Hamilton journal. (Hamilton, Harris Co., Ga.) 1876-1885, December 23, 1881, Image 1

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t'Ss.'-otv?-v No Paper Next TPee?,-. The boys must take Christmas and the editor is anxious to visit the old folks at home, so that the patrons of the Journal need expect no piper next week. It is a long established custom with the Journal and we say, the devil echoing the chorus, Blessed is the man who invented the custom of suspending for fourth of July and Christmas, Another Volume Finished. With the present number the Jour¬ nal closes the ninth year of its exis¬ tence. The year has been one of the most prosperous in its history, and we are proud to say to-day it has more patrons than ever before. That it is more deserving we do not claim, for we have failed to make it as good as we have wished, and in many respects has fallen short of our aims. But we shall ask our many hear readers to bear with us patient¬ ly, pay us up promptly and we will try to be more deserving. We introduce some new type this week, and it is our purpose to put on an entire new dr-ss as soon as time, circumstances and the condition ot our purse will admit. By coming promptly to our help ill paying your subscriptions you will gveatiy aid us in this and our wife and baby shall rise up and call you blessed. But do as you will, we wish all the readers of the Journal, white and black, old and young a merry Christ¬ mas and A Happy New Year. Senator Hill on Civil Servict Re¬ form. The senior Senator from Georgia Mr. Hill, does not seem to take much stock in Mr. Pendleton’s civil service reform bill. In the debate upon it lie is quoted as follows: “Mr. Hill, of Georgia, said that the difficulty was not so much in the law as in the fact that, while everybody preached, nobody practiced it; and the people did not seem to care about the matter. While the people were weeping over the tragic end of the late President, a Federal judge,(re ferring to Judge Rives, of Virginia), was soiling his ermine by inditing a letter to his successor, who had be come President by reason of a corrupt civil service, appealing to him to make appointments for the purpose, in the choice language of the judge, 'of cementing a coalition;’ and the President while, the mourning sobs of the people were echoing around him, made the desired appointment, and, perhaps with thcr-amc ink, wioie a homily on civil service reform to be introduced into Ins message to Con gress. The President has a right to assume that everybody who talked about civil service reform was merely playing with the people. He was himself removed from the New York custom house for making it a political headquarters, and yet was nominated Tot- the second office in the govern¬ ment, while the very men that remov¬ ed him took the stump for his elec¬ tion. In 1877 , every man, high or low, black or white, connected with the Returning Board frauds of 1876 , obtained a reward from the adminis¬ tration in office by reason of those frauds.” The Fire Fiend. Monday night the town was alarm¬ ed by the ever fearful cry of fire and it was discovered that the new coun¬ cil hall was in flames. The building was about finished,, and would have been turned over to the authorities in a few days. It was a wooden struct¬ ure, about twenty by thirty feet, built in a very substantial manner of heavy pine timber, and the flames spread rapidly fro the time of the discovery, and there was r.o hope of putting them out by the time the first wa ter arrived. By strenuous efforts and hard work the fire was prevented from communicating with the Jnur Nal office only twenty feet distant. The wind was blowing almost a gale from the southeast and while it fan ned the flames, it carried them to may be regarded under the cucum stances as little short of miraculous, All the citizens worked zealously, but to the colored people is due the mead of praise. In behalf of all the proper¬ ty owners of the town we give them thanks. 4 >*--— Personals. —Mr. T. R. Frost has sold out. —There has been much complaint of dull trade, but Christmas trix have continued to arrive all the same, un til the display by our merchants is lar-er than ever before. _Ur. T. S. Mitchell has sold two very desirable building lots on rail road avenue and we team dwellings wiB lie put iqsin them at once. _Our esteemed friend Jas. G. Moon, be found witn •» ? 