The forest news. (Jefferson, Jackson County, Ga.) 1875-1881, January 22, 1876, Image 3

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Hyptrlff 3pMp. Infill st/ftori), M \N \f IN \^F > jfe T^X DEPARTMENT. jgV- (j. ,J. X. WILSON, lwrff., i* tin* duly ku. , ir i 7 .oil General Agent for The Forest Nkws, [ nA will receive y ,i,U m ♦ head THIS NOTICE! ,; K OB(;iA, Jackson Qounty.— Notice is here- Wven that We trill not. hereafter, advertise any i v unless the advertising fee is paid in advance. luV will not violate thcjrukg here laid down, and ' )' plaintiffs in ti fas Will not ftsW it, as this is W.w J- S. HUNTER. Sheriff, th NovV) m A - WORSHAM, D. Sh’ff. Court Calendar—Western Circuit. (iE°- D. ... Judge. IeMOBV Esf l“ -r ' - SoL Gen’l. u ki Mondays ih Apr?! and October. [tWao—First Mondays in February and second i! Mondav* in August. TT V> £ "■ „ Mondays m April*ml Oc&bef. fwinnett—First Mondays in March and second - seprcrrrarerr Knee—Second Mondays in May and November. Mubuii—Fourth in Abril' and October, Wilton— Third Mondays in February and Aug. I White —: Monday after foush t AkmdsUs in April .„dOctober. _ \\ft CHURCH DIRECTORY.^ Baptist Church. Rev. A. J. Kelley, Pastor; A.-Farris. Pastor; JJfotSpre&fimg TFeryJth Sunday. FRA VEKXA DujtKrTOiiY. Planters’ Arrange. No. 273. 4hets every firfct Thursday. Master, >Y J Colouitt • £cc’y, T D Frwin Post office. Harmony £rbve. ; •. r ! U f >dg. No. 214, I. O. G. TANARUS., meets on _ r v 2d and 4th Saturday night in the month. T S’ Johnson* TVfMteSJfcula Gobcr, W. L Q rr\T/T TT >f Unitv Lodge, No. 3f>. F. A. At., meets Ist Tues- Lfcv night in each month. U. W. Bdll/ YV. M.; (V O. Ti. meets on 2d and 4th TufSjday nights in each month. J. B. Sil mn X. G.; Cr. J. N. Wilson, Sec’y. .pffcfsnn Grange. No. 488; P. of Tf.r meets on Saturday before 4th Sunday in each month. Jas. F..Raf : G- -KN. * I{il f (c|a#ei) Fjfe Company. No. 2. meets on 4thTucsdav night m each month. Henry Long. [Wain; Ned Burns, Sec’y. 7)conee Grange. No. 391. meets on Saturday be fore the first Sunday in each month, at Galilee, at 1 pVlocfc. P. M. A- fr- Thompson. \V. M.; 1.. T. Hinh. Sec'y. BRIEFLETS. * - ' * * •** droves of gbod looking; mules have been in town within the past few weeks. But where's the money to come from ? IT 1 For satisfactory reasons and ciretim itances, Col. Barge has postponed the open ingof his. writing school until fifteen or twen :Hay| hence. fiTMr. Vamiek Wilson, ,of Athens, v.e earn, sneaks of settling in Jefferson —at Ifchst hr a while. Glad to tiear it. Warwick is :i food mechanic, and men who can “build up is the sort of lfiwr pins" we need just now. IT'Mr. llaynic, the gentleman whom we, innonnecd as “ froze, a short time since. in town on Tuesday last. From appear ances, it will be a long time—if ever—before w is “ himself again,”. ,] np*Tlie time for sending on proposals for carrying the mails in this part of Uncle Sam’s or is it uncle Ulysses now?) vineyard, will oon expire. February the 2d, we believe, is the limit. fF*Egyptian darkness rules the hour ; and thf new lftipps Anpl lamp-pqsty at each comer r>fthe public square admonish us that there I'm been a V magnificent bust" somewhere. But where, this deponent saith not. fF’Mr. Winn WarsHarh, in addition to Biking an excellent deputy sheriff, is quite brtonate in tlie pork line, having killed two Tigs a few days since, which weighed 700 lbs. hue 565, the other 335—22 mas. old. How’s that for pigs ? fTMr. C. W. Shackelford has moved— or h moving in this week. The educational afforded bv the Tittle “forest city” "• we are inclined to believe, one -of the powers behind flic throne” which lias indue * r - Shackelford to make Jefferson his future residence.'t9v T OO VJL W A little child of Air. Suddeth, brothcr ' aw of Mr. J. p. Thompson, was buried on Urda y last. The child, we learn,' had' ** n sick for some ,tiohe. Air. Suddeth is a J| ew