Hamilton journal. (Hamilton, Harris Co., Ga.) 1876-1885, December 16, 1881, Image 1

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No Paper Next I reel?. w The boys infest take Christmas and the editor is anxious to visit the la folks at home, so that the patrons the Journal need expect no paper ■next week. It is a long established 'custom with the Journal^ ml we say, the devil echoing the chorus, Blessed is the man who invented the custom tof suspending for fourth of July and Christmas. « *-----. Another Volume THhesJted. With the present number the Jour ■n t al closes the XiiVtTi year 'of ift cxis ‘tence. Tire yftar has been one of the ntbst prosperous in its history, and we are proud to say to-day it has more patrons than ever before. .That it is more deserving we do ndt ‘claim, for we have failed to make it as good as we have wished, and in ’many respects has fallen short of our aims. But we shall ask our many hear readers to bear with us patient¬ ly, pay us up promptly and we will try to be more deserving. We introduce some new type this week, and it is our purpose to pftt on Cm entire new dress as soon as time, 'circumstances and the condition of '-durpnrse .-V' dtfiit. By coming (promptly to v.n help in paying your ’subscriptions you will greatly aid us in this and our wife and baby shall rise up and call you blessed. But do as you will w.e wish all the ; readers of'the Journal, white and Alack, old and yotiiig k merry Chi ist -mas ‘an-d -X Trappy -New Vear. •Senator Hill on CivilScreict Ac if ohm \ . The senior Senator from Georgia Air. Hill, does ndt seem to take much ‘Stock in Mr. Pendleton’s civil service ireforrii bill. In the debate ttpoh Ihe -is quoted as follows: i “Mr. Hill, of Georgia, saicl that the •difficulty was not so much in the law ; a,s in the fact that, while everybody preached, nobody practiced it; and ’•the’people did not seem to care about the matter. While the people were weeping fever the tragic 'end of the lute President, a Federal judge,(re herring to Judge Rives, of Virginia), Sias soiling his ermine by •fiidSihg Wl a letter to his successor, whfe be x ome President by reason of acsnnpt Srivil service, appealing to him ‘to ifiake appoifetmeffes for the ■ffifj'toke. 'in the choice language fe’f tbit ’i'.idge. ! ‘of 'cementing a coa’ltiort;’ and -Vresiden't while, ’tire inOuriiing sobs V>fthe pebpfe Were ! ech6ir.4 -around 4)ini, ma le the desired 3]W:f.tiXent, land, perhaps with the same ink, Wrote '? homily on civil service reform to introduced into his ifiesrage tX 'gress. The President his a right tu 'rsrurae that everybody Vhd sthhiit civil service reform was merely playing with tiie jieople. lie w'Xs ih'mself removed from the New York ‘custom house for making it a political headquarters, and yet was norrin-M’td -'for the second Office iX fhc govern 'tnent, ivhile the very men that remov V-d him tdbk the stfimp for bis Xion. fn 1877, ■every man, High dr Tow, black or white, connected with the Returning Board fraucls ©T .rFyfi. ‘obtained a reward from the adminis Vracion in office by reason of those tends.”................................ The Fire Fiend. Monday night the town was alarm¬ ed by the ever tearful cry of fire and’ it was discovered that the new coun cil hall was in flames. The building was about finished,, and wor.M have been turned the -autbre ifies in ■a few cays. It wits a weodefe lire, aboffe twenty by thirty feet, ourlt in a very substantial manner of heavy pure timber, and the flames spread rapidly fro the time of tae discovery, an A there was no hope of ptfttir.g 1 hero 01ft fo,-the time the first ter arrived. By strenuous efforts and hard wet>J: -‘he fire was T re ' CTfe ^ frc.n comniumcaimg with the Jnur Nal office only twenty feet distant. The wind was .blowing almost a gale .from the sAtftheast and w hile it fan «.edahe flames, it carried them to¬ wards the exposed buildings, and the fesc?-r»r of tl.e town from destruction finy be regarded under the circum¬ stances as little short of miraculous. -All the citizens worked zealously, but to the colored people is due the mea'd -of praise. In behalf of all the proper¬ ty owners '</ f-br G:-wn we give them th'if.kr Personals'. -—Mr. R. Frost has sold cut -There has been much complaint of dull trade, but Christmas tr:x have continued to arrive all the same, un t a the-’q lay rrerth.-vir hii« Uiafe ever before. —Dr. T. S. Mitche’l has sold two • ver a iK-tb-able building lots on road avenue and we 'k-arfe t 3 wel’rzts will be put upon them at once. —Our esteeme 1 fhend Jas. ^vlocn. may be foun I with Messrs E.-ft? £ A <-.:i b‘. any of r . o. i Ilar ris c junfty net; jamtences -a he are searching for hardware. V ] "i v, w : an 1 -i k 7 mad c f 1 «- *lJ rt Of* V P-*™* N - ri • 3f- % Iamilton t- I ri ■5 ->6 & VOL IX.—NO. 49. A Good Sjionsor. From a Wry letter in the LaGrange Reporter, from Hon. W. O. Tuggle, who is spending the winter ril Wash¬ ington, we get the following: I asked Mr. Stepfh ens, “What do you think of the hew administration? You know tis said that Grant is his adviser and the South thinks Grant sullen because his’overtures for a third ternjt were not met half-kvay.’ “Well, you know,” said tlie sage of Liberty Hall, from his little carriage, '^my views of Grant—that he never said a foolish thing nor did at un¬ wise act, and if Arthur follows Grant’s advice I thtfrk his administsation will b'c node 'the worse for'that, sffrA though Arthur is a Stalwart Republican and will run on that line, still I think lie will execute the laws fairly and 'dis¬ charge his duties in a business why. Andy Johnson said Grant lied, oth¬ ers sky it was Andy. I can tell jrou ah instant of Grant’s conduct. Airs’. ’Coleman ,of Baltimore, came to me to sign a petition fo'I her son. I tAld Her to throw the paper away and ’g6 to see Grant. “I don’t know him.” J ust write y6ar riame and add “the daghter of John J. Crittenden wishes to see the President a hidtHent,” arid he’ll see you. Tell him plainly ivhat you wish and he’ll ’give you an imme¬ diate answer. She did as I -advised and ihfofriied me that 'Grant said “the place of Secretary of legation tb Spain ts filled, but ih May I intend to promote Mr. Fish and yoiif -son ‘-shall be appointed. He speaks Frcfrch and Spanish?” “Yes, sir.