Hamilton journal. (Hamilton, Harris Co., Ga.) 1876-1885, August 12, 1881, Image 1

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THE HAMILT ON JOURNAL Subscription Pris^$T St A Tear, L. dsnkis, ptolishbh^ ' flurWfapon, GaliAugust!2, 1SS1„ Pen&rxal Intelligence. —The weal fieri as been warm for sev¬ en! days. —Charley Moirab, who baa been quite 121, is able to be ou f . —Mr. Sanford BeaM, now of Jack’O’'. Ala., is visiting Q.ioilton. —Oae of cur summer visitor" h a gain¬ ed seven pounds in six days. —The public schools throughout Ihs oonotv noosuaiy well nH.-nded; —K >ads throughout the e nnty have been worked since the late r.-, —The JcvzsfL received t' niy-fonr hew subscribers oae day last wtr-k. —Col. Mobley is in attendance upon the Agricultural convention a- P. ime. —Ban Kimbrough is the last man in town who has shaken the paregoric bush. —The colored school at this pisop, taught by Cnrti. Beall and lady is Wail at¬ tended. —Mrs. Ed. Beaoh and children rre vis¬ iting Hamilton, the guests of Mrs. M Wolfson. —Mrs. Wolf Wolfson, of Columbus, who hss been visiting HamiitoE, ioiuri-ed home Tuesday. —Misses Bird and Willie JGardoner, of Columbus, are ia the city, the Quests M.ss Lnls Mjbity. Crops around Eaod will do to brag on. Some of the best farmers in thfc Stale live thereaboutg. — M . Tom Neal In E'lerglie dis'riot has upland corn that experts say will uiake forty bushels par acre. —Hamilton hss tr.vny visitorv, Tbs cumber i- l:a.itsd e. y by the accommo¬ dations of <!:v eemmunity. —Mrs. Ljucir J hreo", who Jjae bees Bpcndinff some tiaia with her rccthar, Ms Co.k, returned to her homo at Col¬ umbus Tuesday. —Captain Tj. L Stanford we* at boms lea*. S.tnrdpy eohf.-.rring with bis oeR -tu a ?* t«. He is veiy hopeful of the snccesn of t's •■’cfcoi i bill. —Crl John H. H miltcn, the Colam bus Up-town Grocer, will fe» gird to sell yon any groceries yon may want 6o glad that he will maka prices Very low. —Mr. if- A. StoAfes bus detsiautuod to close ont his lumber yard two miles north of town aid parties wishing Innibsr will da well to call ou him. S?o his osrd. —Tba regular edition of the JeThttvAX,, to* is 625 copies weekly. . Wo have ds» termired u h' tiag one thousand before Oerlstu.*, ami from lha present outlook we w ll have them. —Mr. .If. ft 7 vrl” occflpy the new b-iol; fcSj- 'ieinn y? <.-srs Had son & Johnsto-’a w.Hreh.’u is. W rk npw* i. i" cv.ae-e a # KHtiat m o-! v end t*. will b® rr -.riy by U/ opomr. ! the cy season, — Mr. it,ore, the pope nr e onte ' “ S .'I:.r. oi ,TTv 'L'T bas *o Siwi., ,..t8t ..rt-, jjj.i. m .uam iUtn. Be war> !i.c’jr;rjr®K*cd Lv his wife and babe who will r„.cam far iLo .to-. iuer. - J mray Epaic, who r^prerantH flis popular whoi-sale house of 8. T. Co’e man, & Go , of Msc a, ep-nt lust Sat baih in our town. Ha hss many f' iends an.eng ou.' merchants kwe and always does a gaad Lubioms for Lis koaa# when he Bourns. —An advertising medium rtr.r to the Joe .Sat,, rates cousidered, cant o* t e found. Oae of ouv p.troaa told us other day that be reoui vs d businsss Mimieiigpi f;om a card in our o.flu Our o t: I'ation oat w«et however is liar ited, bn! in Harris county it is hard to ex MB. Wisdom Store Xote*. —Tim crops in this section are Vor; g).d. —Mr. A. K. JohrsoB, Jf., has tba mumps. — We havo been blessed with showers and tvsrythiog looks refreshed. —There is a great deal af Bioknes* in the neigoborkoed and it keeps the doctor Busy. —Miss (y.ilie N-laon, who fcs3 twen quite ill with (over, we ars glad to know is 0JCV’*la«c!;:g. —Several of . ur y.-nug men Coatera- I j ^late attending tbe ut Ca¬ ’ tania. We uD-h you weii —Tae q ic-i.oa oi campmeeting har, | S»en se'tleJ ^nd we take pGu,u-e in .n forming th* pub lie that the.e will bs j sv-up-ne- iag. | -L St. 8ft nrday wna court day here . T.