Hamilton journal. (Hamilton, Harris Co., Ga.) 1876-1885, November 04, 1881, Image 1

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' hi. h^iiton journal. lbscuplion Price $1 A Year, iff. L. BBSTHIS, fXJBLISSElt. atniliot:, Ga.,yTov.4, ISS1. Notes. gp-A typographical error in the ivertisement of C ommissionpr A makes him call tor school ice, counts against stale tor 73. It buhl be 71—the year Bullock’s legislature appropriated the school ■und to their own use. I —Heavy rains fell Saturday night hid Sunday. The first we iiave lad in some time. ■ —el. F. HookI, Esq, a gentle., nan very highly esteemed in this •community, left Monday for the ■everglades of Florida. He lias the Lomige fever so badly that we have Jfsars ot losing him as a citizen. It is hoped by his many friends that his visit has more to do with the blossom than the fruit, , The Southern Farmer’s Monthly Ifoi November has been received, tt is the equal of its predecessors, feud rivals in completeness any ag. ■iciltural publication extant. Our Banner friends would do well to B^ti-stder Bp i's merits when making their reading supply for another Jear. Address J. H. E till, pub V her, Savannah, Georgia. A Wonderful Feat . I Governor’s Day a feat way ac¬ complished I.hioli at tho Exposition will dial 1 entire ihe admiration B the entire civilized world. Eveiy ■ing was arranged for tho occasion. Burly ; in tho morning two person* Rked thee tton wet with diamond law drops from one of the pinch I near the main building. The leeoy staple went to the gin. li e live below tho account as reported ly the Constitution: I At twenty minutes to 1 it started In its way. Entering first the Kit Ion picker at 7 o’clock, it went to [he Foss and Pevcy cards; thence lo the railway lie.id*, bu.lt by the Lowell machine company. Then t& rapidly found its way lo tho ipoeder bullby the City machine ..ttunpany of Providence, From there it went, to the Fui’s & Jenka frame, and was soon w hat the ob IBihread. [server was ready to pronounce This was taken to a Crump loom and the process of wc-av ■r.r comnn need. The crowd that Blind watched tie course of the cot fl ton p.s it passed from stage to stage grew- until the aides wore block* d jtip. Everybody wanted t<> see the jwork got tig on. As soon 1 the fcloili emerged from the 1 it |was j?;»ono<r taken Thomas to the dye and house dy.'d. of As N. , In here the suits were cut out —one !| or Governor Colquitt and one for Governor Bigelow, The silk .f bich was famished by Cheney I Brothers, and which was the Amer | I in manufacture, vus ready. The caking of the suits was commenced j I he cutting was clone by Atlanta’s 1 von to tailor, Mr. Grown, whose I :Ste and ability guaranteed per ( ction in bis department of the oi k. The button holes were made the rate of two a minute by H. Piieljis, 01 New _ Aor*, — , on ,, 1 ie rational machine company’s ^ button jlo machine. As tbe day closed lie suits Came Complete flora tllO lands of tbe tailors’ and \n tbe ev ? w handsome ill m ! ning the governera w'ore lack suits, made from cotton that a. it sunrise dangled, dew-gttintr*d, hom the Stalks. So much for fast Machinery. • *.