The forest news. (Jefferson, Jackson County, Ga.) 1875-1881, May 14, 1880, Image 2

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®!ta ii’ffe. y ROB’T S. HOWARD, Editor. JEFFERSON, GJ±. yIPAT MPgJIWg, May 11, I**o. —China is still ou the war path ! —May da}' was appropriated this year by the Sabbath schools. •—Treasurer Renfroc is trying to get up a boom for the next race. —An insurrection has broken out in one of tin* middle provinces of Cuba. -—The spelling reform movement has at tracted the attention of Congress. The New York senate is in favor of ex tending the electoral franchise to women. —The two thirds rule will in all probability be retained by the Cincinnati Convention. —The latest from Mr. Blount is that he may be induced to run again for Congress. —Dr. Mell has been elected President of the Southern Baptist convention at Lexington Ky. -—Mr. Tilden is on the fence this week, we presume he is looking for a suitable tail, for his kite. —Gov. Colquitt has offered a reward for the capture of any of the iand pirates that are now infesting Southern Georgia. —The great Railroad Commission is in trouble on account of its rates. The railroads have carried the matter into the courts. —The Georgia Press Association met in Cuthbert last Wednesday. We regret we were not able to be with the boys this time. —Cox lias been refused anew trial by the Supreme Court. There is no hope for him now. It is reported that he will be sent to the Dade coal mii'.e3. —Reliable information states that the hot tom lias been knocked out of the third term movement and if Grant gets the nomination it will be by the hardest kind of scuffling witli Blaine and Sherman. —The total number of immigrants arriv ing at the port of New York during the month of April was 40284 with the probabil ity that the number arriving during the pres ent month will not fall far below. —President Ilayes has vetoed the civil service deficiency bill, on the ground that it reHl rict.s and changes the manner of appoint ingdeputy marshalls. It is the same old fight that was waged during the extra sesion. —We would like to know who is the chair man of the Democratic executive committee of Jackson. We want him to call a meet ing, the convention meets in Atlanta on the ninth of June and now it is the middle of May —This is a holliday week with lots of Georgians. The editors are all down at Cuthbert, Rome is entertaining firemen from all parts of the State, and the stockholders of tiie Georgia Railroad are revelling in Au gusta. —Chief Justice Field of California is mak ing a considerable stir amongst the presiden tial “ boom” makers. He appears to be the very man we are looking for provided we take the opinions of the newspapers upon the subject. —Onr State exchanges will be brighter than common this week, and at the same time contain a notice of the absence of the editor. \\ lien this editor goes off he says nothing about it as he knows his readers will be aware of it. —We would like to know what has become ■of the Democracy of Jackson county, in the early part of next month a convention will be held in Atlanta. Yet there has been no call made to select delegates to attend the meeting of the convention. —We know we are under some obligations to our readers to toll them what is going on in congress but when we turn to the tele graphic columns of our big Georgia dailies we find nothing in them about Congress that would interest an indifferent patriot. So we are compelled almost weekly to give up the job as fruitless. —When Judge Mercer, of Pennsylvania, told Judge Black that lie ought to be a Re publican, the latter replied that there was only one thing in the way. “If,” he said, • there was no hereafter, I would join the Re publican party at once. Nothing deters me but. the fear of hell.” —Gen. Gordon lias declared for Tilden it is said that he is to have the second place on the ticket so as to consolidate the South. The Republicans sav that in the event that Gordon gets the nomination for vice Presi dent they will take Stephens and put him on the tail end of their ticket. —Should the Republican party elect the next president we may expect to see a large majority of the United State Government otficcs in Georgia, in charge of our colored population. They have become conscious ot the fact that they are the republican party in this State and as a natural consequence they v/ill demand the patronage of the Govern ment. —We have been tackled by some of our best friends for our opposition to Gov- Col quitt. Iu justice