The forest news. (Jefferson, Jackson County, Ga.) 1875-1881, July 09, 1880, Image 3

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brevities. Brooks is up looking after the girls. I ,^p r joe Jacobs of Athens was in the city Wednesday* crowd from Athens was small! that golden slipper ! Soino of our citizens had the pleasure 'raving on a coroner s jury last VVedned day- In the “ sweet bye and bye” wc will come again. T ;. c young people are enjoying this week. The grandfather smiles complacently when t ! iC grandchild performs well on the stage. If commencement is the end of the ses sion why not t,ie be S inin g °*‘ the session be called the end. There are many good singists in Jefferson tholl; rh but few of them appear on the stage. A refreshing shower yesterday evening C( >oled the heated atmosphere and made ex istence endurable. p ro f. Glenn always has good order at his exercises. P s. Medlin well known to the readers of the Daily is again visiting his old haunts and enjoying a hearty hand shake from his many friends in this city. Mr. L. C. Dunson, a prominent citizen of Minishe’s district, after a brief illness died on last Saturday. The Misses Bush of Jug Tavern were in the city Wednesday. TV The charming Miss Ada Carithers of Walton county is lending her presence to the commencement exercises. , 7 Ihe old students of the Institute will come back to attend commencement. [V George Cobb did not get in until after Ihe morning exercises Wednesday. ft If you want your head and face dress cl orr in style get George Davis to fix you no, he can do it scientifically. ['/ Mr. Frank Howard, one of Oglethorpe’s prominent farmers, is visiting his brother, judge Howard, of this place. ffNewt McDonald is getting up a men agerie for the hole in the wall. A white rabbit and a mocking bird is the basis of the collection. FipTlierc was a railroad meeting over at Jug Tavern last Saturday. From report we learn that all things appear serene and the people are hopeful. Miss Blanche Thompson, Willie Hancock and Clinton Thompson won the prizes in their respective classes. The calm graceful mein, the expressive face ami those unfathomable eyes, made one of the young ladies who read Wednesday morning many admirers. Jefferson cannot be beaten for beautiful ladies, young men do you want to be happy for life if so make a selection at once. bill Goss came almost too late to get his name in the Daily. We trust that immediate steps be taken to induce the Governor to otfer a reward for the murderer of Susan Hill. Our railroad boom is showing signs of reanimation. Sandals and colored stockings are so fashionable. R’A darkey was tried for high crimes and great misdemeanors here last Tuesday before Justice Boggs of Harrisburg district, the case was dismissed, BPDr. W. P. DeLaperriere had fine suc cess this week in a very delicate surgical operation, lie extracted a fatty tumor the size of a hen egg from off the shoulder of a little child in this count}'. The patient is doing well. The more a man is ruined the closer a woman will stick to him, a bachelor adds the closer a man sticks to a woman the more he is ruined. Mr. 11. P. Christy, of the Athens Watchman, took in commencement. l'om Harrison’s girls hacked on him this week, just because it is commencement. Lots of our farmers got a good rain Wed nesday evening. Miss Ycrby, of Clarke county, is visiting Mr. Harvey Johnson’s family. i ? Joel Elder, the unfortunate young man w'io had been declared insane, returned here M ednesday in charge of an officer from Atlan ta> He will be carried to the assylum. f~>"Miss N. A. Wilhite of Lexington Ky., 13 visiting her friends and relatives in this county. We trust that her stay will be pleasant. I c)ne by one the grove around the In* stitutc is passing awa}'. Pains should be t:: ken to preserve these monarchs of the for est. J t ihe Democratic Executive Committee (i * this Congressional District, met in the c,, urt house at this city on Thursday, and is 111 session as we go to press. It is a body of earnest and true men, and will doubtless do 113 w °rk wisely and well. Since the above 'v&s put i u type we learn the committee have decided to call a Congressional Convention U) meet at this plnee on the 10th day of An bust. —Gainesville Eagle. 