'tTS may Estes and Son ! v any c-f h:s cM liar r:s luiity acquaints es who are fi.r hardware. 1 1 sd k v chdi.eu male 1 btsviii by hr -wa'i Bitter'. HAMILTON 1 1 r A ii U ri /1 x i el & . V VOL. IX.—NO. 50. A Good Sponsor. From a racy letter in the LaGrange Reporter, from Hon. W. O. Tuggle, who is spending the winter at Wash¬ ington, we get the following: I asked Mr. Stephens, “What do you think of the new administration? Ycu know tis said that Grant is his adviser and the South thinks Grant sullen because his overtures for a third term were not met half-way.” “Well, you know,” said the sage of Liberty Hall, from his little carriage, “my views of Grant—that he never said a foolish thing nor did at un wise act, and if Arthur follows Grant’s advice I think his administsation will be none the worse for that, and though Arthur is a Stalwart Republican and tvill run on that line, still I think he will execute the laws fairly and dis¬ charge his duties in a business way. Andy Johnson said Grant lied, oth¬ ers say it was Andy. I can t“>l you an instant of Grant’s conduct. Mrs. Coleman ,of Balliiliore, came to me to sign ^petition for her son. I told her to throw the paper away’and go to see Grant. “I don’t know him." Just write your name and add “the daghter of John J. Crittenden wishes to see the President a moment,” and he’ll see you. Tell him plainly what you wish and he’ll give you an imme¬ diate answer. She did as I advised and informed me that Grant said “the place of Secretary of Legation to Spain is filled, but in May I intend to promote Mr. Fish and your son shall be appointed lie speaks French and Spanish?” “Yes, sir.” “Yes,” said I, “and Grant wall do it. Now telegraph for your son and attend Mrs. Grant’s reception, intro¬ duce him to Site President, for I know he’ll stand the test, but don’t say a word more on business.” l ime pass¬ 1 e< h This was January, and in May Coleman was appointed. Wonderful old Man, full of inter esting reminiscences! what a uossip ! py. readable volume his recollections of public life and men would be ! is finishing . history of thf He just a United States. He wears a patch over his left temple. “The doctors sa y it may be a cancer. I don’t know } )0 w it will turn out. It is doing well now,” and he smiled seriously, for he has met the grim messenger face to face till he meets him with a smile. Fence or no Fence. The question is agitated freely. The good cause gains friends daily. Wejnay not get what we want now, | but the people are thinking and if we bide one time the right will triumph. The dear people will get into the right road eventually, else democacy is a false principal. There are but few fences now and timber is scarce. Necessity may forc-e us to do w-hat we do not now deem politic. If the land owners and progressive men of the county will only take hold of the matter and work, they will come very near accomplishing their ptirpose. The lav/ requires every man to vote in the district in which he resides. This is favorable to our side as is also the law disqualifying all who have not paid their taxes for the present year. More than a thous¬ and voters in the county are disqual jf ie d by this clause. Get a list from t j ie Collector Q f the defaulters in your d ; Etr jct and see to it that this law is en f 0rcc( p Never in the hist-y of the country me pcop.e ever had such an op half the benefit that would follow the inauguration of the stock law, they would go to work in such a manner as to overwhelm all opposition. • Fire Fashes. —CoL M. Joseph, one of the mer¬ chant princes of Columbus was a distinguished worker at the fire Mon¬ day night. —Reuben Simpson, colored, cov c-red himself in glory, in covering the printing office with water, —Mr. J. R. Frost was among the first to arrive at the fire and his class jeal knowledge suggested an exjiedi ent that saved the town. —Tim Hayes, colored, toted forty gallons of kerosene oil forty feet, stumbled and spilled it Tke acc: dent came near creating a panic. —It was the biggest alarm over the littlest