The forest news. (Jefferson, Jackson County, Ga.) 1875-1881, May 07, 1880, Image 2

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itdiis. T ROB’T S. HOWARD, Editor. JEFrERSO^ T 3 GJ FRIDAY iflOHNißNiti, Way 7, S^O. m mtrnmtmmmm mmtmam m • tmmammm* tn 11 ~tt iih-t—iritr- —e^—-*--cs.- -aw —A cyclone visited Mississippi last week. —Pennsylvania democrats arc in favor of Tilden. —Ohio will send a Sherman delegation to Chicago. —Mr. Stephens says, that the ring in Georgia is for Tilden. —Cotton seed are worth a dollar per bushel in some parts of lower Georgia. —Members of Congress are reported as l>eing active speculators in the stock market. —Candidates for State offices are coming to the front, and getting their booms in or der. —Prices on most all of the staple articles have fallen considerably since the first of February. Fue South Carolina radicals at their recent convention selected a Grant delega tion for Chicago. —Macon shipped the first barrel of flour of the new Georgia crop. The wheat was out in Lee count}' on the 10th of April. —Northeast Georgia is to he thoroughly raided by the revenue men. every possible means will he tried to break up the whiskey business. —lt will be a hard matter to get free tick ets to the May Convention this year. The Georgia road is getting more stringent every year upon this subject. —Congressman Hammond of the Atlanta district is making quite a reputation in con gress, he promises well, and no doubt will be sent back by his constituents.. —Owing to the recent defaat of his party, laird Bcaeonsliehl has retired with lus a - from the control of the British Government, lie will be succeeded by Mr. Gladstone and a liberal ministry. —Almost daily some paper comes out with n long article in praise of some favorite for Governor, and winds up by nailing his name to the masthead. Wo have no favorite in t.lie matter, but there is one thing about it we do know, and that is we don't want Colquitt any mote. —We would like to know when the call for a meeting of the Democrats of this conn ty will be made, we think it is about time some steps of this kind were made. It will he too late just a week nr two before the convention meets. We want this matter looked into. —Postmaster General Key has tendered his resignation. He has been tendered the position of District Judge of eastern and middle Tennessee, which he accepted, his nomination will not lie sent to the Senate until just, before the adjournment of Congress. —Mr. Blount, who has served the sixth Georgia district in Congress for a number of years, lias refused to ailow his name to be used for a renomination. The citizens of Ids district regret this very much as Mr. Blount has made a fine representative, a reputation as a stateman that is not circum scribed by the confines of his native State. It is to be hoped that he will change his mind. —General Alexander will not he a can didate for re-election to the presidency of the Georgia railroad. lie Isas accepted a {xjsition as vice president of the great Louis ville & Nashville railroad combination. General Alexander suggests that the stock holders elect in his place Mr. C. H. Phinizy of Augusta, as lie thinks that gentleman fully competent to take the management of the road. —A correspondent to the Atlanta Consti tution from Gainesville has the following to sav about our Railroad:— •*Our people are blowing over another railroad to Jefferson, and one to Monroe via Jug Tavern. The road to Jefferson will doubtless be built and equipped with the rolling stock of the Gainesville and Dahlonega railroad, as it will be a marrow gauge. The road to Mon roe will tap the Georgia railroad at Social Circle/’ The action of the late republican state convention in declaring that the colored republicans of this State by reason of their great majority were entitled to a share of the offices ami honors of the party, has caused a considerable commotion amongst the white members of that party. They called a meet ing and expresed their dissatisfaction openly. They propose to continue to rule the roast and t Slink it an impertinence upon the part of their colored brethereu to ask for a share of the r.poil. The fiel ermcn of New England are about o get the United States into trouble with Great Britain. Under the treaty of Wash ington bet wen this Government and Great .Britain, American fishermen have th-J right to lish in Canadian waters, recently while en gaged in their legitimate occupation thev we e ordered to desist, and when they refused. the\ were driven off and their fishing tackle injured. They claim damages, the matter was present ed to the British Government, and