Hamilton journal. (Hamilton, Harris Co., Ga.) 1876-1885, September 16, 1881, Image 1

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THE HAMILTON JOURNAL.I Subscription Price $1 A Year. J. L. DENNIS, PUBLSSEEE. Hamilton, Ga», Sept* 16, 1SS1 Personal Intelligence. —Two farmers came t: town together on a wagon last week. The wagon was loaded from one of tbe stores wh; bagging end ties, a pot and a t meat. Each claimed the haggi d ties, either was willing to own G each claimed that the othey was ; '--.eg meat. .—There p 7 r 1 anv rr 'oo -- va Ilton whose Htook know ao’hicg of si.eit ed corn, whose mu kt- Rouses are strang ers to western bacoo and whoso children are unacquainted with store booght flinr. Need we add that these men are met at the front door, by the leading man of the conse, when they enter a store on a trading expedition. —tVo pn'ili-h elsewhere an ariicie from a Troup county farmer, published in the IiiiGiangc K porter, which we commend to the consideration of our readers. Provisions are going to be held at enor¬ mous figures another season, and by a little fore thought our planters can man¬ ege to bridge the nex snmni; r at a veiy small cost. Itead the letter. —Ildey & Matcn are receb ing their fall sui ply of Prugs, Medi-iuvs. Paints, Oil, Tarnishes, Sc. Having bought in larger quantities than usual, they ' lit; i , better rates arid will give tl eir iaii JlJS Lei c fit, Call at the Drug Store. — Get your Blue Stone at the To ng ere —Riley & Mason at tee Drug Btore, liave the finest tobaccos and cigars in town, Everybody, —Who visits Hamilton notes .hr sen eral improvemonta and some say wo are on a boom. —Seems to think that a larger area of grain will be sown this seasoo by Harris county farmers than ever before Go : ton is opening premitareiy tc d . 1 . e opportunity. —Says that provisions are going to very high for cash another season unci unobtainable on other terms .—About here will attend the ” ptist Association at R-!h'ehou). - -Ab >ut H-tui.toa ti : s a dr.- ertrrest in onr college and its pr pc. ■> • Harris Comity 7 ax lleturns. We make below an t;, amt ot f. re turns of lire countv, n ’do o Roc'iv; - Prichard, yivmg for compurboa tb. i.ai turns of last pear. It v .it 1 . n fiat the increase for the . 1 ■■■'’ ' r is ij-77 818 , , or L a '. -U • the year before. T'hi mml in the county swear to .. d> l-i value to the extent of B'ii!, 400, although there are 2,278 sores more ri.’urn: d. d will be seen that the manufacturing in¬ terest of the county shows an ii of $83,000, or about 41 par f 4 !>f Y>. T 1 properly has inciexscd tf''21,C7U s x ttoasnud doliurs of this ton i: pioyetay is letuinid at Hood, showing the r»vis of Hemiltou to be fifteen thousand dol¬ lars. If we can keep on grocviia- •<; ib* rite of forty par cent, a \ ar we ill be¬ came a city uftcr a while. I ■ . a to note tbe large proper i mats icerea-.e j j jhe Lumber of lawy.i.- '.su a Lijpi lie c in the number of farm lat.orrrs. lhere are 2 ,bit property owners ;o tbe caunty, 147G ot whom are lu78 colored. Of the whites 12 U 1 p y taxes on less th in $gVJO worth of prop¬ er y e-icb; 177 on ever two and under five thousand; tfi on ui ;ro than live and lea thiio leu thousand; 8 on m no than ten and less ih ,n 117teen thousand; 5 on more than fifteen and loss than twenty, white only one pays taxes on more thau twen ty thoa ar.d dollars of property. Of theool .red l x payers !).".( gay taxes on less that $200 o icb; 721 on over one bandied and not over three ini :rod; 18 on from $300 to $500; tfi on from $500 to one thousand, and tlivo pay on pn-operty valued over one thousand do! Jars. Tbe o ere Thomas Bngg who re turn^i $1,970, Jno. Hatchett who r.lnrts si,305 and David Wiigbt who D arso-sed at 81,185. There are 6,871 acres of valued at $17,482, owned in the byjeoiored people, The aggregate value of their entire property is Sfifi. 