The Georgia Jeffersonian. (Griffin, Ga.) 18??-18??, May 12, 1853, Image 3
04x*tfA&v 1 TVpwted thw life, on Friday morning [lie Ctli ihn. i I ho residence of Dr. Irvin, in Henry conn fyi o l Bronchitis, Wesley Westmoreland, in the 32tJ jtrr of his age. Thus We sec (Hat rb.uh hits again inode its ap pears rtie in onr midst} and severed tlm brittle threnil bf life; and consigned In the tmi.b; n devo ted husband, tatfier and friend, lie I-It nn of- I bei innate wile and tHimmm* friends and relative*. In nfmirn hi* Ins*; tu s- I we are n juiced to have the evidence, that o r ‘rs is his eternal gain. Previous to bis dentil, lie nmde I tit* iferd confession, and was feunYt! with Christ in btiWsm, and arose to walk in new-W'-s cf life, winch he did, nnld hi# spirit letifinf ii In God who trove jr. fie appeared to he laoidwos dml In would soon have to have oil that was.near and dear to ium mi ectth, and go hence 10 return no mure. tSo doubt l>- is now ’ Bathing his soul In seas ut Heavenly rest.” “ft. H ?. COUaXCIL Pit JcEEDINGS. CALLED MEE'ILYG. Griffin, April 30sh, 1853. Present, the Mayor—Aid. Moirril, Lovejov, Porter, Smith Salmons, Joimrun, Firming, urtrl Cline. Council met pursuant to nejoi rnment. , Tin*.committeeappointed to look over llie tax ordinattee of 1852, as we", as fake into considc ra tion, flic prnhable! r .u.s-ary In be raised n> taxa'ion, to delray ! ■ . es of lire city the ! present year, reported as : f 7 v the May or and ('ounci’ - ! _ I he committee to whom was referred the duty ol looking over the lax mdinance ol last teat, as weil ns to make 3 rough estimate of the probable amount necessary to he raised from taxation and oilier soiiices, to defray liie economical expeases 01 the city the present year, beg leave to report, {■)•*’ they have discurged iiie dim us.-ianid them: 1 lie iioiotinl that will pn.ibs.iily lx; raised from the granting ol licenses, sj tt-in! tax>s, unu-iinder the ordinance ol 1852, with ihsatnoirnf that is con sidered good on flic old tax books, wilt be about ! t 30” —cash on hand about ijSOO —milking in all i Sit,BlH}. 1 lie disbursements of the year, to. bli probability, will aiiioiuu to between 31 and 3200 oilars. RespocHnlly A. FLKAIING, Chudo. of Com. ! 011 motion Ahf. M Tiitf, the fnx ordinance of 1952 was taken up, and alter sonv- a I era* tons and j amendments, ldo ec-l as follows, bv sections: | AW OASXWAWBS 7o raise supplies for th: si tporl af lAc City Govern 1 i me,,t °f Iht CHy of Griffin, for the year 1 353. i Cc it ordained by the Mayor amt Council of the cdy oi Gvitli >, and ilia hereby ord lined by [h e j anihnrify of the same, that the 0 erk open lit? ■ books and receive the returns of all tax title pro • j perty, held or o a tied in the city on the first day j of April last, an I Insurance Companies that I commence business at a:n time during the I year. * 1 t. I hat the sum of 5!) cents poll lax he imposed ! on each and every white m 110 citizen, between j ‘;? ngos of 21 and CO years. 2. i hat the sum ol 31,50 bo imposed 0:1 all white 1 male citizens, between the ages of 16 and 45 years, as a roiunmlauon tax lor road duly *- that t lie sum ol 53 be imposed on all tnafd* slaves, liel.l or owned in the citv, hi-lwecn ihc “ges of 1G and til) years, as a com nuuiiun tax I’s road duty. and. iiu.. g mi of 50 t en's poll tax he imposed on :, l* slaves under the age o, 61) years. I hat the sum <>t 15 cents he imposed on even 2*lOJ value oi slock in goods, wires, inerehan <tiz.*, &c. held by person* 111 Ike citv, in their own right „r as agent. 6 1 Imi the sum of la cents lie'imposed on every 510;) value of alt real estate, wit bin the city; ex • ‘■pi properly of the various GhrisUan Denomi nations. 7. I hat the sum of $3 he imposed on each anu ev:-ry practicing lawyer, physicUM, and dentist. c. I’naf ihe sum of S'2s he imposed on each amt 1 very broker. J'hat one ha If of one p>r cent be imposed on all m axes at interest ami on a!! monies used I>l purchasing and shaving mil os, hv anv person • tilii r on lim own account or as agent Ibr anotli 'r, whether the owner or agent be a r< sident ot not. lb. That ihe sum of 52 he imposed on each and < very nvo-bor*c pleasure carriage, aqri gJ on * ,v i:!l and rvrrv one-horse pteasnre carnage, c x cep!, sueli as arc rtlurned as stock miraileby keepers of lively stab cs and venders ol earn-I ages. id. T iar the Aiim <>f 75 cents be imposed on each | and rv'ory horse, gelding, mate or mule, kept ■ within the I inirs of the city tor me purpose of luring, snd licit the sum o". 75 een's te imposed oil Cacti and every one horse carnage or vehicle, and llie Eum of s’l ,2.t on each r.nd everytwo -- o'se earttnge or vehicle, kep! v.ilhin the hrni's of the city for liie purpose o! In ring. 12. Tnat the simr ol SIOO.IWbe imposed on each ari I'every agency of a Hanking company wi; i, or •,. :i!;mi’ Insurance privileges, doing business mi ihccdy, or liaving an ottiee of discount and deposit. Id. I'iut the suih of $50,00 be imposed on cacti and tv< f? Couiiijissiou Mcrchanr, or other net jig as agents ol any (nuking company out o! - 1 in city in buying lulls ofexcliange or doing other banking business* and ttiat each and every a gent or agenlso! any fusiirancc company, shat! I>,iv to the Clerk in application.- tweniy-bve (525) dollars, which shall bo placed to ibcirere- it, and it shall be the duly ol the Clerk to'call on item quarterly and require from them on oith, iiie amount oi ei(*!i preinui in received for the last three months ami (2j) two and a hall p. r rent on such amount, shall he placed loHieir and bit on the Clerk’s books, sliould the lax exceed (hy. 3 iii>t paid, be(o r e the expiration of the ii- i vrsq the excess shall be paid at the; fitne M givtng 111. tI. Tim* the rum of >l2,off <>e imp Med on each ‘ .