The forest news. (Jefferson, Jackson County, Ga.) 1875-1881, August 07, 1875, Image 2

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Wnmi fta&i*. Jackson County Publishing Company. Dr. J. D. Lo>o, | N. 11. Pendergrass, President. | Yire President. T. If. Xl BLACK, Seer'y A* Treat. Ex rent ire Committer. W. C. Howard CVm. ft. J. X. Wilson, | R. .1. Hancock, JEFFERSON, OA. SAHKIHV nOHVft, Al'Ca. 7, 1*75. Patrons of Husbandry. On Saturday before the 4th Sunday in this month, there will be a Farmers' Dinner, at Jefferson, to which all Patrons of Husbandry, farmers, and the pubfic generally, re spectfully invited. All are requested to bring their baskets, to contribute to the common supply. The services of distinguished speak ers have been secured, and the hearty co operation of Patrons and farmers is earnestly solicited. MARTIN INSTITUTE. We cannot bclieVe there in a sensible man or woman in onr whole land, especially in our own grand old “ Empire/’ who does not look with more than ordinary pride and hail with more than ordinary delight, the con stantly growing interest manifested in the great subject of the education of the people. If, therefore, the general reader will, for a moment, take a “ birdhs-eye view of the situa tion,” and contemplate the incalculable amount of crime, misery, wretchedness and degradation that has its foundation and starting-point in “ icnouaxc e,” a sufficient apology, we are induced to believe, will there be found for the space taken up in the col umns of the News this week, in the endeavor to impress upon the public mind the benefits to be derived from, and the great necessity of a proper and liberal support of the above institution of learning by the people of Northeast Georgia. Especially to the peo ple of Jackson and the adjacent counties, do the interests of this institution appeal in no nnmistakable terms. Whatever benefits the “ Institute” benefits the community and con tiguous neighborhoods. And leaving out all the more weighty considerations, in a pecu niary point of view, the “ Institute” and its “ concomitants” are of vast material benefit to those already named. For example—the income to the county from this institution— all told—is put down variously at from ten to twelve thousand dollars per annum. This amount is nearly, if not quite all, spent and distributed among the citizens in close prox imity to the institution ; and while the fact .may be considered insignificant by” some, yet it is well worthy of notice, that some six or eight hundred dollars of the first named sum are paid out annually for the apparently “ trivial items” of butter and eggs. While everything else that goes to make up the ‘■‘billot fare ? for the support and mainte nance of those immediately connected witli the institution, is in proportion. But we do not propose to “write up” Mar tin Institute. M e only hoped to impress those into whose hands this sheet may fall, with the importance of a careful perusal of the communication of ‘ One of the Board,’ to be found on the first page of to-day’s issue. Read it, and make up your mind to foster and cherish “ home institutions” and support and nourish “ home talent” and enterprise. State University Commencement. From all we can learn, this “ great event’’ has been “ just about as usual”—in keeping with those convocations at the same place from year to year in the past. A big crowd —lots of people of all conditions, sizes and colors—and very little satisfaction to any one except those immediately interested in the exercises. The “ great event” however, of the occasion—-judging from the amount of breath that has been “ wasted on the desert air” in regard to it—was the election of a Chancellor and Faculty for the next four years. This election was held on Saturday evening before Commencement, and resulted in the choice of the entire old Faculty, from Chancellor down. In this, as in all other elections, “ somebody's darling” was disap pointed ; still, “ things works” aud the world moves on. The Commencement sermon (a most able one, we are told,) was delivered by Chancellor 11. 