-ere w*» uoi maoh i.u* n«sa rinsscted. | A mala was sold to the highes: b.ddsr lor the exsteding lo* price o* one doiar r.nd eighty cent--. i —Mrs. Luoy Grier died on the third ifl i Tack; a ant, at tta Siie resident nunal-'tent of Capt. tuemheref E. | r. was » j the it. 5. Cbarah. \7 j tender oar gym pita,- , to tto bsrieved fami.y. | -’! .. S irj R idgers, one of Masco .e ,'n f.crust deagh’era, U v.svtiug r-ia vea i tiis ue'qhborhc jJ. Box. ' s i Talbot County No lea. — The scuppernung crop of the coaa :j A tsi-i o b» iouue. es. — .-miy G jiujOE , . lujnred Vj a 'ra: d : -r .near J Jtujttoa 2t -r.d t f — .4.7. gister iefim-tes *i - Tf ,-B c .e prefer, orop v* • to (,re> ■ t;Qtr C-a j m'-.-ti, g *. d ic ra•; the fou.’h Sabbath I- ti-.i ftCL-'h. —The Register aftucuccts the early ops'nfng of a Lumber of new bu-ir.e : r totms ia Tain.;,son < ring H-- .pproach fug semoa. At-’?.' .u, •- rd au? Wfiltea of e .r .l . ceep from ’tia. — The lailf .’.d g.-. t at ia. -t on kept go bn-y L- h-.-- to take .'fl d.n e*r on the vr r g Wo i] 7 • all al*ng that t'-.s r eh would lx? a pay instant, r. an ‘ 3 ECtL-S Su uiSSsaU seawUds* d kisi I fS & Hb •* % ■ Journal, \ VOL. IX.—NO. 31. A Xcw Tax BUI. Among the importaBt measures before the Legislature is one to chnuge the mode of assessing takes, submitted Dv Senator A. C, West.. b.-oi k, of the Tenth district, (Dotioberiy and B iker ) This pro v.des tor the appnirtmniit, i‘r each county, of a “board oi equaligiiion,’’ con.-i.-tinp of eight be-holders ia c-muties eatnled ic tliroa rep v e<*n talives, and of sik in th ■ olh^rs, to be nominated by timer an J jury at it» n* xl regular term, and confirm.. • d by the judge, half oi the board to serve two and tba remainder four years. The b ard is to re¬ ceive as compensaMon the same per uieui as jurors, Thi- board 1st to meet at llic court liotiao oti tb« lirst MonJsvs in 31 >v, June and July to i i-viow liic 1iix lisis, and ieonivnue ? • ;ue«ungs from day to day uit ui ipiicir w ork is ctutoploted. The t&% leC( iV( , r js <J ir ^ted so to »•! vertiso at: J make his rounds ns to p'-esect bis lists to the boards at ir meet mgs lor review and in specilon. The board is to canvass such list and to correct all under* valuation', and the tax receiver sh 'li then notify ihw taxpayer of all *uch corrections, and the taxpayer, if aggiievtd, shall appear before the board and review its action. The same privilege is extended to non-redden* tax owners by their u/'Ots. In tlio case of hid etc 'o return property lor taR, the board j a required to nrrke a fud valutuiovt a|)(1 lh( . n n lor default, which duplication the board may retci’, where it can be shown that the default is not. duo to negligence or ether culpability of tbo owner. The “full and true v.duu” of prop erty is defined as its actual selling price at a private sale. That theta is some change need¬ ed iu our present method of mak¬ ing lax Hssessessrnent* no ono can (*tr stion, who will give the matter t.i.e lefist thought* Take the avers age value of improved hint’s ot liar ris county, for instance. There are U) „ Usand ; 0 { tCrw offered for sale, but net an acre at the average val n«. Yet it is a fuel that only the . va.naU.e j , l;<.i j In enu . bt b^u^nt > s The .truer* %t the best land, worth twenty or thirty dollar* an acre, arc generally ,, well nil ulcased witn .1 thf-ir loc.aiian rr.d indisposed to sell. The law proposed has few if any o!)j‘ clioilitblc fcuittrev. It is pauerne.l somewhat after the moth* o.ls oFassessment tbai obtain in oil H’s, That it would inerctaso the Valuation largely in tTory comi'y i , ,, , . ’‘U >,K q t ’slioft. 1"» ' ^ y we igtnfi when wc tifc told that iho cry of A'hutta t* assess.d at , v o million* of dollars more OV the e.ty aesessorsj that: tbo entire prop, urty ol Ftibott couiitvj a* given in to lh« county lax receiver. The are* ol' course will not be tncreas | cd as only a certain amount is to b< raised, but under the present sys¬ tem the man who retttniK hi* prop.. erty at its l; ue Vam.», nays largely more than hi* share of the eXpu.B es ot tbe govoretrtent. -- -*Z-* <ZHe K im* ■ ■■ — If any hing cou d po-.