointment, it ,ousts suB^ cured. Price 50 ocnfcs. lor culo L-y Hurrah A Crawford, —Dr. Hnr.terof Lake City, t lx., save: — .<! h lVe n8c , Hail'S Tetter and R ngworm , Spooiiic *' “.V practice for rm.i.ber of years, K ud find it, an excellent remedy for ftoxid-He&d, Groued-I'cb, Totter end Jtingworuw " Bold by Riley & Masov * Druggist*, Hamilton, Ga. •—Hall's Positive Cura for Coras, wit Cure War's, Sure and Inti trued Jouit and Bunions. Su'd by Riiay A Mason DrsggistN, Hirailtou, Ga. Turnip Seed. Rutabaga and Rad Top I'urn’u e-wxt fresh JTv Poison, Simmons’ Liver Heenlutor and a full line of fresh drugs and medicine*; jast received. Riley & JIabon. The Jiest. Messrs Riley A Mason:—The 2905 rmi cdy nought from you is the bet-t worm xnedioino I hive aver u.-ed, expelling wprms in large quautitis where every thing else had failed. J. W. Cbawfokd, BLvkarnith, Hamilton, Ga. NOTICE, The un.’.e'slsrnra takes plea-ure in an noancina; to the Indies of Haminou and vicini-v that he hag a lar 0 sto: k of new Millinery Goods on hand, v.-liich lie will sell at low pries. Mrs Longshore and Mi-»TJxd* Rowe will be pleased to have tli-4r friends ca l ou them. Respec tfully, J. Fbeislebest, Next door to Miller A Havi-’ Sho- Store TV, st Point, Ga. — I.ydiu ~C Pinkiiam’s V-gxtxbtB Coin •ponrid has none thousands more goed than the rn ditirijs of mauv doctors. It i* a positive cure fer all female c-'tolx. Bend to Mrs. Lydia F.. Pinkhanr. Mountain Hill Holes. -—Needing min. —Crops sre much tetter where partis) rains have prevailed then etaewherc. —Protracted meeting at Antmek will begin 'he 15 h of this month. —Prof. W. B. Smith has began his echocl with fall ottsndance and still they come. —Mi=s Annie >mi‘h has invented a new bind of wagon cheel and applied for p-.tteut on game. It has be-n excac-intd by many competent jrtf’gen whs prosooee it valuable. It is thought there will be no tror.h'e in BecorinR a patent aud ahon'd te do So it ussy prove a fartune to bim. — Mr*. Mollie Snell, a daughter of Dr S. W. Barflev, ded at her father’s resi dance oa tbe evening of tbe .eteveD'h lost., of typhoid fever. She left rrsny friends'o grieve her de*>h. aud several brother* and sisters stta-ked by the seme cisea.ee. The l est Spring oieakiut known is that irieujfi-cniag t.n;:. Brora; Lon B-ttem. t J & S; s. P r Iamilton J f & -f $ o urnal. VOL. 1X.~N0.27. The Railroad Transfer. Iu publishing an article upon the sale of the Columbus & Home fi. II., last week, nothing was farther from our thoughts titan any inten¬ tion to reflect upon the late owners even iu the leas', and we regret that our editorial has been so con" aimed. The position we take is that the transfer cannot be oilier than beneficial to our people, and lor the reason that the roatl has hitherto beeu run “strictly in the interest of its proprietors and Co¬ Iambus.” Wo stale lilts, not as a complain', but as a fact. The men who bought the road ai d extended it, did so to benefit themselves and Columbus, They were n»i prompt¬ ed by motives of patriotism, but by motives of pecuniary gain. That they rau the road in their own in¬ terest and iu the interest of the city in which they live and control large business enterprises, is only complimentary to their business sa gacitv. .-Hamilton and Harris county ' -<*» g^ally benefilled by the extcDM‘*ii ot tho i cau, e*nd Lave not been treated unjustly, yet W«s f bt ,» k j ial w 0 nre to be congratulated that the read nas passed into the hands of a company' more largely int.ii'c-ti'd m it than iu Columbus. The schedules of the road have bees fttn in the interest of Golusn bass, hWetolore, but this only could have been expected It w as our misfortune, not the company’s fault. No other schedule would have paid expeux-s, Jiui tire extension of the road may necessitate tho change ot scheilule to one that will not ciasit with tho interests of our merchants. In the