20 ). Consolidated IhsTCnNs 1880 1»81. Total Polls 2 135 2 fil'd Lawyers 8 11 Doctors 18 IS Dcutis's 1 1 Laborers 2.717 2,3 A< res f Hid 29fi,192 297.770 Value of Land $1.0of»,r.4l $1 037.417 Town Property Sfi 015 57.285 Money Ac 170 132 ISO 081 Merchandise 21 91 .. 'in Manufictories 75,000 1-8 <)'!' Btocxs A Bonds 350 Furniture 77,140 ,; .4 .1 Watches k Jewelry C 541 17vc Stock 222.052 All 1.790 07 Increase...... 77 7.8 ltd if/i otts Services, Mr Editor: —Please g ve r.otiee through the Journal that I will preach in Ham¬ ilton on the iir t ^onday in October and Saturday before, and not on the fourth Sunday in th:^ month. This change is temporary and mada on coconut f thi Association at Ilatblebem on the fonrth Sunday. Il 3 -*pectfu’ly, E. J.Bcrcu. A ft other Candidate, By a large m.-ijori'y tl Of the Unlteil States have declared to ir 5 til Ki lney-W oit a« a remedy frr ad ti diw* Man of tbe hiditevs an«t liver, roni". hew ever, have’di-dife'-d th- tn-u- ir ing it fen 'he.’r- .' nn F -r f candid it-- appear Wort ia Liqu -1 ' tmted, :- i y ‘ ik- a ct ...■ : e L,y. *t— Loii-o*. i • P— i A \ [Vi -eft! 9 vm iY —yo •■.mug Ahead. Continuoussu cess is indicative of mer'fc Luck may give any one a transient vi-it, but ponuoneiit or continuous sneer:- hr any line U only to he altuiaed by tru merit. In the history of Cook B, others tve find thix exemp’.ificd Friif. honest and courteous treatm nt of alFti.oir c*i» t* mi ra se'Sir.g at the lowest po si Wc price, f. ,sh i t f -r them an enviable trade, Tli- ir treatment of rich or poor is equ illy eoiirte U 3 and their p tve on any article , «i,l always Ir" found as low as any other m-:ri h .11 can afford. Their stock i.s now . 1 • r than ever b -fiv/e an l they iff to th- sh trad • an -.ssortment and variety na, ?o acv in the market li enabra* ^ litoc‘ iir.. tirj g<MKi»*. domestics, shoe-.!- ha s. hmdayaie, and almost pv- ryfliirig Af; of y*Moh they will sell .t 1 -ri their word bring a gniran that everything is a* repiresaot-rt. T,.en n wmt honest go -ds, 1 w price, and 1 v,.t do n t forge: Cji.k E .“t-Ta n ;eu L me t J to vu. INDEPENDENT DEMOCRATIC NEWSPAPER. HAMILTON, GA., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 10,1881. Seeds of the Country. What tho country needs most is hon¬ est men. Honest farmers, honest doetors, honest iawyers, honest mechanics and honest merchants. More especially do we need these latter, becanse when we go to trade we are almost entirely p,r their mercy. Who among us is wild : to purchase a suit of clothes or a hat upon his own judgement. Shoddy goods look as w.ll in the shop as the best, to all ex cept the expert. The merchant, however, Knows the character of the manufacturers of his goods and long experience enables tbe shoddy article. Bat is his knowledge to us if be is ^^Bfonest TiPwithue. enough to share that know! G. E. Thomas, the cloth ier of Golumbns, is an exemplar of the truth we would impress. Long expert eaoe has qualified him to judge and the policy of honesty led him to eschew shod dy. He deals in nothing but the best, Goods that will not wear are nevir placed on his shelves. The consequent is that people in search of that which will wear never fail to call on Thomas. Last Mon day we called upon him and fenud his force busily opening np, marking and selling the finest lot of clothing, hats and rents furnish,rg goods ever seen in the Columbus market. Thieo were selected in person, for a trade that wants only honest goods, and .whoever buys may rely unoa getting just what is repiesynt ed. A Pine Hedge Plan!. Dr T. B. Mitchell h .s shown ns a limb of a plant and specimens of its fruit, that will cert duly make a fine hedge, Th; fruit is tine for < hiMv. n and hog , wk le the hu.