c °mer in this community, and his family *' e hie sympathies of the people in this be “city fathers,” .having erected a |^ r .'convenientinstitution” for the public npf h< it i s hoped the invasion and appro- P-'auon of private property—r-as stables, <fco. J^ or purposes, will cease. If not, then name of common sense and Common s h a H ask the “ fathers” aforesaid a little outlie subject. ; j j t 5 e arc “‘formed that Air. • Alonzo rrA '^ ar^e co -’ killed a hawk the oth- 7, at a distance of 175 yards ! Of the n onr informant did not state, as whether it was shot-gun, rifle or - fhis “chicken-lifter” measured 4 win^ 1 Bever:d inches from tip to tip of the It * 1 ' Pi°asure wc note the fact that v ASsiE Rii>en has a flourishing school tir, n ° ree k- The community in this sec tbir°sHJa?ks ° n ’. stands “ A No * 1.” , and and of ’ Presided over by a lady pos|ess <lcn. n, ’ ,™ !in 3' accomplishments as Airs. Ri >n hardl A he ajtythbig else but pros , M . , . . fri en( j .fp d ‘. e ni nnager) arc indebted to our 'Ug olUi c °urtesies that go so far in mak hin, i • Perfectly at home.” Call on He gq aar ' s rctr eat,” northeast corner pnb* ynu’n j n . ext door to the town pump, and f irink 'i'i . s ” fH) d things to eat and 'fieri lH | s what the boys say who have and name is legion ! Sot His Game, but Cou!d* Hold It! Oil last Sunday, iilformat|pn brought to thU place4hat one of the Aiadiners (Jones) who fcapttl tYoin tlMil Inge Jout the 30th ,a^ cn W r then in prison in Covington, Newton county. She: itf 1 i itutor, wit^(h^j\i^ual into, made arrangements to go over and escort the gentleman liacklo the quarters from which he had sq lyiceremoniopsly leave, and on Monday, djy his Marshal F nom the latter city the two proceeded to ( ovington by rail on Tuesday. Our worthy Sheriff, after hand-cuffing and otherwise securing (as he thouglA) his prisoner, left Covington for Athens, about 1 o’clock, A. M., Wednesday. J hings went on smoothly till the train reached Buckhead, a station between Madison and Greensboro’. At this point the train stopped, as usual} anjd, was moving off, and before it got under full headways the prisoner,, taking advantage of the conductor s ►passagethrough, in the discharge of duty, made a sudden dash for f.hp. dooi* which was open, and which he cleared at a bound, and by the aiddark ness made good his escape. Sheriff Hunter had tied a rope around body in addition to having him hapcUcuffed. But by some means Jil (tlijQ had squirmed and twisted his body about until he got the knot, which was at his back, round in front, when he untied it and awaited an opportunity to do just what HA did. The t&o officers, father and-eop harUagreed to take i| “l%iW in watchiflg fheir man.’ 'inWc'frMf vr. *F. liunter was not close perhaps was asleep—at the time, and, could reader his father no agsistanpe. AYhile we, in comipon with eVety one, regret the escnpfe i>iP tlrishAafe (whose real name is from the officers, yet we believe they discharged their duty faithfully ; and the escape of their prisoner was simply one of those incomprehensible misfortunes that occur every rfeice and a while, and for which there is no accounting. The lights in the ear at-that-time of night-are generally low and dim, and the Sheriff, who had a seat clo9e by tiie prisoner all the time, and Was provided with a good pistol, too, bad not been able to detect any movement on the prisoner's part, and as the conductor passed with his, lantern the man was lying with life feet over the arm of the seat as if asleep.