tnuller of ^freights tve are alike unfortunate. Freights from Columbus arc high. Higher than formerly by wagon. Yet the load could not be accused of extortion, the tact being well known that it, had earned no dividend tip to the time it lust changed hand*. j Lower rates tried for awhile . »f;c j bl |j; were found unprofitable, and ! j,;, c tiaie railroad eommissiou al j towel ft considerable advance. It | is only from a large increase of the t j u> j tu ,. K 0 f tJ , 0 i 0 tid that we liiirii may ( , om : p (; present j ^ . ud thm mfly h& ^ ! periled confidently from on ex ten- 8 i,.n of the road. As it is fxtrenie Iv questionable tvho'ber the ex cn of the road .0 L 'Grange, or ! any point short of Home or j ta, would prove to the interest of ; Columbus, no ex elision could be ! expected of this company having ,......... id ore illV0Sle .., in (Jolumbas titan iu the road. VVe along the road who have bo much to expect from even an extension to LuG range, have reason to congratulate ourselves if tile road has passed into hands of a management that will look mote towerda tl.e increase of its traffic than to the direction it takes. The Journal entertains the very highe-t regard for the late owners j of < ur railroad, esteeuiing highly , tiieir business sagiciiy which iuct lt ,,j tb em to a purchase and exten siot , aild .-.joices that it has been rewarded handsomely. Crowned with the laurels achieved by their btisiufcbs sagacity, we greatly regret that we may have unthoughtedly detracted trotn their fair fame. Hew Enterprise. Mr. Id. A. Ale A tee ia pushing forward with characteristic vigor his steam mill enterpri-c near the depot. The engine is about in tio siiion and we may expect to bear the hum of the other machinery in a. short while. The character ot the machinery to be introduced has not been fully determined, we be lieve, but tbe powerful engir* will keep id motion . a variety • ol , mu. chine*. Mr. McAfee has machinery tor making eba rs, which be may introduce. The en'erpriee will no doubt prove of great benefit to the town and profit to its projector We shall be glad to contribute in wav to its success. * _ _ __ Xew York if still without a rep,. resentative in 111 v national senate. S Plat', r.f the , resign.rig lice one senators has withdrawn from ; contest, heCHtlse cu UR lit ill the act ,,f adultery, and the Ilf" of the matchrliy, but are x.iil short 0: 9 j majority. INDEPENDENT DEMOCRATIC NEWSPAPER. HAMILTON, GA., FRIDAY, JULY 15,1881. A Georgiun's Report of Texas' Last .Holiday tveiiinir.Col. James M. It. obley relumed ftom an ex tended tour through Texas. Be¬ lieving at , a report of his travels and vis-w s would interest our read¬ ers, we interviewed Itiui and from very interesriig talk of two hours, ire condense a few j oints. We re¬ gie; that our time and space forbid a fuller report. He entered the State ell the road running from New Orleans to Houston, went from Houston t the Northwestern portion of 'he Stale and then came east basing out ot the boundary near the north eastern corner, thus Uvav»?'.\jg over nearly every portion ot tida great commonwealth. While these lines indicate the direction ol his rail¬ road travel, he .diverged f tom the route considerably, tr.velmtg sev¬ eral hundred utiles by l»>i‘ yjy, dur¬ ing the several weeks ho s is in the State. lie thus became ac - quant ted with both the people and manners of the cities and towns. As illustrating the mode of living at one place visited in the interior, near Cvqckwtt, we believe, he re¬ lates an experience that will bring to the mi.els nf some ot our older readers fomhle pictures of the good old times when Harris was first lie ing settled up. lie attended preaching at a country church ser¬ ved by a minister who is also a doc¬ tor aud u lawyer. The gathering was promiscuous, consisting of men women and children. Many ladies came on horse back and lhe number of babies present ailvortis ji,.