Hamilton journal. (Hamilton, Harris Co., Ga.) 1876-1885, October 07, 1881, Image 1

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THE HAMILTON JOURNAL Subscription Prioo $1 A Year. Tl: SUIT'S, OTBLXB32S. Hamilton, Go,., Off. .V, 1881, r~. : r^zz: Branch Agricultural College. Tbe people of Hamilton are be c >miag enthused on tlie sulj et of this article. Any other iwopie m ihe world would have boomed earlier, but we are nothing if not conservative. To use a political vulgarism, we wait to Bee which \t iii-* c. \ iH 0 j 1 i > ** I re we in*>vo. Ilut we progress, anyhow, and when tho end does come Hamilton will ba folia tight side ttp, “with care.” A titimber of out - best cit'zens luot at tne , court . hon* , U odncdt.y , , nf ernnon. Judge Hudson was elected chairman an i a t-ecretnry was chosen. Captain L. L. Stan¬ ford addressed the meeting at some length upon the merits of his bill, the necelsiiy of imm- di.ite action to secure its benefits, ami the ben¬ efits to ari-o from the location of a branch of the Agricultural College in our nudst. We regret, that on 1 ' space will not adroit of a full re¬ port of his remarks. A commi'toe was then appointed lo eo icit sub fcriptiotis to complete ihu buihling, consisting of Messrs L L. Stanford, ,1. L D- nnis, J. F, V Wiilianis, K. 13. Mobley, Dr. Cope! ml, Mrs. l)r. Brooks, Mrs. S. S, W iiiums and Misses Lula Bunns, I. i ! a Mobley and VViltie Cojielaml. L h thoug’ti three Uiousand iloilars will fi.iish tbe bui’dmg and put the grounds in proper couch ion, fihere will oe no difficulty in raising this amount, as nine individuals have already subsetibed one third of this stun. Currency. If Arthur known him-olf’ what he wifi do, mint, reading is a lost ni-f. fit iu trade i»«no of tlic Columbiti Timt** was a ci'v.li 1 .'.liic .huct. Thu Ji uit.NAL piiiposes to enlarge 1 *S sphere of u^efulfii-vs and incr'Case l!iS |D»|»ul tuviityThouaand iM f v, by distributing <>V fit JoaKt j-npers the best garden (•eeds ••b'.-un ih’e anior>}j its subssci'ihvrs. S-> bring in your iwtmu fliul your t'.-ighb»r-i, sunf get ihv moat lib- rul |>ieti;ium ever ul" fn'."t by any i.ttvv..paper, The advertisers iii.ido n nifii fur its xg ;c il.iu -v tk, ant? we Mirren., (len d vviiii"u;. a murium*. 13 it 'if they k(vj> oil — dml vvn fiojv they wil;—>.ve - h ul barn to enlarge. General la.U llfgence. —Tie. Hi tier -t L '.'xe Guy, :• n„ sar«— “I b -vp ns d ILtll’u Tetter and Ringworm fs jcedij iu uiy pr.sciies for a number of \3'T», snd And it aa rxcalLnt remedy for B-uld Rea l, Grouad-I ch, Tetter and R’.gsornm” Soi<i by R !ey & Mason, L' ■ rf Hamilton, Ga. —3. .'.i XhootM CiockB, Lam'isths Fat cut Fly Fans latest iiuproveuaenl, Show Tase.;, Luoking Glasses, .Stiver Plated Ware, Rogers Cutlery, Ay tfe Iron were, User Coolrrs. We are M inufaobtrers gents for above Goods, «rid sell at low At pricer. McBride & Oo., Atlanta, Job beru of Earthenware, Ohin-t, Glass ware 'Tin & Wooden ware. —Attention inerchanlf-.' M Bride A Co , Atlanta, sell While Granite acd (J. C. Ware at Importers prices. Glasaware Bfoiaped and piece Tin Ware, Woodei \l- s.e, at manufacturers bettom prices fspec : uhiC 8 —Ltmbelh-' Parent 1 n prove y y Funs, Satb Thomas Cl< ck°, Fruit .) .