— All this, however, proved a ruse, the sequel to which was his dash for the door at a moment least expected. * ** **JL w It will be remembered that the man in ques tion, when arrested for breaking into the store of Mr. Smith, in this county, some few months since, gave his name as Jones. Ilis real name is Kelley, and he is well known, and was per haps raised in Newton county. His father is in jail now at Covington, and a reward of S6OO is offered for his brother, who stands convicted of the murder of Air. Ilardemau in that section two or three years since, and who, I>3' some meaps, escaped froii) the oT 'icers of justice. Quarterly Meeting at Dry Pond. Through a miscalculation as to the time ip|H)intcd. the Presiding Elder, Roy., A. G. \\ oiiley, failed to reach Dry Pond on Sat urday last, but met with his brethren and friends on Sabbath, on which occasion the services of the day .arc reported as being ve ry interesting indeed. The regular business of the Quarterly Conference was transacted on Saturday, the preacher in charge, Rev. W. A. Fakuis. in the chair. \<. / “ Dance ail niff/it till broad day-litfht. Go home with the girls in the moniing r '\ This ancient “ ditty” and tenet of former days, was brought fresh to memory the other morning on seeing a wagon loaded with the youth and beauty of Jefferson, on its jolly return from an all night’s “ hop” out at the hospitable mansion of Capt. A. T. Dennett, some four miles,from town. Another “be%;y” of the same sort, had an exceedingly pleas ant time at Mr. S. lb Weir’s, the same* ltight, as we learn from some who wore present. EdP’Well, Dr. H. J. Long has about closed out and moved, preparatory to selling per manently in Gainesville. In this ’land of the free” it’s the provinoc of every one to do the best he can; still we frtnftd have been glad to have the I)r. remain with us. He will be sadly missed in this community, and he carries with him to his new home, the good wishes of as large a circle bf'friends erally falls to the lot qf one man. tJF’Rev. W. A. Farris has commenced, in earnest, to improve the lot lately purchased tty him from J. E. Randolph, at “west end.” The improvements of Air. Farris and Air. llill Randolph, and Air. Winburn’s new shop, all in close proximity, will soon give ah air of liveliness to that part of town. But it’s “by industry we .thrive,” and all these gentlemen deserve thanks for their commendable, exam ple amid these h-a-r-d t-i-m-e-s. Orfhe party alluded to in our last issue, as being severely cut with an axe, was Air. John Arnold, some twelve-or thirteen tmlps from Jefferson, in a southwesterly direction. When Dr. Hunt reached him, Air. Arnold was in a .critical condition from loss of blood. On examination, the Dr. found that an artery had been severed; this he “took up, ’ wash ed and otherwise “ cleaned out” and then dressed the wound, and at latest advices the patient was. doing very well. If?’ Prof. Glenn, and his son Frank, while out gunning last Friday or Saturday, came across and killed a very large horned owl — firing only eighteen loads of squirrel shot into it’s body before it to cymf (hoicji. One of the feet, before us as this paragraph is indited, measures five inches across. The “bird” was near five feet across from the tip end of the wings, and weighed about six pounds. |3P Read I)r. Giles’ Aledical notice. Good Templars’ Convention. By the proceedings,-- published in another place, it will be seen that this body con vened in Jefferson,, according, to previous announcement, on yesterday, (Friday.) 21st ifist. The proceedings, or at least so much as we are enabled to get in type before going to pres, “ speak for themselves," and as we are not of the “order” we cannot speak fur ther of what transpired within the “mystic” walls of the lodge room. At 12 M., the delegates and all members of the order marched in procession from the lodge room to the Methodist Church, where a goodly number of citizens—ladies and gen tlemen—had already assembled, and after singing the “openingode” and an appropri ate prayer by W. Chap. Cartledge, of Stonewall Lodge, addresses were delivered by Rev. W. B. Rutherford, of Jackson co., and H. K. Shackelford, Esq., of Atlanta. Neither of these gentlemen made a “ set speech,” 'they were