•! *v iv free ut lU* ( ci:or, jnut that ttiv snsrt • 5* in- ori am i ■•! coloi w-Uu fbiiil live wutuii Inc hub's o! liie’ f5. I’ittl th: sa nos one qu ir'tr of one cen’ tie l ■jan r-a.,;ii anu every bate of cuttmi weigh- j cd or stored hi ih cdy, from jii.i after the tir.-i ] *f September, 1852. 16 Tlnl the CU l!; give notice i:i (lie public ga- | T.zUcsxtt, that the louks for receiving, us returns, will be opened on the fir-it of June ; andihe some will be closed oil the first of Au-! eu-t; and (ha! all di lauL’cjtherealler, will lie! double faxed, | 17. That tv’l ordinances and parts of ordinances,! heretofore passed, which militate against thisj ordinance tic and the sum-: am heicby repealed 1 Adopt i! 30, 18.53. The rcporl of fie c miijitl ;e on i iiiiix ices wa--• received as follows: The committee to whom wa3 referred too p-ti-1 tion of sundry citizens in relation to the location! oftV‘ ch’ircn in West Gifoin, lor Lie biac..a, hive j performed the du'y assigned-l!i-;n, and roporr is.-t viu'itv >6 the praver of ttv pet lion r-, so tar as. b • location complained rl is concerned. 11. PLEMIN3, Clun’n. j T'hc a (option nt which repm f, on molion A1 I Salmons, was lari on to table for the present. fin motion Aid. (Jlin*’, tlo - Clerk was instructed to have at) the special and retail t.ix ordinances ready lor inspection and revision, by next regular meeting. On mot i-m, Council a !j inrne 1 io its next regu lar meeting. W. II PHILLIPS, Mayor. A frueet'r ict fr > n the rjrnn?e J , lhi 4ih dav of May, I s.* 1, J \S. 1 1. LOG AV, Clerk. CITY TAXES!! rar.dE hook> f.r receivin'tax returns oi taxable JB. persons and property, lor,the ineorp irate li.n ----i is of the city of uriliin, tir 185.3, will be opened on the first day of June, and rein tin open until the first of Anjru-d Wist, T jnaa who fad to give in hy tint time, will Ik; cmmJeicl as defaulter j, and double taxed accordingly. I3y order of the Canned. J Y.YHiS 11. LOGAN, Cork. May 10, 135.1. 19 —lt Georgia, Fayette County. %M T HER ISAS Jasper K nTifircw and fj. H. Y Fortsdtl, Executors of the las! will a id tes tament of Henry Kinebrcw, late of said countyr de ceased, apply Go me for letters of diwnissfiaß from ihe further mamigeinentof said estate. These are therefore to cite and all and <=ingu!:ir the kindred and enyjitnis of said de ceased, to be and appear at uiy olric •, w.lhin ibe • iuti. fre.-.cribeJ by laV, to sitotf il any they iv-'-, why said letters should not be granted, liiveip u ider my bind at office, Tnis ihe Stn (J iv of April, 1853. 15— (} ('. K LNjL IV;W 0 linn-v. CAW IIU.XKS or evkpy tifcfU’nJpi i-)H always oft ti asp For a. fin . . A GREAT 12 ii(£f f|l Ik'subFcrthcr liaviig nine hrsmess on liis J. hand.- tiinn he can attend In, aid being en gaged in business which he cannot drop--iifTer* his .entire possessi ms for sale, to-u ;t—The best STEAM SAW- ILL! in the Slate, well two upright saws that will cut* on an uvarngc, from three to live thousand feet o’ square edge lumber in the day, with the plaines* mil best engine in this country, and alt the Maehi* ntry lor two Burr Saws and Grist Mill nil ached > and mm HUNDRED ACRES oi the very best kind 1 i -e Tir.dier, with Fourltun* dyed A.-r<m of good iug finds with good and out houses, ami ;i ve, .y oi Eighty at: ea open land. i iii'.-c -rattfo on I lie premises, every ix eessary appendage to t arry nrt Joe hiiMti'-ss, and as good a stood for business of aify kind, as there is in llw State, with g iot! water ami us healthy I c ..'tan its can he. The above promise.* are situated to Fayelte county, iinniedtatify on the route of th NEW RAIL-ROAD, from Grill'm to iSewnan, and thence to North Ala bama, and all Iho Pino Timber between Griffin and Newnan is in the ininudia'e vicintly of the .Mill*, Iwe ve miles from Grilfin, on the .Mclntosh road to Newnan. j Any person wishing to ; n-vlmse sueli propi rty, l do hc!l to call soon as I .mi dclcrmmid loseli WILL SELH M\im. Terms wi” iv made easy, or good property ta ken >n exclia-i"■ ,at lair prices. A idi'S- (lie sub acriher at IVhitfi Water I'iiiiette coun ty, Gil* 1 J. G. Westmoreland. Zt bulon. ’ ( , i- .. . , . [ iVirnier proprietor. Ii (' OrvUtllS? , x r c-r * ii r- 1 .t* r-n | 31. \v t’liii >jrelati(l, Gs iltm, On JW. 15. Fields, “ “ good, .mil ready sale can be hud f every loot of lumber sau i cl. S, H. GUIFFIN. 15. 185,3. 13—If POiKBT BOOK LOST. Till'd subscriber lost, somewhere In the city ol Grilfin, the beginning of this im k, a Port Monie o', i-oinmon siz<*, containing twenty dolla * in five dollar bilk, and a twenty five tlollar |>romi aorv note Uriah Kelhir and payable to myself. Any person having found the some will do me n lavor by; returning it to me u any Wan - house, Gritfl i, where lie will he suttalily rewar ded for the s-ani -. J. G. S. HAM. Mav3, 183.1. S3 - 3t BUILDING LDTS FOR SALE. ; TiJC Tms:CCS of the Clmre!), oIF-r to soil or leas-’ privately mii ti first Tiicsdav !in June next, and at public out-cry on ihat. iky i! lint sold before, the font on hi til street'of the lot vyiiereon lbs Mcihodist Church now stands*— Froniing trjili street 210 lei I, and running hack HO fed, and video into six huii.itng !o's, (a plat of which can he seen at iiie Post. ’Office,) reserving 100 led fronting Solomon street, and running oack through liie, whole h t,sa\ 210 feet, on wiiicli we desire to erect anew Cliarch sutb <1 to the wants ol the community, witfi the proceed* arising Iron the sale ol trout portion. Terms oi sate one-ion ill cash, and the- remain der in throe equal instalments, payable in three, six, and mac, moii'lis, property secured C. If. JOHNSON, A. M. NAI L, VvM. FitIiEMAN, T. li. GILMOIIO, A. GBAV, A. AU LLJNG. W. A. .SCANOttKT’I’, WE-SLKV LUAII, 11. G. JOHN.'