The forest news. (Jefferson, Jackson County, Ga.) 1875-1881, May 28, 1880, Image 3

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w* BREVITIES. iffl f Fine season! ]■ x.j’leas livel * v ' UgCool n “S hts 1 ■ Lrassy cotton! ■gotten squares! Ileas and flics ! ■ ripening! are busy! falling down ! I Farffi labor in demand ! ■ ], o pguns are getting ripe! irfC^P 5 g roWiU o ri “ Ut alODg ! ■ fThc cherry crop will be short! I | f The babies are all doing well 1 I (f Big notings will soon be here! a Uncle Pete who eat the balls? I U'. V. Lindsey has gone to Texas. I soda water aft the drug ■ .^jij C railroad fever is not subsiding ■jf Farmers all complain of beiug in the r.-= Fo l \\\ L. Marler was in town last njtiilay I of our farmers are cutting wheat fljj'j oat 3- I ''"The soda fount at the drug store is in I;! blast. I Winn Worsham is fixing up his jjoiit fence. Josic Gilleland school pic niced |st Friday- giving in time for this county, was gt yesterday. Williamson's house is almost ready for occupancy. gr\Ve still insist on having that wedding sometime soon. pf Judge Bell reports a lull in the matri monial market. FfLook out for the census man, he will 1)0 around soon. gTHeavy rain down about Redstone last Sunday evening. gfFayett Gilleland is fixing up the siwekley bridge. fjfNext Tuesday is sale day and no property for saie. [f’Mr. Jim Rhodes of Athens was in the city la9t Tuesday. []fGo to the drug store and get a glass of the cooling liquid. OTCotton stalks of last years growth are sprouting right along. FFDon’t forget to attend the Democratic meeting next Tuesday. FjTThrcshing machines will not have much of a time this year. tTßemember the meeting of the Dem ocracy here next Tuesday. BFMay and June are the Doctors harvest months as well as the fanners. I?'W.J. Davenport and family came up last Saturday evening on a visit. Youngkin is happy now that 'l.e drug store has soda water for sale. IFYou can get twelve glasses of soda vater for fifty cents at the drug store. U" Dr. Pendergrass set the boys and girls up to soda water last Wednesday evening. IdPThere will be a picnic at Hosch’s saw ■ill or Saturday the 19th day of June. We will be thar. FF*Mf.O. G. W. Carter had cotton squares the middle of last week, this is the earliest we have heard ot. D’Tfyou want to have a nice time go up t) I'occoa with Pioneer Excursion from Alliens next Monday. . ?’\Ve learn that there were thirty-six applications for appointments as census enu merators from Jackson county. rrßill Waddle says he thinks he will resign the Baililfs office and let some bachelor tike it, he thinks it would suit one of that cla§s. Hf Householders should look after their tack yards, and refuse heaps, a little attention to this matter may be the means of avoiding * ease of the fever. crazy man from Harmony Grove _ a * been lodged in jail at tins place, and he will remain until a vacancy occurs 12 die Asylum at Mi Hedge viile. Please read the law card of our young ‘jiend Howard Thompson of Gainesville. c cnn recommend him in every respect as Worthy of a share of your patronage. * f Apple Valley is enjoying a first class Nation, it is reported that one of the young ® on out there is bewitched and his mother Uiiuks some of the Valley folks did it. nrUev. Mr. Kelly came near losing some s "t-ii last .Saturday. They broke out of a Pasture, and started for North Carolina, by P 'lapt action he managed to catch them, up Hall county. . v i See Henery Humans new advertisement 111 issue. He means to sell his goods therefore he lets the people know that ‘‘ e li^ 8 °e of tiie best stock of goods you Ca ‘i find in Jackson county. 1 & klijah Martin requests us to say statements in regard to himself that VPeared in a communication in our columns s | tetime ago, signed Gauky, were false and unauthorized by him. ‘Mr. A. L. Hull of Athens has opened a “fakers office in that place. When you Vrai to buy or sell securities of any kind or ' vlSil 10 invest money you had better call y see him, his references are first class. oli will find his card in another column. \ V s Car d of S* S. Yearwood he is the v eßt bxed up man in his town his saloon a wide reputation all over Georgia as the best in Gainesville. Give him a , when you go up to that city. Sing is a " itole souled fellow and will treat you well. 1 - We learn that on last Thursday