Hamilton journal. (Hamilton, Harris Co., Ga.) 1876-1885, December 09, 1881, Image 1

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Personal Intelligence. — 5 lr. E. G. Hood v. a* a visitor to the is;:. <ition last week. lie quMn'ly espressos Ids satisfaction by saving that if the world is as bis? the other wav as it is the way he went it must indeed be a big! one. —Miss Mollie L owe will spend next week m Atlanta seeing the sigh a. —Miss Ida Jones w ill ba one of the attractions at the exposition next week. —Charley Johnson was patting the backs of our merchants again the early part of the week. —Somebody stole tii 8 Christmas turkey of ye editor two or three weeks since and we have been wait ing patiently for the conscience stricken wretch to return it. Bat the roost remains vacant and our only hope now lies in touching a tender spot in the bofom of some delinquent subscriber that will cause him to respond with a dollar or t wo. —We are now ready' to dehvsr those premium garden seeds. Onr 6 eed sowing last spring was hoih pleasant and profitable ami we hope tins season to make it more so. Come and get what you want; sow them early; if they do not germia a e come and get more. We war¬ rant them fitsh and genuine, and will get you any kind you want, if not ; :n stock now. —The calaboose is nearly dot.e. It was occupied Saturday night but Micabal Norwood knew nothing of It. Llttle Tilings. Wore ,, Spends , , on lit . In tnmgs 1 Brill we think. It is saut ib.il V ol taire, when five years obi, learned a , infidel poem, and lie was never able to tree bimselt from Its effects fcscotl. the commentator, v. hm de ’ jinn^, rear! l ^mnoi vA r all* f p a and was turned from a life of idle nesB and s n to one of usefulness, Cowper, about to drown himself, was carried the wromr way by bis d ; tVU-,aTA went home , 10 wrr e c \yti i moves in n HI y leyions WHV. 1 ‘ G robust* of toft 'uf’T firou^.tjd T •!-, (’lark a ro /rrcai • c io» , a*i(l who b id up 1 o that time been slow ae qutrmg know.edps, , , O.o , v ,, null, -, ,, the , i. rent vitilinisl, re-cued fiom sui < Kb- by drowning and la' <:n to the i ’i.r tei-idi nc.e of a wealthy ludy beer,mo her protege, and soon ac 0Tired , fnme. . liobert , "a ad -ilr, rv* i the , ’ 1 ini-sio»t.iry, . < ss: iv ' r» Klica pJauird announcing u rnis-tonary Ilio.-tiilg, '- as led to devote hunself to v.-<” ; for the heathen, One step down * r. d often loads into the gr..;'<:-t guilt. It is (he little words and notions that m 1 e or mar our lives. — Con-ccegationaliflt. Subscribers to art periodicsls are naturally desirous of selecting the Ik st. E tth has t!s merits, but tho Art Ama:uyr is of the highest prac¬ tical value to students and amatu et s. Ls large sizo enables the pub );-hor to give not only pictures, but an abundance of working drawings, u-'mc , with the simple directions which accompany thitn, aro easily t»j )' ed. In the current (December) number, for instance, there are no ]r. s thru fourteen pages of practi c-::. tb .- igns for cliin-a. painting, wood carving, art needlework, taunting o;i siik, “etching” on linen, etc, etc. The much esteemed designs of Camilla Piton are contributed i:-a naively to Tiie Art Amateur, those have included sets ot largo and ::j t;f plates; highly decorative plaques of i eacL, b'nds and flowers, y-r.-a.