Hamilton journal. (Hamilton, Harris Co., Ga.) 1876-1885, December 02, 1881, Image 1

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gKSaMBBSgfete&So -■y.SSW - J>«/t7r ©/ Pi-o/. J. B. IIuff. List Ttursdiy this highly goat-emsn was fjan.1 lying dead in the p ihlie road,'not far from the residet)09 of M.-. W II Crawford, six or seven miles north warijof .Hamilton. He was otit cn a coileol'r.g tour, and as the weather was coid-hs wasafoot, hiving deo'.inea the of« of a horse and buggy. It is genet* ally supposed that b# died from congestion of the lungs. An icqaest was held on his body by W. A Ciark, N. P , and a jury composed of \V, II. Spence, foreman, X W ILmsey, J T Robinson, G A Kelson, G A ai d 1 - Lrooks, and J A Iloland. The jury found money and other valuables upon nis per¬ son and their verdict wa3 that he died in a natural way. His remains were enterred near Col¬ umbus Saturday. Prof. Ilaff had been for many years a school teacher and he uas an honor to his profession. His lots is truly regretted by a’i who knew him. Ladies Missionary Society of the M. L. Church. This body of ladies composed of mem bers of the Hamilton Chinch, was organ izsd a little over a year ago. It has raio ed since then over S35, or as much as has boon raised by the pastor from ihe wDoIb church for foreign missions, although the roll of the Society contains the names of only seventeen members. Ihe quar¬ terly meeting of the society was held at the Methodist Church Wi dnesday even¬ ing last when renerts were read by the r fficers and an interesting addrebs made by Rev. E- J. Burch. Your Time Next. All of ihe people have not been suppli¬ ed wltb good clothing, though Thomas is doing his best and haB able assistants in the good woik. The rush made upon him, he says, has never been rquallod in sn experience ot twenty-five years, and the people mey rest assured that there is tine merit, where there in continuous success. G E Thomas hua taught the people the merit of good goods, and they have learned that he has nothing to do with anything else. Those who have not found this out, can do so by callirg at bis Clothing Emporium, Columbus, Ga, A Terrible Death. Wednesday morning laat onr entire comm unity was borriS* d.by reception of news that the dwelling hou&s of Dr. Lucie us C No wood at Whitesville was burned the night before and that he was consumed alive in it. The particulars, so far as wo have been s’ole tn learn, are these:—About one o’clock he aid his wife were alarmed by the cry of fire. A --v a k - iug they discovered it to betheirdwelling It had earn,'ht from ihe stove room. It f.eem.s that tiiis was ihe second time it h ui caught fire in tho Fame plac«, and on the first ocoaaisn tho Doctor h»d extin¬ guished it by going into the beoond story 4 Tjd putting water on it from there. IT> • his firxt thought up >n bei/tg arnris < J vt fi . to go the same place. It is sup -tost whin be reached the room, ’T cverpowoed by the smoke, and c p too horrible to think of. i. - a few charred bones weio found when tho fi e Fubs’d<d. The deceased V. -1H H Vi . t;i known axid highly respected c 'zon of the county, a man of generous in.ink* a bad many strong friends end <»»: joyed a inwativt- p s act ice. widow l*».s f::e sjn'pathy of rt Lost of fr;ends in the U;d hour of trial. tiff l'or Conference. Kov. K