The Georgia Jeffersonian. (Griffin, Ga.) 18??-18??, May 12, 1853, Image 4

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    £cgal Notices.
Meriwether .lilac Mortgage Sale.
WILL he sold Hrforc the Cortrthnuse door.
in the lownorGrci’nvillo, Meriwether ctjun
ly, on the first Tuesday in JUNE next, within the
iVMial hours of sale, the following property, vx
Two Negroes, to-wil: —Jinny, h woman, o
iK'p brown complexion and nbout 20 years old;
and tli nry, a man, of dark complexion and about
20 yrara o'd; levied on as the property Stndard C.
Powell to satisfy a mortgage li la issued from the
Inferior Court in livvor of John W. tiewcl vs. said
Sturtnrd O. Towel 1 .
J. W. REDDING, D. Sheriff
March 28,1853. 13—
Administrator’s Sale.
WILLhe “old pursuant to nr> order of the court
oi Ordinary, of Ilenrv county, before the
Courthouse door, iit McDonough, on the first
Tuesday in Juno next, twenty-lour, acres of
Itinri, No. IGi3, in the I Stli District of said
comity. Sold as the properly of Win. Garrett, for
the benefit of tire heirs and creditois. Terms made
known on the oa v of sale.
April 7tli. 1353. I
Georgia, Henry county.
WHEREAS James Stewart, Administrator on
the estate el” William O. Stenart, applies
to me for Letters of Dismission from the Adminis
tration of said estate.
Therefore, nil person” cone trned arc hereby no
tified, to file their objections (if any they have) why
he should not he dismissed, on or before the Ist
Monday in October next, otherwise he wiil be dis
missed from the Administratorship of said estate.
Given under my hand at ofijee, this March 26,
ISJ3. 13- E.P. WATKINS, Ordinary.
Georgia, Fayo<e Couniy.
VTMT'HEREAS Marcellos E. Mclntosh, applies
V V to me tor letters of Guardianship,uporr the
person and property of Samuel L. Mcßride, am!
Andrew J. Mcßride, minors of William Mcßride,
ol Carroll county. These arc.therefore to cite and
admonish all and singular the kindred and friends
of said minors, to be and appear at iy office, with
n the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any
hey have, why said letters of guardianship, should
it he granted said applicant. Witness my hand
otficc, lliis the 3d January, 1333.
1- G. C. KING, D. Oidinsry
Georgia, Fayette County,
“WSj’HLIIEAS \S illiam Watson, Guardian 0
Yv Thomas Watson, applies to rue for letters
of Dismission from said Guardianship, he having
executed Ins trust, as will more fully appear from
the vouchers on. file.
These arc therefore to cite and admonish a!
and singular the kindred of said.minor, to he and
appear at my office, within the time prescribed bv
law, to show cause, if any ‘hey’ have, why said
Lettcis should not be granted.
Given under my hand and official signature, this
the Ist day of December, 1852.
G. C. KING, Dept. Ordinary.
December Ist, 1352. —SO
VtCigia, Uesuy esanty.
‘RIR7 HERFAS Tho?. I. Grc< , applies to me
V V Letters of Dismnf:..m the
tration of the estate of Thus. King, late of said
county, deceased.
These are therefore to cite and admonish all per
sons interested, to file their objections (if any they
have) why Letters should no’ be granted,on o re
fore the Ist Monday in August next, other's s
esters Disnussory will be granled.
A 1 rue extract from the minutes.
Given under mv hand-at office, this Janu y
17th, 1353.
3 E, P. WATKINS. Ordmnr
Georgia, 1* ayettc County.
HEREAS Robert M.Sims applies to me
Y Y lor letters of administration on the estate
of Martha Jane Harris, decsasec. These arc there
fore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kin
dred and creditors, to he and apprar at my office,
within the time prescribed by law, to show cause,
if auy they have, why said ir-tters should not he
granted. Given untler r.iv hand at office, this
25th April, 1353. G. C. KING, D, Ordinary.
7 IXTY days alter date application wilt he made
to Uie honorable the court of Ordinary, in and
loathe county of Henr , for leave lo sell the real
Es'ate of*\Y rn. Rifi, late of “aid county deceased.
April sth. 1553. 15—
StHXIY days after date application will be made
to the ci urt of’Ordinary of Fayette county, for
leave to sell the Lands belonging to the estate of
Waren 11. Cooper, late of said county, deceased.
March 30th, 1852.
fct IXT Y days after date application will be
£3 made to-the Court of Ordinary of Henry
county, for leave to sell the Real Property of Wil
liam Garrett, file of said county, deceased.
March 11, 1853. [Administrator.
lYciice to Debtors auti Creditors.
