Hamilton journal. (Hamilton, Harris Co., Ga.) 1876-1885, November 18, 1881, Image 1

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^c* 'nonal InteMiyence. -■ Ouleoed stems to bo ahead to far we cue leara. —II«1 Pitta, who has i eon down with the mumps is up aud out. _-Usury Kimbrough, Jr , is nearly Well enough to tell what ho kao-es about the m«r%py. •—Co). 31. J iHepb, of C ‘Ioaibts 3 . vm is our town last week bnyirg all oka oottt » offered on the market. — -Those who advsrtiso in the get the cream of the Harris eounty trade* 'T’hftrna.j the clothiei is prepared t meet the dtmrrd of R’i -ho Ere seeking lor g-’od clothing, To Yny anything e\bf ia defrauding yourseif, fat'd he w’ill tak« no ha«d ia b-* transaction. Bat he e >y no man can st-ll g*>od clothttfi for ifss tb#r he wilt, aod he aahs ycu to call on hiiu when yoa go to Columbug and ho w ill pio^e luff a^iderfiou true. that thon uwest. If yctir tctijTior: to i- c ri;r*Ui i« due ccire n») Mid hd tie. *I'he mocoy ih badly needed. —Mr. Brad I»ewber»y wdlibe among the HftCJiltoniar..-. who take m the f.£po^it:oo a. xt vutk. — l’bo fruit mnn is ia town. —Co!- Jacob F.m.itiue! one of the rlr-v erest of d.-r Jraiu.ucr, was in town this W ‘JfJE. —ivlisBOS ''.aviia Kiggers and Emmie Eid lie, two of oar moat papaUr ff irris county girls, will join the Hamilton dele gjvttoa. to Atlanta r.»it week wli.ctt is to t.e clif.peronf .1 by C >1. »aa. M. Nv-.bMy. -Tommy VAlliiuus is taking ia the At Ianta Exposition this week. No boy of his age will aeo more ia the bame Unit) thun Tommy. —K F. (Jart'-r, the merchaat prinpa of Eleiftlieisyisiting the Covtoc Exposition this week. —Just received, fresb, new and of the latest style*, a large Jot of Ladies Cioaks, wuicfc will be closed out from § 2.00 up at 11 . Wolf son's Columbus L.ore, earner Hudson & Johns jdY Warehouse. —“Murder J Murder !” was cried on*! But M. Wolf son is tLo pioneer high price killer in Hauji ton —If calicoes you waut cheap, 31. Wolf son's is the place, as he sells thtiu &t CL and renaeaiber he i« not selling out but daily rapleciahing hia atncik. £'ou nooa not fear of eomicg too fata for he always has thara on band. —k lot of ijuaies fine band-sewed TIo- rceeo Shoes, sis-a from 1 to 4, whl be closed out at $2. to per pair, every pair guar an teed, at 11. W’ylfaon's Cuiutobus .Store —It is acknowledged by young men wo¬ men and children, black, white, and ev erybody that. }l. VVolfson keeps the larg eat stock and sells Ht lower prices than any other house in the city of Hamilton. .Call and see and yon will be convinced. — 'vercoatK from §2 75 up at M. Wolf Kon’a Colanibus Store. —Justaniveda large lot of Ladies’ Misses, Childrens’ and Infants’ nil wool cr ,chet Jaukdtfa (r >L. 5 a Up The latest P*yi 6 R, and la teat sb ado-5 ai M Wolf sou’.-* s •.CoUt'ubiia r?At. 1.0 —To i.-.vvo iuiiy r i.icu lot of Ladies’ Hats. V.'ait and see thmu before you buy, is it is to j M Wcyjr.va. _I*..,;',, !, a ve been buaibtiggtu c.tiough with tl-e cry of a il'-ng *■ co-t at.d selling out, alt of widen Ivi. VVolfson does not cU;m to do, hot siinjde facta and nothing but fuels, (bat b« is determined to sell goods cheap and not te uud -sold by any •one, und til ho ask’s is a trial. _extra length Ladic-s’ col red Hone fa; roorly sold at 250, now reduced to .