Newspaper Page Text
Departed tins life in Griffin, oil the 2d inst. S*-
T ‘ i Utitii. in**n? daughter of Col. R W. am’
Mr*. !•:r. S. Mcwtinc. Aged 2 nio.utis ami IS
i- tthspreads Ids withering, wintry fl'iiv,
A <1 hoiiu-y smiles no mere,
Aid ‘ !i’ re are n>w tlmse risihg charms-,
\V i.-'i [ leased nor eyes before.?
• ‘!,i f! |.ved form, eo'v •<!<? and dead,
Fa- b r oirnfid Iboug •’ ctep oys.
We weep our <: i t'i’ \ 10 •il and.
Ami w - in ri * all aurj \s,”
Pi'"-, a! Its. r- idence, iif*av Gridin, t!ie 43d
vear id Ins ,e. Mr. So’.'im N Strickland, tor n
i.eig lima a i ‘ln exemplary member of the [
Baptist Chit- i:. T * Iv hi- it Imen said, ‘‘in the
i. :ds‘ of Id” are m bvT > M r . Sriekland
feme 1.1 ti i- ur m M > id;:\ last, in hi? usual
h” t’: t .. ri!-- : •!. ;.t Hie i-ooa y election. lie re
in: neif.ii -’ (io in !ho - ni l!', took supper, retired
to r. ‘i, io,i in i!i.- morn. : iv i-- nod a corpse’-
He trTHe *i.i c on| .erst; knew the cause ol
h'-su on -'rapr. * Mr. Strickland was on holiest
-roan, ereiepl rv in all the duties of
3*o.i’ „f tJSo .\la-oaie fhitemi'v,
•"bi. • t l’ •• flu! li e 1 ist sid office ve*!rnlav,
; ’■ oip.itiyi h ; s remain- to Hie*grave an I inter
im;: Hutu with oiasm-ie honors.
mm® :jmox store.
t s-l Side Kill Street.
Ffij'Hlk *•••% i r having removed hit* entire
•’ oi from thesto'e ofj. M. Lon
fines*. .Jew ‘ .*. totlii- Mew Briik Dlnrk oppositeon
to.- list ,i Hij; S're-t. Iris jnsr received an \
ii-g” .nppiy of Rlertica!, ILsaw, 1
r.iiseciLmcons & Scliool Jlooks
Tn which he w-.-il-l invite lor utter.;-on of Tcnr'ior*,
Law*, ts, Puvsic’un*, Me-cinnts, a:id the p-ltiljc
i l ’-! -r-’-k, as ho will iio-v sell e-tlier hy the whole—
•-•'ile or ref .ill, on the mo.-t liberal terms.
Also, a'k of I ."tier, Fn-ilseun, (ruled
a- I I-muted) till.! Wrapping .cr, A ! olvv.iich
soli either wholes.ih; or re.ail, las good
*• as ci - hi; hong'it any where in t-ijs sect ion.
has als.i ma le sirrtntyhrni nts to receive
ol<, all Itie “AV it* (I oi Lx <j‘ ’ Interest* as Ihev
>■ iliu-c iv ti'.nn the press Giuliani's and liar
J-ei"s N-w Mon !y M ■gaz us, or ,an\w4Ufrrs that
■ nil he il.-s r and. call he had here hy giving a few
wei ks’ tintiei-, at :h” Piihlkshe;’? prices.
Ail pi-rsoo i.iml- hted to the J-uhscriher are
requested to settle their atcount* immediately.
GrdTin, Jail. I, 1 ‘.‘>3. I- 3ui
C A u FT o n7
FBI IP. pohl c is hereby cauMnned against trading
for Mi- following Promissory Motes, to m i!;
One made by Iliesrl Renee • to Simmon*,
fer S-.-v.-nty dollars, and crodi’eil with ten dollars,
line on day after cl te, and dat.d about the 13th
Jaf. !- !3. ’
(>u ’hv J \V. Talley, to .1. C. Pi,onions, for
Ninety dollars, ! ; ; ■ one day ah r da’c, and dated
ah< it !!• ; Jan. 181.
( Inc I v ‘.V. .1. Jo-si-y. prineip and. and TANARUS, Flemis
t'r. aid 11 .1, IH evi s, sei-nrilies, f,r P,v - Hundred
f’fillar--, : the lSt'i May, !8 .?, ami due the
S.a'h fee. 1 a's-> to J. <J. So,i n -:h.
Also, one hv John C. Mang iam to .1. B. Puvno,
r * * F-fty-livc i-ih-j, date about the Is! Jan. 1552, <loe !lie2atli Pee. J 5.52.
’! he a'-nve No'i s were s=toi< ti,ftuni ‘ho •uhscri
trne.k, on the Macon &. Western R uhoan, oil
•. gilt oft it* 22<t Dec. las*.
f J in. -1, 1 §.53. 1 3t
MAItV C. DHTH ARD, will resume her
J t i • liool, in her Sehi.oirooin. on the Fayelte
viiti ctri , oi M e'.day, Jan. 3.1, 1833. Grateful
forth :f, -ie solicits a eoutmuanee of patronage.
; : /’i Te.-ia j Fire Mim'ht,
Oita-igra hi nit lg, Writing and
Art t he, So 00
The a! ‘ ■ hhiglisli firainma-, Geo
g-'-t • . jlisiarr,k $S CO
P.h i. uitstry, Cotanv and
j; - T . $lO 00
‘-i > i ; Vstrono-uv. v.ilh the
iv > dii’s, ..... S! 2 !>:l
• •'■ ::i lies ’aogld if desir -d.
• - I- 2
Sf.\ilinit FpiMME.
;; r;-7-7.v, o Borgia.
fTI’ ho.i oof Pro?* es o! tin? Itilitulion arc j
‘j ii- ■:: g a t ‘ anti--un‘ eto the public, -
!• • - -'■■-• ? on Monday the
i/'-ii ! .* .o-iii ■ . I-'.A. iiii-.o (lie direction of an
>!>• i-i.r; s.-t ! ‘rectors.
T!:t ; ‘ cully will he, as folhncj;
Rv. (A- P. I’. Martiv, President and
I’ro ■ - .I’tent Languages, R/it tone, Mental
a oi M . Pic.losot iiT.
# prof c s r i,f Ohi-n islry, Me- ‘
cl >n ‘I ’ i'ose.phy and Na’urai Sei-cttecs.
?.• - “•■■■ K. Hcinnhri-y. Instructress in Frcticli
|k! .t • s m l Kng’isll branches. .