fire we have ever known, i —Sparks 1 was not at the fire but a”, . , . . . believe had so:, ethmg to do w tn nr ir.g the hotel. INDEPENDENT DEMOCRATIC) NEWSPAPER. HAMILTON, GA„ FRIDAY DECEMBER 23.1881. ‘-Bough on Rats.” , The thing desired found Ot last. Druggists for “Hough on Rut," e'enrs out rots, ruioe, roaches, flies bed Nice for Christmas. Thomas, the clothier of Columbus, dt sires the people to remember (Let ho has many goods suitable for the elitist mas holidays. He keeps'an .elegant line of genis furni sfcing goods, such as collars, cravats, shirts, s-atehels, walking canes, umbrellas. &e. If you will only c&li at hie establishment you will he suprieed at the extent ted variety oG id” stock and (he worth of his goods cospied with their low prices. “Bitch upa i ba.” New, quick, complete cure 4 dnye, ur t utavting, frequent o r difficult urination, kidney diseases. $i. at difltifr^sg. Ga Depot, Lamab, Ivankin & Lamab, Atlanta, Ga. That Old Hat, Is hot fit.tobe seen indecent company. Acee A J ihnsou, Columbus, will sell you ooe to'replace it at such a low prioa that you will bh] nsbaic[ d of having looked shabby so long. Hdbi*, if Dot, ^necessity, makes a Hair Dressing /melt as Dr. Ayer's laboratory issues, ind'spensib'e to many. Ayer's Hair Vigor is one of the most delightful we have 6ver ueed. It restores not ouly the color, but gloss autl luxuriance, to faded sndigrsy baif. ----—Oft. • ••••• A miserable than or woman is certainly otic who suffers with dyspepsia, sour stom¬ ach, constipation, and troubles arising from an iuactivo liver. We tVoitld say ft! our readers flic best remedy is Tablor’s porlaline, or Live Esgulator. Price 50c.far salu by Muri ah & Craw lord. Christmas Goods. Cool: B others are receiving a ft 'O lot of freth candies, nuts, apples, orsngws and other Christmas goods. Call and see them. Fresh Fork Sausage. Just received at Blackmon & ICun biongb’s. Tl'ood Hunted, On fho Kiel t »f wav ‘of C & U. B. It. A’ ply at ‘Cohtc hiis Wood yard,’’ or at 114 Broad St., Columbus. Ga. L Hahuis & Co. f! lit} \ire. Peaches. Tomatoes, Salmon Oystorw nmekrtr"! and other fre«h canned goods just received , by n Blackmon . , & . R-uu- F . brous»h. Hardware, Blackmon & Kimbrough (av" » full line of r aiBcckc, rteor knobs, hingco, butts erd other hardware. Ten rounds For a Hollar. Cali at Black noon & Kimbrough's and get ft supply of tho fresh coffee sugars tboy have just lccoircr). Just the Thing For the rainy a-as<m is a nice nmbrs'la f oiu Aces <fc Johnson, Coimubn-, who Lave a large assortment at low prices, Onion Settn, Grdfii aod a frCteh lot of Prills jnst receiv d tho Drag Htore. 1 ;. U ;Bir.i'r. Stroii*/ J'etitimonialu: Rr v. (‘;! «li W. JLi V , f 1 1 her of Lit vr Jos S. Key. says: — “When 1 was in your city, you gave me a bottle of K,.ping’s Compound Extract of Buchtt, Wl.en I came home I began talc imr it according to dirwiioua. 1 lmve never rec< ived from any remedy such hen eficial eff cts. I feel as well now as I ever felt in my life, after suffering many years from kidney troubles, t esteem it an in - valuable remedy for diseases of the kidneys and urinary organa, Hteh as irritation, in {1 animation, etc. Please-forward me, at once, one doz mi bottles, and nuike me your agent for Augusta. I ih’nk I» cun intro¬ duce it extensively here.” Manufactured and for sale hy Drunnon & Carson, proprietors, druggi-ts, Columbus, Ga. HJiinnv Men. W a :is’;HcaHh Itenewsr. Absolute cure for UO rvons deidhty and weakness of tho sc— bmta, Ga. The rtesh Speed tit/ lley ni fed When obf^tina^e sores are cleansed with Glenn's Kulphur fioap. Hill’s Hair acdWhisker Dye, 50 cents Bury STe Near the Old Home. The latest Sou;? and Chores, by Will. L. TboBij/ on. Since the death of Fbks idevt Gabmsi.d tho sentiment expressed n thi; berntifn! song has become nni ver-iai. The melody is very pretty, and already the piece has become a great fa¬ vorite. We advice all lovers of popnlar itinsio to send cents to the poblishers and reor-ive a cepy by return .mail. Pub¬ lished by W. L. THOMPSON A’.CO , Ea*t Liverpool, Ohio. Georgia, Harris County. W D Cook mskrs spplieatic* for letters of affminwAration upon the eata'e of 8« r»h A Kinsey deceased. Ail person. conr.p»ned ere