Hamilton journal. (Hamilton, Harris Co., Ga.) 1876-1885, November 11, 1881, Image 1

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--^-•• , "^a.-: Baafc . - '-W '■■ -.- -..‘/.‘iff C,'' • : n' wi*] 1.-. ’MHtif A ,4;?:.< !iir-nt ‘ *ihtt fi•■,iT" cot.tHuon <’f tin <!<»nniy, {'.irni.-ht’d ug by Mr. liar Colt, <jiork oi .bo- C--.s-ionorK Court, which wi’i Ul -l.--! lht‘ U»X P'iy -r.-. of the- v\ r h c ’ if*-*. <*i % e remember that the whole r.mount oi tax asso f .1 f^r county j urpo eas is one ttoiisfiiuj aoTinr.-'Fhor! ot the Oi'il.'vstn'v tuftsin at in die.-iPoil 1>\ t tS^tateiuvi)!. iha-'eon** f ’ f n o; ti ; - cimr.ty T. .;vA>Ay is ,fven « rr$e tl;etr if fl*b>»--are<l to last grand jury. Wi';h 4 * the Vt' c’-cf county^ill iLatiious^jt-lii-■iRdeba , dne«s of the Ba nearly thn-e C tinj^s iji;oater on ttm Al.st of next December (ban oil the first day of January, lui-tt. Mr. Hargett writ.-e:—'‘The fig urea below show what the expenses of the county have been for Iho present year, and also what the county owe*. To October Nov.'’ Term 'LL "V.f0 pro P4 For « 8t, n,, Upt. t oup 1 #%,„-* 1 ourt...... - < dj.00 ____ LA Total I.L Ex to date *'■' 0't) -A 4 t IJtiaJau. 1, 1 1881, imi .81^ OA : r • ' 4‘ * ■ 6,.j t: S3.74 Ordsr for 18§f pai 1 ty.Th ■ JO 00 Tot \ntVibf vfi-'cr? J a! |-il,567 OS Of course this lust amount '"ill lie reduced to the I extent of taxes collected for thy or.-.•sent year.” T!:e School Intercut. Hr/isfltcn cee-.'a, nsd to odd pcrmn iv-r.co her prornsfify mant have a g"od seht-c!, TUl.t nawab is admittVl. have It wa i.’uat u.».ve a good building. To have tlri: 1 is oi ly cecossury for us to barruoi izo onr.littlo <: iff-.ranees . The purc5iis.wss.pt the O'-dL.geSiuilding Rgr7e to hr.vo tneMmpeof their piircb&ac aiji-O'S (*i !•; di-iatst/cled parties--the validity «C !h-->148 Mtto •a-iHJ pf Vourw be consid¬ ered hy the Rasesscra—and to contribute tfca building to fSe CSmumuity, only ssk iig ;v voice in the i^a-gkiaept proper ti.-'Mc c Ho^r.t ear- 4 vs’^9 is fo the j mrouot subscribi'd to complete it. This ! Li 9,3 much ks in reason could ua eskod ] ] True they qaeatioued among theuss .dves the propriety of tn-diing ms ^conditional ! surrender of tho baUsling to those who | Wtml 1 ecbscrilMS to jsou.pl-:to it aad v;o . odndre »>. eppHnd fbe liberality **f | r .i- ro'id this, b t the board is r -i hbt’Wl igji *j he sshed if not «* J its- 1- * c . m j B-.t the ,irj-:s*iM> is of t^-Q ffr^t Import. SUL'S f« n i to .-qrod’ijls ovof'iii’gfit differ tn:-: •». -■■C!■•■■-■: who will not mib—::lbe ; »•••'? tc csrjplw r. tbs '-ir.i ! .’tug, u»*y oat.i— ' fy hintjHcif that he ?•« tt» iH rig' I, but wo 1 do not kink be v.'i'A htve r. mnth nn-.- i -v- ' i v.d : .1.0 people, L-t us <?.*/ r. w- v rVtb qoe-jtions r?;.'