-ON, Gritlia, Api II 2 1, I SZ3. T' 17—f. CLOUD & SHACKLEFORD HAVING connected the Book and Sia iottaw with their Piano Forie and Music business’, iLSprcUnily iiniiounee to I he pu'iiie, ttiat they have now on liiuui, and expect to keep always a good arid well -uleete l’ Stock of School Books, both linglish and Classical, and put up in the very best ami most stylo .f binding. Wceail the csjjeeial atteuiiiiii of Teachers and o hers iiuy mg r-ehutil Books, to our Stock, as we inlonii to sod as lew as we can afford tIK-ns. Ot Miscellaneous Work*; our shiek tvitl con is: only of EIELBGSOUS WOSSSiS, and wi; ik s oflhe inu.*f an proved moral character. STAT£O2fAB.?r; very nearly any thing in this line w ilt always be lettud yt our house. Call at the M US ID S PORK, IliU street. Griffin, April 23, 1853. 17 —3t A NOTE LOS V OH STOLES IN Henry County, about the first of February last. Slid Note wa* made payable to John Uhjds, by James Child*—given some time th or almtrt March, 1852, (exact date not rememheicd.) due ttlje 25iii day ol December following, ftr 8 153,7‘J. All poisons are hereby forewarned a g.mi.'t I railing lor said N ole, as i! has tie< ii settled JUHN CHILDS. April 23, L 353 17—3 t TI “TMfTUBW 7jriSTAVINC accomplished himself wiili -* .£ .9. Dr*. Pitman ic Ounii.cM, will prac- • tie-; tiie DUflfLl )1 S VS7’K.V, right miles sm. north of v irerimile, at Puiihps Store, Kntcriain merit for those at a distance. Price for Medicine ■>ur Prescriptions $2,50. Terms Cash. Febmarv 21th. 1332 |i>- Georgria Fayette County. fWIH'I'IE \.S Andrew J. iVluniiy, Ahninis v v trator on Ihe estate ot Kindum Stridden, ■late of said county, deceased, applies for Letters o! Dismission IVo u said estate. These are thi-relbre m cite and admonish nil and singular, the kindred and creditors of said decea sed, to tie and a;ip -ar at my office, within ihe time proscribed hy law, u> show cause ‘if anv) why said Letters may not be granted. Given under my hurJ at ofli :c, in Fayetteville, tins May 2d, 1853, - G>3 t. C. KING, D. p ’y. O. F.C. ; Georgia, Fayette Comity. LllillHAS Andrew J. \lnoiiy, applies to it m: for Lsi iters ol Ailmans’ ration, on the estateol JcfSc Lisctcr, lute ot said cuitnlv, decea sed. These fire therefore t cite and admonish all an * singular, the kindred ami ere'ditors ot said docen ’ *cd, to bo and appear at my oilier, within the time prescribed by law, to slow cause (if any they have) why sai l L tiers should not ho granted. Given under my band at office, in Fayetteville, tiiis 21 V.av, 1833. _ 19- ‘ GKO. C. KING, Depi’y 0. V. C. Ceorgiti, Fayette County. Wilfiß lAS John Murphy, A lui’mUtr.ilor oh the eslate of James Murphy, laie ot said ; esu itV, deceased, applies fur Letters ol Dismissnry ! I'rom'said estate. Those are therefore tn cite and admonish all and singular, tiie kindreil and creditors of said decea sed, to bean I appear at my office, wiilim the tnvre ! prescribed by law, to show cause (■( any they liave) j why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, in Fayetteville this 30fh day of April, 1833. 19— OKO. J. KING, Dcpt’y. G. F. C. Georgia, Fayette Cofinty. | IMf Li Kit liA -3 Joshua tlhler, Guardian of his j ¥¥ minor mj.i VV. F. M. El Ic.r, having been no lied aticorjiiig to law, at (lie last Term of Ihe Court ot Ordinary ot said county, to show cause, why his s .mriiy on the bond as Guardian ns aforesaid, should not he released from further lia bility; and why Jic should not give other security, according to law; and the said Joelutft ICldor hav ing failed to show good cause, his Letters ol Guardian-hip for (he said \V. F. My Litter, were , revoked nod mode void.’ all per Oils . interest ml an s.ud W'ords csifttc, are hereby imtified | to appear it. tfiiS next July !erirtrof the (Janil ul’Or ! ilinary for said cojinty, and,apply for Letiers'ol i Gnid a Hum for the si u. Y\’. F. M. Klvho! J. L. BL’ALf JOK. O. F. O. | May Bh, 1 = 53. \:r- iffcAL l’l! FOR THE STATE! HOUOWAY’S m^s. Extraordinary cure of loss of idea th, Disordered titomack, Indigestion and Delei initiation of Blood to Ikt Head. Cvpff of a letter f.vm Mr. M n Ll oj d, of Erto tee-, ‘near liailteh^.Merionttshire. TO ProtDiSor HOLLO W A Y-- Sir: I avail my*. If of the earnest i.pportumty of injorming you, that lora very lung poned, 1 was afli. ted-with a daugcrous giddiness and frequent swimming* in the licail, atlcnded hy-Noss ofajipc tite, disordered stumacli and generally impa-red health. Fiery means bad failed to give me any ; permanent r< liel, and at Icngtli it became so alarm | mg that I was really afraid of going about ivith ; oul an altcmlar.t. In this melanclioly condition, I i waited personly on Mr. tiuglxs, Ghemist, Har lech, lor the purpose of consulting iiim as to u hat Iliad better co; lie kindly rceoniniendcd your Pill*, 1 tiled them > iilioul delay, and after taking them lor a short time, I am happy to bear testimony to j their wonderful efficacy. 1 am now restored to peilpcl health, arid enabled to resume my u-nil duties. You areal liberty to publish tins letter in any way you may think proper. 