•% Ha Ct"*aru Freezers, B’er Cooler Limps and L.snp Goods of every kind. Puny, weak, and sVIrly rhildien made Iiapyy and strong by Brown’s Bitters. The Best. Messrs Filey & Mason:--The 2005 ri m cdy 1 tfuviUt (ruin you i> the licit worm rncdii ine l have ■ vex need, expelling worms iu large quantities where ever j thing else had failed. J. V.1 Crawk mo, Bla' k«mitb, flttmilton, G t .Just Deceived. - -Riley & Mason are receiving Ilieir fell supply of Drugs, Medi. ities, Paint*, Oil, Varnishes, &e. Having bought in larger quantities than usual, they obtained better r.it;*s aud will give their patrons the bene¬ fit. Call at the Drug Su.rc. —Get your Blue Stone at the Drug c tore —Riley & Mason at tae Drug Store have the fiutet tobaccos, ami cigars in tew.I, PlT.CY ii. A Leader. The reudeis ol tbe J cr.rtAL wi'l be ir (created in the perusal of th ® moot e 1 ^ x 0 H Hj 3*3 of J S * ‘ a ' 1 * t *“ 1 cant e.,ero ... .-s a horn cieribiah has »y? ”ent taste in ia the of good-i »nd eq «.liy fine j idg -ineat iu pnreb^sirg That he is n elude ituyer i-j ev’d >uced by the astonish it>i 4 harg^i^s he O ir readers Cnd Sira Ti iu-on and Oaa^y Persons in the r to; cf the very iBizieniz c ps of of tU s bouae, who will show yon s? mvoy exi^l'eut bargains if yon vri.! ealion th^na hat yon nil he f need to t x ?! irtt ‘The b t!f h is no* been to d-’ __ ^ • MJN who died N-skvin® itD j£S 'o sir d t’ ' rd ic ;« y Ptcr ryl v.ria fnrcRU? for rrn-'.t os II ? wife re fU 8 £ R to 11 -vi done, -rd i.. r.I .c-'d a —ir'd c.yer hi’g>ev . !r; ' rrr, sru* & e df-frua"’ (d t rim t:R w'-b. st d «• -j.u a -e* t g» t I Oo'Essicn of f . - - :t'. a i i 8 \MILTON | 3 1 i- A f s s L\ J A li J, 5 V- 4 n i I f: -f * VOL IX.—NO. 39. 1S M E MORI AM. Tolling of the Bells. All Basi ness Suspended. The People of i 1 l*ortion, To The Nation's ■ Commonwea'th of Sorrow and j Sympathy. - On Monday, the diy appointed for the Coal osremonb* io tho obsequies of the i I late P.esident Gaifi-ld, all business wan j tba toUlBg of the bells, the people of Hamilton assembled at tho Court House to participate^ the dual rites of the |Jatiori’» dead. The at tendance was a large ..ne, considering tie short notice given, and was composed of citizens of both races and all } Oo oat parties. At 11 o’clock the meeting was called to order, and on motion of Miyor Penny, Hon. VV. I. Hudson was called to tho chair. Mr. Wm. DuGss Trammell was requested to act as secretary, A j’. propriate and feeling speeches^wt-re nude by M-Ssis Doiidy, LrammHl uud tludson. Mayor Deody’d speech was a gem of beau¬ ty aud dignity. Am mg other thioga he said: “While we deplore the untimely death of our illustrious Chief magistrate; vvhilo we deprecate the sudden teruiiua** lion of a career so brilliant, so sucecess ful, and, unhapily, su brief, it is a j y to be permitted to remember that he had reached tho topmost pitch of human greatness; ibafc he had attained honors suffijiently to S;1 the ineasu;e of the high* oat earthly ambition. And we ate fi '.el with hopo that the policy inaugurated by him may result in