Hamilton journal. (Hamilton, Harris Co., Ga.) 1876-1885, September 09, 1881, Image 1

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THE HAMILTON JOURNAL Subscription Price $1 A Year. -E J. L. DENNIS, PUBLISHES. Hamilton, Ga., Sept. 9, JSS1. Personal Intelligence. —Cur mercbantB pay the very best prices for cotton. —Onr Hood letter is missing this week. It must have mis carried. —Capt. Bray was in town yesterday With a load of apples and melons. | There —Hamilton is is idle decidedly mechanic improving. in the not an place. —We hope our friends will not forget the Journal as they bring their cotton into market. —The Brard of Education met last Tuesday, but transacted no business of ;«pscial interest. —Capt. Joe Irvin is pushing work on his new cottage and it wiil soon receive the finishing touches. —Hamilton buyers paid a quarter of a cent a pound higher for cotton last Sat utday than Columbus buyers. —The life of the town seems to be gravitating depot-ward. If the depot will not come to us we must go to it. —The new store of Mr. Jones is push¬ ed towards completion rapidly. When finished it will prove an attraction to west end. ’ —Hamilton is receiving now colton daily. Onr buyers calculate on getting five thousand bales before the close of the season. - Mr. J. W. Gamble is improving the exterior of his store bonso by giving it a new coat. Its change will greatly im prove its looks. —Capt. I-.vin begins his first ronnd for the collection of taxes at Ilood next Thursday. Ilia appointments will bo found in another place. —The Sheriff made no sales last Tuoa day. There has not been a sale by him in the county in nearly a year. This is a very good showing for a county of six teen thousand inhabitants. —Mr. A. F. Copeland is adding greatly to the appearance of the east side of the public square by treating bis store house and the one occupied by Mr. A. F. Trnett to a fresh coat of paint. —Flynn Hargett, Jr., the very clever clerk of the Commissioners of Hoads and Revenues, has returned from Atlanta his eyes very much improved by the treat went of Dr. Calhoun. —The depot is being improved by the addition of a shed on the west side aud a platform on the south end. The im provemeut will add greatly to the r.ppear ance of the building and prove a conve to the traveling public. —Owing to the continued illness of Pritchard we have been unable to procure a statement of the returns of toe county, Suc.h a statement we will procure and publish at as early a day as possible. —Messrs Mobley Brothers started Ibeir new ginnery estab'ishoient nt the C. & R depot, last Friday evening and had their first bale in a short while. Their machinery is admirably arranged, so that they cau handle cotton with very little waste and at the lowest possible cost. Their press is in their lint room and when the bale is packeu it is in a few feet of the railroad platform. : —We get tile following account of the robbery of am ex-Harris o-iunty boy from the M-ddle Georgis Argus. Mr. Walter Darden, of Jasper county, who taught school in our town two years ago, was most foully robbed at the residence of his uncle James Darden, in Jasper county, one night last week. We learn that his uncle was in Atlanta on business, and Walter was alone in ctage of premises, and was called up during tho night to at¬ tend a sick mule, which he did without suspicion of foul piny, nnd following the negro o the lot, was rushed upon by .nree other negroes and ono white man, choked down and robbed of one hundred end eighty do lars which he had in his We have not beard of any cluo to the perpetrators of the foul deed, hut we h^pe they will be brought to goffer the full penalty for such datiug outlawry. —Speak gently to uiy mother. Sho ia ^suffering with a severe eongb, but* we have sent to tbs store of Marrah A ford for a bottle of Coussens’Honey of Tar’which is highly recoommended by all who use it.Price 50 cents, -Take the bnckeye out of your pocket and make an application of Tablor’s Pile Ointment, if you are suffer ing with piles. You will certainly be cured. Price 50 cents. For sale by Murrah A Crawford. Women that have been bedridden for yea-.