* 1 A Marked Success. at the college last iritlav evening was a marked suc s ' n ever y respect- Trne the jj| Btendance *r small, but it was was parkableconsideting the weather. eW m:siy latu was falling in tlse part of the ever inti end the JjjBrU'Is looked threatening, graced so that )®any who would have the IfBc'tsion with their presence were Ssterred from going. The pro f ammo was interesting through ii*. and was carried out fully. (jure was not that drag w hich so /ten eharacteiizes amateur nerfor jances, but a promptness of action ferlhy of professionals. Some Oi characterization was almost rlect, two or three of the ladies u JENneinfr hisiriooic talent class ot the highest order. The *n Maliaitienics did well, showing care Valises Ifl training. riiis p dt oi tho cx Wiife ©ujiv- c:d greatly. Karo ■ is g’.d that ter fritlids from Ur the mount tn came to see her, ends a cordial invita ion to them » — and do 80 again, can l-iomisc a <y?w, but i.a more s?»prec:auve Biencs t. x. ume. _lr L»_ a_r. I v’ srj. 1 fi TT' d I o I-J^VIVxa LL & 1> Li \)1 \ jNAJ J 8 VOL. IX.—NO. 43. ot tlie Gtntral railioad, at one the statvobs, a blind woman with a babe in her ann3 boarded the cars, When the conductor went his rounds for Irs tickets, the woman stated that she had neither ticket nor money, and begged hard for passage. She said .-lie wanted to get to Savatmah, where she had a sister in the hospital. Under the city laws of Savannah no tramps or vagrants are allowed to be taken into the city, even though the con¬ ductor pays the fare out ot his o w n pocket, and tins he is not allowed to do by the railroad. A di Hm met - overheard the conversation, appreciated the conductors posi¬ tion, ari l then quietly took his hut around, appealing on’y to Ins fel low-drummers, Twenty dollafs were raised in less than five min nief, the fare paid, and the blind woman went on to Savannah w ith a -niH' little sum, and heart full of gratitude to the much abused and big-hearted class of travelers—tho drummers. Genev l Intelligence. —Dr. Qanti..' of Lake City, Fla., says: — “I h'.vo used Hail’s Totter and Ringworm Spec.fio i* my praetics for u lu mber cf years, and find it ke excellent remedy for Scald Head, Ground-Itch, Tetter and Ringworms.” Sold by Itdiy & Jlasoa, Druggists,^Hamilton, Ga. _goth Th 05Ut!S Clocks, Lambdas Pat ent Fly Fans latest improvement, Show Cases, Looking Glasses, Silver Plated ware, Rogers Cutlery, Agwta Iron war*, Beer Coolers, wo aro Manufacturers gents for r.bovs Goods, and sell at low at prices. McBride A Co., Atlanta, J/>b berSfOf Earthenware, China, Glass ware Tin & wooden ware. —Attention merchsnfa! McBride & Co.. Atlanta, sell white Granite and 0. C. ware at Importers prices. Glassware Stamped and.piece Tin ware, wooden ware, «t mmmfaeturers bottom prices. Hptcia!tias—Lambeth* Patent improved jety Pans, Seih Thomas Clock*, Fruit Jir*, Ins Cf*am Freezers, Ifesr Gaoier* Lamps and Lamp Goods of crery kind. A Cordial Invitation. Eallin Jcffcieon extends a cordial in vital ton to the readers of the Joint* at, to visit. Ina provision om porium, JTc ha- a Istro flock of choicest provtsinns, winch ho is anxious to cxciiango for money. It nil! jay you to walk down and see him when you are in iho ciry. Clever Gent’emeu. Those of the readers of 'ho .Toun nat., who £0 to Colnirbu.. m weg» 0118 will do well to put up at the Geutenifil ’IVtigon Yaid kept by two clever Harris count y boys, the Goodman Bros. They have also a fresh and full stock of tho finest groceries and will b» glad to pervo their friends when they are in the city. Give them a cad. '{» Accommodate The FiMic. Ttia propridtors o( that immensely pop n5flr remedy, Kidney-Wort in recognition of t b 0 claims of tbe public which has ■0 liberally patroDizad them, b&vo prepared a liquid preparation of that remedy far ^cspecial accommodftion of those who frora eny reason dislike to prepare it for j themselves. It is very concentrated and, as tbe dose is small, it is more easily tak¬ en by many. It has tho same effootna ection in all diseases of the kidnoys, liv ar or bowels.