Hamilton journal. (Hamilton, Harris Co., Ga.) 1876-1885, April 14, 1885, Image 15

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i I I >LANCHARD k BOOTH ARE NOW SHOWING THE SOME ST EINE OE HAMBTJRGS IN CAMBRICS NAINSOOK AND lO BE FOUND IN COLUMBUS. TUEY UAVE ALSO RECEIVED New Linen Collars, New Jersey Cuffs, NEW SPRING USTIEW O-IiTOUTAn^S To Which Attention is Wanted. BLANCHARD k BOOTH "I'oiigli t>&: Hu:*” % Olctus out lilt#, inter, roaci.tf. flics, ii'its, bed but:*, rk't^Us, < i qmouuba, go tiers 15c. Druggists. A 1 I DDI7F II 'Cm Hi rre Semi rive six free,a tents eostly for jjostage, box of Jfools ,\tul /hieh anything will help else you in to this more world. money All, right « v v nan ot cutter ex. succeed from first hour, "lie hod road to ’irlune opens efore the workers,abj-wluiely sure Vt once, address, ’1 HUE it* Co. Augusta, M ine. mmmm maim 1 ? ■ Secure Healthy faction Band relieve to the all Liver bil ^iono trouble*, aielif VsgoUbli; SoQrijlap. Price 2Sa All Orug^rta Ludden 8c Bates’ COLUMBUS Music House! 84 BROAD STREET. mathuShu piano mane/G.C 0. *f W MAVCN C L * ‘A /•T'Ta *SJ nr >v -tsss e*» -J* 5 * * 0 - ♦ * OFFKliS AND SELLS ft PROM the world's great F est makers Cbickering. A Mathushecb, Lodden & Betts Ar»on Pinn of; Mason <fc HmujIh , Packard, Or-< chestral and Bay state Or* gnriR,and sll other musical inat»uoientp. Merchandise lev Book* and Sheet Music brought within the reach o r all by our UNIFORM PRICES TO ALL, AND THAT THE LOWEST j O rr pnecH, iu pi »tn figures, are placed on every lnatrocut*! t and printed rruh in cor Price L st»— ko math for all for all c*tF*h; so in neb if * n ina Al)u»en , a Chter l oases gn«*ge price* to meat the inno¬ cence or fcbarpDe&a ef the buyer. We do no*. One otan'H money ih «m good hh an¬ other* with ns, and we will not fleece one to uu.ke up what we lose on ai o’ter. •* One equal price to ill, and that tie eery loaart. *• Tbe price tells, and everybody Ll * tbe price ‘ Square trade always: 3 f*et to tbe yard; 3G c-Qt?ea to the pound: our word oar bond. A complete oa f fP wifb esefc ioitrom-nt and frd^bt paid to aDy railroad point eonto. To tba above we are pledged. Don't ffcil to call nod aee as and convince yo«r* self of "Tbe Tro’b, the wbole Truth,and nothing blit tbe Tr«rh*‘* D. C. SUCTZE, Mannger.