1 am, sir, jour obed’t.servn’t. ('igriedj JOHN LLOYL). June Gtli, 1852. Miractdous cu e of Dropsy. Extract oj a letter from Edward Rowley, Esq. of In diu Walk, Tobago, t/nltd Jjpnl Slh t 1852'. To Prob'stor Holloway—D ur bir: I deem iI a duty I owe to you and iht- pu >bc nt large, u> m iortn you oi a most miraemous movery irem that drciiutol disease iJropsy, and vhu 11, under Go<i r was ullected by your intueiess Pills. I was tap ped five times within rigid months, and aUillfulty treated by two medical uraclilioners, but could no* gel cund, uniil I had recourse to your remedy, and n i,l w it fist imiing all I hard undergone, this mi raeulOusu.cdi-.-ine cured rue in the course of six weeks. |Big!icd] EDii ART) LtOVYLEY. Inf alible cure of a Stomach Complaint, ivith Indi gestion au<l violent Headaches. Extract of nlelter from Mr.S. Goieen, ’Chemist, of Clifton, ear Bristol, dated July TWr, 1352. To Professor Holloway—Dear Sir —I am re quested by a lady named T just arrived Irom the W’csl I fii i cs, to acquaint you that fora period ol eight years, bcrstdi .and family su lie red Irom continual had health, arising f-0.-rt tiisortrers of the Liver and Stomach, Indigestion, loss of Ap petite, violent Headaches, pains’ in the side, weak ness anti general debility, tor v.lnch she consulted the most eifii lent mi n in the colony, but without any beneficial result; at. last, she had recourse to your invaluable Piik, which in a very short iiu.c ttf.cU'd so gri at a change for the better, that s!,c continued Ilieni, and the whole family were re.-to led to lie'iilro ui.d Strength. T urliicr slie cli sircs i;bc io say, tiint she has witnessed their exliaordi nary vtnues m tiiose complaints incidental la eftii dren, [lariicularly in cases of Measles and Scar- Inn, having cHecicd postiivc cures of lliesc disca <s with no olber remedy. fStgni'iiJ S. GGWFN. These, celebrated I’llls are iv.mderfully efficacious in the following complaints: Ague Debility Infl.miation Asthma Dropsy Jaundice Pillions Coin- Dysentery Liver com plaints Krysipelas plaints Dio cix.-s o‘:t Female lrregu- Lumbago the Skin larities Piles Dowel com- Fevers of all Rheumatism plaints kinds Retention of Colics Fits Urine Constipation Gout Scrofula,*or ut the Uow< Is Head-adic King’s Lvtl Consumption ledig'-stam feore-l hn.als Minna Dl Gravel Tic Doioreux Secondary I'nriKiurs Ulc rs svmptoiiis Venereal A flee- iVAirins of all M eakinss, lions kinds from whatever . cause &c. ie. Sold at ‘.he establishment of ProleS'Or Holloway, 244 Si'-and, (near Temple Bar) London, and bv all Vendors ol Meuicucft tlirongliout the United Stales, in lioxc*at 37c a 87e and 81 50c cacti W holesalc by the principal Drug houses in the Union; and by Messrs. A. B. St D. SANDS, New York. There is considerable saving by Jaktng the lar g'T s zcs. N. D.— Directions for the guidance of patients in every disorder are affix ->l to each box. For sale by -V v|. \V. LINCOLN, Savannah, Ga “ J. “v . JON LS, Grillin, Ga. Auril 29. 1853. 18— lllliAl NOTICE. ffIHK undersigned rcspecllully lenders n JL his professional services to the citizens of Gridin and vicinity. His practice is. on M| the BOTANIC SYSTEM, and from n:s long experience m the practice of Physic, hefeeii assured that lie will he aide to give satisfaction ‘, all who may cal’ on him for medical aid. nn Broadway over A Grav’s Store. LbillOY SNDKD, M. D G-tffio, F'h. 10, (852. BOUSE PiniND fiLiZIJiG. J&Si&L Ihe undersigned respectfully calls the I*■ eI A* attention id’ the public, ami especially ps_j those who live in the conntrv, to tlie f-. [, 1C ( tlial he is prepared to S’AIST ssousass, in superior style, and on very iea sonmdn terms Abo, GLAZING done in go I vie and at the shortest notice. Give him a -■u'l. ‘ it. L. HOBBS. (KJ®* >3hop on N< vv Orlt-ans street. Jaiuinrv 27'ih. 1*5.3. DISSOLUTION. copartnership of McWilliams, Speir & JB. Cos. is this day disahlv'eil by mutual coescnt, by tbe wiibdrawal of W. 11. Speir. The business will be continued hy the undersigned, at tho old stand, who wilt be happy to wait on their old Iriends and many new ones. Give us a call. McWilliams & co. D. [l. McWilliams, B. P. McWilliams. Griffin, Apdl -20, 1853. 16 -31 Imm TO 1 BAD! 1 L undersigned, being desirous of m-ving M. westward, uflers his Livery Stable & Stock lor sale, nl-o; the Dwelling House and Lot where he now resides Persons wishing to enter the Livery Business, will do well to call early and examine lor liicmseliios, us 1 aiu deter mined to sell. L. P. ALKXAN DKlt. Grririu, April 20, 1853. 16--if J. A. & J.C. BULKS, DEALERS I.Y DM GOODS, GROCERIES, AND IfAItDWAUE, Corner Mill and Ninth-street, Griffin, Ga J imianv 9. 1852. 2—ls NEW ESTABLISHMENT. ■jr Hie entire establishment of Mr. I'. Iff MERCHANT TAILOR, Gfti r tli’ ir services to tlreii Irieml.- ■ll'Vl and his former customers, and re- tlhlly solicit’d a coiitiriuanco ol patronage, as they are deter mined, a >n Haller themselves that they Can, givi ginerat satisfaction,- They will keep constantly on hand,- a Ircsh and well selected stock ot Cloths, Casiinevcs, Vestings, VXD Clothing. whidli they wißsell clwaper than any establishment of'the kind in the city. Give us a call, and you shall not go away dissatisfied.- ITPEG & Wit I* K. Griffin, January, 1853, 3 “ N. B. (JUTTING done al the slior'est untie* and tu the itio.j faShiimalile style. J. A.S.J. C. BEERS. ARK now receiving nnal great variety of spring and SUbinwr G'-bds, nil of which w'Olfc carefully selected by one ot iler firm in New York rtntl Bostfin. Among which are a gotiernl B’etk of STAPH DIMOM. Ladies Dress Goods, consisting in part of B'k. and ColM. Silks, Plain and.Fig’d. I’rinled and Plain Bareges, 11 u-h Fight, t-hlk Tissues and Gienadines, Mantillas, Seurl* ar.