• c, .at II. WolfEon’s. —U. VTolfsonb Groce: 7 department is always kept full of the choicest goods of ail kinds, which he also sells at rack bot tom prices. —.Just received—second shipment—two carloads of salt at :•, 2!> per sack at M. Wolf sou’s Colun.buu Slora. —The biggest stock of Children's, Y. u.l. : i d Mens Hats from 25c, up, at M Weit>m’s Cofumbas Store. —Mens Rt-.fl brim Ilxts fiotn .50a, up. et II VVolfsoii’s Coiuuabns 6-ore. —Everybodymemci: cf Laid tiiaes, tfcat voo tlpn’t thi. k to v hen yon go to M v: f, oiAs Cylumb'W Store and boy an enure ,.i fi [, r 5 5.0(1, wb’cll will cost voa d-.mi'l* the nioufy cbew ire. i,.v. can s.ve you ' • to Ce’tim bus, and return by buying a ml ot the .feuvxUiru Ciolhiet, H. J. Taor.s’io.N. Gut 7 I'ai ininy. - it. I Ci.iiur of ii Hrtiis, bas awes of upland in cotton from wbic la will gatber tbutccD ot.as. at w..s na ^ra ijnicd ^ 'v bicbly, at a cost of twelve . b=. M «h. laud ia left fa afar batiK cunditica than before, the resuit • 3 <s that there is pit fit iu. the ictfcnsiva rjateia of farming _He h ;g half an acre in sugar care ’ from wticb he has gethered thirty-two tvffj h.-drsG loads cafAfi. An avera « oi fix gallons of fivrr.p per 3oed, willgiye him l-'2 gallcnv, for which he will raadi Jy obtfct uveutv fivt c tie a g-il. — ur §150 for oce half aa ante. This is icuiv- 8'.eut io fatten f*al«s of cotton per &cr<», bat uar people ari it the habit of \n >.kmg cotton aid no* m habit ol tailing cane. Jchoy Mobley has a town patch of or-e M trier acre that hsB paid him a better pr 8’. than ten acres in the county ever age. He has gathered three ctopa, pianted since January «G the (?Ta f U '’Yf Jc M.ct fnr--.H -.m ; spring, hi-, first crop oata—wore bams t.-d, giving him twenty-five basbeis. for which he it; now getting $1.25 per seeded bushel. After em and jw«*Brii.g corn. »G wmg deyB a „^* er m F - Bate low \ a , f tvoid'i e «e?e 't > eiascOB &c<5 bo rich the soil tbfat hu iioiueDse for** ege crop wa.sgTtncrc Af'cr il highly, at h« dwaya-c - he has -own the fiiteh now in rye end ■ s and tba crop Icoks yocrg and » fc or j:v _Mr Caarfay Tratcu-ell has t. n ‘f !>«. S*« d, of cjc-u.tr_i,, caacorta r IJuis- —O a & . Iasi Ltite- b-ii-.-- v -C J'-tGLi. a f.w of the tsxe heard d Tf r ion! tl k vy ».:t confer a : - • r<( , j r j* (is,* —f... RES y it V it**' 7 () v 6 '" ■'' i T't -m y 4 W" •iDRC i“i& pj H K S3 *4 t.; ■». / m -I l 4 /■"\ / * ft H ' 1 I •# i ' s S i« A »i^« i ■ 4 ^ ./ - JL& _ *&j ----- i4_ j*J___ /, VOL. 1 X.--~N 0 . 45 . What The Papers Say. Atlicns K.inner. There was ft Mrange ei.