J lljrch, pastor in charts of tiiB HasuiKon circuit, of the Sonth Geor gi i Ot inference, M L Cburrh routh, Joavts next Tiie>day morning for Cfium • lots to at .end 1 the annual Conference. H, has been np .n bis cirouit for two years and during that- time, by his earnest inteilignnt *:*d zealous labors in the cau^e of bift master, has eodeard biiussH to «<1 obristi'ftua »ifh whom L« has come i id contact. He has been th© Ristrumfrut c- accomplishing mach good, has built up .he interests of bis church faithfully and veil, and nothing, would pleave bis people or those who wish well tno causa for which be labors, more than to ha»e him returned for another year. ; Fresh rork Sausage. -7 jst received at Blackmon & Kim biough’s. Prepare for Cold Weather 9 By investing in one of Acee & Johnson's superb overcoats. They have as fine an assortment as you will fiud in the ci’y of j Columbus. : Hoys. i clothing j Yon will find an elegant line of at Acee & i >hn:*,on’s, Columbus, at almost : any price. —Complete stock of Lamp Goods in every variety, at lowest prices by McBride & Co , Atlanta. Parlor Lamps, Hall ' Lamps, Beer Coolers, Library Lamps, Gloss L.mps, Brass Lamps, Railroad ac 1 Farmers Lanterns, Lamp Chimnies. Don't tead off, we can defy competition c these Goods. , Acee ef* Johnson, - Hive an elegant assortment ot n-cn youths ard boys cloth ng. in e> dless vs-; rietr, at prices rangingfrom jo a s**. up to the fi .est weAdir-g clothes. Thtr : have also a very fi ,e stock ot furnishm goods, traveling br-gs. umbrellas, 4*’. and th6y eoriially invite you to Cili a d inspect their stack whin yon are in „Cc* - umbas or to f >Vor item i‘b an orje fer v ar; ti-ain thing m Unr'i’e th «-r’tcc tn fn-tioQ »t yon wan-. vi** ; Golden Opinions. Riddle -he celebrated a f bt*t of Colnm tu * wins go’dea o^in ol.i of al! for whom be works. He is a t-orn artist and has added by espcrience. observation and | naliring vi rtio- to Lis mother talent until his «ork approaches neariv to per- , fecriou. It is his rule to turn out only | the^best aud if by any miship he tails to make a good picture te has tee* enough to see i* in the negative .H too high a regard for fits Standing to' «*i it po farther. I: h not ©matter of fenrprise then ? ha‘ bi«i rooms are thronged d.ily 1»t tbr.'-e wh' 1 oo?y the b *■*? G > t 3 >v } j- if yon den re iLe L.* ‘ l : N £ 2 CIKk. N' •v i- Iamj I % £ IOURNA au TF* I 3 S ___ am J • VOL. IX.~NO.47. Wilmington Letter. [Prom enr Regular Correspondent.] Washington, D. C., Nov. 28‘.b, 1881. The crowds in attendance npon the Gui tean trial Lave been even greater the sec¬ ond week than they were the first. Peo¬ ple of all classes pack themselves into the Criminal Court room liite sardiSes in a box, and those who cBnnot get in j-m the entrances and passage ways. Men, women, and children, many with their lunch baskets, and some with lorgnettes, daily evowd together in irretrievable con¬ fusion. Ostrich feathers, beads, ribbons, luces, and other ornaments, of female apparel are damaged and torn in the scramble, but their owners are cot dis¬ mayed or disoouragfd. The reserved space within the bar is so filled with la¬ dies and prominent persons, including several representatives of our city etergy, that them is scarcely room for the law¬ yers who wish to hear the case. Mrs. Blaine