night week the dwelling house of Mr. Russel Hosch this county caught on fire and was burnt '• the ground nothing was saved the family Jjrely escaped from the burning dwelling. he cause of the fire is not known. It is opposed that it caught from the stove. Harmony Grove. BY ODE IiEGULAK CoiiUESPONDENT. —Rain J —Beans! —Squashes 1 —lrish potatoes 1 —Cutting wheat 1 A few corn tassels! Oats are getting ripe! Are you in the grass yet? I he sick folks are improving 1 —A big crowd in town last Saturday 1 day~ L °° k ° Ut forlhe censua man next Tues- day. Dr * R * A Seale was "*h us on Wednes howt r ' 3 ' N ‘ Wood u bßildi,, g pigeon within* fisl ‘ i " s fever h “ about died out -Col. James J. Turnbull has been to see us again. —Mr I. R. Hix has gone up into the mountains. r , A lonely drummer now and then with cheap goots. You should not talk and laugh youn® men in church. 3 ° —Z. W. Hood Esq. reports cotton squares on his plantation. —We have no old maids but can beat the world on old bachelors. —Rev. W. B. J. Hardman preached at the Baptist church last Sabbath. . Mrs. Jane Doster of Jefferson has been visiting friends in the village. Banks county is having some great at traction for some of our young men —Mr. E. H. Ingram our efficient constable wanted a bond forfeited last Monday. —“ Beech Creek” ought not to kick so much, unless some body would spear more. —Some of our farmers are cutting wheat this week, and report from a third to half a crop. —“ Old Foggy” has been with us again and I am sorry to say he has lost his text. —Mr. Y r oung Williams of Madison county entered Prof. Parkers school here last week. —Mr. R. C. Wilhite and family left for Habersham county last Monday morning. —A mail route has been established from this place to Wilmot’s old store in Banks county. —Died in Harmony Grove on the 21st inst. Wirtly infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. 8. Cheney. —Mr. M. Jacobs has bought Mr. W. P. Daniel’s store room, now occupied by Messrs. Quillian Bros. —Wheat is falling to the ground as it ripens, this will necessitate the cutting before it is fully ripe. —The “ bargan and sale” by Gen. J. B. Gordon, Gov. Colquitt and cx-Gov. Brown is the latest boom. —Some of our people can’t see why a United States Senator oannot live and be happy on a salary of SGOOO. —During the sickness in Mr. R. S. Cha ney’s family Mr. I. R. Hix acted as chief cook at the Northeast Depot. —Rev. Eli Smith, of the Danielsville circuit, preached a good sermon at the Metho dist church last Sunday night. —Water melon patches are looking well since the rain. We have been around and examined all that we could find. —Our lazy club is getting in fine condi tion, several new names will be presented by our Secretary at next meeting. —Yellow legged chickens are in demand here, and will command good prices, eggs are also scarce and in good demand. —We have it here that a man in Oconee county killed forty minks under one rail pile and twenty-seven coons in a com crib. —Capt. A. T. Bennett was in the village last Thursday and was heard to indulge in some of his good old fashioned hearty laughs —Rev. W. B. J. Hardman and Messers W. S. Edwards and G. W. D. Harber have gone to Hartwell to attend the Union Meet ing- —Married by Rev. W. B. J. Hardman on the 23d inst. Mr. G. N. Wilson of Jackson county and Miss D. M. Brown of Madison county. —Mr. B. L. Moon has sold his dwelling and furniture shop to Mr. Isaac Newton Culberson, formerly a citizen of Madison county. —We hear great complaint among the far. mers about the budworm, some say it seems almost an imposibilty to get a stand of corn on botton land. —Young ladios if your sweetheart goes off to the falls without inviting you to ac company him you had better look out for gome other man. —A colored friend refused to give in his tax at Nicholson a few days ago because the tax receiver would not receive the money and give him a receipt. —Hon, A. G. McCurry of Hartwell will deliver the Literary address at the closing exercises of first term of Prof. Parkers school, the 25th day of June. Dr. W. S. Alexander says that he wants to be a revenue officer, but we think that he will have no time to spare from his flat boat over on the Oconee river. —One of our good ladies hung up a snake on the 20th inst., and we had a good rain the next day. She says: that she will try and haug up another next month. Morgan Nix says the frogs over about Apple Vally have the rust. If he had kept them salted instead oftryingto catch doodles, this would not have been the case. The “ bargain and sale” reported by the Atlanta Post is being freely discussed on the streets this week, if this proves to be true Gov. Colquitt will not gain many votes in this section. One of our young men perused three novels last week trying to find some soft language suitable to whisper to his sweet heart and finally settled down with “Manch” by Mrs. Mary E. Bryan, and has nearly com mitted the part selected to memory, so young ladies you had better look sharp he 9ays ; he is determined to repeat it to some young lady in town, and says it will express his ideas to a jot and tittle. Beech Creek Column. ELECTION TOPICS. ** To-day, to-days election day! the day to hold the polls, Y ou’ll find assembled on the ground a heap of jovial souls; The folks are dressed all in their best, the can didates are there, And jackasses are braying loud, and stallions neigh and rear.’" The 22d of May, dawned with clouded skies, and it was thought the inclemency of the day would keep many away from the polls, but by 8 o’clock a. m. from the various roads that converge at our Militia Court ground, might have been seen crowding to the polls, voters in every variety of vehicle— on foot—-on sore horses and prancing steeds. Contrary to the previous prediction of some of the wiseacres, nothing occurred to mar the harmony of the occasion, and everything passed off merrily as a marriage bell. Result of election —“ For Restriction” 75 ‘Against Restriction” 111. The anti restrictionists took their victory quietly, and made no demonstration. Uncles Zeek Hewitt, Lewis Arthur, Zeno Perkins, Billy Segars, Harp Arnold, and many other of the oldest and most reliable citizens of the District, voted the anti-re stretion ticket. The Hon- Robt White, that noble philan thropist and humanitarian, honored our Dis trict with a visit last Saturday. The average political novice had better begin at the bottom of the ladder. If gestures wild and infuriating, amount to aught, then the initiatory candidate for a politico— temperance bummer, should suc ceed. If a certain “ slaveholder” did threaten to come down with all his might upon the / un offending” nevertheless the anglo-saxon race, asserted their supremacy in an unmistakable voice. How about that “big dinner” for the col ored troop over on the mulberry. A good many colored voters polled the “ restriction” ticket. Now, Goss you just shut up ; if you are really hard up for a litte grub write us a private letter, and don’t be parading your domestic affair before the public. We’ve got a big item sure will get the full particulars and write 3’ou next week. Hammond Hinton has got so at last that you can get him to converse on some other topics besides railroading, but still the case is nearly equal to the man who was a mono maniac on the subject of “pudding.” May be, you’ve never heard it Mr. editor. It was thusly : Two gentleman were standing conversing, when the “pudding” man was seen approaching : one remarked to the other thet he would wager him five dollars that he could not talk to the approaching gentleman one minute without the latter mentioning “pudding.” The bet was taken. “Hallo! stranger” says the first, “thats a good axe you’ve got on j r our shoulder” “yes 1” replied the stranger “ I wish I had as much pudding as it would cut.” The true idea is, in the classic language of your Apple Valley correspondent to just “let—’ec roll.” It may as well be recorded that the peo ple of this commonwealth are going to cling with tenacious grasp to their inherent and inalienable privileges and no set of spas* modics can ever crush them. Dave McDonald and W. G. Steed have the finest corn in the district—wo learn that Mr. McDonald’s is over waist high at this writing, (May 24th.) corn and cotton look ing unusually well for the season. Gen. Toombs is our man for Governor, 2d choice, the present incumbent. We will soonenjbv a months vacation from the labor of the school room. Come and get some snap beans Goss and if you are fond of ingurns we have a boun tiful supply of these also ; it is time a fel low was begining to snuff the political *‘ breeze from afar,’’and perhaps the