The forest news. (Jefferson, Jackson County, Ga.) 1875-1881, November 12, 1880, Image 4

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Wayside Gatherings. Mr. Jefferson Davis has nearly completed his book, from which it is said he will realize the snug sum of SIOO,OOO. A society has been formed in Philadelphia to secure the appointment of Roman Catholic chaplains for some of the regular army regiments. A religiously insane woman at Barton, Mass., goes about the neighborhood every morning delivering personal messages which she believes she has received from heaven (luring the night. Coon hunters were cutting down a tree at Adams. Ind. The dogs got into a fight close to the tree just as it was ready to fall. Two men succeeded in saving the brutes, but were crushed to death themselves. Old Betz, a Sioux squaw, who died recent ly at the reputed age of more than a hundred had been successively the wife of an array officer, an Indian chief, a border highway man, and a Methodist missionary. Avery old man voted three times at Wash ington, Ind., in the recent State election. On his trial it was convincingly shown that, though sober, lie had been so carried away by excitement as to forget that he had already voted. Twenty-nine missionaries from Salt Lake City arrived at New York last night. They left Utah on Tuesday last and will sail on the Wyoming, of the Guion line, for Europe on Tuesday next. Their effort will be confined to Great Britain and Scandinavia. They will return in two j’ears. — N. Y. Herald, loth. The export of iron ore from Spain in the first half of this year was ICO per cent, more than in 18G9. Spain is now full of com mercial Englishmen, who run the railroads, mines, and vineyards. The Spaniards are not very fond of these Britons, but can't get along without them. Nearly every engine is Spain hails from Manchester or Birming ham. Lemuel McGee, on his way to work in Vicksburg, said to his companions : “ I'm dry, and I ain’t got a cent; but I’m going to have some whisk}' if I die for it.” He led them into Samuel Hawthorne’s saloon, where they had the drinks, and McGee announced that he couldn’t pay. Then he did “ die for it.” Hawthorne killed him at once with a pistol. Jim Lyon, who was killed in a bar-room fight at Milliard, Nebraska, was found to be clad in a complete though penetrable suit of armor. Shields for his back and front were made of heavy leather, padded with an inch of cotton bating, and suspended under his clothing by straps over his shoulders. This protection had long given him the courage to figure as a bully. Jack Rafferty made a wager that he could drink without paying in every saloon on Spring street, Jeffersonville, Ind. He got safely into and out of seven places, but in the eight, when he said, “ Hand it up,” the bar-tender gave him a dreadful whipping. There wore six more bars to cover, and he struggled on ; but his appearance was now against him, and at the eleventh his skull was fractured with a club; so he lost the bet. Major Thomas L. Butler died at 91, in Louisville, a few’ days ago. llis fateer and four uncles distinguished themselves in the Revolution. Washington one gave this toast at. a dinner: “The Butlers and their five sons,” and Lafa\ r ette wrote in a letter: “ When I wanted a thing well done I order ed a Butler to do it.” Members of the fam ily moved to Kentucky, and became of social consequence there. Captain Eads will sail from New Orleans for Mexico on November 4, accompanied by a party of engineers, who will examine tiie Isthmus of Tehuantepec, in order to verify the Captain's ideas as to its adaptability to the purpose of a ship railway. Captain Eads will, at the same time, endeavor to se cure government sanction for his proposed survey, and to ascertain what the Mexican Congress will be willing to do if he decides to make the railway. Within the week before the last mail left there were no less than six persons in civilized England who had murdered their wives. And on the other hand we hear of a devoted wife hurling alighted paraffine lamp at her husband, disabling him with the blow, pouring the in llammuble oil all over his person, and setting