the purification of tha government, in the conciliation of all par* ties and sections, and lead our country to a happier and more glorious fuiure. What mighty results preoeod from can tea appartnt'y the most paltry and msiguiti cant. The chief of a great N itio a, in tho very height inti pleutitudo of successful \ power, stricken dewn by the hand of a j miserable, aud, its I believe from the ev \ ldeiiee, insane creature. Nor cun it be other than a scarce of consolation io be j iiove that u .me hut the baud of a uuad j man could have given this cruel and fate j Hd !i:m blow. Aad if upon ,he caltu ievostigo- !o iU bo il sl,a: ‘ •*“ u l , ! ,e,,r > P so f' “ unwilling lo tarniah the digu -y i;f sorrow \«r.u ai y feeUrgi of vungD nee ngAfost the CiisetabiO wretch who was tho ina'iu mout of tUeir taisfortune.” ?rl . Trammeii said ‘ ha could not lot this oc-asion p as v.t*bout paying his Libnte to lha memory of the late Prcsi daut. To few men iu tb.lt lifetime, aoU to most not until they have lain for years iu yieir grave’, bus tho world accorded full measure cf its praise. G. neral G -r flu d was among Ihe happy few. fits mas f ive r B t penetrating inttilcct, and above all bis wealth of «arta and generous im pulses, marked him fr. m ibe begiuieg as a ieudvr among men. He was a child of t ‘ha people, and ihe people wore quick to perceive a d eckuowiedge iris qualities of leadership. Let this ft public co fin a© to produce s uch mco nud the destiny f Ui'S liettiiupbore i« ansured. L'jve ot ocuuiry, with this man, was. a pan- ion, at once strong and tender. There was something pathetic abmu it j and iu (be light of recent events it bus seemed to nave been almost prophetic of Ins early death. His heart was always with the people, warm, expansive, generous, and ■noapilbie of bating anything except wrot g and iujadiee. 1 r his short c r -r ae was called to fiil many places of Srus'. md honor, an ' ■ fom.d faithful m ail, From ihe humbost walks of ‘he bnmbL et ittzen he woilhily rose to tread the paths if glory. True to hlmrelf, in all things frtifcblul bd (1 feaiit?ss, ko uifit the last dretd nt 3 fyy m a m&vner worthy of bipiself. For the loss of the a*f,n there is no cokso* aiioc. For that cf the Magi-trate »e tan find it only in (he knowledge that onstitutionai succassor is a n.an of latge ■ xperience, ability, end of ir.corrupHbie integrity. I corfidenliy predict that hia administration will deserve and r» ee.v« the pLndits of his friends, at-d satisfac ..ton of the whole country.’’ Lh iirm.n Hadson being calleu for, said •‘he had nothing to add to «hat had been ..aid. Wo have met together as a part of tbe great American people to mourn tbe loss of the Chief Magistrate of tbe Nation. While our bells are tolling fifty thousand others are toiling in unison from ocean to ocean, and foreign lands. There never was »sch sympathy shown in the death of any man. At this very mo ment, while we are speaking here, they are bearing the remains of the President to tbe grave. We are a nation of m urn j err. Our people are a great people, and j I am proud of theca. I am proud partic n'.arly of the people of Harris