-ht see? .n our streets Wednesday-* riding gen th m .it on Horseback, with in ei tet, military air, and attired m the uniform of a lieutenam she confedertv: rr» '• ■ '• stopped :o ~:.za a? him mn fed n . ii, liufb V tot,; to discuss the mean ir.ur n! hr strange rpcutaole. The minds oi ill ran back a dreade aud a half, and they began to talk oi the days when our lo?ed souildard vo a j torn and suattere-l by the rav ; j ages of wal. The ipler’a uiis-i'm I He | was owe of pettce, h one Vo in ’ was all old oi’Ktederate—-Mr. \\ • ff j Camber*, of Wallop CoHtlfV; he ; Lft<J ^ i(lennca ) } lalB3 in the army oi the west, and at l be solicitation of his mother and sister, ; he had come to have his plioto , graph taken ftbifo sitting on his ! horse. The horse was known to bo twenty two years old, and was first rode in the at my by Mr Gviffcliv, oi' tics Athens guards. Mr Grilled) having been killed at 1 . Gettysburg his horse was given to ! his nephew Mr.Cambers, and to I get her they served their eouutry ; til! the clo-o of the war allowed J j the^i to return home. 'Dio |guko gval ,h was taken by Mr l > .via, and D the pair of old *oufeds went (\ netly away. What memories were awakened by this incident 5 V> iiat currents of feeling, long frozen up broke forth anew at the sight ol those reminders of bygone days! j How could we help recalling the j dead hopes ul the l>a-f, our wild j dream of a glorious nationality, 1 atll J ph t . memories of our mafFyred : |mrocs? Thank god for glorious a j | jlmui'h it live.- onh )U I’ccpl- * ' i V ’ C ‘ l0 "‘ ' I Good larminy. i Mr. B. if. Williams has done i some big fa nimg tins year on a ; two horse tarni that is hmd to beat, He is known U> be un x jclicut fur mer any how, hut this year he has done exceptionally well, Besides all the little side crops such as peas, potatoes, hay, &i , that go to make ^ well regulated faun, Lu lias I up the | gathered thirty b iles ot cut ( , ()D> y; V e hundred bushels ot corn, I j .'jeo -bushels -of oats and eighty j bushels of wheat, all with the labor ! of two mules. j Who Can JUat It? j Mr. M. IL liar very, living near here bus a cow four and one hall years old that lias been giving milk 7 SO days. What Thu Papers Say. il on tgorui ;ry Advertiser. The great exposition at Atlanta, wonderful as it is, is but a preface to the marvelous book the near tu turn is to open to ihe south and to I t’Le world itself. Washington I’tst. i Tim day cf'southern m arm fact ur j ing has certainly dtwned. The I peO-oK also, arc awake. The hum ! : nd h ” io f 1 •, ban S 1 >,D ;' ut^un; !S ■' ami . Y ‘ iJicie . me „ . | *ui . iaii!ioLS iu it.*’ . Aurora, M , Herald. , There are variuus manufac’ urers jin directly Ibis vtcmUy with . southern who , might , . if deft! , tht * 1 parties j trade were once opened. The At j lairtd Siiposttion offiirs an excellent ) o. porlumty t<> northern manufac j Hirers to establish a direct trade wub _ that it v%i;i ... . he section, vis itfcl by people from all over the j. oa t|, ? ;ir ,d contirnc open until the : j agl q[ r),. Cfctnl( r . . . Buffalo North and South. Forty years ago the *jte of At* | | nnta was a wilderness among the ptnes. It is now one of tho naost flourishing centers o< eouUteru Ruined in tr de and partly j j destroyed by tbe war, and with no iuc nruleruble poruou of its \id. 3 ot ' carried into tants away temporary | e£lle under ihe orders ol Genera ,, 'Gherman, ! U Las rebuilt its waste a ,,fl ttOW has double tire pop ! illation it hac. in 1870. | UlUkMle Commerdd. Our c frr< at Atknta, believes that the exposition has awa * en ,j sou hern people. This | t . is-encoara 4ng, but every one knows r ’f.at not a’l who are awmkeeed can be pot oat of bed in lime lor an rariv Vire'akfns* There ore ojipoi tu: '.ties in the toich that must bt j nursc-o aita pi.