was a solemn and sorrowful spec¬ tator two or three days. Doubtless the antics *f the prisoner huve been the cause of exeiting'greater interest in and attention to the case. Whether or not be is insane is a matter judicially determin¬ ed, and there is some difference of opin¬ ion among those who have witnessed the proceedings this far; but the prevailing belief is that he is acting a pert. It aeems h-vrdly possible that a court will ad judgeaman insane enough to )>• imsspon sible who baa shown so race', method and such clear appreciation of the consequent cos of his acts. From tl day he ■ 1 the snot he has stood ia ec: slant fear of public vengeance, and that he is one of the cowards alive is evidenced iu the'.'fact that whan fired at tue other day he laid Ait down on Ihe bottom of the vehicle and committed “tho bob. a rt ’ in his pantaloons. Yet conceit and im-olence arc his predominant char^oiBricties. Over fifty members of the Hi.use of Representatives, and quite a number of Senators, are already here making prep¬ arations for ths Congressional temiou, and alter mch political interests hr they happcD to ha he at stake—especially the offices in their respective States and dis¬ tricts. The President is at work cn his moss g«, which, it is understood, ia to be a short one. 'J’here is tome question whether it will be put iu type bet ire it is sent to Cong'ess or not. Mr. Arthur says >’• want at y confounded newspaper correspondent to steal it and have it pnb lisk.d before it is delivered. Nearly kll the Department 'reports arc- in, and most of them have been outlined in the graphic dispatches. The report of Post master General Jam or is in some ie~p6c‘s a v*rv interesting doenttte^t. I» shows, in rtview for u tuiubcr of years, how lunch a Department of the Guvernme it ran atatid ud p»»t g-» ail to pieces, The t'ofit Office Departure'? t Las been tlie Vic¬ tim of public piurder-rs • ver since pub¬ lic plundering became a popular industry j n (b !S oonnfty, but it has s*.ecdi!y goLe ou> uestl.y always keeping tip with the d« wands uf (he people and promising bet ler for the future. Mr. James does not rfifor any radical engg ess ions for the irn piovotnent of the D.-parlaiiut; ha adopts «>«ie schemes «,f his predecessors ooneern >"g postal savtt gr, mslilufons, the reduc- 11 o*i of money fees, and a Ids a sasgestiun cf his own that salaries of postmasiers in most of ihe 1 .rger cities shall bo iBcroas «<*. The retiring brad of the Depart bu clearly not dea»t with his sub ject as fee would have done with a q«rtam ty of remaining in the Cabinet. There is a chance for the President to look after some of our diplomats abroad. Hcaicely had we got Uncle Ilaunibal Ham¬ lin safely off for Spain—having been sent to a mild climate so that he would cot have to buy an overcoat—-before Gen- 1 Stave’’ Hnrlbnrt and the illustrious Kd patrick, who lost his hat io masy timea dariug rhfJ an(J now 8eama to have Jogt ^ boadi get # dip | omatio BCanda , dywn iu South America . The State De jartment is waiting for official dispatches but according to what has been learned t i,p S0 t w0 warriors, who represent this 00UDlry in chi!j and Lave been tak . icg d fferent sides in tne dispute between those Governments, and m.king the United Stairs ridrcu'ons. I don’t know wliat the President may think of Kd~ patrick but if Mr. B t»n» is going to stand sponsor for bis friend, Hur'.bar*, ho will find that the safest place for him i«• at home, in Illinois. During his whole .