to their feelings we sa}’ that we are well satisfied that he is an upright and pure man, and lias in many respects made an admirable Governor. Yet we cannot endorse his administration. There fore we are opposed to his renomination. —AtA\ inchester. Va., on Monday week at a grand rally of the Democracy, Senator Voor hees, Pendleton and Gordon made speeches. The Washington Post says editorially, that the great feature of the day was the masterly address of General Gordon—an earnest, manly, irresistible appeal to the factions to cease their strife, close up their ranks and unite with the Democracy of other States for the success of Democratic principles. — W e have nothing special upon the Rail road subject tliis week that is not contained the article of Prof. J. AY .Glenn. Our people are in good spirits. The meeting of the board of directors was harmanious and agreea ble. All agree now that the location <d' the route is the next important step. We lack about four thousand dollars of having enough stock, but we think that as the prospects for the road increases this amount will be made up. Daily the matter grows into prominence, .and is being moie seriously considered by our people, News from The Railroad. DI HECTORS READY TO GO TO WORK. Mr. Editor:— Our information from the Jefferson & Gainesville Railroad is most en couraging. We have assurances that the subscription at the other end of the line is already secured. In this county so much of the stock lias been taken that the directors feel fully au thorized to commence the work. We hear that their prompt action is caus ing some, who would take stock, to hesitate in giving 11s their names and subscriptions. It is said, that they fear large assessments will be called in immediately; and as it is ditlicult to command cash at this season of the year, they think they may not be able to meet the obligation promptly : To all such I say. dismiss these fears immediately. There is not the least probability that any heavy draft will be made on the subscription before stockholders will have ample time to provide the means of payment. It is proposed now, that only about one or one and a half per cent shall he called in ut the present, for the purpose of surveying the routes and locating the line. We have the instruments already, and no heavy tax will be needed till fall: and even then, no large proportion of the subscriptions will be required. The stock will be needed only as the work progresses, which may extend through many months after the first dirt has been moved. So friends do not hesitate any longer. It is now more than probable than the road will be built and will he completed a3 soon as practicable. Come forward promptly and subscribe lib erally. that we may have the road iu good running order before tiie fall of 1881. The more abundant the means, the more rapidly will the work be completed. The directors will push forward with all possible speed. The question of a branch to Jug Tavern is left open for future consideration. It is fully decided by the directory to be gin work on the main trunk, as soon as en gineers can be procured. It is full time then, that those living along the proposed routes (and several lines are discussed) make their subscriptions and hand in their propo sitions to secure the location near their houses. Unless such proprietors bestir themselves, they will lose opportunities of making large gains and the chance may never come to them again. I presume that the directors will consent to receive conditional propositions above certain amounts. As said.before, we mean to build the road and we mean to make old Jackson county one of the most desirable in the State. Fellow citizens, we appeal to your pride and your love of home. Come, put j’ourselves in the front ranks again. As you took an advanced position in the storms of war and led other sections in promptness and numbers so prove yourselves leaders in the arts of peace. John W. Glenn. Timely Caution. Genuine Hop Bitters are put up in square paneled, amber-colored bottles with white label on one side printed in black letters, and green hop cluster, and on the other side yellow paper with red letters ; revenue stamp over the cork. This is the only form in which genuine Hop Bitters are put up, and the sole right to make, sell and use them i3 granted to the Hop Bitters MT’g Cos., of Rochester N. \., and Toronto, Ont., by patents, copy right and trade mark. All others put up in any other way or by any one else, claiming to be like it or pretending to contain