-bel al! ti.c time The (Xpo-lt tii accom ; p tl Hi ..... U'*J - i : t h bat e .1; ?j. leLtioa : ‘ ‘ 40 d:tE. INDEPENDENT DEMOCRAT SO NEWSPAP* R. HA im toy ga WUAY NO^AfBER )8, Troup County Topics, Tramps are not allowed to Hager in J.a«ratign. Mr A- K. Phillips his n poitrtrr .og for wUiefc Ho has been offered elfc-b'.y-ive dollar# Troup county supports about fi< ' v pau, ers, one-fourth oi whom ar« J .. .ho pauper farm, A negro threw a storm and kill ed a very fine cow, belonging 10 Mr, Whitfield, tli-o ether day. The big Wsc-swMT»«C ^ been postponed until Hove ««»ber n - November 10 h _ is Lai .range's and iv'e<t Point n day :u the Bvpo sition. Kev. Lh P Caraway, editor of the Eeport.-r, lias moved his family to LaGrange, and occupies the V '.gal Dallis plane. On last MifftduyjBerrV,AVery Syh vesta {Manley, Gus Bacon ar : Fred Crow tie i—all of the colored way of thinking—met Jeff Glaze, an innocent African youth, on the railroad near West 4\>iii' s and pro¬ ceeded to divest him of his silver watch, tor which they were arrest¬ ed and put in Fail. Mrs J. M. Scott died at West Point on Saturday moj'inng. Her death resulted from consumption, aud has been tin ofed for some time. She was a good « ife, a ten - tier mother, and an excellent neigh bor. She leaves several sm 11 clul dren without inutermil cme. Colonel Gubb-'lt has ordered all pasaenyer trains to atop hereafter at Long Cane, dhiij will bo good news to the cl iz ms of 1 hat coniiuu ni'.y, vviio have ovperieuccd no lit¬ Tioonvenit.i.Oo lni.i .i > limn the irregularity with winch atuj>|>nges "’ el< ’ n5iW ^‘‘ nl 'bia station. 1 ickets ,*,o Jj.mi*; w ’li lun^-'itter bo on sain at A hints aiui AJ«n'g..».eiy. Condi need from il HJ McrlJeetln 1 .? God . ainiiwher Virida at ; — Ycst , :IV „ y ];. Harris ( ,,, lvK lt “, U l . “ c f: . i "‘ C , Y .. . jM'iu'f* v.iid put in iiifa i-t Oti%{ \ to take out tbcii h tb«*n ni il.<* ’ »«<G 'Hid ."lock it VV ii I) cat| . TL h: l haul he ,v,light 0)0 lid, ‘ , ... , f ,x illg he caugiit four trnUL live pounds each. He caught it; between three aud tour hundred pounds of fish. Who w il! say it does not pay to have a stocked fish pond? It PftMtlS dispense almost altogether vvt.'b smoke house. —pBosPEBi-ry.—Judge Allen H Watflou on Iiis .fine farm on Hiver has already ginned 100 of cotton and has 60 or 70 more to gather. His large crib, >5 tcet in ! i, U r,tb. »o feet wide and 12 high is tilled to the roof with eorn^ the crib | holding 2 ,L )0 bushels, and Judg" Watson is Mill ea'liering and haul. mg hi Corn. 1 i'..m !r.