<r strikingly the thrift of '.heconn try. After service lie vtas utvitcd home by a gentleman whoso w ife attended service, albeit she has no assistant in the domestic depart ment, in a family of ten persons. Dinner which was put 00 Ln fore leaving for the church was done to a turn when the party returned at d its variety and edibility w as highly complimented by the Colonel w bo may regarded as Kimethiug ot an epicure, Tbe lady of the house presented her lord with eight dren— three at one birth —til ot them healthy, the oldest being ail de<-thirteen' years of age. She i , hou)d wme „ b , ok for the benefit of some of Iter eastern sisters who with only one baby to look after, cannot find tituu to stlaud preach mg. Dp,; n ^ his visit only one Rection 0 ~ which he passed . tnrouoi, was visit ed with rain. This wa. a parttal shower of small extent. Gr px art 1 ’°or- Tlle H l ,r,n S wa * lale and *' et The summer hot and dry Corn wan a complete faihire and cotton is almost as unpromising. Much groim /1 that was jilanted had to be , ib() | lw hed afterwards because of lhe unfavorable seasons. Ttiore is plenty of old corn in the country to keep things moving until another cr , p wiule> sholUd the present seagonR p, ove a8 disastroua as they j )!0tn j Het >V T a'er is scarce throughout very many portions of the Slate and very poor in all be visited. There.* no doubt, the Colonel thinks, but t ie country is a good place to make money for a joung man of robust constitution aud plenty of energy, - A ,bo is willing 10 sacrifice the c .ni¬ tons inseparable from ari oldsr com nmnity. He admires the country, admire* it greatly, but prefer* ad mb ring irom a distance. Vv nile nis sons may possess the elom'-ntx of the great success possible in such a country, he doe* not advise them to go there. Mu Jame* Gilfillan, treasurer of the United States, is forty.five years :,r ' ,] ';, ot S « otob Ar William* college he the cla-e . w*s in wi|)) Garfie!(J> liockwt u aD d Knox jj f . W a* a clerk in ihe tr«a*ury lor nianv years. In bis <,ffice he stands at a liigh desk, where he has some Tday. ‘‘h „. earii no jewu]i v , »nd doe*- not even <-^rry a w utch. "The ireasurv lock joS tve a clock attuebment and arc ened by its Operation at 9 o'clock the morning. The >rcan*'« i«* , bf . ,„,} v person who knows ail the combination*. , \ Just Received Rsvinon’- R-i-f or King of Cureg, for rx-rnal and internal o*e. ^ Rayruon’s genuine nerve aad Bon-Lin s,.„,« ^ Public Spirit. Everymanowe.il. Witty to the town in which he resides, to ad vancc its prosperity, ,o add to it* advantages for residence, to make it the abode of kindly sentiment, brotherly love Mid neighborly fed ing. It is a shame for a man to use the community as a sh.phorcd uses t his sheep—merely to ►hare the j wool. Money—material gain . — is not ail ot life. Barren would be the spot where no man respected his neighbor’s lights. That man is a disgrace to the civilization of the nineteenth century rtlhoxe every day duties are regulated by the thought, “Can I bettor ray-elf at the expense ot the r of the community to which ..dong?-’ Of course a count:unity is only an aggregation of individuals. The residents of a town, how ever stamp the same character aud reputation upon the place of residence that actuates their own conduct ni life. A stream cannot rise higher than its fountain head, neither can the tone of society tise above the mo¬ tives and seutimeuts of its individ¬ ual members. A village is denom¬ inated a smart, active place, simply because a few leading men are en ! terprising, sagacious aud public spirited. Brains, spirit and energy will triumph over natural obstacles. A fertile soil may b» of little vu'ua to a lazy community, while careful cultivation may render a sandy plain ir.oductive. ftla y a once fhrifly town can date Us decay from ti e removal of