A- Je mm-tte TAN- ui!'', Instruuiross in Jlislo
r P C rv.’ and lv.g hrarn-h ..
Mr. i i’. n inn l!:aim.ut’i . Professor of liistru
i. ( - i.nd V-t:i! Music and tlio German Lun
- Agnes Pl’-uictli'er, lu-1 rurdvrss on the
111 ; ie ( >1” i-ui’ot I ! r inchi-.s.
* Instructress in tin; Ptimar
i -.rtioent.
i* con -e of Instruction wdi he thoi-uigii anil
oytensive; and m irai. oiscip* ink and p.ei.igi- its tv-
FT:;rrTi wi ; i emsii nte a prominent and eiuiiac
! . t*l:f 111 itl-’e.<e|ei.'.es of tie ! f.sllttitiotl.—
• r die |i t-seiJ, !(• S odasiic year will fie divided
Two Ter-ns ol’ivventy-on ;<v k- each. The
i isii ntien wifi <. . once Thrive Departments:
i'-iin'irv —Maid!-; ail Culleg each Dkpart
.r occupviugthree yea;.* ‘ i its course of study,
••• i >!:v .ted ml i i'ilp.,-.E t.'l.As, each class r- -
lorring , y< n Coti -i<’ id's'.i iv.
The ITntcs of Tuiticu will be
I‘ *1 ItA.r ! ‘Ei’ARTMt;s TANARUS, “I Wll ell w. I
hi . U it charge, Oft A•- I Vti old V *CAL
Mtt'it:, : i ; .-.n t i the van ns m! s pursued
F-r ‘a- i!-"ti (ur liiivi t) Glass Per Term
Sec: and 1_ os, , a “
Firs’. ’ try *<
AAilii'r D- p lit.:, -20 “
I -dli ge “ glj *•
,\i • r o, (each) 10 ‘
M - Pi.**i-i’T r*e.) z.'i “
id.awii,g and t’ai iimg and C>rna
toe-.r .l V-. „ k, Mi
i ■ -a - o that no extra charge ia miitle for
A'leievl I .nog oiigt •; the Lulu: will be adopted
art ot tlie r< guHr course of s;udc, and tin;
■ • •’ ‘ aug!. and di ?• id. When t- IM-tt'lllintl
s’ -| ; hr. ve a cuiiiuieni-. io'i ot, •: ( b, ! .a!-"g'!C
vc ■ in- mi min and, giving a mure rli ar aei-ounl
•it • (air use *.f Sr nin', elu icier, at- s ami ad
v ~idag --c .os .v-ionoirv i.. . - 0n..-, -. !;ieli we
Coidiiii ot: ■ !ie\e irmii Ihe c!i, .!i . ahi'i'y of
h-“ ; :''y “i hr st;c -kd t ’ NONE in luiul.—
*i’ itgh iostmetiun *. 11. gi\.-n *m vi-rv
1 ■’ ■ ‘ vvi 1 !■ math fiat the Primary De
psit” ‘recent - i-sp e. il attentlo-i.
d.’ i’- e.i.- ’ . Bnarii can he had ill
g ‘v- ! H - : . t SIP ’■ sl2 (■ ‘ loontli.
J.A.Af. Si! Si \R!C,
c-nl of the Board.
.; . .i, . te .
• u .- ihr at the Mii3ic Slore,
*■’ ■* • “j m / bii ( U'dfr)
**.;• si-ii c. J --p ••ii', y dgi.ic.-ii and to Mu;
frii'le the S . U'l’lic-I j mi'ilt’CaH'-C.” hv
•I ■ J *.i 4.. b {ji Li i‘agi •
‘I - : fig ••li'-ihj,” and > nl give credit
• -ci ti , . iv •> . same Con.nos’ rj
and t -.'7 Qi-’cA.i'*)!.” —■■ll’ 3|i(‘o.iftillv ilc
- i'll- ■ . /."-is ,j Spalding Gonnty,” and
• too-’ . cowti tor any thing to ho said in its
i-r Pr'kn Tic,title .”
“P..c/r n/e fi'rci QcitV/ t/tj).'’
‘‘Her ‘.'ttr/i l:cnrt. n (a -kg)
Lin. 8, 1553. I- Ot
eras raTsTiUDERS.
7 iiS is *ocaution any one from further in-.
i .-hi upon a lot ol ‘-in i lying one mile
- .of \5-:D ir.ough, on the Griffin road, bclong
, g to !i*o ••-late of Charles Bivue, I Me oi’ i lenry
v. dec -.i-.-ii, a- I am dcteroiiiied to prosecute
•r tiv tinth-r imrusimi of anv kind whatsoever.
** .; \ AIKS w. GItuCKK IT, Agent.
Jin. !,U;j I- 31
THE undersigned having hoiighl out the k
of Henry B Uoliidiiv, resp-’V’lfVillv t -s
the public that lie \> ill keep constantly on hand,
a general assoitmant of
and everv t’ ing usually retailed from a mercantile
establishment He ‘vjiL keep all r.r.t.icles of the
best qua lit v, and pa/ pataioulur attention to-the
purity ot his liquors; which are nil of n choice
kind and may be used with safety for medicinal
ourposi s.
Now on hand and for Sale,
Os bis own raising in ('onnrctieu*. part of which
are tie.- early si* weeks; also, tin- (1 .ur Potato, be
ing ’ l arge white mealv fruit, of cxecllent flavor
\ ‘ j; * 1
100,000 Bushels of Horn, f, r which any thing in
his .-tore wdl he given at the lowest cash prices.
Griffin, Jan. 1, I c u3. I -t(
MISS ANN A. Nb:\VKLL respectfully in
forms the parents and guardians of ‘Voting
l.adies ill this vicioitv, that she will open .In i
School at the house of Mr. S. S. Tati.or, in Grif
fin, on Monday the 10th inst. for instriii-tion in ati
the departments of a Musical luhieatfftn. He.
■ instruments are of the best kind, from the house o!
i J. Ll, Most k Cos. ol flartfo d,Connecticut, vvhic!.
. liavc takjn the p eniium al tin S a*e Fair for tttnni
j years past. Vocal proficiency will command lie.
j particular attention. In no respect will an v means
lie lelt untried toufi.rd Voting Ladies a complctr
musical education in nil its branches.