-l Crape I s hawk. Lace and Muslin Sleeves, Chimera'll* and C liars. BONNETS & BONNl’fi’ RIBBONS. In the gentlemen’s depafinuct are Fash wimble RciM(y~Mndv Clothing, Hal)/, Roots and Shoes, AJwaj-s on hand a general assortment of HARDWAR E Sc CUTLERY, Iron nnd Nails, Crockery arid Glass-Ware Painle. Oils, and Dye-Stuffs, Glass and Putty numerous other articles. They res peel fully invite their friends and the public, to call and examine their goods ‘ hey it'llcoutident that they can sell them at such prices us will give general satisfiction. Griffin. March 21, 1353. 12— if 01 OF THE LAiif li Best Stocks of SPRING & M G(i01! EVER OFFERED LY THIS MARKET, IS NOW OPENING AT SARGENT k m% Cor iV6w-Orleans St. and Broadway. CONSISTING in part of a splendid assortment o STAPLE & nm DRY-GOODS, and every style and description of DltllSS GOODS!! Also, every variety of WO OD WA RE AND HADD WA RE Clothing, Saddles, tipns, Blankets, Iron, - Bjsiol f Ker&iy*, Nails, Uowd Shoes, Steel, Oils, Hats, Blacksmith’s Tools, Faints. ALSO OF HIE BEST- QB-AUTES: Zt O Bags Rio’ Cod'ee, Prime Java do IO Hhils. Sr. U’roix and P. I\. Sugar, 2*l) Bids. Stewarts’ liefiii-ep do 20 do Coffee ‘do 20 do Crush’d and PowdrM do Fish, Cheese, Potatoes-, Sail, Molasses,’ Tolircco, &c., &c. rurehnsers will please hear m mind, that our Stock is almost entire ly NEW, and that every ar ticle sold i : 3 yviirrnnled to he good and sound, and a! Plices that tanno! fat! to suit hover*. S A RGB NT & CO. Griffi t; September 30, 1852. 40-1 f W. R. PHILLIPS & CO, Under Masonic Hall, Hill Street. T-AKE this method'of informing the titizms ofGriflin, and surrounding cobntry, that they are now receiving their slock of SPRING & SUMMER GOODS. It is unneessary to enumerate ThcNh fie rent articles which cofislituic our COMPLETE ASS.OHTM ENT. We parlictdarly solicit tin- attention oflhe Ladles, ns a more Fiv-hion.-thh; and ii-‘nut’i(u! assortment of Ladies Dress Goods, has never’ before been otii red in tins Marktl<#iey were selected with great eaie.and consist in part of Silks, Bor age, Delanes, Borages, Tissues, Grenmliii's, French Jaconetia and Gainbiies, linffiroidens, Mantillas, &e...&e, of the latest designs. Gen lemen will also lino a largo assortment of Ready-31ade ClofEiiag, Hats, Book, Shoes, and many other articles which make this a complete furnishing store. For those who have seen our Stock advertise ments arc unnecessary, as b> look is hut to he con vinced that it is uneqttalcd in the ciiy. We know our prices will be satisfactory. „ W. R. PiirLLIPS fy CO. Griffin,March 23, 1353 12—if SKY-LIGHT OBClIiRlOnPiS!! TAKEN BY ®mxm m tw9w®<> •‘Think not those Portraits by the - on light made. Shades though they sic, will like a shadow lad ! No! when the. lip ol IF sh m dust shall he— When D.‘alll’s gray film o'er spreads the beaming eye— These life like pie!ures, meeting at decay, Will sill! he fresh and vivid as to-dav.” HAVING just erected a row Galle ry, inv Pictures cannot 1n- < x-■oiled m anv city. Nmlh or e'outh. Pictures taken on cloudy ae well as iair days. Those w isltig Likenesses iqual s o die heft Miniature Paintings, are inviW cV to call and they u ill not b -disappointed. The. best time of d.iv for SMALL CHILDREN, is Irom II A.M. ioS o’clock, P M. Prices moderate,to suit the times. J. M. L Ilill-street, Griffin, G.i March. 135.3. 14—3 t DISSOLUtION.~~ r|ALIK firm of ROBINSON. WALKER & CO. _M. is this dav dissolved by the witlidmwal of T. S. WALKER. K W.‘ROBINSON, T. S. WALKER. T. J. BLOOGWORTH Griffin, March 8, 1553. The bnsmessYof the old firm xvill be conducted in future hy Robinson Sc Bloodwortli. We invite the attenl.inn of tbe public to our stock ol D;y Goods and Groceri'-s. K. \V. R RfINSON, T. J. BLOOD WOR I’ll. M'lreh, 1853- 11 F iSX’S M ETA'LL IC OBRIH GASES 1 . I TAKE leave respect fully to infium tbe ruhlie, that l have just received a number o! these BURIAL GASBS at inv shop, in the city t*l’ Grillin, where they can be find at all times at the shortest notice, ala small advance 6h coat and freight. The subscriber also eontinnesi fit# Cci’-i— ----and Cabinet Business at his old stand where he will lie pleased to execute any orders left with him. A. BELLAMY. Griffin, April P, 1552 14—1 new jobTrintini; office, IN the Brick building attached to Ihe Ware house of Ferrill &. Hancock, opposite the Bap-, jst Church, Griffin, Ga. All kinds of PLAIN & ORNAMENTAL PRINTING executed with neatness nrd dispatch at the New Joli Office, oil Solomon S'reef, opposite I lie Baptist Church. J. H. LOG AN 00 for work respectfully snliericd. Griffin, January 18, 1853. J£RD f. WHAT AKER t Attorney at Law* ATL ANT A, (i E 1) li GJ A . Ajtf il 8,1352. 13—! y MW SPffiG IMS In Great J'aricty. rjSj'HJ ANK.f’tJt.. tor past patronage, ec respeet- Jw- fully r,(’i Him itllijulioi) oi our U'iends and flic ■ptiblie ■ genor.iliy our large aim well selected M'jik ol mm goods, wilin'i consists ol every variety oi goods. among v iiinli will In found a Ini mi: Mock set the lintel and lat*t eI \l l e ol Fancy ioo;ide SILKS, woilh from $1 to $.3 Black llrocHdf: SI LK.S, wor: h IVoin Silo 83 Hail B’a I nc.-s SILKS wdr'h fainn $1 ios| 50 I*’ lg 11 eo HR if ADE wortll Irom SI lo $3 Apron Silk 38imvIh , j wide an<l an endless vari • iy hi solid ..'inr i'Jii'v Tii-m * and Bora *'?; Of if':nd-ffi Muslin-; Prin t'd jnckonet and S-'iss; *Vl|:ti* grr.ide o c.ii.dit.ns iruv used; Crape. Shawl* and Smif-* (•!'