it has refused to pay the amount claimed. Our wiseacres at Washington are pondering the next step to be taken in the matter. —The other day the House of Represen tatives had under consideration the revision oi the revenue law*, during the debate some Radical from the North read a newspaper article reflecting in severest terms upon the citizens of the ninth Georgia Congressional district, accusing them of the whole catogorv of dimes. As Mr. Speer the member from our district was absent Gen. Phil Cook of Georgia defended and hurled back into the teeth oi* the vile calumniator his slanderous charges. It is said that his speech silenced his adversary and was received with rounds of applause. We tender our thanks to the gal lant General the people of the ninth will not forget his manly defense in their cause. ’ Uow it was possible for our Emory to to be absent when the revision of the reve nue laws was up before the House we cannot understand. It will be remembered that this was one of his strong points in the late cam paign, one that he was going to urue with all the fervor .f his young and ardent spirit. Besides lie lost an excellent opportunity to defend his constituents from false charges and get in his great speech about Tallulah. Nachoochee, Tocoa and the Savannah river. He might have- then and there made as great a reputation as Ben Hill did in the Blaine affair. Look Cut for the Engine when the Whistle Blows. Mr. Editor: —lf the stock comes in as briskly for a few more days as it has done in the past week or two, we shall soon be ready to break dirt oil our end of the Rail road. We are glad to hear that those living along the line, arc becoming interested. Already we are begining to hear them call ing out like cab drivers. “ Tins way ! Mr. Engineer ! this w ay !'* True. I have heard of one man that did not want any Railroad; lie seems to be afraid someone will find out where he lives, lie ought to go West where they haul wood in a sled, go to mill on their own backs and call at the Post Office once a month. But on the other hand, I hear of a number who are not only willing to give the right of way, hut are willing to convert a portion of ttieir laud into stock to carry tho road through their places. If all who live along the line, will contrib ute as much as one acres width on each side all the way through, we will have abundant means to construct our portion of the bed. Gentlemen, you can take that amount of stock and never miss it from the hinds von now hold, and it will be the best investment you have ever made. If you have never en tered any calculations on this proposition, try them now. Instead of holding your lands as now, at $5.00 an acre, and not often finding purchasers even at that price, when the Railroad is built, you will find purchasers in numbers at-$15.00 and $20.00 and even $30.00 per acre. We should never hesitate at aucii investments as these. Fruit culture alone, with proper transportation, would offer one of the greatest enterprises for old Jackson. The Northern nurseries are mak ing colossal fortunes for their owners under all the disadvantages of their rigorous cli mate. For that business, there is not a better spot on the Western Continent, as to soil and climate, than can be found in our coun ty for the greatest variety of the best pro ductions of garden and orchard. We ask for no contributions that will not restore* fourfold. We want to hear promptly from all those who live along the different 10 res. Many of them have here a splendid to make a fortune without going to California, the Black Hills, or even to White county. As soon as the road is located, little villa ges will spring up along the line, and some one will realize large amount for village lots and small farms for gardens and orchards. 1 suggest these firings especially to those who should be interesed in securing the loca. tion through their places: but it is worth much to any man to even live near a railroad for it opens so many small channels through which lie may increase Ids income. Yet as we said, in former articles, every man in the county is interested, and every one will be greatly benefited. So do not let. any ho' 1 back, because they do not live on any rout,; proposed for the road. [migrants will soon, after the road is open ed, he limiting lands in every part of the county. We do not ask any of you to give anything, only to take stock and help us to realize tho grand results which must flow from the completion of this enterprise. You cannot make a mistake here friends, unless you neglect to work with us and thereby iefeut our efforts. That indeed, would he a grand