->u which we d 1 gr«e and which are of minor irup.oriatioe, end all anrito nj-or, the oro upon which 'i)sr*isr>o diversity ef opit'.i -'i, i'; v ! l.i-iHing , tg At be It car ! •md will b-j done. Sul. dice, li.-ts are ; bciiig freely circu'.alod uu«i it i.^ to L* ! tapped tL“t onr will snb^rihe Th-?th :■ !L; -riL't; ohar ■<•(-”.■.•*;c them. Iftlr y '• vii) do tbi-* o viL oon by eu in*.t i»»» j ti a in onr to v , it L va ran poict i w; -j jiricio. A -ctj' tvLL thi-x ^?aud inott** I’oieut of pnb'io Viiy^ord, <? olden i)pi n ions* IRddlo tho et-kbrated artist ot C«lnia Ln --ins g-.’d«B cpin.O(.« of ail tor whom h> works, lie is r. .-orn f ».. and has ' a id>l by experience, observation and : «mi ring ex rtio* to him n? *, - tni^nt nntil his apnroficbe. £ j nearly to par f action. If id his rule to torn ont or*iy the a d if i.y &ny miKhnp he fp-Ho to rs 3 a go>1 picture ha hns t*»et ! eneugh to sea n in the negative r.n \ too ; high a regard for his standing to let it ! e*o further. It is cot bui.’ tear of surprise tlif-T! that bin rooms era (t.ror.gel d.ily by thoco who v;rr>! only tbs best pictures. ‘ Go to : <?? B'JJle if you do-its the b'-st pic>nre *b*fc Cfin ba made. r <«»- . ' A noth ?;• f>t ndidale. j By a large majority the people of the i T T ' ited States have declared th .r faith in l Kidney-Wort as a remedy for all the die- > ea.es of the kidneys and liver, some, .»» ever, b tvc.rfi liked tho trouble of prepar¬ ing it f.cm the dry form. For such a new candidate appear* la L.< shape of Kidney o’er! in Liquid Form. It is very concert trated, i* eari'y tnk. n and is equally effi¬ cient ss the dry. Try jt—Louisville Post. Our J.o’o Prices Aatonisb everybody, wo content enr cslros wLh c r.a . rd r.cilc tr - -r yr and by our cotapotitors are often c--t i cred reekiese, in aa'a'.og on However, the fact tbit p-. rc r :i a*-.: li th from t'.r a from ose else. It will I us ary p?y you well to cdl ox the ^catherc ! Clothier. H. J. TV.ru o-. j Fine At *. j Vs 7 L*n atj’o v»n f p?ot*trv?*of fh^nsR^I- i vex they west nothing but fhia Ns tin 1 r- .• -1. T.:c iib.ie tfireftk of vani- j ty prompts s* tc wii’u to transmit j onr fe*tnre* to tority, also detasnds tb»t v'p'r-v o tbo very b«-s f advaut ' t/5 arti»t of j C. la., -. v e;. -re. .- ---I 1 K: cv-n re-j mdn E --' n re v ref cf ■- Ire. I be :c perpetuate your ' 1 •'• " l '-.ert.y. . .. . y.m ■’ ■' i;< *f : - ! ; ' r .*?*nt rooms r.f ' ; ’ 3 n rtfs* d y-.u will eoj-y a fr-.t ir. new- j * art he d:-p!sj s, j The Mightf/ Doi ir Will Tell ,-di elution 1 ***! prie-s is ciotuin;?, Sl’. F-t-r.il H *>. ! r f bat He 7 or*. c*s* 3 j a. ■; s*ft sir ! .r tt AMI yT( n JR NAI •'! R ■ V eJ U /1 : '* \ VOL: IX.