*’ l “Yes,’i's?.icl J, “and ferant w-H ’do it. ‘Now telegraph for yciYr son and , attend Mrs. Grant’s tefSpti’oh. ivtiT' • diice ; h : m to'the preside*'t-. for'! ■kne w hell stand the test, but don’t jay h word more 'fen business.” Jai.uaiy,t-anA Tube pasr e'd This was Jii X4ay' Co-email was appointed. WondHri’u'l feV4 ffifl fet WiVei' c-st’d renV'fiiscsnces! xvhat X go'.sifV py, readable volume his recoHectifens ofifeublic life and men Wotild be’ He is j Ust finishing X history Of the United States. lie wd-s %. Hfft tcriijne. v, 4ie dc'itors' say it may be a cancer. 1 don’t kfifexv how it will turn Out. It is doing well now,” and he smiled seriously; for lie has met the grim messenger ftkc.e to f a( * iii'l M ra«fe ftirn With a fatter O' 1 'bo reach. _ . .... The qftestkm is agitated freefy. T he goXd cause gains friends du ly. IVe 9iay not get wnat vi’e want now, but the people are thinking and if we bide dear one time people the will right get w.ll into ^tiiumph. the The right road,eventually, .else democacy is a false principal. There are but few ft he es now and timber is scarce. Necessity may force us to do what we do not how deem politic. : If the land owners and progressive men of the count y wi!1 on]y - ta ic e held 0 f t h c matter and work, they x'Hft Revert near acconrplishing tlfoir j >ur jjc»e. -The Jaw Requires every man to vo p e j n t ] ie distiict in which he r ‘ esi - f p es . This is favorable to our s pp e as j $ a ] so t ] ie law disqualifying a q w ] 10 ] iave no p jjaid tlieir taxes for the present year. M ore than a thouS - - an( 5.yfetbrs in the cfeunty are disquab ^ j ' lh ; s hlkuse. C et a list frorti p'i ie 'Collector of the defaulters in your district and see to it that this, law is p }. V en orce( Never in the history of the cotntry have the people ever had such an t>p porttnity of bettering themselves anci we believe that if they only realized j half the benefit that would follow the inauguration of the stock law, they would go to work in such a manner as to overwhelm all opposition-. ___-- Fire Flashes. —Col. M. Joseph, . of r the , ; one men chant princes of Columbus was a distinguished worker at the fire Mon day high! -Reuben Simpson, colored, c.ov ered himself in glory, m covering the printing office with water. —Mr. j. R. Frost was among the j 1,1 ^ "**-»-««• ‘‘‘ 3 ica! knowledge suggested an expedf ent that saved the town. - ^ _Tim Hayes, colored, toted forty gallons of kemsune oil forty feet, stumbled and spmefl rt. Ihe accs dent came near creating a panic. - —It was the Di-vest alarm over the iittlestnrc wc have Over known, — -i arks was not at the f.te but all b- ’ • had mc-th ng to do with hr “¥ the ho.cl. Independent democratic; newspaper-. HAMILTON, GA., FRIDAY DECEMBER 10,1881, . “Kbitf/hon Hats.-’ The tftlin;; desired found at last. Ask *'££*&*. Thomas, clothier of Oalhmb’fes, cte- , the sir os the pe’irple to remember that be many ‘goods suitable for the ‘christ'maS holidays. Ids keeps an Vegaut Ha% ‘o ( i ganis furniuhitig goods, such collars-, cravats, ioUftte, ’tfctcbels, walking ‘canloSt, umbrellas. &o.; if you will only dkh at h;s establi£hiDOut joti will be suprided at the eS'snVauJ variety of ftifis sl'dek and (he worth of his goods conpled with their 'low prices. “ JiitClihijmWd.” ‘Row, quick, Wonsplete cure 4 days, ur Brus 1 t>ng, ’frequent o r ’di-fficult urinfdion, kidney ’flisensea. Wsk'nlt at 'efteggist^. Ga. ibepot, •& 'Ijaaiat., Atlanta, Ga. That Old lint, IsW%tt'o be'-eec iu deoo'tit company. A'eee &.