county and Ha-aiiton, I t.m proud of the council that called this meeting; and I am g’ad the people came ont. But the past is gone ; and we mmt now look to tho fu’nre. i Garfield was a great and a good mao. His death was a national calamity. Bat Ar | tbur is r good man; the best people have endorsed h m; and be will m:ke a good Pre’-i-Ject There is no need lo be afraid. The government at Washington j rill move smoothly along.” { On motion Hon. M. F. Hood a commit | tee of Bf.v* n v.*?.s appoioted to draft sui* { able rrsolutions. The committee report i ed ihe following, which were adopted, and the uaeetiog njoerned: ; Resolved, 1. That we the people of : Hatuiitoa, ic commen wi;h tbe people of whole country, *s w«U »t th* good a"d th* j isl of aii coau'rite, tBourn the death of tbe late Pre-tdett Garfi-id, end d l onr tes’turj&y ?c hii great jrth a man nud a3 Chief e ol tne Xa tun. j 2. Taat loin pei %z-d ii ired aiolber, i ev -i d -to - L.sohwi ea lo Lie INDEPENDENT DEMOCRATIC NEWSPAPER. HAMILTON, GA., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7,1881. now beoom j the children of tha Republic - • we rx'eud heartfejt and respectful sympathy. R That President Arthur, by Lis course at one? delica-e and manly, in the midst of circumstances ihe most trying and painful, his merited the just end gener snpportof the country. 4. That the Hamilton Journal bo re quested to publish these proceedings. M. F. Hoi d, T. I. Bbui x», M. B Kimbrocqu, M. VVVlp-on, J M. Mas ,n, Ohas. Ij Dendt, IV. D ll.AMMZLL, Ooiuiuii tr- fl. A n other Can didatc . By a large majority flic people of the United States have declared their faith Ki In; y-Wort as a remedy for all the dis* f.a«cB of the kidneys and liver, some, how¬ ever, have.disliked the tioub’c ol putpai 1 * ins? it fro u Uie dry form. For siuili a new candidate appears i i the shape of Kidney Wert in Liquid Form. It is v< rv concen trate«J, is ea-i’.v taken aiH is equally effi¬ cient a* the dry. Try it LmiisvTL Rost. Personal Intelligence. —Cooper Mitchell was up on a flying vi-it Wednesday owning to taao a peep at Ids little iieiie* —There is much tydk of ti e Branch Ag r i C uItur.il College, —J[,. ssl -s J. L. Blackman and B. (!. Kimbrough iuiva t inned a copurtn'.r. h’p a ,„t w ;n do business at tbe old stood of jj Wo : Lon. —Henry B.'all one of Kirveas head Ha ] osme0i waK i„ ( 0 ,ni last Sabbath. _ F .,j| (miJ upon us like a theif, in ihe —Court moots n -xt Monday and we tin dfr^taud t li At J idt-c Wil.ls will I o’d t.\o weeks if necessary, to clean up the duk eta, This will be be. t for nil c- neerned. Hon. li L Stanford, of Harris, will sHcd tiu f promineotly as the “pers'eT- nt persister' who saved n bid three time from (he j ws of death aud on a reiut.ro dnetiou arid the fourth attempt ac*onr. r its passage by u h^ndaocne vote am dst general app'anse and hearty personal ooi - gratebvtions. The l*i 1 was to ore de r. branch collate, a'. Hamilton, to the uni varsity of Gooigia —Su d ij G z !t«. Tho ftou Louis F. Gar.ud, c.f Mujco gee, is oallrd tha “tittle giant*' of !; o house, tiB ho is sui t I in ahttnre, but tack los wrh rcui kikabie Htrangth and’z a! th« biggest questions befoie 'to l ouse, In fact lie is tha au'bor of Borne of ti»» most important ineafttj.