• latfSl style*; M iim oi” ind second ‘AWiming E: r i ;i Muslin and G” “hums, Ginliam* -A r*i ; qrtffhfies and stv-leS. 2m mm prints, ol .iM styles ano pncca. Gadiesand Misses of nil kids, prices and qualities, | r.i riging irom 75 cents Also a large lot ol j Parasols and L'tstbreitas. mOINIK¥ all odors, qualities and sizes; Ladies’ Blade and White Silk ll ‘BE. All ipi.ii tip's Laities* ami Genii men’s Kin nnd •hik GLOVTi''; do do Berlin and Linen do; Misses do do. Also a Urge and well levied stock ol Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s B<JO i’ 8 AKD VUOi'iS. *mna which can lie found.a good ••ilu'l.’ id Ladies’ Fcditij and While Bools and Slippers. CLOTHING. We inns! not forget I lie Genlienien, \V and have a aiin*;>l endless m nly of all kinds ol CJJLO- TiniVlS.Ol Hie LATEST AND M iST FASHION ABI.K srii t:. Also a good stcclc of OIiaiWJIXJUU ‘4EV ddlbilSS 8$ as well <v a gob i slock ol GK(K)tfllil£3. — All of which we otter at the most le..sellable prices, aud hope Hiat, iliose who have goods I o purclmse. will give us an'early call and examine for them selves. tiALVIUNS, BOOTH &, CO. L. S. Salmons, i Griffin, March 31, 1553 Robert Booth, J 14 — •James N. Simmons. } SALMfII & BOOTH HAVE this dav taken into their cooartm rship Dr. JAMES N. SXMB-JONSt and the j mercantile bhsincs:- oft lie firm will bo conducted in future at the old stand, • u THU sited, under the firm name of SALMONS, BOOTH A CO. L. S. Sai mons, i Gmfin, March 29, 1353. Robert B moth, X 14 James N. Simmons ) Wfmim eoqisT MRn LU MAULS I’ akes pleasure in return* me th inks to her k ni patrons of the past I season, an'! wishes so rail Hi ir uttenlion to 1) r new spitixu. stock* now receiving, at her eld stand on lifl-streui; among which she his a variety of NEW SPRING BONNETS, of the latest and most fashionable styles. ICPSIte sfiil continues tn*iuak to order Silk, | Satui and straw BONNETS, as well as any otiiej article in the Milbnaiy line, arid hejies to fetain all her old patrons and gel many new ones. *■ Griffin, March 15, 1853 14— M’WiLLI IMS, SPIER & CD. WEST SIDE HILL STREET, AREA 7 0W R E CEI VING FR OM New York and Philadelphia * TIIF.IR SPRING ANO SUMMER GOODS, CLOTIIIjYG, Slats, Basinets, Boots and Shoes, IfLoodcn, Crockery Hardware, GROCERIES, &.C. to which they invite the attention of the Citizens of ‘Tiffin and public generally. Griffin, March 28, 1853. 13 — ‘%J&I L have now on hand the largest stock ft of PIANOS that we have ever hail, all fresh and new, direct Irom the Manufactu rers. They are at! ot tlio latest styles and patterns, and nri- unsurpassed in point i quickness ‘and touch, volurupund brilliancyol’ tone, style anil finish of workmanship. We have among our sleek some of tlie late Patent NEW SCALE HIM which are < qua! in volume of lone to the celebrated Grand Pmiios. These instruments never to please the ear of even one who hears the tone of in m. Also. we have some at the •nucli admired a?ma®3 rtiese I'i.itn-s imve nil tieen s deeded by one ot ih<’ firm, an! we im.isl flint we are aMe I o S'II ihetn as u,w as.inv m ik'd in ilie Union with the frioglii/sl iltfen uei'. t the arrangements w hlch we havi lat'- tv ••fleeted w'itti the \innutaeiiirc.s will utchoiz-i rmr dtjlltg so. Prices from $225 to SSOO. A written guarantee will iieeompany every Pi ano we sell; that is, ‘if, twelve months using any dele and is found, we take the Piano back again and give anew one.” .Second hand Pianos to Ill’iNT, or for sale. — Prices liiar si>o 00 to $ l i>o 00. in t{osewood eases, 4 and 5 octaves, tor sole, prices SSO to $7S'. Flutinas,’ Avco deons, Tambourines, Hanjns, Violins, Guitars, Flub Vis.-s, an t every'lung u sualiy kept in a \fus e witl he fund in ours. A heavy lot ol he‘l Mmic mi hand for Piano, Hate and Guitar. ■ u tun fuaok: E/o:in. Griffin, G*. LJiiJ St M'.v 12, t 353. ly ill DMII Ml) SHOE M ANUFACTORY. jfcJk THK siib-eriber having titled cf&m U P an exteirsiue Manufactory in m ihef large and commodious new Brick House just above t tie Si earn Mid, is prepa red to til ford era from Dealers and Merchants, at the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. He would rcspcctiully invite thcfattention of the planters to his large STOCK OF NEGRO SHOES, which ts superior to any thing ofthekind ever nl fered in this market heiore. He also invites the attention oft he public to his assert ment o Har ness, Bridles, Martingales, Collars, &e.; If ether with a general stock of smelt articles ns arc usually kept in that line—feeling confident, with the nri vadfage be has of Tanning his own Leather and his own hands to manufacture it, of offering induce tneiiis to buyers that will not fail to give satisfaction in price ami quality. J. L. JUUNSOA 1 . N. B.—Raw hides taken in exchange for any of |ho above goods, at the highest market prices. Gritfin, <><■.!. 7, 13 Vi. [ Id-TJ J. L. J iilMJiiiiwii iSccft SfatxJKffcc, - Pamphles, Oifculnrs, Law Blanks,’ Hill-Heacis, Posers, Show-bills, Hand-bills, Cnfajr gi s, [Lisiness a rds Cotton R‘ ’.sip*, ] Visiing I’nr-Is, Labels. Stt. - ——niiwiiiniiinn i—mm jrw.i me <*i f EEMItTM . ffllßo S'. “A. SHOULD respectfully infill in all who are in V T - need of full sets or partial sets ol Teeth, and who wioh them put up with skill and .expert em-e, warranted to answer every purpose requi red, that they can now he supplied ut short notice, mid with the same style.pnl up upon a heautjlu nntalic ha so, whidfi tpok the piemiurn over a I others ol the land at the late Pair in Macon, also the Fust Premium nt the Tate Fair In Ail.mta. Dr, C, has fat'/ly rmule arrungciiieids tyo' persons ‘iving in the country, or in any of the adjacent towns, can, if they wish, command Ins services free of charge, Which will secure W< in against rha many irnn.isitons practiccl by itineraiHjii.tek that daily traverse Hie touiurv. w Griffin, Jan. Hail Columbia. — What n rush for Goods! No wonder, they are so cheap—aud such a variety loo! Pro Bono Public J. I have been r iund to all the stores, neighhots, and