LCTHA large lot of the above Pianos, of the inns’
beautiful and complete finish, may at all times.hi
('omul at the \ \K W Ki.L, on lid’
Strec', Flc-mister, Gridin, Geor
Jan. 1, 1853. I—ts
S'.V I R\L Negroes t o hire for tips vea r . Al’
good and honest Servin's. Aoplv soon to
Griliin, Jan. 1, 18.J3. I — 3t
NO T I C 1)7
IH A Vl\ placed mv notes in the hands
of John Neal, of Zehulon, with in
structions to collect them immediately.
Dec 31, IRo2. ]— Gt
Fayette Sheriffs Sales.
WIL.L be sohl before tin; Courthouse door in”
the town of Fay tli ville, F.neUe county,
on the first Tuesday lit February next, tlm follow
ing property, to u i : :
One Hundred and S'xtv acres of land, No. 7d,
in the 7th district, of said county. L vied on as
the pri p Tty nl Bi njainin Head, hy virtue of a (i
fa issued from Fav otto Superior Court, in favor ot
.1. 11. Johnson & Bro. vs Beniamin Head. This
December the 27ih, 1552.
Fayette Postpauetl Sales.
WILL he sold before flic Courthouse door in
YT til” town of Fayetteville, Fayette cotiutv,
nntliclirsl Tuesday in February ilex', hetw.i-a
the legal hours of sale, the following property, to
One Buggy, levied on as the property of Willis
\V. I Inhgooil. hv virtue of a li fa issued from Fay
ette Superior Court,in f.vor of llopkin Jeiiuiiigs,
vs Willis W. Ilobgood. Property pointed out by
A. W. Slone.
A'so at the same ti no and place, one hundred
acres of land, No. 39, in the Upper Thirteenth
district of said county. Levied on as the property
of James M. Smith, by virtue of a fi fa issued from
n Justice’s Court of the aJSIh di-trict G. M., (it lie
ingtlin tia'f ol lot whereon said Smith now live*,)
in favor of Reuben Hamclton, vs James M. Smith,
and others. Properly pointed out hvlidward Con
ner, PlaintifPs Attorney. Levy made and returned
to me hv a Itgai Constable..
December 27, 1532.
Administratai-*s Sale.
be sold agreeable to an order from the
Court of O'd nary of Henrv County, on
the Ist Tuesday in February next, before the Hour!
House door, in the town of McDonough, a duell
ing House, Doctor Shop and the Store hou-c re
cent Iv occupied hv John M. Vun Ji gr'ff, deceiaed,
all situated near the residence of John Vandigrtfl
St-n’r. Terms made known on the d.iv of sale.
; January Ist, 1 8.53. I—
rpil E suhscrihetofters hisserrices. [
J. to the public as a Teaeln r
Musie on the Piano. His qualifica-J *mjw
tions are already well known to many of the citi
zen* ot Griliin, and lie flatters liimseil that lie w ill
still lie better appreciated, when hi’ proves, practi
cally, his acquaintance w ill, the science. He pro
mises proficiency where there is a disposition to
Ladies and Gentlemen waited on at their res
(iencep, tii.siiit their own convenience, or Scholars
! at the Subscriber's residi lice.
Piano3 Tuned and Repaired a’ short notice
and warranted.
TERM S—Ten Do -rs per Terri of twelve
weeks, where pft pic- tu uish their own piano.
N B~~tlc respectfully subjoins the following
certificate as Teacher in the Music Department o
he Cussi’ta FemaleSemtnarv;
Griffin, January 8. 1852. 3 —ts
CUSSKTa. Ala., Nov. 19th, 1850.
“’’“This is to certify that Mr William Fisher has
had charge of tin; Music Department, in tlie Cus
seta Female Seminary, the past year. He has
been industrious and attentive lo his business, and
has given good and general satisfaction to (ill in
terested, ami I take great pleasure in recommend!
ing him as a gentleman and a competent music
teacher. J W WILLIAMS,
Principal Cuss-eta Female Seminary
PgAIIE subscriber, Wn„ 11., is now
otii'ring a large and splendid stock ol Sll
pit! iitl Fttttcy
Hard ware, Hoots, Slioes, Hats,&c.
At very reduced prices for CjISU or prompt
dealers. Fresh supiilies will lie constantly added
’ lo the stock, and all who \ ish Ulieap Hoods
J ,wil( do well to apply a: the Granite Front un-
J dcr tin* Masonic Hall, on Hill street and they
wiil find as cheap, if not the cheapest Goods in the
Don’t lie backward in coining in, wc make no
charge lor showing goods. •
Grifin, Aprli 1,1352. 4—ll
At the old stand of Vaijohn, Bodinson ft
Walker, Corner Broatf and New Orleans at reels,
where they would be pleased to see their friends
and receive a share ol their patronage.
July 19, 1852. 31—ts
WILL he p.ii-l tor the deject ion and proof to .
conviction of any person violating I Iv; provisions
the abi ve act, byplacing obstructions nivthn tract
of the iVlacoti A: Western Rail Road
or otherwise injuring, obstructing or inteilerilig
with the ii\rrv>. ~ . ISA VC SCOTT,
Macon, ’July 8, 1852 23-Cai President.
.jj WE have now oil hand
*ho I- 1 r gest stock of Pi-
H 5 S Ii imos that we have over .I 3r I I *
had, all fresh and new, direct Irom the* Manufactu
rers. .The y arc all of the latest styles- ami patterns,” |
and are unsurpassed in point ol i uickness and
elasticity of touch, vofumeand brilliancy of tone,
style and finish of workmanship. We have among
-•il! stock some of the late Patent
a hick a ” equal in volume of tone to tlie celebrated
irnml Piano*. These instruments never tail to
please the ear of every one who hears the
t lie in. Also, we have some of the much admired
These Pianos have all been selected by one of tlie
firm, and we boast that we are able to Sell them ns
low as any market in the Union with the freight’*
difference, as tin-arrangements which we have lab
ly effected with tlie Mann tact lire is Will authorize j
our doing so. ■ 1
Prices from to SSOO. i
A written guarantee will accompany every Pi- -
ano we sell; that i*, “if, alter twelve m mill.* using i
any delect i* found, we take the P.ano back again j
and give anew one.”
■Second hand Pianos to RENT, or for sale.—
Prices from SSO 00 to $l5O 00.
m neat Rosewood cases, 4 and 5 octaves, (or sa!e,
prices SSO to $75. •
Flulinas, AeeO ileohs, Tambourines, Banjos,
Violins, Guitars, Flutes, Fifes, and everything u
sually kept in a Music Store will lie found in our*.
, A heavy lot ol Sheet .\lusic oil hand Ibr Piano,
H| iite and Guitar.