both impromptu— and were delivered in fine style ; and the frequent plaudits of the entire assembly, and the mark ed attention which was given to each speaker showed that they “carried their hearers with them.” Appropriate odes were sung between and at the close of the addresses of these worthy advocates of a worthy cause. At the dose of the speaking it was announced that the 1 delegates would meet at the lodge room of*Stenewall Lodge, for tile further transac tion of the business pf the-Convention. The proceedings show the number of dele gates present. Asa body, they will compare very favorably with the same number of gen tlemen and ladies from any quarter, and their intelligent countenances, refined and courte ous bearing and deportment prove beyond cavil, that the temperance cause in the “Ninth District” has, among its ‘’working” advo cates, some of the master spirits of the Em pire State. At night there was a public temperance meeting, when speeches were made by G. W. C. T. J. G. Thrower, and others. Being compelled to go to press before the adjournment of the Convention, we give the proceedings only up to that time. Jurors, February Term, Superior Court. The following named persons were drawn to serve as Grand and Special Jurors at the February Term, 1876, of Jackson Superior Court: Grand jurors. J S Edwards, James C Anderson, Richard J Pentecost, Wm J Collins, James Sells, J A Gunning, Nathan W Cnrithers, Francis W M Dowdy, G L Martin, W II Braselton, Wm C Baugh, Appling II Pendergrass, Alexander Sailors, James ’• W McEntire, Thomas L Day, M P Barnett, Joseph W Thomas, Wm J Col quitt, Wm B JJlardeman, L C Fowler, Hugh II Hancock, A A LeM asters, Luke W Wat kins, W L Webb, F S Smith, Calvin C Mc- Elhannon, J L Mitchell, Levi G Martin, Jas J Harwell, Fortnnatus II Legg. SPECIAL JURORS. J J Wallace, Gideon Edwards. Moses Wall, Samuel B Wier, W J Ross, J J Potts, O G VY Carter, M P Alexander, J C Harrison, J E XVills, \Ym Seymour, L Y Bradberry, D P Camp, J R Hall. J II Adams, T L Harrison, J M Dailey, T L Ross, J M Austin, William Carrington, George Rinnev, II R Howard, J I) Long, G S Duke, S S Smith, YY r in Lyle, J P Bird, J L Elder, 1) L Hancock, J II Burns, Sanford Wilson, D II Lyle. A J Baugh, S G Arnold, Y\" II House, Y\ r II Bridges. Martin Institute. Don't forget the opening of this institution on the 24th, (next Monday,) and above all, do not forget that it is important to patrons, students, Professors and instructors, that there should be a full and punctual attendance on the opening day. Court House Repairs. The contracts for repairing the Court House were “ let out” according to announcement, on Wednesday last. The wood-work was “ knocked down” to J. P. Williamson, Sr., at $25.00. The painting, plastering, glazing, &c., to J. J. Wallace, at $08.50. Do the People of Jefferson Want the Present Liquor Law Repealed? AVe have been permitted to read a letter from Representative Potts, in which he says : “ If the citizens of Jefferson do not want the Liquor Law repealed in regard to that place, tell them to write to me at once.” And here we leave the subject with those interested. Acknowledgment. To lion. J. J. Turnbull, representative from Banks, we make acknowledgments for a copy of the Report of the Comptroller Gen eral of the State of Georgia. |3PAA r M. Polk Boggs, Esq., has quite an anteresting class in his writing school now in progress at Galilee church, near the Alills of Air. E. AI. Thompson. The attendance is from twenty-eight to thirty-four ladies and gentlemen. fqPAIr. Alilton Bailey’s dogs took a volun tary fox chase on Sunday last, and caught a gray fox. On Alonday, in the same neigh borhood, Air. Sam Weir's dogs caught anoth er of “the same sort.” District Convention, I. 0. of G. T. Jefferson, Ga., Jan. 21st, 1870. The'Ninth Congressional District Convention, I. O. of G. TANARUS., convened in this city at ten o’clock this morning, District Deputy G.'W. C. T. Dr. J. Wylie.Quillian presiding. The following .pro tern, officers were appointed : Miss Sallie Candler, of Morning Star Lodge, No. 343, W. ALT.; AViley CJ. Howard, of Stonewall Lodge, No. 214, AV. R. S.; Rev. G. 11. Cartledge, of Stonewall Lodge. No. 214. AV. C. ; R. S. Adam son, of Pleasant llill Lodge, No. 438, AV. M. * Miss Kittie Gober, of Stonewall Lodge, No. 214, AV. D. M. ; Mrs. Cartledge, Of Stonewall Lodge, No. 214, W. 1. G.; J. P. Caldwell, of Morning Star Lodge, No. 313, AV. O. G. ; AV. 11. Simpkins, of Evening Star Lodge, No. 31)7, P. AV. C. T. Brothers AVilliamsou, Sr., and Tellson. and Sis ter Sanders were appointed a committee on cre dentials. AVliile the committee were absent. Rev. G. 11. Cartledge welcomed tie delegates and vis itors in a very appropriate address. It was re sponded to by Bro. 11. K. Shackleford, of Atlanta, in his usual easy and elegant style. Committee oh credentials reported twenty-five delegates in attendance. The report was received and adopted. On motion, the Constitution of District Lodge of California was adopted for the government of this meeting. On motion, the meeting proceeded to election of officers, which resulted as follows : .J. AV. Quillian, D. G. AV. C. TA NARUS.; Sister E. G. Sanders, D. G. V. TA NARUS.; W. 11. Simpkins, D. G. AV. S. • AV. Y. Bates. D. AV. F. S. ; B. F. Mills, D. AV. M. ; E. F. Mills. D. AW O. G.; Airs. Sallie King. D. AA\ T. G. ; Rev. G. B. Cartledge. D. AV. C. ; R. S. Adams, D. W. S.; Miss M. E. Hewen, D. AV. F. S. On motion, the Convention adjourned to the Methodist Church, to hear addresses from Rev. W. B. Rutherford and 11. K. Shackleford, Esq. CHURCH F A 111. I here will be a Fair at the Colored Peo ples’ Church, at the “west end” of Jefferson, on Saturday, the 29th inst. Admittance, 2o (’cuts. Ihe white citizens are most respect fully invited to turn out and aid us in our efforts to finish and pay for our Church. T our ob’t servant, Iu the bounds of the Gospel. Rev. J. C. Waggoner. Important Decision. In the United States circuit court at New \ork, was tried the following case: Corn exchange bank vs. Dawson bank of Wil mington, North Carolina, to recover for draft sent the Dawson bank for collection, which sent the draft to its agent for collection, who failed. The court decided the Dawson bank became personally responsible for the draft when it received it for collection. WVUI you believe It? \Y Oman’s Best Friend.—To relieve the ach ing heart of woman and bring joy where sorrow reigued supreme, is a mission before which the smiles of kings dwindle into utter insignificance. I o do this is the peculiar providence of Dr. Brad field s ! emale Regulator; which from the num berless cures it has accomplished, is appropriately styled Woman’s' Best Friend. The distressing complaint known as the “whites,” and the yari ous irregularities of the womb, to which woman is subject disappear like magic before a single bqttle el this Wonderful compound. It is propar ed by L. IT. Bradfield, Druggist, Atlanta, Ga.. and sold at $1.50 per bottle by respectable Drug men everywhere. Physicians prescribe iy j Its action is prompt, sure and decisive. Xow in Perfect Health. Near Marietta, Ga.. March 2T 1870. Messrs, B m. Hoot tif /Sons.— Gentlemen; —Some months ago I bought a bottle of Bradfield’s l KMAI.E Regulator from you, and have used it in my family with the utmost satisfaction, and have recommended it to three other families and they have found it j6st what it is recommended. Ibe females who have used your Regulator are now in perfect health, and are able to attend to their household duties, and we cordially recom mend it to the public. Y.ours respectfully, Rev. 11. B. Johnson. lint’ Hilfertiseuieiik Hit. E H. GILES OFFERS his professional services to the citizens of .Jefferson and vicinity. Can he found at the late residence of Dr. H, J. Long. Jan. 