~eer, ‘'Sieve’’ has always shone best at t ome. Til-NO. Who Wants a Miller? 1 desire k positiou M miliar in some good merchant er enstom re d. I can ' e good referexce. es to qualificVio:-o. C*n Jo any kindlof ^pairing on a nsiU .not n», .3 -rod* A Uress me at Hamilton Au-.j-rnt*. Sanfoeo « «*i ' ■ r ; t W ’ m T ,iS , ' ert 1 , ' ,,!y . s< , *‘* 1 ' ;.- "• “ i n i>i »m.r f m * ' cerngtipation. and troub’es ii aa inactive liver. We would s-iy to onr eadere the Iwst remedy is Tabler's iv- aline. or Live Regulator. Brice SOc.for by Murrah k Crawford. Notice of Dissolution. To all whom it may concern we publish tn at by mn-u *! consent, we have- this _V.y d.-solved cop-rtnershtp, at-d the drug builcass will in fo-ure be carr.cd oa un¬ de* the name S. G. R ey. Ail parties « ^ firta wiU p ,. s , e ROttie »j th H. ^ R ey , bo is nathotiz-d to reoe-pt for e fiam©. ILis ^ ,. f . b - . - {- i R Fil* 7 J il HAa.il. INDEPENDENT DEiVOORATIC NEWSPAPER. HAMILTON, GA., FRIDAY DKCMMBER 2 , 1881 . Make $‘io.Ou ForC/uistmas. The publishers of Rutledge's Monthly in the prlzi puzzle department of their Monthly for December off\ r the follow¬ ing easy way for some one to crake $ 20.00 : the To the person telling ns which is longest vr-r e in the the O'd Testament Scriptures by Deo. lOtb, ISS1, we will g've $20.00 in gold as a prize. The mon¬ ey will be forwarded to the winner De¬ cember 15th, last. Those who try for the pr’ze mast send 20 cents with their answer, for which they will receive the Christmas number of tho Monthly, in which will be published the nemeard ad¬ dress of the wiuner of the prize, with the correct answer thereto. Cut this on-; it may be worth $20 00 to yon. Address Rutledge Pcbli lins Company. Easton, Pa. — - ------ ♦ -<► * S'ackmon <P Kimbrough, Keep the best and frei-hcst fattsily gro ceries, and sell ut a uniformly small prof¬ it. Give (hem a call at M. Wolfson’s old stand. —---———-— —HidVsP.-.Eitive Cure for Corns, w cure warts, Sore aid Irfisncd Jcuils and Bunions. Sold by Riley & Mason Druggists, Hamilton, Ga. Anoth er t'a udidate. By a huge majority the people ot tin. United States have declared their faith in Ki Incy-Wort a. a remedy for all the dis ea> rs of the kidneys and liver, some, how¬ ever, have disliked the trouble of prepar¬ ing.it f’o n the dry l<-no. For such a new can iiilute r,p;rcarv iu the shape of Kidney \Y,.-i iu MqitSd F irm. It is very concen¬ trated, is easily taken ami is equally effi¬ cient as the dry. Try i 1.; uisviUo Post. Thysicians of Harris. Yu v: v\V' toh|'*-v 5 .u'.ly invited to attend a meeting of ITiysieinhs a v Drs. Mitchell & ‘Jopeiand’s < ffice, 11 o’clock am, llmil ion, Ga , on the Isl Tuesday in December next f or general consultation, in tli in tcreotof onr profession almm. K spectfulJy S (t. i‘ilt;V.V, M. D. Louis Stanford, M D f J 1108. S. MllOlIEIiL, i\r H \ I'YllON Coi'ELAND, M D. Wood Wavlcd, On the Kigi t of wav of <' & B. It. U. A ‘ply at •‘Columhiw Wo ui ynr 1,” or ut 114 Broad St., Colutubiin. G». L Harris & Cj Fresh and Sice. Pineapples, Peaches, T mi vtoea, Salmon Oysters mackerel and other fresh c-.nu.