—Home and Farm. dCevt Warehouse Fir . The undersigned have formed a part narship under the firm Damo of Bussey, Humber & Wooldridge for tbe purpose of conducting a Warehouse and Commission business at tie Webster Warehouse, Co lumbus, Ga. We are the authorized ag*nts of the Grange and Farmers Union aad general agents for Fendleton’a Old Standaid G.iauo and Fliosphate, St. George and Standard Fertilirere, John Swift’s Ammouiated Bone and Potash, and Seal's Acid Phosphate for composting. We are prepared to make liberal advan¬ ces ou cat ton in store. , | Our terms for storage on cotton are *5 ! cents per bale per month, and 25 cents for ! selling. V T e keep constantly on sale Bagging, Ties snd Georgia tailed rust proof seed ; 0gts> j ^* 9 f ee j profoundly gratefnl for a portion of public patronage. Hez. Lu-f-LT, Lee a F. Rumuee. / i:b Wouldbilge. Kofice of Dissolution. , ^, 0 a i] w h oaa ;t concern we publish that bv mutual consent, we h*va dav dissolved copartnership, and the drug business will in fu ure be carried ou der the name S. G. Rt’ey. All parties owrec the firm will please sett 1 © wiih S. (j. Kiley, who is authorized to col ect, ‘ taa rfC e ; pt f 0<i th. came. T s Oct. 29.h » S. G. Eilet, yj . INDEPENDENT DEMOCRATIC NEWSPAPER. HAMILTON, GA., FRIDAY NOVEMBER t. 1881 . LONG & FARLEY Groceries, 9 I@lliiS8g 9 3 COLUMBUS, GA. In HTlie incad, — — REDD d INGRAM, 15 Broad St., QoliisaTrcLS, Ga. Kssp constantly iu stora and ou the road a large aud select stock of Groceries, Domestics, artel Slioes, Which w« propose to soil at bottom fig uros. Onr goods are new and bought for cash, Mr A a. Most i- with u« and wvii take pioesuro iu w.dtic.g on hts f. rends from Harris, Troup, Meriwether ana Tal tot. Give Him « call. EEDt) N & INGRAM. TlfilBEOT z% k. $33543 .' 7 ~ .é ‘~ [a Q , 7’3”" ’ g % a a s ' " S 9 “W'F—T .4. _....a_ O WAC“ .L ‘ V n J4» W” Lu.» A PIJER ._ 7 COL Z) r? AIL ‘0 Ub, '7' F1 (11: 1 V OR 61.1 1 ' . I hnve just ratnrueé {mm New York whats I Lava been ananding the letcgmpb’a Anruc‘mmmq for mu advancemum u! tag art at 3-h-‘uograpby 'm. A:\munu. Wkth new brrgm Ideas and with all new improvnumnm in Hm art, such as nccebsunes and insta muus. I wiii bu nhie nvw so pnmuca 1116 BE”? I’notnng-ha, sncoud to none 110th or mmh. ht renutnnahla prmm. TLazlkm-g my fxiemhz and patrons {or phat fnvm'n I Folio“ 3 canfiinnmwe. guaranteeing better work at Mun“ can, G&Hax‘y opan from 851. um, to 5 p m. A cmdir.‘ xwkm us exregdmi w vihiun'a. All ltew myma frames in Reupactfnily. velvef, combini uul, E&Un and wauvut ru-cwod Ian: waek at. iow prmaa ALPHA A. ‘WILLEAMS 9 Th0 Photmvranher. a A ‘ Wittieh 3: Kinsel’s @E'EEE%EQ‘§’E‘ • —Ilftli’s Positive Cura for Corns, wil euro warts, Bore and Ii-dlxmed Jonit* and Bunions. Sold by Kiley Si llason Druggists, Hamilton, Ga. Jeans. Cook Brothers have received a large lot of jeans. Call and examine their stock. If. J. Thornton Tho Southern Clothier of Columbus, has sn infir.ito variety of good-, toseleot from Finest quality, lowed prices and fair dealing and the inducements he offers for tbe insDGotion of his fail and wintor clothing. Women that have been given up by their dearer t friends as beyond help, have been permanently cured by (he Use < f Lydia K. Pinkbam,a Vegetable Compound. It is a positive euro for all female com¬ plaints. Feud to lira. Lydia E. Pinkbam. 