latter might strengthen your nasal power, and thus enable you to declare for either “J. A. B.” “H. P. B.” or “ some other man,” now do you just take this kindly. We don’t think the “ Folklore” articles in the Consititution amount to the worth of the space they occupy —we are tired of read ing all about “old brer fox” and “old brer bar” and “old brer rabbit” and several other “brers” to numerous to mention. “ The sun has set behind the hills—the polls are closed, away My friends are dropped, and tears are shed, our foes have won the day—' I too could shed some tears, alas ! and dash to earth my wig, But crying does no good you see, we’ll take a parting swig.” Ped A. Goque. Falling Wheat. We hear considerable complaint among9t the farmers about their wheat falling just before it is ripe enough to cut. It will be remembered that this was exactly the con dition of affairs some four or five years ago, when a severe storm came along throwing what little crop there was on the ground, and thus making it impossible to save it. Our farmers should keep an eye on this matter, as we may be visited again in the same manner. • ■♦♦♦♦♦• Jury Commissioners. We call attention to the fact that the law requires the Jury Commissioners to meet on the first Monday in June, to revise the jury box. These gentlemen were appointed at last court by Judge Erwin, and were all sworn in except Mr. F. M. Holliday who is dead, thus making a vacancy in the board. The following gentlemen compose the board, C. W. Hood, J. G. McLester, D. R. Lyle, Alsa Moore and W. M. Smith. —There will probably be six Census Enu merators in Jackson county, two malitia dis tricts for each one, if you are expecting the appointment, and have not received it, you hid better call at your Post Office, as next Tuesday is the day to oommonce work. Democratic Convention. In compliance with the request of the exe* cutive convention of the Democratic party of Georgia, made at its meeting held in the city of Atlanta on the 30th day of March last. The Chairman of the Democratic Executive committee of Jackson county request the Democracy of Jackson county to meet in convention at the court house in Jefierson on the first Tuesday in June next, for the purpose of selecting delegates to represent us in a Convention of the Democracy of Geor gia, to be held in Atlanta on the 9th day of June 1880, to elect delegates to represent the Democratic party of Georgia in the Na tional Democratic Convention which meets in the city of Cincinnatti the 22nd day of June next for the purpose of nominating Democratic candidates for President and 'Vice President of the United States. It is also the desire of the Chairman of the Democratic Executive Committee of Jackson county, that the Convention lie rein' called to meet on the first Tuesday in June shall appoint a suitable time for the holding of a Convention of the Democracy of Jack son county to select delegates to represent them in a Convention of the Democratic par ty of Georgia called by the Executive Com mittee of the State to meet in Atlanta on the 4th day of August next, to nominate a Democratic candidate for Governor and such other State officers to be elected this year. J. R. Hancock. Cliiar of Ex. Com. of Jackson county. - m Apple Valley Dots. Fine rains last week. Crops looking well for the season. Rust in the wheat will injure it to some extent, though not as badly as heretofore expected. Rust appears to be contagious as the frogs in the Valley have it. There will be picnicing and lemonading at I lood’s mills Saturday the 29th inst. Twins says he will be there sure. There will be a steer trotting match the fourth of J uly, over tho new cut road, by old Foggy and Vande Linctiun senior. How about that dinner at the new bridge on that occasion. The passenger coach of the Narrow Guage passed through town last Saturday. Drummers are as plentiful as May apples about town. Some of the boys have a novel way of swapping off at church. Judge Colquitt reports crops as looking well in California, especially the grasses. Abundance of sickness in town and sur rounding country, but not fatal. Miss Nannie Potts, one of Jefferson accom plished young ladies is visiting in the Valley this week, she is tho guest of Miss Belle England. The Rev. Mr. Baird, for ten years a resi dent of Brazil S. A., spent last Sabbath in the