-li is hardy, thrives hist where thniiest, is supplied almudanily with thorns and in a hedge would bo a formitl: ble ban ier to stock. Me dots' not know the name of the pi int, but it is thought to he tiie . uffilo pium. Clever Hoys. That’s ju t the impression formed upon the nun ; of every one who duals with Lor..;> & Farley, of Columbus I’> )b Fir ley is one of our buy j , raised in Harris, nnd tils sunny smile ,is kno wn to most of our re idevs. T> maintain the esteem ol cist dto.v- is the ot.j.ict of bis lifo and to do ibis be proposes to clothe tha on er man or console tho inner man wi h the vary best in the market at tho lowest ra ! eu. Y at mount fiil to find him when you gi to tho city for tbny o-ouuy tho two cugninoent store rooms in the S vift building at the upper end of Broad B’■ e,.t l};ve the boys a Call wbon you go to to i s, --------.VtJ* « 4 New Council llall, Wednesday, Oipt* J C. M.irdy codj^ menoed haw’ing lumber for erecting a council chamber wi.h Ciiaboose a t\cb ni oif. p is to bo orcev d uo.*r the jdl, j iof brd \r fh- J .uavAL «»fUie, and will iie a neat Rlrvctuto 20 x !>.’» f*. It, is needed very imrdi and wo coniuieud our enterprising couuciloieu for tLcir vvjtk. ► <* <1 Depot, E‘Ua rtjrnimil. The railroad nu’hori tip i have found it nocesHiiry to enlarge the freig'it depot here, owing to the increased btis'nens find to otherwise in arena, the facilities for li ndliug freig'it. Workmen are now en¬ gaged at tho work and whin they have liuL.hc.l tli 1 diqio’. will be greatly improv¬ ed? ------— Talbot Superior Coart. Oirbir wu 3 reprosooted at Talbot Court which convined last M >nday by Col’s. ^ is M M >bley, W. D Trammell and B. H. Walton. P»ut lit! le civil busin ness wus transacted, owing to the c mne * fcioe of Judge dVibis with so many of the cases. Lust Sermon. D,'. J. W. Kerr, Fistorof the Fresby tocian church here, anuouase l at tha close of his services last Sabbalb, that his time of service with the church bid closed and that ho would probably not serve hero longer. He is an able minis¬ ter, a faithfal pastor and a pleasant gen tleman, and ha3 many friends and admir¬ ers hero who wou'd be giad if ho should be induced to alter his decision. We ex¬ tend our best w:slia 8 for Ins saicess wherever he may locate. $100 He ward. The tibova rew-ird will be paid to any man who will secure Hia irM^rtioa of r* legal advertise Brent in the J mnal with¬ out paying the advertising fen in adv mce Remember this attorneys, guardians, ex eentors and administrators. Steam Gin. Wf nr • preinr*4 to do ginning for the public s& isfset niiy and solicit your pat roofage, Our facilities are such that vre can handle cot'oa absolntely without waste. Call and examine our apparatus and arrangements. Mobley Baos. Puny, weak, and sickly rhilitren made happy’and strong hv Brown’s Bitters, The Lent. Messrs Biley & Mason: 1 he 2 G> r m edy I lought from you is the beat wo? in medicine I have ever med, expelling worms in large quantities where ever) tiling else had failed. J. 5V. Crawford, Bla'ksmitli, Hamilton, Ga. —Sbjw Cases, L eking Glasses and P ctores, B-ir Mirrors A*.d TJ*r Fix*nre«, W*t«*r Coalers, Beer Ceo’-r*, lee C:e -m Freezers, Chandelier*, Lamps of every kind, you cac save money in fright and bre-ksge by -er ding yrnr orders to Ms CGde A Co., AtUn’a, Ga. Seri on s Him a wa >j, A few days ago a “horsa rn;: away with a liuggy at Beihesda church, near M mu* , Airy, in Harris comity, in which two hi d;es came near losing their lives, and i on J esse pod as by a mirnc.e I)r A -hf ir.l has a