-e tint fcnve pas-"d lira general a-'sern'ey. To him is also due much of the credit for the rema-kai-le au. ee »8 of Hon. L. L B n.f . d. i f Harris, in nuh; icg t, is ect’egs I. * 1 . Mr. ,j .rruni is an a* in lawyer * d a br.hi nt yonog sia’esm.aa of growieg fseae.—Sun .lay G.zrtte. ^ Card* w ! «*« k«i»es are iicreur.to mb crib ^'* b*-' ! vb)' certify that Fri-f .1. B. H ff l»"ff ,, t school f t us sis moiitlis of nt yeai; that be has given tm full sat. ) isfection. both in t.achi .g and gewming lli f «' h< We further ray that he is I * Mful »*'<l e r ier.;e it* to cl,or. Wa t!i< re j ! fore, commend l and ira to any teacher, ccmniun ty dcaerv- both » g"n,i men, as a ; !,, F the ji.-.timi,ugc nt tin s ■ wi.o utuy rvi. it ! to ‘ '“i K' him, Hr AO u' iovi b. hi- school ! w»«l ,Jl « «dvaic .-me-1 of or • chi'dren have : °" r ll,: " nlifiixl ajipronation, ’ ftvvrt, W. H. SPKffCB, -j HUS. W RiMSEY, It W. li U'N-ON, W. H Crvwk nit. M. H Spk.vck, Geo. Dxvh, F. P. CiurrcrYiEi.D J.lME-l S. I NT, J. S. Hadofy, Hk.nbv Vacghm, J A Middlebsocks James Oeiveb, £ n' XAvrt- r Teex, J Texj., I’arly Harhh. ^ «» •na ** *'----- Death of Mrs. Eugene Granbcr ry. It is ruth utiftt-ir t sidnenH Hi*' avc tot - nom.ee to a. large crele of friends tue death of a lady «> well beluvel. in Ham¬ ilton site was w, !l known, and “none know but io love her; none named h r but to praise.” Her soul returned to its maker, Tuesday evening last and her body was rxtt.tigned to its mother earth Wednesday afternoon. The beretved husband and family have our deepest sympathy. WhltesvUlc Holes. —Negroes ate oujii strike. -The sample of cotton was injured by late rains. Several farmers of that section ere to a trip j-lori lit sh >rtly, Van Hood has led for A'larts Mini teal College to take a course of leo.ure.*. w *l! te*‘ ,! m in February, Every farmer iu Whitegville Disfr;ct tr> theex position. 0>m is being gat hare J anl the jieki s.it sfactciy. —UtHo Arthur Booker a ten year obi b->y. *• n t.f Mr. Jno. B.s'kcr. one of o .r f>-u;s, performed a feat of cotton pi-’kin* on Sat or Jay last, that should'ex ; cite the admira ion of all. He picked 300 lu of eo ' ioa {lom B,,n »«»*• with mt an y tra.*h. W T e ch<- 1 enge the united , "Or'-d lei to beat nim. A ( * inr ,s a dc ^‘' v ‘ ^ rare an * a : 'nteJIect Arthur could do this tix days n a W'-ek but soen to bchoi 1 five. -- M:s. Warren A. C ark <ii»o ofconsamp ■ t.onUt Saturitoy. '■ Wanted. SC00 I of 1 ..fit <L;cd peaches, for ’srhicL. tLfc higLfcrt aiaikel price wiil tt paui by. M \V( i.f ?. V* ^ iH Utr’t \ v (ir a-i i ilcMi* to!