& LL Pi rsoni having demands against, the
2SI Elate of William Garrett, deceased, late of
liciirycounty, are hereby notified Jo present them,
within the time prescribed by law, otherwise
they wiil not be paid.
Mirth 10, 1853. [Administrator.
Fl|! WO month* after dale, application w ill be
JL made to the Ordinary of Burts county, for
leave to sell the real estate of Willis 0. Jenkins,
late of Butts county, deceased. Said fond lying in
tho county of Wilkes.
Poh. 23, 1353.
v'grwo Months after date application will be
Ja_ made to the Court of Ordinary of Butts conn
ty.for h-ave to sell the Real Estate of James Dra
per- late of paid county, deceased.
March 7, 1833. 1 1
Fayelte Sheriff's Sale.
he sold before the Court-house door, in
YY the town of Faycttev llc, Fayette county,
on the first Tuesday in June next, within the le
gal hours of sale, tho following property to-wi’:
One Mare o’lout eight years old, levied as the
properly of William Johnson, by virtue of a fi
la tssii'vi from Fayette Inli-rior court, in favor of
Buns, Vance £t Cos. vs William Johnson.
April 25th, 1853. 18—
FE.fI.ILE ilOlilDlAtr HOUSE,
rglli'i Oust id undeniable. tiiat no place in Geor-
Ja. £fia offers belter facilities for Female education
th-in tile young city of GrilHn, having at present
one Collegiate Seminary, under the well-tried man
agement of.'Wr. H. E. Morrow, and llie F< male
College, under the direction of the Presbyterian
Synod ol tbs-Sin oi Georgia ,to be opened the first
r>r the coming year, together with two or three
private schools of high character.
At the suggestion and solicitation of many of Iris
friends, the undersigned lias seemed the commodi
uj and comfortable residence of Mrs. hi. A. Hill’d
on North Hdl St , at a pleasant distance from the
Different schools, and convenient to the different
churches, and proposes to take twelve Voqn ladi< s
(school girls,) as hoarders Mrs. Taylor wiji de
vote her whole attention to the comfort, of those put
der her care, and every facility will l> e afforded to
ossKtthcm in tiieir scholastic duties. A good
Piano Forte will be furnished for the use of those
who may iie taking music lessons. Proper author
i'y will be exercised over all; in a word, they will
be governed. As the number to be accommodated
is limited, and assume have already mace applica
tion, and for other reasons, it is very desirable that
ad further applications he received at nn early dav.
for terms <>l board, and u!l further particulars, ad
dress the undersigned at Griffin, Georgia.
_ S. vS. TAYLOR.
ft efeusncf.b— Citizens of Griffin
Nov 30, 1852. ,jy a,
SJooit anil Soil axttcc.
Pamphles, Circulars,
Law Blanks, Bill-Heads,
Posers, Show-bills,
Hand-bills, Catajr tjt *.n,
Business Ca rds Cotton Ku'.eips,
Visiing Cards, Label*. “kc, &c.
A cripple sets aside his crutches after ten
years suffering.
Copy of a Idler from Mr. Thompson, Chemist, Li~
verpod, dated August 201 ft, 1852.
—1 am enabled In-furnish you with a most
extraordinary xure effected by your invaluable
Ointment and Pills, which has astonished every
person acquainted with the sufferer. Abut 10
years ago, Mr. W. Cummins of sialtncy sired, in
this town, was thrown from his horse, whereby he
received very Serious injuries; lie had the heel
medical advice at the time, and was afiervynrds nn
inmate of different infirmaries, yet he grew worse,
and at length a malignant running ulcer settled in
his hip, which so completely crippled him, that he
could not move without crutches for nearly ten
years; recently he began to use your Ointment and
Pill", which have now healed the wound, strength
cncd his limb, and enabled him to dispense with
his crutches, so that he can walk with the greatest
ease and with renewed health and vigor.
(Signed) J. THOMPSON.
A most extraordinary cure of a dreadful skin dis-
ease when all medical aid had failed.
Copy of a letter from Mr lllrd, Draper, of Heady,
near Gamsboro’, dated March Ist, 1852,
To Professor “Holloway.
Sir:—Sometime since one of my children was
afflicted with dreadlot eruptions over the body
and limbs. 1 obtained the advice of several em
inent surgeons ami physicians, by all of whom the
case was considered hopeless. At length I tiled
your Ointment and Pills, and without exnggera
tion. the effect was ini’-aculous, for by persevering
in their use, nil the eruptions qui-;kly disappeared,
and the child was restored to perfect health.
I previously lost a child from a similar com
plaint, and firmly believe, had I in her case adopt
ed your medicine she would have been saved also.