him completely in flames. Another wife had struck a husband—whose only fault was that he was 77 years old—with a brass candlestick on the head, killing him at once. An intelligent dog had for a long time been -sent every morning to a butcher shop at Logan, Ohio, to buy meat for himself, lie always brought a tive-eent piece in his mouth, and laid it down on the block. One day he deposited a dollar instead, and wagged his tail with unwonted vigor, as though expecting a proportionately larger chunk of meat. An investigation proved that, his master having gone away, he had broken the money drawer and helped himself to a coin. For some time past a question of thrilling interest to the Bavarian bar has occupied the attention of the judicial authorities at Munich. It is this : May a barrister wear colored trousers in court, or must they be black ? This point was raised several weeks ago by a Bavarian Judge, who, perceiving the lower limbs of an advocate then addressing him to be encased in garments of tender tone, re proved him severely. The barrister treated these admonitions with scorn. Both parties to the dispute laid their arguments before a Court ol Appeal, which has been deliberating on them ever since. Meanwhile the well known Munich counsel, Dr. llelbling, has just been solemnly warned by another Judge tlmt if he attempts to defend his clients Tn colored trousers it will he the worse for him. ALWAYS AHEAD! % VO HEX S’ PARIS STORE! TIIE LARGEST AND CHEAPEST STOCK OF FASHIONABLE DRESS GOODS AND !Dr©ss Trimmings in N. 3EL Georgia ! CLOAKS AND DOLMANS. We are offering great bargains in this line, from the cheapest to the handsomest Pamassie and Diagonal Imported Domanser. \Y oAvv YYwwweV VWUwja, C twWwves, T'WuU, VYww wds, TLuvscAys, CvvYvcocs., s Wvws, YXvetWs, YAwwktAs , VAc., YAe., At prices lower than any house in the State. Wotionss dte Fancy G-oods In all the latest Novelties. Shawls and Balmorals in the Newest Designs. Knit Goods in Hoods, Shawls, Umbias, Scarfs, etc., in the most beautiful designs and colors at prices below manufacturer’s cost. SHOES. SHOES. SHOES. SHOES, oun 1 Agents for “Couscn’s” New York made Shoes (every pair guaranteed), besides an immense stock of Ladies’, Childrens’, Mens’ and Hoys’ Boots and Shoes, in all the popular makes, at prices lower than ever. Don’t fail to look at our stock of Shoes before you purchase, as we are ahead of any house in Athens in this line. CLOTHING I Mens', Youths’ and Boys’ Clothing [ln immense varieties, qualities and prices to suit everybod}\ Our Merchant Tailoring Department is complete in English, French and German and Cassimeres. We guarantee every suit made to order to lit. Look at Oar Immense Bargains Before Purchasing Elsewhere! m. C. % J. COHEN, Oct 22 1 and 2 Deupree Block, Athens, Georgia. Inducements Extrordinary! AT TIIE MAMMOTH China , Crockery and Glassware House OF NORTH-EAST GEORGIA. No. 7 Broad Street, Athens, Georgia. HAVING just returned from the Eastern market, we are offering the largest, most varied and best selected stock of C HINA, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, LAMPS, CIIANDALIERS, LANTERNS Ac., Ac., 25 per cent, lower than ever before known in this market. A full and complete line of HOUSEFURNISHIftIG 00008 ! Such as Buckets, Brooms, Seives, Trays, Knives and Forks, Table and Teaspoons, Coffee Mills, Ac. Also, a complete stock of Table Linen, Oil Cloths, Napkins, Doylies, Towels, Etc. SILVER PLATED WARE! A handsome stock of TRIPLE-PLATE SILVER CASTORS, TABLE and TEASPOONS. Prices SURPRISINGLY LOW. Kerosene Oil by the Car Load. Also, Aladin and “ Red C Oil: 1 Staple Dry Goods, Groceries, Canned Goods, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CABS, LEATHER, Etc., Etc., at prices as low as any house in the State. DON’T FORGET THE PLACE. Oct 1 J. H. HUGGINS, No. 7 Broad Street. Dr. J. B. FENDER GRASS, Having built and furnished a splendid lOariols. J3rug Btore, has opened up a full line of fresh and Pure Drugs and Patent Medicines of every description. He is now prepared to furnish the public with anything usually found in a lirst class drug store. Such as Paints, . Oils, Varnisli. Bye