11. Tucker; Rev. (Gen.) C. A. Evans, preached the usual sermon before the Young Mens’ Christian Association, and 11. t B. Van Epps, Esq., of Atlanta, delivered the Literary Address of the occasion. Judge Jackson, who was to deliver the Alumni Ad dress, was called away to take his seat in the Supreme Court, consequently his address was not delivered. “ Professor” Halwick added somewhat to the interest of the occasion by a “ free show rope walk” across broad street in the afternoon and by “torch-light” Wed- nesday night. The above, we believe, were among the “ greatest events” that marked this epoch in the history of the University. Everything “ passed off” without accident, and mauy a poor fellow who lost two or three days’ time and spent all his “loose” change in the purchase of a “ first rate headache” is now at home, a sadder if not a wiser man. While on this subject we are gratified to remark lastly, though not leastly, that on Monday last, Mr. W. M. Howabd, who was for some time previous to his entrance into the State University, under the training of the Martin Institute Faculty at this place, was the honored recipient of the first prize as So phomore declaimer, at the hands of the very able committee appointed judges on the occa sion. We congratulate the jmung gentleman on this his maiden triumph, and express the hope that it is but the precursor of other and numerous civic victories in the stern battle of life now just opening to him. No News Good News. That sterling and ever reliable journal, the Macon Telegraph $• Messenger, speaks thuslv concerning the general dearth of “News” at the present time: “ Let this old saw console newspaper readers for their utter barrenness of stirring incident at the present time. The world was never more profoundly quiet than now, and our news telegraphists can find nothing more exciting to flash over the wires than a boat race or a shooting match. It is true, now and then a quid nunc has unutterable ideas on the matter of a great war brooding like a smothered volcano beneath the crust of continental Europe; but let it brood, so it don't hatch. Few governments or peoples, with a recent experience of war, are quite ready for another, however much they may talk about it. We don’t know of an article so easily satisfying to the appetite as war—so repul sive—so ruinous even in its very successes. Hence, we have no idea that either Germany, France or Austria are ready for more of it. In America the great tendency of the day is towards a rapid subsidence of the war spirit and of sectional and party animosities. There is a universal disposition to accommo date differences. Not a rebel or Kuklux out rage has been seen for six months. Further more, there are manifest indications among the people to amend their ways according to the I 10ly r Word. None of these events and tendencies are sensational. They do not make startling news, but they are good news, for which let us be thankful. The Georgia State Fair, 1875, Judging from all we can glean in the matter, promises to be something “ ahead” of all preceding expositions. With the curtail ment of some features which have heretofore been a curse and “ dead weight” to the suc cess of the enterprise, it is hoped that each and every one having the honor of Georgia at heart, will, in the language expressed be low, “come to the front,” and that such a display will be made as will forever set aside the objections which have been made against the Fairs of the past. The Telegraph <s -of Macon, in speaking of the ap proaching Exposition and its hopes of suc cess, most timely and wisely remarks : “ The fame of the Empire State of the South, the enterprise, energy and industry of her sons, the complete restoration of the State government under the auspices of the ancient owners of the soil, her financial credit abroad, teeming crops and rapid material progress, all seem to have deeply impressed the people of other States, and they intend to come to our beautiful city of Macon, and see for themselyes the condition of Geogia. “That the old Commonwealth will be fully alive to its duty and come to the front with the best possible display of her varied re sources, no one can doubt, from the interest which has already been manifested. “In an interview with President Colquitt on Wednesday, when returning from Forsyth, he stated that every day the assurances grow stronger and stronger that the fair will prove a grand and triumphant success. The dis play of blooded stock will be larger, more machinery and improved agricultural imple ments will be on the ground, greater miscel lany and variety obtain in the objects on ex hibiton, and the crowd from abroad promises far to exceed any similar previous gathering. “Left to themselves, without the adven titious assistance of the turf, and the nume rous sporting addenda of roulette tables, faro banks, and other ingenious devices to attract and gull the crowd, the exposition will stand upon its own merits and Vie the true exemplar of the industry and resources of the State. As such all the good and