-G for screens and furniture; and cv< a a complete f icing for a mantle eon d.-tiug of eighteen full siz-i tiles. G-'ge R TIalai and o'hers will continue to furnish de igtis for me¬ nus, bail in '.grammes, f.ir.s, keftle tlrnm curds, etc., etc., and leading aitiets will contribute original de n. s fur ladii-s* drrss. The sug¬ gestions for HomeD coration will b ■ especially V-dnable. The £>• ic< r f The Art Amatc-ur ts 35 eta, mouth ly, or four dollars a year, Club r-i’et*: Two sub'-cripuous, § 7 , tl.re sit' .rcT.b c, $ 10 , ibur Pub<cnb-M, § 12 . Each additi .-na! t-ubscriber, $ 3 . Montague MaP..'jiisii* r, 23 Union Square, X. Y. City. —Fortune at I c -priao govern the world, but Gamble« ■ the best bool* and shoes in Hamilton for the least mcn *y Your Time Xext. A'l of the people Uve cot t- «r seppti cu wr.t- good ci-vthiPg, Ibon-. h Tlrc-n. •* dc irg h * best a a has able assistant* it tbe good work. The rn-h rude B; x,n him. he says, bn* rc-ver b fn equalled » rn experience of twenty-Sve years, and the people may rest a»tur--d that third t ne merit, where there in su e s. G E The mas has t .right perp’e the merit cf good gm-ds, and have Darned that he has i otbirg to hi: • fl-». Th ase who have fern Mb - j‘, eta do fo by calling a' i s CvOJaoEcM^eai, Ow-.aabue, Ga. - c f I i 0 ~p M \ S- 1 I * s 0 U i s K fel f A I j b A •f Pj fc; <9 •fc * r a _A_ r' _J 3 &_ ... VOL. IX.—NO. 48 . WA SIIIXG TOY L P TIP It. Tig Our regular Correspondent. Washington, D. 0 ., Due. 5 , l&Sl. Washington is now in the bight of its glory. I s boom has fairly begun. When Congress is here there are always inter eating topics and events enough, and wa live upon the exilerating atmosphere of excitement and political change. By he time this reaches yen we shall probab ly have the names of the new Cabinet, r.nd know more about the policy of this closemouthed Adrni nisi ration. While at b ntion h s been so much direote '5 the organization of OorgresS) the Guiteau trial has not been forgotten, Its third week closad Saturd iy with tie interee' still up. The progress made during the week was considerable, and the Beenes we- nore of the same sort already de¬ scribed. Those w ho were present during Julge Porter’s cross-examination of the prisoner, are of the opinion that it rath er broke down the defence; yet Guiteeu proved to be very alert and sharp, while bis insolence is nneqna'ed. The impres¬ sion prevails here, especially avneng those who have watched the progress of .the case and studied the faces of the jury, that there will be to conviction, and that the jury will disagree. President Aribur has at lost gone info the White House to live, Everything is as neat and bright So a new pin since the old house has been fixed up. The Presi dent w ' ! * t,2cn Py tor a sleeping chamber a room that his rarely be-.-n used for that ^ ^ ^ ^ tbough Gen Graut occupied it for a short time. It is very spacious, measuring about thirty by twenty feet and is over the private dining room. It is fully as large as the Bed Parlor down atairs. During Geu. Grant's twd terms this.room was koown.as “M hs Nellie's room,’ being that usually occopi e( j (.y bia only daughter. The chamber is on the north side of the house und wu>a the smaller room adjoining occupies <h* northwest corner. The sun never s v iues on the large room. The sraall