-:-N0.4L Fence or Xo Fence. Fjom & notice published else whore it will,bo soon that a peii tion has boeu fiic-T with Ju<lg<* asj.iugelection the fence snLj-mt. It is estimated that the value of fences in the State of (Georgia in 1880,was over forty million of dollar*, and that their mutual «jost i« not leas than five nVi ' t »”• Ail or this fencing Is nect* to protect the of ope from horses, sheop, hogs and other farm at'itwiK wirch , . , th<? , farmers , value . »t , l0 T * l I . s nneutoss , . o ■> ■) ' that if the land owners could con. ■ ' they ' vyoiiln i fence r* m - (bo i Block » r.vlhcr .. than the c-tfps. Two dollar’s worth ot jfice for one dollar’s worth of stotk 1' IHfher out of proportion, and the land owners could be made But the difficulty Ifi* vvttn the Ufuifh 1 b who own no land and some stock. Those are m Ihe maj-rity ar.d it is to them wo Shall ntidrcsB our tl.V argument mainly, l.oixevicg that if will take a correct View, of vHT'tmiU*, J,hey tutnrfe v.-ill f t tvor-ihc tut.Acr r« wo f^t^avstern. «|lT^de«JfOr to alien' why il is to their interim \o adopt a change. West Point Press Items. —Min* Chsrlifl JLilturray has bet school at New Hope, Karris comity. Miss M. had made an liOFScotfiiaction enviable re^tatien M a teacher during with the eehoo! there. — A West Puiot darkey he* beon enfior inq two yee.g from s rat bite—sad beeu snake hire madioine for it all the v ta.k:r*g v.-hilo we doubt not. - * —Tbs 1’rvss ehems to he prosperou* ’;-,t its e-.l ’or recommOMda newapaj-ors as s fioe tushatiin'o for blar-k.-ts. —Mr. \V. F. J ires hsa sHsooi»te-l Ellis Miller, one of our highly cstv rued ll-rrls > coniity boys v i.h him in li carriage iswss. Kc wi*t removs fo hart.! end j S'li* wi.ll he in fall charge of the j sio-b. —TVs Al-bswts *«d Qeor.” : • mills will j soon put in oper.Hiion fi000 spindles, end loosASd” ' Uiivo-t. !k-i- | rcxln.-t iato e'orh. *# Suspension of M. V. Gordon. V«Rt*r.t*y the rumor circulated froelj through the coy tint 51 0 Gordon, the proprietor of the Now York S'ore, one «f (he Inrgosl rt-.J moBt j»’.pnKr »t»y good-* . Uonetre in this oily, h*tl Up«»n i i f '<jniry wo learned inorl..: *^4. a j tu ovt»r ^3,000 dollar a j *t*>ek of got.ds nod • niore furniture, v/n-4 forecloRod an i Ido yof»terd«y evening a I©yy Jiii4.d«* ly tha bLonff wtio is now in poRB^HS’Cn. Fr;*rxi the most reliable inf rmutinn thftt cock 7 b^» oV'tsined Air. Gordon’*! liabilities w j,| rfHrh tf x , y th.>u?a,id dollaw, end Me a,. M tg eoosis<ir.g of the elo. k of diy & , Pt r s> book aecoat-te, , is. es'icuh'sii will rxcflSii the liftbihtieg. It in hoped i.y Ur. G-idon’a many friends In tka city, that hie eaibmriHHmcut ns only tem¬ porary cad that ba ru-.y revt-ivo speedy relief audrtstiaio business again.