Hamilton journal. (Hamilton, Harris Co., Ga.) 1876-1885, October 21, 1881, Image 1

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THE HAMILTON JOURNAL Subscription Price $1 A Year. i. l. sarsa, tvazssntr Hamilton, Ga., Oct. 21, ISS1, ttempted llobbcry. Bast Friday nigrjt unrgLrri very nearly eff.cted au eutriuee into the store of Air J. H. Frost. Tire fastening to the via-. dory had been r. aiovod, and the stsh railed when the party was discovered and fl d. N jthieg was stolen, but much woni i hsve been bat for the timely dis cevery. The door to the vacant room iu the same building was forced on the same night. We Invite You To visit our establishment whether you buy or not, and 30 a should wish to par chase, we will ei&er sell you »r b 3 tho menus of your baying a suit for less money thau oust of manufaeiura. We buy for cash in large quantities, and make a specialty of fine clothing and low prices, bouthern Clothier, II J Thobsxon. Farmers Meeting. Mu. Editob; I respeoti nliy suggest to tbo iarmera of the county the propriety of meeting together at Hamilton on the first Tuesday in November to discuss matters of general and special interest. A public disoussion can but result in good and I would he glad if other farmers of the conuty will meet me on the day named. Let us meet and discuss farm and other pertinent ruatUrs. ENyufitKit. Who II ants a Miller? 1 desire a position as miller in some good merchant or custom mill. I can give guod ri fercnces as to q iiil’lio*tiGns. CJim do any kind of repairing on a mill that tnity bo required' Address tun a 1 ‘ Hamilton. ApoLrHXM Sanford. Our Low Prices A itoulhb everybody, we content ouv .^. lvt:: with a small and uniform margin i by our competitors are often consid jBr*'- .reckless, in naming such prices, jv.evor, the fact that pitrcbMKsrs care most about is that they can buy cheaper from ns than from any one else. It will pay you well to call ou the bouthern i lolnier. II J. Thermo 7 he Great Forepaayh Show At Columbus Twenty Trained JCUpiiants, U . i’ndriy Cot. 2 1 Adam F’orepaugh’s 0 .fiossal Combination of Circus in two r.ugH, Maojujotb Menagerie hi: d Museum iy Jo exhibit, afttrnouu aLti evooiug, at Cuiumbus. Tbo prevent is the seven¬ teenth consecutive traveling sea^ou oi tbi.i famous oouibiuutiou, A recent tx ohnng<«, alluding to it, says: •Mfsivprtii&U ii ver had a poor show, lie is one ot the few circus owners who ha.i always exhibited «tU ho advertised; iia has the largest and the be.Tt tented exhi~ huioti travclug, aud any one of its my li.d dist'.nctive fuitures, sueh. for iustaccf, as the twenty performing tie p lauts, the tweuly two trained htallioun, the trained gir il .a, the wonderful troupe of hi yc!or«, tho surprising feat of Z uia jidiiig a ve ocipede over a $ inch wire l td ieefc f om the ground; or of h >yal 9 tho im*L-»ueteor, who is blown fiorn a ctiuuou—my one of these, or a hundred oUn r equally new aud novel features, is w« 1 ) worth the whams on to the outire exhibition* Tho circus is on so gigantic a pi nil us to require two great rings Tn« menegorio contains nearly every rure animal knows to ualure hmiory. Our readorn who wish to Witness the ili uu'uoth h treat parade, which iuoludes the beautiful Oiioutal lomunce of Lalla li o!ib depurting from loeliii should reach town by 10 o’clock on the d iy of exuibi tiou. K ‘ditcsd rjitea cau be secured ou Rll railroads, _ • A CEE & JOHNSON Col limb as, C a. I,i-t vick wliilc ir. Columbus wc di'.j— pod in to . .