oue , vllJ ^ RO to Bprtlk? the Presides bon c*oirRi 2 ^ communicates with the large one by a mahogany door, the qnestiou that has lately agitated onr 8 oo»e*y circles is, “whet lady will‘preside’ at the White H-jtiBo aud;as- 4 st at recent ions, etc?” But — u pe „. <)cl by the r , eBia at> wl;o says that the wifeof a memberof his Gab* ioet—who e name is not. yet made nub lie—will assist him in dispensing the bos P iuiitias of tbft Ex )0aHvo M • n ** i0 °- In fact he exp^ots all ladies of his Cabinet . to come fo hisr scuein doing ilie honors. Ii.s miirri* 1 sister has oaree fc euf>n^h of h6r own kdci the minMrried cue is not phisically able to perform tbe duties. There will he none bat form .1 entertain st the mansi m this * mtBr —that is to siy diu.'.er paritt-s and public evening reerpMons. No one will be tb-re on whom tbe lediescan cell socieblf? as they Lave been in the habit of doing t heretof»>r«. , , Wbo 1T| is . to * b« the o Pablic t» i .• Printer « • * - seems to be a subject of only less mte^« he e than was tbe question of tbe .Speakership of tbe House or the leader on the floor. Tile matter concerns thousands in Wash¬ ’BgtOD. I have it secand-hund from the President that the change will he made iu Publio Printer as soon as the new Gub iuetissent in on the organization of Cor.gresJ. There is a very general ftel iog that it will be a good riddanoe to get D.frees out, nlthongh he pretends to say that he had assurance from President Gar field tu*t, if he wished to stay, “no pow¬ er could not get him out.’’ The old pub¬ lic ftinelioirary makes himseif “numer¬ ous” about the hotels where the crowds are, and his tali, rather bending, “form” and “white head” bob up seraudy. His general “muko up,” though, is that of oue ou whom politics had “soured,” and there has been a great deal of criticism of his po'iduct in tbe establishment. Stori ing P Rounds, that prince of good fel lows, of the printers’warehouse, and tho long-time publisher of the art pres 3 rta tive, “B junu’s Printers’ Cabinet,” and Ccpt. Oyster, a youthful soldier of the Seventh Pennsylvania Cavalry, ore tho live candidates for the place of Pablic Pi inter, v/ith Mr. Turner a Michigan putdiahe", r.l-o in the fle d. Col. Dudley dc-s not like to be interviewed about his change from Pension to the Patent Offiie, but it is said to be down on the slate th-it Gen. Jesse H. Moore, of Illinois, is to return fromfbnlh America to go to tho Pension Bureau; and what Col. Dudley wants, whether he goes to preside over the Patent Office or not, is to follow in tbe footsteps of Purler, and graduate from Wa-hingtcn into the Gubersatorial chtir of Indians Br-r. \ou Can be Suited. Cowsert A Co., keep the finest lire of clothing, hats, bools and shoes in town. They will allow no one to undersell them in anything. Hamilton (huh Lir t< ’< 11 Baptist.—R ev. A. K. Callaway, pastor Preaching at 11 a. m., and night, 3 rd 8 days aeg Sa‘nrd-y bsfore at 11 a. m. Methodi-t.— Kev. E- J. Bnrcb, pastor. | Pr *ebing at 11 a. m , t'h Sundays end Saturd-.y before Prayer meeting every ! ^^nesday n.ghh Cloth ing! Cloth tug ! ! The I.-.rgeat and best selected stock ev-r brought here which will be so'd at low prices at M. WoiGoak Co'umbc* Store .;*U end *--—--- Dries before purchasing. Pur.r. w ak anl «‘ek'r chi Mi -o mile i h i;.-!