this is the place lor good bargains! Insuper. —Did you ever know goods to Sell so cheap, as at. B. NE VVuiL.L’3 Cheap Store? Sponle. —-Let nie out! 1 have got my share- more goods so: a dollar here, than at any store in the count v! KgSltiE undersigned, having returned Iroin mar JL Uet, is now receiving daily, ii s Spring Styles STAPLE & FANCY DRY BOOBS. Ladies, votir attention is called t< some . ol the uci.eM DRESS GOODS ever odered in Guilin. His Stock of Ladies Bonnets, .Hosiery, Glnvew, Simes, &e. is now complete, With a gene iat assojtmeiit ut Fancy Articles, some ol winch are to he found now here t Ise. Cal! und examine. It afioros Ins young mm pleasure to show hi goods, and if they call only soil the small is. article, Ihey are well pleased aud consider them selves well paid. Guiilemcn, young and old, haclwlors an \m-I dowers, i! you desire anything to moke yoursevead ccHspicuous, call at B. iVewell’s. It is needless lo mention every article. But remember, anything you need is tube lound there. Don’t delay, as delays ui e dangerous,-and the stock of Goatiemcu’s Goods £t Clothing are very superior and need only a word to pass th in off. _ Boebee’s Spring Styles-of IT ATS come in iri-aickly rmw. Il'ynm want the most fashionable HA 1’ in the world, call and buy one, at a reduced price Ir .in Brian Newell. Hill Street, Griffin, east side, under Benham & Woodruff’s Chair Manu l iictury. Cali and see, a* I am determined nol to he tin d™;l'!rl by any eompeii'orr, holding lo the maxim t- at “compeli;io.n is lire lilb of business.” B. NKW I LL. GriiTm. Anril I2t.'i, 1533. la—d GROCERIES, &c. !*£!&& BBLS Old Rye, Corn,and Monongabc '4.P la liiskey. 1 cask Extra Fine Cognac Brandy. 3 casks Port, Sweet and Malaga Wines. 2 bids, old Butts and Jasper Peach Brandy. 5 bb!s Phelps’ Gin. 2 bids, real old Holland Gin. Besides mny other articles usually sold from any mercantile Louse in Georgia, cmi-isting ol Sperm, T iHow and Adamantine Candles; gfigiir, Coffee, Molasses, Syrup; Aleui, Flour, Corn; Cheese, Butler, Crackers, Nuts, Raisins; 10 M Cigars, wholesale and retail, (ol mos excellent brand*.) Sp ec, Pepper, Ginger; Soap, washing an t shaving, an extra article of shaving (someting new—try it.) Pickles. Pepper. Sauce, Lemon Syrup; Table Salt, Chemical Yeast Powders; Mackerel, Herrings, Codfish, Tea, B ack and Green; Brushes, Courtier, Table and Blacking; Candies, Shot, Powder, &c. &o. In fact, mv stock is trow cmnprete of F.tmltv he- .So, gooilemen, please give me a call and examine my slock, before purchasing else where. Country Merchants, buying such articles in our city, will find itio their advantage to examine my stuck—either whoh sale or retail. Thankful for past patronage, I solicit a continu ance of the same. Everything delivered from my store, I promise with neatness and dispatch; having persevering and prompt young men, win will a! anytime du ting mv absence attend mv business as 1 woiilii have them in my presence—theirs oeing us my own motto, like that ol'Catsar’s — “vent, vim, via!” BRIAN NEWELL, Under Benham & Woo Inifl’s Chair Manufactory, East side of Hill Street. Griffin, April 12, 1853. 15—ts A FEW HIORE 2YS’ Si Yof iko-e Bplendid Pinnoes,ff I|S from the Manufactory of J. ti. Most & Cos. Hart ford, Gonnceticnf,.which ore warranted superior to any thing in this market. B. N. F. W, A, DOYLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFFERS his professional services to the rul, tic. Alt business entrusted to his manngeine wi!l meet with the most nro iipf attention. Reason , able deductions will hr. made in fees, in proportion to the amount ofbnstness so entrusted. ©Slice o i Solomon s'rect, opposite the Bap is) Ctiurch. C Attcxtiok, REFER EXCES 2 i’kr^everavce, ( Promptitude. Gridin, March, 1852. 12—ts KE^IMwiTFSELIb Attorney at Law, Hawkinsvlle, Pulaski County, Geo. March 11. 1352 1 1 -oin. MoCUNE & BORDERST ATTORNEYS AT LAW.J GRIFFIN, GEORGIA \ Office up-stairs in J. A. & J. C. Becks’ Store, Hall-street. March 30, 1853.13 HiSHAM &Crawford, attorneys at law COLUMBUS, GEORGIA WILL practice, in the Chatabooch e Circuit and the adjriiiing ccuntics. Office over the store of J. Iv. Redd & Cos. Por.Tf.R Ingram. * M. J. Crawford* M irch 21, 1353. 12 ly <2? ATTORNEYS AT LAW. MCDOXOUGH, GEORGIA. A LL business entrusted to their care wifi rc coivt: prompt attention. R. MAXSOX. STELE, E. P. WATKIKS. April Ist, 1353.'^-^-*^'l4 — HENRY HENDRICK, A T TORNEY AT Jackson, Butts County, Ga. February, 1852. DR. W. R. MOSELEY, E|SS3j IS permanently located in the city o Gritfin, and solicits a continuance o patronage from Ids friends, anil the public genr , ifesiiT< : nc9 atpl office at Dr. If. if. .’o msonV I'l slan t.” Jan. l6|h, 1853. 2tf srxirwßiiHf. OFFICE OX HILL STREET , OVER George Diinliam's Cook Store. \ G iTin, May 2♦, |<?s3, * _ jiniva—mimjii .wy i WllHAJlifllMlf. ~)jy ,IL E. MORttUVV, A. .V 1... ( rlnerpiil and Propri etor ‘l'caciiertj’Naturul bcenccs, Rhetoric and Languages. Rev. J. B. JACKSON, Teacher of Moral aud Menial rhi'osophv. Miss vl. E. CLJZBY. I'eaclu r ol Mat hemal ies. Mrs. K. M. MOKRT.V Principal-ufihePriuwry Departmeut, and Teach er of Botany and Emhioidi.iy. Miss S. J. FKEKvtAN, • Assislant in the Primary Department. W. L. IIENSLEi;, Profiessorof Music, H. W.BROWN, M. D. L ec.urer in Physiology and ‘Hygirne. IT ind others arc respect I til y invited iL lo vLit I lie Insliiolion. BOARDING-can be obtained in the Ifaiises of the fotJovving'gcnMeiuei);— nl $9 to £|! per month. Rev. J.C. Aiiumorvs, Mr. Win. Ficimah, Mr fc>. -S. Taylor, Mr. T. K. Gtlrnorr, Mr.. L. S. Balmb'.