—Kfiqnir or-Bun. <0 Johnson, Have nn clegwct issortuibut of roar, yootb' #nu boys clo’hing, ia eridlssB V3' riety, at price* rengiog from §5 a suit, up to the fiea-t wedding clothes. They hsv* also a very See stock of futnusbing geois, traveling bvgs, unabrelks, it”., and they eordially invite you to call and inspect tbeir stock when yon ere in Cal embus or to favor them with an order p ot anything ia their iioa that you v/sat. >1 Teacher Wanted . The TYnstee-j of the W ‘-t (Lmd ^Lv Ag’i culturaj College whl elect a principal of the Institution on Decrmbcr lfit, 1881. Application of teachers solicited, i’y order of Board. T. J. BftooKfi, Secretary. Embry on ic Doctors . C r young friend Bobbie McCents left j !« week for Atlanta, where he goes to j cc'-'pleta Ida course at tho IiXed : c«l Col- • lenc. Ke -.as preceded two wcfks by v-tnag doc*or3 Van Hood end Ckarloy Brook?, two of our cleverest boys. Onr friead W. B. Tucker, who fcas been re’JTn? medicine under Hr Wil linin', left Ust Saturday week for An- ! ec-ta to sttend lectures cn medicine | there. All of these boys have our best j j •viches for their success, ted we cor.fi illy r .-. l et greet cmioen^e for the auartetie in I heir chosen profes-ion. j M vv they—and ail wbojcaU on them for medical advioe acd treatment—live long and prosper. I • w « _Cascptcte sto k of ls.00 Goods ic ! , Vi , ; v# j . -„„ t pr y c , b y M-fiEnde MUn ,^ p» r !orL*m P =. Half * Euer Coolers, Library Lumps, 1 O'css Lamps Brass Lsmp«, Kaiiroad aud j Farmers Lanlgrus, L?mp Cbitnoies. Don't f „ 5Bd off( we can de{j compatitioc op. j f Good*. My mn’e t»-.k fi igi.t corn-t 4th and rson ?*rce f a, t< rew me out of th* j Vi’-'-." ">d, upraised my ar.!;]# 1 . I bought a bottle of Co NSfen#s’ Litrhftiing Iinimcn rr £ ^nrr\h & Craw r <»r.i,* and was relieved Ft * j Fresh (. •* >< dies. p., ■ i rf -v," ir»*t } , »^oiT , d 9 lot r — r *h - fre-it ard sice. INDEPENDENT DEMOCRATIC NEWSPAPER. Go See .Coy yuarscT/'. If sra, id via* yon :o i. r year cic ’’ n-* of Thontss, it is on] ' ' ■ ve Vno* he will bpT yo* only eritele. Long yeare'ot etperiont - b; > ’ •>.;•>•» t.,r. !ht-t the people are pot - , u ; ■< *■ ■■< oa'y w:th # Rood article U'.at ttae wear in ' f Showy goods that to - LVc 'us are to be found upon every t «.m ; but hatn as baa come to stay and l« wear ypfl like the eiolhing lie sol is i, hia coualaufe pim, Hence ouatomeL be bays only of the best and re few to search of awmathu.-R «les to Other prims. I* he a store ie orowded-witfe ;he b*.L psirort. Men iW»i M h.ix-du 1 .* m-.-.-t their demand be csrriee an iwmoose BtorK , of , ta* very , hast , ololb.ng, , . s'*, g«ar S forniahinj; good*. Ac. 0*11 ard s«e f or — -»*>**»■...... Marriage Yesterday A j'! erne-mu v uV^*MrJ , , fr L«%, « r , d 6 onFm.-t’street, tig »*n*age-«fremo*y was r .'f r rtred rvhlob writes the deft in tea of >,r 3 * Ul * idh’-a CUytpa, both.of i. - desman at Mr J A) . ljQr , KllW , ^ oro> 92l , b ,. ,, y..,. ambus acvenl years nca«*o«w tbc Hie Qon, B; I-. Beall, of Hamilton. e-.