-Johnson, Columbus, wilt’sell yc'u 'bne to replace it A Inch a low price that yoU will bVaSbi-occS of IcaviDg looked skifbhV'ho :oig. Ilfdiit, if nnb.n'beersiiy, makes iaberatdky a Dressing eudh as ;t^-. Ajer’i ’issues, iu'dr-qio'fciuble to ‘m'iifvy. iP.'ir Vrgor r 8 oho of the most de'ightful, wo have ever a?ed. It fasfores'heft ntity theoolb’', but gloss tfud hiAnriance, to fHdid , a ! n l 3?»rf*v vr. ,---- --- i^l l • ---- : - X'ih'TseiiKle r . 'di nih.il tv.Wufei IS Adfn oife who suffjrs w?!h'd.V“pepSiiyko(ir j itch, constipation, and 'trotibles tiiisfiTg' frota an inactive liver. V/e ivoyld 'say to; ‘ohr reader.-H e best remedy V TablcrV pot- iifine, dr Live lii-gii.l.it 6 r. iViCc 'ffecVa ; 'sale Uy Ituvrali Yt’inwY id C’hritinA’ii Cohos. . f Oii 6 k if fthetB a're reoeivfifjt a fi' .e l»l 'if f cMi'canf'lTcr, utifs, apples, ovang.-■ imd o't’Kcfr uhrfstfnas pdods. tall FU4 sdc feur. i-Vcw/i V*ori; XnMouc, •H «'* VkiViVcX lit T 1 I- -non h -S on 'brii.'-gLk. Wood H'ilitti'h, i feft'tifeV.mlrVi'i'-xihv V,t<' Alt ft. -Xii'i’lv -ft ‘■’Cfef'i-'Sfer #o.id V-irdf ” «'<; ‘i'K ‘ihife'lcl lk-.'l.'ol'uml.ns G:V. ft ’if .mi h cl . If i'eish a ul ii fee. r 6 iff J ist r><cijiVef bV fe.liAUifa 9. -tCim t)r '-A- ( I ' l r. y’l'ffdaWb. ft’ ok'li -•■ A K jbroTfgh ft Sn '* ffuj c.f ; ,! it cl, •, door f:uo is, hr:jt( ; hu t? Vnd f-lb' r - ii - i »»r>. Ten Pounds Ford iVoitnr, Cull at LirtcUuioit tl K mbi** agli’H niitl t el p 1 • : t. 4 »re! h cc&ee they 'll y.’e fti'X V; toc^iVe L .Tiini ihe Th ir d F <r t’ho rainy «• «m is a nice, nm'irellk f am Ace ,t j >hns-ny ( on ::b ,: ?, Who have a hu-pc asBorl'mcnt at low prices. Onion Setts, . G aVdenft': 1 J and a fresh lot of Drugs j rsl rC'MiV d at the Drug’S tola. s . G. Itfefev. . Stron <t 3f est im on id lit RoV.te.Teb \V. Fey, fcitfea 3 «Wir. ish. 3. Ki y. iaY--.— ‘•Wvi’en I was'm y-'i’r city, you gave fn'e a bottla of Ej.ping’s Coihpouud Extract of Bueliu. When I came home I began itftk ina if accoroina to directions. suehftef.t. ft have never received fvoVri arty rcuv ;dy ft eficial cli’.-cts. ft feel As wclft iro*v as 'ever felt in thy life, after sVifredcg Yuiny years from kidfiey tronhfes. ft es'eem it art In¬ valuable remedy for diseases of the.kidneys and urinary’oig ifes, ffech as m.'tation-, in' fl lUmation, etc. Plea*® forward ido. aft once, one dozen bottles, and make me yom agent for Auguste, ft thfivk -ft ca'A Irttfo duce ftt extensively ht-fe. ’ M in'ufacfureVi ahdftor sale by ftb-annofe i, Carson, proprietors, ‘druggists, Colfemifet?, Ga. Shinny Men'. ‘Welfta’ Health Eetiewer. Ab.roftnle cure for nerVo’rs debility ’and weakneBs 'of the generative functionR. &\. at^ druggists, Ga. Depot, iiiKin, «*»&xn 4 t&»i\ ** G# * - it ____ Ac The Fie sh Speed y united, When obstinate pores are ciehnso-ft X;tb Ghr.c’s Sulphur fioap., „ Hill’;, Hair andWhiskcr Dye, tA cents Jluri) Me Near the