-d goods just i\*ceived % ny Blackmon & n.m brough. Hardware. Biaekmon & K inbrough h» vo » fuT line of pad ocks, floor knobs, Lnigv', Jjuits end other hardware. Ten rounds J or a Hollar. Call at B uokmoii & K mbri-ugh’s ar d pet a supply of »l*e colf»o sugars they have just received. Pure and Safe. Blackmon .t Kimbrough keep the best brand ol keto-ii e o 1 That Old dial. Is not fi* to bo fieou in deoaut company. Acee & Jo h sou, Columbus, will soli you one to replace it n' s?v‘h a low urce tbut you will be a 1 named of Laving looked shabby so long. Not Sensational. Blackmon <fc K'm'irongh keep tho best, freshest end most desirable of family and. fancy groceries, at.d by deserving expect to command a liberal share of tho patron¬ age of their friends and the pubiic. You Can be Suited. Cowsert & Co., keep the finest line of clothiDg, hats, boo’s and shoes in town. They wi'l allow no ono to undersell them in anything. .fust the Thing For the rainy season is a nice nrukrella fioiu Acee it .1 ihnson, Columbus, who have a large assorlment at low prices. —Fortune and caprice govern the world, but Gamble evils the best boots and shoes in Hamilton for the least mon ey. Apples. A fresh lot of Western Applet iustre ceived by Cook Bros. Strong Testimoniats: Bcv. Caleb W. E.oy, father o t Rev. Jjp. S. Key. say-:— “Wbcntf wav i» city, yov. gave me a i.ottD of Epping’* (.'..rnpoutid Extract ^ Bcliu. Wheu 1 clime li<,m>* X h, --in tuk »*»P H according to dirwtiot n. 1 lmve n ' ver rc " *'^ hom a “Y r ’” ldl b,:n - eficia! • -ifectr. I feel as well now as I ever frit in my life, after suffering many years , from , kidney . troubles. . r I es'eem it an m - valoaWe remHy for diseases of the kUu-vs llnd urinary organs B , .ueli as irritation, ’ in flan.mation. etc. P!)-:* 3 C;forward me. at onee. one doz,*n bottles, an ! make me yom agent for Augusta. I think I can intro¬ duce it extensively lure.’’ Mitnafactureii anT for by Branrjon & Carson, pioprietors, druggists Columbus. G i. A Teacher Wanted. Tne Trustees of the West Georgia Nr i , .KVI the I .stituti .ri oa Decernt*er 1-t, 1 g& 1. Ar pllcation of u-a, !e soli riled. By order of Eo,ird. 7 Bcv ic-, F.-cieUry. t Panr. w ak, «n r l f> k’v rhilflir-n rcafic at/jy and strong I-} B.uvru .- Br.t r . ft pe;#3 TiJAQi BROWN’S IRON BITTERS ai-o a certain cure fljr all <!incases requiring: a complete tonic . ospo cinilj'InrUtjesrion, liy Kjroy.sift-, Inter¬ mittent Fevcre, AY ant of Appetite, loss of Strenyrtb, Dec It of Uncrgy, etc. Enrlchoi the blood, strength¬ ens tho wrasoles, caj gives new Bfo to tho nerves. Acta l’ko a clr?-rm on the digestive organs, removing nil dyK-ieptio symptoms, such us tasting the food., Itelcb.ing, Heat in the Stomach, Heartburn, etc. Tho only Iron X’reparatlcn that will not iilackr-n the teeth or give headache. Sold by nil Drag gists at fii.OO a bottle. BROWN ClIEMICAIi CO. Baltimore, Did. thmt All Iron Bit torn tu-e iratl© by Bkdwn Cm. : cjt, Cc. an hi have crossed icil lints i»t • l tratlo cu v.f. i t , .. BEWARE of 'l l! W KtJJN. ; Nr «v A «vff, I HS‘J. j ltl ” ta "" >*** ' i “‘ ke ““ *»'' i l/i«'irh annual revolution muier the pros : ent liintiagi’ment,-Lining el for cl 1 ,cih ways, , big and little, mo-.n and gracious, content ed «nd unhappy, bepublicn.n and Demo¬ crat iu, depraved find virtuous, intelligent and obtuse. The Sun light is for man kind and womankind of a 