5 y Prof. W. S. McCarty returned last Friday to Ilogansville. We trust his short was pleasant. £ c ihc citizens of Jefferson and vicinity’ ‘ iave raised their twenty thousand dollars to l,) build the railroad. 1 ' -Miss McCarty’s music class will not "be a concert this year, owing to the fact tl|:1 :l suitable place could not be obtained 11 tune to allow the necessary practice. The c '' ss 's an unusuallv large one and we learn av ° done good work hence it is to be regret l,"i '-hat tiie public will not have an op pur t unity to judge of its acquirements. . i?\M iss Carrie Simmons, of Gainesville, ,s ae truest of Miss Nannie Potts, at Colonel Dr Henry McCarty’s face has been : 'lied in smiles all this week. We guess v ‘‘ u n imagine what is the matter. • j ' under supervision of Miss Marge O •, J “ ; 3l i‘ge decorations at tue commencements 1,1 b*e Martin Institute are always handsome ll ‘N lusty. IJ.VT, 0880 " Thompson. Malmtry, R„ ss , prizes rSraSS aU,i Gl ° W WCre theco, aitteeon Idi' A. J. Comer of Gainesville is dead ! lall^ U 9 “lo. Mik ° " n ° W koepin ° b ''‘ oholore „ 7 reen Smith of Walton county was in the burg Tuesday. y t# J Toin McKlhannon has carried Joel Uliter off to the assylum at Milledgeville. 5 communication was left o\er tins week because we were crowded but, it will appear next week. Col. Joel A. Billups arrived yesterday, i on must coine out and hear him to-morrow we uo not hesitate to say that you will be weii paid for your trouble. 6 IF" Well how did you like the Daily 1 Belle England is stopping at Col. Silman’s. r?7’We expect Henry Pattman up on the next train. I F \\ hen we see our trundle bed we want to go to sleep. IF"Tom Harrison says : one of Aunt Sal lies cows is dead. IF"Misses Kvie and Alice Amis of Ogle thorpe county are visiting at Prof. Glenn's. rF"Corn is twisting! IFVv e are needing rain ! IF"Joe Williamson is improving! IF 3 Give u3 all the items you can ! fF"Last Sunday was a regular field day with the ladies. ‘FMudge Bed had but little business before him yesterday. i U Tom Harrison believes in advertising hut lie don’t do it in the right wa}\ [d|PThe boys all bad their hair trim mei; and faces smoothed for commencement. - F"W o presume corn is getting scarce, as we notice that mulberry sprouts are in de mand for hog feed. e ? George Glenn and Jeff MeCleskey got Wednesday in last night from Blue Ridge. They report a big time, plenty of fun <&e. IF"Maria McLester an aged colored wo man died last week. She was well known and respected in the community in which she lived. LF'Mr. George Walker and family, of Gainesville, have been visiting friends in our town. Mr. Walker is making a fine reputation on his carriage and buggy work. { F’Married, at the residence of the bride’s step-father, in Gainesville Ga., on last Wed nesday evening, by Rev. G. G. Smith, Mr. Joe Blalock to Miss Alice Pinson. As tiiis is a Jackson county couple, we extend our best wishes and hearty congratulations. UFThere will be a three days meeting held at the Universalist church at Center Hill commencing on Friday before the 3rd Sunday in July—the regular pastor will be assisted by Rev. W. C. Bowman of Atlanta come brethren and friends let us enjoy a gospel feast. CF"Mr. Russel J. Daniel died on last Saturday morning, and was buried on Sun day. Mr. Daniel was one of our oldest and most prominent citizens. Before file war he was a power in the county. For several years past he has been very feeble, and phys ical infirmities have pressed heavily upon him. To his sorrowing family we extend our sympathy. Wc regret that we are not able to give a longer and- more succinct account of the main incidents in the life of Mr. Dan iel, but we have not been able to obtain them as yet. LFGSincc the protracted meeeting the fleas up at the church have whetted up their