23?> Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass., for pamphlets. Who Wants a Miller? 1 de^iro a position miller in some good'tnerch&nldor JctiRtom mill. I c»>n givej^oo tL references ftR to qnaliflcatior.s. C:n;do>ny kind’of repairing on a mill that may be required jjAddress me at Hamilton. Anomnrs Bakfobh. —Complete siock of Lamp Goods in every variety, at lowest prices by McBride & Co., Atlaata. Parlor Lamps, Ila’.l Lamps, Beer Coolers, Library Lamps, Glass Lamps, Brass Lamp*, Railroad and Farmer* Lanterns, Lamp Cbimnies. Don’t sead off, w* can defy competition *b these Goods. ^ My mule took ft 'Tt corn' i 4th and Jefferson streets, tLre-v me out of the . wagon, sp™ ! my a’-kh*. I bought a bottle of Cousrena Lirrhtnin^ Lmimcn fir m Murrah A Crawford* and was relieved . Pore 50c. Fresh Candies. ; Cook Brother, have jn-t receivad a lot of fancy candy tha afresh and nice. To ail Classes condition of men, we invito you to visit cut Ik use whether you are pnrehas ers or not. We say this, we will sell yon ruEsn new and TIE-IKEABLE CLOTHING, F urnishing Goods, lists find all other goods in our lino at lesd figures thau any house l*i Columbus, Ga. Wo do not care at what figures other houses may offer goods, "IV n Will Oo Pettish. Hi* hirer v at.- Forked tip. A diort tiiae since a Coluiutu-ito at a popular watering place cried out: “My liver is locked up, oil for a bottle of Hood's Eureka —Five doll irs for a bottlo of ‘ 'Eure¬ ka. Foitunat ly tor him one ol the guests had a bottle and gave him a dose and lie was made happy. Another Candidate. By a large majority the people ot the United States have declared their faith in KiJmy-Woit a- a remedy tor all the dia eases oi the kidneys and liver, some, how¬ ever, have,disliked the trouble of prepar¬ ing It (Wn the dry form. For such a new candidate appears in tho shape of Kidney Wort iu Liquid Form. It ia very conceit tinted, is easily taken mid is equally effi¬ cient ns tho dry. Try it— Louisville 1’ost. Just llcceivcfl. —Riley & Mason are receiving their full supply of i’ltigs, Medicines, Faints, Oil, Varnishes, Ao. Having bought in larger quantities than usual, they obitdu. ! better rates and will fiva their patrons the he,, fit. Call at the Drug Store. — Get your Bill a Stone. *t tho Drug Store — Ill lay & Mason at the Drug Star* have the fme.-t tobaccos and cigars in town. Hamilton Lodge, A r o. Hi, Holds their regular Ooiuiuuniealions Friday evening at 2 oh lock before the 2 1 Saturday ui each month. Alt mm | )8r8 aro requested to take due notion had govern themselvi'S aocordingly. II. 0. KivB:ireran, W. M. J. M, Kijidbocoh, Sooty. Our Loiv X'rlces Aslonisb everybody, vrs content cu v - HelvfH with n sma'l an 1 nnifortu margin and by cur eompct.tu,,, are often oonsid crcd reckless, iu miming anch prices. However, the fast that purchasers care o>',.-.t about i# that they c.au buy cheaper from us then from rcy o»o else. It will pay you well to c.! 1 ew tho tionttern Clothier SI .1 Thorntq" ff’resh ArFivals — OF— NEW 6ms. J . Tl. COW 8 ERT & CO. Hamilton. Ga. Rospeotfaliy (,nuour.ce to their friends nnd the public that licy are now receiv¬ ing and opouing for the fall trade n full stock of ALirchimdiso, which they will sell for oaah at rock bottom prices. They do not propone to allow anybody to undersell them and nak a call before yon purchase. Hltocsll Shoo*! I TLoy have nbocs for