GrdFn, G i. I Jill St. Nov. 4 I v
THE subscriber having fitted
*Ti‘a?;-a'Vt up an extensiue Manufactory in
Ihe’large and commodious new 1
Grit k noose just ah. v; the Sh am Milk is prepa
red to fill orders.lrani D.ulers and Merchants, al
the shortest ‘notice and on the most rci.sonatile
He would respectfully invite the attention of the
planters to hi* large
which is superior to any thing of tlie kind over of
fered in ibis market heiore. He a's> invites the
attention oft he public to Ids nssortnwnt of 11-ir
negs, Bridle*, Maryiogvles, Collhis., V-; together
with a genera! stock of such articles as are usually
kept in that line—-Seeling conli lent, with the ad
vantage lu: has of fanning his own Leather and
his own hands to ni'inulacture it, ofofleritig i.nduce-’
men’s lo buyers will not fail to give s itisfrction
in price anti quality. J. L. JOHNSON.
N. B. —Raw hides tak--n in- exchange for any
ol the above goo Is, at the highest market prices.
Griffin, Oct. 7, 1832. [ls-1 f] J. L. J
Tl] R suhscrihers would call I lie attention to
Merchants doing business in Georgia, Ala
bama and Tennessee,to tlicirextensiveassorlmer.
Uomprisiiig a large collection ot Lombs, Button
Pins, Needles. Pocket Books. Port Monies, Sus
penders, Cotto.l and Silk Purses, Ladies’ Belts
Black and Colo ed Sewing Silk, Spool Thread ol
all colors a nr. at all prices, Flax Thread, Braids
and Tapes,together with Hair, Shoe and Cloth
Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Hooks and Eyes, Beads
Necklaces, Fancy Soaps, Perfumery and Ilaii
Oils ol every style anil quality. Together witi.
Books Stationary.
Such as School Books, Blank Books, Letter and
Cap Paper, Paste Boards, Steel Pens, Gobi and
Silver Pent ilsanrl Quills. Aiso a large stock ol
manufactured at our own Factory in South Car
Our stock is now so extensive, that i; would h
impossible to give a list of one half the article*
kept by the .-subscribers. But we can only sa vto
merchants from the above States, give us a cab I
is we are determined to offer goods al lower pries,
•ind upon as favorable terms as can be got in
New'York. All 1 orders by mail or otherwise, wil
he promptly.attended to, and ilie uttnosl cnretaken
to semi such articles as are desired and at the
same prices as il purchased personally.
Augusta, Ga. Fcl> 6, 1852.
’'ptliE undersigned having- leased the above
.*1 named mills, will sell tlie best quality of Lum
ber at the mill, for $9,00 per ihousan:’ feet Ibr cash.
All orders lull at the. store of VVm. R. Pluliins,
E?q will be punctually attended ‘o.
j. McDonough.
November 30, 1852. 49—-2 m
FfslHE fact is undeniable, that no place in Geor
-M- gia offeis better facilit es for Female education
th in the young city ot Griffin, having at present
one Collegiate Seminary, under the well-fried man
agement of Mr. 11. E. Morrow, and the Female
College, under the direction of the Presbyterian
■\vrnd of tin- State ol Georgia ,to he opened the first
of the coming year, together w ith two or three
private schools of high character.
At the suggestion arid solicitation of many of his
friends, the undersigned has seemed the entnmndi
ous and comfortable residence of Mrs. E. A. Hill,
mi North Hill tit , at a pleasant distance from the
biff-rent si lumls, and convenient to ihe. different*
churches,uind ptoposeSMn take ‘Wclve voiinw ladies
(school girls,) as hoarders. Mrs. Taylor uill de
vjte her whole aticntion to the comfort of those un
der her care, arid every facility will, lie .afforded to
assist them in tlu-ir scholastic duties. A good
Piano Forte will he furnished for tlie use of those
who may he taking music lessons. Proper author
ity will he exorcised over all; in a word, they will
he governed. A* Ihe number lo he accommodated
is limited, and as some have already made applica
tion, and for other reasons, it is very desirable that
all further applications bo received at an early dav.
For term* of Imurd, ani all further Particulars, ad
ores.* the undersigned at Giilfin, Georgia.
References —Citizens of Griffin
Nov 30, 1852. 49-4 t
BooK an* JoK Office.
PatnpMes, Circulars,
Law Blanks, Bill-Heads,
Posers, Show-bills,
fland-bills, Catajr sp s ,
13 jii.ness. Cards O >tto.i It reips,
/i*iit> c Car ls, Lvba'.s. Stc. &c.
IDIBo iAliilljlSXT q ;
HAVING accomplished himself with
Dr*. Pitman ft Durham, will prae- xW
lice the DURHAM SYSTEM, eight miles ij&
nnrlli of Greenville, nt Phillips Store. Kntertain
mon! I'of those nt. n distance. Price for Medicines
■anr Prescriptions jhs,uv 1 Ci’lllS Ciisla,
February 24th, 1852 10 -
G. .P. Richardson,President.
Jamf.s A . Norris, Secretary
finilE undersigned, Agentoftheabovecompa- ’
JL rw is prepared to lake risks ngai, list Fire on
Builditigs, Stocks, &c., on the most favorable
terms. M, G, DOBBINS, Agent*
Griffin, August 8,1850. 33—tl
lITGOOD earnest!
IW.ANT money to go to Market, and
that right off'. Many are indebted for accounts
•il last year, and spine for cash lent for necomrfioda
lionj which on ght, and must be settled.. So if you
jdc.ise, come forward and pay part if not all. Do
ml postpone a day - ‘‘delays are dangerous - .”
August. 1815. [33J L S. TAYLOR.
To make Penal and to punish any unlaw
ful intrusion upon, or interference with,
or molestation of
WHEREAS, Tlie safety of Passengers travel
ing on Rail-Roads, requires the sliiciest penal
prohibitions lo iinnutlioriSed persons many man
tier interfering wil-h such Roads, or other appurte
nances, or placing obstructions upon, or moving,
touching, or ahering the Gates, Rails, Switches,
or other appendages ol said Roads.
Section I. Re it enacted by the Senate and House
of Representatives of the Slate qf Georgia, in General
Assembly met, and il isherthy enacted by the author
ity of the same, Thai if’ any person, nr persons,
shall intrude upon any Rail Rad in this Slide,
const rueted J*y any chartered Company, or any pert
thereof, contrary to ihe wall of the Company ow n
ing said Road, the nr person* so intru
ding, shall, and mav fie indicted as for a misde
meanor, anil upon conviction, lined or imprisoned,
or both, at the discretion of'tlie Court.