Stuffs, Paint Brushes, " Tobacco, Cigars, Snuff, Stationery. Pens, Pencils, Ink, Hair Brushes, and Combs, Toilet Soaps, Perfumery, Dentifrices, Matches, Blacking, Blacking Brushes, &a &c. Special Attention Given to the Compounding of Prescriptions at ail Hours. With thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed upon him in the past, he still ofiers his profes siona. services to the public and will endeavor to answer calls promptly, and treat diseases with skill, alter the most approved methods. Charges as low as the lowest, professiiiimf Jc lusiticss duals. DK. Si. CASH, NICHOLSON, OA., Tenders his professional services to the surround ing country. Rheumatism, Neuralgia and the dis eases of women a specialty. Feb.l3th, ISBO. ly — WIIJBY €. liOWAKI*, Attorney and Counselor at Inw, JEFFERSON, GA. Will attend faithfully to all business entrusted to his care. Office —Col. Thurmond’s old office, near Randolph’s corner. feb2l, 79 WII. . Attorney at Law, Harmony Grove, Jackson Cos., Ga. Faithful attention given to collections and all other business. Clients’ money nevor spent, but promptly forwarded. January oth, 1878. JJOW ARD THOMPSON ATTORNEY AT LAW, Gainesville, Georgia. Prompt andhaithful attention given to all Busi ness placed in his hands. DR. IV. S. ALEXANDER, Surgeon Dentist, Harmony Grove, Jackson Cos., Ga., AVill be at Jefferson on the first Monday and Tuesday in each month, and will contiuue his stay from time to time as circumstances may justify. Terms LOW, FOR CASH, and work done in a superior manner. July 10th, 1875. kjes'W a -FBT '.Term* l THE UNIVERSITY CLOTHING EMPORIUM HAS JUST OPENED WITH AN ENTIRE MEW STOCK of MENS, YOUTHS and BOYS CLOTHING, Gents Furnishing Goods, Hats and Umbrellas, Which will he sold at the LOWEST FIGURES. Anybody wishing to buy their Fall and Winter Clothing, will save money by examining our Goods and Prices before purchasing elsewhere. SIMON HKELTJS, Prop’r University Clothing Emporium, Athens, Ga. BROAD STRRET, NEXT TO BANK OF THE UNIVERSITY. THE GREAT CAUSE OF HUMAN MISERY ES r JS'S£EG S.OSN A BatJhit ou dla* Ail lure, Treafniriit, and Radical cure of Seminal Weakness, or Sper matorrhoea, induced by Self-Abuse, Involuntary Emissions, hnpotency, Nervous Debility, and Impediments to Marriage generally; Consump tion, Epilepsy, and Fits; Mental and Physical In capacity. ifcc.—By ROBERT J. CULVERWELL, M. 1)., author of the “Green Book,” &c. The world-renowned author, in this admirable Lecture, clearly proves from his own experience that the awful consequences of Self-Abuse may be effectually removed without dangerous surgical operations, bougies, instruments, rings, or cordi als ; pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radicalljL $3rT/tis Lecture will prove a boon to thousands and thousands. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad dress, on receipt of six cents or two postage stamps. Address the Publishers, THE CULVERWELL MEDTCAL CO., 41 Ann St., New York ; P. O. Box, 45SG. D, L c. Is an and i cure for -j FF$ p R PXR E#' l eJ ll 'i\ m i p~nenp .lntemperance an<? the nso of Oplrrni. To-f. xM-.i-cKiiis, and Stimulants, removing ai:*3 V ’ p < tio.'..rc it art habit of using any of them, reu acring the taste or desire f- >rany of them perfectly odious and disgusting. C. i ring every one perfect ana irr.-.sistable control of tiio sobriety or them ; s* ves or their friends. 5 It prevenu. that absolute physical and moraln prostration that follows the suddeu breaking off! irern using stimulants or narco tic 3. l’ackage, prepaid, to cure 1 to & persons, n, or 5 ftr youi drmgiks, $1.75 per bottle. ;cm ••cm tire t iet :< s should recommend it. Itis perfectly harmless and never-failing. j Hop Hitlers Mfg. Cc., Rochester, N. Y. Sole Agents II -)t> Contrfc Caro destroys all pain, loosens* tie l ougii, (quiets tiitf nerves, produces rest. andH never mils to cure. 3 The Hop PrJfor Fiomach, Tdverand Kidneys, 3 fs sxi per:or ro all others. Cu/es by absorption. 9 iris peri cut —a&li rs. 9 r.e JT nlKiitrs Stf*. <., of il.x/hertor. X. Y. mb, pryparrll , -T r. . *440 the H p EitUrrs, wh.rh arc in no sense rtA - ;:io X i.