< fields h<‘ has tp|1 11)|j)es Ht! , supplied 63 field liaiidi 8n ,j t| lWr f ami | e s, making 320 0H , h) wrh bred since An «« ,l L i,l “' ll * l ' n " UlH Q^ ve their cribs tail and ^ro b:ij 4 »y and contented. Why shotlld a mail f v„ West when he can do ay well old Meriwether? . ., il — WlLT, I UOSPEft,—Hit 1 itlg heated congreu-ional cmv.itH 1,8 tween liarn? and Persom* in ?b 78 . some ef the rural Mump oraltrs boastiugly asserted laat if Xiarrio were defeated for conffreat, he would over be n it H» n fn>i r. Icr and votilij newr be £bi«$ to lie rhai . laruier . no wan never a poor 1 inyhow and never had ar.y pt-M*ertv "xcept what I li inherited. VV it so happened that Harris was de „,.,i ’ „v;>„ 1 '1, , t onllMarvivs ' " " * ' on :be M ays ar.d Steens u0 "^ U * Fernando Woo l, Kandolph rocker, Rarnlall Gil,son, Judge itellev, and presU’cm Garfleid were re-elected to congress and re appointed to ,, ,p oh, , 1*<«<". ... (•„■ Co .. T|.. rr a j. returned iiome iu March, lbi9, mid although watt limy by the bedside 1 of hia.-teffeung « }fe until Kov. I68G, He 80 directed his agricultural pur sti'.t# as to clear several thousand dollars a year. 'I bt* year with that wonderful faculty hr organic .lion w ith which Cel Harris vs so pre ; emmetni / en.;c veJ, t.e bcr.t a!! hi» etieroies to tots .t of ! - Tun <rc«M- ftve over ACO 5 utrioei feajw of cotton and a larg*: ccru : Cr, rp. While o C?.!3 nia* t-k» rytople hi* friend* c i&.iued t'L&l ke t< f i t of , : at- {''.rcxcdst'/jrcic.'a it; the t>u ■■ '■■ ■ » nod his triceps' 1 V- af (icniju strata* t.t 6 v»o'.h oi. the ^swtion. A m :.n of tin; energy *m< taients Mi..- t<> < 2 i tiu-ivoVh htcasciT uttbor on a fam »’* Menwd.Aer or as a member of lit”* utitiousi l.^isla tare at Wndsmcrton The Oat Crop, r fi . 2 ,b;ut 5 n.d for sued oat < t lJ|0 p av or:iV 1 1 vveaiber in.Lotto -ift j Km , rtSe ,q interest ii tbia cn-p Ru's’ oat , s in d eU W and November, T , ember and’" o.u »rj. ,, ys p?vi Lu . t ,. .... Ha . ft. • r i! i> ■ erne, labor 0 TiO flioney li.’. 'sii‘d^ , than any enVp lee.’, sod in It mis coirn.t, in the la--i <!> . a ! e. Why not increase t e crop foil' i ihl. B'ackmon d' KhuOrovffft, K rt 9 p the b< Nt Had fro li* st fMaUy gro cerius, Mid well at a naiform ! y «ia;dl prof- \ it Give thciu a call at M. NY iT giAj old st#ud< JSol Sensational, ulackgiOtl A , tabrongh !:sep the t.:"-t, freshest *ud m<>„l desirable cf famiijr anil,! fancy gr.H erics, , ud hv desi'ivir.g CXps-Ot ; to coi’mnni} a hiwraUhn.c of Hi*patron n^e of tSwir frier cm and tba public. lion J £. Stan ford, iFn. Editoh : ■ V a people of Georgia.;ii.d I'Kpeciallr you r ov n bt-i ti >ii’, owe u debt of gvatiuidc to this uble and di.itingu.uUcd gcntieiu iiA, for tlio fdtliful s rvj.ee .lu: has reiidei'ed t}u?m. . <ur N-oin sponAt uf ftrbt taw him in tiiu l.’pn?tii>^ion;d i‘t-.ivei.-.-<ui • of 1807- 3. and ii a siure kn«rwa b‘ iv. ami! watched him. In that eonvcGiion he wu a mcinber of tiie ( >'iiii»itI 3 on the fMl c»l Iiiglits, and from its br.dti mo 'Mi f ;if nny other ono tna«, did that pint o' ild L’i> ustitutiou come into boiii ;. and take it ! shape. iu its pitjihietiou I n ov.vd “ j most clear—accufste antf compr'dicnsii e 1 know ledge of Con t.i'ati nal prim *:s and the \v;nits iu\t.l int' if.'.ls of hi.s Si.itf, au»l ! ntootl by her peojile in (lie a<ivT n.ey t.icr - \ of, in strong and clunk o ;r lcrisis, c:i v iy- j • i||i{ hj< ])y , „f u j,«,j . afCmw . y s (| ||IS f„rcc of his tugmunH.. Af te: the urtielc fins Wien :*gr-'<*ni hj*«>u lu G c r«' *""ui<..... r om, Mi i ch i- ii.h i A-!.bitrn iq.’ Gtcd U iu m'Iij 1 t <i lotuiL' chuu ro ii i<Gi. ;i l •. tin .'alt i I ta t :•! t •) f >• n li if of I ■ p p'** a ti ca i Jrd l Fi • p vi h ! fid j rf< "i- ff "f Ift-j/'-ci ■’III,me:.-, ar, i vki -o c of the iU’ < i’.b: . own :;o<>i.l b BV). HU') ihf i ■ „« I, ,ui.n«.U.I.- constit,ii< ni.-. , jj ( , ;d |. i I pci •; i 11 • • • ts b* i I tor ' lv m ib..- j-k lui - • U ■. r, r- : n A <» I. .......I ' ! ! U o a n,c • .■ M •• I .I'.ii-iiy ' ........ '■«»>*•.« ...lid -mthmon., s-r i T Cl 'tl ■ -I ting tui nti.I aim i meded i.".' tio.i, - .ii." ting i„ "il 1 O' . t! HS W) ,;| ilf ,. tl/ i, iu ( pa ..,, j„ tlU i ni[ ,,,toait bills which r am i bolero thv Uotiao. Iu the (id som hly w!;ic!i b; r.-.niay m i ,mno l.tlj- sum, . r"’ >'bug i ftinr.aie niiwt<-rlwitH Id- ability, in Instiy iiml oncvjv, Ha; hi place t him on ti.e (Jem-rnI Jin ijiary (Mnnutiec n*:iJ o t : that of t!.n State of the B j»ublk% Jiafi chaii m in of thfa Ttroppisuicfa O^iruiiifi •e. 1 ^ you «t-o an evident* m bis mbiidy j iridiotry.u efuh.eS' «u 1 c lu i.d atcl/y, f-u these ■pli'CCE, 'Vip.iru labor, pbrticiil and menial—u Hubei, clear h ad, a live vu rV , coctimioiis. tliou-'M ,u .1 mirni w.-I stare useful knowledge ;■ iudapensible in fitlliOh.g tb-m, and • ,'eiy impaitc.ltl men ure Hi. iBuiiiig (rotn ‘Haver of them uii.’ci went the Hffl utiivy O'. L St.anfi.nl, uni in ary of fj'.-m he oiigi.ialeu. Nothing but tlie able cha.it|iionthi|i of !, !,. St nifonl cod'd have pa-svl his lid to va’abHdi » biancli Call go of AgilcnKmeut Hamilton. 1,1 Fins, he cvinc.-d the ability of a mod i a mo t imhMrW.a ; the final I.vsrc of tiiL I,id, all.., Hu manv ' tvT'nJiu Jefcutn, l:,- giv n him a hi^b j reputation in Georgia, «, b, 'artone of tin, pmsistc-nt and untiling bgiViwGni in , | the Stubs. Air. Stmfjrd is a cautions, i jirudnnt man. u firs, nb in!, a ;,enerou, fair.-nun, a fhict.t. p.b-v ant , p, nUrr, atronx : anci praot cal in deb, 1 genial aid liberal aiij'ifig hirf co-.' Ti cGK. ;im! comleonti on i i resf.wtful to hlit Hrit^wuints. Sect)ring tiifeir coud'ieuot and respect i»y hi* hornet f *ii deali/ % and tfie tiasaeatoe^H which h - pis,- bis cans-:. The pciqr/* oi Ijarris, j i*»ke tho»; of Mihchjcl, 'Ih // .th. ftilb, a/nj otiiern-: gi ven cc\wnt<, evidences , of the?r probity'in tne ef'ectiau of tleic : Mitativ^H, .. and . 9/[n\u.t .. j X’^iires >our con »u , pinion t will net claim a light -to : : urgent | who cliould be your inn t Kciiiitor, oi' rep | Stanford ree,.stallv«t, »»y he not tuic why not s.-rnl to the Kerim-? Tv ill not t.,. - I people of ’.'..m* and Talbot Mipport him, if yon, Hard* county present bin, or itj that you arc iioidhiK him, for a. hiidier piaee—far Cookuwe -itso jour choice wW-y«m Inure matte a c ,,t aetocthn *"1 >f luck attends you. Cm , that :,a. . witn-s, well develop year *vgacity. yin ^ y6nr wWo£ and demonstrate the tr(le worl ;. o f J0Ur w , c j . j V Bit H. iZcMM'Wb**' I*hfat every piece of goodn o Ad by j : So', e t:i r in is f'tjaranteti lo give butisfa-Uoa or do «a e. Clot*iny! CMhiny ! ■ The largest and best selected stack ev v ‘ btaught hete vdcch wstt tis Bcid et low i pi ices at K. tVolfscn'i Oolurubus ff’X'e j a^i. gjjd prioo before I p .reha :rg. T'rcsh nni'i lieliabla. The people of HsioiFoa at d sorraun - ; ing c >aut?y ste.ca.ditf! y invited to Cis* fc : ju:ic«:icgh'* for tne be iscit;.'