Valley with Prof. Erwin, he is quite an intelligent and entertaining gentleman, we hope he will visit us often. There is another accession to our popula tion, it is of the feminine gender, and has taken quarters for the present at Mr. Nathan Bowie’s. If some of our enterprising citizens, would find a mineral spring, our town would soon be noted as a place of summer resort. Vande Linctum. Railroad News. Nothing definite has occurred within the last two weeks in regard to our railroad. The committee appointed to meet with the city authorites of Gainesville, report only partial success, but think the matter will be favorably settled in a short while. Efforts are being made, if not already consumated, to place an engineev in the field at once, and locate the route thfe road will follow, this move will decide some who are now debating ‘the question, as to whether or not, they will take any stock. Just as soon as the route is located, con tracts let out &c. work will be commenced on the road. We have not been able to learn exactly what the Jug Tavern people intend to do, neither have we recieved any notice of their last official meeting, which was held at A. R. Coopers. From all wo can gather, the most of them are in favor of consolidating the two lines down to DcLaperriere’s. and branch from there to Jefferson and Jug Tavern, the benefits and advantages of this plan we have already laid before our readers. We learn that the most of the merchants of Gainesville favor the Jug Tavern route, because it will ultimately give them a southern connection, which they desire above all tilings. The Jug Tavern people claim that it will be sheer nonsense to build both roads, and we are of the same opinnion. One road will pay a good investment upon the money, and will open up one of the best portions of Ja ;kson county. We can see no good cause why the road should not be built to DeLapcrriere’s or at whatever place is most convenient to make the branch, all admit tho increased advantages to come from the union. So we urge the importanceof immediate action upon the managers of the Jug Tavern enterprise. Let them get up their stock settle upon a line, and come forward ready to bear their propotionate part of the enterprise. The Organized Democracy. Editor Forest News :—Dear sir, at the last 9th congressional district convention Dr. Cash of Newtown was elected a member of tho Executive Committee for Jackson county. Let the Democrats of the count}', however lay aside ceremony at this late hour, and in the fear of Mr. Emory Speer and Mr. Pete Lawshec (not a very big scare at that) meet at Jeffer son on the first Tucsda}' in June for the pur pose of consultation, especially to elect dele gates to the convention that will shortly be held. There is not the least doubt that the people, aye ! the Democratic party have a right to meet and exchange views on any subject in which they feel interested, if they are only prudent enough not to call the meeting a convention, a word which certain indivduals seem to think suggestive of tricks and tricksters, be that as it may. Let no one stay away from a belief, that he may be there by himself, for if not providentially hindered there will be at least one person at Jefferson ready and willing to go into a Democratic party meeting; come up brother Democrats and let us have an old fashioned party rally. One of the Organized. R. White. M viberry May 20 lit 1880. Prohibition in Chandlers District* Under Judge Hell's order the voters of Chandlers District, met at the court ground last Saturday, to decide whether or not they were in favor of restriction, the voting was quiet and orderly, and resulted in favor of the anti-restrictinnist, the vote being seventy five for restriction and one hundred and eleven against restriction, making a majority of thirty-six. We regret that the citizens should have so decided, and feel satisfied that it would have been different, had, it not been for the feeling that was aroused upon the subject. There is but one way to reform, and whenever any other course is adopted it will result in defeat. . Census Enumerator* The following gentlemen have been ap pointed census enumerators for Jackson county. Next week we will no doubt be able to give tbe respective districts of each enumerators. Wm. J. Goss,-J. S. Weatherly, W. S. Ben