relative, Mrs. Cartledge, of Augus *«> visltii'ef his home. On the Occasion to . which we refer, he carried Mrs fartleilge an, l ' i: '' nearly grown danghtei, Nd is, to Bethlehem ehureb. »liars s rc.ligions re vival was in sevsion. After the services had been concluded Dr Ashford hitched his horse to the bng.t sol dia L n . LiJ.o. got in the buggy. He then derided to help llev. Mr. Willn hitch his h >rss, an 1 told his dangh'er to drive on, folio ving immediately behind another buggy which was just stating off. This they did, bn kad g »ue only a short distance when th< ’ 8 ' ” itc ^ e i | .^? ne of tli0 rtiins from thon'in Is Of Toe f driver and be ovraing feighte .ed ran at a fearful rate. *' ia koras had gone but a short distance before the ' ng?y struck a stump and Mrs. 0 art!edge was thrown to the g ou id r\i,h ««oh violenea that she was picked np more dead thau abve. She was insensible for soma hoars afterward and received many »»«’*”• Aftor Mm - °'» rtlB;1) * 9 WAS thrown from the vehicle, somi one called to Mm Nsttie to jump out. T da slm attempted to do, but her dress caught ,n tho works of the buggy and she war thus carried suspended just above the ground and striking against it would have caus¬ ed instant death. Tha buggy, however, struck a tree and the h irso was going with such fores tint Miss N 'ttia's dress was torn loose an 1 she w.u thrown several feet in front of the buggy, received a number of bruises and will perhaps be confined toiler room for somo time.” Currency. — Tfio Pr.isiilunt is said to l,u s'ow'.y I'Gcovet'ing. I fid he Leon under Lie treatment of onr lfami! t.in sJiyssoin .s lie won'd long since In ve b "ti mi Its loot, — Copious rains I are been falling for tile jii-t two days. —■Cordon's adverlismont is nt» time:ive. His stock of goods and ea-ii (trices tire more so. —We li ivi; ever been an admirer of the Atlanta Constitution., and no iv (hat it lias been enlarge'!, cloth ed in u new dress and otherwise greatly improved our n.binir iti,;ii is hardly f o lm Kept within bounds. The daily ivai:h".s here caily enough to bring the hoe*l news we can get, concerning all matters of state in t.erest. It is neat, neiy-y and enter pri ung. —It end all t'to new ndveri : se_ rnents 'his week. We have si vocal more lor onr mxt. la fact tin Job’itNAL-never had more friends among the. :ul'.'et'V\s.M'S."‘ — '’lie late trade issue of the Coin wbns Encjatrer was good, but we exp"Cled nothing iess. A !>et ter newsiiaper in every respect, the s;y, > of (he (own considered, we have never known. — Instead of having half a million surplus revenue it has been a.c -r tained that there will be a ha'anei in tins State treasury next Hinnmei of only $117,000. 'This will or. 1 \ he enough to pay for (lie extra session of the present ecoiioniiu.r legislat ure which will bo called tin.. on about that line to readjust the Congrasston d districts of the stale — Our folks are now all ia favor of serin annual sessions of the legis¬ lature. They do not wish to con., linue a law which gives the crafty legislator an opportunity to sit two years at the time, —It ibinscm’s circus is coming south. Jordan's Joyous Julep will Care the worse case of Se.urahjia and Headache instantly and effectually. Try it if you toffar, it is hurinlesa and acta like m'- gic, relieving all pain. Noth ing on the Continent like it fr Neuralgia and sick Headache, and pi ii fnl mcn-truation in females, Plica 50 cents. For sale by ail Druggists and Iti'ey & Mason, II mutton, G .. , Whv Ve. weak nervous, and rleb litat d' | B own’s Iron Bitters will surety rurtee you. I The people of tho West owe a debt of j gratitude to Dr. Aver for the production of Ayer’s Ague Cure. Its tiiue’y u.;o will save much rnfferipg and much disconr agi nrent, and we meom-uend it with the greatest confidence in ifs ability to do all that is promi-ed for it. —Hall’s Positive Car" for Cores, wil cure Wgrts, Sore aud Itflsmed Jonifs end Bauiona. Bold by Riiey & Mason Hruggists, H iiniUon, Ga. —Complete stock of Lnmp Goods its e 7 ery variety, at lowest prices by M Bride Co., Atlanta. Parlor Limps, Ha'l Lamps, Beer Coolers, Library Lamps, Glass Lamps, Brans Lamps, Railroad and Farmers Lantern*;, Lamp Chimnies- Don’t fea(J ,. ff W8 can ^ 0 f y competition cl t hfc-.fc G >-.