-ihly induce us to remove to T. X is, it. is the bnl fuiuia she i* bound to have enu. e of her magnificent, public fund. There are more than ’liv es ot UQStihl sebaer! ,ud ,t th, St .te, the sale of which 42 50 :tn ace -vould give a school |m , ()j # J00 fl „ O 0O, . q . , to tile i . fund- . , sire , other , State-’. oi ta fhe UntVer i'J’ i nxas, wbich win probably located at Austin, has permanent endowment, fund be , u §2,000.0*0 ai d *3,000,000 over *100.000 with which lo and furr.i h btt dings, Two j reel | normal t-cho li* arc well i us- ! the cue at Huntsville recctv* jpg $27,000 annaally. | | It is n mati*r of regret tw every minded man that the' people j ’ lie South b' v« begun to j ut. pe.An in their watermelons, This greatly abridges the time-honored privileges ot the colored popelatron, and may open up a new is-ue ru Southern poittica.-^-Cincitmaii Eu qnitcr. Toe Atlar.u Gazette e.attn=, ■ • .vi>at we l.ave for some time eti»- 1 p c ut, that iho-e wbo emigia'e i to tue Mormon territory, _ do fo to In Jo a ci 2 me Ibr wiiicb mormum-ra p I’ m e. Far ! t t agt ,a zi'tn tl*» n. rv. a, trv». i sj:2 s.utdfc • > SjCtbT i;cn S.v.iu. INDEPENDENT DEMOCRATIC NEWSPAPER. FRIDAY, AVGUST 12 1S 8 I. Practical Education. ' *' In some recent observations sng.. "ns'ed by the conniianeemmt t'A -i cisoa of the Slate university, .the ConsUtutiou called attclUion to ihe fact that all the efforts of this ven erable insiimtton are in the dires non ot C ting students tor the pro l" aions rather than practical busi ness affairs of life id which the s ress ot circaui- •• moes must necessarily force ,-i ru.ij.irity of Uu young men who arc cnuhlcd the ad- j vantage* of a unit-or l.y eilucatb ■n.i j For jouttg i,ton Vhb^iu-jt, abcadj ctj’iipfmd v.ltii tb • CCHS ih 11 k*! which is asso i ,uil i:h the posses stotj uf m ou-y, ibis poli-lii d educa¬ tion iu the arts of oratory and imt one tv. vos a dl-lit'ct purpose. It likewise serves a distinct purpose, it ail the young who obtain a uni¬ versity education propose to engage in the professions. At the same time, it is lair to say that the young man who entefs iho State unl¬ verst Vj or any other university in thu land—for they are all formed iipon the sumo model—- with tilt! idea of engaging in business or industrial pursuits, is throwing away a good d-.ai of time that is practically invaluable. Ia thi- day and iu these times a va-t mspirtty of our young nn-Ii cannot d to throw away the best years of their life in obitinihjg the puritiy library polish m hich is the sum and substance ol it umver soy educattotti As a matter of fuel, the purely literary poli-h which ufii vers y education aims to intent is smartly iri the way of evert body except, doctors and lawyers, The tlio polish fails to polishi iU.n.y of the young men who graduate from the univetsity cannot spell correct¬ ly, and only an editor knows how lew of them write correct and idiom¬ atic EugU-h.—Atlanta Consltuuion. Improiritiy S/o«w* Hamilton is gradually pu-liifig ahead. It, grows by force ot ne cce-ity. os our poop e arc extremely eonserva'ive, but t.ho growth is Correspondingly submn.is], Tiiis iMmn w,il I,avo u l> t)M iliclr ^liclvos imJ c^un’urs rn >rt* ^’Ls Lave ever b-en seen m the tosiT. During the snuiiner their trade has been luily 1 up to their capacity . and Hone ol their cus¬ tomers It tv e poor crops, ao that coll' c.ions will doubt !e*s be good. The present crop b n bee.'; made nt a stn Her e is!, its I ■■ .ap' cuti-ide ed, than ai.y sinc>. the . wr, not.vnh standing the via y htgii price* f .r provi. ions. The i.eople have cxer ” ci ed the «!. a. st r-.,.acuity and v realize a bcGer pr !i upon (heir la¬ bor and capital than tor ye.ats.i liumiltem will reap great bon ii front thin arid a spirit of improve., men! will lay hold on us ere long th it will be irrcsistable. Wo are improving slowly and expecting a boom. lion. Cyrus \V. P’teid, said in rp*» H . )((IJS0 t0 an mu . r rcgation propoun ■fell by « reporter, Iho other day, | Price* Imve come down gouty so faf, but they tnust go lower, in my opinion and if a Cotift'C of certain .ne i.n on once* may CJUie so Mm dcnly that the