-e Messrs Acte & Jidiusoti, tl.es now CluUiiers, sifimd door aU.ve ilio CW.ittiiiioochto Nation l Bank, aud v>e must admit that wc woie semowimt sur pi i.erl to tin-.i. sitefi an immousH s'ork ot elegant Clothing and G. nt' Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Umbrellas lint.ks lises, .'■'alclieis &p. I l.cir large and c«no modius stora room is p:i' ked fill! ol Cl-.th Jng and Fnitiistiing g.K) is of the iatrst styles and tile most impiov. I ate! these gentlemen informed as that they ate bound tnse’l them if l"W prices and good goods are any- indue* ne t.t to ptueli.isers. This fi»m is vomposed of M* I-. W* Acec. who s the most < .\c>-tie mtc 1 clotidur in C >1 u mb as, an 1 Mr. .Joel T J l.ns >n, for¬ merly of this place. i> »th of tie s • :« n * tlinen are well aud favorably known to almost every leader ot the J -urnal sod their re] u ;di n as npri .nt and courteous 1 >ii in* .s in n lias l*eei) t tdJi b**l. due triliii; public will (»eir ’ti nii el that «h\s ip the only iig stuie in ('o’omi us t .u lot .".it m i.'dv new a «k, evi-y article in it J»a\i. •< !*• <*n |.UM:!.n-e<l this SC;Li HI. T‘he p«*'*pltj «*! IImis c**unty can li it d * better th:**i to J uv t* »; rb*t!.ing of iVce cl J * iu oa w iieu li v go to bol limbus. - -Complete sto- k of B .(,p G -V iu fV:-.”'. V ;}■«*•’ V, id b*vr*»**t pri.’M.s »»> -« L « 4 «* I-.r-r I- . l K Co, A ' -nt... fits., ua Ha, j'-ur b’iN.ders, Library Lamps, GlftSS L/’SlGi>(**. Lm jfr.. Hai’road and I — JjHCtOi'ti Ti'!Lip i .liUjti* tO DOD t res t *'tT. wc e.m » 5 :ty c -mpetit.ioa oa lhe-,L G t-d.s. t: 1 * iid *'*f Trustees **f the v >t '• * g.a Agi'ieulfilial colb -t w • I v < *ne next >ton -hv 'h ' 2Hi i'trit- 19 '• lo“ •' >i ike nrt I, j- .urfreab ;;•! a-s -be li t. i f <•»: of ii to be r% I; V 3 U -!%; 1 «> 'J?i * fH** 4,11 of cl«v‘bfs a si. .'iTLr.eni of o.ont-y, c-* . -l ‘ - CwlLicr. II >N XT S XimvllJu a ts f it nn ON s n ■T ej IN i jl s LJ © VOL. IX.—NO.LI. General Presentments. We, the Giand Jurors for the Ovfoher term IFSi of Harris Superior Court re¬ spectful,y make the following general presentments. We have rxnmiued the j nhltc buildings of the county, We fird that the court ben e needs re covering and some repairing of the window blinds and request the Board and Com no 81 i oners of Kjaiis and Revenues to h ,ve the woik done as roou us possible. We also direct that the flight of stairs over the Jadge’B seat be removed and the opeuiog be clos¬ ed up beforo the next term of court. We have examined tbs jail aud find it secure but iu a filthy aud nupleasaut condition attributable m part to the B> gbgeuoe of the Sheriff or jailor. But mainly to in sallicient ventilation, bad sewerage and to the wunt of care and cleanliness of prisoners. We recommend that the commissioners of Hoads and H venues have the sewer repaired and so arrang e! that it will oonduct all the excremrnt and fi.lh outside the prison enclafeure. We request tho sheriff to have the jail cleaned out from time to lime and have the outer yard of prison scraped out and all refuse matter carried away from the vicinity of the jail. We think with these precautions *ud duties