nett, G. R. Duke, Chas. F. Hardy, S. P. Orr. Obituary- Died on last Tuesday the 18th inst. Mr. Thomas Dalton, of Jackson county, aged sixty nine j*ears. lie had been confined to his bed for about ten weeks with an eating cancer, during which time he suffered terribly, lie was perfectly willing to meet death, saying to us that if it was the Lords will that ho should die, he was perfectly willing. He was a kind father and a good neighbor. He has at last la id down the burden of this wearisome life, no more shall he groan under the loads of poverty and toil. No more shall he be raised from needful slumber, nor hurried away from his homely meal to undergo the repeated labors of the day. His body is now in the grave sleeping, and his soul has been carried away by Angels to rest in Abraham’s bosom. Not long ago ho filled his place, And sat with us to learn ; But he has run his mortal race, And never can return. We cannot tell who next may fall Beneath thy chastening rod ; One must be first, but let us all Prepare to meet our Hod. J. A. -A-j>T2Sr OTTIsT CEMENTS. FOR THE LEGISLATURE Mr. Editor :—Please announce the name of J. 11. RIENHARDT as a candidate at the ensuing election for representative in the next legislature, for Jackson County. And oblige, many Voters. NOTICE To Teachers of Public Schools of Jackson County —lßßo. .. Examination of Teachers will be on the follow ing days only : Whites, June 12th and July Ist. Colored, June 19th and July 9th. Examination begins 10 o'clock, A. M., in the Court House—-Jefferson. x The Board of Education will meet at the above hour and place for the purpose of employing teachers, on the following days only : June 2Gth and July 10th. No application for the above purposes will be considered at any other time than on the days here specified. By order of the Board. G. J. N. Wilson. Sec. and Ex. of. C. S. C. Tscoorase home manufactures ■ Maysville Slioc Factory. Wc manufacture all kinds of shobs ; mens’ Brogan’s and Boots, ladies’ High and Low Quar tered Shoes, childrens’ Shoos, HARNESS and BRIDLES. We are prepared to make ail kinds of fine work. We work the best material in the most popular styles, and Warrant our Work Equal to any (roods on the Market. We have experienced workmen employed, for both coarse and fine work. As we defy competi tion in quality, prices and service, we hope to have the pleasure of supplying you with Boots and Shoes. BROWN & RICEY, Maysville. Ga. JSTWe also keep constantly on hand a select stock of Groceries and Provisions, Bacon, Lard, Sugar, Coffee, S} T rup and Dry Goods, &c., Ac. D. I. C. Is an absolnte and irrcsistablo cure for DRUNK emiens, Intemperance and the use of Opium, To-I nacco. Narcotics, and Stimulants, removing ail] taste, desire and habit of using any of them, ren-l dering the taste or desire for any of them perfectly odious and disgusting. Giving every one perfect and Irresletsble control of the sobriety of thezn aeives or their friends. It prevent*, that absolute physical and moral prostration that follows the sudden breaking off from using stimulants or narcotics. Package, prepaid, to cure 1 to 5 persons, $2, or at your druggists, $1.75 per bottle. Temperance societies ahou'd recommend It. It is peifectly harmless und never-falling. Hop Sitters Kfg. Cos., Rochester, N. Y. Sole Agents Hop Conch Cure destroys all pain, loosen* tho cough, quiets the nerves, produces rest, and never fails to cure. Tho Hop Pud for Stomach. Elver and Kidneys, Is superior to all others. Cu.*ca by absorption. It is perfoct-nsk druggists. The Hop Bitters Bfg>. C., 01 itooWcr, X.Y. only, prepare these rsaiudie*, also the Hop Bitter*, wh;. N are i a no tense * beverage or intoxicant, but the Pores I ami l*t Htdiciiu ever made, making more cures than all other FOR SALE BY ALL DRUQCIST3. MEDICAL CIRCULAR. Dr. W. P. DeLAPERRIERE Tenders thanks to his friends for their liberality extended to him professionally, and hopes by his past success, and with the active experience of nearly six years closely applied, and by watching after every possible interest of patients, to Still Merit the favor of those in the community. Having just furnished himself with a complete SET OF SURGICAL INSTRUM ENTS. And a stock of THE PUREST MEDICINES, and with a GALVANIC BATTERY for the purpose of applying to his patients, that most powerful remedy ELECTRICITY, which has always been