finances ot tbe eon \ j try wril be shaken* The uticeriaiir D’ 33 ! ° l h® cops increase the dm . gr-f. L time when prudent, far seeing poo pic will t.iko mea-’orc* to yotect themsolve* ugambt a posoi ble panic.” >-♦ Old England, like New England, show * by btr new census a lendrn.. cy in her agricultural conimuuitios toward a dec’ino iu p»piilattoti, ivhii-5 her car s are growing. But in the case of England the change is cbfifly due to tfie action of no«. ode men and squires, who, with a high handed exercise of Iho rights <>t property “improve” Iwmlets and hooves of their estate aitogeth f, and refuse sites for the erection of villas, and still more of <1 veiling* ^ or ^3 laboring claKset-. tic s*.m„ 8botlKPs an.I the citiesgct ti.c j eo pleibns dritcn , ff. Prohibition was defeated in F# Yor.h ort!» Carn’in* Gar j ina bv by a a laroe large m-Witv m yori v The rolorcd people Voted nob y for j free v. r. ■ Dr, Hamilton ” y-, the Prc-snU-m is convalescent and will get well. il-i He Will W.’A- not be removed j l :a " £M 1 hem Come. ; The Washington G.-tx-Uo threat-.! rns a disclosure of i lui onuses cOn-J j triburtnc to the down fall of our Siato publication,anxiously. university. Wu await That },»ur- their j ! iial uni says ->)o. I the , “We have i-eCvivod animal j batch of new* and i.iots ifoi.t “the i University of Georg:*, so Called’*! j U-1 oro ■ x 1 -MPC 9 have ja 8 t closed, j Jt is the Mum • Id story, with not a single V iristtot ~ o 1‘tolessors Hi tng do e n to SU C'lcctn ,l f,-nsi. f f nr Vf.irs >vi !t o ftp r*< baudlivl of n>* >.»v and In bios wbo «-*.tl.l b • ■ ioiy laugh, a 1 Gi.-y are cojit ' b c uf i,-rtiing liy three common school teacher* and on -.hi /ahlms '■ * it'’he p uip’e ol ''-/a, but more especially, those who have managed to destroy “the University, so called,” tor years* nix* tint yet ashamed of their own ignorance ait.1 Mindno-s, it is scarcely po-sible to hope for any future i i.prov. th 'n s. Vt s.'tj lit". Pot fur distant, tIn* GaScUe proposes to di-e iss tlie a If iirs ol the University aforesaid - to lay it bare--to tear it tip root and branch —to toll its true the o * use of it.- decay and re nedy Ibr it- rceupcraiion. No m ill living j has a better igln to speak on these ! ihiri.s than the editor Of 'his > paper, knowing he knows all 'he fact* nod , the uii.it,re of every mtnd tl.ut Iu,* | lnffuenced the destiny of this tellnol i for the lust twenty five years, j I the oid days it- Was a.t iuieliectn.al power felt over ib« bout h from Virginia to Texas, Why should it not be nowf” litiil Another. Mt. Willis Jouts, wl o ban destjp dip erecting if dwelling upon his Vacant lot : near the Hamilton Warehouse, flow thinks ; 1 of pu'lirg » bn-it)SKs hon"p on Iho carv¬ er. The dirnotion »l trsda is bound to i be toward tho railroad depot and we be- | have that Mr Jones would find his ven- ! tare remuhera ive. Steam Gin. The Mobley Brothers are pushing work on their steam ginnery at the depot ... A will soon have everything ready tor thj tucotoiug cotton crop Fine Grapes. t>r. T S. Mitc’oel! has handed ns sever til bunches of the Black Warrofl grape, that aro v« y Sue —flail’s Posh ive Cure fur Corps, wii Cure Warts, Sere n .d Fil med Joel's and Bunions. 8Md bv ftf-y It Mason Druggists, IlimilTv, G». Extra Low. j V Frost ia sidocp h-me made hfc gsi'fl s’ 81 to ri’.ir th y *ro fu ly warifti id. fif*-* \ .era Ji i ■/ A. ws ‘ tnnmarr/i -1} i ■ it- in ”• -it ;i p’,. 1 on " : / .(orii.a, bi -k d au i nn tor li river. F roe vote gill d, one woitcded, and b<* fifth sun end jred. Secretary fjunt li 6 I sited an or dvr directing Adiliii'il Poruf to take cbdi’gr of the United States ! war v»8> els winch are to assemble at Yor’ town. Tbo torpedo ram A’arm will be his flag hip i Advice* from M mt-v nlio .Iat(*d lhat carrying (3,000 (J'ttntal* 01 jerked ■ nr’o loading tbefer for Cuba, «i>d four other* have s.itlod for Gu- , _ “H-.rirms uals y . - or | - ,o ’ j ? _‘ v< h '' n maf ' 3 r< ° A ! P ipe !li.it lie fthoah* transfer tbe II >ly S”(> to A.writ!' •b-rewf in him.’