<t-l. Cr.-ate a fcpa’tby a; p-uie. prevent m da fc. v , by v-in" E jtSVAiicrry op cons. j Tall Jon *,Tn<^fe (Fie Subject With UMvcr. rinilYome j( ^ r ;;| |„, vemi lnb.-re.l timj , v; . 0 ^ p.-ewi, alter a trip t > an! ft m rutUeKo k. A ka tsus. we rto. a l-tter t > T! , e . vir | ,| u . f ., ril , er8 to EaVl , tt llt ;.U was possible oi . mi r fariin. ,| 1( , L ., n ., oro!)S 0 | () R , count'.y through w ,. jc|l , J0 1!t5Se(l , v .., v v ,, rv s ', ort . anti tIlcri , wot ,ld hesr Kicat scurity <f com ., n ,i ],jp, jcvi w iuld prevail, Oil vc, terday a rcpu'S'-ntat-vu of :he ti’o.-.sli ntion mot j u ,qHjllxor. who has j.ist r ,, tllrm , | f 10 m an extended trip through the notlnvest. lie sail: “I have been anxion to see you H* iu -e I h-ive something that I think slnmM b > said through your yivv.cv to the farmeri of Gear in ’ “Wlmt is it?" "1 h iv.> tnvelcd in the- past m mill thrmuh f! u 11 par deck of Michigan. Illi no is mi d the great linithwesterii corn conn try. 1 came on south through tho corn belt of Kentucky: through Tcnncisee «n to Atlanta. J Wien Wont up to Spurt in'mrg, across towardi ArHovillo an i return.: 1. In nil my travels I w is mrcfuTy ob-crv.uit, un i I siy dcliber.itt ly tli it 1 n ‘v r saw a siiigl... a roof corn tlmt in my opinion wouM yield ten busne a to the aero. I r do timuigli mile- and miles of corn fields tint would not > i- II a peck t> * lie mae It whs literally scinched n-i.i par. lie I until it scarcely looked like corn. In Cm io n belt of Kentucky, I found that affairs wore even worm 111 an in tho northwest, tho Kentucky river was coato 1 witn what 1 oked like a heavy scum, uti l tin. Cum biuland in plncos was only a few Indies d ep. I'hc dro ith has been fearful, mil the effect off tlic cm. i s is tcrrilde to con template.” "You think tb it there will lie a great sen'' city of corn?” "I do. Governor Brown, a short time ago, traveled from tho cast to tho west, and reported that tho coin emp was alnio-t wli Uy destroyed. My course was from the n u’ li t . the south, tlirorgh tlm tie r corn sections, and I found liic sunn: Mito ofafliirs. I think (lie crop ni l lw v. ry short. There are experts in tho market who ta Ik of a large i cm i ve tli t is held at a distinec from tho riilrea 1 an 1 that IUi'gps will briii.^ out. I know noHiiug 111 i-t, but 1 Dojiiiovv tli it ih!’Tro[) for Hu? pruMint vein* wi,l b«- Inu.eiilitlily ri.o t, mid I 'car there will lie”,great, sen city and cor ve sporidii g'y t i :b j "iiuK.” “ \\ hat is 3 our "niiviio in the pmai ses?” a\ 1./advice !« tint the f.inm rs h!oii hush aid every bhulo of gums that th-y have oi\ their l rui.e T’uw « «j giv’o Brought heavy and gene at iui ih, These iuinmvi:J li.iiL oat v. iy lullv the crib glass Hi it Is to bo found < n idl oi r r« il ft ,' land liavinn’tii piiidueetlm l orn ciop has hi d cornn rativc r -ai and will produce a heavy gras - crop. Th ;:o is no bailor Iniy than onr omHi \\\y H it ii-« nly gatli • tuo I af 11 »*» rig'd ti *,k* and j»rop 11 / cured; should bogi’.h ueu when the sec, 1 me li .c and aflcv the first frost has fille.n, It cun he ea 11 y cured and make s good food f n ht >ck, I know the va’uo of gas as a food