« bt one of the w.mt steed/, wdwtno%»»tf,’. ^plaj, yormu rusu ru the «t. The g ^n,> Soil w-li known cotton ^ bnyarin this a entity, mKle i*dy^o wall A' m^oiupun bey or -i t *. \ j^ n jS)p0®^ 'J li eac . .urf wish them all tb« W and^ese «^glMa|wnG em*n«te's from tn id hoij^ weddod^we- - Kiiqim^^gg - ^ The Pest Cigars. Coweert & Co., keep the host clg»r in tho nisrliet. 3'ry th«ui. m Whk Columbus <C Pome Jt. II. Time Table. Taking effeot Saturday, Odt. ?l’t 188 1. ovina F«rT3. yMl y a M -l IVeight / *. K. p. it. (Aib’Vy Hood -i • 7 7 50 If. •l ?.(K) SO fiuJ 8 o7 t eg pen A--7 f’-.S Kiegsbnro 8 4* S 11 rot 3 i'Xrh.fiTt U 2t> 4 i >3 ^-4U 4.CS Ar. ('ivutubws 10 Cfl* fi.-o O-iISO p.oru. P V. J H. f.iinu.bns 4 00 7 40 T''i.rf,i. .n'u 4 4 '.) * 23 ,'*‘1*.^ a 4 11 oo r. <5 3.41 ^ (>oc | r. 23 10.20 Giii(dey li 2U (0.25 WT?“ a EEZEQ u ‘*3 fififi2f9 gm WW “fl 7?"! 32L .' ; A&EAFM s ¢ - A ' WT ANE§ 9 . u; I , ‘ ‘1’ Q TOGRAPHER ‘ *9 *4... y ( 1 (1L 1 1, r flIB L ‘ r '5}, ’v G15 V ORGIA. I b-va jvmi htmnm} 9mm New York whare I thfi been aunudinq the Photograph‘s A~-\_\cw;u.g~ f»)- Um. iudvnmem'em cf the art of phuzoyrap‘ny in AMERICA. With new Lumm adms mm} nib “=1 Lew improvements in the art. such as acaaaauxms and imam»— momx, I will i-:. xhia now L0 produce tbs BE"! an‘ntnpnphn, second to none north or war, 5! :mummhéo prams. Thanking my funds and patrons for pmt (non; I solicit a mmiuumme, gnumwmng \mttvr work at. small cast. G&kw‘y 0an from S a. $15., m 5 p 1:! A nonhw “#180 mi extended {0 vi-itor¢ A11 1m. styles fmmus in veirat, combina tion. tum ind V&Ruut rronivnd inst 1:96}; at Emu prices. - Mspecuully. ALPHA A. \YILLIA SIS, The Photographer. 'Wittxeh k 1am»; TflEfififlfi’fi‘ —rieti’a Positive Cure for Corns, vil cure w.-rt-i, Bara and Inflamed Jonifs and Bunions. Bold by Kbay A Mason Druggists, Hamilton, Ga. .Jeans. Covfk Brothers have received a large lot ot jeens. Call and tx?n>in« their Block. //.Thornton The Sonfhern Clothier of Columbu®, has an infinite variety of goods toselect from Finest qas.h'ty, lowest price* and fair <5saiiag eud the inducgmenls he effer* f,,r r "‘’ !n,,D « u ' i<jn of tis f * U » ,ld oIothie g Where to Go. To Gambles for the host, fresh.. CBt Rt»d cheapest jrf«cme«. Y’ctt c»r< s?v? vour -xp'n-cB fo Coxm bns, and return by buying a suit of the Southern Clothier, TeoeSton H J. * NOTICE. Tli*! firm of J. W. Gwnblc & Cn . f<? now hy mntoal consor t. The btlfd n bo carrierl on by J W the firm wit] ! fiO? Sovevd St ! 4 . .1. w. Jr Talbot County Item*. Ta'botton 1\ itMer. —Yv Ui'.in the piut ris .inon'h then* h-.ve be-e-n 52 f03rr‘*^i : county, 13 f Ihet*#. b^ing —Oiii* C0ufi*V Co'i v't L v ,--*rr. hew fto viJc-d (he c:-nH room v It T-;r hook cine baUor.i, T^Tolwiug clr-.v- f*a that ii;« the joror m»v perform b nr ja^ria labors w>fb comfort end ea* .