1 sorts; but. its g o ml wamith is for the good, while it pores Lot dhcomfoit on the I>]i- torii g liR, k« of the persistently wicked. Xbii Sun of 18ii8 was a newspaper of t> : M<1 "’ kind. It, discarded many of *he forms, tiud a multitude of the sopwllu uuh wor and j hi* *.ho« of ancient j ur* ijhIi .iu. It uudvr'O'jk to report iu a fro h Hucciuc’, uncouvcntioi'a! way all (tic hews of tho world, omitting no event of hnman interest, and commenting upon Kti'aii'H with the tcarless-mss cf ahsolu'c in dependence. The success of thi.i ixpari nicnt was the snccess of the Hun. It. ef¬ fected a permanent change iu the style uf American newspapers. Iiv« impor¬ tant journal established in this-country in the d zan y< ars past has been modeled after the Hun. Every important juurt.-.l already exhisting his been modified hi d bettered t.y the force of the Sun’s exam¬ ple. The Hun of lf82 will be tho same on' apoken, trntlitolling, and i'.-teristii g newspaper. By Iba liberal n“o of the means which an a! undent prosperity affords, wo shall make it belt r than ever be foi". \V» shall print al! the news, putting it into readable shape, and measuring its importance, Dot, by the traditional yard* Ftiok, but t*y Ha real interest to the poo pie. Distance from printing bonso i qaare in not the fi nt consiTeratioii with «ho 8nn, Whvoevir anything happens worth reporting tfte get the particalars, whether it Lappens Io Brookiyu or in Bok¬ hara. In politico we have decided optnion and aro accasfomtd to express them in lungnag© that can t»e nnderfttood. We ► a y what we think about men and events, That habit is the only aecret of the Kun e political conrse. eight 'J bo Weekly San gathers into daily pa* tho boat mutter of the aeven in* sues. An Agricultural Derarsment of Rfiu* mLVo./e r *t5?BRcji°g«nee onltewr^ien r '‘cm.'ph a to f i\,e Weekly Hun, and rnske it tie t-est new-paper for the farmerahousohold that *** fevtr P rit ‘ ted * Who does not know and read the Hun 8nn, each number of which >s a Go-* conda of interesting ?_ literature, with the . , ?d?ng ... news/ re tumor-matt* r enongh to fill a good-az n took, aid In. finitely mere varied er.d fLteitaining than eriy book, big or little? If onr idea of what a newspaper should he |»L--a rs jon freed for tho S :ri. Oar tf rmH nre as fo Iowf; For the d&i’j S ;n, & fc-nr page nbe*t <»f twenty-eight columns, the j ncc l.y malt. poet j x!-!, is -Ti cei Is a month, or -ftJ.fiO » year, or tncioding the f-unday peter, an e’ght pace sheet cf fi’y-aix columns, the price i> Co cent* per month, or $7.70 a J e ” r ’ postage paid. r.gid. tS gpe The price of the AVTvkly Hun, eight pages, fifty-six ro’nmns, is tl a yvar, r« tage paid F-.r clubs of ten svnd.ng ill) we will sei d an cx’ra cooy free. Addrtvs I Vi ENGLAND, i Toh’i ter cf The Sun. New lek City. HAMLIN WS»«S m so 1 to any RtUlrchS, announcing 1 Turnout YVt'jaatj St., HOSlVk'iW EoatiiUi Kt.,KliW kOKlit I1J Ave. .C!niC A:il ). gimsuMi Garmcre’s Artificial Ear Drums. As Invented and worn t»y Mm ©rrfactly rtHiorns tlid hiNiriuN !•: itunlv tlc.tf li-rt ..Arty yiur».l.c lu:ir» with t la m. evua u li. I,>-•:*,distinctly. Arp not utiici’\ uiul ro Hi.tin in i» . ni m without aid. I ‘..