hereby roti tied to show e«n-o, if any they have, by tb* first Mond>v in Fefcrnery nsxq Wby j ! letter of edm.nisrr.tion .hon'd not hr Granted a- id epp! c nt. O van ’ n er my ^ . pg , : ,i. - nn-.b • - . h iv:». J. F C. Wauixs, O diesry. _ 7 X ib./V L\j v/U JTA Vgpjif l|t jSLi»r fTN li ‘’ftT J ^SSk Ea kj LADY’S BOOK low Price of $2.00 Fer Year. Oldest and licit Lady's Buck in the World. &S3 TS3 KORTUIiY QOiTTElTTS, FOR 1831 A COMPLETE NOVEL IN SVAPVF UVASER 1 Eased s the follorni-g old-tims special tier. B aatiful Original Steel Plate £ tgravi i. s. Designed by T\ (,). C. Darloj Diagram patterns Tor LatHc* and Childrens. Man* moth Colnred Dash ion Piute. SUo t Stories, IV.eu.a and Sketobfu. Oiu Populm iNovoMy Pages in Color*. l!luhtr»U^l Ait and Fttshi'n Ilonic Work, Architectural Designs for iVaUtiful Homes. Godey’iRecipe ChiDChat ,God) ’s Fashions, Pu7./J ‘. >! end Games Mouthly a uj etc., etc. No continued Stories. Ever/ number complete in itself! MAKaWS 3SKABL7 1200 TACSS Of Original Letter Press and Illustrations in the full year’s issues. Subscriptions will Iso received at this of¬ fice in clubs with this paper. The Journal and Gottcy’sfLady Book for one year, pest paid. only $tl 00 Sample copies 20 cts. All news dealers sell it. llow To Rca.it. —Get a V O Money Order on Philadelphia, or a l)raft bn Pail ttdel| hia or New Yo n. if Notes liritlvr of these am he had, send Bank in a registered letter. Address, (Limitrd), Gonrv's Ladv's Book Pen'll Co. 100<! Choatnut St. Philadelphia, 1'a. Do-lre to obtain ready cash, » v vy desun Lde-yti tide, at ahy time; induces us to offer our entire stock of Dry Goods at and below cist. Our stock lUehtircly too huge for the so spoil and must lie reduced ta all ii ards, Wc have the hugest an I her* stock of dry goods in the town, which will be si liliurd for the next tbiiiy diya. Just think, a wor-tf«! ilre.s, of hit • t style roo«1a, for 10 eenta. # 1 lie pttftticftl line of pr nts, fiont ^ to he slau-hb wd at 5, cents a ysrd. This is In-low co-f b..t wo must havs mon¬ ey. Every FAMILY In the county cstt ho snpp’ictl from our immense slock of notions, fancy gocnl-t, domestic:, Ac., which must ‘be movd :>t cost or below. Wo knve shawls far ladies an<! overoofi'fi for ^•n'lomcn that like the Culil rnia Chi:i»iuan ium l go. Rcnirmbor ours one HORSE rsffth’i-hment, nor this any catch penny adve.ti-emeut. Wc n-rd money and a heap of it and wc propose to reduce our large stock withh) the next thirty days to obtain it. No restiiction or reserve, hut our fine stock of jeans, elegant lot of shoes and boots and superb line of hais and clothing are all alike to be sacidi cd FOR the cash. It i*t usel for us to entimerde the goods we have or the pricn at wlii h we will sell. Do not stand bu k on tbL; ^‘orne and g<-t our priced, and cjme qub k Iy or you lose a bargain. This closing out H.de opens Fi i<lay morning and (.on tinues for thirty days. During thh time we will not credit Vanderbilt for lO CTS, As we ranr-ot ihsrge goods at there prices. Cash only Bets goods and pood bargains. Come arid nee us. J. II. Cowserl & Co. patents. aud‘ Yorh'n All bu>ifHFfl routnvted writb J'ab uty. wb©th er lief ©m the Patent o tbe Courts, prom ptly attended to. No cbaige made unless a patent ia k* cured, bead tor dr cklar. Georgia, Harris County. W. Ii. Stanford. admini-tratcT with will Ldl ten staries of (.'*[* ; ta l Ntoek in the Coltmt-ur Uanufacfnrintr Company. All |x nuns concerned are be c fi—ft to ehowcause, if any they have, |.' r the fi ft Monday in J irn :ry nex'. why , w< ! er shout.) imt be granted -Olid *p rficaut. Giron under my Lard and < fir id t! r** u-- l e-.-Sh I'M j r. v/jxluju, OeJi West Georgia AGRSCULTURAL COLLEGE, Hamilton, Ga. The ex Tciscfi of this institution will be resuiMCt 1 3H Monday (lG) in Junn iry m*xt. The patronage of all is solicited. Thunks are hereby t xtendci to those whd have patronized me before, and will promise to keep iu view the aim t f out cemmoaviea’th tbo odueiitiou of children. Full eatisfnr tion guaranteed, or no tuition required. Board can Ve bad fi rm f8 to $10 per month. Bates of Tt: tion. Hiinavy Department tl.oO per mouth Academic “ a oo “ 41 Collegiate 8(0 “ 11 Music 3 00 •' t» Use of Piano r>o “ • I I'lddontnla 50 “ s-sston The first session on Is S^th June, Till tion due one-half in advance or at tho cl urn of each month. No deduction for lost tinu except in c vse of sickness. Music depart meiit lithlri c mtrol of tl.o priucipal School on Sr A tloor. For further particulars addict James M Ckawfoud, Principal !