hops, by whatever names they may be called, are bogus and unfit for use, and only put up to sell and cheat the people on the credit and popularity of Hop Bitters. Maysville, May Ist, 1880. Editor News ;—Please publish the fol lowing notice in your columns: There will be a meeting of the District Grand Lodge of Good Templars, held with Midway Lodge, near Gillsville, N. E. R. R. on Saturday before the third Sunday in M ay Bros. Hansell and Thrower, and other speak ers, will be present on the occasion. All are invited. H. J. David, D. I). G. W. C. T. The Shot Gun. On last Tuesday evening the shooting of W. F. Hunter by S. M. Starks disturbed the usual quite of our little village : The cause of the shooting was as follows : Starks had been on a spree for over a week and his mind was in a terrible condition, when in this fix some of our boys are disposed to tcaze him and at this particular time someone sug gested to him that he had better get a little ice to cool his head then it was suggested to put it down his back. Bill Hunter proposing to get the ice and put it down his back if John Ross would hold him, this they did and as saw that Starks was mad they ran oil so as to get out of his way. Starks started for his shot gun which was in the Venable building after he went inside some body on the outside locked him in, he then tried to break the door down seeing that he would accomplish his purpose the door was unlocked he came out with a shot gun in his hands, seeing Bill Hunter about halfway bc twen where he was standing and Simpkin’s cor ner lie leveled the shotgun at him and fired the the shot striking Hunter on his right arm and thigh, the shot penetrated about one inch and while not dangerous serious results might possibly arise from the wounds. The serious turn of the affair is regretted by all who had a hand in it the boys intended noth ing but innocent fun and were both partial larly friendly to Starks while we have no idea Starks would have thought of shooting either of them had he been sober. Starks is under arrest and will undergo judicial inves tigation. Tke Dublin Gazette tells of a most brutal act committed by one llenr}’ Rickerson, of Laurens county, a few days since. He was engaged in plowing, and, becoming enraged with the animal, he tied his horse up to a tree and began belaboring it unmercifully. 'Fhe horse, in running around the tree to avoid the blows, pulled so hard upon the hit, that its under jaw on both sides was bro ken. The Gazette says : “ When he was led through town it was an ugly sight to behold. The jaw was hanging down, and the tongue lolled out and bleeding profusety. Dr. Har ris splintered it as well as could be done, and the horse now only lives by sucking meal and water through his teeth.” TO STOCK R AIS.ERS Parties desiring to raise fine stock should ■ patronize inv horse WOOLWINDER. For terms and particulars call upon the undersigned. J. R. TIITRMOND. Fancy Dry Goods, of all descriptions, PRINTS, MUSLINS, GINGHAMS, DOMESTICS, &c., and a full line of DRESS GOODS of every variety; NOTIONS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, &c. My assort ment of Ready-Made Olotliing: is complete, embracing all the latest styles and all grades, and in full suits, for men. I have also in stock every variety of Family Groceries, Hardware, CUTLERY, GLASS WARE, CROCKERY, Ac., Ac. In a word, I have everything good to eat or wear or do almost anything else with, all of which I propose to sell as cheap as first-class goods can be bought anywhere. Thankful far former patronage, I hope all my old customers and many new ones will call on me before purchasing elsewhere. F. M. BAILEY N. B.—No trouble to show goods. Call, even if you don’t buy. W. M. PITTMAKT, MERCHANT, 1 have just opened in the stand on Clayton Street, formerly occupied by Mr. L. J. Lampkin, a full assortment of FANCY & FAMILY GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, TIN-WARE, &c., And in fact, everything needed in the Home Circle. 