mistake. Do not fail to seize this chance for im proving your condition. There is a fair prospect that even the stock will pay, and pay handsome dividens. Others are sub scribing freely, so come with us. all of you and come promptly. John W. Glenn. Timely Caution. Genuine Hop Bitters arc put up in square paneled, amber-colored bottles with white label on ono side printed in black letters, and green hop cluster, and on the other side yellow paper with red letters; revenue stamp over the cork. This is the only form in which genuine Hop Bitters are put up, and the sole right to make, sell and use them is granted to the Hop Bitters MTg Cos., of Rochester N. Y.. and Toronto, Orrt., by patents, copy right and trade mark. All others put up in any other way or by any one else, claiming to be like it or pretending to contain hops, by whatever names they may be called, are bogus and unfit for use, and only put up to sell and cheat the people on the credit and popularity of Hop Bitters. A Farmer. We are not given to praising men under all circumstances, but propose to break our custom in the present instance. After taking in the railroad meeting at Hosch’s store last bat ure ay week and an excellent dinner, we in company with several others took a look at a portion of the farm of Mr. John Hosoh. Alter looking ut his wheat and oats and the manner in which ho has prepared his cotton and corn land, it was the unanimous judgement of the crowd, that he was ahead of any of the farmers of Jackson county. We know of none more progressive or suc cessful than he has been. lie has wheat that he expects to make over thirty bushels to the acre, oats in the same propotion, all of his lands are in a high state of cultivation show ing that Jio has not only grasped the key to true success for Georgia farmers, hut is putting it in daily use. Such men are valuable to a country, and we wish we had more of them. We advise all who say that they cannot make fanning pay, to make a visit to Mr. Hosch’s farm, and learn how lie has brought his land to a high state of cultivation, and at the same time makes money. Fine Work. During the last two weeks Mr. A. R. Rob ertson of Athens lias been putting up a con siderable amount of marble work in this county. \\ e notice a handsome new monu ment over in Woodbine Cemetery over the grave of Mr. k. T. Carithers, the workman ship and material are first class and the de sign is in fine taste, the body of the shaft is of beautiful marble' delicately veined, the base is of Georgia granite making an excel lent and handsome contrast. We also no ticed one small cradle tomb that was a hand some one its kind. Upon the same trip he placed a handsome box tomb over the grave of Mrs. Shockley the late wife of Mr. Neal Shockley. M e are pleased to see that our people arc patronizing this gentleman. It shows that he is not only a first class work man but that he works at prices that are reasonable. Parties desiring such work will find that they can lie suited not only in price hut also in quality, at prices that are below either Augusta or Atlanta. The Voltaic Beil Cos., Marshall, Mich. Will send their celebrated Electro-Voltaic Beils to the aiTr.eted upon 30 days trial. Speedy cures guaranteed. They mean what they say. Write to them without delay. Fancy Dry Goods, of all descriptions, PRINTS, MUSLINS, GINGHAMS, DOMESTICS, &c., and a full line of DRESS GOODS of every variety; NOTIONS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, -SHOES, Ac. My assort ment of H-eady-Made Clottiing: is complete, embracing all the latest styles and all grades, and in full suits, for men. I have also in stocK. every variety of Family Groceries, Hardware, CUTLERY, GLASS WARK, CROCKBRY, Ac.’, Ac. In a word, I have everything good to eat or wear or do almost anything else with, all of which I propose to sell as cheap as first-class goods can be bought anywhere. Thankful far former patronage, I hope all my old customers and many new ones will call on me before purchasing- elsewhere. F. M. BAILEY N. B.