ap petites to an alarming extent. OPThere was no land sold Tuesrday ex cept the Jordan place. This place was bid off by J. FI. Randolph for S3OO. IF"Joe Webb slided into the city last Tuesday night. You must say, Joe, which one you arc going to -take. news is plentiful! TF"The city is lively this week ! IF"Which route are you in favor of! tFSummer holds the rains this year ! UlPNews around the Court House is scarce. I TPLast Thursday and Friday nights were rather windy. IFOur arrangements for getting foriegn news are first class. &3F"Marbles and the checker board will get a rest this week. display of new clothes last Sun day was worth seeing. £ of nice thing3 in town to invig orate the inner man. ilPMiss Ida Harris, of Alabama, is visit ing Judge Howard’s family. ELY Willie Pittman and lady of Athens, were in the city last Sunday. £ UTLast week the refreshing showers vis ited several parts of the county. Or’Our citizens have got their back-bone humped on the railroad question. flpThc lawyers are fixing up for court. Return day for bills is already out. £SPMr. J. 11. Chapman and Mrs. Freeman were both better yesterday evening* 1-SPA good season would put a grin on the face of every farmer in Jackson county. race after an offending darkey ex cited our citizens last Saturday evening. IdPMim Doster is suffering from inflamma tory rheumatism and is not able to get about. tlp’The new schedules on the mail routes leaving this place, all went into effect last week. p-Plf any of you have the toothache this week, remember that Dr. Alexander is in town. | meeting for this circuit was held last Saturday and Sunday at Holly Springs. Judge R. F. Lyon has returned to Macon. His family will summer in N. E. ! Georgia. The Jefferson band made some good ; music last night under the leadership of j George Davis. The age of improvement —drainage. The other day an excited individual ac costed a street gamin with Hie question. • Sav bub, which is the quickest way for me jto get to the railroad depot?’’ “ Run !” was j the responce. MURDER. A Woman Shot Down in Cold Blood- In yesterday's paper we mentioned the fset that a woman had been found dead on the farm of Mr. George Freeman, about four miles below town. Later in the day we learned the following additional facts in re gard to what now turns out to be a most in} sterious tragedy : The Coroner’s jury found Lne body lying in the field about sixty feet from the fence, pierced with two bullet holes ' khe first one in the breast, evidently caused by a shot from a rifle, and the second one in the forcaead, which had the appearance of aaving been made by a pistol, which had been fired after the woman was down, as the wound was burnt by the powder. The sup pos.tion is that she was shot by some person on the outside of the fence with a rifle, and that after she fell the assassin, to make his work sure, placed a pistol to the head and sent a bullet crushing through her brain. Two different sets of tracks were found near the body, coming from the fence. It is sup posed that the murder was committed about tiiree o clock, on Tuesday evening, as some parties who were working in a neighboring field heard the gun shots in the direction of the murder. The cause and the perpetrator of this most dastardly outrage are both shrouded in the deepest of mystery, but it is to be hoped that the guilty party will be brought to speedv justice. Walnut Dots. Mr. Editor :—Again I will write you some notes from this and adjoining vicinity. Some of our farines have “laid "by” their crops, and others arc very busy in that re spect. The Rev. W. 11. Bridges has a field of corn, about eight and a half acres as good vve wager as in the county, all taiselled, - all silked, and ere you publish this, he will have roastmrs at his house. Also the same gen tleman is building himself a magnificent residence on ins farm near Walnut Creek church. Mr. A. T. Cheek, formerly of this county, butpiow of Walton county made “ Walnut” a visit on the last fourth Sunday, and favored Harnett's Academy on the