patriotic will rally to support, and whatever honor and renown may be acquired will be fairly won.” I reasons are given by the Cincinnati Enquirer for its belief that the Democrats will carry Ohio in October. The last, and perhaps best, assigned is the posi tion of the party on the financial question. While there is some lack of harmony in this regard, it is not evident that any Democrat will vote against the ticket because of the platform. It is certain that thousands of men who have heretofore acted with the Re publican party will vote the Democratic tick et this year on account of its financial creed ; and every day’s discussion will dispel false hoods, make clear the doubtful points, banish heresies, and add to the popularly of the greenback doctrine. The silent mines and mills ; the acres that God bountifully bleoses, but that bring no dividends to the owner; the unpaid claims of every merchant are elo quently pleading for the Democratic cause. Hard times will and ought to beat any par ty that is responsible for them. Milledgeville Union regards the suggestion that the old penitentiary build ings, now vacant, be turned into an asylum for idiots, as a most excellent one. With the assent of the governor the buildings could be brought into immendiate use to the relief of the unfortunate beings who are now suffer ing in hot and badly ventilated jails. This suggestion, says the Union , offers a satisfac tory solution of present difficulties in the case of lunatics and idiots. It has no doubt but that such an order by the governor would receive the sanction of the legislature and of the people. It would transform the old buildings into a permanent and much need ed institution for idiots, one of them per haps being devoted to the cure of inebriates. We believe with the Union and Recorder that immediate action in the matter is demanded, and that the people would approve and ap plaud an order so clearly wise, economical and humane. SdF'There is one poor fellow, a lunatic, now in the common jail of Jackson county, whose frieuds no doubt, would like to have placed in better quarters. Let our wortirr Governor act at once in this important mat ter.—En. News. The Crop Outlook. Since onr last issue a kind Providence has smiled upon us and refreshing showers from day to day have cheered and made glad many a low-spirited farmer. Still, while this has been so, yet many sections, some not far from Jefferson, in our own county, are suffer ing and drying up for the want of rain. In some parts of the adjoining counties, we learn | the condition of the crops are distressing in ! the extreme, while from the Southern and | Southwestern section of the State we learn the J continued dry weather is causing the farmers ;to become gloomy and despondent. Corn that four or five weeks ago promised an abundant yield is almost entirely ruined. Cotton has stopped growing and were the rains to set in now the crop in that section must necessarily be a short one, as it is too late now for cotton to grow up and mature. It is still truly gratifying to remark, that from many other sections of the country the glad tidings come up ‘‘that crops were never better.” Taxation. The Governor and Comptroller General have fixed the rate of taxation at \ of one per cent, for the present year, an increase of 52 per cent, over any previous year since the war. ‘•Retrench ment and reform” was the motto of the Demo cracy when it came into power four years ago in this State. No administration has been more har monious than that of Governor Smith's. There has not been the slightest discord among his Cab inet. or between him and the Legislature, and the Governor in his message to the Legislature said “the credit of the State was never better.” Then we ask, why this increased taxation? Have not all the “fraudulent bonds” been repudiated? Has the public debt increased? Did not the re port of the Treasurer and the message of Govern or Smith to the Legislature show a reduction of the public debt? Taxable property certainly has not declined, b.ut on the contrary has increased since last year. No excessive appropriations have been made by the Legislature to be met that we are aware of, hence we see no necessity for this increase of taxation. Our people already groan under the burdens imposed, and when2s percent, extra is drawn from them they have just cause to complain. The above we copy from the Gainesville Southron, and give it as our opinion that the editor is “ eminently correct” in his conclu sions. The fact is there is too much “ gov ernment” and too many “ governors” in