some wide awake, jwblic spirited citizen, ^ew people appreciate the motley vahri/of their public-spirited neighbors,* a“d in far" too many communities' live business ruen meet discouragement! troni those who do not work t! cm selves and seem to delight m plevatt mg oth¬ ers. It is unfair to *xlicet, a few men to bear the burden of making a reputation for a 1111111, when a lit¬ tle cooperation anmng even its liumb'est citizens can accomplish the most bcnetbnt results. New England t -wi.s ! the greatest, promise a generation ago ,iav “ ifotu, to decay because its young meu have found no welcome or eu courage me r.t in their enterprising designs, and have been forced to migrate to the city or to the tern praric to li id scope for thvir r na r Uli T iu e n ccnoii up on is i,n portant Btiliject will in many cases ^ ^ ^ of lhe bu , ill((H ;ioa au ,j depression of our IownH . A A little determination upon .the part of ilf 0|IiaeDS t0 p ^ fornl lheir du ty towards the community in which they live will transform a sleepy section into a moe; active oommu residents, , . miy, J attracting new in lu-mg new ... life into . ,o.d ,, reaidents, 1 ^ 1 advancing values , of . property, in.. creasing incomes, making good local markets for produce and ado ding to the sum total ot human happiness and content. I* not thi* result worth striving for?—Ex. What Guiteau’s Crime Is. rjimi^lield Republican. Wild talk of punishment suc¬ ceed* the attack on tbe President, as it always follows oil the heel-, of a great consequences, but in law \ the President’s life is protected by ' tbe same safeguards, and assaults on it aregut,j«ol ta the same pun» 1 tshnaeut as in the case of any other j citizen. Guiteau’s crime, with 1 death as tho result, is murder, aud I without it, i- an as-ault with intent j to kill. The first is punishable in the District of Columbia with death j and the last by Imprisonment tar I not lexx thafl two nor rnor$ than I eight year*. This is the .xfrente ! lirnit of punishment if the assassin , fall* short of taking life. The death ot a President by willful violence I is not regicide; it is the murder of' ari American cinzett—nothing more ! and nothing 1 —s. Congress m ay by law attach special penalties to it, but none ot these pen*.tie* could apply to a crime already commit ed. x-s'-w «“*"«.■*** *«. York newspaper and W ashington correspondent suggest, m tke an a»'Tit>ll on a President treason The cbn-mnbon bn* already defin t d treason ag consisting only in a Piesld till.-pedal UtT.aliiiB.*, up 10 death 11 self, as it hue : ffixed a heavy punishment to the artificial crime of illegally owning the- paper o' ‘ ,' which na ioim ! currency totes are ,„ a ,] e . p ul tigress has no power , 0 „ t> 1)a ,. k (0 the precedents „f &e English common law, e-tabb-hed in the c-vil days ol the Ed wards and ; . b;lIH ] ulu .j by the constitution, and m.-ike a host of crimes against the ruler treason against the Si te. I he lranie of mind which desires these things is neither sound nor patriotic. The assassination ol President Garfield is a crime not because he is President, hut because the luw protects the livrsof'all. — >r- —— Hot T-J. The Atlanta Constitution is try¬ ing to work up u capuol boom. We believe tlm State heeds a new capital, but there is no pressing ne.. cex'.ity for it. It was clearly ( 1 j uiouxtraU'd during (he contest for the location of the cadital that Kim¬ ball house is not liable to fall down and this was 'he greatest danger to ba;i|>prehend"d. Wo can m ikeotit with it until the State is out of debt. Legislators should uiunago uffitrs of the state as they would their own. Aoout one half of the rev¬ enues of the slate go to pay the in¬ terest 011 the public debt, IK would bo considered a spendthrift w ho, being moderate’y well fixed in a dwelling, should commence the erection ol an elegant mansion, when *0 deeply involved in debt that one half of his income is ro» q .tred to pay interest. Let us wait. There is no need for haste iu the matter. We niav have more money after a while and labor and bacon be cheaper. The Temperance Movement. We checrltilly give space to the follow i ,g address to the people of | Georgia and commend it to the con¬ siderate attention ot our readers. | Let ns net at once upon 11s roooni inundations. In t bedi**nce to » cull made ^ ^ |fa . vf |)lB ^ ^ ^ vf . ri * w0 nxa,.