afternoon with his singing ; rest assured “ Tarp” is one of the boys, and knows how to sing —come again “ Harpy.” Everybody is saying something or making preperation for the coming cele bration and musical convention. lam no doubt but what everybody wont be there, in cluding their sisters, cousins and aunts. We were at Hoseh's saw mill to the picnic, and a glorions time was had ; everybody seemed to enjoy themselves, and dancing was had all day. I wonder how many tired fantastic toes there was in the county the next day. The committee deserve much credit for the arrangements. They have an excellent singing society at Mountain Creek church every Sunday after noon at 3 o'clock, they have the facility and talent for most anything, especially singing, it is superior and “hard to beat. We see the name of J. H. Kheinhart announced in the Forest News for the Legislature at the ensuing election. The undersigned is one who concurs with that announcement, and will take the stump in his behalf. We therefore declare our self a Rhein hart man and please “ don’t forget it.” In a meloncholy style, I must say something about that correspondent from Virgil who has acquainted the readers of the News that L had bought tnyseif a pair of new shoes— so sorry she did not “throw in” by way of kindues sake, a pair of cotton yarn socks all covered with red spots and a star in the middle. I wonder if she thinks this is my first pair, if so, has she ever seen me bare footed. She also request said readers of the News to ask me how I got my fingers broke in Gwinnett county visiting my “ dina,” she asked me herself previous to her letter from Virgil, and golly how she “blushed,” so therefore she knows “ how ’tis herself.” Your readers around here wants to know if “ Uncle Joe” is still alive; we never see nor hear tell of him these days. \\ e were very much pleased when wc opened the mail bag and found the Forest News one day in advance—much oblige for the arrangements; also thanks for supply meats relative to the convention. Railroad topics the general order of the day ; some think they can get the depot at their residences, but the greatest excitement is the stakes (surveyors stakes) quite a curiosity, come up and sec come. They drove one right down in “ Aunt Polly’s” watermelon patch and she got mad too. Our young men around here have the Texas fever or some other war path route, for the}?* are making it popular (aud by the way), its fashionable too, to call e?.ch other some Indian name. Cousin Jno. Harmony Grove. By our regular Correspondent. —Warm and dry ! —Clouds and thunder! —A few ripe watermelons ! —Wc can hear of ripe peaches ! —Taking the census is not ver}' funny! —Mr. William Thurmond lias an ever bearing muskadine. —Robert Raikes Centennial at Baptist church last Sabbath. —Major Lamar Cobb of Athon made a good speech last Sabbath at Baptist church. —Miss Lula Deadwyler read an essay at the Centennial last Sabbath. Capt Hope Hale of Atkca led in singing at Baptist church last Sabbath. —Misses Eulah and Hattie Deadwyler of Maysville were in the Grove last Sabbath. —Service commenced on Danielsville mail route last Friday, Mr. Robert Eidson of this place is the carrier. —Why don’t somebody pray for the wind to change may be it would rain. —Newtown district has some of the clev erest people in the State, and can show as fine farming lands as can be seen anywhere. —Mr. John I. Pittman and Miss Josie Wood visited Toccoa and Tallulah falls last week, this is right young men carry your sweethearts to the falls before you get mar ried, for afterwards you will not have the time to spend. —Dr. J. H. Rienhardt contractor on mail route from Jefferson to this place was with us on the iirs’o way of this month. —Newtown dist. would make a right res ; pectable county. —lf you wan t any snuYcali on Mr. Hen !ry Hawks of Newtown he can furnish a few more people. The eoiTespyndens from Nich olson could get a supply over there and might do him good. 3ST UNT QTJ iDsT c E 3VL E IfrT TS. FOR THE LEGISLATURE Mr. Editor : —Please