for stock, $ts I re v q l.n-wv^jt before tiocelbavi beeb tbrouub (o: a!a on I li ia trip I saw cotupuralivcly little wheat in tin: 1) minion. Tut i now pram farms •ovoring JjimdrctlK if acres and I no iced throw :h rko grass country the liip st stock uid cattle and 11 *cks that I ever saw, ' an I ho nppcarancti of tli i ft, profipeji y and rmUIi everywhere It made mo a gre t Reliever Hi gi -.ss and^'i - fa; mi- f l h v<» icver was a lime wh ’n our people iu?ed(?d so imperatively to save everyth’! that they cm use* as a substitute for corn us at l.nii'iit, an I if they urn wnrn they wili !>ei! 1 tYi.i winning ami prepare for n hard winter I trust J am no alaunist, Imt : J T,ve ii :vi’i felt ho called up >a lo givj t the pub ic wliit 1 know and Imvj Heca ol tiie corn crop. ” Gen eral hit ell i genre. —Speak gently to my mother. Kho is ufiering w:tli a severe cough, but* wo have sent to filestore of Mur tub & Craw ford for a hart If of Coussens’ Honey of Tar, which is hig.jty reccommended by all who use it.Price o l cents. —Take the buckeye out of your pocket and make an application of T drier’s Buckeve Pile Ointment, if you arc sun ir ing with pules ¥'.*u will certainly be cured. Price 50 cants. For na!e by Marrab & Crawford* Women that have been bedridden for yea r ^ have boon entirely cured of female weakness , , by the .. aid . . of . Lydia. . . L >i t, I ir-k- • . bam , Vegetable Tf Y . , Compound. , Hmd x. . wl to . h Mrs. Lydia E Pinkbam, 233 Westrn Avenue, Lynn, Mass , for psiopblet. —Dr. Hunter of Like City, Fla., says: — “I hive used Mali's Tetter and U Bgworm Specific in my practice for a Lumber of yeirn, mid find it aci fxcelb nt remedy for Scald”ilea i, Ground-Dcli t Tetter and Ii ng n crniH " Sold by R Icy & Mason, iJrnygVilK, Hacmkon, Ga. —Seth ThoniaB Clocks, Limbetbs P«t ent Fly Fans latr at improvement, Hbo » Gases, Look-cg 01a«M», Huver lh.le<l Ware, Ii rgerr; Cutlery, Agate Iron Ware, Beer Coolers. NVe are M tnnfadorers agents for ab »ve Good*<, and scii at h*w fat prices. M Hri it <t Co., Atlanta, Job beffi of Earthenware, Chios. Glass \Sare Tin A Wooden Ware. —Attention m< rebante! M dlrMe A Co Atlanta, sell Wis!^ is Granite and C. C. , Ware at Importer* prie s. Glassware ■Ban d and piece fin Warp, Wooden Wa.e, at macuf«ctur.r» bottom apeeia ies—L-mbeth- Patei.t improve.! i "y F- t.s, B tb Thom .s C! cks. Fruit J.rs, Isa Cream Freesara, K ar C >ol ere iiitupa and L-a-j. Go'vU.> i every k.od. SI A YEAR. A Good Trailu. Nothing succeeds like succrw. Merit is apt to meet, with Us true • reward. The lvrge trade t-nj.iyoi by Col. J. 11. Ilauvl bihc is ovi luuce'o! this His purch ases are 1 ; r ge nitd b ictu-d hv an ample capital, tab tibnii g to. li tu tunny mlvnntages, which inure t. iha benefit «t th-ao who buy of >» »• He hit mu >ng bis vale-men two Harris comity hoys who nre a'ways dltm ot «»» oppo.ttmi y to fervo their H.rr's cmin »' hie ds. Wiley Cod.;,in and Walter lino,! will be uln i to prove to any of their t ionds that J. II. Hamilton's is tile Htinmlu'Bt grocery house hi the state. *Atul don’t you tV.ri.ret it.” Hamilton Lodge ♦ JVo. lfi 9 Holds their regular 0 utminnic dions Friday ovoniog at 2 o’clock before A.U tho - l Saturday in eie-U month. mem bars ar« requested to toko dun notice and govern them <dv s ncoordinply. H. 0. Ki.'tBa iugh, W. M. J. M, KiMBitmoa, Booty. a ApB/fik ft « ■»,« nu B 8* ittl Bi- E B ■ ' ^ ■* ^ ES'fo H <4 .® * JIHlS ’-jB 9 -S.^Ph ^ ?5® ( * ^ 0 MsBBB ~ _ _ — TiTfY fr A) pi H H x COL.UFV1 DUS, GA. Pair Notice, F.uticfi indebted to the old firm of Cow sort A K mbroueii are hereby no iflad that tlmir iiotmnutH will bo sued if not flettlod by tbo firnt day of November, next. Their books will be f'ouwd ut lb i store of J, li 0 »wm rl & Co. Aug 20, I 81 J. II. CoWBBBT. II. O Kninnoiuu. Hamilton Church Directory. JTacMiyu itiAN.