faithfully performed that the j til will answer until the reveuues of the couuly will justify the but.ding of a new aud more suitable prison. On examination aud inquiry we find thr publio roads generally in good condition bat thero are n few bad places to which we call the attention of the District Road commissioner we have our candy thirty-nine publio bridges all of wfiich are in good repair except the brid go overLmgeaue creek outbe road leading to Wi st Point and the bridge over Stand¬ ing Boy Creek near Mr. Cash’s and bridge ever bhouls Creek at Mr. Berj Gnnimeli’s Wo recommend that the commiaHioners have the nece.eary repairs for the bridges made. We have the examit ed the l ooks ot tho clerk of the Superior Court rid Ordinary Rnd find the records of each office very neatly and as far as wa can judge kept according to law. Wo find tho bonds of tho various county officers propirly recoi led sail ami wo be¬ lieve lhey are si.ffieieut to secure the soar, y agniUAt Joh». We fluff the sheriff's jail record properly kept. But that ofli cer has not exhibited lo us any other bock uf record rior can we ascertain that any feas t>eeu k'-p; by him or his predeessor) iu cCioe. We believe from an ex imina tiou of the ToX Receiver Book that the property of the c.t'X *oH of the couely has been telurmd at fair vnltmlioo alul we do cot feel it onr duty to itiuke any r.ddiliou ul uhsossineuts. *,Ve recommend that tho pay t>f Jurors and ILuhif’a t>i-c ilou.ir and fifty contH par diem. Wo find fri.ui on exhibit made from the books of the Tri asm or and tiooks ol Board ot Com¬ missioners ot Roads aud lb venues that the 1 x pen see ol Harris couuly from Jsti uary I t, to Out. 4 th, RJdl arc us lollowt: i’ .i! Journal pub. ,*rand jury ptescutiucntH $7 r,t> •• Coroner holding Inquest 20.00 il Jodrnal ing b i lges •20 w “ Staiimuiry Comn-i'Fiooei court • 100 M Diigcuis biiriging election n tu: I S 24.09 “ Car *3 i»i ( L antic to Asylrm :;u 99 “ Dcord boo -Cl ik Sup*nor (-om t 4 i).bb *• Chaos and fcbciel try for Com l house 42 « * Cowscrt & Kiinbrougli mmliy jo tide * 48 02 “ d’ux codcctor balance coirimisKi'mF 02 .i»l *• Win. li. Copeland blind Soldier /00 00 “ J.iilfcxj enses 290,95 lt oapciior Court expenses April tern 494 90 “ Ihitfgc work 4228 l “ I’.iujieis total ain’t orders 2 - 89.55 “ Htat'ouaiy UUhors Superior Courl 8.10 “ Kf>pairs on Jail and (A»uit House 4.00 * ‘ Cieih H.u^ett’j lee 125.00 4912.64 To « hit h amount the expenses of the remainder of tlv year are to be added to¬ gether with former indebtedness of* the county all of which after (Jethiding the income of tb© present year will make the probable indebtedness of tbo county on the L t January next about fifteen hundred dollars which ('elicit we recommend the com minion or* to jay if they can borrow the money f*;r that puipo.-e. And now in taking leave of the court we desi e to ex pre.-s t > ids bailor the presiding Judge Willis our thanks tor hi*-; kindness to our ho ly and the solicitude iiiauiftu»U*I by bun for the wi llfare jieace and bappincbS of the p.e* p!« of onr county. We return our filin'* s to solicitor general Grimes for 1 *M prom[»t attention and uniform utbanit-y to our tody. We recommend the public^' tion of these geneir* presentments in the Hindi Ion Journal. S M Brannon, .J B P..t»s J M I * viu. p WllliH)>1Rf b li iviv .