!* *»’ You Ci*»v £>e Suited, a—c*. k .« .............r cljfci.iog, h* 48 , bootai aud fiuotg Ul town 1 'ks.y *.’,l a * i a' wo on« to undersell them . ia aiF/tbrn \ ,■the «ii I'or ! k a ta-VAj a-\»ywn l; n Ji'.V fi oia AaW) ft, Johnson, «'• •' •''* wl.f h;, Vs) & oTgn assov etii fa f low i'no*N, Prepare fat Coin HTutin, 3y -r-g tuo.ni of A -*e .V -l l’h</•>«««.. ; ^ jfioy.v Von iol »n etsgant Rn» of cloiUo\" ..t Ac** d .1 huibOu'o, Coln«ib#s, »t a inont ll_v ;!fic.”. Thai O’d hfatf, is pot £' lit !,ee i in decent rots’viv Sczq dr. ohiaso.i, (A»lniubu« t v.ill roli one tv ri'phvcA ft t. f h low f r;o« thut y w b be umlifacacd of having looked t : '.. *l uj ;*•• A no. iter CandU <iU. It, a Jiu.fe toajoriry *Uo pe •!>’• ut the Uniii-d States fi e.i N-clare.l thoir faith in Ki Im-y-Wort IV s it I (v.u'd v I Of .01 I he o.is*’S of t! c ti l.t ' i and iivc; , Sul r < ■• t*« F-’Ve ?'•••• t‘ ■ ■ 1 ‘‘ in.- il : 1 ” ' 1 ”' 1,1 1 ‘ 1 “ Cfin.iitlfatc :ip xMi^ in ll>« ttliapo of Kidurv t Wort j*i biquid I'ortn. II is v -i v i •I'ltVli f\utoG Ucuoily tab. n ;m.i is « quail? edi* ? oicut i, the drv. v U !. »ui . Thr MUjf *■({.! ./ H „Yi has Aovo'utioiJi.' d j#»i !■>•< in c. (hiij.e ;, jid ' ,t.I >cg /; • J.-« ii. I’hxrni ui tou^bl* hm goo«i« f.om first bandii \u larg'» fat voet boit: i; p,.;v 0H wstl defy cOmpeG'.Me. lie Roihi goods iuwor than u* y ov. t <?« honest ly and corie 11 y with all and ohnl longc.- )*i a cam petit. r« to unlersell hire. •‘JJami:. rn C oth.fr.” —I'ortuUG ri'.fl rnjifief) p'voru lb» world, br.t Gu?, Mu . t lY tho I'THt btfols auo fcotid in lu*.Milica to:: tfie luani mow ■ ■t.( a.-piate. stock cf •X.nr.rp U >odu il ( very variety, fit lowest prices by .’.I llrido (!., Ailuiis. l’-rlor 1 . - m • a. 11 /t‘l r.onp deer Ccolora, Ilibrary I. .mp«, , tit: ,, .nip*, brass i- oiipH, ltiillrond tool F inin.rs L:aj’.-r: , 1 , i.rp ffuimoiet'. D.u t ev , d, wo can defy Cueip.l lion on Iijtn.e trod ! r>. *’> I 'undies. fool, ijrot -rshavaju t received .. lot «>f f ./icj cftG'ly tli*» « f r»’Kh »nd bite. • yf ri •" it *t y*h l ■'<> it , V.-v, «r. ■ eg ut .m vLmmt tl ui-m yotii.hu and boys doming, m et ctloss va at pL‘.< . r.-nail I fr m S’> » ' uu t„ tht U w: w.atbrp dot! Tl- y In- «'«o r» vwy ti u stock of Inmislitr-g Itispoct tbair utock whon you sro m t.al u.jibiiii (V to fsV')r Iberia w'.lb un order ,, r anything in tbi-ir lino that jell want. Gulden Opinion’ ■ Kiddle tht c ia'orattd or'int ot Oo'um Lu v.inn guidon opin’ons of all far whom , ue vii/Efa. Ho in a,born ertiat and bus t .:,i i t:»^ crp nintice, observat’on oi.d ur) til ing > x i ixo •. to b;':i motber tolent until his work epprousllts lu-atiy to per faction. It is I is rule lo leru oat ■ e.'