--U v. K W. Kerr, pas for I'rcaehiog nt 11 \ M , ‘ind Sundays, Haiti t. Rev. A. li. Callaway, pastor. Prenobing nf 11 a. m., and uigb*, «‘J d Sue days, rmg Saturday before „t 11 a m. Mwi’ie DisST - it *v. E. J. I lurch, pustor. Pic..cliiM-' «f 11 a m , i h Sundays and Batnrd .y t.oforo. L’niytr meeting every Wednesday ni^ht. @1155: MET ALPM A. V? ELLEAR’Efi P H O ’ ..L ‘ “OG- R A P .4. *{ E R, COL L'HB ITS, GEORGIA. I have just rwtnrned from New York where I ham been attending the PbotograpL's Axiocintiona for the advancement of the art of photography in AMERICA. Wim yew bright idws and rift all new imymvemenm in the nut. men as accessories and instru ments, I win ha able nm‘: :0 p'odnoo the By? Pnotognphs, Svcond to none north or south, nt rununahle przces. Thanking m_v {fiends end tnth {0!- past favors I so'n'cit a continuance. gmrwnh-eing betrer work at sum“ coat. Galen om!) from S s. 1.1)., m 5 p m A rordnfl “P190 me exw-nded to visitow. AM new styias frames in \‘Mvez, cnm‘mnr lion. satin and walnut rnxwwsd last Wed: at low rrmn. Refipuctfnuy. ALPHA A. “’ILLIAMS, The Photographer. Gallery ovnr Wimcb AS lixusdi @HE RE @T Collard Seed Wanted. A pood _ puce will .... be j d for collaid teed at tbia < moe. New Warehouse J 'rm. The undersigned have t i.n rd « j»'*rt nersliip under the firm tiaure *f B i -aey, Humber li Wooldridge for the pmp ae of conducting a Warehouse and Commissi' n I'tisii.esa it tf e Webster VYrfh< iVie, Co I limbus, Gh. We are the cuth 'i«/. d ageufs of th j Gmi ge and Farmers Union and general Agents for l*oudiet.on r 4 O d Standard Guano and Paoaph^e, &. Oeorge and S'«r“!ard Fertili ty. John Aluiu0uitttd Rme ana Potrub, and Seal’s Acid Phosphate for composting, «• *» <»»• - -* * i ces on c.'/tton in store. Oar tetsuH for t.torsge on cottoa &r« 25 cents par b-ita per month, and 25 cents for selling. We ke*p condent’y on sale Bagging, -f, ei an q (Jsorgia raised rnai proof seed |, (8 W( . >hn! j fce! pri: fonnd!y grateful for a portion of public psVonago. y lt < K nr< Luc-o.F Hrrtnrn. A UL W O LLLILl- -. Vo Accommodate The Vv.ltUr, Tha projMie'ffK >^S0'S 'e.imeoifefy S-‘ p nltir iempf]v*Ki<]r.fy Won :a reepi/nitiou of the ol.iims of the ptnoif *«b jeh _ has ko lihert^'y'l^li^.eiEaHIWb, Iiipiia\>repSration of li st bitvn remedy prey-arid for u the special accommodation of tfcoie who from any reas-m dislike to prepare ft for themso'vos It is very it is cor can tilled easily And, tak¬ as*Jl>5 dosa is more en by nanny. It lies the r-ftnie effectna ectiiu in hII di-u*ves of tire kidneys, liv nr or bowels.— II >ine and Firm. Thiinlifal. Thousands of ladies to dnv rheri h grateful remambrances of the help dm iv< d from the use of Lydia Pir kfiam’s Vegeta, ble Compound. Send to Mrs. Lvdiw E. Piukliam. 233 Westerra Avenue, Lynn, Mut-s., f r pamphlet. Extra Loir. J. It. Frost ia selling homo made hro tprs at §1.00 a pair. , They are fully warranted. Call and see them — - ''. —— His IAce.r teas LoeJ.nl Up. A short time since a Co'u ntmsile at a popular watering | Jare c.-io 1 out: "My liver is luck' d up. oh iur a bottle of Hood's Eureka — Five (loll (is for a bn! tie of “Tci; ; kn. Foitimit ly lor him one oi t gn had it bottle and gave him a doe,in ,1 - was ma to happy. lie^aovnl / Notice. About lh» twcnticih of September I wil remove the Gel uni I in Store into tha new t rick store, now building on Rsihoad street next to Hudson & Johnstou’s Ware bouse, where I will open tho most in* mamo stock of dry gooda and grooeriek ever soon in Hamilton. M. Wc I.FH N. MSS. LIMA E. WmH OF LYNN, MASS. m im m p£i ".50‘ 4* '"V. f r X ms. oi im::;: sif LYDEA. E. PBKXS-JA» 7 3 vramiiLi coxtou:-^. Tlic Ta ,.t!V" C"i '3 For all Fc:?rilo Conrolai.