|iib'ed in - ol| tl)% 4,h instant, to con snler 'ho beat way to relieve our State ot tho evils connected with the use and abuse ot intoxicating liquor*. The cottven inn was com¬ posed ot represent alive men from all parts of the State, In their opinions they were conservative, in their plans they were practical, find in their pntposes they were firm at d determin'd. The body iti its deliberations was singularly free from unreasonable emlinsiasm and unbridled fanaticism. The body, after a calm, thoughtful and ha*mo» uiotis bcssion, agreed to go, through it* committee, before tho Uerieral Assembly ^ with a bill r moody ing tbe features of .. local . . . law, a option with the , position of partios thereto reversed. It w need I ess in tbiv ad¬ dress to rehearse the minor details# of the bill, tln-y are such as seem beet calculated to secure tho cn lorcement of the law and the siiji pression ot the evil* of intemper¬ ance. We now call ujmn the citi¬ zens ol the State to express their approval of the measure and to «n J, irao the action of tbe coriv*nt.ioP, This they cm do by resolutions ad opted by neighborhood's, districts, cities and villages, assembled in their court.bouse or academies or other places of meeting, or by pe tition* circulated to which tiieir names may be signed, and then give publicity to their action through communications addressed to the secretary of this committee at At Jgj, a, and to tbe wipers published in their respective counties, Fel jow cn z-ns, wh urit near to tbe victory! Tbe evil 111 all it* tiuigni tnde haa been apprehended by the men and women tn our State, the danger of delay is fully appreciated a, 'd 'he importance of calm, deier mined acion is recogn ze. 1 . The judiciary ot the Sia'e is right on 'he question; the pre-s ol Georgia favors repressive and re.irictive measures; the mini-try of our u.„cu-.«.•»»**_ mattoti, the Milicitou* patents a.ean xmu-:y watching t«r a it m«dy; the unfortunate victims ot the w mo cup aro sppealling tor help; the goot 1 citizens of cveiy race anJ color, ot SI A YEAR. treat* crystal. Zed in leas and win t>n!tuerf in ptayetxar. ' ‘ •' idling " to I the , General A*-etnhlv , to stay the tide an,I break and beat back the waves of ruin an 1 sorow that come j like a flo, <] in tl e wake <d eirting ; drink, and God who enjoins virtue and society upon His intelligent oreaums—all— all are on our side. Be hopeful. EUibm. Be decided, and in the name of IVaye, and Hull, or, and Truth, and Mauhood, w« beseech you make known your re quest, and demand all everlasting redemption from iho thralldom ot the terrible monster who is blighting oar fait land with drunks euuess, ruin anil infamy. Hood Jottings. —Thermometer b)l tbg.eea in ths shade, ia it he iter where that auoient god, Pinto, ot Uieoian mythology e gued.. —Judge Henry Kimbrough passed through here aurouU to the Wuroi Springs. —The calaboose is now reedy for the reception of guest’eend Mr. Nit Sledge, the Marshall, trill be pleased io giro Mil disorderly poisons the aeoominodatioris it aff rds. —Mr. J. A. Ddlosoh minto' k saltpeter for salts end took * large dose. He was excited when tin. faot became known but the result wee harmonious. —Th* toquaoious portion of our people converse freely in reference to tbe sale of the Ooturabus A Rome R. R. Born* think the new company will muv* the depot. Olliers, howevr, think the anp poeition gronudless aa $ 10,000 bare been