1 keep only the Best of Goods, and sell at the Lowest price, for Cash or Country Produce. The farmers of Jackson and adjoining counties, will find it to their advantage to give me a call. A liberal share of the public patronage respectfully solicited. BUG GIFS and WA G ONS! WA G ONS and BUG GIBS ! WITH TWENTY YEARS EXPERIENCE IN TIIE BEST SHOPS NORTH AND SOUTH Now Located on Clayton Street and College Avenue, Athens, Ga., WHERE I WILL MAKE AND REPAIR Car ridges, Buggies and Wagons. Horse Shoeing. Horse Shoeing. THE BEST THE CHEAPEST! PL JOIST WORK, PLOWS, IVIIEE PICKS, <3cC. I use the best material and employ the most expert workmen. My work all guaranteed, or mo ney returned. Save money by seeing me. l. f'. SBIJBSI..KY, Cor. Clayton St. and College Av., (Opposite Talmadge, Hodgson & Cos.) oct 10-3 m ATHENS, GA. PHARMACEUTICAL COMP’NY, Corner College Avenue anil Clayton street, ATHENS, G-A., RESPECTFULLY invite the attention of the people of Jackson and the public generally to their LARGE and FRESII stock of Pure Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Fancy Goods , Toilet Articles, ETC., ETC. We call especial attention to our assortment of Patent Medicines, rare and standard. Also, to rare and standard Medicines and Chemicals. No matter how r com mon, or exceedingly rare, we have at least a little on hand. The Prescription and Compounding De partment is under the personal supervision of JOS. JACOBS. PUarinaceutiaal Graduate. The only GRADUATED DRUGGIST in this section of the State. Our Motto: PUHITY, SCCUSSCY HUD EXCELLENCE. BARGAINS IN SEED! January 30th, 1880. D. I, C. 1b an nbfiolnte and irrcsiataMe euro for o m tj a t%. ennere, Intemperance and the use of Opium, To-I banco, Narcotii s, arul Stimulants, removing all ta.tUi, desire ami habit of using any of them, ren-i airing the taste or desire for any of them perfectly! odious and disgusting. one porfctij end irrcilstable control of the 6cbilety of them selves or their friends. j It prevent-- that ahpohtto physical and moral! prostration that follows the guddea breaking oH from using stimulants or narcotics. ; Package, prepaid, to cure 1 to 5 persons, 82, or at your druggists, #1.75 per bottle. ; Temperance nocictlea shot-id recommend lt.j It Is perfectly harmless and never-falling. j Hop Bitters Mfg. Cos., Rochester. N. Y. Sole Agents! Hep Congh Cure destroys all pain, loosens the cough, (pilots the nerves, produces rest, and never ituls to cure. The Hop Pnd for Stomach, T.iver and Kidneys 1 la mi pev-jor to all others. Cava by absorption! It is perfect—ask druggists. n-r Hop sitters Wtg. Cos., oflWherlcr. N. Y. ml*, prvrw. th<; remedies, also the Hop Bitter?, whi< h arc in no sense r I beveruge cr in toxicant, bnt the Fure?! and Port Mtdicini ev-rl uncle, online cjore euros than all other rctue.iicn. FOR^A^E^O ALL Q RUGGI STS ■ | TIT A A LIMITED num .-AjL JL J, JLdJBjP ber of active, ener getic canvassers to engage in a pleasant and pro fitable business. Good men will find this a rare chance TO MAKE MONEY. Such will please answer this advertisement by letter, enclosing stamp for reply, stating what bu siness they have been engaged in. None but those who mean business apply. Address FINLEY, HARVEY & CO., june 20 Atlanta, Ga. £7) ■/'"v A MONTH guaranteed. 812 a IS I day at home made by the indus trious. Capital not required ; we will start you. Men. women, boys and girls make money faster at work for us than at anything else. The work is light and pleasant, and such as any one can go right at. Those who are wise who see this notice will send us their addresses at once and see for themselves. Costly Outfit and terms free. Now is the time. Those already at work are lay ing up large sums of money. Address TRUE & CO., Augusta, Maine. june!3 WHITE LEAD AND OILS , Varnishes & Colors, DRUGS, MEDICINES and CHEMICALS, Grass and Clover Seed. For any of above, or anything in the Drug line, call on E. C. LONG & CO., Wholesale &c Retail Druggists, ATHENS, Gr-A.. October 24th, IS7O. & ‘J i L‘e § Si? i v s P ‘vL • .1: h: (. Y /sL\kk'f-y v ?-;y>.:*.\ V xi’M ? s $3 ABSOLUTELY ALT) Impnro Ri-Cart Hoila. Is of m alight iy C.i fly whlfo color. It may a pnoar while, examin'd by f-ge-li, but a COMPARISON WITH CIIUILCII & CO.’S “ARM ap;r llAriironit 5 EC.A D will show the dilTorcuee. See that your I’a I-i't{ Soil ala whito PL'liT, ns ehenid hr, Al<h ESriILAP. SUBSTANCES usd for tool. Hotisekeopcra who prefer bread znado with yeast, will improve Its quality, m.