*e, y . ^ y J II Lynch, (} W ■> ;rdon, (> W J :ukiU 8 , J A '. 1,1 *.] y, O i* Fool; , To all Classes ■nj cotd'tion of men, we invite yoo to ' -it onr hoa-e whether yon are pnrebaa ers or ro'. We nay thin, we w ill sell yon X 2 » r.t*ff t;V. irr*BLE Cly/IUtHO, 7..-Z -hino t/ Hate ar.■! k'1 elb».r g» : >ds in f.tir line at fees fi.> fin than HDT !;• *!-> in Cl*; underp, Ga. Wit do r ot :i» er bonnes cl, y « *A : Foreman, A Dollar, J f. D»via, A J Auaiai**, Thoa 11 Johnson, A D Whi'-ten, B II McCalls, Wm Boswell, T L Davidson, W T Holland, T J Neal, J M Kimbrough, INDEPENDENT DEMOCRATIC NEWSPAPER. HAMILTON, GA., FRIDAY OCTOBER 21,188]* Personal Intelligence. —Mr. Wat. Nelson an old and respect¬ ed citizen of Ilariis county died at his residence a few utiles north of this place on the Ui'h inst. —Hr. Hardy has begun work on tbo calaboose and the same will soon be ready for the reception of lodgers. —One of those sickening accidents ao cured in onr town on the 19 h, inst. A'len Hightower a little colored boy of about ton years of age while pulling motes from the gin had his h mds caught by the saWN and bolh arms above the elbow com¬ pletely laeerated. B ath arms wero am .mated by Dr’s. Mitchell .fc Oopeland and it is probable that tho little fellow may survive his great misfortune. — Messrs Tbos Chapin m aud M. Jos eph were in town this week iu the inter' eat of their houses. —Trade has been good this week and especially lively with the warehousemen. —ltev. W. A. Farltjr, of Seale, Ala., a former resident of Hamilton, is on a visit to bis old home lie may Lie at Mm Meth odist ilium'll next Sabbath. —ltev. E J. llttrch returned Wednesday from Macon where be been to accompany his daughter, Miss Alice, who has entered upon Iter studies as a pupil of Wesleyan Female co'lego —'ihve were sixteen bales of cotton burned with the gin house of 'Squire My hand last week, instead of -eight as we published. Eight of these w re of his own crop and eight belonged to his neighbors. - Mitty will go to the circus. Fare for the round trip front llam'Itou will be Jl. 25 —Thanks to the characteristic enter¬ prise of the Columbus Ei quirer and the courtesy of Burt Cook its popular agent, Hamilton folks now enjoy the luxury of a morning paper. It gets hero nine hours ahead of h ’1 others and biiugs nil the news. Subscribe for it. —After this week the JonnwAt, will be enlarged to six ] ages. Much tu ws is t o v crowded out tor want of room. lo Accommodate The Public, The proprietors of that iiumeuHely pop tilar romod 3 *, Kidney Wort in recognition of tho cUims of the publio which has so lilierally pntrooiz^d them, have prepared a liquid preparation of tl at remedy for the special accommodation of those who from nuy reason dislike to prepare it for themselves. It is very concern rated and, as tho dose is small, it is more easily tak %n by many. Il bus tbo s^aie **tfactua eotion in all diseiues of the kidneys, Iiv nr or bowels.--lTuno and Farm. LONS & FARLEY, Crroceries, ®© 2 Bl©§tI©S 9 Iza<|siors ? Clothing, Shoes, Mate, &c COLUMBUS, GA. In r I'ln; Iscail. — :0 : — REDD (k INGRAM, IS BroaJ St., Oolumsus, Ga. Keep conHtuntly in iitor© and on the road a largo and uolect stock of Ci roceiiesj Domestics, and Shoes, Which wo propose to sell at bottom ares. Onr goods are new and bought for cash. Mr A M Most is with n« and will take pleasure in waiting on hl« friends from Harris, Troop, Meriwether ana Tal¬ bot. Give him a call. REDD & INGRAM. General 1 nlelligenee. — Dr. Hanterof l.eke City, Fl«., eaya: — “I h«ve naeff Hall’a Tetter and R^Egworin Speetfle is my practice for a ntunber of ye trs, aud find it an excel!' ot remedy for Scald Head, Ground-I'cb, Tetter and Riiig'vrmd ” Sold bj- ft il*y A Marion, Druggists, Hamilton, Ga. —S(tb IhoTvju Clocks, I/tmbeJh* Pst ent Fly Fans lutc et improvement, Hbow Cases, Booking Glaacos, Silver Plated ware, It *g('r« Cutlery, Agat® Iron ware, Beer Coolers. wo are Masufse-n rer« geotH for above Goods, and at II at low Ht prices. McBrid# A Co., Atlrnta. Job hers of Earthenware, Caina, Glasa ware Tin & wooden ware. —Attention merchant.; McBride & Co , At'snta, sell yvhite Granite »od C. C. ware at Import**is pne-s. Glassware Stamped and piece Tin ware, wooden wa»e, at masa'actorera bottom prices. Specialties— Lambcths Patent improved Fiy Fans, S-fh Thomas Clocks, Fruit Jar-*, I «0 Cror»?a F**«fz-^ K 8 , B^er Cord era j^ rtrU ; 7 » I jimp floods of every kind. <; E OItGTA, HA li Ii />’ Co r n t y. 51 .-. E M 9 i 4 i,a- :.|.-p i .1 for It, a i I hi r-t- 'i >n a** •' ... iiilri r’ . i r>l J i' 1 Vt SPIRIT OF THE TUMZSS. I t Progress of flic Age M- M. S. Modern Style. M. S. Marvelous Sales. M.S. Masnmotli Stock. M.S. More Space. I HAVE REMOVED TO THE EI.F.OANT, SI'ACTOUS AND ew Brick Store ISfUSPP use i’f? South of and Adjoining tho IlatniUon Warehouse, when I dial! ExliiliU ft large, li mutilul anti Coinplale Stock of ©ry €w®©d§, - N© 4 ioia§ and Fancy fxootk Clothing, Shoes and Boots, Harness and saddlery, Crockery aud ©lassware and an immense stock of SiaiilcAliiiicv I C''n'p’ete, Superior arid Ex( c’’cntiii Every Re-peet, at PRICES THA T DEFY COMPETITION, In iliiaor any oilier mai kel. My facilities are lamely increase in even direcliotj. ^ A. Earsior TIousc ! More Room ! Lower I’rires I More Clerk* ! Who will always 1 »#? j>h*fi«*fd to Pilond POlJl K AMI PiiO^lI 1 Attcniion to onr Patrons, And warrant evcryi*iing aa represented. The hiiHicst | rices altowtd iui Cotton and Other Country Produce, [n inymont lor {r.,orls or accounts. Thenltiil for very Itlrernl jiatrom^c in tho ;.a-t. ;i n,I -uheitmt; a fair -hmo in the lulu c, ! f< c! .jne itiwi in a-raring my frr nd» ami ]=r»*v- ns il.at I i I '.’Xcri every tfiurl lo <1 rt-rve iiiuit iiicrcastci coroidciicc. 2 /X- “W OI ,_r-J ■ SI A YHAR. 20 Trained Elephants COSTING TO COLUMBUS 1 If Igf'l '>•: ■ ; 1 * llLs GRAND GALA CAY F"U TOWN ANM> UNTUY. WORTH Miles of TRAVELto see! (tin Al t: r v a t. thk GREAT FOREPAUGH SHOW Will ox’ ibit aliinmon a* d evening at COLUMBUS, FRIDAY OCT. 21. Notv mill: 111 e its 17 f i unit.i«l I ui■ with Hi flirt', the only great herd of 20 Performing Elephants 20 1,500 WJ L I) JS K 1 N TS, AM) IN TUB Cl It I'AT CIRCUS IN TWO RINGS. 22 Trained Stallions 22 And two colossal circus coiic>nuics, giving a different purl' rtnancu In citcli tiug. One p.ico and ticket to all. Coming with 1,000 wa ‘N AH3 2X0 BS3 5 Special Railwtiy Trains All ovvm;.) )>y tb<> sJjdw, It Jj.t.i uo I'tjwihi, no rivals, exhibits the wonderful set ol ririnu a Human Bcim? from a Oannen iioatb tl with |tov*(ler. /AJll A. L.-.e Iuiuouh V'v iic* 1 i equilibrist, viUc.