* leper,dent posi i n: vi!! he assure I | J An officer of the f of " her« Gtfi- 1 lu*u i* confined «iy< the IsH.-rb .?”■ iwr.uor I'** lately Lhangc-i iif from vtF lire compiarency lo tenflper tow ftrn evury a*Uf«nl*int who cro-ise- ni« will even in trifling mtHtcn.. jf spends ,i great, deal vt rime it,, soarctiing the Hible'for pf c. (i. gts to i.tstify his crime, and ej i-»t*‘»r | Mtch ns be fancitt- still the CS C He ! i- prejiurinir to make his o’v i '. fetiKC in court* and inf 'mat 'jh ; ..it be wi 1 a-tonish the coup try r y I,is disph.jr of legal talent on that ou cation. j AJr. Peter Coop'r, who 'ft novr j over expend nitiMy year* between of :ig", *50 is 00 ft going and j j to 360,OCO this stnniner m improving { the Cuoper Union. He had p .id for the bui ding and education to New ' Jarnrirv 7, 1861 ,$ 1.500,000. boilt,n tor bw,li,, « ll j r " ,,r,H 3, “! j . ^ j j Mr.et, «s j ,s no room m the bmtdir. t -. I,, the fr.e school* ot tcdegrep.iy ibr w omen conr-es of type-writing i and ll 1 ]' pbonogtaj.hy^ l> * will * be 1 /_ ogleC " | ‘ ’ ' ‘ ' ‘ ^ thv*'v , c t , ,j c-nc.ana u»tet utiaored ttr» gtjU ou Jile, The Railroad Co n>})> fusion. Sena!or _ AtlenU Joseph F.^Anpeal. E. Drown appear * « 'l Friday cv.-mng at half past o’clock in tin* Senate chamber, bo fore the Senate d-itnimtt^ on rail roads and the raifl->*cl commission, ,0 ^ ,v ® hnent Ins vmws oil railroad . , ; conimusion, lie 1 as no objection :o m f ka 10 tlu* pvuscut commission or theip w6rk. lie was imu oppos fc ‘ 1 »*> '* n. On tlio other * ,a Dt1 he '»-■!) v»ul bo bo beat wc liuni yet >r- r. .iit f .r i for thi* roiiiibitio S nt m rim s b A wcCu '-‘tr raGron*» and |»voi>!c. ltis ob.. jt'C ion to 1 bo p or I'ootnila.-ioii was no to the." o-’« lot ho law under ■ ■h.icl' tbo% not. ll • ti. licVeJ the I ov .,> It ■ not o. v ViiicOnsti'.n lid d bat d.-i nn-uoiy to tile best interests of tint!) railroads and 'peo¬ ple. In this light ot liie tjaestiob he proceeded to show with a great deal of ability, that, the contmibsion w as delegated oowers by the Le« ui'lftlnra'vliicll t lie Letdrlniure it s< ^ ,u>t possess namely the » ,(>J <* of th,; Legislature, jttdirtl ■: Y and i x. eiiiive. lie dlaimed ii ns f> off 1 ’ U^H t ied they should re S dt'o their taitflbut not make ,n In fact, bo atguetl 'Iial this co,n u " (,er 1,1 ! ox istinpy laws crening an 1 hunt rolling If, wus n l.ttle ,govi:nii;ti.nl of itself. " H> =*11 the powers of our muicnal atnl otal*. i>i vrrntm nt —first to ionite it.- rules, tiien pu-sju Igement Open them and fin /!y execute tiuuu, IIb thought their power to i.-.uk a rule for tariff rales and to site the railroads lor a panel olFunco ’t they disregard it and then upon ti vi di ttCc whatever H ive their own r.c ^ ; n nmkinjg the rates to lhn them from $1,000 to $5,000 and execute thi* verdict, an atbitrarj "tie, imd contrary to nil notions of civil liberty, lie believe* lliul the propei* sphere of the commission was a judiciary function to at bit rule ami sc ilc all matters that, come into rfl-pum l n .l u ae„ (lie people ami iho v „ ilroatl- . Itl l!ns VS!4y lh( , sion h otild he n ivgnl.jling power, a means of proteoiionj fit* the. people against any itiireasoni,blo charges or rates they tnighl. make, and yet Ic.'ive to the railroads U.o right of defense mid cxplmia’ ion. , Ifw r . ftr «’ ,mc, ‘ l ^ hm , * , , to "i:h great attend m by the commit lee if"; eoniC -sii.u and quite (a-gc gttberii fh -ettlor*, among Un , m » tmtr.Uu'.,! -uuienl rail¬ road men. After Senate'’ D-ovn hud cotitlu dial fit;’. r«rn Ion Sarmr‘1 liar riot t, a III- rflliei of I he V . '<>...! (t.iiru iTits-i.,ii, npp’..." I Is / .»•". th” IV>"! initiec to an ■ ’ cr tie. ufgrtui.Mit ol Senator o, .1 to .Mend the coriiis-.roii ii.d tfn law mill, r wbi”a It V'H* ti lie said at tho out a" 1 that t b ■ C'»tnmi*si'.m was tit,pro pafed to .answer satisf'iOtou'y tlio point brought, lor ward by Gov. Biro u» i boy expected nn in for _ nnl meeting witli the Cotfimiuee, afl.l not fl hug.: pnttbering of Sef/fl— ! | tor*. tpmMorn, anc railroad m-ny beaded by I heir chief. Ho intro* ; dtic.