22, IS7E>—tf. .lacliMui county. APPLICATION having been made to the Com missioners of Roads and Revenue for Jackson county, for a road commencing at the Athens and (. larkesvillef road, near the residence of Washing ton Farabee, and running in the direction of Y\ r S Rogers, over the lands of W Farabee, A J Hud son, .J P Hudson. A P Butler, YVm Thurmond. H B Gober. L C Dunston, Nancy Dixon, Newton Harris, Henry Strickland, W P Hernhrick, J A Sailors, Heurv Hawks, J G H Pittman. J T Rogers, Jane White. Zedekiah Hardeman and W S Rogers, aiid connecting with the Athens and Carnesville road near the residence of said W S Rogers, to he opened and made a public road, aud reviewers having been appointed to review said road, and said reviewers having made their report that said road will he of public utility, this is, therefore to cite and admonish all parties inter ested that after the publication of this notice thirty days in The Forest News, a newspaper published in Jefferson, Jackson county, Georgia, said application will be granted, if no good cause is shown to the contrary. Application also having been made to said Com missioners for anew road leading from MeFJhan non’s Bridge, by C C McEihannon's, J D John son's and Robert Shields’, and intersecting the Federal r'oad hear the residence of Wm Thomp son, to be opened and made a public road, and re viewers having been appointed to review said road, and said reviewers having made their report that said road will he of public utility, this is, there fore, to cite find admonish all parties interested that after the publication of this notice thirty days in The Forest News, a newspaper published in Jefferson, Jackson county, Georgia, said applica tion will he granted, if no good cause is shown to the contrary. YVM. SEYYIOUR, W. J. IIAY’NTE, YY. G. STEED, Commissioners of Roads and Revenue of Jackson County. N. B.—The Justices of the Peace are requested to report the names of all the paupers in their re spective Districts to our body on the fourth Satur day in February next. •Inn 22 F. Bird Aker, colored, makes application for exemption of personalty ; and I will pass on the same at my office in Jefferson, in said county, at 11 o’clock, A. AL, on the 29th day of Jan, 1870, Given under my official signature, this January 15th, 1870. AVILEY G. HOWARD, * jan22 Ordinary. Jackson county. AVhereas, Alarcus C. Few makes application to me, in proper form, for Letters of Guardianship of the persons and property of Henry C. and Earnest 11. Youngkirt, minor orphans of Jesse Youngkin, deceased— * Therefore, all persons are hereby notified and required to show cause, if any they can, on the Ist Monday in March, 1870, at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary, to be then held in and for said county, why said Letters should not be granted as prayed for by the applicant. Given under my official signature, this January 17th, 1876. AVILEY C. HOAVARD, jan 22 Ordinary. Established, 1785! THE CHRONICLE & SENTINEL, ATJGFUSTA, GWA.. One of tJte Oldest Papers in the Country. One of tlie LEADING PAPERS of the South. The Largest Circidatton in Eastern Georgia. The official Organ of several Counties. PUBLISHED Daily, Tri-Weekly & Weekly. THE DAILY CHRONICLE AND SENTINEL IS tilled with interesting Reading matter of every de scription —Telegraphic ; Local; Editorial; Geor gia. and South Carolina and General News ; Inter esting Correspondence, and Special Telegrams from all important points. Subscription. £lO. The TRI-WEEK.LY Chronicle and Senti nel is intended for points convenient to a Trij AVceklymail. It contains nearly everything of interest whichjappears in the Daily. Subscription, $5.00. The AVKKKLY CHRONICLE AND SENTI NEL is a mammoth sheet, gotten up especially for our subscribers in the,country. It is one of the largest papers published in the South, and gives, besides Editorials, all the current news of the week, a full and accurate review of the Augusta Markets and Prices Current. The Commercial Reports are a special feature of the edition. Sub scription, $2. Specimen copies of anv issue sent free. WALSH & AVRIGIIT, Proprietory Augusta. Ga. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF MAILS. Athens mail arrives at Jcflerson on AVednes days and Saturdays, at 10 o'clock, A. AL, and de parts same days at 12 o'clock, AL Gainesville mail arrives at Jefferson on AYednes days and Saturdays, at IT b’clook, A. AL, and de parts same days at 13 o’clock, AI. Lawrenceville mail arrives at Jefferson on Satur days, at 12 o’clock, AI, and departs same day at 1 o'clock, P. M. F. L. Pendergrass. Dcp'y P. M. The Old Reliable! (ESTABLISHED IX ISSS.) Deupree Block, Athens, Ga. • The Farmers of Jackson County and surrounding country f are most respectfully asked to visit our establish ment and examine those Celebrated IRON FOOT PLOW STOCKS. Refer to IT. W. Bell, Rev. F. Stakm, Jackson Hancock. WE ALSO KEEP A FULL LINE OF EVERYTHING KEPT IX A FIB ST CRASS HARDWARE STORE. SI MM EY, HUTCHESON & BELL. ATHENS, GA M Dec. 25, 1875. 3m WARRANTED FIVE YEARS! Zt requires no Instructions to run it. It can not get out of order. It will do every class and kind of work. /. it will sew from Tissue Paper to Harness Leather. Zt is as far in advance of other Sewing Machines in the magnitude of its superior improvements, as a Steam Car ozcolls in achievements tho old fashicned Stage Coach. Prices made to suit the Times, Either for Cash or Credit. of J AGENTS WANTED. Address i WILSON SEWING MACHINE CO. PX4ffYSSLAITD, OHIO, CHICAGO, ILL., HEW TOPS, Iff. TANARUS, .V Y MEW ORLEANS, LA., CT. LOUIS, MO, We are now sole Agents for Northeast Georgia, for the following popular Fertilizers: DICKSON COMPOUND. AMMONIATED BONE. I .# i" • *1 ■i ■ ' * . * 1 ’ • ■ • V’ \i -■ : s . •>ll hen* If hemi ca l Compound , KNOWN BY SOME AS DICKSON CHEMICALS. ACID PHOSPHATE. > . , • v>l*>v- '■ > ft jA- ! ’ • ! The above Guanos and Chemicals for Composting, are too weN known to need any praise ! COTTON OPTION ALLOWED ON All We Sell ! ME HAVE NOW A STOCK ON HAND AND CAN FURNISH AT ANY TIME. Now is the Time to get them while the Roads are Good! ORB &; Go., Agents, December 4th, 1875. Athens, Ga. J. C. WILKINS & CO., Broad, street, Athens, Ca. DEALERS IX STOVES, TIN-WA.RE, &C (Opposite North-East Georgian Office.) July 3a, 1875. COUNTY OFFICERS. WILEY€. HOWARD, - - - - Ordinary. M. M. PITTMAN, - - Judge Cos. Court. THOS. 11. NIBLACK, - - - Clerk S. Court. JOHN S. HUNTER. - - - - - - Sheriff’. WINN A. WORSHAM, - - - Deputy LEE J. JOHNSON, ----- Treasurer. JAMESL. WILLIAMSON, - - Tax-Collector. GEO. IV. BROW I S’, ------ • Receiver. JAMES L. JOHNSON, - - County Surveyor. WM. WALLACE, - - - Coroner. G. J. N. "WILSON, County School Commiss’r. Commissioners (Roads a ndJlf/venue.)—Wm. Seymour. W. J. Haynie, IV. G. Steed/. Meet on the Ist Fridays in August and November. T. H. Niblack, Esq., ClerL. AWARDED THE HIGHEST MEDAL AT VIENNA! Et k h. t. Anthony & co., 591 Broadway, New York. (Op. Metropolitan Hotel.) Manufacturers, Importers and Dealers in CHROMOS AND FRAMES, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS, ALBUMS, GRAPIIOSCOPES, AND SUITA BLE VIEWS. Photogra])ic Mtaterials . We are Headquarters for everything in the way 01 Stereopticans and Magic Lanterns. Being Manufacturers of the MICRO-SCIENTIFIC LANTERN, S TER EO- PA NOPTIC ON. UNI VERSIT Y S TEREO P TICON, Al) I ER TUSER'S Stereopticon, A R TOFT ICON. SCHOOL LANTERN. FAMILY LANTERN. PEOPLE'S LANTERN. Each style being the best of its class in market. o Catalogues of Lanterns and Slides with direc tions for using sent on application. Any enterprising man can make Money with a Magic Lantern. HfSfPCut out this adreiiisemcnt for September 25, Cm BLANKS! MAGISTRATES’ BNECUTTONS. PRINTED AT SHORT NOTICE. At the Forest News Office.