-i a Voiocipoflo o'7or a 3-4 Inch Wire JOO FEET From 2he GltO USD. An ’ wheolR bur bn)h) ovor tbo mmw ii'tfh wir ; «.nd flr-t apnenmnec in morion of llio I meat Knxlisb r l'i(>iipn of vlynum w tie H cyeleio. (be. far.io’is ellrni A. Viilitm i’.n'iiiy, \v!io ; Ijiid someirtiuilts. juj/yle, form, pymmbls, ; tiuil upon irtti.’ bi-aT-, ii»«l <b> ueiirly evo/y act |)crfonne<l in a eireuK rii^; by ridera, aeroli .is and •:'vninnsU Uj: 011 Skmtlor Bicycles SCENE IN THE JUVENILE ARENA, GREAT FOREPAUGH SHOW. m Wm 0 m •i \ jii m uonra at a 20 milk speed. (HI an I) CONOm .lH OK Giants, Dwarfs, ana Living Vandore! AND ONLY TRAINED Cl IILA FEES AND WONDER FI L ItAIiV ELK CHANT, Kewiitly bo n, every rare animal known to natural history. Kliinoceroa, H pp(»;H>ttini*s, S-a r/i n , and 'Puilncd l.i »us, d i^ei s, f/cop !*r* , s -cdc., < le and Special Circus for Boys and Girls, IN A '..CMiATE UINO. I 1 JEOHKAT OMANI* GORGEOUS STREET PROCESSION w rni 8 BANDS OF MUSIC, 8 I w* nty K 1 qrhantF, il mile of Girirtots, him <lr <b ot Horses and folder, and tlv bi-auti fid O i nitd p geant of lALGA UOOK 1 I OK PART ING FH »M DKUU. and a myriads of im rv-.-l**u. monopolized feature** cim be o'clock neen **vri*y exhibition day. at ah*-tit ten in (he Umunuct. I’nviinni opctin nt 1 and 7 i». m , per f orniai*c«JH begins one I*(Kir later. AdinisHon an usual chi dren 1 * If price. E 2 TBA THAI ITT Reduced rates ou all railroads (/i) einioiti' ii day. A DA Jl FOBEPAiniH. H"l+ Prfn ERKA'I F< HM’AKJll HI*»W. V1S3SC i ■i C 0mm % [■fit 9 TO W^S'!#W & i V ' --y^rrrS- , 5 --^^ j ..... ’MUStV.— MANUFACTURED BY MINE SCALE 80. MOL!NU, ILLINOIS. E£’r> ran iLt-usTijArao CiBS«U.RS im PBiOE LIST, s * ■X ii - ayS I »> v It-: SinCBS&Ij Tho great popularity of tho “ SOHMT 31 *’ Pianos among tho musical public is the bead proof of their excellence. so; l & CQe, ilAKWAirrOUEIUi or Crcnd, Ssjasra, and UprifjM Pianos, 143 is 155 E. ! 4 th St., Kew Ycrk. CENTENNBAL r MILL W J Ill a hi 2 *. - It separatee O.ifa, Cockln, anil all font mitt ft-om wheat. In alm> n porroct oloanor i.t Flax, Tlmotlvy, Olovcr, and all kinds of sends. Tho groat improvomont over othor mills Is that It hen two slices. It lu ospeolftliy adapted tor warehouse uso. Bond H>r Dasortptlve Circular aufi Price Met. LUinral Also, to ilualers, addcuua 8. FREE&1AW & SONS, RACINE, Wl&oonsin, mz. um l Gi- LYHH, WAS 3 . r l m* *« l < m m jffjj *01 \ , ■i. • >ii« , i ■ •tlllUl <>'•' LYDIA E. PEKilirSAFsTO VEgETAM.. CC'aPOTL'P. Tho iu-. il - t ■ For nil FcmnlfJ CornpInJuti-;. TJUh Rri'sinmlioii. mi fl ■* ii.vh! i; ’•iiU-tf, c**ijft| •( < f f tvtSet pTu;»f'i’H« • 1 Writ Mi'o i-nrml *. n» tii*• 11 ..ui. JCUtDilJVallli. I j‘f>H • trial II**' t h i :* ! :<l 1 J i>! Ci" > p.i'Ulfl v Hi !it* ;■"<•*» Till‘ I. '■ : r lit. >' • i j.'Hii* !•' . t ’-ft win il It .• i »«< • 1 .: t’*.;il itrit'l, I i iiiinM • if it*.•«*«•.< i it a 1 i. drctl, ajffr.HM' isn:r<'fci>'i'. ” 5 Iim* -‘Mil». •. 'I t .)• iii'y. () i n*M' Hilt <if J?« |t|’«*Y’i»:i i.l"l't ■ ItJ-itf * t.v I coniritfivlfil au*i i>i*. .’i !!»'• I !<■ R.t’ I. t j*l».' ti/fu: r. in tho country. It will Clir**t l'Of|tt*iy lie *. r f»M <>f ft.llfltH of flic* ufornu, J .. .t gi » !i- Ir: ,.» 11 :-/• mill j .1 nfi.l Mefifl(fM»th»M,nllOxn*'t»inT' > 1 **i(<•*« • • l t’loorrllofi, r'loofllfr."', nil i’i i l:p 1 i.ml D.,< Hf’ijllf'iitHpltiol HiT.lmci , fii'l i-t <1 ; • /»«!»