-, bave been entirely cured of female weakness by the aid of Lydia. E. Pink barn’s Vegetable Compound. Send to Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham, 233 Vfestrn Avenue, Lynn, Mass , for pamphlet, —Dr. Hunter of Lake City, Fla., says: — have used Hall’s Tetter and Ringworm * Specific in practice for number of my a Lears, and find it an excellent remedy for Scald-Head, Ground-Itch, Tetter and Bingvorms.” Sold by Riley & Mason, Druggists, Hamilton, Ga. 2 —Seth Thomas Clocks, Lambdas Pat est Fiy Fans latest improvement, Raow Cases, Looking Glasses, Silver Piated Wire, R >gers Cutlery, Agate Iron Ware, Beer Coolers. We are Manufacturers Igents for above Goods, and sell at low et prices. McBride & Co., Atlanta. Job fcor- o f Earthenware, China, Glass Ware i it, & W oiden Ware. —Attention merchants! Xf-Rridfl Jt Ware at Importer prices. Glassware Stamped and piece Tin Ware, Wooden Wa.e. at manufacturer* bottom prices. #y eC Fft “ 8 "s«th ’ Thomas' 1 a‘ckS! P Fmit «a, lea Crevu Fr~*vs, Brer Cioiera ..a u.d. —Show Cases, L"ok Eg Glasses and i ^ LmL L ^ eve“ ijf*Wn can eave - money r if fright -ud jre.kige by send or V-U-orlers tx Mr Tide A Co., Atlas’s, Ga. 5S3S* - - •Evj Journal. VOL. IX.—NO. 35. The County Jail. The attempt of the prisoners in the county jail to escape lasl Tues.. i day night, was the occasion of call-. J intr public attention to the unsafe, j unsightly and unhealthy condition . of our house of detention. The 1 black hole of Calcutta was not a j more unwholesome place than the i Hamilton j iil. A fearful bility rests upon our county it the evil is not remedied at once. It is too loathesome a place to confine those who has been convicted of crime. Every instinct of humanity cries out against its use as a prison for those whom the law presumes to be innocent. >Vo are aware that grand juries have often called attention to its filthy condition, but we do not be¬ hove that the jailor is blamable with this. Any sanitarian must know that it would require great and constant labor to keep the sweat box of the prison from emit ing its wonted stench, when occu¬ pied by three or four filthy men. There is no ventilation aud no light. No cne can enter it and say it is not a disgrace to humanity to iBe such a prison. The blame oi the disgrace does not attach to any officer of the county. It is no fault of the Sher¬ iff He lias a careful jailer, who does what he can io alleviate the sufferings of the prisoners. The county commissione s are not to hlnme, for they need a public sen¬ timent to back them lu such a large undertaking as the ereclion of a new jail- The blame lies upon the people of Harris county. They disgrace their clirisliacitv and hu¬ manity in not demanding the erec¬ lion of a new building which can be kept in a decent condition and in which decent people might be de¬ tained. It is time we were waking up on the suhj -ct. Let us hive a lull discussion ot it. If there is one apologist, of the present affair we offer him space in our columns to to defend the county. As we view it there is no defence, Wa invito others to speak on the suhj ct. Out columns are open to all. The growth and prosperity of America are making a profound nnd doubtless lasting impression upon rite educated classes of En¬ gland. Of late the rush <.f British capital into all descriptions of American investments has been immense. These are principally railways, banking, insurance, and commercial business. But nuw there are unmistakec indications of a movement among the higher mid¬ dle class in England that point to the settlement of regularly organ ¬ ized British communities in the western and southern states. Ten nessee, Virginia, and Colorado are : nst now t [, e .favorites, But the movcment ig jading to Kansas, ho Cato.n , even to T i,ouiM. . . ' a- am ana and Texas. Large amounts of Liitisb capital ate being lli\csted in lands in the Lnlted Slates on Loud and mortgage. Evidently the Eng(l( p tl pe0 p[ e have had enough ol Egyptian, Turkish, and Peruvi an bonds, and have made up their minds to plant their feet upon the solid earth ar.d among civilized people. * Broom coin is likely at no dts tnnt day to revolutionize the breadstuff supply of the w orld. A ; roccss has been discovered