Olid Home. ^ ^ SoEg c boh * by , Tah? Will L xbompsoh. ft3ic.ee iba death of id'cnt Gai.fiex,'d the sentiment expressed n tbft beaalifn! song has kcuute .At; h«’So a^reat Ta vorjte< We sdvf .j ai , lovcrs of popular music to send 85 cents to the publishers and recnfte a cofc# by lefaro &*il. 1'nb ’ ft, ’ THOMSON ^ 4 Co., ft: v ^ p0 ot, Ohio. ’ Georgia, Harris County. y V D Co ok makes apph'catior for letters nf ^mi^tration npon tbe eet*ra of fc* r»h A Msssev deceased. AT r-"n- concept,*«1 sre hereby noti tied to show c-o?e, tf any th<-y have, l,y the firs' Uocd«v in Fel.ruary nsS‘, why letter of administration .bond not be cr6Dt.il said gppl nigriatnre.Dee- c nt. G vea ia:h na er 13 my I. j. 5n j , n .j, facial J. F. C. Wnaiix u OjdiCEry. »)L w 1 ) lit.A Ik Or jt ® © S 3 IPS LADY’S BOOK, | Ad to Price of $3.0.0 Per Year. '(Mctest add Bert lady’s Dock in the Wxu'id. -- iggg SH® ©O^SSHTS, A rnn ‘ -■ -' J f s ^ p g | SI EL I V i 'w -s yMy iT’ffaEBsa i TM-Vk*' -s Vhe following old-time spociul' ■to' 80 Y, gat^irl lickiy cVriginal 'A S;ec\ Flat : E' jirvUigs. ii^a by l'\ V. DaVley , 'for T>iu"‘i'fu(i ■p.Viterns T.adte-s ami Cliildi'elfs. .Man;modi 'C, nro I Fasbioa A. P'ute. N*k6 t SMVics. FoJr'.s and I,■!,,*. pnlt 1'bfml.iV NoVeUy J‘,i~-e- i-i Colors. lIluAiatcd ArtWfJctrim'l Aij -iV9.ij:As And I'aj.-lii 1(b 'Ik-aVififii't n Home,Work. Hemes (T xtley’s Ilocipc-,God\’s I’uzj-.l-.-smid (iamca 41-jii‘hly (JhicAhiit in Fiisliiehs, etc., etc. <:dfi'f%ited StiiieS. 3Ev.-r? number complete in it.-elf! :MA’±5i-TG &KARLY 1200 PAGES Of C'lTi' frt l** 1. Letter ‘Pt'ess and I-I instrati ins in tile frill jV-ai’s WftoV, Hbbsctfv.Gns * 1.11 be vcceiveil at.tit's *of ‘f ee -iii cl ii xvit■ i this lmpeV. The'JiiUBi'Ai, '‘irn‘i XT'Clov s r ady ! l’:e k iu en't- year, pest pairl, 'ofily $S..Cf) , , Sample'Copies-20 cts,. All now's dealers sell it. .. (Vi’^'t’da HGiv To KfmiV-Get a 1’ 0 Mntfey I’liilmh lphia, or a Draft on lTiil 'these Mh-ljVila or 'bad-, New. V 0 ; 11 Notes iidithtr in ol 'can 'tie send Bank a ‘registered letter. . . tAdd repp-, iloiiBY^S L»t>Y v fc teuiXK IV BG (V). (1 TV. f-o), AidfiGbieku'fi st., ptil'itifijiiiiii, T.i. 3 :-c«!W!-.'.-.wtotAa A. lU-.-'frc \A hbf.iin n-i' jy ensf t, -i very bfii iirvli-ti:. n't ri>»y ti:fi -, in hr os us In offer v/n'i Tri'lVciifdck ’cf Dry Goo-la a! : ml ’ V>w ‘clA. Ii ciirifoly kiii too liirg-j fir (lie -Jo.-iicft ifif.'i Vk-tat Yeituinftl t-> ull b: art'.. \VcT. iYi; fli'u lai-ge.-t an I D-'-U i U.« U “if iil-A ■iieh.Tn i'h i*h Hyi<v:r, v ii'ich will be lit , ifi '-.A tX di' XlA ’Wv’-V 'ZKyf Just i iii ; Xh; k ay ml. Vriftvft- r.'.w V&tl’c.t vciSnAt’haV'i 'imin •Uy. lferi-y WAMtMt ft) Vdi r r 6 nnty c>fe 1 c kVipp'inii T. 61 X onv iiiimi-n.-e klfeck V,f iMn'Tonlt-, ftniij- >oifH, Vloni,-.- lies, he.-, which 'm’ii.X Jtic moved i>\ cost ‘or below. lYe l.ay'i iaiawls l'oi‘ Lirii-•, and over a s for p-ii,lerw ri lli.'if. like 11 1 FaiUm-nia'DhVi-irnafe ran a g-‘-. ftoTfe'-uihei o’irs if tto cue * HORSE esftfl.biftalii'ueVit, h’dr tjtis ady catdi penny adVe'tftsem’enft, NVo need mbm-y and a heap) of it arid we propfese to reduce our large stock with'A the 'next thirty days to obtain it. No iestiidion or reserve, ftmt oil': line stcklt Of--ji-ahk, elec irit lot of shoes ahd liOofts arid supdvh line of liat.