announce the name of J. 11. RIENHARDT as a candidate at the ensuing election for representative in the next legislature, for Jackson County. And oblige, many Voters. TAX RECEIVER. We are authorized to announce the name of J. W. N. LANIER as a candidate for the office of Tax Receiver of Jackson county at the ensuing election to be held for county officers. fl V f*) T fi ff mmxn 1 imtlnfc JEFFERSON JACKSON COUNTY GEORGIA. Commencement Exercises ESSAYS. WEDNESDAY, JULY 7 th, Oj A. M. 3YEIJSIC. PRAYER. TvITJSIC. Miss LUCY WHITEHEAD, Jefferson, Ga. “Modest Worth.” Miss MATTIE WILLS, Jefferson, Ga. “ Be in heart, as you’d be in life.” -MITJSIO. Miss GERTRUDE PIKE, Jefferson, Ga. “ Wc still have faith in friendship.” Miss LIZZIE WIN BURN, Jefferson, Ga. “ Waiting for something to do.” MUSIC. Miss PEARL WILSON, Taylor’s, Miss. “ Be up and doing, the world is marching onward.” Miss LON A WILLS, Jackson Cos. “ Wlio wins a crown may wear it.’’ MUSIC. Miss IDA CAMPBELL, (ex) Harris Cos. Miss ELLA SMITH, (ex) Jefferson, Ga. Miss NORA WIGGINGTON, (ex) Jackson Cos. BENEUICTIOJST. Anniversary M. L. S. 4 P- M. Address by Mr. 15. J. SIMPKINS. PRIZE DECLAMATION. WEDNESDAY, JULY Ith, 8 P. M. PRAYER. MUSIC, T. T. CUMMING, [it. l. s.l Augusta, Ga. “The Bonny Blue Flag.” J. M. DE A YOURS, hi. l. s.] -Jackson Cos. u Emmett’s Defense.” LEE G. HOWARD, [>r. l. s.] Belize, C. A. “ Eloqtmco of John Adams.” R. A. HOLLIDAY, [m. l. s.] Jackson Cos. “ Reputation.” J. L. LANIER, Jackson Cos. “ Scotland.” W. I). HOLLIDAY, [m. l. s.] Jackson Cos. “ The lash in the Navy.” R. B. MAXWELL, hr. l. s.] Jefferson, Ga. “ Destiny of the United States.” •J. C. McELHAXXON. Jefferson, Ga. “ The South,” MUSIC. W. B. MITOHELL, Jackson Cos. “ Platform of the Constitution.” V. A. NIBLACK, [>r. l. s.] Jackson Cos. “ Retributive Justice.” 11. M. NICIIOLS, [m. L. s.] Athens, Ga. “ Spartacus to the Roman Envoys.” 1). I). WIN BURN, Jackson Cos. “ The Future of our Country.” W. J. A\ T IGGINGTON, (ex) Jackson Cos. “ Battle the only Alternative.” C. P. THOMPSON, Jefferson, Ga. “ The Seminole’s Defiance.” MUSIC. Prizes Delivered. BENEDICTION. ORATIONS. THURSDAY, JULY Bth, 91 A. 31. IVEXJSIC. PRAYER. HVCTXSIO. L. J. SHARP, - Jackson.Co “ The first stroke is half the Battle.” I). AY. BAILEY, hr. L. s.] Jefferson, Ga. “Universal Liberty must rest on Universal Education.” LAFAYETTE LYON, [m. e. s.] Macon Ga. “ Lessons from Nature.” MUSIC. R. D. NASH, hr. l. s.] Wilkes County Ga. “ Home.” A. T. LYLE, [m. l. s.J -Jackson Cos. “ Man the Bondsman of Habit.” 2vTTT3IC. AY. T. NASH, [:.r. L.s.j Taliaferro Cos. Ga. “ Progressive Development.” D. B. HUNTER, [m. l. s.] Jackson Cos. “ They Fail, AVho Fail to Try.” MUSIC. Literary Address, Ssy llojs. .JOEL A. HIMXP§. BENEDICTION. District Chairman. The following is a list of the Chairman of jthc various Militia district of Jackson coun | ty, as near as it can be made out from the | information now ia hand. Each Chairman j is expected to exert himself in the interest | of the party and see that his district is prop -1 erly represented in all of the county meet |in g s - I Jefferson district, P. L. Pendergrass. i Chandler’s, .. M. F. Hinton. Santa Ee, .. W. R. A. Boyd. Clarkesboro, .. I. E. Betts. Newtown, .. N. B. Cash. Harmony Grove, .. W. J. Goss. Y ilson s, .. Tom Carr. Miller’s, .. li. W. Hancock. Harrisburg, .. A\ . J. Colquitt. Cunningham’s, .. 11. C. Appleby. Randolph s, .. J.C. DeLaperriere. t Houses, . I). P. Camp. Dr. J. B. VEJWEIWRASS, Having built anti furnished a splendid Bricti. Drug has opened up a full line of fresh and Pare Drugs and Patent Medicines of every description. lie is now prepared to furnish the public with anything usually found in a first class drug store. Such as Paints, Oils, Varnish., Dye Stuffs, Paint Brushes, w Tobacco, Cigars, Snuff, Stationery. Pens, Pencils, Ink, Hair Brushes; and Combs, Toilet Soaps, Perfumery, Dentifrices, Matches, Blacking, Blacking Brushes, &c. &c. pedal Attention Given to the Compounding of Prescription^ at all Hours. With thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed upon him in the past, he still ofiers his profea* sional services to the public and will endeavor to answer calls promptly, and treat diseases with skill, after the most approved methods. Charges as low as the lowest, 1880-SPRING SEASON-1880.