-s and others, oil of the g best icspcctability. Feb. 23, 1553 B—4t SYNODICAL UfclllLSi UiillM. G IIIFFIN y GE ORGIJi. PSNHE board of Trustees of thisTnstifution are A happy in being able tb announce to the public, ai it win commence iis exercises on Monday inn. 17ih of Januaiy, 1853, under lire direction of a,i hie corps of lusirnclms. The Faculty will be as follow*: Rev. Carlisle P. B. Martin, Piesidenlr find i’rolessor ol Ancient Languages, li e torn-, Menial <l :d Mo al Philosophy. * Profiurs r of Chen istry, Me chanical Philosophy and Nation! Seierices. Miss Ala E. Humphrey, l.isinieiress in French Ma'liiiiii.nres and Engiish manyhes. Mrs Jeanneile Bjinune, lii-triictr.’ss’in litslo ry, Botany arm English brunch s. Mr. Ijerm.inn Giiitimubcr, Pio!e-sor of Insfru mental and Vocal Music amt the German Luk gua c. v Mrs. Agnes Braumiillcr, Intniclrcss on the Guitar aud in the Ornamental brunches. —■ * instructress in tuc I iiipuiv Department. The course ol Instruction w.H he thoronjrb and* extensve; and moral discipline and religl'i ds in- STRltCioii w ill constitute a proinineiii r.nri charac ters: fcufuic in the exeix'Kns of the-Institution.— For the present, the Scholastic year w ill In: divided Hilo Two i errfis of t wenty-om: weeks each. The will embrace “Three L‘. Partmem s: Prim iry-sMiddle and Coilegn —each Dr.i'.it r mest occupying three years in its course ol study nd divided into ‘i'lißEU Classes, each c!at> r- \ Hiring a year in iis courae ol study. * The Rate 3 of Tuition will be In the Primart Department,—in wlnh will be I-light, vvijiio it charge, Duaoino anti Vocal \iy.iic, in addition Li the various studies’ the third (or lowest) Class C*s Pt r Term Glass, . „ 12 ** • w First Class, ’ Lh “ M idiffifi l)epa rl merit, st> “ College “ ‘2O “ Modern Languages, (each) 19 “ Music (Piunh-Forte,?” 25 Drawing and Painting and Orna mental'Work, 19 Use of Piano, i’.i “ Incidental, * I It w ill be seen tliat no extra charge is made of the Ancient Language.*; the Latin will be adopted as a cart of Hie regular course of study, and the Greek taught ll desired. W hen the Institution, shall have made a commencement, a Calaleg'uo will he published, giving a more particular account of the Course of Study, character, aims and ad vantages of this Seminary ol learning, which wif confidently believe from the character and ability o the Faculty will lie second to none in Hie land While thorough instruction will lie given in every Department, we will remmk that ihe Primary De partment will receive especial attention. We would simply add, that Board cau be had in good families at $lO to sl2 per month. JAMES H. STARK, . i'*v>**Uvut wlitav Uosvvd. . W. J. Keith, SccVy. Fo be titled ‘ Griffim, Jan. 4th, 1853 1 tf r&OllEN & MARHf ATTORNEYS AT liAW. Giibcn J. Grccu, i tkols, s Ca ’ Ilai'tfoi’d GrcciAj Eebnion, Ga May 28.1852 22 A FIIVE CHANCE FOR I HAVE on Broadway, near the MtirSteF, a house which lias hen used for the Inst two years as a PROVISION STOBE, and is bout the best stand in GriHin. 1 will either rent e nremises Lo a good tenant for that purpose, or will go into co-partnership with an approved partner, who will take charge of nnd atrsiuness. Aprdv sion vVILLI AVI CLIN \ >rtl 3th, 1353. FEMALE BOARDING DOUSE, GRIFFIN GEORGIA. rHNLIK fact is undeniable, that no place in Genr- H gia offers better facilities fur Female education ! linn the young city ol Griffin, having at |nsr.t one Collegia:*; Seminary, under the well-tried man agement of Vlr. H. K. A>rnr.nW', and tlie F undo College, under llic direct-ion rl the*'riun Si nod of the State ofGoulpn ,lo'be opened the first of the cuirimg vear, t.'creitii r with two or three private schools ot high character. At MU’ suggest ton anil sola i’stion of many cl I is friends, the undersigned has seen ted the cummncii ti9 and cnmlortahlc residence- of Mrs. K. A. lidlV on North Hill St., at a pleasant distance tromthe oiffarent schools, and convenient to the Uiffoient churches, and proposes to take ! wclvc young in so r (school girls,) as boarders. Mrs. Taylor will de vote her whose attention to the comfort of those put der her care, and every facility will ho afforded to assist them in their scholastic duties. A good Piano Forte will be Inrr.ished fer llio use of those who may he taking music lessons. Propel 4 author ily will'be exercised over all; ma’ word, they wilt be’; govi rued. As the number to be accommodated is limited, and assume have already made applica tion, and for other reasons, it is very desirables that ail further applications be received at an early day. For terms ol board, and all further particulars, ad dress (he undersigned at Giitfin, Georgia. S 8. TAYLOR. RuFEUF.Ncr.s —Citizens of Griffin Nov 30, 1852. 49-4 t BM6MMS!! ripHE undersigned iidciiclirg to a slight _S change in their busim s.-, a. c now otic ring (or CASH, their entire; sto> k of DRY SHOES, HATS, H YDIII l iv/ all new abet Ircsh.'at very rceiuce-if prices, and on a credit uiitil lull, at as low rates as anv (rouse hi the place. J. C. & L. R. BREW MR Gritfin, Mnre-h 25. 1852 13 Em Dr. M. J. DANIEL, GRIFFIN, GA, OFFIE AT THE DRUG STORE. Hill Stieet. August!, 1852 32 ly bi. h. w, mzm, OFFICE ON SOLOMON STREET BapliatChurch, Aoti!, igtsv. TflE suhse ribftr expecting to bo absent frmn Gritfin elurina the- wint.<>rand spring,'hereby _ gives n.tticc that Taylor, Pavis&Cu. me tiia authorized agents in Griffin, elnring his absence, and all persons indebted to CHAPMAN, HILL. & CO. are respectfully re-quested to make imme diate payment to them, as the concerns of that | firm must he settled without further and lv. I, W. W. CHAFJjAN ‘ Ol file, Oct. t\ t IS5"'. . 43 If.