-} ,nl strong by B. iw ; • Bitt -ra. INDEPENDENT DEMOCRATIC f'iE'A’S^APtR. HAMILTON, GA.. FRIDAY DECEMBER 9J88L J * •— Another One-lion :: l imn. Among the Georgia news items printed yesterday was the follow¬ ing. Mr. Isaac Hunt, of Columbia county, made this year with one horse 200 bushels of corn and twen ty-two bales of cotton. On one Stalk of bis cotton 242 v\ c -11 n t turi d bolls were found. These one horse f irms are tin “farms of thb day.’* There is very little room for extravagance and waste about them. The labor force, whether human or brute, t e.asily looked atter. The propvie’ot is not harassed by maturing schemes for extending his credit or proctv ing advances ou his crop. When his crop lo gins to blossom it is un¬ der the light and suu-lrne of hope and not in the gloom of liens and debt. These one-horse fauns v-ill re¬ deem the fo"Uin .. of Georgia. They realize about thirteen to fif¬ teen hundred doMars r.: iecu yearly, and that by (ba figures is more than the average wcaith of M '-s > chu-elts, which is said to be tV, richest State in tin Union. Every abb-bodied man ;.i Geor¬ gia can run a one-horse fruit: and if every farmer ipms from one thous¬ and to five hundred dollars a year, the troublesome labor q-ie-tiou w ill offer but liuhi pevplt xi-.y. It l> - comes a mere quo-lion of tlm per¬ sonal industry of the two or three hands • running the p':nn and every din’s work speaks for if‘•■elf. To run Mich a farm prop' rly the proprietor in'ist furnish in him.- If » bright example of cff eiive iabov Hu must lead 'lie ro v and bo the most effective hoe and plow 1 i d on the p'aee. Hi a 1 > ■ nee- mn ;• be few. lie wid li iv ii ! i* tiin in lounge in the “■' t ■ ‘ • avd bur-f'-om-'. and tho days >• .• b • p and mo short tu dpi.,-u tl.. work be de-ires , bo. When our land is out- up into these cne horse farms the country will be populous—bind will he mar ketable at good grit es, Hocuiiy will improve, and people "id he wn t„ na ble and tmj >v t Iictuscm es. Honest and pro pei ous labor is !> r 'C 0 of contentan , m-a d , n-ippine-v , There ,J Wivtchcl C n !l ti**n than Dim ot n man running !*'•• nmuhand i u . and i tikunhnt' ? ir afior • a i bn— . which is vciilv 1 inevs ipi ' ’i 11 him more deeply 1 in the toils of ic. ' sol vencyP If anybody is conscious of being in such a stiait, let. him forthwith reduce Ins i.d- ■" • an'* en<j^gemoii •• it. n ■, ••..G.i"-. will give him tb- rilfo! oi v I Ii he is m 'let)'. t.i' • v<i;ior l ouco and arram;-- vv . < l.te . Git Control of your own iff ill's a: Soon as possible.—Macon Telegraph. Staiiettrts ... Tare on Top. Colonel McClure writes front Washington to (be Philadelphia Times: * “•'here is now ft stalwart revel in Washington T - in n w!i■« lisped thepr.u lie carne into p ■ tv - v; p 0 s ,, 0 l ce ,| i probable du'-tUt .v it!i ttemnU uH j voice, are not h. ’I’d in tlio , j the oriti lie tb part merits. '» gireels I j His sun has sd end the filfu! wor rshipors Of the capital who have , p ra , se f or ( .vei v ruler of t he j enl end contempt for every ruler | the past, non -pea ot Arthur as j <-he sayior of the p trtv; the Bia es man of the ago; the candidate for j J 88 J, Bbiti eis iibout ;o retire to I his quiet honi- iu the Einetrv.: ' Siate- Wind-)m 1 ms on I ! in Sen I now his own successor the a'e. MaoVeagh h i gon ■ ami.is' the jeers “f i • •<* iiov.