unsurpassed for its effects in RHEUMATISM, PARALYSIS, SPINAL AND NERVOUS AF FECTIONS, and many other chronic diseases, being associated with his brother Dr. J. C. DeLaperrierc, can say that he is much hotter prepared TUAN EVER BEFORE. SPECIAL ATTENTION given TO SURGI CAL CASES, and diseases of FEMALES and CHILDREN. Prompt attention given to urgent calls sueh as acute fevers, PNEUMONIA, BRONCHITIS, BILIOUS FEVER, TYPHOID FEVER, and its COMPLICATIONS. One or the other of us can always be found about the office, when not absent on professional business, Let me say injustice to myself, and injustice to patients, DO NOT PUT OFF sending until too late, for many cases are eured by applying the proper means in time, that are otherwise lost. CHARGES REASONABLE. Respect, W. I. DeLAPERRIERE, M. D. JCcpt JMucrtiscments. Q.GOH<>ilA, Jackson County. Whereas, Sarah Wilson, Administratrix of WU* Ham Wilson, late of said county, deceased, repre sents to the Court, by her petition duly filed, that she has fully administered the estate of said de ceased in terms of the law, and is entitled to a discharge — This is to cite all concerned, kindred and cred itors, to show cause, if any they can. on the first Monday in June, 1880, at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary of said county, why Letters of Dismission from said estate should not be granted the applicant. Given under my official signature, this March 2d, 1880. H. W. BELL. Ord'y. Q.BORGIA, Jaeksaa (eaaty. Whereas, Charles Holiday having applied to m 0 inproper form for letters of Administration upon the estate of F. M. Holiday late of said county , deceased— This is to cite all concerned, kindred and cred itors, to show cause, if any on the first Monday, in June 1880. at the regular term of the Court of Ordinay of said countyJ why said letters should not be granted the applicant. Given under my official signature, this April 26th, 1880. 11.-W. BELL, Ord'y. **lTteß s Fortify the System And you are armed against disease. The finest tonic for this purpose is Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters, which renders digestion easy and com- Elete, counteracts biliousness, and keeps the owels in order, and so genial and beneficent are its effects, that not only is the body invigorated and regulated by its use, but despondency banish ed from the mind. For sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally. •U309H9 UflOA Oi SlHi &OHS •iCip.yojso \rr.ox pr/j non -OTOJopi opnsnp.v ;oj offered parted o::o 00-j •?eoo t,i com; j Xjuoav? coato ‘.:0p.4A0,i Shjtjbji ox oonozc-ozl ui juoa njpsi. jo oon r-ix 'pun co?o3n?oa ptm ojni ojj -?|g j ) 'J7'oj upon r> qocr.o.') jo pjuootlov ? ’ ic:;-oao ffrnppc ‘anuuoo tp.ojj Oiuj ?i oy t om p?j oaozJut? t'iay '?; coa epsui ptojq aojeil oTjAY E-KxlconasnoH •i* , a JOJ pasn SSro.MVC-SnUS ITVTimS VIV “U rjraotia in peu pj po-! .TUoi J'CRJ OCCJ ov? wotts IITA4. ci \ Vila *! "SIPIISVU : csv Mtivii &vco ip nounsi a ti&ijul KositiVtiijco -a ?aq *c i( a xtroddv b jo fij eporj Emm vsfßA 'CHEMICALLY EUBE. i itomm ski hi urea WHITE LE AD AND 1* OILS, Varnishes & Colors, DRUGS, MEDICINES and CHEMICALS, Grass and Clover Seed, For any of above, or anything m the Drug line, call on E. C. LONG & CO., Wholesale & Retail Druggists^ ATHENS, G--A., October 24th, 187f). [• HEALTH • STRENGTH• I IRON BITTERS, A Great Tonic. IRON SITTERS, A Sure Appetizer. IRON BITTERS, A Complete Suengtheoer. IRON BITTERS, A Valuable Medicine. IRON SITTERS, Not Sold u a Beverage. IRON BITTERS, For Delicate Female*. The Voltaic Belt Cos„ Marshall, Mich. Will send their celebrated Electro-VoKauj Belts to the afflicted upon 30 days trial. Speedy cures guaranteed. They mean what they say. Write to them without delay ABSOLUTELY AJE) Highly recommended to the public for all dis eases requiring a certain f.nd eSicient TIiXMCf especially In Indiges tion, Ityapepaia, Intermittent f>. vers. Hunt of Ap petite, JLOtiH of Strength, JLnek of Ettergg, efr. It en riches the blood, strengthens the juut cles, and given new life to the nerve*. To tba aged, Indies, and chil dren requiring recuper ation, this valuable remedy can not be too highly recommended. It a eta like u elntrtn on the digestive organs. A teaspoon fnl before meals will remove all dyspeptic symptoms, 1 TRY IT. Sold by ail Druggist*, THE BR9WH CHEMICAL TO. BALTIMORE, Md.