— t v ; . :■ mv- a - , tcnjalof wheat and ;-u,r proof . •! ! • t ■ w !>•>;. sown. . —Hoar i'roeie on I » Jay mart- t ••■ v‘- ^ —Mr, L. G, O tm ---r *ud -.oVs ef hi = .c»u i-ti- • an - - : :..• - - Mr, D. G. 1 wra !■ tile year i. w. ,.-lc- e»!loi»s of , fl<M> . tty - - r cane. His • >•; »L-■-. ... ; it’da r: ' at p-yid p-iuo-s. b*«ae.. ; - . fn’ir aid st^rs arudf T« * of 1 * t ,..______, L " 4 4 a -».*; ‘ 1 r ..-ifg " • ■ - in yea. deHehted. to r KOO ,j progress wnrk of or • -uizirg cheap sc?v, eh et L -Vert f«r -i ■ | :B sWortb-fov , *Hio Sown ;Yi-!> ibe r " ' f-u .-other yen, and tb., .-.jntmg Oeo , =, J lhe tuili()U in bo g, , hoT .. in a tltu . h E , „. ni ba s aH) v, t ,- ,, r n ssonths of ltie ^ -rent-, white tho ron *inin ; . r. months ta „ t oft . , I-. cb«!o of * h *‘«* 8 ’ l ° b# fix ^ l ? W * bowd ; ’ { 6 °V Xhn eUotioB for . tlB cam , „« c „ My thronghonl „ !0 conu ,y. , nfl r-s tar ss wo hsv* ascertains! tlurt M. Harrie wilt>be rleoted by a gootJ Ereryijsing r a-.,red quiet¬ ly and pleisantly. JSal Iroab Notts. ■ —There will be an i x avdou to too cir¬ cus ef ccnraA —A large Addition is being car4a to the Cataula depot. —Thi.ru is taere o-tjjs”'. being csrsled over Ate road than ov<-» before in its bi.-i tory. —An i mmpBso p.ll* dHvsr h»e recent¬ ly b*sa placed. Oh tl: i*n*d th'f (on'i.** datiatm of nil l.e Ht. ■ • 1 road F>rr t« l>e made noire e-c- ■-.' — A large force is i . - ;f lr on the dr;- t at CJ lip’oj rbc r.v.-ro'. ' terrefans tt! the road. n .cJ hnn rot . .n-oh- f np--m mov¬ ing ywt, Vat hold? its own a«d vnU ne long ks the b..y» Bey so, — Up to Sr.turd .y 'nut the C. & If. rsil r.yid Led earri-- 'i to C - .o. ■ iu-* A l" i bah-s ef cotton » 41 i f had up to the «tm« date last y-s-r. ---- —wajw.---- You Can b\ Stilletl, <Inwanrt A: keep the fiue-t lino o“ cl'Ptilrg 5-,«tri, boots tt! ; ?' tn ri town. will allow no op.o ‘o on I..mall them anything. Tf ust i/t'c Tiling, For th*' Tftir.y i • nioe A.ee* 4 Jobnfsoi*, l oiu ,lr L o’, who have a lf*rgc ttRflortni' Tft at lotr { jP repave for Cold Vi at fUcr By in one of ,4 »L rfohnfton'p finiv-rb overooa^F, Th* y hftve ee ft;. f ■; rtw ^ut as yutx »'ii *o.'. ^ vLo " f ' OoiUUlbllM. lit ' ' Yon will find : n cleg ut Aeao A Johttsoti’s, ( !.*? at t ■‘i i any price, Tit rtf Gh< Pat, r.ol A* to be B‘*or« i , d -• i t corr^vny <fe Johnson, C > will i yon to repUc« it »t 8v»oh n h>w pr-oft that will be nalmrued of l aving loofr-M so ion^r. 1IIG(I CS V JT the WOULD. Great 7fev York fflpvo drome. V/o ere able to ariuouaco to ibsSnunocr readers of the Joru'tii., tbnt on the ( h of Noveml’cr, W 0 Coup's new anit Monster Shot? nc Pi*ri^ Hipp°dW>n30, to bo full^ three ? iroon larger <hfin i lmt yefir, will exhibit in C'»Jn»' cr r i. ivlt 1 ” th-ce g-.