by w hich the finest and most deli Ch¬ ous flour can be made from the seed to tlie ex’ent ot one-halt its weight, and leave the other half* a valuub’e fo -d for making beef and milk. The average yield per acre is three hundred bushels, or thirty thousand pounds have been secur¬ e( ]_ Nor does it tihausl the soil as Indian corn, from the fact that it feeds from the deepest soil, and assimilates its food born a cruder state. It belongs to the same ge r;:is as tbe sweet cane commonly l ’V V" cr,vi#h„m f ’ which as an • it, ^ , a nulnclous flour . - - J 1 • A f ema j e shaTk ___ weighing 300 pound., , cap! Died , op—ite U»Brook ,. „ , ! l-,u lower cf the E-iftl river on. g-, ......™ ,t ci v T. o of the men who lap.fed Ler were thrown overboard . , IC;C ea , n 1 ’ c v » “ u <%fcu ‘ * INDEPENDENT DEMOCRATIC NEWSPAPER. HAMILTON, GA., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9,188l. A Pertinent Query. An advocate of the bill for a new capitol at Atlanta, which happily met with defeat last week, urged the point tnat there is nearly halt a million dollars lying idle in the State treasury. An opponent of the bill asked the very pertinent query:—Can’t we reduce taxation and call on this sum to meet the de¬ fieit? It is well enough tor the state to have a reserve iund in her treasury, that she may not be compelled to resort to tempo! ary loans to meet contingencies, but ive should think half a million dollars loo much for this purpose. And when we re¬ member that this sum has accumu¬ lated in a few years, that the valua<> lion of property has increased thirty million of dollars since tho passage of the last tax act, while the expen¬ ses oi the stale government have bee i and are continually diminish¬ ing by cancellation of the bonded debt, the question of a reduction of the tax rate seems to demand at¬ tention. Senator Hill’s Condition. Atlanta Constitution. Tite people of Georgia will re¬ gret to learn that the trouble with Mr. Hill’s tongue has necessitated his return to Philadelphia. Upon the spot from which the old cancer was taken a few clays ago, appeared a white granulation about the size of the finger nail. He asked for an examination of this at the hands of Dr. \V. F. Westmoreland. Dr. Westmoreland stated that it was best for him to return to Philadel¬ phia at once, that Dr. Gross, w ho hud performed the first operation, might examine his bis tongue. Mr. llill left on Wednesday evening, and on yesterday afternoon Mr. 13. II. Hill, Jr., received a telegiaiti slating that another operation was necessary and would be performed on Monday. He will leave the oily Jo-day for Philadelphia, where he w ill join his fat lief and remain with him until he is able to leave for home. The news will sadden tho hearts of thousands through the Staidt and all will join m the pray¬ er that tiffs operation may effect a final cure. Mr. Davis’ liool: Selling Well. New York Evening Post. In regard to a report c -piid a few days ago from a Southern pa¬ per that the sale of Jiff D 'Vis’ book ‘‘has been slower in the South than in the North and West,” the Mes¬ srs. Appleton write to u-: “The sale of Mr. Davis’ ‘Rise and Fall of Confederate Government’ baa been remarkably large in tbeSomh, and much better there than In the North. Twenty thousand sets were delivered in the Southern States vt itiiin twelve weeks from the day of its publication; and al¬ though the hot weather has tempo¬ rarily poraewhat checked it, we have a large t umber of subscrip tionf for delivery early in the au¬ tumn, so that eventually the sale will greatly exceed the number mentioned. When it ts remember¬ ed that the work is published in two larare octavo volumes at the price of $10, it will be seen that the sale even to this period ha- been very in fact, we believe it to be wholly unprecedented.” , Gold Excitement. Ellijay (Ga.) Courier.] The Eastern portion of the conn ly is in almost a fever of excitement over the di-covery, on tlie planta¬ tion of Spencer Burrell, of a depos¬ it ot gold bearing quartz which is said surpasses in richness anything ever discovered in the cour t-'. Tho ore vein was found b_v Bluford Bearden and Bob Kin caid at the head of a branch east and just be Mr. Burrell’s liou?e. For a time it has been thought there was a rich depostte of gold in that neighborhood, and large premiums have been offered to any one who would discover the vein. The gen tleraen above named having discov the mine alluded lo'thereby Col-«. r77^t\T'T M . Heath has also bough /" i; third interest, and we learn all you have to do is SO eqne«ze the P®°*« acd ehe fry* ,be P° Wcn Rumor «» ” savs the owners of this vt : b „ n , ,- , thev will not mg. Hurrah for Carteeay! She | « dl >’•« ”<kv l.