Georgia and everywhere else. What is the Matter with the Preachers of Tennessee? Only a few weeks ago the public mind was considerably agitated in certain circles, at the revelations made in the case of a hither to highly esteemed minister—a Presiding Elder, we believe—of the Methodist church, in Tennessee. Now, on the heels of that comes the following tit bit of scandal, in which a Presbyterian divine seems to stand “head.” Last Friday, Knoxville was all agog with excitement consequent upon the discovery of an alleged undue intimacy between Rev. John Crisman. pastor of the Cumberland Presbyterian church at Sweetwater, and one of his flock, Mrs. E. A. Tucker. statement (says the Constitution.) that there are a thousand skilled white mechanics in Atlanta out of employment and clamorous for work, meets us at every turn. It first appeared in an Augusta paper. If it possesses the element of truth in the slightest degree then we do not understand the situation. Our mechanics were never busier. More building is going on in At lanta to-day than in all the rest of the cities in the state. None of our factories are idle. In short, the story is a sensation without a particle of foundation. Yellow Fever at Pensacola. The most malignant type of the disease is raging near Pensacola, with three months of hot weather in which to ravage the Gulf coast. The fever had not, at the latest ac counts, reached Pensacola, but it is scarcely possible to preserve that city from its inroads. It is not reasonable to expect the scourge to spare Pensacola and ravage Barancas, only a few miles from it. After it reaches the former city, the first natural stride of the de stroyer will be to Montgomery. The com munications between the two cities are fre quent. Persons daily pass from one to the other. Pensacola cannot probably be saved from the scourge, but Montgomery certainly can be by prompt and strict quarantine reg ulations. We have a direct interest in the matter. Not that the fever will, under any circumstances, visit our unpland region, but if it is permitted to come to Montgomery it will endanger a large number of towns with in easy reach of Atlanta, to their great inju ry and ours also. In other words. Montgom ery is the key of the situation. If her streets are kept free of the epidemic, then all the in terior towns of Alabama and of middle Geor gia are secure ; otherwise not. * * From a letter in the News it is evident that Savannah is a little uneasy on the subject. But as there is no local cause for the uneasi ness, and as the city has an energetic health officer, no epidemic is apprehended by those who are well informed. We have no desire to excite unnecessary alarm—far from it —but it is well for exposed towns to appre ciate the situation, and not underrate the dangers with so much hot weather ahead.— Atlanta Constitution. Death of Ex-President Johnson. Bristol, Tenn., July 31. — Ex-President Andy Johnson died this morning at his daughter's residence, in Carter county, at 2 o’clock. He was attacked Wednesday evening at 4 o’clock with paralysis, and did not speak after he was attacked. Mr. Johnson is so \yell known that it is hardly necessary to refer to his history. He was born at Raleigh, N. C. in 1808, and was, therefore about 67 years of age—though, we thoughVbefore seeing this statement, that he was ten years older. Left an orphan at an early age. he learned the tailor’s trade, and, when quite young, settled in Greenville, Tenn,, where he set up a shop and shortly afterwards married the daughter of a sub stantial farmer, who proved a most excel lent wife and mother. It is said that to her, he owed the rudiments of an education. At the time of his death he was U. S. Sen ator from Tennessee—having been elected to that positon last winter. —Southern Watch man. A Newton county, lady dressed herself in men’s clothing and forced her suitor to marry her. Communications. [COMMUNICATED.] INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS SHOULD BE Our Watchword I To Patronize Home In dustry Our Practice. Mr. Editor :—I have been led to these re flections from having paid a visit to the re nowned Hurricane Shoals—the place where, in the language of Judge Giddens, “ Tom Foggy raised the Devil." Having some busi ness in the neighborhood of the Shoals, I paid a flying visit to the house of one of the own ers and proprietors of the Shoals, the urbane and gentlemanly A. L. Shelor. Learning that he had been making some improvements in the old mill’s machinery, &c., I proposed that we go down through the beautiful grove from his cottage to the mill. I was agreeably surprised to find that he had, at considerable expense, been improving his valuable prop erty, indeed. lie has built anew water house : put in new wheels, which run with a velocity I never saw equalled ; put in new mills, the wheat mill, smutter, bolter, &c., en tirely so, and he is making an article of flour that cannot be excelled by the famed Kenne saw. llis corn mill also does excellent work. Ilis miller, Mr. Henry, is not only a first class miller, but is an a “No. 1” millwright and a gentleman withal, as all first-class me chanics are. The Messrs. Shelor are erecting anew gin house, in which to operate their new Winship Gin and Condenser, that gave such satisfac tion to its customers last season. They are moving their saw mill, and propose to put a new one up, (in fact, have the foundations now laid.) which will saw five or six thousand feet square lumber per day. They propose to run all this machinery, to-wit: a corn mill, a wheat mill, a saw and a gin, with what wa ter will run in their race, which is about one sixth of the stream, the remainder will do as it has been doing for two thousand "years, past— continue to run to ivaste. The gentlemen who own these shoals would like to utilize all the water, but a lack of capital prevents. We could but sigh for a cotton factory, when we learned that enough water is there running to waste to drive 15,- 000 spindles. Who can estimate the value to the county, and this whole section of-coun try, that a cotton factory at these shoals would be ? The gentlemanly proprietors are willing and anxious that a factory be erected there ; they will do the fair thing with regard to the shoals and water, and money, too, as far as they are able. What say you, people of Jackson and the surrounding country, shall we have a factory at Hurricane Shoal? Monied men, start the ball—let’s see what can be done ! We ought to spin all the cotton we raise, and quit feeding and fattening North ern and Eastern nabobs to oppress us. Let U3 adopt the sentiments which head this article—encourage internal improvements, and patronize home industry—in this way only, can we pro sper as we should. I will at some other time in the near fu ture, give some statistics with regard to fac tories, and show something about the fitness of these shoals for one ; in the meantime, be thinking about it, and if you have nothing else to do, go and look at the site, and see how much nature has done for us, and how polite all hands about there will treat you, Penelope. Jefferson , Go., Aug. At It. 1875. For the Forest News. LETTER FROM HARRISBURG. Mr. Editor: —'Twas very kind in you to grant me space enough in your columns to give the readers of the News a brief sketch of Harrisburg District. I see others are looming up and coming forward with their good crops and other good qualities that please the people of a country, so I want you to see how near up or how far ahead old Harrisburg is of some of them.— Well may Jackson county—yes, well may the glorious old State of Georgia be proud of such a District. As for our lands, they are unequalled in the State or States. On the North and North-east, and running in a Southwardly direction, we have Big Curry’s Creek and North Oconee river, on which are large quantities of bottom lands, rich, and producing Irom eight to ten barrels of corn to the acre, -which not only speaks enough in favor of the lands, but it gives you a broad hint and an idea about the farmers we have —honest, hardworking and good farmers. Then we aiaim the honor of having the head-waters of Little Curry’s Creek, -which, though a small stream, yet, I will not only tell you that it has fine bottom lands on it, but will tell you something of it after awhile which will make you say ’tis an honor to own its head-waters. To prove our sood lands and good farmers, I have only to tell you that we have numbers of acres of cotton which, had it not been for the late and now present drouth, would have made a bale to the acre, and while it is in some degree injured, still, if we could have anything like seasons, we would not miss a bale to the acre far. Corn is equally as good, besides other cereals in proportion. That. Mr. Editor, will give you some idea of our lands, products, &c. As to our stock, they are all large and good. Fine pastures for raising and grazing, so much so that some of our farmers are raising young lambs here as late as July 12th. I refer here to my es teemed and valued friend, Capt. A. T. Ben nett, who, as a farmer, is second to none—not even to Georgia's boasted and much lament ed Dixon, or any other farmer—nor can Geor gia boast of a better citizen. Well, now. Mr. Editor, as I have tried to give you a faint idea of our lands, our stock, and our farmers, I will try to give you a brief sketch of the conveniences which surround us. First, then, about the centre of the Dis trict, we have the steam saw-mill of Brooks & Cos., whose early and late whistle tells that it is doing the work, and also by what kind of men it is run. Now I will bring our Little Curry’s Creek into notice by stating, that farther South, is the large merchant mills of Mr. Micager Williamson, situated upon this little creek. On the West and North, we have the merchant mills of the Drs. Long and J. G. McLester, and connected with the former is a saw mill and first-class cotton gin, and with the latter, a saw mill and wool fac tory. Right close to the latter mills is the mineral springs of Mr. F. H. Legg, which is destined, some day, to be a favorite summer resort and health-seeking place, as much for the kindness and courtcousness of the pro prietor as for the medicinal properties of the waters. Next, we have on the North-east, the Hurricane Shoals mills, connected with which is a first-class circular saw and cotton gin. Just below this, and upon the same stream, (the North Oconee,) we have Mat thews’ mills, and a little farther East is Jack son’s mills, situated upon Turkey Creek. All these mills are first-class flour and grist mills. I will simply state, Mr. Editor, as I wish to be brief, that commencing at the Hurricane Shoals, we have Tumbling, Thornton, Flat, Hay and McLester’s shoals, all situated upon the North Oconee, and all offering the finest water-power for machinery of any kind. On our west, w ? e have the tannery, formerly of J. E. & 11. J. Randolph, but now of Mr. F. S. Smith, connected with which is a first class circular saw and gin. Next, we have the shoe-shop of Mr. E. C. Nunn. ’Tis enough simply to mention this gentleman’s name, as every one knows him be an honest, hard working man as well as a good citizen. His shoe-work will give satisfaction to all who try him, and I think he deserves alarge share of patronage. Next, we have three churches, Oconee, (Baptist,) Union Grove, (Methodist,) Thyatyra, (Presbyterian.) The first is under that most efficient and noble pastor, Rev. A. J. Kelly ; the next is under Rev. Mr. Tarp lay; the next is under that “ man of God” Rev. Groves 11. Cartledge. Next and lastly, but not leastly, I would call your special notice to the school situated upon Park’s creek, at Merk Academy, and taught by the efficient and accomplished teacher, Mr. J. 11. McCarty, formerly of Jefferson, but now of noble old Harrisburg. Mr. Editor, you must allow* me to revert, though rather abruptly, to a description of the lands, &c., of Park’s Creek. This is rather a remarkable stream, because of its rising in one side of the district and flowing nearly through its centre, and is noted eve where for having more and better bottom lands on it than any other stream in the State that is twice or thrice its size, also affording numerous first class water-powers for any kind of machinery. These lands are owned by such men as O. G. W. Carter, Capt. APT. Bennett and others. Well, now, Mr. Editor, I will revert again to the school above mentioned. Too much cannot be said about this competent instruc tor. His school speaks volumes in his praise. He has now forty-five or fifty scholars; this fact speaks for itself. Ilis course of instruc tion in the studies pursued by his pupils is thorough and complete. What I say of him I also say of his school; ’tis in a most flour ishing condition ; ’tis one of the best commu nities for a school anywhere. The parents in the community of the school know how to raise their children so as to make men and women of them. They all realize the fact that “ knowledge is power” and that “ the pen is mightier than the sword.” The many patrons of this school are all first class farm ers, which speaks in language plain enough to be w 7 ell understood. Mr. Editor, I could enlarge, but desist; though I hope I have given you and your readers some idea of our lands, stock, farmers, conveniences and school. Yours, Mykneii. Harrisburg , July oOth, 1875. COUNTRY GLIMPSES. For the Forest News. Mr. Editor : — Quite a number of the citizens of the surrounding country, as well as some from abroad, gathered at Galilee,"on Saturday evening last to hear the address of Capt. A. C. Thompson, and the essay of Miss Annie Johnson, before the Oconee Agricul tural Club. “Sheep Husbandry” was Capt. T.'s subject, and he handled it in a manner alike credita ble to himself and instructive to his audience. We would be glad to see our agriculturists put the Captain’s theories into practice, as we have long -been convinced that a large profit could be realized from sheep-raising in this country. Ilis onslaught upon the canine tribe was wholesale and unsparing. If poor “Trav” knew how his general charac ter was estimated, doubtless he would hie himself away in search of an abode of securi ty, but dog as he is, he must await, uncon sciously, the annihilation that must inevi tably overtake him. From the vehemence of his plea for mut ton, we should judge the captain to be a true lover of this delicacy' of the table. It would be an enjoyable scene, (provided the observ er was not hungry himself,) no doubt, to see him in an ordinary hungry state, paying his respects to a quarter of barbacued mutton at a “big dinner.” We are not of opinion that many baskets full would be gathered up when dinner was over, unless there was a cer tain female present to “mash his toes” a3 a reminder when to stop. From the position we occupied, we failed to hear the subject of Miss Johnson’s essay, but from its tenor judged that co-operation among the farmers was the theme. It was elegant and witty—the production, undoubt edly, of a w'ell-stored mind and cultivated judgment. Poetry and flowers were inter woven with common sense—the whole blend ing together in a garland of worth and beau ty- At the close she was most heartily applauded. DIALOGUE. Husband. —Wife, they had a spelling bee in town last night, and I tell you it was one of the funniest exhibitions I ever witnessed ! Wife. —What kind of a bee? II. —A spelling bee. W. —And could the crittur really spell? H. —Pshaw ! you are a dunce ! It was a crowd of and girls spelling in Webster’s Spelling Book, and— W. —Look a here Jonathan Doolittle, do you see them tongs? Do you want your brain-pan sounded ? Now jest call your hard working, affectionate wife a dunce one more time ! Like the calf the boy run over, Jonathan Doolittle hadn’t another word to say. And Jonathan’s head was level, too. At least, such is the opinion of Yours, tuggingly, Tugmutton. Galilee, August sth 1875. tdP’Col. L. E. Bleckley has accepted the Judgeship of the Supreme Court of the State. This, says the Atlanta Constitution , makes a full bench, and a good one. STATE NEWS ITEMS. The Methodists of Georgia are consult} about establishing a grand central Ca 3 meeting ground at Stone Mountain. *' A Cobb county farmer had a somum bulistic daughter. She got up the o the morning, milked the cows, swept the hoiw and whipped Neal and Massey before * a ing. Our city was blessed with a refreshin 1 shower of rain on Monday afternoon, tb first time for three weeks or more. —AtUi Georgian, 4th. Sixty thousand shad, or shadlings, Werfe placed in the Coosa at Rome last week Like bread cast upon waters they are ex pected to return after many days. Xkev were hatched at Holyoke in the Connecticut valley, and when placed iu the Coosa were extremely small, not larger than an ordinary sized pin. But they will grow. The crops in this section were never more promising than at present. They were l* •ginning to suffer for rain, but at the present writing, Monday, the clouds are low, the rain descending, and a general season is ex . pected. We can now safely assert, should rains continue, that more coru and cotton will he raised in this section than any p re . vious year. —Gainesville Southron. I. O. O. F.—The Grand Encampment of I | the State of Georgia, meets at Odd Fellows' Ilall on Thursday, the 10th inst., at 9 o'clock a. m. The Grand Lodge of the State off Georgia meets at the "College Chapel oaf Wednesday, 1 1th August, at 9 o’clock a. m, where the address of welcome will be deliver, ed by P. G. Frank Lumpkin. The public 1 ; are cordially invited to attend. —Athens Geor : \gian, 4th. Another Good Citizen Gone.— Rev. Bedford Langford, a highly & teemed citizen of Oconee county, died at his | plantation on the 18th instant. In all the :: relations of life, he was pre-eminently a good f man. It was our privilege to know "him for more than tweny-five years, and we have j rarely met with any who was, in all respects, ; his equal. He had suffered for many years I past with an excruciating disease, and bore i his affliction as none but a Christian could. “Peace to his ashes.”— Athens Watchman. Oconee Fair Association.—Athens. $1500.00 in premiums. The Premium List of the Oconee Fair Association, says the N. E. Georgian, is now being distributed. The Executive Cora-* mittee will spare no pains to make this the I most successful and interesting Fair that has | ever been held in this portion of Georgia. I Let our whole people become interested, and j this enterprise of the Patrons of Husbandry I will do much towards developing the agri- ! cultural interest of our North Georgia. Alice Brown, the fasting girl of Evans ville, Ind., died last Saturday. She lias not tasted food for fifty days. The Chicago Tiiue< j says the Louisville editors express great disappointment at the unfavorable result of a Miss Brown’s experiment, for they saw in her case a means of subsistence commensu rate with their incomes. The Unitarians of Troy are building a fine church. A passing traveller inquired re- j cently of a hod carrier what kind of a build ing it was. The man didn't answer. “Is it i church.” “What kind of achurch?” “Can't tell the name, sir, but it’s for them folks as I is trying to knock the bottom out of hell.” A philosopher asserts that the reason why ladies* teeth decay sooner than gentleman's is because of the friction of the tongue and ] the sweetness of the lips. NEWS NOTES. There was a heavy hail-storm, last week, on the line of Walton and Gwinnett, near Logansvilk Damage to crops considerable. Two young ladies—one in Atlanta and another in Edgefield, S. ('.—have been recently terrioly burned by attempting to pour kerosene on the lire. The lady in Edgefield died from her injuries. Gen. Geo. E. Picket, of Virginia, died at Nor folk Saturday. Jlis remains were temporarily de posited in a vault in Norfolk, but will eventually he brought to Richmond. The Toccoa Herald says the Northeastern rail road will, under favorable circumstances, be com pleted from Athens to Belton by the first day of November. St. Louis, July 30, —A man drowned in a privy vault. Three men attempting to recover the body, were overcome and died in the rescue. It appears a little singular that while in a grot many sections of Georgia and other Southern States, the earth and all vegetation is almost burning up for waint of rain, that the reports are ‘‘the Hoods West are doing great damage to I crops. Wheat is sprouting in the shock. The I streams are already bank full and will be beyond 9 control in a few days, and it is still raining.’’* Cincinnati, Jnly 29.—The reports of the dam-1 age of crops from the late rains continue to eonr in from Ohio and southern Indiana. All report swollen streams and submerged corn and sprout ing wheat. Indianapolis, July 31.—Dispatches front I eighty counties in Indiana, and twenty-five coun- | ties in eastern Illinois are discouraging. Wheiti is sprouting in the shock, it is raining steadily. streams are already bank full, and beyond contn 1 J to day. The rains of the northwest extend down into Kentucky' and Tennessee. A correspondent ®- the Nashville Union and American, writing fro* l the Mouth of Wolf creek, Clay' county, east renr. ■ says :—Rain, rain, rain! All business in the farm j mg line has ceased. We have had nothing bus rain for the last three weeks. Wlieat— most j yet in the shocks—exposed to the weather greatly damaged. The tobacco crop is also set" ously injured. In Mississippi, the Democrats are very dent of carrying the State at the next electro 5 ? Ames will have to step down and out as his fatnf 1 ir.-’aw. Benjamin F. Butter, has done in chusetts. One by' one they take up their lit* i carpet-bags and silently steal away. The Supreme Court.—The Supreme cou'| commenced its regular fall term Monday inornin? | Judges Warner, Bleckley and Jackson will side. A heavy docket is on hand, and the sessio s ] promises to be an extended one.— At. Const. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. Jefferson, Ga., July 30th, 1573. Council met this evening at 7 o’clock. Preset-1 his Honor Mayor Long, presiding; Councils Williamson and Randolph. Minutes of I*-’ j meeting read and confirmed. The Committee appointed to report on the strc f I leading from the Ross place to | street, made a report recommending that I street be opened. Report received, and the | shal was instructed to open said street as soon 1 j the crop growing near said street is gathered. | The Committee appointed to inspect the bs ! ' | lots asked for further time to report. Granted- j| On motion, it was ordered that 200 copies of ; 1 By'-Laws and Ordinances of the town of Jeffier- j be printed in pamphlet form. It was furtherm* | ordered, that the proceedings of Council be p l! I lished in The Forest News. . j There being no further business, Council a ‘ journed. John Simpkins, Clerk, a