‘ F> o r.u'i Iron Tir.trs vi i r urtdy resize >ou. To Accommodate The Public. The propiii-torH of that immensely pep ular remedy, Kidney-Wort in recognition of the olrtiiua of ihe public which 1 ms bo liberally patronized them, have prepar. d a liquid pvej aration of that mnt dy for the special accommodation of those who from any reason dislike to prepare rt for themselves. It is very concentrated and, as the dose is small, it is more easily tak¬ en Viy many. .1 his the same effectna eotion ’n all disus es of the kidneys, llv ar or bowels. —It. me snd Farm. Xeic Warehouse Hr . The undersigned t.ave formed « pr.rt nrrship under the firm tue of JiuRSey, Hlimber & Woo'diidge for tbe purpose of j e uduotiug « Wfirthoase nrul CoamiiKsii u j luisiucp' f.t ti e W, bstcr WarcliDnse, Co~ • FjibGub, Oh. We are (ha >u'h i feed ; agents of the Grange and Farmers Ueiou and gener d egents for Ter.diettinh-. Oui j Standard Guano and Phosphate, S - . Geoige and St fi udard Foriili . 1 ors, John Swift’s Ataaiooiated Bone and Polish, and Seal'h Acid Phosphate for composting. We are prepared to nuke liberal advan¬ ces on cotton in store. Our terms for et^rage on rot ton are *25 cents per bale per uioutb, and 2 d contsfor j selling. j We keep constantly on sale Bagging, j Ties and Georgia raised rust proof seed Date. We shall feel profoundly grateful for a portion of publio patronage. He* Lc key, Lucius F. Humber. Ann Wo Liuuncu. LOHS & FABLE? 7 Crroccries / it U©H#estics, g ^ .fcL 'g'g »&2 ^ 3 j ^ ^ | m p I Slisues,. 9 1 Mats. &« • j .COLUMBUS, OA. ------—.*>-- ..... : 5 n r .l U<* S jsidv REDD ii \ n G R A M , ij 2rod,3 St., Goimlsds, 6a. Keep const on ly In »t«'»ro and! on the roi tl u iLuqo 8 i;*.j «ele t atock of G 1*0001 ll.'H, DomctsUc^j t. n«l | j Shoe? . Which v.e. propose lo s«H at bottom fi,;-. ; liras Our iioods are new aud bought for ea«h zit from Harris (roup, M»nwt? her it na i <\I- 1 but. Give Lao n vail. j ’ bed d&e 0 eam. We call the atrvi.timi <»f giii icadcru to • tIm aivartidimiJ t of J Af *rii - : iV. or. % j This hi iso 1 k?s he<-n poods <sjJ; h cvlebrated d marly ’ 4<> wars, aud their are . for purity and Huigth. W*a weii'd ja commend a trial of tlntir r old JL-ilal brands to »J 1 who desire HUf Prior cookery. Rtt’gti out tUc moihid humors of the blood, by ad re or two of Ae ’s I’U!h, aud ym will have clearer tit s s as well as i healthier b« dj s. , I A Free Show. LoTeMoflb# tea0tl/ul wll | DO f find acyahere a pleasanter Dlacu to spend a ha f hour than in tl.e elegant store rooms of tho new crockery hoaso in the Webster Bui ding, in Colnmbns. N‘>r can t*o p'.easauter geutlemen to trade with V>e found. Jf you want anythii g in thei* hue, take our honest ad vice and give them a call when yon go to tbe city. A Truth Well Known. There are too many well dressed gen | Uernttn in Hums county who can at'rib j u i e their good looks to the taste of 11. J. j Thornton, or bis rfScieot saiiemen, and to hi« exeseding'y low prices, for it to be neeW sarv for u- to say a word in his [)r »i-e. But be is one of tbe s*su»cft«.' of onr friends—and of those wanting good clo;h <«—bo we cannot be siient. It 18 00 y necessary to visit bis emporium of ftt-hioo, to become tali .tied of the linlh fo nesa of (be wo'dn os his advertisement, which see e!s» where. ■X s» ♦' j orrtan > g , JoyoUl) ,f,dcp uUt Cure . ihe worse, ca.se of Xeuralg'ni and Headache instantly and effectually. ' Try it rf suffer, it is harmless and yon ; acts like mngto, retteving all prim Noth ’US ‘b« € munent like tt to Hefcdftche, » » d p*»iu ; f„) merntrustion in fec;a r-s, P;ieo cwtn. For