-T. 1 full end c ,ropl(i'> o; • moraine' aft' * loon ar right ia said by tbo«o who ba*. Ht’tually n Coup’s magnificent nb ow 'hit noth to compare with it »*” vrr been neev. the Soulh. It bon OTP ItjHU twice extensive as any ,-n\HoJ higgeat in the country, if is in f<iot, tbo Hippodrome e.v."'. ' •a the Month, will, nn account bo very tut resting , the public in goner »i In order thet our r-.-nr rs mny res ' 7 ’ irometise differmes tot 2 , 'he f ’ - facte arc Decesgary: The ad-rcr liking depertrtsut alone s'v.-ic- ss-x'en u«ing two m*gn : fleert p.«Hce adver¬ tising c*ra, and separate fete of rjreats and advertisers. Th urainstsd Si'** rial cob- ing daily ^ - 0. Three iro menpo (r*ias of cr.rB a’ i belonging to Mr 0>np. are repaired to t'*n‘port tli® f>ho^, tttsking a total daily Dipenie of nearly $5,000. The ecofbQoTH*!eo fc eov?riag f** -y ( <5fi . *ore», ere toe largest koo^n, acfual iy oversprewdieg three pi u«» ringa. feod a hippodrome race trs. ; forty fr- / »td neariy Lalf a nule lo fo the four circus and hi I'idroffiC piniee, there is a pr; 1 <3 r. ure m menagerie ftile.1 with erd.i otn pisrfs of the world. To o; t-40 fereut features of the ir.ns ,; . Z' or more efoan engio'-s are n-f d. —Fortnno find cap ijf -t Q rid, but Gamble ■ bl©:t st-d ir; H-n;ii‘'/N * Lost Nolo, AU persona are hereby notinetd not to f:-a le for three certain prouimtasoiy nob* given by Mattie Lamar to L M. & J. t\ B-’u.kmon, for two ar 1 one-thi - < < otfcon each one •• • l*t, 18^0, one Aun O-i t t 18 it, and one ;!ue 0--t 1 t. i at I p-yab'o tv- M. itlolvTaon, u. M B iirin .!. (t. Blackm-tt. & ,T. t. t'arcli, the «t hariog been 1A duty oaucotled. L, IAa ’KM' ? J. C. lif.AOKMOH. i^Of ^1*1 r b .L c 1. <1 is. f t.,i * Itn’t-- i» hcrct.y r : vn ft-••« e* ntsnr W fifty freehotdemot mtd oonuty bm f»*d Or,t;-...-ra for the hc«-!]< of prov’-rf.-oio of . . - ; v. -'tftt) HCO, taM, i:nd I VX-A J ’MAN.-LJ-A? ,''A ”• '°k“ ‘ --r , ,'e . filed r rutbui tvuntv -i*' , : v .-:■ , i( ,d to t.sit.vnt the <p: .„>ion cf ‘Tene* or no I’er-o’’ to tbo ve'en* efust-* court V. in e««.,-r.!at»oc wUb tho t.-»i v.° IWU ■' “a' 1C. •*; Wn.-r.uMs, JV! Ofd»o:vr;/ Of MASS. J &';% : ' r ••k - ■-" v“ ,vv ,x- - , - /- >'«'] V " __-i i ■ “ 'i ■ ■i 4 . A ■ \R- - L •* : 'V / ' • S',..., 'a . . .. <» / . 7? ---V -:C- .,c' . . .vi.___.v nwoovtvati or IVDZA ?:« Rf'RM.AnTD rsprMTVi cek'trora. ThlV'Vvt r . n For all IV.taah ’Compliilit.tfi. Tltin ptvrrtrtMrtn, r ■ !i« tu< .N?>C»flV'eS : •’*< 9[%h\ ' '.'l c;.el: *M,rtt id’ !' IA *-> t'*l 1 •.■va» U 'net' 1 ,-'.. . '.-* • • • . . vi>und ■" ill be rtu u* .-’tsUc' I« ! *» 'N» • ’it “ : r ' , !t r.*t h hi Itl*' \ t (tin r/re • ' Wj** V nK :tv« i>r 1 f *4 tar. t * **.: "• ..-i '...-,. k fe }*■ ! nj hi ... -. i ti ! v ra.i-'i C-<| h i.1 ‘.5 r —t 4 :«• vh H ub-lb** ;•»>» 4 + i **.-.