- NEW SPRING GOODS! AT PENDERGRASS I>llo. & CO. Trimming Silks, in the latest, and most desirable patterns LACE TIES and BEAUTIFUL SILK TIES. Large Stock of Bros Grain Satin, and plain RIBBONS in the most elegant designs ever shown in Jefferson, Large Stock of Prints, in the Most Beautiful of Patterns. Figured latice. Lawns, Piques. Ginghams, Cambrics, and different kinds of licwjinaterial, in plain white, and figured goods for spring, and summer wear at popular prices. Parasols Different Prices, from 25 cts. up: Enching! Ruching! Rucking! A nice stock of these goods in the most elegant styles as cheap as ever. HOSIERY. Ladies fancy, Brodcquin and Silk, clock hose Childrens plain end fancy gents from live cents up,' BUTTONS. All, and the latest novelties in dress buttons. Dress Shields for Ann Holes, and Skirts,' v Corsets, 3XTetj3ls.ixi.Sf, Table Linens lace Curtains Ac., COTTONADES, Pants Linen, C ASSUMERS, and DOESKIN. SHIRTS Laundried and Unlaundricd, COLLARS, Towels. TOWEL CRASH, from live cents per \-ard' up. LINEN AND SILK Handkerchiefs, HAIR ORNAMENTS. SCAR PINS Ac. SHOES, Men.-), Ladies and Childrens, of all kinds. All styles from a brogan to a Josaphine Sandal at prices to defy coinpetetion. Keep cool ! FANS, all kinds and sizes, from live cents up. A Well Selected Stock of Mens Summer Clothing, Mens Straw, wool and fur hats. The Largest Stock of’ Millinery ever brought to Jt ilVi - on. This is the place, to get Goods Cheap, With Cash. They have got the goods and are Going to Sell Them, as Cheap as any Body. April 2nd. nr wnniTPßi? y, W. iJUi liJA The pronounced leader in low Prices in G-amesville, is the only Merchant who went to New York this season for SPRING and SUMMER GOODS,* Uis Stock, which is twice that of any of his previous purchases is now in his spacious Store Rooms and has no equal in this section, iiis stock of DRESS GOODS, WHITE GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, LACES. CORSETS. RIBBONS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, ZEPHYRS, SILK TIES &e., is a 1 ! that could bo desired by the most fastidious and, his prices on each and every article guaranteed as low as the same goods can be bought in any city in Georgia. His stock of* MENS AND BOYS CLOTHING is the largest and most varied in Gainesville. MENS SUITS ranging from $3.00 to S3O. Ills stock of GENTS, LADIES and CHILDRENS SHOEs, SLIPPERS&c.„ is unsurpassed in any market—all styles and grades at the very Lowest Possible Prices. He has * also, the most COMPLETE LINE of STRAW and FUR HATS for Gents and Boys, pretty HATS for Young Men. He has opened in CONNECTION with his DRY-GOODS a First-class Millinery Department under management of Miss Mary Deaden, a Lady of unquestionable taste and, who ha*- had large experience in the larger cities. In this department is to be found the Largest Stock of millinery Goods, HATS, BONNETS, FLOWERS, RIBBONS, and HAT TRIMMINGS GENER ALLY any where this side of Baltimore, and a uniform line of Low Prices on everything sold.. A visit to this sterling House will repay you. CSrOOcIL G-ood.s, HLeO'w Prices, quick sales and small profits, and polite attention to all are some of the standing rules off C. W. DUPRE. BUGGIES and WAGONS l WAGONS and BUGGIESI! jj pj • m WITH TWENTY YEARS EXPERIENCE IN THE BEST SHOPS NORTH AND SOUTH! Now Located or Clayton Street and College Avenue, Athens, Ga., WHERE I WILL MAKE AND REPAIR. Carriages, Buggies and Wagons., Horse Shoeing. Horse Shoeing. THE BEST THE CHEAPEST! PLA.NTATJOIST WOKK. X-LOWS, IMIILIj PICKS, <5cC„ 1 ' h<*t manna, anueiojdoj the most expert workmen. My work all guaranteed, or mo ney returned. bavo money by seeing r I.V. 11l 111.11 l , , *- 01 (laytoil (Allege* Av.. (Opposite Talmadge. Hodgson k Cos.) ocl 10 - 5 m k ATHENS, GA.