Section 2 And fie if further onactad by tli
authority aforesaid, That if any person shall wil
fully and maliciously destroy, or in a ly manner
hurt, damage, injure or obstruct: or shall willfully
and malieiouly cause, or aid and assist,< r counsel
or advise any other person or persons, to destroy
or in any manner to hurl, damage, or injure, or
obstruct any such Rail-Road, or branch thereof, or
any Bridge connected ilulrcwith, or any Vehicle,
i-difioe, right nr privilege granted t>y charter, nnd
const rue! ..J f. 7 use find, f Authority thereof, or if
any unoutiiorised person or persons shall turn,
move, or in any manner interfere or meddle with
any Gale,Sw itch, sideling, or i flier appurtenance to
any such Rail-Road, such pirsnn nr persons so of
fending, shall and may he indicted, and on convic
tion. sliall he imprisoned at hard labor in Ilia f’en
tfordiury tor a term of years, not less than four, nor
longer than eight, and sltall fu-ther be liable so
all civil damages occasioned by any such act; and
if death to any passenger or other person on said
Rail-Road shall ensue, from any such act, such
act of offence shall he deemed and held to be mur
-lor, and shall be punished accordingly.
Speaker of the House of Representatives
Presi tent of the Serial’
Assented to 25th December, 1837.*
Gf.orge 11. Gii.mer, Governor.
HAVING removed from Frvitli Alabama tc
this City for the purpose of pursuing the
pnu ticc of Medicine and Surgery in al;
their branches, offers hfs profession at services to
the citizens of Griffin and the adjacent comity,
and desires their call for him to he made at his re
sidence, late that of Dr. N. B. Johnson, oral his
office on Broadway, next door to the stole of Mr-
VVesinioreland, lately occupied hy Dr. Sneed.—
Calls at either place w ill receive his immediate and
prompt, atten'ion, night or day. Dr. Williams is
ta graduate of the Lexington and Augusta Medi
cal Schools, and has had Ihe advantage of many
years experience in his profession,-both in Georgia
and Alabama, especially in the treatment of the
prevalent fevers of the South, such as, malignant,
bilious, remittant,nnd continued fevers; conjeslive,
typhoid, and rheumatic fevers; pneumonia. Uphold
pneumonia, and the common chills and fevers, and
chronic diseases of a Southern climate, such as
diseases of the spleen and liver, dropsy of the
heart, hypertrophy of the heart, general dropsys,
ilieiiniatism,female diseases. &e.
Griffin, 9th December, 1851. 50—
oi\E 0F Ti Lim Al
Best Stocks of
Cor. Nfew-Orleans St. and Sroadway.
CON>l -> 1 ING in part ol a splendid assort un nt o
and every style and description of
Also, every variety of
Clothing, Saddles, (Jons,
Blankets, Iron, Pistols,
Kerseys, .Nails, Powder,
Shoes, Steel, Oils,
Hats, Blacksmith’s Tools, Paints.
50 Bags Rio CoOee,
Prime Java do
lO Hhds. St. Croix and P. R, Sugar,
20 Bids. Stewarts’ Refiued do
20 do Coffee do
O do Crush’d and Powdr’d do
Fish, Cheese, Potatoes, Salt,
Molasses, Tobrcco, &e., &c.
I’urchasers will please hear in mind, that our
Stock is almost entiri ly NEW, and that every ar
ticle sold is warranted to be good and sound, and
at Prices that cannot fad losuit buyer*.
Griffin, September 30, t’Bs2. 40-ts
ITAKE leave respectfully to inform the public, I have just received a number ot these
BURIAI, CASES at my shop, in the city ol
Griffin, w here they can he had at all times at the
shortest notice, ala small advance oncost and
The subscriber also continues the Carriage
and Cabinet Business at his old stand
where he will be pleased to execute any orders left
with him. A. BELLAMY.
Griffin, April 8, 1852 14— 1
Mid mm,
Hartford, Conn.
THE undersign for the above w cl
known Company, is prepared to lake risks
against Fire on Buildii gs. Merchandise and Cot
ton in Ware-Houses, on asfavora'de lermsas other
similar institutions. A. MERRITT.
Gntlin, Nov. 11, 1852. 4G-:f
C. 11. Johtison & Cos., llill Street.
A RE now receiving large additions to thcii
XIL stock of Hardware, Cutlery and Gun*, tr
which they invite tlie attention of Bni'ders and Con
t l’artor* p■ rt iculii rly. Their stock of Locks, Latch
e?, Butts, Hinges, Screw*, Nails, Angers,Chisels,
aws, Planes, Beads &h 4 ijaulding, ;* now very
iup!ele,nnd will l>y luntisiinduii as good terms as
#nv Hardware Store in Georgia.
Mill Irons, Fan Gearing, fto. always on hand.
April 8, 1852.
a. buckner & eaT
Groceries, &e.
New Orleans street, Griffin, Georgia.
A. Buckner, B. Sklpper, M. B. Smith
rSjUHif Griffin Foundry and Iron sVorks will
JL commence business, the first of January, we
will then be prepared to do all branch”* of Ihe bu
siness.. W.W. THOMPSON & CO.
JCjP’.AI I orders from I lip country promptly at
tended to With despatch. \V. VV. T ft CO..
- Griffin, G.i. Dec, 8 ,1852.- 50- M
IW iFEII mmi
’ c. fi. johnsaln & ca v
Hill Street, GrifEa Georgia
4 RIO in receipt of I hoi r Spring tint! Swrnmci
Stock of Goods, to which the attention of thth .
public is respectfully invi’ed. Ini heir stock will
iso (bund ii hcalilitftf selection of Rich pl’d Bareges
Barege ile.-Laines; rich Crape ne Paris, and Gren
adines; rich fancy Tissues; rich French Organdies, i
rich and low priced Piinlcd rich brocade j
Silks, hl’k and fancy colored; white dotted Swiss |
Muslins; plain Swiss, Jaconet, Midland Nansook j
Muslins; Swiss and Jaconet embroidered Edgings I
and Insert in os, in great vanetv; Ladies’ white 1
Napoleon Lace Capes; Ladies’ embroidered (Jam
line and Muslin Collars and Culls, in great varie
ty, Hilled arid plain; Ladies’ embroidered Cambric
Muslin and Pagoda Undor-slecves. Cliemizettes,
&c.; Corded, Bolstered. Hemstitched and .ieh em
broidered Linen and Cambric 1:1 andk.crchieb*; su
perior black Ciiallv lorn .miming dresses; Ladies’
Alexander Kid Gloves, Silk Milts, ougand short;
Bilk and Cotton Hosiery, in great variety; Ladies’
Sktnrlal wood arid Spanish Fans; English and A
meriean Prints in great vnricl v;p!ain I bread,wove
Thread, Lisle and Saxony Laces, Edgings and
Inserllngs in great variety; together with their
usual good supply of Shirtings, Sheetings, Li
nens and linen Diaper and Family goods for
Children and Servants wear They desire also to
Ciill atteiition to llieir handsome selection of Bon
nets, Ribbons and Millinniy goods.