-; and cloibirtz are Ml alike to be sr.c. .1 - I mm ftii'e cash, lit i, Vtkcl m for nv to enumerate tftie goo* ive have or the pik-s at wbi li we will sell. Do ilht iianil l ak on li id,me aVuft ret our price-, atvl «• -me quick fty c-'r ycii lose a bargain. This closing out die Vpet-s ft-'Aday mor-cn-r au-1 'Gauca for thirty days. During ibU til" We vtell rfe,t‘ci-eijit Fanderl/tt for 10 €TS, ,\e we r'anrbt .W; ,e goo'I? a* these prices. ' li -1 i only acts roc Is am! u >< d liatgainS’. VkAas'and see us. J. If. Cowsert & Co. 1‘oTETST.^. F. X Tx-ftiinsnn, Pol; :*or of Arm- V. can C. and All Fofrtsn Vatc-ntyVa-lcnaton, »ii--th l u-tv.< A connected jritl. Pap.nts. cr U-forc the patent Oil!" '« 'Ac <> urt*. prom ptly att* icrt d to. No fl/:!£<•■ tiasl nn'esf a patent is s. cmif*. Send 'or <ir enter. - Georgia, Harris County. V,'. II. Stanford, .vlrninirtratrr with will anno:- I, < 1 M - - H ,ry : ’A ha i* J <h ' a < rn .key Rj>;.V.ca'lo , <<• e* II Jen '.n - - oft a: ital S'/ek in,the •"oH-virths Ua r.f. ■ tnrir.y (Vanpany. ./II p- r an) concerned -are here by notified to rl.o* cause, if any they have, l y the li rt Slonilay in January nex|. why at, or.ter shoutd not he triaot ,1 sa/i cp ^filCJIllt. TJU'hr hand .'xn<I ofliuTl aI/ht (riven my turc Djc. 5th 1381 J. i' < \V(t liars, Oidinars- West Georgln o m Hamilton, Go. The cx rcis-s oflids institution will he resumed 3rd Jl-GL'-y (lot In Jammy next The patronage of all is solicited. Thhhkfi are hoVeby extended to those who have patronised me before, and will promise to keep in view the aim i f(uVrcommonwealth tile education of chi I (Iron. Full satisfac .tion : u-.uanteecl, or no lui.ion requited. Board can bo had from $'?, lo $fQ per month. Hates oTTu ttou. l'r.nmry Dcpa: talent $1,50 per Sonfli •Academic h>00 “ t'oilog: :te k I J (I 11 M sic V. 3 00 “ 1 SC of r.-H'-O 60 “ Inc! Icn.ta.la *0 gegRion The first f-aion A *s 30th June. Tei tion due otic-half h\ advance or at tlic cU so oi' Vach month. No dcductrCn for lost fiina except ill c so of sickness. Al asic depart meat under control of the principal School on lirst floor. For further fartierdant addre-S Javes J1 Chaw loan, I'rimiral Ayer’s Hair Vigor, IFOR RESfdRlMG VitA^ty C 3 AY HAIR TO ITS tSATORAl AW!) COLOR. Jr is a liipstn fivr.-ihle di-cJsing, which L ul harmless aiifl elVi-'ctnrvl, for is OI1C0 preserving Ihe hair. II, resInVcs, with th ■; ■ h nf y'mill, faded or cay, light, .-.lid red hair, hi a rich brown, i i'il- . ,■ bl-ick. as - ay he desired. I5y ils «:Set Vfihi '-.air Is lliicknnci!, and baldness (iL'eYt lh ifiifh not always secured. It V-ii'l cl,.-: T iHi’iV'i ’(-f the hair immediately, an 1 cau-vii i. iiVHv yrowlh in ull cases Afi.-fc ih fifr-’afc not decayed; while I.) 1 >: i . I-,cek, in otherwise diseased A’’ nj a:., k..pailk Vitality and Sttt'ngth, 23 i.V'hter-It- plh-.b’e. Tni; \ ii.c'fi cleanses the icc’sil'Pi eures ,>.;;d pi’ei ent.i Ihe forma tier ilaudrulT; ami, Viy Iff cooling, cftmuluing, and s lotuiiiq pr.