invested in building*. —People are fast laying by their crops which ere in a flourishing condition. Memorial Convention, The Memorial Convention iu Hooor of Mr. B F. White, met at Flat Shoal, Tronp County, July Sf.b lHfit. Tbe as eembly wee not so Urge a* might have been expected, ou aooottat of t ervices at other oharcheH; aud a Sabba'h Sohooi Cxlehratiou at P.oaxani Grove not distant; yet the programme of the day wm «ptcn didly arranged by Dr. WillUtua, ehniiuiun end Messrs Hunt or, Harrison and Slayton arranging committee. The lessons wer* honorably, and interestingly led by Mes¬ srs Hunter, Haidy and White. At noon hu iuturuiisaiou of an hour wag given iu which to refresh our»elv <8 We partook of a splendid dinner during the time; aud whirled away the hour pleasantly, aud nooialny together. When the boo,- for tbe evening lesson name, all were punctual in aoecablicg to^eiher. And almost the entire e»seuibly, Joined "ur leader, Mr Hardy, in every gong. AH seemed in'ere dad, ai d Ui (1 w« had we to celebrate tho day. As 'he evrumg bt uawe f*r spent, nil retired to tht'r botof* with renewed aud de'ermiuod euergy for the Sabbath .following. We imi gioed so gl le .at, from 'ho uiuttner In winch tho day groun d regarded o< d bonoied A large assembly of boja dnl at d iu’ehi getn faoca early met. And 'ha sp rit ,.f him whom wo met to honor, eer-iued ( • meet with ns. Seemed to hover gr¬ onnd ille church the entire day, from itr« ui . 0 - n*r iu whiotijihe audience conduced it self. It was remarked by many to have beeu Iona disturbance aud the beat beha¬ vior in every rasped ever known at snor. an assembly, oonai lariug the extreme heat of lhe day. Rev B U* Bullock opened eervioee at 8 o'clock by reading a aoriptural lassou aud delivering an elo¬ quent pr iyer The convention then pro cmded to bnsine-e. It being complete, Hr W. W. White, as the oommittie ar¬ ranged, led the class lr singing s short Icaaon which mnat have been delightful to every listener from th* uaraber of ele¬ gant voices chimed toge'htr. At bslf past 10 o’clock, Rev. h, H Bniiooh 00 - unpird tbe stand, reeding the latter por Iron of the 7th cheptfar of RvvelatiuB*. Hs commented fluently and highly on ths deportiueut aud life of Mr. B. F. White, which wee all d*«etving, and uesd for his text the 40 , verse of the 1 - afcgp tes of 2nd CoriDtbiaue, AH who ever he-rd him know hia comueteucv and ability to «<»• J net ice te *0 dr.'s;* a gnb joct. We bave .heard him o'tra, 1 ot never knew bim to deliver so eloquent nr or Npleudid a disoonmn ** tbe one in msmOTj of Mr. 3 F. White. After services we were ag.ir jr efr-eiod with e magniiioent d tinrr *e on tbe d-y before. W* gne-e ell mat tbe snm* good fe'e. We hope so torwi'lixtaadiug tbs l»rge crowd. There w%« p'eniy, sod If ell (fid no* ebere it, it o-rleinly was 'heir own f„ult or an oversight of friend* wtor oonld not meet or find tbim for tbe p-.e* end then scattering of tbe people kftsr all was quiet in reference to dinner, »( were again called on t a ossein Me together for singing. A laig* nouibernf us did go, end car eoinr-eteot leaders b' nerably *t a interestingly flt.ed taeir » ation. Th ol»*e tiieir* also, ur >il we were coenpctl-d to disband. ibe oonvtattoa adjoara ed. Wo t-r.dor o„r hrertfolt gratitndo fo 'he ^ ^ b#hBlf o{ tha relali?e8 of Mr WWta w»tak* tb« libtr'y of Hiank.og yr;> tor them. May b» »bouj wv mot to honor long live in oar memory, end 'be memory of bi« dear relative. And rnaj = a. 2905, what i* 3 ’ Actions ts Burs enut Safe, Toe os t>‘rated reload/ Xiduoy-Wor# mb now be obtained «u (be esswi dry Veg¬ etable form, or in liquid form. It in the letter way for tbs especial Costs ciftoae of those who eatBot nerHij pr** pare it. It will be found eery ffouimo tra'«d end will of wilt equal efiLreusy in either case B» sore and lead toe arsis' udvei fiaemeot tor pmtieoieru.