• ,-r; a*-}’* - - ua w V tb >. «>ft «!?* -<"i-iy f.-r f».i »t ■ehi'- 1 * iAmi k* e. 11 • arm r.l'.'.*.,w>»<’, r. TVt pi'VI y*'W . ft'as .*!.- i'.’J D*t . M *. - «.« u. ;'•! Ju. T’.vt*\ f‘« e»fc <3 • a‘ p**.l u - * la-' L t. ,i”‘4 i. .it J. ituf. fl*i, }t \.*UittF a. t I w. *tU C 'i Vlif 'S* rjs •»cin, (hx4 *t> iikHua.st'; ». ij t-E* . >*••• V>..;.4 |rvv«*«-. ,y &*». » Tr jv‘'4f^Vb.*i'U. / »r U* ' > '• *:<j isji W* of *lMxvV 0* • t; it fftCJr^yi »«<?■’. .yuU L Plalutnrv.'j V**fe!x'.il3 Cofliptsun t * ‘ .W-in A»- f/trr*, >• 3 i ->v r su *.» • •-%.•« u * L »tfW, . i ix y <*f. t K f s" rO-b.r. <-C inn tlrf. «*n.4 5> i •'* *.>■ X-rtli -n r-’- i t : i ir 1 7TCJ? tt ->-'t '1 r i 15 * fv n r 1 l- ey tr -~n ■y.zPr.'. i f jy ;-,i ,1 ftbb’tf ; j, | ,i 4 if/V • • Hi' %■ I t •J A - €V J S M.L-., fi.Y, 1 r ft »> , , : U » . * i. - ■ . • ' '.' ' V / . re * / Ihri - 1” . ft! FAIH/.T fz ’ ' J C I N C ■ f .- t -v - .* . * r i- ... . .4 v 4. *f i -W *3 - •: ’Z D.actcm3. ; :ac or co., mz / v.l a x-mov i . # Lx L.,-c / on the Hor*e. I A t *; y ■ ' -hr . t}-e-Uor**t. f j ; v . jz 0 »> ewy waer /r.*l 5 ->v?» ' T r ccr* - ; re! f o t'.y ^ : - * Ucr r j ■ r-7f<4 Tl r 1 A, | ‘"H •> 1 ±: r;J Si A YEAR. SPIRIT OF TI 1 H TIMES. t-J Progress ©f the Age # 4- f r*t '+ i s M. S. Siyi SL*e M. S. Msirvclwiis ivj. 0. ManiiifioJli SiocL A M Ifl* c? LX More Space c -------o I IUTil uEa’OVi.D TO THE Hi 14} A AT, ’AtTOv'd AS It m§ riel JIQ1 oiise jowb. r>f A t s. ITuf^iUon \Vart4»on*fl, *lf<*r* I i }.xhib * u hurg*; JJygufil il and »swK-k of l. : Dry Cw ©«mS.s / and Psiney Gowk CBofiEiing, Slaves and Book, lliai*B 8 ©ss mad saddlery, and Gteware AND AN IV 1 M 1 -NSI 2 8 TO« K 07 W • 4 ■v K i N V kS ¥ li rt 1 effanev ; williES, C ••rr.jficte, Httj.orior cat! Kx::vft«t<t If Et**y Ilespect, sf PRICES THA T DEFY COMPETITION, fhi« or nvy other mnrknt, ^iv ferilitir* ara 'ariir'y Inomaac in every ilircc' ion Lar[jcr Ilonso ! Moro lioont J Lowor I’riccs I IVJ <»ro Cle 11«*5 1 will alwr»y*he j»>a«<wl to ottca.l I*Of,TTE AND PKOJllT Attention to onr Putron«, w arrant everything a« roprofSnHsJ. The highest prioes ■ll<>Mre>) for 1 «stu®s* and ©$iaer ComBtry Produce, pzy'JiC • t ;• r'. iod^ OI* Bf’C f HTlf *. Tlrm^fa! for r#ry \ nrAicviuz a *hare id iHc? ftiiure^l f«el hi a^nnss my tri r,.]s art.i j’af.rot.e that l wi l exert every tfiort to da .5 iu r v-i*‘<i c-onlidftiw* -tv /t- ' W O « •irsoisr. SI Wo it hi You Scree Your 7/oat !ntoro«f? Then ceil :.f "'1 s-.-*~l ift. Cobt , for dry :..*■• • o’ "fres-tlre . ' ! i>rd* I oroot«ry "» g‘ reawsre.' T "7 do Ifcot to ft :. -’ >n ' :• revivl ■< - 'tW'IB. j7»j Ij*9<Hch Hamilton and %r r>t*v *v»l? j-ifook oi dfpwi f>o # jrtn*, fanny ( ;Vu>^ v’. pTlf-<w hy O<»w*»0rt it 0 to In* (■*}«♦ ! »<v*fc elected irj H notion *nd th^y t*r^ determined to ijHow ity'io.Jy to TUff-nr"ffaum