liltlo folks end big folks, rich folks and poor folks, msti, women and children. All styles, s’zcs and prices. Gall and soa for yourself. Now Prints. Have jnnt opened an immense lot of the prettiest prints ever seen in thin mar¬ ket. Come and get a dress. Dress Goods. DrsigDs for the coming season aro beautiful to behold. And n>, cheap and durable as they arc pretty. NOTIONS. Our stock of notions and fancy articles is equal to any demand. We give full value in these goods I1LE ACHING. Sheetings, Shirtings, Ornaburgs and all kind of white goods, can bo found on our shelves, in good variety at very low fig¬ ures. Try us ou these goods. JEANS. Oar stock »f Joans r.nd Woolen goods ie exceedingly large. We must dispose u / them, bo call early. CLOTHING. We aro tho leading clothiers of thi market and purpose holding our position at all hazards. In a few c ays we will open aa extensive line of seasonable goods. Tobaccos & Cigars. The tobaoeos we have ara the best and cheapest in the market, Our five cent cigar is worth » quarter. Hats & Caps. Tbf re is no need of your wearing lhat shabby Bffair un your head longer. Give it away aad call on ns a^t get a tew one. ■ j HARDWARE. An exteiiH’Vj Uno of hardware and wood enware wo always keep in stock. If yon want anything of this class call and see n3 ’ Ba ggmg & Ties. Farmers will be -applied Our with these stock ar- i ! ticlcsoa the best terras. ! ample. Oil Cloths. \V© bav© a firie lot Tabi© Oil cloths in bfcuQtifal desfgnw. And So Forth. Indeed, we are receiving a little of th be-fit of everything, go ii y:.n want f-.i value for your money givj u, a call be¬ fore yon purchase. i J. II. COWSERT t>rO. II A YEAR. SPIRIT OF THE TUMHUS. M Progress ©f t&® Age © H ■ Jfar'¥.el®k 3 .y sales. a JHanmaotla Stodk. a ■ Mere Sskic®. 1 HAVE HEMOVEt) TO THE ELEGANT, SPACIOUd AND "W rl m B fi IT. t ill ' ■' • 4 -3 a ii tl Uj ’A Sort It of anti Adjoining tho Hamilton Warchou-o, w hurts I a Exhibit it Large, Beautiful mid Goiiqdctc hlot k of 9 Motions and Fancy ©oodw §ls®cs and IS©©te, Harness and saddlery, Crockery and Glassware AND AN IMMENSE STOCK OF 1 ft Ur 11 i n ri ! & i U a ! M r V y i. R N a v 1 H 1 & f 1 N Hem m % m ;; ■ S3 m r: W a Ccnij/ete, Superior and Excellent iu Every Rc-pect, at PRICES THA T DEFY COMPETITION, In this or nny other maiket. My facilities arc largely iucrease i;i every direction. A. I^:» i-*y«r Ilonse! IVIfxi’s? Iloom ! Lower I’rircs I Mor© ClerlfS ! Who will always be pleased to extend POLITE AND TROMPT Attention Lo our Patrons, And warrant everything as represented. The hi^liext prices allowed for C&iiim asasl ©User CL 1 OMntry Pr©«Iisee, In tiivni' i ...... in the j u-t., anil sfibei-iEg u fair share in the futu-e, 1 fee. jus ihr-l in serve their increased confidviice. Jy/£. -WOXuj?V 3 Oof! . I ipira iliMMib k k2ui .. E * w k! Sr* S? %0 The groat popularity of the “K)m3l ! ' 1'lanoa among the musical public to U.■ tv., proof of their excellence. SOKBEEU & OO., JUNliricIUCKM 03 8iar:I,*S^sra, Upright Pianos* 149 to 155 E. I4!h St^lreYcrS ' OEwm-mu\L p?a m u i m m '* HILL m T542! 8231' mm. It nop ft re. ii? a OogLU, and all foul ot urt n-o:u \'Ai(a r.-tj C. V’Vif^vt o’.sunor of FJuv„ I'lmrvfh iy, Olovvt, sviitl ex I L*i.rii< of Tho jjrcjxf T ;pr-.vcrioof. oVinr ottiftr valllsi *» ttint II Imw tjhoer,. IU l« »spcic^Uy ndapto-1 ClrO'jUc iforr v/:iiY.-vd'.U-» i f>. Bortil t *' iI tIoc I.Jfi.ri XvfberAl oluc. to deA’.«.