—No trouble to show goods. Call, even if you don’t buy. "W. MEHCHIAN'T, 1 have just opened in the stand on Clayton Street, formerly occupied by Mr. L. J. Lampkin, a full assortment of FANCY & FAMILY GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, TIN-WARE, &c„ And in fact, everything needed in the Home Circle. i keep only the Jit si of Goods, and sell at the Lowest price, for Cash or Country Produce. The farmers of Jackson and adjoining counties, will find it to their advantage to give me a call. A liberal share of the public patronage respectfully solicited. BUGGIES and WAGONS! WAGONS and BUGGIES ! D. 0. HURLEY, WITH TWENTY YEARS EXPERIENCE IN THE BEST SHOPS NORTH AND SOUTH Now Located on Clayton Street and College Avenue, Athens, Ga., WHERE I WILIy MAKE AND REPAIR Carriages, Buggies and Wagons. Horse Shoeing. Horse Shoeing. THE BEST THE CHEAPEST ! PLANTATION WOBK, PLOWS, MILL PICKS, 1 use the host material and employ the most expert workmen. My work all guaranteed, or mo ney returned. Save money by seeing me. S>. €. lEIJfKVJHY, Cor. Clayton St. and College Av., (Opposite Talmadge, Hodgson & Cos.) oct 10-3 m ATHENS, GA. I*ll A. RM ACE UTICA L COM P’NY, YWV&m.CASAS, Corner College Aienne and Clayton Street, ATHENS, GA., RESPECTFULLY invite the attention of the ' people of Jackson and the public generally to their LARGE and FRESII stock of 3PTJLT*© tDtruLg'si, Medicines, Chemicals, Fancy Goods, Toilet Articles, ETC., ETG. Wc call especial attention to our assortment of Patent Medicines, rare and standard. Also, to rave and standard Medicines and Chemicals. No matter how com mon, or exceedingly rare, we have at least a little on hand. The Prescription and Compounding De partment is under the personal supervision of JOS. JACOBS. PtemacenM Graduate, The only GRADUATED DRUGGIST in this section of the State. Our Motto: PURITY, ACCURACY AND EXCELLENCE. BARGAINS IN SEED! January 30th, 18S0. D. la e. Is an abfislato and irresigtnMc cure for enneas. Intemperance and the nae of Opium, To-| p&cco. Narcotics, and Stimulants, removing all •**•*?• desire and habit of using any of them, ren-i dering the taste or desire for any of them perfect!'.; and disgusting. Giving every one perfect and irresistible control of the sobriety of them selves or their friends. It prevents that absotato physical and moral prostration that follows the sudden breaking oil from using stlranlant* or narcotics. 1 ackage, prepaid, to cure 1 to 0 persons, S2. or! at yoar druggists, £1.75 par fcoi tie. temperance societies should recommend It. It is perfectly harmless end never-failing. Hop Bitter* Mfg. Cos., Rochester, N. Y. Scie Agents Raj Congli Cure destroys all pain, loosens too cough, quiets the nerves, produces rest and never fails to cure. The Hop Pad for Stomach, Idverand Kidneys is superior to all others. Cu.-es by absorption’. It is perfect—ask druggists. The nop Bitters Kfg. Cos., of RccW>r. X. T. orJv, prepnre these remedies, t.lso the Hop Bitters, wiu.-h areln no sense e beverage or i litoxicant, but the Pores t end Bert Medicine ever iruuie, making more cures ilian all other remedies. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUCQISTS. WANTED ss getic canvassers to engage in a pleasant and pro fitable business. Good men will find this a rare chance TO MAKE ISA OUST IE Such will please answer this advertisement by letter, enclosing stamp for reply, stating what bu siness they have been engaged in. None but those who mean business apply. Address FINLEY, HARVEY & CO., june 20 Atlanta, Ga. r7> \ tfV A- MONTH guaranteed. 812 a -.A)! §9 y day at home made by the indqs v-x trious. Capital not required ;we will start you. Men. women, boys and girls make money faster at work for us than at anything else. The work is light and pleasant, and such as any one can go right at. Those who are wise who see this notice will send us their addresses at once and see for themselves. Costly Outfit and terms free. Now is the time. Those already at work are lay ig up large sums of money. Address TRUE CO., Augusta, Maine. june!3 WHITE LEAD AND GILS, Varnishes & Colors, DRUGS, MEDICINES and CHEMICALS, Grass and Clover Seed. For any of above, or anything in the Drug line, call on E. C. LONG & CO., Wholesale & Retail Druggists, ATHENS, Q-PA. October 24th, 1870. fS*T TM*f wjfiJPS ft | tvfcpj- 2 89? 0 tJSa ’S’h&.y X A? A : 1 * ABSOLUTELY- Aim Impsra F.t-Carb S<Hla. £3 of t> slightly dJrty whl e color. It ntry appear vMtf. fiasiiln'il i>y brafc a COMPAIUSOS WlTIt on tine ii & ro.’s 11 aa it ash riAMHian-> ErtA D will saay the tiiSTcs’cace. Sea Vyour nalclwgr Foi ia whits rr.