.j he best aud if by any m.sbnp he f.uls o make a good pioture be hue tact mengh to see it ia tho negative cud too high a regard for his standing ft bt it go further. L is not ..matter of bcrpsKae him line 1 ,V rooinil h~o tl/roogad d iiy by tho ' who want eu'y Mis best piisttir. h. tj„ to ':ee is’, d iln if .. .. d. iro the b s piefcxire J* t o:ju be m^Jo. Oar Ton; J’riwtt Astonish everybody, v/e ccntent our • nelvps v/ith a Hiuall an'', unifoiti .‘I icd by our caaapetitoiS at' yften cunsi 1 - ..red rcohVre, !n naming each How&vor, the fact that l care moat about is that they c...n fny cm at ar fram us tb.'D from any ou» c im*. It will pay rU w(U t v call tio* ’.lia SuiiUhi.v ClotLitr. H. a Ttioru’on. 'j 'rich rated May not la Ham Can be found at Uouk.Bios. Try |>beci ore. v er.d ou « i|l use no other. We Invite J *« To v’ it our cs'ablihboiect whether you boy or not, aud ycu ahcr.ld wish to f ar ctir. o, via will either twit you -t bo ths me ,,ih of ytrar buying a w.t for l*as money ihan cost of manafantJ.ru. v. e boy fer cash in large quantities make a specialty of fine cl >thing cud low prices, {jont’aexn Clotl ur, Ii. ./ Ih^ESTuS. The Hest VI,jars. f.-.wsert A Co., ltr p the beat Cigar l t ,. e martB) Xr , «v n ColuKihws A Home If. P, Time Table, um no ltd. toll i n P hi , ;J1 3 W ti t>) 1 frtR-ftJ ti 8 ifi ;i' a (!e , rb h 4 Ift ’IumrUon 4 51 H ...d b.Zh Chiph.y 5 4 ‘) Marriayr , Oa fit fPh iioitsut, tt tho ».a’dates of the bride, by Ip-v E J. Botch, '■? Har¬ vey HigUcver atd Miss Lver der '■ each. Jets >»#• Ct.ok Brother? L-^& - Ifcrge Icf of e&te Ctil tt. \ €-£ kJXiiie t-rjiT i’ Si A YEAR. BlPJX-?:i ‘I? OF THE TllhOUS. ___+ * t*> 'j : -j •r* Ipa Apje/ ,. \ i M. S. Modern StyliN M. S„ j^arv©I®ws Aisles. M.S. Maisiiiiotli f^fockj pajsr p j HVIi i:K\ ->\ K* * To Till-. MJ l'tlANT, SlbW lOU-S ANt! ■ Lvj > '• r S-l Foti h ' ! c i Vljoining the ifiui.iUoii VV.itebou ", v nyi } v h.l;i u L uce I icniitilld titid ( i; iile.c Flock T *,< ^TJ <91 MB ^ d ■% ^ - , . »* j.V R»W' cJ ?*• Nmh 5« aisa Bools, i:ScS!*ssA*s*r aud saddlery, NotmiiN and Faiacy Crood» Cr<»«°-kes*y asid 3»Ia*swarr AND AX i .iMLN.SB .Sd'O,. K (>•!.•' f l Ui- w n. ii m m V K3 Ui S » & J » A 'ml a wt J i 4 ifcllAAIliH ill M ri¬ CY j) p’ct*s SuiHifor ,'uul )Y\f*c'Hetit »»* Kve v Kt^peet, ot l*HIVES THAT DEFY <'OMVhTJTJOMi in thin or ur.y oanr market, Mv are lai’^iy *u every ilmeiioii. A.. Lai'.-fCi' 11 oust r More Ko<‘b 1 ,->\k t*i* / t’» 1 More Clei k * ' Who v*..i a! he pic.,to extend 1G1.ITF, AND I-HOMT? A tt i nlion lo our 1’Htronn, Ac V.LI The highest prices aii&wed o « Cofatfm aud Olaie? qj * \ &5c?iilV 9 h ,vm.ul im ;""dt ftr act .ttAt*. «'». if' /■- Ov v. y fih-r.l r *tronfl« -ha d’ f hu.i:, 1 foe, )a r 4 * in tho i~t nnd soli :! uj • $ t ne e *a M itSort &• -n», ia' ui v • iH-.-.nl i‘Vt'.c; ha*l *j1 eXert every to J f Cl VC triei'ewbi <J eo: fi Ictnje. LT. *W OLFE'OIFT, W Psi l iO'f /*•-•■ W" V sir Uf‘t.1 uA^fify ? Tili!l cT*i tit C©W*‘*?t 4 , , 1 ;.» dry %'iodM or i>?jc 9*ie.rj : . i< o. or •»*)»> y or >* 1 -*** iva. Til fry d > >o >r >p ye tt< a ioF ai.y&oYy to ardtr-o VI s 4 'siY:e l.tli/liSS 0 ; I'.umiVyu and vicinity wilt find die ', of dress goods, notions, faery . xwi’i, tiiau r;ngs, shoos and prints kAji ' y (JoVaert J tl '., to he tt a best soleula l to .