sale hy a t and ; Hi **y & Mao*®, Hauiilton, (B. n. *T GEOBGIA, HA BUIS County. George F Daniel laak-m application foi I lei'C'S * ( a-1minietrNation the ett.ie I T ikT Danieb i-tU- ■ cool t v (Up ea &l. AH f>- >01 b co* c* rm*d are hereby n> tified r.h‘»w c*a*j if ar*v t' cv h vc. by to fi *1 M*>n<2ay b. Govern {, <r. ncx*. why lor ( tt.rs of fri'i-iniA at’ou should hot bo grafat td to «dd *pp emit. \ G.ven n&der u.y 7tfi, timid and offi TH s'gca » in.. O.fobct the j r h SI A YIiAR. SPIBIT OF THE TX^dZPLS. i j + + " i j 1 Progress ©f tlie Age ® * 1 t t j * | j m! M. S. s’ Modern Style. Marvelous !§ales. Mamiuutls Stock © M.S. More S|iaee. o— ■P I HAVE B15MOVED TO THIS ELF,CAST, SI'ACIOUS AND m i i ew nc * WMM &**iE tu, ti f^mum L oise f*ou it of anil Adj ‘iiiing the IlamilL'ii Waroltou <•, whero 1 Iuxii.br a Lit:.- ', Hvauliiitl rod CDiiiph-:,- 'iiock of Ilrj Cw«5©in 5 ! Notioi» and Fancy €S©®«Is Cistliifiig, # fell©es * . r, j« TjFSRa mm ~*W~vr ffarom aud T* saddiery Crockery aud Glassware AND AN IMMENSE .STOCK OF | l e ■ |||%W 'A 0 8 € j 1 j j } 1 ] ; 11 I i $ 8 v < 1 ; I m % 1 i ; He-peel, j C inp'eto, Superior krnl Es< e'lss'tt in Eve y ut PRICES THAT DEFY COM PETIT I OX, In line 0 r any ©lliar market. My fjoilitica are arirely , . lucrr.w m <-vci \ , dltvss ion. A Larger House I More Itoom ! Lower Prices l More Clorl.v, l Who w.U nIv«ftV'l »0 |i!c-a«c*<? to POLI l E AN I) I J i;OAiii Attention to our I^utrous, And warrant every tbui^ a» leprehCiiletL Tlw iuy;h^t \ rice# nWh\\ :*1 N*r CbUob uiisl Ollier CJountry Prodjiee 5 I In p-i',in- tit 1 n g igiI* or ai'cuunt!«. Tlnohlnl for very li’ufti.xi i utr-tc ; ' in Ihe JOi*l Uti l t-ollci m ; U tail' -ha t ill h« fu’.H V, ( tv Ot j i* Hi tl h f . * MHitig my f’ri* n •. J j* and | a(r> ns f:.it, i ail t'Xor y vfl 'if to j | licit tlicrciititd COi fi.Jv'LC \ W ' 1 ‘ w . ,...... l , rmm$ JEL W* a P • . ,-r„. ... 41" 'QEQEBEM > ' '74"? « 1% - a W $33 . A EA 3: *5 2&3?” * $9 {1-4 ...’._ ...L. LEE 0 E‘OCE‘a-R .A. -3. DH’E R C f 0L 01318 7'. g, f 6, 1 GEORGIA. Y 7 , 7') 1 A . I br-w just :1 turned from New X(wk whexe I br§V{~ Ewan attending the anfrgropf’x Awm-uuona fur I‘GE salvnncemwt at ”18 art of pbuz.);;:vp!~y in Amgch, Viim rmght -d¢= a 25:5 with 2.31 i11:§1:‘c’x\’vw(-M~‘in nsw ’15:? the ma muffs as aCCeSSOI'lrS and infirm, um; «. 1 van? m «Ne nm/ LU puniucu 4h» BEvr Puntogrnphu, ground (0 mms mm: éu’l’h. at :«asnnahle» prgcua. Thanking {lie .or my min and xatruas fm- pqsc favor}: I when, n. (-oznimnanne. guaruntreing better work at smal; amt. Gulury open from S a. m., to 5 p m, A cordial Welcu na thauded (0 visitors. A's! new styles frames in veive‘, commun (ion. Mum and walnut récsivad Earn wank M. low price”. Raupe'cthwy, ‘ ALPHA A. W‘ILLIAELS, The Photographer. Waugh J; Kinsuh « ' ‘ THEE E‘BE?§'E —Hull’s P 'sitiro Our-» fur Cura., wil cure WaiSs, Sine nrul li H.uneil Jooit* ami Bunions. SoM by liiKiy & Mason DiUggists, Hamillon, Ga. —Complete atovk of Lamp UnncU iu every vnrie'y, »t lowest pries f>y M i’uide & Co., AtfatUa. Ptclor Luups, flivU Lamps, Beer Coolers, Library Lamps, Glass Lamps, Brass Tiiuop ., Kiiilroftil ami Farmers Lanterns, Lamp b'hiruiiiss. Don't seal off, wo oau iHfy competition on these Goods. ~~rz M3& L«HA E. PIHKHAM. C'r LYNN, MASS. •Mi '; A ...... kt(> ■ -'Yr * ■ ‘ .1*0 A •P:M' i •} ' ' .