- tn'nrr'pb ml ^ iiruVric plunde r- he .Jib .cur | ^ wilh w in e support - ‘ i I fc d Uy I ne pre-id nt, . -l.ues limited to the New Y«isr, " hen he f will give place to his stalwart sue* 1 cessor. Hunt m Kirkwood will 1 be unknown in an 1 about the ad ministration twenty d ys hence, and it is now probable that e /i n 'Lincoln will in-t survive the gen j era , wrwk o{ the , 0 ; ( . y ,„, on w |„ j, G;ir ^,,, laid th .. p, nnialioll of bm adminislratton. In tbe seb cion of the cuccess- r* of the fi-M cabinet no Gaifi -Id men wi l -.-j ply j Democrats considered by w the ill bo ndtatm tre:i -roti-'v ne-*- ’ra . I ' nn w h»-n nee* ---vy. I ut the <»* fled Republic.: stranijer to the Gvur Ot ti e A'iftnr rvi"'.” south Gem-Ilia Umfn-ence C. M. ^ Tins body .convened at Una place , Wednesday lust. Tr. is presided ( by Bishop L E. Ilol-ey. r i bore over aro manv preachers 1 and deh-qnt.*. * I - . . in attendance. burs aro handsome • mi w<- • < r.. - ed, while the e: ire body w pcs well in nppeam.ei r.cd euituir We vi i 1 give a li t •■{ the appomt tuynts rn-x' ffeck, 1 'i-hop fi- I ey, will we lea11', |>r 'iieh to tho vbi\vs at tlui M. F, church h< xt Snbba li. The ptt bind; :< ! of 'be \v< II-! r 'W v jonrcal, the 5 ivanneb V> evkly W p" ■ C sure i all sub cribers who send in t! < r name (with the price of the paper C r ore v nr, $2 00 ,) before the 1 st r-f ,T-n.. ur.ry, 1 882 , ant] all subscribers who renew before that .date, a c< py of any one of tho novels of tlio “Morn ing News Library.” free of charge These sends are written by Sow l l-'« orn authois arid Rie printed in handsome quarto fotm, in exctlp ut style and on good psper. The Wei l iy News IS !> tmiinmii'll paper, and ranks with tbe best journals in lie; Union. Ti.ts prtmiem offer also extends to tiie a oh* a^ieubnrai jntl rna! the Southern Farmer’ Monthly, mill any one of the novo! will he scut free lo tie w’io sub o.iTiho t<> the MiHitliiV i>>f a yc ir. * A<]t]roGvS, 5 II* Lslil), m avaliti; »*, (};\, Onion Selfs, G'lrdsn seeit awl i> fresh i ■ i Drills just re. G-iv d at tb<- Drri; 'ci ‘ f U Kit.ey. -- ------» -c»- * ?v~- - Fri s h .Pori Just recfcive.il fct BlseUrcon & K ” brouglj’s. Who Wants a MUh . ? ) Rf’. 8 posit’••'••!! • • \ ‘ ’« fit VI? G gr <)A iMPi'cif,',*' ; Oi* cuNou in til ,;r«- ,t xsi -letiessfcs lo q’lstifiniti..>'•;. C.ii • s ,.e k.' d 1 1 it sad “ on u i.u-l . th..'. mAy t;o leqairea' AJib era mS *t . ■ lIiniiiAnu. t .-• I.:- T- i'vW.iJiB A mbanitil''. mu.ii or w wan is cuiii iulv : f/i.e » . u< ; i • w\« itx.-v^,,rti . g’.)iir htoi'H \ arh. com,*.iTViGii ai:(? t>u.il>‘v*.s at' - | : fiuin ; n i'fttcfiv' liwr. V. e \vi>. ! i s-vV <«> ! our leaders t e b ■ t rciia'dy is ial'l 1 por ivline, or Lin 1 . ’-•■ r 'il!it'of» t rice nOe f r by MurmtG-<' r.it..nl ' j I shvk of l-mp G „ , 1. . -Complete ever, vanely, at lovest , .na s *>.» ' ' h & Co * Aib-nta. ! < u ' ‘ LiPv^iG-’r C-G'Td, I* 'biury N • Glfti-wInuH-*, r>r ««8 lido•(■:••, , K-.pr.•••'.! , , i . ik. « r n . : M te*u ,.a t ,ff, n, can defy j owupciitiun i on I these G iodr. Male $'< 10 . 01 . PerChriAmas. r lk& | i,l i ’.y orn of li lfJeOi e'h Mnii»b‘y i in tlw j tr'p/.o pr ///.lo defr rhavnt ol their ; >.•; r»tv• ■ s o' (■OJUfc :ma to in^ke l'o the person febirg us which Is the long' s'. Vi l- 6 in tho the O d lestamcnt pv jipiurea by D<<‘. 