-a ri j't.vo Circular fvoo. t’.vimov : Do not ho *1 -ccive l b\ h-.uut* «ar tlriuna. Mum Js the outv nuooosvfnl artificial ear Drum muuufactnrod. «f«Hn ttiirtrsro, S.W. Cor. 5th k Race stt*.. Cinoinmiti, O, BiWACfOAi AR-.diof Rnre Crltflnabty,ontltlotl. im§ „ *Ph? fr n nt j't ohloul B.ilvttl. The ivuiWid’SM ourciuuy fiMerfid troia tho uto oi 1 n'chsihilitv m> t«> mH’unty.lu re ?S« v3ftl1.lt>-**,4s m f-tl ikins Ua’itrilta. rare inform* - !-*tt msssasBas^HBaa) |SAW MXZiZiS. | tea . EQX’AI* TO THE B^ST, it’ Send for Circular, | VINTON & ZSCI1ECH, 1NDIANAPOU3, IN». Aff«ufo Wanted for WIT# of G-AKFIELB It fontains fhcfall lii- fory of liif noble mat eventful lift .vi,I lusunlly ;» ^afH»imvtio!t: Surgical (routmom, d. »vMi, funeral ubuefiUhis,etc. Dtwshvolil“ca 'I l»* o* 'bvvnuV sU linnca yourlif'' lln* \v ninluMnoUfY. < iM tiaUmis. Im'ip only tuilhentlcand full\ iinNti-ftt^'M IIfoot-mr mar tvivtl I'lcsldeiit. Kln**8tiH*l portralM. K-ctra terzua to AKt'i.ts. I’iltMiI’tvs O'.’c. Add read National rruhiHillxaCo., Atlanta, (ia PATENTS \V<‘ fiuntinv.o ti> jvet an Solicitor a for VaD'ntn, Cavonts, Trade Marks, t'opyriglif.s, ore., fortbo United ytatf's, Caiiada, Cuba, lliirlj-llvo England, yeans’ France, experience* Germany, etc. We Lave had Patents obtained through ns nro in)tleed in the Per f.nti! ic Amkmcan. $3.20 This largo and splonditl Ulna of traftid weekly j ia;u*r, u year, shows the Progress Scfencot is ^ cry interesting, and has Patent an euormourf Solici¬ cireulation. Address MUNN A CO., tors, pub's, of Scientific Amkhican, .'»?'Park Ku\v, New York. Hand honk about Patinitsfvea. jj heiwAg.la, ffpralns, i’i-.ii: ia tho Back nr.il Side, T hcr>' |; uctl'.lt’g more pr.lnful than these It- , i -it, Uie p .ln can be nmnvul and I,’: - • • J t.-y tusu Of p£f»y Davis’ Pisiti f .r. r i’i-. , ■ , <- p/n.!*:. fs o.>: n. eltesp IVnzIno c- l'-' , : l!m? .lil: -l l-c Kept . i om cl* t to iicotil Jiinf; -r . . in,)- in ft jin untrlcit cent il l-,- ' ..y iK> tivii-o Inn in than i.ooit. i-'-ln t-UUcr lies been in constant use for filly yi -s, au>t the universal ttstlmonjr f.-.-.i eh parts of th * world is. It novor tv. 1 .' ! net n ‘'7 olfi’ots a ivrinaneiit cure, . t ut V, n in-vi-s pain .".li.iOHt. lnstai.lancouBty. i.rl >r a j-i.i-i y vegiiaUc ri-mr-dy, It is safe 1: i'.' hand of Uio mast Inexperienced. The roc ’’I of cures by t-lm use of j’ain lint.: i vi l DU volumes. Tho following ivtwt • trim letters received show what those v. ho have trial It think *. L-.'.yv.* Ae c tdy, Owatonsa, oliieo Hlnn., wife liee-j- nays: Hiilijert i. - , your lny i t-- rear f-- 11 rli< .an-llein. Our r > w tlio Pain AiJ.i.ioi, wUich .jicedUy < • jti. •*. c .I. ; .’ov/iTl writes from the Sellora' lv .1 \ LoiuTon: I a . it im iiJiSiutYvl rirceyoarswUl' nrnrnlKlfi r ’'t i . 'i ; /.aviii^cf tpGKf.’Muu'fi. Tho(luetor-i f. a ■ • ;»•. •fi.i' fi'ii*.-] ' t> r ilf ii'H > -l ic.ivo K iij’ my ml o.i it >o in t; s | your liof. ain im.ku,i y i “ ! • tn.ito »• able I ti'f.vo follow roirrum-ii my str ? *.;t , u.ni un no*v to my uctitu f l ' ■ .'itliyjl. writes: G. H. X verth, gtuco. Me., ••!«f In 1 < . '•;* .!»•; ri imi:if*<tii.b‘ fn *n ; nln fho ■ '-i t j.y the use >>f your 1*ai;< iviiu.KU. E. ic:*z Foyn: forrhcumatlain, I ’i. : dynur Pain T ir.r.rii and h.i\b r.'.’«ive<l RiOut buru.iit. r t. l,- /: e ■<> \:i u aalrn • J/1l e ui<-.*d Pain fil - , f r till-ty- srs rrni Ili'ii found it ft > <> < r-j ui m j liiiiu •*** f ‘,u> *.?i li *.od it meriosH. fr,. pT.i jii.r, writes: f I’, arm /. LtM r r J'. t' ;r, CflS0* , l | Itss: rhtii;matlHJH. Vhli. Hilbert, comrract, Va., v/r I r 'j.i oetiifil tii'c, I know your l'All* Kili.ib Irt Ujo l>OAt jnwiiCiiiO I » nn t-. t. AT dniggip«a keep Pain Kiu.r.a. Its prt c 1,-v s.i low Rat If Is Wllfiln -Jie reach of all, pud tt wilt save many limns its cost In doctors' bills. a«e., 60c. and #1.00 a bottle. - PER5VY DAV5S A. SOM, Proprietors, Providence, R.). CENTENNIAL pJS ll THE BEST MILL It aar.ara'ns Cabr'i. aud oil fonl »• from e l.oct. Ill also a pnrTtr .t r lenti*- ot Tlmolkr, Clover, r.iid fit K- -CS of eroCa. 'I gre.t I-v.oioijL over e-.x-r liitr.n 1» that b*a two Iib'jiu. It In e.l ... tally a-laftoU 'rrsLcebouBO idj«. P-oU for l>..crtp*lva buC I’riert I.Iat. <v«3. to <SO»l..r.,«d 6, FRCSMAN & COK8, RACINE, V/faconoln. ——— - th ldr-to. r i *--,•: >»r'J»/tt*» 5 ti!le«f. PenilrinaRtren tor }•, a f f i.rtiM* ' • }< 1 r i r, ♦nr-.»«rit«»M umi J' ' -.nS-Aif inveat I’.UENXh procurttl pr*<nirrd. t Vionrt.t»n-i >r an. *v,i4. E /tdifr* v .rranti fy *r.E ir *• ai-i 1 r ’.r ryhu at hues. I'en* Mend Id *t>unpA 1 f <r Tn* < ttrrn-5v.Idler.•' and o n a d I. .,»ty iawi kianks ftr.d instruction*. W* r«>i r-fer to the i-'*rid*f.f rmntv-nt-rt *nd Client*. Lent al Notice mm ■ — : 0 : — ./. M. Mason . Dentist Cities over Enr-Uiter-SmiL ColumbuH, (aeorgiti. Trpa>tA1))Mrt"Hl Teelk h»»« 1 l>W» a*va Gtiin* t • D h T- *;!l» i'.e:?u flfully WllJi gold on or: i-H matf.mai,. Inserts Artificial Teeth from one to an E itire Sett. ALL 7T0?.Z 0VASA2T ZSEDi PriC'H very Bessoialie. 'IteSb extracted w.iL-.u! pa:«*. ■ 1 - - m ■ IN THE WORLD. SI A YEAR. SPIRIT OF THE TIMES. -H - Progress _ ©f the Age, O H * i M. ? s. Moslem Style, M. S. Marvelous ©ales, M. S. Mamiaioth ©lock. M.S. More ©pace. 0— I HAVE IJEMOVi.n TO THE ELEGANT, SPACIOUS ALI) ew ,, >5wC rck Son la ‘of and Adj >ininii Uio IlamUtoj) Waruhou^, wher^ I >\xA Exhibit a Heautilul and Cor plou* Stock of Oofljaaig*, Dry €Umm 8 s, ©ISSBCM lkEa«I*If®©tS, Harness aiwi saddlery, Notions and Fancy] Goods €r®ckcs*y ami Crlassware AND AN IMMENSE STOCK OF v a. i ; L-1 >5 ■ 1 y J yf m I m i K iw PSESfSq K ■ fi ■ 6 5 / 3S * J ^ ? Orirqiltitt*, Huperior and Ex(i«!l«itt iu Evc*;y Respect, at PRICES THA T DEFY COMPETITION , | i Irt tliis or tiny other mat kef* My fnci'iiies are 'ttrgely increase in evtfry direct ion. LA. Larger lionise ! More lloom ! Lower I’rioeN I More CJei lca 2 j Who will always tin pVssvd lo (-xt- nd POLI1E ANI) PROMPT Attention to onr I’atrons, ! And warrant everyt’iit.g as representfi- Tin* Ltghe=t prices allowed Cotton »ES«I either Cosnatry Produce^ n psytrieni lot o.)'*<is or nceonnts. Th*tnkf*il f»r very Irkorttl j-atron in the pu**i, un i Ho’ivi-tn ' a t ttr aim « m tho future, 1 f<*el justified a-'iirioiv my l; r« rt t - ml i*< »nw till 1 .i i 1 cxrt o ve*y ififorl to <1 it i vc* ti t*ir inurv^at'd o>m It tenci*. “w olitso^t. Would You Serve Your best interest ? Then call at bowser ifc Co’s , for dry goods or groceries, hatd- vare, crockery or glassware. They do not propose to allow anybody tb underset them. The Tadles Of Hamilton and vicinity ■will find tb£ stock of diesa goods, notions, fancy goods, trimmings, shoes and prints kept by Cowsert & C to be ti e bet>.t selected in Hfturiiton and they are determined to allow "obody to undersell them.