-d no new point*, nor any hing in arrawor toSetia'or Hrowtr, bfti ,, f>* rights ,, and , I ct--iou on -• power* o [* ,lC co,! ; iril ' h '° l1 Uf:,Tf * r 1,1 ' !' lV j law. lie was of the opvmoir 1 th r.I (bat ab o argu ment cnvou.d it , j an I rrtoi eove hel.t v. d H to be se - j ih-d that ti e coiijlttl ■ ion w i\. j, 11 right, and was doing it good work. Tbo pftblio s. h ial fa .1 of the Htfllc t0 , M . iy , bj l' is as largo as it oughlho b v/.-ba i -"Jyocate the p-’istt.vge of a .* a whac. ’ will rt quire ilrat any person all ■ r lfH pass i«*c: inur»L ly,* ubie to read and w r te b.forc he -l.ali be rHjw ed , to volt*. . xu Wi» "'O 11 matrsiDchito i r ___ i .... who enjoy* that privilege . nontf now bu 1 tiiak.’ il bm.hng Upon all wnh :-h ii a tain their majority alter the passag® Of die law, Ati effi, er of the ireu-ury dcpart ment, recently fiutii Texas, says that it wiii take five year* to sap j/y the iron and etecl tails necessa f y lo build i be railroad in that Bt>.*e alrvft.iv chartered and in process ol ” con;trucr,on. ,,, I be .ml.',ad , , com experience mnch a,ffi-.aky.n getting emongb con*ir«(cUon bati.fi on account oi the great demand for 11 c r * lilcxica, where bc.ter piic< * are otiered d more uiduoetue&ta ST. Vj A 'XMll. Georgia yeas. —C&msbns is not so sure of those wa¬ ter works by Christmas as she was. —Seuutor Hill is improving very rapid **• & ows ' tireeubder Whito Sul* t>buc *pring«. Vs. whoso ^ * hosband A , j was ' ou , killed c 'j 1 ’ 0 few weeks a a a , > ja , 8U .^ Mr. W. T. IlispX who kill; od Mm, for damages. - It is eat:mated that the increased val nitior of the t.ixible property „f the Bbite this year over last will amount to more Ilian fifteen million. The Albany Kews; of Sunday, says “it in hardly probable that anybody in these parts will pray for rain a&ain right away. The ligktwood knots floated yos tdr.iay. ’ —A lania G xrtte: Tke elasa of people who are leaving Georgia to join the Mor n o s am hippy riddanoes. They are id r.oous hy instinct, example and prn i .ipt, and Boms of them ft su bn fottod iu ovary Community. J'o:mon i4 only a polite name for their eondast. — Franklyn news: “I’ho oropi of dow¬ el* and portions of Meriwether and Tr .up are reported as very aerioa dy efijoted by the prevailing drouth. I ip irtaol Heard there hie not Teen enough rain t,o run in the furrow hince the H. at of July. From Carroll, Paulding ami ifaraliwh, the re¬ ports me mote enculraging.” —Mr. J as P. Fort h.n sneoesd d iu sinking no artesian well on his pl-ii.tu 1 on near Aloany, and at a depih of ilva him tired to* t U*n obtained water that inn* out of u tubo elevated fifteen fo,d e.hyva 'he giottnfi. The well cost about $1,000 find prou. H v if permanently eua eagful lo ruvolatioclxti rffairs is that part of the S ate. — DoKilb Netvai “Ook John 11 Jynei, on-oi our best f.mu * a; has male * f*. Aud shev-r »• irusv j!Kfttcg wneut. For some on , !i • Aim lir.td iu. pro,:, oil Ib . t aprihg HiM.i >,bout u tier favarftble eirouiostan Ori • would do w«U lion; accordingly by the latter part of February hist ho keodod it wn two and u half bushels, uriuq uo maiittra to make a fair tout. Whim tluouh edths yield was thirty two and a half bu. hels. -- I'lSiiklin JJ.iws: “Au neeptant oc ctrrrod the rttfcot day at Ilold rims' fairy on tlio (Jbettahooi'iliwe, v.h.oh came very t;*ir roHuUlug fatally, Mr. John Oomba (iml bin little soa, la a one horss wagon, with a blind horse, had driven into lha flit. Mr. Combs got off the wiig. a to as' nisi tti» ferryman, when another wagon coming on the flat, ins homo walked off into the river, drawing aftorihim the wag on npou - hich rat tfio sixyeur old boy. j Mr. Combs at onoo cprarg into the wii - ter, end thoegh the Wagon body, onr in formant nays, tumed ov. r and them nnder it, ha succeeded in getliug oti*, and swipu in,hurt! with his child.” — Albany Nu.vs: “From v/hut we Cf.n gather tr.'ia tlio most reliable .xnroos \va conclude