10 . h, f ' I, wo will | give $ 20 . 0 ') m gold r.n < prize. Tho ir.'-u- Da i ey will he forwarded to the winner ! cemher I.Vh, I St i l Those who try for tho priz - must Kind 20 couls wiih their answer, for which they will rncf ivo t « j Christ mss witoher of the Monthly, is which will be published the name and ad~ dr. ss of the winner of the pr z \ with the CQr?nnt RM'VpF theLC-tn. Oat this oo“ it Ti:;»y i> ( w n» i * * fj 20 (<‘0 t o yi> n. A-id)' ' v. , ,1., -u i.i.,u E iston, P i. Wood Waded, On the Tti-.l t of n av of C & B. It. It. Apyiy ' '‘Columhu- V.'ood J'-rd,' or «t ■ JH lfro'cl St., Columbns. (<». I.. II tits ;s & Co Fresh and Xicc. Pineapples, Peaches. Tom jtoea, R.iloion Oyster’i rua-kr-rsl and utt.e:' fresh earned goods just received by Blackmon & Kim¬ brough. j Hardware. Blackmon <t K.nihrough have u fu' : line of padlocks, door knehs, hieges, but’s sod olhi r b»V:» are. ! Ten Pounds For a Dollar. j Cali st Blackmon & Kimbrough'* sod cat a supply of the fre*h cofibe sugars they havJ just received. Pure and , Safe. v Blackmon &. Kimbroagh keep the best brM)d uf kcrf , 0 riuit OMlSot, ! - I-i not fl- to be s-en in iWrnt compar y. ^ & JohMolJ> wil , fieii yo0 orie to replace it at such a low price that yon will be fthbamtd of b&YiCp* looked shabby so long, Xot Sensational. I Blackmon i K'lnbrongt keep the b/' t, freshest and. moat desirable of family o : f..n-y gro.erif-. erdbv di.r.rvir.g ex;/c to command a liber I »! - re ot t!.«paU s sge of their friend* and tse public. dust the Thin g T r lb- d. y ■ »i" * »-' - nm‘.r>- - freto Ac** & Jolma-jn, Columbus-, who have a large aasorttafcBt at low prices, *.BE 8 T hi U 9 I^ORLSTr and JjV X'~A r Hi •■■'’"-r'i- ■«: ' .s’OTi^? , ; ft ■ :■. u -. iuim , ; ; 119 .. t r:v:t 4 vft^i:«aCACui. Carnwro-s ArtiStiai Ear Gratis. As ‘i* f”' ’ fttti immi Iff r-efA-tifly In r**’ it n* tin ti.a in; l:..:. . ..I. ;o'v (i ..4 tor v i • • *. v.■ “ .• lt’»l<‘, Vs v\ tv II » ■ '. U. li’s’inotlv. Ago N.>1 <(.' avt d If I . : • • » \VStho«5 u'.'.l > ■ . ‘ ■- ‘ i: N »• i \>Nj fb. pot l:o *vco • i i «-rariii.;. if..;., r V - ., COji.Tai JirltKMHl V Mi’.Vdt MiG;»»t t M .’r ; • re« •’.W.T -e.£th/ • i'l’ .. rib-iiuuiti .. , ■ - t - w;a .-•tiivv.-d. ini.! V.’- > l>viJ28i oaralulK tllv- cen* jti '.yr-.a .* ’ l :« tti :i ; o oi'r' - >> ’i- o -it '. n;< "■ »ilia turjty.m ro« c.v > - dg..-:i v to tiv-vi'.Jkr .'■• G ' . V: •. - ; - ;i! A 0.- ’a— " . ■■ t. . V v . ; , c ■ >n « - 'iv i<i v-Intf-a—cati» 8 V •.... i . p . \ • • i. . j \ x ‘ F.v & e rywl. AeWr.n-H, ft rj» iit'Uii fr-v . -I t'l'd". a i*-J» *» V - • v *hv * :j»* &'■ rn;- KSA.lv’* ■ : F'XSiti W. 3 ' 3. N if-:. •.-..T.r A'i VI HTC ■ 13 TDIAKArOU«, 3 ! ' 1 ." ' ;v> S ■: ■ : T: W’>Tif* v. J tACki r -T . - ’ I . Ur O' G; IImIi !’ 1 Mint liti'dl lift oHii.'ti, Lor; :.i ! • n IT* TUI.. . 'l i • «> btTt i ,, Vo’K 10 V -My 'F-F'AvSv t* • - ^ i r; porlnii.a. iixira (> . 1 ! .. 10 r, port: r " , At lift :i, I' PATENTS Woc(*nfinuo to net nsPolicitors for Patents, Oavontj, Tra l Marks. (< pyrli/liN. ore., fertile I nltcd ; Tales, Caiif.'J.i. uii.M. 2 Knjrlsuid, rrauw»tiei*u;any, v.tc. Wo liavo J:a l I t I-*f y-/i VG 5 ^cxpcrkcnrc. j rat( i it.s«!btuini.(.ttUV''iiDliiin /Fiii are iirttl nntU‘ciUn thofrr Tsthtu amfiupan. i Hirffo HplmulUi tuns* ; of trated\V('<;Myp.'ipGr,$ HFionro, Vt-rv 3 ».