A good stock of M it’s Clothing always on
hand. fCjp’Coino iny we lillk it no hardship to
show our goods.
Griffin. Aifrd B “-.. j ss2. ’ 15 -t|
1 now offer for sale several beautiful
Lots for residences, .fronting on the
Plank Road, West ot Griffin, and with
B in about half a milqnt Ihc city hounda
tv. To those Who desire a residence
ust without the city limits, whfere their taxes will
he less burdensome than in town, and yet so near
as to bring all the advantages of the city within
bheir reach, a rare, chance now or curs, to secure
a favorabel spot H.r a ISural Ifomc, within
mil view of the city, and on a very fine road lead
ing ihto tow n. [ will sell in lois of 5 acres each,
or 40 acres in a body, as the purchaser may desire.
Titles unquestionable. Terms—one half cash—
the balance*ii desired, may remain 13 months, on
bond and mortgage. Apply to
\ H. L. DEAN 1 -:.
Griffin. Nov. 3, IS-.2. 45—ts
A. B. I) U LIN,
oiTisH mm.
No 74 BAY-KTiii'ET,
Oct 19 (41) SA V ANN A i ?
land W sml
fBYIiE SWINT PLACE now occupied by Col.
_®L John li. Jose , on Potatoe creek, Pike
county, adjoining lands of Shudiick Turner Svl
vanus Kendrick and others, containing 405
Acres. Three hundred cleared and mostly
fresh, with a la'ge framed dwelling partly finished,
good Gin house, Gin,&o. packing screw, &c. &
all in good order, with necessary out buildings with
an excellent Pinch Orchard,'and'the plantation in
good repair. Any one. wishing to purchase the
above place can have a’ chance by calling on Col.
A. G. Fambro of Barnesville, or the proprietors.
Savannah G'a.
October |?Bfh, 1852. 2m—44
J. A. & J. C. REEKS,
Corner Mill and Ninth-street, Griffin, Ga
Jnnuattv 9;!8\2. 2—if
Nctics to til3 Travelling Public.
Calhoun, Gear gut
1 GOOD Livery Stable in connection with this
jvk house.
June 16, IS 26 —3m
rg’UTE subscriber offers at private sale, the entire
Ja_ landed possession of Evans Shannon, late
deceased, lying 5 miles from Griffin, immediab ly
on (lie Plank-Road from Griffin to West Point. —
Con sisting of about acres of Land of
which about 25© acres are in actual cultivation
—with good fence and out farm houses, 4*<‘. Out
house, Cotton-Gin, Thrasher, Geer, &c.
•Kitchen, Smoke house. I7orse !f,
Stithies. &c., ——o3> WAT S3 11, j
healthy location. Premises well watered, pla ila- !
lion in good order, fine crop. &e.
Apply to the subscriber on the premise®. Titles
clear and unquestionable. So all von who want j
tn live near the city ol Griffin, and in the vicinity j
of good Schools, apply lit oriei.
BURRELL Oliß, Ailtn’r.
August 30, 18.52. 36 --ts
rBIHE subscriber expecting to be ah> nt from
B Griffin during the v i-L r tied pr"i;*. Iv-icby
gives notice fiat JLyuik. Davis & Go. are hi
authorized agents i;c •;; ii i, during l> > ~bs.*nci\ ;
and ail persons indebted to CM A P,V! AN, MILL
&. CO. arc respectfully retjucstr-d to m.ike imme
diate payment to them, as the. concerns of that
firm must he settled without further delav
G PfT'r.Ce'. 14, 53. 43 -ts
“pilL 1TM’ ]
THE undersigned respectfully tenders |
his professional services to the citizens \~ii )
of Griffin and vieinitv. His practice is 1
the BOTANIC SFSTE.H, ami from Iks j
long experience in the practice of Physic, he feels
assured that lie will he able to give satisfactiont <
all who may cab on him for medical aid.
•CjY’Officcon Broadway over A. Gray’s Store.
Griffin, Fel>. 10, 1552.
McDonough, ga.,
HAVING formed neo-partnership, “ ill prac
tice in the counties of Monroe, Pikf., Fay
ette, DeKai-b, Henry, Butts, Meriwether,
and Newt ■■■•. Also in the Supreme Court at Ma
con and Dec.. ‘r. All business entrusted to their
care, will moei w ; tli prompt attention. A share of
public patronage : o -aspect fully solicited.
L. T. D iyai., Q. 11. Nolan.
Painters ami liuiiders
BTE7 LL do well to call and examine our stock
? sos While L.cail. Paints, Oils, Varnisiu st
Turpentine, Ground Paints, oasli Tools and Pain.
Brushes, Stc. before buying elsewhere.
Blake’s Patent Fire Proof Paint, Slate and
Chocolate, always on hand and. for sale by
Aprl 8,1852. I.5—U Hill Street.
Female School.
MRS.L A. GOODRICH will commence he
School for the present year, at her residenc
: an Hill street, on Monday morning 121 h inst.
The public patronage is respectfully solicited
G rilHn, Janmrv 3. IS.Y2. 2
VVM. JOHNSON, Proprietor
October 4, 1552, 41 ly
TjAYV blanks
of Every description always on hand
For Sale al ibis Office. ,
lIE suh( riber would, respectfully announce to
Kl the citizens of Griffin, that lie has made are
raitgemenfs lor,opening on the
First Mniiilay in January next,
in north Griffin, a mixed School for Hoys and Girls
From past experience and the success which lias
attended his labors in promoting the moral and in
tellectual improvements of youth, he would hope
(or at least a sliareql public patronage. Ile pledges j
himsell to a faithful and unremitting effort, to pro- ‘
mole In st irdi re.* Io( those eon tided to his charge. I
As to his ability to imparl instruction he would lu g j
leave to refer to Col. Aloen,’ with whom he has I
been associated during the present year in hisClns- |
steal School in this (dace, whose judgement will, i
no doubt, be properly appeciated by an intelligent
conm.mii.’ v.