^d »« the in m.r- ; g: C :Cm ct North Georgia. ! Atlanta Notes. Chatbarp, the regular Atlanta cor¬ respondent of the Savannah News, writes his paper as follows concern¬ ing legislative matters. The finance committee reports in favor of turning’ the dog law question over to a vote of the peo¬ ple, This is the only way it can ever be settled. The same committee reports in favor of a new Code, and recom¬ mends the one now being prepared by Judge George N. Lester, the Hon.Walter 13. Hill, and Mr. liow ell. It is surprising to sec the House waste, ns it frequently does, half an hour over a little matter which might by judicious action he dispos ed of in five minutes at tho very longest. Yet this thing seems hard to suppress. In the senate there are twenty four fanners,, fifteen lawyers, five doctors, one merchant, one school teacher, and one steam saw null proprietor, At this tola! makes makes forty-seven, and there are only forty-four Senators, it is ne¬ cessary to slate that three of the Senators are in two kinds ct bus mess, and 1 credit each business with a full representative. Only one senator—McDaniel-*- was re¬ elected; all the others are now men.! I am indebted to lion. W. II. Harrison, of JStewart, the efficient and amiable Assistant Clerk, for the following statement of the bus¬ iness of the house yesterday noon. Total hills and resolutions introduc¬ ed in Hie house to date: Resolutions 129, bills 1050. Total 117-9. House bills now on hand for third reading 139; tor second reading (favorably reported). 50, for second reading (adversely reported) 191. on tlie table 31, will) senate amend¬ ments 5, )n the hands of committees 208. Total 621. This total shows an immense amount of voik still on hand to lie completed. Senate htiis in House for firs! read¬ ing 5, for second reading V, for third reading 20, resolutions 13, in hands of committees 18, total 03 Seme of these bills, say 15, are to appropriate money, and will have to be considered by the house in committee ot the whole, and if fa¬ vorably consideied, passed by a call ot the yeas and nays, all of w hich will occupy consult ruble nine. For this reason, as well as others, not necessary to mention, I think an ndjontnmcnt on the 29th, will leave considerable business not finished. After Mr Barrow, of Clarke, had pictured in glowing language the terrible condition of the present capitol building, Mr. Jom-s, of Ba.. ker, offered the following preamble and resolution: Whereas, the rafters that stipnori the root of tnis building have lost their grip, and, whereas, the shoul¬ ders on the [dates are known to be split off: and, u hereas, cr ac ks of alarming size are said to exist in the walls: and, whereas, the gen etal condition of the building is manifestly such as greatly to en¬ danger the lives and limbs of mem¬ therefore bo it “Resolved, The Senate concur¬ ring, that this Genral Assembly do now adjourn sine die.” Of course this was tiealed ns a yet it had no little to do with defeating tne bill for a new capitol If a new one is commenced at once, the old one must of necessity be used for at least five years. Mr. Barrow’s woeful account of its condition was, therefore, inappro¬ priate. We learn from the Oo’umbas Enqui-er that Mr. T. W. iiarvey ’ , )f ]}„ ena Vista, who was injured on ,| )e 29l[l c f j une \ >y all accident 0 n the Southwestern road, about tw t . n ,y m i le . from Columbus, was more 8er jonsly injured than was first 8 „j,p os{ . ( ^ an ,[ that bis ,,h V sician states that he will proba L)J never get entirely over the in v r, O. A. Go ok, who bad his left , col.ar bone broken, and who v. as confine ° ,l ' r »onu tnn ,is out an biifaTtimes MaVtirf'iT vet v " 1 ^.