that l;n> cut ten crep of this m>o tioo is epon thn whole, vary good. tu .tcm . pr.itioitH ot tuis county, pud in lt ik the Crop" has stifT ired ra.io or less for ruin, bat th.s complaint ii by no u/rse. - uersl is to cotton. Corn, how ever, h..3 l.oen materially ir./ured by tko ^ IHU flbt throughout tho eotlro Buotiou of the Utate. Cotton i» opining very rapid, ly, and non”: farmer* ure now pi.,king u» rnuoli ns !ton pounfli. to la a band per day. Cotton picbei* ure now in demand, and 40 cent* i«*r hundred i* readily paid for picking—the luluicrs furnisliing their owu rations/' —Cull.hart Enterprise: ‘‘^omo ot onr render.'may o.fn mbrr that in the oiuly spring wo not!Ard a plat *f ground on which Mr, Arnold Haistetr proposed to mnkii a Crop ot r.rn with three tv mi*', o r « visited M-. II ustins farm i. f«.w d«j* nT ’ ( 1 ^ L ’ ” * his corn vlf i gprt. Tt.o ^ It a lt . jl:Ht ta „ ^ r M ... U a i.,teu having pm the row* wider apart 'baa ho iater.ctvd to, had to put four far. furrows to the row. lie ft'way* sills corB-” —fu.$z\*n HoraM: $ tiler Camp n>t r hard knock . the . oci.l , Monday , T . i..or';irj” . ou lis> f;om V d i h th: blood flowed quite t re. ly. It ftecuai that b!» ba.ii den leek «. nation to do au extra rmooht of aifigiug xi. J f r lying bst night, and bo disturbed • he nc.iguooiC t~.it a.M.p iiicontiueutly ti d frem ill i-yt u. Mr, 0*mp had gone up in the prison to remonstrate with them when Anderson Ciemor.r, a negro who linn teen Bwaiting a aesotirl trial for murder, «tr<rck him over the head with an earthen Mpltoon several times, laying the sca'p open to th* hone in three pi ’Ces. The ^ blow « *•.«0 the jafUr. The negro Len inmur-d * ■ on biw, Red amid Hie iioiac the acur.e , Camp little to or , s non came (he rcBcne. Clemens b:n powerful man, audihongb ehaiued by one h.g, would have put an #cd lo the jailer had cot help oome at b» opportune moment. Clcmer.g tsceivrd a blow from a policeman's club in Camp's hand, and would have received s vtrr.l sbots had net the pistol roinfe'* fire. Tt ere has heretofore been too much license permitted the fanatical criminals who fiom time to are confined in our jail. and it is high timo that their lend hypo criti ^ !*«>«• •*& boieUroan singing were regulated by the en'bordieB. .. ------ Wcmra L*v*> beta ^rt»LO»,3 ©J ic*' curable by the beat physmiMis . gin tho '^'/weXae*. Z of l^dia E PlLkham s v CKC iable Comp mni. S'and ! to Mr* Lydia E. Eiukbam, 3C8 WT-.urn A7si>4e > .'L;co, Mas#., for t »mphi#io. : 1 Another HesUlenm. ■>'' --» Mr. Jao. W. Gamble, who is sn * t knowUdged leader in enter) r'./.“ft beotf • rial to his town and oornmnally, lua j,»c- . chased from Mr. Uibert MaC.m:a, tbft place known a* the old hospital piupa. It is < uo of th‘4 oldest houses its * he eocaJj", was bui t forty or 3Hy ;.9>ra tux j»j,d was at one time of the moat dtiiiiftKa planes in this section. Fifteen years ego it had become so dilapidated that iu owners allowed it to be use.) ,s a hospital, An examicatioD hessbowu. the framing of the building to be well preserved, ,a£5 Mr. Gamble now thinks of re-bn;i'tt;rg If almost tasWtJb entire. Knowing his skill an^w. can safely predict that he wi i mate of tbs plase pbe west dasirable t6 ii - done* ia lfsmUtun. A iinor «t:etcb of scenery is not to be seen anywhere than ess be viewed from the elevation coca pied by the, building, while the simouLdr mgs ase ever} way .attractive. Owing to its proximity to his plantation Mr, Gamble thinks ot making it fcis rwidauec wh&n finished, iffia hail with ploasitrs auj-tion to the town in the way oi lOsideaccOk ^Obituary. y Mias Eaifciii E. Brook*, Teu'-^asf daughter ot Allan X. and Elizibait lirooksCfiied ot her home noar Honultou, Ga., on May 1G 1 Sr'i? 1, aged t« m’y-onc yours, four laontbs and seventeen daya. She was converted and joined ths Mothodist Chnrcb under the ministty of Uav. W. F. Hjbinacm in 1671. Ia her sonveraion at the age of eleven tha' divioo promise is exemplified wliiuh «»yc. “they that seek tne early skill (lad Me/, and her