-.ko it riso better ; :td prevent it from Bouriii" by ad'Un;; ono-licii t: spoonful of Church k Co.'n fiotla or fitlcrr.t-.,. • Jio and not uso too much. Thl liso of this \vi!!i sour milk in preference to Balling Powder, eavc3 twenty times its coot. Ecc one pound packago for valuable in'orma tion and road careiully. SHOW m* TQ YOUR GROCER. ENCOORAGE HOME MANUFACTURES. Maysville Shoe Factory. We manufacture all kinds of shoes; mens’ Brogan's and Boots, ladies’ High and Low Quar tered Shoes, childrens’ Shoes, HARNESS and BRIDLES. We are prepared to make all kinds offinework. We work the best material in the most popular styles, and Warrant our Worh Equal to any Goods on the Marhet . We have experienced workmen employed, for both coarse and fine work. As we defy competi tion in quality, prices and service, we hope to have the pleasure of supplying you with Boots and Shoes. BROWN & RILEY. Maysville, Ga. We also keep constantly on hand a select stock of Groceries and Provisions, Bacon, Lard, Sugar, Coffee, Syrup and Dry Goods, &c., &c. ’ 1880-SPRING SEASON-1880, NEW SPRING GOODS! AT PENDERGRASS BRO. & CO. Trimming Silks, in the latest, and most desirable patterns LACE TIES and BEAUTIFUL SILK TIFS Stock of Bros Grain Satin, and plain RIBBONS in the most elegant designs ever shown in J c fF Large Stock of Prints, in the Most Beautiful of Patterns 0 ' Figured latice, Lawns, Piques, Ginghams, Cambrics, and different kinds of white, and figured goods for spring, and summer wear at popular prices. * ’ * pl*i* Parasols Different Prices , from 25 cts. up. Ruching! Rucliing! Rucking! A nice stock of these goods in the most elegant styles as cheap as ever. 3C JlLij-JIL ■ Ladies fancy, Brodequin and Silk, clock hose Childrens plain and fancy gents from five r V/l ' , 'vS Up BUTTONS. All, and the latest novelties in dress buttons. Dress Shields for Arm Holes, and Skirts. Corsets, WapkLinS, Table Linens lace Curtains <fcc. COTTONADES, Pants Linen, CASSIMERS, and DOESKIN. SHIRTS LaundrioH Unlaundried, COLLARS, Towels, TOWEL CRASH, from five cents per van! up. LINEN AND SILK Handkerchiefs, IIAIR ORNAMENTS, SCAR PINS &c. SHOES, Mens, Ladies and Childrens, of all kinds. All styles from a brogan to a Josaphine Sandal at prices to defy competetion. Keep cool ! FANS, all kinds and sizes, from five cents up. A Well Selected Stock of Mens Summer Clothing. Mens Straw, wool and fur hats. The Largest Stock of Millinery ever brought to Jefferson. This is the place, to get Goods Cheap, With Cash. They have got the goods and are Going to Sell Them, as Cheap as any Body. April 2nd. G. W. WALKER’S CARRIAGE SHOTS, Main Street, Gainesville, Georgia, MANUFACTURER OF Pheetons, Buggies and Farm Wagons. I respectfully invite the people of Jackson county, and the public generally, to call and examine my work before purchasing elsewhere. As 1 AM STILL IN THE CARRIAGE BUSINESS with GOOD SLOCK, GOOD WORKMEN, and CLOSE ATTENTION TO BUSINESS, 1 am prel pared to offer them anything in my line at Rocli. Bottom Figures! So send on your orders and work. Orders by mail promptly attended to. Repairing Done in All of Its Branches! Respectfully, Feb. 6th, 1880. G. W. WALKER. aw. DUPRE. The pronounced leader in low Prices in G-ainesville, is the only Merchant who went to New York this season for SPRING and SUMMER GOODS. Ilis Stock, which is twice that of any of his previous purchases is now in his spacious Store Kooms and has no equal in this section. His stock of DRESS GOODS, WHITE GOODS, -PROIDERIES’ LACES, CORSETS, RIBBONS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, ZEPHYRS, SILK LIES &c., is all that could be desired by the most fastidious and, his prices on each an<l every article guaranteed as low as the same goods can be bought in any city in Georgia. Ilis stock of MENS AND BOYS CLOTHING is the largest and most varied in Gainesville. MENS SUITS ranging from $3.00 to S3O. His stock of GENTS, LADIES and CHILDRENS SHOEs, SLIPPERS &c., is unsurpassed in any market—all styles and grades at the very Lowest Possible Prices. He has also the most COMPLETE LINE o/sTRAW and FUR II ATS for Gents and Boys prey DAK for Young Men. He has opened in CONNECTION with his DRY-GOODS a First-class Milling Department under management of Miss .Mary Ileaden, a Lady of unquestionable taste and, who has had large experience m the larger cities. In this department is to be found the Largest Stock of millinery Goods, HATS, BONNETS, FLOWERS, RIBBONS, and lIAT TRIMMINGS GlN*®* ~“LY any where this side of Baltimore, and a uniform line of Low Prices on everything B°W* A visit to this sterling House will repay you. Grood Groods, Low PrioeSi quick sales and small protits, and polite attention to all are some of the standing rale* “I C. W. DUPRE. CHEUWALLY PURE. JUDSON’S marble works, ATLANTA, GEORGIA - MANUFVCTURER AND DEALER IN ITALIAN AND RUTLAND MARBLE. MONUMENTS, BOX TOMBS, HEAD and FOOT STONES, Iron Railing for Grave Enclosures, Granite, OFFICE and WORKS on Corner LOYD and ALABAMA STREETS* Opposite Georgia Railroad Depot, Orders Solicited and Promptly Filled. Prices Reasonable Terms Cash. „, Address I>. N. JUDSON, Atlanta, Ga: