The forest news. (Jefferson, Jackson County, Ga.) 1875-1881, July 09, 1880, Image 2

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: ■ it dm! ilfy no. RDTT S. HOWARD, Editor, tj E r E:s JEI SON, GA. ns a>iv wnmsv.s, .fiy i>. Naiional !)e:siocnil.lts Ticket, FOR PRESIDENT: WfSFIELD SCOTT HANCOCK, OK 1’ KN NBYLV ANT A. F< Ml VICE-PR ESI DENT WILLIAM IT, ENGLISH, OF INDIANA. —Gov. Colquitt is still on the pad ! l'he t,rouhies over the Turkish question appear to be increasing. France lias commenced the work of moving the Jesuits from her territory. —Gen. Hancock’s letter of acceptance will be a document worth reading. —We do not like the situation of aTairs in this Senatorial District. Something must lie done gentlemen ! —Hancock* had an interview with Tildon the other day, it is said that the feeling be twen the two is very cordial. —The explosion of a meteor, the size of barrel, near Macon lighted up the w hole city. The negroes were badly [l ightened. —The Democratic Congressional district Convention Ibr this district, will he held in Gainesville on the tenth of next August. 'Hie convention will nominate a candidate to make the race in this district. —The trial of Ayres and Thomas Jones for complicity in the murder of Lieut Mclntyre three years ago. while the latter was conduc ting a raid on illicit distilleries in Northern Georgia, commenced last week in the United States District Court at Atlanta. The pris oners were acquitted. —A military man is not necessarily “ a strong man” in the sense in which the phrase was used in connection with General Grant. In the ease of the ex-President, il meant that the civil arm of the government should be subordinate to the military. General Hancock’s creed is the old Democratic principle of the subordina t’on of the military to the civil power in time of peace—l he only w;y in which a republic can fie perpetuated. —Savannah Now-. j. Weaver the greenback candidate for the Presidency, thinks that lie has the positoiu. lie makes it after this style : his party wiii e-'irry two or three States which will throw the election in the house and there the tie vote or the ballance of power is held by De La Matvr, the greenhaokcr from Indiana, win. will vote for him and thus put Weaver in the p esidential Chair. By t!i time the Georgia legislature gets ready to elect a new Senator, Joe lJrown will have one of the Ingest booms that has been raided in this State. Ilia course, and the facility with which he improved the few idling hours that were left him made him a reputation that it will he hard for the politi cians to beat him out this fall. —'Hie Athens Watchman has hoisted to its masthead the name of the lion. Einorv Speer for representative from (his district nu 1 Capt. Pope Harrow as candidate tor the legislature from Clark countjx —Grant hates Hancock ! —An unusual amount of typhoid fever is prevailing in Atlanta. —'l'iie German element in the Western States will vote for Hancock. —Overskirts have disappeared almost en tirely from the fashionable world. —The Daily Banner gets to this office just about, three times a week. Please look into it for us Mr. Editor. —Tito cross earning of the Georgia Ruil r a. mont h show an increase of $24,340,58 as last compared with June o r last year. —i he Pittsburg Post is authority for the st ate mac that five hundred i I uncock clubs wore started in Pennsylvania on the day of the nomination. The enthusiasm increases daily. —The Baltimore Gazette says the drift of pvblic opinion in Philadelphia inclines to the belief that Hancock will carry the Key stone State. Ordinarily Pennsylvania is Re publican, but it has gone Democratic several tones in recent years, and State pride and the soldier vole will probably carrv the next election for the Democratic candidate by a triumphant majority. —Owen Buck, of Oceanica. Md., had a vicious, kicking horse, which he was anxious to sell. While trying to make a bargain with a probable purchaser, he remarked: “That, horse is so gentle that my little girl could go up behind him and twist Ids tail, and he wouldn’t raise a hoof.” Tue gbl overheard this lie, took it for the truth, tried the experiment on being left alone with the the horse, and was killed by a k ek. Gainesville, Jefferson & Southern Railroad. Pkksidknt’s Office. ? Gainesville, June 21. 1880. ) A special moe’iug of the stock holders in the Gainesville, Jefferson & Southern Ruil nuul Company, is hereby called to meet in the court house in Jefferson, at ten o’clock a. m., Saturday the 24th day of July next. Important business will lie before the meet ing, a part of which will be the election of a President and Directors to serve during the next year. By order of the Board. A. I). Can leu, Pres. W. C. I low A HO, See. V/ nod’s Camp Ground, July 3d, iB3O. .in. Kditou:—Please announce in your paper, for the benefit of all concerned, tiiat Pure will he a basket meeting at the above named place, commencing at ten o’clock Tuesday morning after the fourth Sabbath hi July. Services before and after dinner; to ontinue at least four days. Come one any sdl, and bring dinner for yourself a id another. lours, &,(*., M. 11. Eakes, P• C. Mulberry Circuit. - ♦ * .> ♦ v njr -he forger loves to write with a steal pin. The Railroad Situation. T? wee weeks ago we had the biggest boom on the II diroad question you ever heard tell of, but alas it lias collapsed, the bubble has been punctured and the naked fact stares us in the face, that we arc about to loose the golden opportunity, to be a great city and a prosperous people. Yet we can say that the difficulty is none of our making, our people have stood square up to th-ir agreement, and have all along earned their end of the bargain. The trouble now is the location of the road. Several routes were surveyed when the project was on foot before, and it was thought that when these routes were surveyed, this time the cheap est- and best of these would be selected. But since the surveyors have been in the field they have surveyed and examined several routes amongst others the route by Dr. A. DcLaperriere, they state that this route is but a little over three miles longer than the Allan’s Fork route, which is favoured by our people. It now transpires that all of the citizens of Gainesville are in favor of the DcLaperriere route because it opens up the Mulberry country to them for trade. Our people object to this because it will take from them the very cream of the trade by which they expected to buil 1 up Jefferson. This D the trouble in a nutshell, and to us it is a serious one which cannot be remove 1. The various arguments used by our [iconic it is useless to give here, it is sufficient to know (■hat they are satisfied with them, so much so that they prefer to have no road, than for it to go by DeLaperriere’s, and had they known that this was (he intentions of Gainesville they would not have put a dollar into the enterprise. We trust that there is yet hope for a favourable adjustment of the matter as our people above all things desire in good faith to build the road. Commencement Sermon. Rev. J. 15. S. Davis, of Newnan, Georgia, preached the commencement sermon of Martin Instil iRc last Sabbath. Mr. Davis marrie ’ his wife in this county and became a citizen of this town, and at one time was Principal of the Institute,' and his numerous friends came out in large num bers to hear him. He for his text. •* He is the Son of God.” Acts 0 : 20, and made two genera! divisions ; first, what the ‘ext includes, and second, what is the result :f this truth is accepted. The sermon was listened to with marked attention by the crowded audience, and we trust made a lasting impression for good. Commencement- The Commencement exercises of the Mar tin Institute began last Sunday by the preaching of the commencement sermon by Rev. J. B. S. Davis of Newnan Ga. Yesterday and to-day was devoted to the examination of the various classes, tills part of the exercises is hardly ever attractive to the spectators and therefore the attendance is usually small and mostly made up of the parents and friends of the students and those who take an interest in educational affairs. It is a hard matter to say anything new or striking about an examination for where there are a large number of classes and all of them stand good examinations you soon exhaust your store of complimentary adjec tives and have to go to repeating. YYe will therefore say that the present pu pils arc keeping up the past reputation and standard of the Martin Institute. The Reading of the Juveniles and Speeches from the Little Folks. Last night s programme of the Commence meat was carried out in fine style. Tab feature of tiie exercises is gaining in favor every year, and deservedly so, fr it is a! ways entertaining, and does riot weary the audience. \\ e confess that it is in great* favor with us, because the selections gener ally lack the usual sentimental nonsense so often found in the young lady's composition on “ 1 rue Excellence,” or some kindred subject. Last night the selections were va ried and good. The little girls re a with care aivd emphasis, in a voice that could be heard all over the house. As an evidence of the appreciation by the audience of this part of the programme, it was loudly applauded. Toe little boys did well, and exhibited a spirit of emulation that was Close observation hears us out in saj mg that we have never seen hut few students in the Martin Institute who could not speak, no matter what kind of cracked voices, weak lungs, or bashful manners when they first entered school, a term would bring them out so that they cou! 1 make a creditable display in public, and what was once a great trial is no longer dreaded or evaded. These little boys promise well, and wo wish each one of them could get the prize. Democratic Meeting. The Democrats of Jackson county are re quested to meet in couitiiousc in Jefferson at 12 o’clock rn. on Wednesday the 4th day of August next, for the purpose of selecting delegates to represent the county in the Con gressioual Convention to bo field in the city of Gainesvill Hall eoun'y, on the tenth day of August next, at which time a candidate will be nominated to represent this District in the 47th Congress. A full attendance is desired that a full ex pression of opinion may be had, b} r order of the committee. N. B. Cash, Chairman. A Fooi Once More. “ For ten years my wife ‘ was confined to her bed with such a complication of ailments that no doctor could tel! what was the mat ter or cure her, ami 1 used up a small fort une in humbug stuff. Six months ago I saw a U. S. flag with Hop Bitters on it, and 1 thought 1 would be a fool once more. I tried it, but. my folly proved to be wisdom. Two bottles cured her, she is now as well and strong as any man’s wife, and cost me only two dollars. Such folly pa. s.— 11. W.. Do troit, Mich. — "**>- +• * A man may be worse than he ought to br, but ho cannot be any better. V* hy do tii eves lent a com Tollable life? Because they take tilings easy. V 7 e and nssd ay’s E x.e rc i ses • Iho exercises of yesterday were carried out in hue style, and were witnessed by laqge j and appreciative audiences. The reading of compositions in the morning by the young ladies was all that could be wished, and their handsome and attractive appearance upon the stage made a!! the hoys just wish they had one of them all to himself. We flatter ourselves that we arc too wise to be caught, making compansous or commenting upon (heir compositions. It is sufficient to say that they were beautiful (we mean the coin positions, of course.) and. the you;m ladies fit to be the wives of Princes. In the evening the crowd listened to the speech of Mr. I>. J. Simpkins, anniversarian of the Martin Literary Society. This gen tleman entertained his audience in a manner highly creditable. His effort was a pro nounced success. At BP.M. t ; e house was packed to hoar the young Ciceros, Patrick Henrya, Cal houns, Clays, Websters, etc., exhibit their various styles of oratory. The boys all did well (we have a patent on that expression) and covered themselves with glory, transpos ing themselves into patriots burning with their country’s wrongs, statesmen and legis lators ambitious for their country’s good, semi-ei vdlized barbarians, etc., with an ease and felicity that was remarkable, consider ing their ages arid opport unities. After the speeches, Mr. U. J. N. Wilson delivered the prizes, accompanied by a few appropriate re marks. .Then the. benediction and'the show was over, and the heat-oppressed audience sought for coolness somewhere else. S. S- Convention. The S. S. Convention for the Sarepta As sociation will be held at Cabine Creek church in Jackson county on Tuesday the 20th of July next. Important business will be at tended to, speeches on various branches of the S. 8. question by speakers selected for the occasion. Jund 80th 1880 J. G. Gibson Brest. Con. Hew Trustee. The Trustees of the Martin Institute met Monday in Col, Silmar's office. The most important business of the meeting was the election of a Trustee to fill the vacancy in the Board caused by the death of the lion. Jackson Bell W. 11. Simpkins, Esq., o' Harmony Grove, was elected. We think the selection a good one in every respect. Mr. Simpkins is a man well calculated and com potent to fill the position ; besides, it was but right to have that side of the county represented in the Board. Honored and Blessed. When a board of eminent physicians and chemist announced the discovery that by combining some well known valuable reme dies, the most wonderful medicine was pro luoed, which would cure such a wide ran re of diseases find most ah other remedies could be dispensed with, many wi re scepti cal ; btjt proof of its merits by actual trial has dispelled all doubt, and to day the dis coveries of t.het great mu-1 wine, Hop Bitters, are honored and blessed by ail as bone fac tors. I'fie Voltaic Belt Cos., Marshall, _Mich. Will send their celebrated .Electro-Voltaic Belts to the afilieted upon 80 days trial, ipcedy cures y uarantecd. They mean what ‘ hey say. Write to the? 1 w ithout delay. Atlanta. Ga . Nov. 7. 1870. D it. C. J. ? Sir—l cannot ; o;> strongly recommend your Toefchina (Teething Bowlers) to mothers as one of the best medicines they can obtain fw their debili tate] and sickly infants. 1 have used it with very satisfactory results the past summer with my own child, and while we have here tofore lost x child or two from teething under oi lier remedies, our present-child that lias taken Teethina is a fine healthy boy. Its merits is certain to make it a standard family medicine for this country for the irri tations of teething and bowel disorders of children of all ages. I am, very respectfully, A. P. BROWN, M.'d. (Brother ex-Gov. Jos. K. Brown. Big Excursion. An excursion will leave Athens Friday July 23d by way of the Georgia Railroad for Atlanta Ga. Returning to Athens Mon day morning The affair is under the man agement of Sapp, Brydie & Cos., who are so successful in the running of excursions, thirties desiring to return before the regular time can do so on tin regular train without any additional expense. - -Qr*- t.l/' A youug horse which Newt McDonald is breaking, came near breaking him last Saturday. Without giving any notice of his designs the horse reared up and struck at Mr. McDonald, with his fore feet, and suc ceeded in breaking his nose and knocking out a tooth and loosening the baliancc. L# We again earnestly request that all who have articles for the News, will confer a great favor by having them at this office not later than Monday. If this rule is not looked after, and your piece does not appear you may know that it was too late. ——o ♦•<.■£►. Attention Democrats. As agreed upon a meeting of the Democ racy'of Jackson county will be lie ltd in the court house at Jefferson on the third Satur day in July. For the purpose or selecting delegates to attend n Convention of the Democratic party to he held in Atlanta on Wednesday the 4th day of August next. It is earnestly requested that each district in the county bo represented in the meeting on that day. 1 1 jcu aru a man of bi>Sn • s. !.yho strain of ‘ '{? your oi! js, avoidetim iiaats aaa uae ss £ f £J & a tjs U you area wan of letters, toiling over von? tnidaisSt * - rK ' ; ‘ r rc *tare b : ir. aerve and waaia, V 3-3 V. C, .iV v ”a T w•;**..-ra to-** v --.- ‘ ..-v r - ; • v, f - x t-s \ &nd suiTu-iiig from asv ii'iJisyrotJon cr 'll.' - .lu'.ticji- if you are married or si -pie, old or ea jroa!*g,sutr: ingfrotn ic.i wealth orlarggalalUac ... cna-.' -dof-.aomoss relyoa ' fei a, SLi? * % V \sr- k'k'A 13 yon ore, -sjiio:vor yon are,wixonc?vr yon feel Uiv: '.or.' -r -a no-'.-. ( . -*-. t< n • K 01 - fcMiiUJuiaf -.’k-s MM-N v-x o k TLcrJiM £ .-.f.'iva you ;, t:i,',><■?) or t ,-lrrir: tnmpinlr*. ala* p- ■ ji ’ * > . L'OT ■’ .. ‘ ?i, , .. - .J y v? Vi a riil t: : cuv-.t-ff yen use '£? r>, -.r-- •, '• .TC-^.s.- ® '• ■■ k t fee ~*t-A If you a; g •-!- C: -t 3 r. '.'tcd, trv jr i Huy it. insist • ' r h It . our !•••/.-ftis: i.... ii . yjm ■ c t r.avod in... . . D. I. 0. is fx ftbeolutc an Jm* NtaWe cn.t. for xtn* (•{ tv“*.>r ”£,'■+ | Ail above -Id Ly drt 1 H*jf Ilitkis i- D-.:, iS• £egn(’ JMoertisciumts. /U_s2©S߀*iA, .Inubk*on (.Ountj. Whereas, upon application made to me in terms of law by one-tilth of the qualified voters of the 2-ISth District, G. M.. of said county, asking that the sale of intoxicating liquors be* restricted in said District— It is hereby ordered that an election be held in said District, at the usual place of holding elec tions iu the same, on Saturday, the Kith day of July. 1880. That those who favor restriction of the sale of intoxicating liquors, shall have written or printed on their ballots the words, “ for re striction.” and those who oppose shall have writ ten or printed on their ballots the words, ” against restriction,” and that the managers of said elec tion shall keep, or cause to be bept, duplicate list of voters and tall}' sheets, certify and sign the same, one of which shall be filed with the Clerk of the Superior Court of said county and the other to be forwarded by said managers without delay to his Excellency the Governor. Given under my official signature, this May 20th, 1880. 11. W. KELL, Ord’y. JACKSON SUPERIOR COURT. ■ FEBRUARY TERM, LSSO. Present, His Honor, Alex. S. Erwin, Judge of said Court. GE 0 R GIA —J ack son Cos un ty. Sallie Borders (col.) 1 Libel for Divorce vs. j- &c. Rule to Walton Borders (col.) J Perfect Service. It appearing to the Court that the Defendant in the above stated case resides without the limits of said county, and it further appearing that said Defendant resides beyond the limits of said State. Ordered by the Court that service be perfected upon the Defendant by publication in the Forest News, a newspaper published in said county, once a month for four months previous to the next term of this Court. February, 12th ISBO. Wm. 11. Sr ri'Kixs, A tty. for Plif. Alex 8. Erwin, Judge &c. I Thomas IE '"Mack Clerk Superior Court in and for the county of Jackson do herby certify that, the above and foregoing order is a true copy of the original as appears from the minutes of said Court, for February Term, 1880. April Ath, 1880. Thomas 11. Niblack, Clerk Superior Court. sj J IU i| jif ' p , w ; r~ .. .... .). " i.-. ■■ l.;. ■ x - ■ - '..E'A'yßfey/ | 1 Serve an Injunction on Disease By invigorating a feeble constitution, renovating a debilEafccd physique, and enriching a thin and innutritions circulation with Ilostetter’s Stomach Bitters. E-o finest, the most highly sanctioned, and the most popular tonic and preventive in existence. For sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally. CAUTION. ! hereby warn all person, in this State, not to hive or harbor Bill Thomas (colord), as I have employed him h wing the year, 1880. lie has left w without- cause, and 1 will hold any person who may lure him to a strict account under the laws of this slate. J. M. BAILEY. A. YT.hull, BHOBIIIHJFI., ATHENS, - - GEORGIA. WII.L I ■uy and. sell on Commission Securities of all kinds. Office: at the Bank of the ihiiversity. Refers to Y. L. G. Harris, Ferdinand Phini/.y Stevens Thomas. 8, 8> YIAIIWOOD PEIDMONT SALOON, OPPOSITE PEIBIHOHT HOTEL. G A IKES V ILL E . Q- . Dealer ia Fio Llaasrs, Wines, Beer, Cigars & Toteo. READING AND BILLIARD ROOM AT TACHE) TA IJLES FIRST (’LASS. TEETH? w A. ■ . I U p- AK ' -b "" ; ■ : \ Vu , ;t v:- : w||j Fiuts* JtS v ' liiijs ■; GLiMon mid m.uU's Tvetiilnc ;■ sv. Kt-moves autf prevents Worms. IT >-*;.? f>f ( Ji i r hi*. ftitVVil UV* cry year by ttMlrtf/ :U*r<^ For sale at OF. BEN DLRGR A OS, Drugstore. W . Fr.E7.IINO. ) J. W. I>URKE. j M.econ. C!a. FLEMING & BURKE, BOOKSELLERS STATI3NERES. At]ao2i3 C3r-st„ V iii eai.e pleasure in obtaining anything in their line. jJOW.4 *ES> S*SO, ATTORNEY AT LAW, (1 ATNE.SVIX.LE, GEORGIA. Prompt and faithful attention given to all Busi ness placed in his hands. *9. IE. McCASSTV M. g>. -o-./. 1:...’ :N. Ga , Oif rs h's protossi vnai wives to the people of ./elierson and surr • Ji xr 'omitry. i:A hones by : lE'-gence air 1 atlem: ,n 5 •: 1 },; , b..kill to merit: an- r*. cv, w a shave of the public patronage. Will ! practice pfvyeie in aJtitß branches. Two years ex- i pen- ucc under a long experienced and sucessfull practitioner. next door to Forest News office. G. W. WALKER) cji r r iji g e sn ov s Main Street, Gainesville, Georgia, MANUFACTURER OF Phmtons, Buggies and Farm 'Wagoi I respectfully invite the people of Jackson county, and the public generally to my work before purchasing elsewhere. As I AM STILL IN THE (' \ Rni with GOOD STOCK, GOOD WORKMEN, and CLOSE ATTENTION TO IK sVvv pared to oiler them anything in my line at *' hSS, 1 aill H-oeis. Bottom So send on your orders and work. Orders by mail promptly attended to. Repairing Done in All of Its Branches! Respectfully, Feb. 6th, IS SO. G. W. WALKER. LOOK out FOR the WHEN the WHISTLE BLOW 11. TANARUS). Hitman, is receiving by rail and wagons a fresh Stock of Goods, to add to w , argo stock in store, consisting of 1,0 nis J 'i LADIES and MENS HATS, BOOTS and SHOES, both coarse and line. Boys and Misses Hats, Boots and Shoes, a full line of Ladies Dress goods consisting of WORSTEDS, IMITATION WORSTEDS, ALPACAS, MUSLINS, LAWNS Pin AND SWISS. Together with a large and beautiful lot of PRINTS, also a full line MENS DRESS COffiit’ SIMERES. JEANS, LINENS and COTTONADES, and a full line of notions, also Glass aide cry ware. Tin and Hardware consisting of Sweeps, Scrapes, Turners, Shovels and Scooters We I locs and Ditching Shovels &c. &c. Also a big lot of Drugs and Patent Medicines, also Sucar C lea, Soda, Bacon, Molasses, Syrup, Corn, Flour and a splendid lot of Tobacco of all grades which lie wishes to sell cheap, to make room for his large stock which will conic when the Kyi gets here. Uncle Dick will take pleasure in waiting on the Ladies. RESPECTFULLY, Fond Fork Ga., May 28th. H. I). HUM 4 tf ' ft W T H 9hpv 1 pt 7 StfiAfk 1. Cuiio y i/i | vs yUUi of all descriptions. PRINTS, MUSLINS, GINGHAMS, DOMESTICS. &c„ and a full li DRESS GOODS of every variety ; NOTIONS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES. Ac My i incut of J !E : CJlolifciiiig is complete, embracing all the latest styles and all grades, and in full suits, fur men. I in stock every variety of U Groceries, Hardware, (1j TLER 1 , GLASS V ARE. CROCKERY, Ac., &c. In a word, I have wear or do almost anything else with, all of which I propose to sell as cheap as first-class be bought anywhere. S ji hankiul far former patronage, 1 nope all my old customers and many new ones will call before purchasing elsewhere. Jg F. M. BAILEY N. B.—No trouble to show goods. Call, even if you don’t buy. MEDICA L CIRCULA R. Dr, W. P. DeLAPERRIERE i enders thanks to hi.s friends for their liberality extended to him professionally, and hopes by hi.s past success, and with the active experience of nearly six years closely applied, and by watching after every possible interest of patients, to Still Merit the favor of those in the community. Having just furnished himself with a complete SET OF SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS. And a stock of THE PUREST MEDICINES, and with a GALV ANIC BATTERY for the purpose of applying to hi.s patients, that most powerful remedy ELECTRICITY, which has always been unsurpassed for its effects in RHEUMATISM, PARALYSIS, SPINAL AND NERVOUS AF FECTIONS, and many other chronic diseases, being associated with, hi.s brother Dr. J. C. DeLaperriere, can say that he is much better prepared THAN EVER BEFORE. SPECIAL ATTENTION given TO SURGI CAL CASES, and diseases of FEMALES and CHILDREN. Prompt attention given to urgent calls such as acute fevers, PNEUMONIA, BRONCHITIS, BILIOUS FEVER, TYPHOID FEVER, and its COMPLICATIONS. One or the other of us can always be found about the office, when not absent on professional business, Let me say in justice to myself, and injustice to patients, DO NOT PUT OFF sending until too late, for many cases are cured by applying the proper means in time, that arc otherwise lost. CHAR GES REASONABLE. Respect* w. p. DeLaperriere, m. and. ENCOURAGE POKE MANUFACTURES. Maysrillc Shoe Factory. Me manufacture all kinds of shoes: mens’ Brogan’s and Boots, ladies’ High and Low Quar tered Shoes, childrens’ Shoes, HARNESS and BRIDLES. We are prepared to make all kinds of fine work. We work the best material in the most popular styles, and Warrant our Work Equal to any Goods on the Market. We have experienced workmen employed, for both coarse and line work. As we defy competi tion in quality, prices and service, we nope to have the pleasure of supplying you with Boots and Shoes. BROWN A RILEY. , Maysville, Ga. Bf'sT’* 0 a iso keep constantly on hand a select stock ol Groceries and Provisions. Bacon, Lard, Sugar, Coffee, Syrup and Dry Goods, Ac.. Ac. WHITE LEA AND © J L S, Varnishes & Coio DRUGS, MEDICINES and CIIEMICAj Grass and Clover Seed. For any of above, or anything in the Drug! call on E. C. LONG & CO., Wholesale & Retail DmgPj ATHENS, G--A- Octobor 24th, 1870. MANHOOD: HOW LOST, HOW REST^ Just publishcdy*^j I Celebrated radical cure (without medicine) of Nl RifOEA or Seminal Weakness. !nvoiii!y 1 nal Losses, Impotency, Mental and i•• 1 capacity, Impediments to Marriage.. V, c | j Consumption, Epilepsy and Fits- 111 , 1 | self-indulgence or sexual extravagance, ‘jj The celebrated author, in this anroira demonstrates, from a thirty\ ea ' . n J full practice, that the alarming con j' c l [ j)flfiJ self-abuse may he radically _ cured dangerous use of internal medicine or ~J tion of the knife ; pointing out a n l° , .' t . nH >j| once simple, certain, and effectin'- 'F fen J which every sufferer, no matter wink y. v3tt ]y| may be, may cure himself cheaply* p ri j radically. . yjk JfeJ"This Lecture should be in j every youth and every man in the *j o jtl Sent under seal, in a plain i dress, post-paid, on receipt of six et.* - I postage stamps. j Address the Publishers, . T EH OULVERWELL 41 Ann St , New York ,F 11 1