^ Vlr T .V 1 W su who i,. L. ' . , > 1 , . i , , b fcn pn , ho ftrset8 alte ,:dimr I u , his r ,. BU !ar bu-ines.s for tw0 montbf H UK-ie. Terriblle Indian Massacre. Washington, S pte’«ber 3.—The following telegram was received at the War Department this morning by Acting Adjutant General Mo Keevur, trora Gen. McDowell, dal* d September 2: “The following was received from the commanding General id tlie Department of Arizona, dated to.day; Tiffany telegraphs a re¬ port from ihe sub agency that an Indian named Mickey brought.word that a number of chiefs m o coming in with their bands, hut that Pedro, wi'h all Ins band and others, are on the war path; that Carr’s command, including himself and other officers and sixt y-four enlisted men, were killed day before yesterday; also that Pedro had killed seven or eight men, including an expressman, be¬ tween Apache and Thomas. We have no word from Apache, The line is down and tho wire cut. Bid¬ dle wits at work yestoiday and last night getting troops across the Gila with difficulty, pushing for Apache.” A di spatth received from Gen\. oral Wilcox Uii.s morning says that he has received news that a few of G neral Carr’s command escaped at Cubic creek, which is forty miles west of Fort Apache. Those who escaped are lighting their way to Fort Apache, but their Miccoss is doubtful. Piedro’s band nil nuked Fort Apache, but the c -mniunder of the department thinks that lie mu-'t have been repulsed. Sm Francisco, September 5.—A dispatch from Tucson, Arizona, says: Gen. Carr was in command of the Garrison of Fort Apache, con Mstmg of two companies of iho sixth cavalry and one of infantry. After leaving sufficient to protect tlus puli lie property at Apache he had but G3 enh-ted men, of the sixth caval¬ ry and five officers. A medicine man, who was at the bottom of the trouble, had been for some weeks past predicting to the White moun¬ tain Indian that when corn was ripe he would raise all their dead chiefs 'and the - whiles would he driven out of their country. TIiih was sufficient to warrant the cot: elusion ihat preparations wore be¬ ing made by site tribe to break out as soon as they had gathered tin-if harvests. Gen. Carr was ordered to im -t the medicine man. lie doubted his ability to do so with so small a force againt the whole tribe, who had been worked up to i he belief that I heir medicine man would raise up their dead chiefs. The circumstances attending the massacre were such that it could hardly have been avoided. An outbreak had been feared, and for the last two weeks in tlio Apache country settlers have been predict¬ ing trouble. There are not less than ten thousand Indians on Iho San Carlos reservation and fully as many in the Navajo tribe which is loot ted from GO to 100 miles north of the country of iho White Moun¬ tain tithe, A large number of young bucks of both ilic San Carlos and Navajo tribes have been visit¬ ing White Mountains tec-fitly and i>, is Believed they were engaged in the fight. It is reported by rn.. rnoi s that the fight con inurd all day oi the 30h. Every hill and cannon was swarming with Imli ans. A disnutcb from Gen. Carr, giv¬ ing nil account of the attempted massacre, shows that the loss «'.‘ih not as severe as first stated, ile gives the following account to Gen eral Mel) iwell. “Pursuant to or¬ ders from the commanding general, dated Aug. 30, to arrest the Indian | Dr. Nockay D< Klinnc, as soon as i practicable, and a formal request from the sigen’, dated 14th, to ar-. rest nr kill him, or both, I first hoped to arrest, him when be came to bold his danneaand incantations, but he did not keep It,s appoint "tents. I sent an Indian scout with •» message that I wanted to s c- him on Sunday, August 28th. from I him, reeeir- and | ‘‘d an e v **si ve answer and E. Sixth cuva.ry, and IT:” "-j liy A . wtri, scou t —the command ( ri timbering Six officers, seventy-nine ool<*i« r « and twenty-three Indian scouts. 1 reached his village on .,,,.1 cm.,,,:.............. ,, , ,, ,! Ueia ,‘° W, "‘ me ' ; . wr.ud not try >o e-cape, and . there u yu.d Le ho ftUunpt »t rctcue; but 1 SI A*YEAR. as we were making camp, our O a ll scouts and ni ny other* Indians opened fire upon us, end killed Captain Herlig first, and rati off" the animals an-endy turned out to graze. The medicine man was kill, ed as soon as they commenced fir¬ ing, and we drove them off’after a severe fight, in which wc lost Cap. tain Ileriig, who was shot in the hack by our Indian scouts as ho mriied to get his gun. Four priv¬ ates were killed, and one sergeant and three privates wounded—two mortally. After burying the dead I returned as rapid y ns practicable, arriving on the 31st. Some of the Indians had proceeded and killed eight men. Oa the road to Thomas Iho next morning they made a demonstration against this post nnd attacked it in the afternoon, but were repulsed. Onr total loss is: Killed, Capt. E. O Hertig, (! b cavalry, seTcu privates of troop ]), tith cavalry, aud one private of troop E, Gth cavalry, two privates of company 1), 12 h infantry. Wounded, First Lieutenant 0. G. Gordon, Gth cavalry, in the leg; one sergeant of troop E, and one private of troop D, and forty live horses and ton uiulofl killod, wounded and missing. Mr. Sterling Jenkins, for thirty* five years a resident of Harris comp ty, du-d lasi Friday of paralysis aud typhoid fever. It is found that a large number of Canadians intend visitinns the Atlanta exhibition. They want to see tlie South. There are 21,000 school teachers in Iowa. The average compensa¬ tion of the girls is $26, while the nt< n get an average of $31. Since the beginning of the year, 3,110 miles of raihoad lias been bmlt in the United Slates, the lar¬ gest mileage for the same period since tS^. The Phonograph says that there is one member of the legislature from otn of tne lowercounties, who has not been sober a single hour since he reuohcd A lunta. The statement has frequently been made by surgeons of the high¬ est standing that if President Gar., field survived sixty days after the tnfiicrinn of his wound his reeov cry might be regarded us certain. Sixty days have now elapsed since ihat sad second of July, and the President’s condition appears to warrant tho belief that he is gradu¬ ally getting out of datige The Northern Christian Advo¬ cate celcgrtued the fiftieth birthday of Mrs. Hayes, who is P.esideut of tho M“thodist Wotnaii’s If omo Missionary Society, by publishing a number, ad tho articles of which but one, were written by women, and of which the supi-rinteriileiice, type setling, making ready, the forms, folding and mailing was done liy women. There is a certain satisfaction in knowing that Guiteau asked that iron shutters be put at the windows of his coil, and that ho dreads re¬ lease I nun pt iron. Thai, lie should shudder will) the tear of lynching nnd assassination is part of the In gii-imsto c inseq ienees of Ids cold hearted tiloo ly deed. It is also a proof of the healthful action ot his mind that lie desires the ser¬ vices of “an eminent criminal law¬ yer.” Let tern from Rus.-ia depict a sad condition of things as regards the Jews, It is no rare occurrence, especially in the south, for rich Jews to be take y accused for some irilaginary crime und their proper¬ ty confiscated. The victims are l0 eM . ; ,p ( > w ith llieir lives, and if they venture to return they niv seized as vagabonds or as bearing an assumed name, and bani-hed to Siberia or removed to distant parts ol the empire. of Co ; nmllI1Sf ha , j. lf , t retnrned from a wjp eorlb wbeM be attended tfce National Convention of Photographers, obtaining the latest dots in the magic ait. His hjm tto lewli whicll , t u hk. purpose to tl ^ hsz „ a ,. nis pictures are always up to the full standard of excellence and bis price* down as low as compatible with pood work. It is a treat to visit «»*'■*■' ~l »• ■« .a-— npou bis walls rp-ak *h foici 'ly as can -------- event, n filthy .,-^utc. prevent «, :U riil CISC* l-y u-in.-JUrowu r B t Vi.-. Fresh Arrlrtt V. Wo hnvo jut>t ic<« ivo.i! h tr »li nim'ly ?f lirowtis Ir< u Hop IMiteri*, Wuith i^ Snfe RMncy aud Liver Cmc, i’imd Kxlrn % Juniptur a d lio Im, B 'orb* os (I r n.'ifi Cough Syrup, bfc Jacob* Of, Curitimv j Bukcm Horne and Ciltlo I’owdor, H ind# I/vor Modiciu*. Bcuziuo for minvii^ grease spots from clnthitg, Indelible Ink and L'.mey Toilet Soap‘. I iti v k Vr.-.n His Liecr was Mocked Vp. A ehort time rinre a Coin nbtisile at .1 popular watering pl.u-e cried out. “My liver is lucked up, oh for a bottle of Ilm d * Kurek* — Five doll ns fur a bottle of “Eure¬ ka. Fortuint ly tor him one ot the gun ts had a buttle and gave him a dose and bn was made happy. Just Received Another lot of frosh Turnip Seed. Also a lot of nr r-d paints, ready for u->e, and n full line of fresh drugs and mediciuea cheaper than ever for cash. Hit.t v ,t Mason. Ikinoval Notice « About, (be fifteenth of Si ptember I will remove the Ooln-abus Store into the new brick store, now building on Railroad street m xt to Hudson & Johnstoi.’n Ware house, where I will open the most iui uieiiso stuck of dry goods nml groceries evor Been in Hamilton. 11. W i l.FH s. I Will Fay 12) emits n dozen for eggs for tho next two mouths and advauoe as the mar kut prioo advances. Proportionately good prices for other country produce. Whim you como to Humiltou call on me. J. (’. Fi, xu. Hamilton Lodge, So. l(i, Holds their regular Communications Friday evening at * o'clock before Iho 2d Saturday lu ouch month. All mem hers art) requested to take dun notice und govern themselves accordingly. 11. G. KtMimovoa, W. M. J. M, Kimuroiou, Seely. 'Jo Accommodate The Public. The proprietors of that immensely pop nlar remedy, Kidney-Wort in recognition of tho claims of tho public which has no liberally patronized Ihem, have prepared a liquid preparation of that remedy for the speoial accommodation of those who from any rensou dislike to preparo it for themselves. It is very conoontrnted and, as the dose is small, it is mnro ent ily tak¬ en by many. It has the same iffeotua action in all diseases of the kidneys, hr ur or bowels.— Home and Farm. Than/.jid. Tin it "amis of ladioa to Gay oliariNh grateful r» illumin ances of the help ilmv.il from the n«o of J.yilln Pirkham’a Vugota bln Compound. Send to Mrs. Lydia 15. Piukbam, 288 VVestcrm Avituno, Lynu, Mass,, for pamphlet. Jordan’s Joyous Julep wilt Cure the worse case of Scurulgia and .Headache instantly and c/fcctii ally. Try it if you mjffor, it is harmhiss and nets liltn magic, relieving all pain. Noth ing on tbo Continent like it fo Neuralgia and aicli: Headache, and pain fnl mcnstituition in females. Price 50 oentn. For sale liy all DiUggista aud Riley A Mason, Hamilton, Ga. I Keep u full stock of general merchandise— ovt rything for evi-rybody—which I offer at living ratos. If yon want to bny or hoII, the readiest man in II million for • trade is J. C. Fiavu. lCxtra J.ote. J. It. Frost is soiling home made hrn gaiss at tjtl.OO a pair. They ore fully warranted. Gull and see them Collat'd Sresl Wanted, A good price will he paid for collurd scud at t Lin office. Why lie weak, nevvoux, ami dt'.lvtilatrdf li own’s Iron Hitters will surely revive you. Tb« people of the Went owe a debt o* gratitude to Dr. Ayer for the production of Aym's Agno (lure. Its timely n..u wii ! save mtjch suffering and much discour¬ agement, and wo recommend it with the greatest Conti lnnco in its ability (o do all that is promised for it. —Hull'ti Punitive Cure for Cornu, wil cure Warts, More and Ir tinned Jonhs nnd Bunions. Hold by Riley A Mason Diuggists, II miilton, Ga. Complete stock of Lamp Goods in every variety, at lowest prices by M IJ/ido k Co., Atlanta. Parlor Letups, Hall Lamps, Boor Coolers, Library Lamps, Glass Lamps, Brass Lamps, Railroad and Farmers Lanterns, Lamp Cbimnles. Don't send off, we o»n defy competition on those Goods. Tobacco. Wo have just received one of the finest in 0 ‘ of Tobacco ever brought to llainil ton and are offering at rein jik .bly low prices. Call «t tho Drag Store and < x.iu iue for yourself. Rn.fr A M*«». Hannah. Hannah is the name of a new jiosl office established in Mducr’s district, this c-n ,-ty. The J uhsai. has a flue list of subscribers there and hopes to iuorea<e it. Serious At}'rag. A highly respaotnble oolort-d cit’zen of Hamilton imbibMi too freely of the nt di-ri*, Nst Tuc-ilay, and was letting off ate-m by paddling hi* liri ehoy. U.a wife mrirf-n-.l and was Mt twice wnb an •» -»•'» ..... au d rrceivnl a revere b ow, giving Nome sou of t ulosii wa» i uIh t »n-l ,«*- the my t,.saury tmh.tej L* <U