®iY©ia ©S’ ®tjya®a®a
Per /Session of/ice months.
Reading, Writing, Spelling and Mental yj
Ariilimetie., , , .
The above with Grammar, GCHgrnphv, ‘
• and History- . . . §12,00
Algebra, Geology, Geometry, Astronomy,
Coe.mistry, Moral and Natural Philoso
pGy, .’ . . . . 814,00
Incidental expenses, . . . 50.
Griffin, November 25, 1852. ‘ _ 11— IS
f~% M 1 e-Soutli Western Rail Rond Company wish fc
.i/t. es to hire f -j; the year 1853 to work unjc-.
onirs oi jhe Road, Sixty al)! MMMffle
:; r o Fellows attd twt‘lvc^[pne.*
Ttv v will and ImViecassJk
rv mgdl&ai ft Wages paid
quarterly at. the Company’s Office at Macon. Ap
.olicatioii nuist be made at the Office in Macon to
the Superintendent, orto Mr. R. McLeunon, Su
pervisor on the Road. Offers will a:so he received
to (urnish seventy bushds good Corn Meal per
month, delivered at the Depot in Maeon'or any
(Station on the Road.
GEO. W. ADAMS, Supt.
Mi. con, Nov.TlOih, 18 32. 48—6 t
Ever heard of to Buy
Cheap Clothing, &c.
L. & BRO.
I Is the place wliele|c:in he bouglit cheaper than can
he had in
j CSItIFFIN, GA. or any other Place.
| Messrs L. & Brother offer their en
| ttre new and well selected stock ol Gentlemen’s
Ready-Made Clo liing,
!at the cheapest northern prices. Their long
j expci ience in making up Clothing, \ lich is done
\ under their own supervision, together . -iih their i'a-
J cilitiss vvi'ii Northern Wholesale Holt! s, will “ive
j proof h; CHEAP CLOTHING cat c bought
j tor Cash. The stock consists of all the different
| varieties of
I Over , Frock , Business and
I Prom $2 up to the Finest Quality.
| Hundred dish rent styles, patltnis and qualities of
j VESTS—RANTS, from 75 cts. up to the finest
j that can be made. Always on baud, 300 Cloth
j Cloaks.
I Togethi r with Shirts, Under Shirts, Drawers, Cra
j vats, Suspenders, Hats, Caps, and also a large and
j II assortment of
j Bools and Shoes,
i Either for Ladies, Gentlemen, Missus or jB
j Also, a full ...and well sD noted .stock <4 *F ail
I Winter Staple ano Eager ’
~ mwxL
I iCTTIe ase come and examine our stock, and
j -be convinced of tact -7! • wlrclt cannot be realized
1 without pro f, —Call then and get p od, at
L- Shiilman & BrotSiep’s
| Importers of Clothing, Dry Goods, &c.
j Next door Jo LunquesTs Silver Shop, Hill Street,
Griffin, Ge hgja.
Nov, 1, 1852 _ls
IfTilM ill
j rSYiIE iind-rsigncd would respectfully infirm
j M. the public generally, that lie has opened a
| S TABLE in the city of Griffin, in the Stable for
j merly occupied by the Stage Company; and lie
: wdl hire nut HORSES, BUGGIES, &e., upon as
as the times ‘will admit. The patronage of his
i friends and the Travelling Public is respectfully
| solicited.
I limself nr his brother, James L., will genera l
’ In- found at the Stable,as 1 have secured his sr.rS
vice.- wlien absent horn home. lam also prepared 1
to do H YOKING to suit customers.’
CALL and sec, it will not cost anything to ex®
amine. ~ “
Griffi'u March 4, 1852. 10—ts
CatHlon Against Lost Notes
, V fijjYi I E public are hereby cautioned against tra-
Jb. ding lor or receiving two Promissory Notes,
one drawn by John Sparks, on the l-lili of.fuly
last, (or six dollars and eighteen cents, due at date,
the other hv Anderson Short, for eleven dollars
and twenty five cents, dated some time in January
last and due next Christmas; both made payable to
the subscriber. DANIEL JNTCIIOISGN.
| Nov. I Ptli, 1852 —-3 t
Carriage Makers
| 4r~TAN now fi id a complete assortment of Axles,
j ‘*—/ Springs, Btjggy Iron, Wrought and Mallea-
Re; Patrol, Enameled uhd Oil top leather; Patrol,
Fainted, Rubber and Enameled Cloths, Laces,
Rringe, Damask, liuhbs, Bands point and sand,
Carriaige, Fine Bolt, &c.,&c., at
April 18.52. . 15 —ts
John T. Rowland, John T. Rowland, Jr
No. 172, Bi*j r -Strcct,
1, Refer to A. Merritt, Agent Planters’ Bank,
Griliin, Georgia.
G4iarlfan's .Sale.
OASJILL be sold, at the residence of Roller
V f Bil k, lunatic, ii .Monroe county,on Wed
nesday the Lilli December next, all the perish dd
property belonging* to said Robert Burk, consisting
ot horses, bugs, cattle, corn; fodder oats-, In-.u* hold !
and kill mu ui nil lire, earl steers, with other
articles too tedious to enme -rat*r. Sold tor !hr*
benefit of the said lunatic. Terms made known on
the day of s ale. Bale to continue from day to day
till till is sold.
\VM. A. HARTSFIELD, Guardian.
Nov “, 1852. 45—6 t
Georgia Henry County.
EAS Win. C Adamson applies to me
r T lor loiters ol'Administration on the Estate
of Julia A. Adamson, late of said comity, deceased arc thoreloi’c to cite and admonisli all nbd
singular, the kindred and credi.ors ol'*aid de cea
sed, to show cause, il'any they have, within the
time pre-ci'ibed by law, why letlcis should not. be
granted, otherwise letters w ill be granted to said
Giv.’.ii under mv hand at office, this November
the 11th 1852. 46 E. P. W ATKINB, O.
R, SIEi,
MAS D 3n ous r* ,G ;i.
In, Imil! f
AYe 511111 Bisc on out'own Merit S
f BTHOSE weekly supplies ofirew Goods eontin-
J3. lie tocume, and we are ju-t in receipt of some
of the best and handsomest style of
ever brought to this market', rrniunfai lured ex
pressly lor us within the last kvf week'. A
splendid assortineiit of
Ladies’ and Gents’
Among them some-white lud Boots and Gaiters,,
(lor you know what.) A tew prices that popular
plaid Cloaking, French Merinos, ATuslin’ Collars,
Cuffs and Uiiderslcves, (c:herti> and psi tty,) Plain
and figured black Silk-'. A II w patterns super
extra colored Brocade Silks. 500 pieces Lusirino
and Satin Ribbons, black ‘Bombazine, black Fieneli
Twilled Cloth, Lace and Live YYils, blrtii Stiieli
ed and Tap ■ Border I. ’}. Li andhe it I ifps, heayv
Canton Fringes, \Vhit< Curtain DaioTv;, Cloak
Linings, Hair Cord Dimity, Corded Skirts, Hosi
ery 0.l every deserip'ion, Knitting Yarn, White
and Clouded Crewell, Crew-ell TS’cedlee, Cre well
Patterns, and various other arftul's iinneeassarv to
mention as we shall expect you in “crowds,” ex
amining tor yourselves, and Tuvin” with vour us
ual liberality. TA YLOR, DAVI3 & Cos.,
Nov,!, 1852. [ls-tl] Hill Street, Griffin.
N. B.—Something new’ every week.
THE I rustees of the GrifbnMale AdSrlemy, *
would respectfully announce, that said Insti
tution is now in’ successful operation, mi per the
management of its present able principal Mr.D.
Thpy fake p'easure. in stating that they
, * ,u Academy in a high position for
imparting instruction and disembarrassed it from
all pecuniary difficulty. They call upon <t>e citi
;>ns of Griffin and vicinity, to patronize this Insii
tnfion as woithy their highest confidence. The
exercises of this School will recommence on the
10111 January next, at the usual rates of tuition.
WM. Cl I ME, ]
A. M NALL. P rustt ' cs -
Dec. 21,” 1852. 52—4?
iLikST KfOTlO®.
ALL ot those indebted in me or the firm of
LONG BLISS, must make payment by
the first of January next, and all \fho fu it to do so,
their notes and accounts will be left in the hands
‘4 an officer, for collection.
Griffin, Dee. 2!, 1852. 52
□ ib ant sa <& m y .
r"T|A HE ix<ieisis ol this Institution will he rr-
JL sumed on Monday the 10th January, 1853.
A large and commodious building is now in •
progress of erection, and will be in readiness at an
early day for the accommodation of the pupils. A
coins of aide private house w ill he used to leach in
until Ihe College building is finished, so that t>o
time may be lost.
N. B. The house on Broadway owned hv Mr.
A. Cloud, and now occupied hv Mr. Buffington,
which is much more-retired linn the Chinches,
will he used until tho_ other budding is in icadi
ni ss.
11.12. MORROSV, Principal.
December !4ib. 1852. 51 -
JT A VIXG connected himself with the Synodi
ki k. Cal Female-College, wid he aide to wait on
some private scholars,'o:i iillier Piano or Guitar,)
if early applicati m i’ unde. He will endea
vor to sustain the some ro| u'atiou wiib which ho
has hi eu honon and in his former situations, in “New*
Eng and, Virginia and Georgia.” Orders lett in
the stores of Messrs. Cloud it Fliackieford, or
H. P. KirkpairiiK, will be promptly ait. tided to
Having in charge the Ornnrnental deportment,
in tlic satce t'o'lege. ile.'ii'e.d also In ft rm private
dns-cri in the lollovving ‘.nam.-le's: Difiercitt kinds
ol raised works and Needlework of every doset plum,
flotrers of ll’i/x, Rice,l Spice, Jlaire, Paper and
worsted; Drawing and painting. Plea -• 10 leave
or’esat cither of Ihe-o’.ovc mentiorc.J s’ercs
Griffin, Dccemlu-r t 5, 1852 51 —tl _
rS/’A N'TED, one hundred able bodied Negro
y w Fellows, for which 15 (lollßl'S “per
month will-be given, clothed and fed. Payment*
to l*e m ule quarterly at the Agency of the Ma
rine and Fire Insurance Bank af Gritliin. All Ne
groes inay he insured il the owners require h, on
delivery n"t this place, at 15 dollars per annu n. —
For further information
for Hubert Collins.
Reference Allen Fleming, Agent Mamie and
Ftre Insurance Bank, Giiiliu, Ga.
Griffin Dec. Hth. 185*2. 51—21
1 Jiariuc Fire inutinuicc Hanli* )
Savannah, Dec. 6. 1852. j
NO. 74—The Board of Directors
Bl Irhave this day declared a Semi-Annual Divi
dend of six (6). per cent, on the Capital Stock ot’
this Bank, piyable io the Stockholders ‘on de
mand, J. OLMSTEAD, Cashier.
Dec, 8= h. f^s2.
“WANTED.'. “
A Situation or the ensuing year, as a 1 each *r
ofan English Bchonl, by a gentleman w bo
has had several years experience, arid can furnish
undisputed testifhouials as to character and qifu ii
For particulars apply nt this office or address
‘Teacher,” through the Post Office, Griffin,Ga.
December l4tli, 1852. 51
THE undersigned are offering tfieir stock o
upwards ot’
100 Patterns of Ladies Dress Good s
at NEW YORK-COST. Prices varying from
37£ to 90 cents per yard.
Every piece purchased this Fall—and ol the very
Latest and IJcst Styles.
Corner New Orleans and Broad greets.
Griffin, Dee. 6, 1852. 50—ts _
rgnilE undersigned intending to make a slight
H change in llieir business, are now offering lor
CASH, llieir entire si ode of
■ HM9WMS, &o.
all new and fresh, at very reduced prices, and on ;>
credit until fall, at as low rates asanv house in the
place. J. C. & L. R. BREWER.
Griffin, March 25, 1852 13 - 6m
GRIFFIN, G none lA,
t\\ ISM ES to inform his friends and
•ustomers, and every body else, that
he is now receiving and opening his
new FALL GOODS, comprising
all the various articles suited’ to
Gentlemen's wea [CJ 0 Cos am and
see for yourselves A tv body
can show you the place where
and all other line Goods Ifvr Gentle
men are kept, and where line and fasfiiooabtc work
is done up to order i 1 the best style and no mis
take, or but few nt mist, cheap for cash. Come
and buy something!
Also, just received, ari assortment of
. F.r the fraternities of Masons and Odd Fellows
lor ntl degrees, to which the attention of the Brotli
rhood is especially invi cd.
Ocibber'w, 1852-. 4.'J-;f