- «,aridi d£rf 6, Si 80M8, Vvlooonaln, Kits, ms e. msm OF LYNN, WA32. ) Am%, J mscovnituM or ILYE3BA E. YmVXLWti UOMTOOIJ D. Tin j'srltlii’ Cure »f MWOrf*. 'OUMMMAO For all Foiaalo Complaints. ThId preparation, m It* imtnn rlji* tHon, crriad*(.t n,’ /cRytaVilo u»« hMiol.tI .* U*« tivl It'S to Invttli'.l. Lid'll <110 Uldltl*^ Utntils it! (..!« Cuff pound wiJlLo rtr rcitef U |i«ma.l|ui$ j «•»?'.! wlir. u ill y/nltt ccflUlFf".’, 1'J ul.n ij,' utttft <3tAA;»« Ui (h l»UU tlvtitl, lvp‘ VUVAllCFtt ’-HAitlcriAKU v: ill t.,A ho Oil bA’OyUHt ot It* p.-ovett lamfts, It,’* 1 ny jv comnuMidad and priaCiiLs i •>;- tii« be.ui pii/roioUnn Id 1.1*a oo-.uifery, V, ■ -'I run «v*.»4;*-nly tlw ,'«».•*» of f-.UlM;* of tho Ut. ■a, !>■■'./,idiu- c.i»d prlLtut i5Dnetrtiat!'>:.,i‘ril Ov41 l«:i 1 h.uMf'j, r *•>! rio<Hi:ny«. u» 1 'j'/.w .*mi'ii'.ft c.U l*ua *.*** wjaoutitpUjalVv’vr.U'.urtw,ut.4 U c«j^f'vHy fF.>, Ut' t.i f ho Chuu^o ot Irifo. H t» ill til'j'lvo MS'1 f.tinil t dl I" : t thvMllorualtt'tii cat ly of d .v<,: a> „; : .t f«M»l diry to Ci’Af'H'OU* UmUM/I’J* kliW • It j »-••» • * I f Pl« . • i;> Uj I'.H Xu fart it htts prora-l ta N tho f'ai f. i-l h. :t nmotly tXi.»t J’f.» *.*•!jv tijyot t- t t/<i, I*> penn '.'ittv t.v« ,y jn.r'iou nt the <tj 1 '•-/»», ton.-! jjirui' l wv) pfuft-iut vijor. It i't.id v;'i J'rtti f ug.’... IL-Di!'. ; <U; str. A tt .1 ;; iiyj t<,.‘ iGi.i i-tilyv H'vJl. a»*?0 ; oC I’.io t-v-Gmauh II v'^roii Kdr.thu<ii“'i, Nci’vai** J iC ’lf&U at, f jj-fiN I i ril'ilily,U’*-jri..* m>*I luLl g-q-if imt. Tliat V ol'ns of O'wn, vturnin'/ .pair. WClyllt ft»‘I l> J* "'! ' . . !* id 1 liVi-t' wnlly conii \ y Jt.-j G'i'.i, It wlil.it t.ll l i.’ac;, <tt;d •’* cca, ft t In hft-v.vGUV viLii*.: > Lay Hurt tlw fuKUklcRyatew. r<u lUiIfioy»-f ‘diitnr at*: thh comhamihI IH Klu.drfpJf-’O'I. lyr|i;t c.. Pinkhaci't A-* ifsbia Cot.rpflticd h'ftfO}l\.V<:dl fcV! « ot 1 TZ V.'ft* -; u AroftUG. l.ynti. Mw» l Wx 1/0*41 . r .■ t f i i*o. \»y Miail Ui fca-f foi .tutf vML;. nlAolal'to ’• no • : U tt.i.jou *t^Ai**‘ ..f iiHco, thCrt. por Ur, t.n lUi'it Hra. nXKiti# ftrniy I tt f iiy. f< tui ftr fu:i»/ pi, lot. Adriu**>* r« Strati a thi* pii.ptf. JSo fft ■ i.Vj.rid» ■ *• Uha-.it v.v ' \ 2 ,\ v. k%r uvsr.'r f 'd.:x v; t . JUilAUhnnuo, jn'il'tf’Xl'e V 1* IB **■ Mfw )•+•• l -as. J,i:xajl lUtfstv k /-amar, Mqooq and A'. i.n ft Whoieox 16 Aui. 18 . Dental iTotloo 1 -:()■ — J. J)T. Mason. Dentist OiTio over Saqulm-Sua. Columbuq, Oeorgia. Twin Hurt DI«f a»W (tlnma ^ncoH^fuli/e t'l hT.eih B«rk lIf i«I Cy H'Jito COLD OK OTHER MATEHIAL. j Im.erls Artificial 'IVeth from one to srv Hot ire sett. ALL \7Cr/£ OUAHAH Prion* vr.. Ai«asoi.aWe. Teeth r-xtruoted without pain. Georgia, Harris Countv. S. W. B.u thy m*ken application for lct tc-rs of tidmiaistratton tipoti tho (.state of Mo lie'T. Buell, late of said county deceas¬ ed. noti ! All p-rKons < oncr.rncd, are hrreby fled t; hliow Wise If any they have by ! j Uil first Sl«.nd:iy in IVuniisr, next, "by , Idt-r* of sdministrullou si.ould not bo erwiti-d Mi}d applicant. hand ired official Given uder my signft turc, thi* Cctolier 14th lfBL J. F. C. Williaks. Ordinary j i H te you wtahto | CAHDEMING eTOW b ,S 9 i'FOU PROFIT. If yc u wash to h <-1 PRACTICAL | If wish to Gar¬ f FLORICULTURE • you for Amusement f ; GARDENING den PLEASURE. crfor Home Vat • FOH on!y f read ’ au by purrn irt:Nr>TM?>o?i. •: Price CdL.t. i- by mail. Our Combined Catalogue of ’ F- ?~d k si » appltrstkm. For Igaa. HEMOERSOH&CC. rent free on 1 PETER 3a Coftlandt Bh, Now Tork. fflHEZaSCTI • ~~ ,z. r ~-. - /'• Yjk':i‘v^.‘ 9 'L' : ‘m ‘mz ‘wcam.