^T; ay 'nrpliowsthoi’i’n^rosa •• is intiTo Mar, aad has «n ('noriin iiH ; circulaiion. Adtln'ss MI NN A Jki’orit Sollcl ; fk'WYvrk. tors, I'l:V.,. <.f ;-h u ,ti; ;>• AMIiKIi'AN, HV i ui’f ItoW, If >7 <l b u kabmit I ,n • : tf:-•• •. f CyiJAMAIall ■ :m-- Mivp V P ..... f--:- ■ ‘ b "A m --i a-i-yo/g-, ; ■ m 4 Av' A- * ' tV / ■ if i ; FY The prcAt pepatotty of tVie “ SOTTHTTU" Pianos aran.n,; the musical public !.< tun bni proof of their excellence. SOHMEl l & CO., r ANUFAcrunrj'fj op* G c;n.i FF'i Pianos. '•M *• ’ 7 i r, I'ljt s;„ Ffv YirJf, 1 ( V- .1 , v rr ' . j I : **•; : r t Af a ST FDPU J i He i i n f" DIGisCH/Gs;'? i ,-!• b *- . h <;fr - a »t! , ) ’r^rC< ’tip, ■ j 5 l, ; " V-T'/ f, A \ I i ■ V. A ! | A\\ U\ ■■ <'• G/ if y , t Jit ¥ » y ^ ij nfi'paH : v¥ .i |--'T 4 S . J A‘ \' ’ ' 5. . 41 :\SV‘¥ 4 f >■[ I A. • A G «^ 13 /I [• . 'i ? L r\Si *■ T Yy p/' T- >. i -n t .1 FETI M S I ¥ r. r; c r. pas ss •;> others (m ' ]sonpr!i&Eo. ,1 ! “ S 3 UNION & 3 .NEW YSRK i tj ] G r HiCAG 0 1 LL.-G-- 4 • | ’ hr,it y RAH G C MAE 3 . ■-:?' 4 ~,rF%.iz*.c . inwaiftT Bramhall’s S. M. Deoot, Cohunbus, (la. Dontal STolioe I —: 0 :— ./. M. Mason, Dcitfi.sl Cflzi ever Eaiiiicr-Sua. Columbus, <»riorgi;t. Af >-■&*•>(■*! T?t« tt» fiot} I>! fumn %npfi*i*fur>J. I'l !*T «;‘.h Kean tifully Wilh HOLD OU OTHER MATERIAL. Inserts Art 15 Teeth f ram one (o er r. lir*. s* tt. AlL'WOaSC'WJLUT 'FZ.Zfii, Prin-a very B‘-»-osaWe. 1 l xtracUd without lain. 81 A YEAR. 0 "pT-p L —\ -rrri / p rr;jn '-PTr-tx TIEILQliSL -----i *~- J ■ * m ..... ---H Fwkgress ef the Age* X l— iyi;A. F.eGerEa k$, ' - ■ X TaJ <p b M ai*vet@BiH Sales* m. m o M 9 zi ■' SS t-.TV * •'4 t-A is IT a a . n <” r-. - i- c ' Mil 8 in I'l05V 4 * Sgmcc* 1 HAVE ! EMOVLH O TI.E F.LEG/.NT, f I’ACIotlS an!) TS.. ©Tf fTAT n y #1 r.Z: v' ^3 p a M ew; 13.4 Im T 3 f$? V. n 15 mm !«v il BESS •You li of m.d Adj-liniti'j tho Hamilton Wai'ebotiv Exhibit u Large, B ulUlilui und Co 1 ' I let* Cl©fS K J iStp) ®ry ) »l24iCS «nd ifurc 2 €RS »sh 1 bfd«M!cry, Not &S 3 i*tAs‘. CV-J ;! F 5 ]S V r (iv it § C/S'e r;:.T tri j a®d CrJa^iwape - , 1 .\ 1 .i.Vi ; SL iSTO K ftp % I |Th 'usS Q II ill II iN! V.\ fl i i ¥ ii If ii M ij a C '4 A r¥> 4 iWmg? '.rttS? 1 n 3 (^2 r % > S _ wr: n 11 u :■ -•eatv-r.' K 1 Sir Na ' ■ .k* C ti'pTtp; Superior at d iixt-ellent in Every Req cct.at Pill CMS THAT JlEFY COM PhTITlOS I j.. ii c,v y ot.lit r market. My twi’iiiM are largely increase m every dine' ioii. -\. Laiff r Uoimo.’ Moi i ! toe .ni l I ower* f ’rices ! More Cler ics l vVi'O w,i; .I -v-bo pi. - - 1 4. .J tr> T** >1.1 - K AN D HIOHJ*? /. ((- irtio i to itiir Patrons, w an nt i.\ci'>l*iiup u-j-tt'-C: H 'l. i in; liijrheri price* lllovil t:8sd©i!*cr Ceunlry Produce# |VI fi lit Iff * 4 * <■>*' **. T m',I J f >r very liberal patron .. ! ft ; ■I fd ir t* !»» ho j rrt|i... } t<-«! j ii-ifii-il u 1 dil • x - I vi y » ff'/l'l ll» (1 r i't i if *** 4 t. ai»*. J_j-lD* QVJX-J Won Id You Serve V mr best iutore«< ? Then call at Gowseri X «' ’-, fur (by goods or proc.ties, herd v are croak cy or gt pwrj. qjbey do n >t propose to allow c« J 1 body to upckrac them. Tde j.riies } O' Ui 3 r.rf .00 and Vicinity will find <Vn i a*net of dress goods, rations, far f I good", trimmings, t-boe ad prtn’s t pi ; by 0 t & C ■-., to l>« Me t - t selected to n,-in'Hot! ana ili^y aro du'ermitj. d to D ‘¥ ,p '"“' n .........