-pcrlii a/it h'eafs most if not a'! of Ihe homo:;) mid diseases peculiar t the.?: '’f, ' :i < pi ig it cool, clean, ami t .,T, fender which conditions diseases cf the dcsljv and hair are impossibly. As n Dressing for Ladies’ Hair, The Vioou is liieoinparahlo. It is color¬ less, contains neither nil nor dye, anil Mill not soil white cambric. If imparts ati agreeable and lasting perfume, ami tu an jirtjilo for the toilet it is economi¬ cal ivu* wr.UH'assed in ils excellence. rnncAUCD bt . . 0. AYER 6 CO., LJFcn, Mass., i'l.i' liraI »i,fl Analytle-il Cliimhtfl. eoCo uv Ai r. uaua-ji: u xvaiirH'UBiui. fc&afa y Thn prr-at popvlnrlif of “SOIDfKH*' tiw IX’anofl tmorir? the mtlBieiC |»ublic Ih be»{ I>roof of tiicir excellent: 0 . COHHEn & co„ Vjlh g r agti • r. r rt z or Grand, tSqssfa, Mi Pianss 143 ta 155 E. ! 4 ’h St„ Ycrk. Dsatal Hotico l ./. M. Mason. Dentist C 2 .cc over E 3 .ya 1 :k-Stb. C«l'Jttill>«H, eorgia. Treat* At»««re*'l Tcctb unit nlscasctl Ollin. fnrc>l<rull|- Ft 1« Teeth lifully With GOLD OR OTflER 1UTF.RUL. Inserts Artificial Teeth from one to an Etr>e tfri* ALL YT 022 OTJASLAftft r ,„„ p,; c - s v rv lieasopahle. T' :,:h ■**-—* tacted w thon*. p%i« f tCLt* .x let iLviu. l*j:* j-'i. pst fci tor H .. 8. - : rot! Sa»li>e, T ir.- ir-, A * 14 v,.j ,»rniir.c,Or.,xiur,l'oil'a!*«, ‘ rtitbwFi ...... Ltai-i. 1 1‘ --jC ,.t» a v t p .>*» m ni.AJM vunwjr. vw, *1 A Vi:,'K. i 3 H nr* OF THE TIMES - i*osre§§ v :-.rt' ^ ISBX Bl ViJ ; Age, M. S. Modcrii SSyk 3 -* ML S. Marvelous sjl fa MasHESlotli Stock* un Wore ^pac*«'k i BAYE R! movfA; To .Tins et.eo an T,f sracious; anb *-A - ew rck IpsssS* sc Store 3 e Viuh of mid Adjoining tl.o ITfttniUoii .Wtiri'l.tt.pn, whora I fe?ll Exhibit u Large, lhauuliful and Got: plena Sloth f Cloiiliiilg, Pry SlHtci unci £Ioo<k 5 Harsicei and waddlcry^ -NotiiMiiii and Fancy Crockery and ®J1asswar« AND AN' x.iiMENHE ,STQ Ii (JF 1 f I S i B )EKSSHSZZ' mm) / r n LwV* >m 5 I li m-i ■w n e j Z^u Crtuplcte, Superior aiid Excellent iu Kvety Respect,nt PlilCHS THAT IJBFY COMPETITION In t’rt.rt' lily other mr.rket. Sly faci'itk-s cro increase In e-Ory dtrecion. A. I^fxi gcr House ! M«r<i Horm ! J ower /’l it ers ! , More tCTerlrst? Who will always he pleased to extend j’oi.ri i: and rPsOM^T Attention represented. to our The I'atron^, highest prices >inl And tvarraui everything as t C}«i4i©ai siiEti ©flier Country Fa-oduee-# • .n r • -yrri'ni Ci good a of fteccunts. 'iTiankfifl for very iil;er>:! p.itren iu ill* in*!., nn.r»olA*ii‘|^ u Hit hlia e in i;»e Imutv, 1 JeoK jasiiMe4 a-^arin^ my IVu iitjn *ni-i j -4 \that I win ctcsI tVtTj czior ► ('! vc heir l‘R '1 ■. tlvj’-l U-Jl fidi't.ev. iMi- Nfr OILiITSO JisTe Tour 11,me Nele<. ! A l of the people have not been snfiplrt-/ !'*'] witb good clothing, though Thomas h ' doing b's liest nod ban »h!o aseists.uk; i«. ihs good work. The rack.. tgko-i him, ho say?, ha? r-evcr boon (quailed id . *.n experience V* -five years, evA ■ the people rasy rest assured that, there K 11 ; vie merit, where there in oontjum u* G E Thomas has taught (hi ,i people ihe merit of good goods, and dny have learned that ho has nolhing to dd with anything else. Those who have ndt fennel this out, cm do so by ca'lins > ft his ClnUib-p Emporium. Ooltirabn?, 'Gi*.