\! mllM T, WANtW MM LiUSSli ss Ayer's HairVigory FOB R&TOnifiQ RR».Y HAIR TO ITS NATURAL VITALITY AflC COl.Ca It is a most agreeable dressing, which .is at once harmless mid effectual, for preserving tbo hair. It restores, with the gloss and freshness of youth, failed nr gray, light, and red hair, to a rich brown, or drop black, as may be desired. Hy Its use thin bail Is thickened, and baldness often though not always secured. It checks failing of the ltali' burned lately, and causes a new growth In all casus where the glands are not decayed; while to bvaehy, weak, or otherwise diseasotl tair, it imparts vitality and strength, and renders It pliable. The Vi or):: cleanses tho rc&lp, cures and prevents the formation of dandruff; and, by Ito ccnliiqr, stimulating, and soothing properties, ll heals moat if not all of tho humors and diseases peculiar to She scalp, keeping it cool, clean, and soft, under which conditions discuses ot the scalp an-i hair »ro tmposalblo. As a Dcoseias for Lailiea' Ilnir, The ViQoa is Incomparable, It la color¬ less, contains neither oil nor dye, and will not soil white cambric. It imparts an agreeable and lasting perfume, and as an article for the toilet it is economi¬ cal and unsurpassed in its excellence. rsaranap xr Dr. J. C. Affi S CO,, Loffell, Kasi., *Ci<1 A*m!ytlc*l (iitoiuistl* BOLD ar jLUL »KU««I*lT« KVi.rtT WU CLJI. 'm B S9 [J 11 « i: V, ! ■sypuB Thn rrftct populfxtty ot t2k«» "OOTlKfrE* ?1 aik« unions ra'JfctcA; paUJo 1 a tho U*i proof of their fcXtieJleacn, EOHHEE Cz. CO., Il±rvmrviu:z9 09 Grand, Square, and Upri^l Pianos, W 9 to 155 L 14 th St„ Rtv Yari. Dental Notice! — :0;—• J. M. Mason, Dentist Oaco ever SnqRSror-Sua. Columbus, Georgia. Trent* Ah*o***M Teeth nv<t cnmi »««*»•» mil j, riUnT^elh V,»mm iilui«j With gold ou other material. Inserts Artificid Teeth from one to an F.n» : .re Sett. ALLWOEK G VARAN TEl-l?. Pric*" very KeacoaaMe. Teeth t-s.cted witho'i’ psio . -'fed; •i\ r ■■ -1. Vnm» tor ID: tt mtA <tit* ■. * *SW 15 is:.. iC3 ■ ju*t p*UicUd l * tT ior tfrr.nr-. l i Y t **r 'l £ctgV> AIT * t.LV. !’• • e to 150. I—1 a'ilrwJ 'f»e “ fc -:t i t td'aWJf,, i t Hi© v 3 ** -6 M-tff- - HZ .ill 0 l j\ Y KAR.. SPIRIT OF THE TIUkCESS. ---*4 Progress ©f the Age. H i M. S. Moslem Style* M. S. Marvelous Sales*. M.S. Mammotli Steele. M.S. More Space 'd I HAVE REMOVED TO THE ELEGAST,’SPACIOUS} AND New Brick Store House mm Smith of nnd Adjoining] il o Hamilton *\VattLoa<«, wherw I vyi!) Exhibit a Large, Beautiful tuul Cow plate Stock t Clotliin flf Dry Goods Nieces and Hoots, Harness and saddlery* Notions and Fancy C*oedM Crockery and Cl ass war© AND AN IMMENSE STOCK Ob' 1 t % k & JSSZ m I C Kuperior and Excullatit if* fcvety Ueepcel, at PRICES THAT DEFY COMPETITION, In this or any ether market, Sty faeilitici aro Itiftfc-iv.increase in cr*rv direction. A. Larger House! More llooin ! Lower Prices l More Clerk* I Who will slwava he pleased to extend POLITE AND PROMT l Attention to oitr Patrons, And warrant everything as represented. 1 be iiigheH prices * !•>«« 1 Cotton and ©liter Country Produce 9 n payment ior goods or accounts. Tltanklu! for very libera! pn’r-'n in the pa«t, and solicit.ug a fur share in the future, 1 feel • i :r:n m- friends and pain as that I »ii «crl every effort to ! rervo iheir increased cm.lidesoe. hvT- -W OLFSOl 4 n Your Time Next. All ot the people bays) Dot been (Mpph at with good clotting, ftoagh Thomas i* (Joing h : 8 best M,d bus able ts iu iho good work. The. mi-h, r-'.ioY: rqoa him, ho pays, has never been -qn-.lDci in sn experience of twentj-flv* years, .md tbo people 10 ay rest assured tfcs.j i« tiuo rociit, Vaere thero la coniiam.tri success. G E Thomas has l.v.i;;! t tt.e people the merit of jr.od goods, and tUy have iekrued that he has nothing to do with anything she. Those who Lev* not f ° ntl d this ont, 0 »o do BO by os'-iiny at hie Clolhmg Emporium, Oolnrobas, <