<! PTJttn, ns ; Uoul.l 1,. A',f, SII’IIEAIt SUBSTANCES ai.c! foe food. Housdreopera who prefor bread made with react, will improve its quality, ranko It rise better mu prevent it from Eouring, by adding ono-haif fnacpdCnful of Church & Co.’3 Coda or Balcral-tu ® Bo euro and not use too much. The usd of thin with 3our milk in preference to Baking Powder, raves twenty timeß its cost. Seo one pound pockago fc? valuable informa tion and read caroiully. SHOW TO YOUR QROGER. ENCOURAGE HOME MANUFACTURES, MaysvUle Shoe Factory. e manufacture all kinds of shoes: mens' Brogan's ahd Boots, ladies’ High and Low Quar tered childrens’ Shoes, HARNESS and BRIDLES. We are prepared to make all kinds of Fine work. A\ e work the best material in the most popular styles, and Warrant our JYorh Equal to any Goods on the Market. We have experienced workmen employed, for both coarse and fine work. As we defy competi tion in quality, prices and service, we hope to have the pleasure of supplying you with Boots and Shoes. BROWN & RILEY. Maysyille. Ga. f&kF \V e also keep constantly on hand a select stock of Groceries and Provisions, Bacon, Lard, Sugar, Coflfce, Syrup Dd Dry Goods, &c., 1880-SPRING SEASON-1880 NEW SPRING GOODS! AT PENDERGRASS BRO. & CO. Trimming Silks, in the latest, and most desirable patterns LACE TIES and BEAUTIFUL SILK Tire Stock of Gros Grain-Satin, and plain RIBBONS mthe most elegant designs ever shown inj efr l4r & Large Stock of Prints, in the Most Beautiful of Patter Figured lafcice, Lawns, Piques, Ginghams, Cambrics, and different kinds of . white, and figured goods for spring, and summer wear at popular pricos. ™ * pkfc Parasols Different Prices, from 25 cts. up. Rucking! Rucking! Rucking! A nice stock of these goods in the most elegant styles as cheap as ever HOSIERY. Ladies fancy, Brodequin and Silk, clock hose Childrens plain and fancy gents from ii Ve ~ cents up BUTTONS. All, and the latest novelties in dress buttons. Dress Shields for Arm Holes, and Skirts Corsets, 3^Ta,p>ls.inSS, Table Linens lace Curtains <&c. COTTONADES, Pants Linen, C'ASSIMERS, and DOESKIN. SIIIRTS Laiinrlri i Unlaundried, COLLARS, Towels, TOWEL CRASH, from five cents Dtr xS and up. LINEN AND SILK Handkerchiefs, HAIR ORNAMENTS, SC AR ’ PINS ifec. SHOES, Mens, Ladies and Childrens, of all kinds. All styles from-a brogan to a Josaphine Sandal at prices to defy competetion. Keep cool ! FANS, all kinds and sizes, from five cents up. A Well Selected Stock of Mens Summer Clothing. Mens Straw, wool and fur hats. The Largest Stock of Millinery ever brought to Jefferson. This is the place, to get Goods Cheap, With Cash. The/ have got the goods and are Going to Sell Them, as Cheap as any Body. April 2nd. G. W. WALKER’S cj.i RniA a e ssi or, s’, Main Street, Gainesville, Georgia. MANUFACTURER OF Phaetons, Buggies and Farm Wagons, I respectfully invite the people of Jackson countv. and the public generally, to call and examine my work before purchasing elsewhere. As I AM STILL IN THE CARRIAGE liUSINFSS with GOOD SLOCK, GOOD WORKMEN, and CLOSE ATTENTION TO BUSINESS, lamm pared to offer them anything in my line at Rock, Bottom Pignres! So send on your orders and work. Orders by mail promptly attended to. Repairing Done in All of Its Branches! Respectfully, Feb. 6th, 1880. G. W. WALKER. C. W. DUPRE iTlie pronounced leader in low Prices in Gainesville, is the °nly Merchant who went to New York this season for SPRING and SUMMER GOODS. Hif> btoc.v, which is twice that of any of his previous purchases is now in his spacious Store Kooibs and has no equal in this section. His stock of DRESS GOODS, WHITE GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, LACES, CORSETS, RIBBONS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, ZEPHYRS, SILK 1 1 Eh Ac., is ail tnat could be desired by the most fastidious and, his prices on each and evert article guaranteed as low as the same goods can be bought in any city in Georgia. His stock * MENS AND BOYS CLOTHING is the largest and most varied in Gainesville. MENS SUITS ranging from $3.00 to S3O. His stock of GENTS, LADIES and CHILDRENS SHOEs, SLIPPEF.S&c is unsurpassed in any market-all styles and grades at the very Lowest Possible Prices. Ib * also the most COMMUTE LINE ofSTRAYf and FUR lIATS for (lente and Hoys, preWf 8 for Young Men. He has opened in CONNECTION with his DRY-OOODS a First-class Mil l ” 1 '? Department under management of Miss Mary Ileadcn, a Lady of unquestionable taste and. who D liadlarge experience m i the larger cities. In this department is to Vo found the Largest Stock millmery Goods, HATS, BON NET S, FLOWERS, RIBBONS, and HAT TRIMMINGS , A,Y any where this side of Baltimore, and a uniform line of Low Prices on everything 80 A visit to this sterling House will repay you. Gw-oocl Groods, Liow ]Pric6& quick sales and small protits, and polite attention to all are some of the standing rW C. W. DUPRE. CHEMICALLY PULE. JUDSON’S MARBLE WORKS, ATLANTA, GEORGIA MANUFVCTUREIt AND DEALER IN ITALIAN AND RUTLAND MARBLE MONUMENTS, BOX TOMBS, I ILIAD and FOOT STONES, Iron Kailing- lor Grave Enclosures, G-ranitej OFFICE and WORKS on Corner LOYD and ALABAMA STREETS, Opposite Georgia Railroad Depot , Orders Solicited and Promptly Filled. Prices Reason*''' I '' Terms Cash. r Address D. N. JUDSON, Atlanta,