-act, butt :c Purest nrul JJtdictru ever I iu:iki: -j ruvre cures than ail ciher mmetik*. a FOR t ALL DRUGGISTS.I Outfit sent free to those who wish to en gage in the most pleasant and profitable business known. Everything new. Capital not required. AVc will furnish you everything. $lO a day and upwards is easily made without staying away from home over night. No risk whatever. Many new workers wanted at once. Many are making fortunes at the business. Ladies n ake as much as men, and young boys and girls make great pay. No one who is willing to work fails to make more money every day than can he made in a week at any ordinary employment. Those who engage at once will find a short road to for tune. Address 11. Hallett & Cos,, Portland, Maine. G. W. WALKER’S CARRIAGE SHOPS, Main Street, Gainesville, Georgia, MANUFACTURER OF Phaetons, Buggies and Farm Wagons. I respectfully invite the people of Jackson county, and the public generally, to call and my work before purchasing elsewhere. As I AM STILL IN THE CARRIAGE HUstypcL o with GOOD STOCKS GOOD WORKMEN, and CLOSE ATTENTION TO BUSINESS pared to offer them anything in my line at ’ aDI P r& * irtocli. Bottom Figures! So send on your orders and work. Orders by mail promptly attended to. Repairing Done in All of Its Branches l Respectfully, Feb. Gth, 1880. G. W. WALKER. HURLEY & SMITH , (SUCCESSORS TO HODGSON BROS. nd D. C. HURLEY,) Atliens, .... Q. a> WE MANUFACTURE AND DEAL IN Fine Vehicles of Every Description! Fine Iland-Made Harness, of Superior Leather. Wapi and Harness Repairing Promptly Done in the Best Manner and at the Lowest Prices. WE HAVE ON HAND A FEW OF TIIE CELEBRATED HODGSON BROS. BEST MAKE OPEN BUGGIES! AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. WE WARRANT all of our work, and CHALLENGE any one else to produce as good for the SAME MONEY. YUA Us ‘Strove, VAs e vvAvc vc. HURLEY & SMITH, Hodgson Bros, old stand, Oconee Street, Athens, Ga. P. S.—T have associated with me in business Mr. FRED. C. SMITH, of Atlanta, Ga., a fine Carriage Trimmer, and with enlarged means, fine shops and good workmen in every department, am better prepared than ever to give my friends good work at reasonable prices. Sincerely thanking them for their liberal patronage in the past, and soliciting its continuance, f am Very truly, D. C. HURLEY. CROCKERY! GLASSWARE! A MAGNIFICENT STOCK AT WONDERFULLY LOW PRICES, INCLUDING EVERY* THING TIIE HOUSEKEEPER NEEDS. CHINA, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, LAMPS, TIJY, WO ODEJY and WILLOW WARES, Wagon and Buggy Whips, Bird Cages, Brushes and Fancy Goods. A NEW STOCK JUST OPENING. COME AND SEE IT, LYNCH & FLANIGEN. DEUPREE BLOCK, ATHENS, GA. can get as good prices from LY'NCII & FLANIGEN as in any market—North or South. Sept 17 T. FLEMING. J. 11. FLEMING. 11. FLEMING. T. FLEMIJVG & SONS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Hardware, Agricultural Implements, Wagon and Bnggy Material, Blacksmiths Tools, WC'S'ftWS. 'UE.WE.SWE.'E. HARNESS, DOORS, SASH AND BLINDS, Carpenters Tools. A FULL LINE OF HARDWARE. We Would he Glad to Show Yon Onr Goods and Give Yon Prices. Very Respectfully, T. FLEMING & SONS, Se P 10 Athens, Ga. W. M. & M. M PITTMAN, DEALERS LIST STAPLE DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, SHOES, HATS and NOTION'S, Crockery, Glassware and Lamps. WE will always give the highest market price for BUTTER. EGGS, or any kind of 001 NT ID PRODUCE. By diligence and honesty, we mean to establish a trade and convince our frien'is that we intend to furnish them the goods we handle as CHEAP as they can be had in the city. A we ask of our friends in old Jackson is to give us a call and a chance—we will not be undersold. Call and see us at L. J. Lampkin’s old stand, on Clayton Street, Athens, Ga. octls 4t JUDSON’S MARBLE MORES, ATLANTA, G-BORG-IA, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN Italian and Rutland Marble, Monuments, Box Tombs, Head and Foot Stones, Iron Railing for G-rave Inclosures, &c. OFFICE AND WORKS ON CORNER OF LOYD AND ALABAMA STREETS, Opposite Georgia Railroad Depot. Orders Solicited and Promptly Filled. Prices Reasonable, Tens Cash. Address D. N. JTTDSON, Atlanta, G-a.