-ts. Tliin pro ui, r.j !t< naiMo hi .* ."g *. -l.t ot lillD 1 \ujrc.'tit-*:* i'-L.l ft' t V inn tho i tu»b tirtl' leattaliivfillii, tilul ilio U. of Vui Cum |,;>unti will 1 »«» vudo;:il.iuil, i\t Is ■, ami \vh. i* UmiK'tlH1 » Jy-nl.io t J 11 , driMf, a ifornmnfLtwMnjMfti(!.f..<l!; >t:' untid v-T lap tlfy Ou Auouuiifc o' it i proven iiKtrii.t, ,'i I * t.»»y ;v* cuaimsiHlcil ftJ«l jHVaiiTjhi tl l,y l.’to lif; t phy i i.iri, in tlm country. It will (.'lire! ontlroU , ' r «H fo , i of f. r;-:u of tho htui'HH, l,t*m*o)'r »if *r», i’f;t Fr iav jj >vi j M crmii tial.uti,r,l!Oi:u i»t , Ti’oii Ir.ilr.nwut 1 Ulcftmtion, FlomUnff.s, itU J.'iYplaretwniff t. . I V a *o;»< NffjiioLi- Mplnal ivcftkiH i. Mails » prfiVy ;.i;w! !» UlO ClirtUKG Of l ife. H \/H| tlju -V(» U,.l| ' . I tl.UHHU from t’jo m l'Tilsin ii n Marly of iJt-v, tcml ary it* c.'iiiforoiis humor. l'»ei h t ci;«4 vory rpcodlly l*y iH «w», I n fort it has |irr»w«| {» )ff> tlm frv’f.l f>..i aril host iv-MWsly ItiJAt han wer tii.srovt‘r» fid. It pwiucuWs t*vi!i,T of Jhe r.yv. 1 , m, iu» 1 iCv. 4 now lifffuml vicoi'. Jt i >; «r .lit ut • rtroyaalltM’ftvjns foi , <Uimsl.ail«,aiiU »•, lk-vt t ivc&itutw* tif the Hptiiiwh It <jures ItiNwlariD* Nt rvim .8 T*ron« t at ',.- 1 , («■ IHT 1 l>» lik ri.il ..f.ac. lA'pn ; , toll tt.i li.« ! gffftloN. Tlmt terlUitf of Ism; .'.g l’ovu, runulutl | .t.t. wtiiKhtuml UieL’H’lif, Ih.”’ -v . /it jwruir.m i.Lly • - t ■; J y Uaivah. ItVfl’.l:S.ftU C-.* Uv'.w’ vr.U C :v con, fuit Ja h.-wmojiy wfthfitj law 1 , t ;r</vci .»* c.o fomale system Far Khlaoy (JoDipIahilu of .ijUhvr • "t l<‘.a ■ * ■ '< ia u 5 Murjy»!A.v»l. Lydia E, Pinkham’s Vc-KlaWe C ;.j • If prefiarvil alTUanil • V/»mi rn Avt mi-, I • » - > I'rico C l 'U K’.x bolt lea for H.; i !«y 1 ■' : . furfuof |illl. 8 ,{lIa<»I n tlw fu’. iit «<l *»a ( /' cfprloo, IJi.wj. j»cr liu-;, fur t (Uioi x-~H. nrK.t. freely tuwww* nil l ttors of in'j ‘lr> Hr imI iov I'th jjltlttt. A'tdmmiiu'.ovu Cm imy.r. Ho fiiojUyuiiuuMh" williot.t J.VWA II. V.‘ V !/.'»?f r I 4 VSII riLIA They cino C h UplIIl.., L i* iMi.Torph'lly of tho livu- ' ..i-mMa p-r Lam rn, ILmun A Luna, Mason ami A'la 11 'a WiiolimiluAgi.ntH. I Keep a fu i stock of get era! merchandise— evi r; thing fir everybody—which I < ff> r at liv ng rates. If you want to Imy or sell, the readiert mm in llimiltoo for a trade is J. O, I'l.vii. a wan Fay 12j cents a dozen for egp,« for tha next two months and advance as tbe mar¬ ket price advoticta. Proportionately good prices for other country produce. When you come to Hamilton call on me. J G. Floyd. AG ESS WASTE!) FOIt THE S TA S l> 1 11 It ED / TION REVISED NEW TESTAMENT. CO 8 * VE! H ICIejtant » Tvim'. id cut fiOt? > ; <>«. I, g; mi. pcjSvs. Oompira'ivj E litio.i, ovei non pages. Old a „d nv.v . v ;r u ion- ilr op.o it« prt'et. "History of tli ■ B hit- an I oi t .c New il ■ \i ion" giv-ri to ruins r is-rs ilie secret ot mrce.-i.fiii coiv.is-ii g given {Mention every g tlii.i nt. Send for onr lib.' I terms. paper. Th: Sear*/ Sill Co . 5 ^ llbHHh<Hl ,8!7 ;! N nwii/tt, Conn. Tho Weekly News of Si tureay, St ;,(• mbor 17th, will cor taiu the opening ehupto sot uu in tnsely inter. s: May Wrt. AihmtA. Uiiwif- % Fannie o: jju^ roam djatc thu interest- or foiwtali from 5 he jed«*f tivin outline our readers,^ f this (h/tnifuiaf atatam ; an i sf* itil ry f whk'-i ft*cl a .s’lrtni !>y will l*c i^i>d w pwdit and i lei. ur ■ admirers ot widl w. ugl.t r,< tWi.i. Tne s- -y »i 1 run tmouvii w-iu ILc > r six nun.airs of the " 1 / Nw uliM-r i>ti . 42 a j ear, Si for fix **i nth.-. Moll y vitli lie rent by Mi-m v Ur tr. R« i t.-uii L f r, or txnrc*.at cur J il K TttV t.,vacii..h. t i.