-c •. . eACf A 1 ’vdv^lW;iSfs t lu-i'dvr/.'.nu uv LYD5A Ea PS[*3K’HA?js , 0 Tin* * \i\vc <’ • For nil FernT 3 CcmplnLnts, Thin |n K*j l.v'-d v <> g .it • IL u, t icnti'lnv 1A1. L'i« 1 ■ ' 1,-0 J (J.“ •v o | < ;mi 'vCi Ac .; r '■ tnl'i i < li iji* t !»>•.'. "I, i I } V1 H»'* ■ > . (L l \ ■ ■ -ii-’u :.( ■ •.!• !> •.!■-: Vt *: ttfj t >IS i i .. it i i t / f . t, UUhi i>i- ..... >M V ■ ’ i i.“ i ir. : ary. H V V) l‘,t \:.,1 ff, \\ f f .i'.D ; M V.4-" 'I ' >• < . .‘iltii :r-,\ jw ul V t i 1 MIM!'*>• iJ’ftvG Ti'd.lT y r( ’ I l( ' . 1 .'l.l, !‘i'KHi’.,k'4, A*'. J'l . l,i"'l , ll »,Ul. U' •' 5 '..It' ,:■ i •'■ < v /»•< v > ,•'<! (4 I’c. . 1 J; v I . . :• •* » . ’ J . frciH t’-G i*.i : r >> i\f /’, ■. 'i.-i tn;vl n-y t - ni; *oi u’Sif •,*;> 11 v\ ,-y L ' • A' 1 - ' • •" Jil ft « • l b- * )fV ,.••• Ly >’ In'.'.'. ii'.W.A *t. If-•• *<‘ .. .,i <T tin . »n. i ..! k ; . t *4 . » I ;(.{ I I| ; ! f..\ '* . V fii ? t;I. J-, t;... '.ti’o.yi* v;On tV.luv at t’ion- ■ f» If V'M a T. I a: ' •;!■.*, Tnt-i’V'? *•-«»-: G.i •■f t ;»... O Ihll. t> A. i» 1 . I iiion. Tt.f.t ; > • • f* JML*. ..O I fii/-!::* L’l-, Lo.i • ■ !.i ly f*!.-•**; I y Uw'U; * jtUL . . f J! t G,^ i. t (.* I r *. us, ■ :*m- dv. !. /; >,» L 1 inknG'.t' Ccnv'-v.nJ A-Oi* Pf' -.f li , T ■ :,T) fi-? . iV r r-V-v ' .»( i y l.* *. o ,r; V- l* '•» S;i 1**;t i- - r* i i ■/. ni l •). . n »■ * i>.'* ■ , Vi '■> ; >' ?•>»• 1 , * i i ii •!*' ;*'j ; j ? '■ i ; l y. Ju i ,...; ji!bC« A l • ; • . iv ». > i, h/H r. !wj fn.-r ..'ll: r ',V? . V. TJJ A l. S ' - tiitM-i' '.}\\A VI- C tills ! L’ !«:i, I: l.l.I Shite,4t, Lat it, Hat KiH 4 Lamar, Macon and Allans VV’li ole -a le A gen t». »® a wi/.T IT&ticeI t —: 0 : — •J. M. Mason, Dentist Office over EnquliCr-Eun. C olumbiiN, Georgia. T<r«'U.i'<* Ab~en*<*ct Teeth nnd Oii mu ci'. e>i4'Iti 1 i » . FIT© T, e>h Betu ijiii I ly With GOLD oil OTHER MATERIAL. lueei ArutKial Teatb fr^ni one to an V .■Hire »eu. ALL WORK a ’JAILAiT TSHiB. Pric-S very liaaso -able, l et k titraoled without n*.in. GEORGIA," HABEI3~C0UM. AdiBinidtrators’ Sale. A reed')} to sn oidt r from the Htnota bl<- coni of < r it.sty of c-r.o.l v, wf:] i.e b M l>< foie th.. emit fcfWUf >« J* ill Rat!! C Ullt’. v »«*; r, RUr, Uiv ng to t he Vi inf a cuiiuty «t * ;x i, t< -wi?; I,»t o; hi' ii XanaKT iHf. conUnn rg £02 |m‘J U.ore <r kr all! t>oe hudttil urn: h x ty.fi w vcA r\ 1 t i.rimUr liiO, J iut' and l>; i S ig hi 1 1 c ' '.Mi d'bti k t of ►«*«<I dAiD y <>i*L« it/iUn */ 'G f re* t»i t«n l tutM-* ot fco'tl di«tribMti«*o lt*Jus o»»*h Oct 3.1. II® 1 M. ‘•<>*vis, aflmir-i-'r Gearsi’ia, xlairis C'ounty. < r, ititmhda’i*bH tie i«i»« is 1 t ic «*t 'i l D.ti; v , . i t * < t ; C -Ullirv lltfttiUjrt, »* eke 1 J cation lot 1 n o dtt tit ;! tic !.r..d i clung • 1 u t U’e f >t f id ito>. east*- - : jv v.t c rra'. nr-. 1 ltef.lv noil u *,i; U«-‘V i.ave by the • V ;ii NYiV.Ultar next, v!:' fc» 0 4 b r -t Ul 1 If A i>'.‘ od 0 xi . ppil- xul . . . Ni" Adi. v. ;■ omi r aty i air * 15 ‘ i, -S4ta • fO.. >-.-1 . -