«|#t* • * » Iho OJiHlifff* uf l.ifi*. Il will tii <. • i *.«• .... . *,••■! 1 ic». 1 from She iiLt'i'U'.ift 1 . a t *' i ’. 11 1 *; *. • old •'"••i. of. ’ _» tondtoiry to r u»’or*m:f liKti.fJi .1 tJu’i 1 .in.- • i •*'/ HIHicUlly 1 il > .u . f/i fact it Jim* nrov **4 {» ).i» f!».» jji* 1 - fit «»*-! Ivltn-'r 11 *t. Jl»u« «'Vi«r ' • *••: u-*., <•- 1<l. It IWM’KH’Ml'M pv." v f*o {JiHI Of tJtO »ry<** ll», n.’l'l }"il • ^ now lift*n !><1 v i;;'■» . J ! r*nn«»v*H f 1 • * tit« ,*t*. lE-.itr; , » >• »troyHiiJD.T;;vlng i'oi*»ti>'U»)tr.itft ( ;ci<l fiTJovt IV( ;.!;»• *u of tho rtomacU n •. vm njiHitfr;:. r'if.<!:b li"i., ‘ . rvMu:i T'rt.»fiiif < 1 , (;< rural 1 ■ . Jr.-pi, ..sii-ii a Mi | i gflflliou. That ft-fili.>;«»( hwi: rwinhif/ j*»i{ii, wi fffht mi'i I■/*»••* ■ / 1", I, i*bv ij»j rf't.r-iiwtiify !•*».* , ly lUlMM, It will Bt bri ti.MC.f, I'W.\ ri»il‘.f ».;1 f’lirflJiM: *L coif, iw t In h.’ujj' my wlthiJu Jaw thn*. n ^criki l*»o ftjmnl«fpynfri*n. For KMTi'-y ^’ofiijilalni ' ofollhii ; < r. ti.f f ifl UJiwurj/ir^u. Lydia t. Finltlian.'r, Vo.;<ila!>'c Cotiijiotin.l iMproprircfl rtS‘ T n:nf ‘‘"■n ’.vwict**. Avoi.iit* Lynn. }■*• •. Vrten$l#)< r.< hnttb . < f. -&,.oo. :\.a i,y ma.J 1: <1 form "f j»iily. u! '•* !n i!mj i’ >i *:* «*f Isr/f.iiev*. *»i» iyih 1,1* of plica, $U*. !••>*, f m* t-iflr.r 1 I» PINE If ‘.'J tn ■ }y :i.d ' c I i Uact* t inquiry. Sami /<•»• jv*m, j.iilct, A'Jklrt- t • . i’ ; - »•.»• .V-wfi.-u 1 ■"> w* . pi 1, fatuity 1 i* ;t ’ul 1*0 V’!th<rt:t* I.b' A K. ITriKH.%.'** L* V'EJt 1 JLJ.'i Ti’-f rutv *'on-lljictfoii, r.JJJpuaijf'f-M, •*• ♦!><• m. *.r * 1 p.it'i i‘*»r !•/'**. IiAM'tt, Rankin & Hava -., Macon and Atiat a WbeUv'dleAgetith. Dental Notice I -- :<).—• ./. 71/. Mason, Dentist Oliso ovor Saauii-ct-Stia. CoInmbn.s, Goorgin. Treat* Tootli »r*<l nUr»m*rt fjtiiii'. t*u( > v i 'M**fnilj • fl’lu Ti «rh Uo '«• ■ jfiilIy With GOLD OK OTHER MATEBIAL. Inserts Artifleirtl Teetii from or.© to an E itiu tfott. ALL VT0LK GrTJ&BAVt" Prices very BeinO^ttbiC. Teedl extriiC'od witbont pan. GEORGIA, HARRIS COUNTY. Ateifiistrators’ Sale. A roe bly f«> tin or«i* i fioiu the Honorn bb emit of or Ui ary ‘ I county, will lo ri* 4 ‘i l*. I .»e the court I otw© do<«r in paid c unty v/iMiiu tin* legid h*»urp of ni hi- ti .st Tut* ay in N v*mb r, next, t e loiivviL j dtwu iUr l land Udouging to th *3 estate of J 6 >«** A. G«»o<lwin la : o of said county demined. | 4 *-wi': 1s t o: ni <1 NmijlHM *J!l containing 202 - 1-2 n o e or levs and one bundled and 6 .x ty-tive * ciep, h*t number bH), hiox * nl being in tl * VOin d^tiict of wild contiry i oiitamiriL' R(T> i'* riP* oi inn 1 n»*»r * or Upp, * 4 , 1(1 foi dirtributi n i cm. cash (Jc. 3d, 1881 Jamik M. Ooowix, fe'mmtetr tor. (icorpjiij, Harris County. [J. F Waiaer, adini».wi«tor de ln*n a u n, ii|« n ti*** *^t te *<f Ihouuts D.*u el, late < t paid c»m»-try «l©»«*u-eii, makes n \j i cntioti n*r i li «>'de» t-» h H tl «* land belong - l g l<> I be e.-t i e of a id dtx case ‘. All i>ei'-of*> eot«c me i ar** her* by noti* tied t«> show caiiMe, ii any |,.ev have by the fii-t Mo *lav in Nov.nsW next t, why an .>• er rh niUi not b.» g*ati<orl s* M epiJ i'ttiit )•* ►ell f> (*• ; l.ili-l. C'.v. jt nnd r i h; ban** cod (licit! P’.^ua t( if. U t • r*t, [• Wi.ljam ;J bdiii :ry* ; fair 2 *» X n *. O 71 ?