rummer of life nil tided ao argtt meat egainet the converMail. n! cbil dien. None o»a bo l*sa osentatioua, and yet all vvbu kunyv her intimately muat have been Impressed with her ixonusten cy and ew e(-t-spiru«dn« as. ShA tleVtT , ir.ic’patiii in “such dlvetahjns as cane tie' k« used .a tie eerie oi tf.a Iter if Janus/' «m 3 wsa ptiaed at tba irdulffc coca tl.OM.iu on tba part of others. Iyer Sabliuth Seoul teauher enys "X slivoyo ro, gi-idsd Eitiai'i as emo ol the best girls la iuy c’uaa,” ttfcd the uahasiU'mir t«sli: at oty of uli is flint ghe V/tiS ru htni.bih *u.l ooa*ifctoat Chijatian, L’U« 1..I r. \tou1h tu her Ut:t inoaumtu !c ebaer tha hraits of l»vvd ono in tlioiS iutouse Rtief, but she left wlmt ia fur bi tter aad rnoett relialdo-obs ucaurBiioe from her life tbni rho was rearty for the turumou# actl ia now with Ibr bud. May parent*, broth;; *rs and Ki'eters follow after iti (ha way ts ; and finally meet her in lift n. ■ lira Pakiois. J Cincinnati Paper Cheap, IVa imve cie.do qvrangtmeuti. wiiii t,’ pahlbbera of the Weekly v ilonmieriial, a Urge fifty-xw ool-rn-n ru* per, by which we are enabled to ’■* >' nud 'lm JutinHAj, one yo»r for f. ...1» ,i -J give to every .<.v!wr.r5l:er car It'.*."*.! ' premium arid bd. oi.oioc of tilhtr cf ... following book ■ Manlin i <>f ,Curie:. K .dymion, V. tmlniaeeuoea of Tliouiuii Oiirlihlc, Pilgrim’s Progress, Iranhoo, MiddlOtnarcb, ItebineoM Ljuroe, or SEult rtbipman E«ny. Vos can jet a copy of this mammoth eheot, ly uddressii g the publiabara of the Commercial, Cincinnati; O. Another Candidate. By a large majority tlio pooplu ot ftq tJniled fltiitea have clecluju 1 th dr f.fltli in Ki Iniy-Wort us a remedy fer all tlio d!t onsett ot (ho liiilmijs and liver, some, bow 1 i ever, have ilMiked Iho tmublo of proper ■ iag it tin.a the dry, form. For such x n«A raii li.hito appears in the skejw (of Kidney Wort in Uijuul Form, ft U very corfceti-. trated, is e.v.i'.y taken and is upittlly efS ci. nl us tbs dry, Try it— Louisville Post. Fresh Arrivals, We have Jest icevivwf u frish supply of. lhoivna Iron Bitters, Hop Bitters, ,Warner* Safe Kidney and Liver Cure, Fluid iCxtracJ; Juniper and B.i.lm, BpvchtiM .Gvrair.R Cough Syrup, Ft daeolu O.J, Curaiino^ linLera Horse and Cattle Powder, lbs..!* Liver Meliclfle, ^Il$nxtfke for removing., greivac spots from clottiitg, ljj.telil.Io Ink aii-J Fum y Toilet Soaps. liiiKt A M ’.a’ r. To Accommodate '.(he. Public. 'i'lie propiietorn of (hat iamiei)ac!y pop tilar remedy, Kidufy-V’urt in rsnoguiftou, of the clxiino of iti* public which bus i r liberally patronized them, bare prrpfrreA a liquid preparattoc of that remedy foS tbv Special nccoer.niodatioa of tLoue Who from ety ms« distike to W-'e it f.r; vheraselv#». It ia very copcenuatad bb<^ »'ihe d so i. small, it r, mure tusi’y t.tk--, Thankful. Thensands ot ladies to day cherish, gra’eful r. uiemhrancea of the help derived, from the ti id of Jbydf* pji kbam’* Vegeta hi* Oiunponnd. Send to Mm. Lydia E, Pinkliiuri, paisa, 233 Westerm Avenue, L;an, Mbs*,, far hlet. Notice. Ht feafler rvs will bo obliged adher; a strictly to our rule of cash in advance f'>2 : all leg.il advertisement* inserted in f’t 6. Jon.RAr., except with bufi.ess tmusaa with ’.hur- we have a ranniog a«c flat. Wo ha7« upon several ooeasioas eip r’-v encod inoonvenicnoo by tbe nogltgenae A. parties to se'tle acordirg to promiv* re!' the only remcCy we can «e» is to iisi.,* ou the observance of tbo abort rule. 5Yo ure entitled by law to our pay In advaree Bad wa os not atf »rd to grant credi't where I her# is somoiiuaea no rtnponsikiU ty. Our Agent The people of the West oro a debt of gratitude to Dr, Ayer fop the production, of Ayer's A^ua Cure. Ita timely are wilJ save mud. suffering amt much dtacenr agfuicnt, and we reoomuieu.i it with the, greatest confidence in its ability to do ail that i") promis'd for it. Save Money Sf buying tbe cclobrated MilibGrn W^g on, sold only by Mobley Brother*. CcTlttrd Seed. Want'd. . A good price, will be peia for seed tt thu- ofiioe.