—-Soflib end West. Corn, All tarsons tifun . “extern e-irfi will As well to irv our borse an'* Cattle Condit'erf Powdei*. The? keep the a'omiwh froSi bec-uni Ig inflamed, thri'-bv preventing *e CofiV, of ilnnrwl wt-ich teeuoTei. c trn. Pr ^.1 ec m conk, 7 i.0f » t3rt!» by Riley St Masoft. •‘2»'if< "—Tbs a-ystorf attfUbiffij (» fbeso i- now «*!vo<l, Bi |! .:««* iiiJVrtrttsii it oolniDUS .ill *ba» f nut no d.s.iA at tt fcBO cow reujou*, sr.ceot , Wo)lg tt-ir deadly •n.sn.i-*, Um» pin «nef s-ouiu-ib *«w tW tbe Sn*«.*a system, » iOmw a m- - ...... .... No matter what your . liiacnf, Sro.vn * run BUter* wot help nfttuio cu e Tboo*snJ« of ladies to d»y ofterfiir gra'eful rmieoiUtnaoei' "f the bcip , e.'.v:dt from tbe w» of Lydia Pi' kliarn'- Vejtsta bie Oompontid. S^ud 'o Mrs. Lvd a R Pinklj..in, 23 ,T Westerm Avonne, Dynn, Muss,, fur pi.ur.ih'et. Whew yaw f**' a oougC ot bronChtaf sffxctioo ores pin p on th* lunge. US# Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, aud core it 6 ** fore n baernne iuonr&ble. Extra Loin. J. R. Frost is aelling home made hfo Bans et* 1.00 a pmr. They i» tu'.tf waaanted. Call »rd see them Our College, The exercise* of ite LUuiilt n Colleg# will be remaned in’y 2iT>U i*it n*.. tVe wuatd urije upon all the iuiportuofl* of patrori'znxr the sitcool liii«rat)y, both Ott aoenuut cf its intrinsio uiorit. .*ud 1 tip iiifluenoe it hs* ou the couamutity. If the result* have heretofore been css-’is faotory, yon sen soaouut for it obIj by «* liink of support opon (he part of tb, pef» run*, ICood Wanted. Fortie r ou th. lure of C. <fc K R ad of 1 ® gt-t oolitraots for dollveriDg Coni-Wood on the rl;-l t of way o' tno 0 . A H. 0 .a4 Apply to “Columbus Wood Void’’—oppo¬ site C. A R Depot. L. Haituts A O r., Propria ore. Rev. L. B. Payne, TMs well known aud popular mlnfsfef ol tke South Georgia Conference wtd b# with the pastor of thi \Jv ■ bo,Jl>*t Chnrclf in Hamilton ou the 4 h Sunday in thi# month, end pre uh . t 11 o'ulojik Let there he a good attend imj#. ftot.us .Trrvmtuntr. ttoa'f TUrt*. KOB’T DAVIS & CO*, ■ HOOD, a A. Off-r a full lino of grotvri s - fl .h at the V> u' qmditv whe.u m em-en - tolose, Iboir, -agar eolfee. W'l, ~,:; goo * »’. 1 :.,ioiulii.s ii km lei. hi a l,tod The ho ixer betna 1 nnccte, witu ito Im .Mff reen of (.'clutiihng. guarciu 'ce euode bought o.rect .111,1 ' uri tie > M to pl -utoi's a<lv:.nUyo. fnvi'ieil Part ton . elli.ig co U i) at 11 ..0 are 0 . Call Will tie cord ally wvl'-oaied aub gtqijiliwi at botloui tig a, . 1 . Itoaxe i Davi 1 A Co, Our Agent. Mr. W. B, Tucker in our gsneri! «g*e$ above 'he moatitMtn end is enthcrixud to solicit ui d e-eipt foi auttoript'sns lo tbs JocasaL Any aid g'teu biio in e® tetidiuR our cirool dion wit L# bigbiy appreciated. Eureka Cigars Try'be Bunk* Cigars for » 0 * 0 U. Tn*y him tbb ties' In the market. For safe only at Cook Hoops Eureka. HamUt 1 , sax , lliy 27,1S8I Messrs M. D. K is A Co., D. «r biis:—PliiiM' ship us one d'-aa of your Eureka liver Medicine. We have a go.,d deroan t lor it, and it •.ives xa H'a, - t.on iu the dist-aa-e for wbt 0 if is teioux lukU led. We can cordially endorse ft. l.tuv n Mask,* Dfiiggia », EVAPORATING rRUIT, s Ill Table*, T uniKv Ai. yiei'tn, ctW.Ji Cl-, 1 0 .Uiprovvd Doer b., profit*. burg C«.., Ela’ituh.f, trtAUo.tg. Fa. ti BEATTY 'oi.RTAPS 17 .vers* '. « G..'d-n forgo* rt< d el. $ 8 , Ad ' «•«, Linie. F. Best ty, W fabt» fcUyo. K J Cuticura, the Great Skin Cure. ltd-in# and Scaly Difte:; ecs, H u mots of the fecal j &J& Skiu Fei tnaiueutiy C'uied. Caticars r*oieptv- er* lor •*'* by * 1 * druggi*tg. Price ofCuTtcixA, a M.dtom-I J.iiy, luial b.-x fiOo.; '•ii|,e be,*®*, tL t vriuc(- A Ra oj.vvnt, t ..u i - — ‘ L-d Po r ti” r. ft i„r i o '!*. Cvi ICCSi JIediCI vaZ. Truur Soar, 25c. < emvuA ciNAt, Ffliiiso 8 . ap, 16c; i. Lent t*t bab-'B-nU arge eou-*Buerv, 6 O 0 . Prt»* erp»l Sen t, X WEi-ntS A POTTER, B . .hton. fsTJLi otatied fits on ti ytjpe.