I shall be happy to testify the truth of this, to any
■ enquirer
(Signed) J BIRD, Draper.
(Certain remedy for Scorbutic humors—and an as
tonishing cure ofan old lady 70 years of age of
a bad fog.
Copy of a letter from Messrs. Walker and Cos Chc
rhist, Bath,
To Professor Holloway—Dear Sir—Among the
numerous cures effected by Ihe use of your valua
ble medicines ill this neighborhood, we may men
tion that ofan old lady living in the Village of
Preston,about five miles liom this city. She had
ulcerated wounos in her leg for many years, and
laftely increased to such nn alarming e xtent as to
defy all the usual remedies; her health rapidly
giving away under flic suffering she endured. In
this distressing coud tion she lud tccoursc to v..m-!
Ointment and Pills, am.! In ihe assistance of her I
friends, was enabled to persevere in their use, nn- 1
til she had a eel cure. We have ourselves
.M-en greatly astonished at tho effect upon such an
old person, she being above 70 years of age. We
shall be luippy to satisfy any enquiries as to the
authenticity of this really wonderful case, either
personally or by letter. We remain, dear sir,
Yours faUliluily
April G, 1333. (Signed) WALKER & CO.
The Pills should be used conjointly with the Oint
ment in most of the following cases:—
Bad Legs Chilblains Sore Throats
Bad Breasts Chapped Hands Glandular-
Burns Corns (soft) swellings
Bunions Cancers Lumbago
Bite of Mosche- Contracted and Piles
toes and sand Stiff Joints Rheumatism
Flies Elephantiasis Scalds
Coco Bay Fistulas Sore Nipples
Chiego-fnot Skin diseases Gout
Scurvy Sore heads * Tumors
! Ulcers Wounds Yaws
Sold at the establishment of Professor Holloway,
2J4 Strand, (near'Temple Bar,) London, and by
Vendors of Medicines throughout Ilia United
States, in Boxes at 374 c a 87Jc and $| 50c each.
Wholesale by the principal Ding bouses in the
Union, and by Mess:s. A. D. <s• D. A.-SANDS
New York.
There is a considerable saving by taking the
larger sizes.
N. B. —Directions for the guidance of patients
in every disorder arc affixed to ccali box. •
For sale bv WM. W. LINCODN, Savannah, Ga.
“ “ “ J.W. JONES, Griffin, Ga.
April 24(h, 1353. 17 —
I'er lhe Core of
U O IL II3 22 -a 32 3S, 321Q 1 -
TfZJk., WSXGOPiarG-CJP’f? • -,
OO 2J3?J pT y c , *.
OF all (lie numerous medicines extant, (and
somet hem valuable! fortiie cure of pulmonary
eompiuinls, nothing has ever been found which
could compare in its effecls with this preparation
Others cure sometimes, but at all times and in all
diseases of the lungs and-throat where rnedicne
can give relief, lliis will -Jo it. It is pleasant to
take, and peifoclly safe in accordance with the di
rections. IVc do not advertise for the information
of those wlio have tried it, but those who have not.
Families that have known its value will riot be
wiiliout if, and by its timely use, they are secure
from the dangerous consequences of Coughs and
Colu?, which neglected, ripen into fatal consump
The Diploma of the Massachusetts Institute was
awarded to this preparation by the Board of Judg
es in September, 18T7; also, the Medals of the
three great Institutes of Art, in thi3 country;
also the Diploma of the Ohio Institute at Cincin
nati has been given to the Cherry Pectoral’
by their Government, in consideration of its ex
traordinary excellence and usefulness in curing af
fections ol the Lungs and Throat.
Read the following opinion founded on the long
experience of eminent Physicians of the Port, and
City of
Dr. J. C. Ayer,- St. Johns, May 8, 1851,
Kivu years trial of your CHERRY PECTO
RAL in my practice, has proven vvliat I foresaw
Irom its composition, mu ;t be true, thut it eradi
cates and cures the colds and coughs to which we
in this section, are peculiarly liable.
I think hs crjual has not y;t been discovered,
nor do I know Imw a bett< r remedy can be made
for the dirtem) era of the throat and lungs,
J. J. BURTON, M. D., F. R. S.
See it lias done on n wasted constitution,
r.ot only in the following cases, but a thousand
Sudbury, Jan. 21th, 1851.
Dr. Ayer; In the month of July last, l was at
tacked by a violent dmrrhm i in ti.e mines of Cali
fornia. I returned to San Francisco in hope f
rcce.ving benefitfrom it change of cliuinte and diet.
My diarrhoea ceased, hut was followed ly a severe
cough and much soreness. I finully stalled for
home, hoi received no benefit from tho voyage.—--
M v cough continued to grow worse, and when 1
arrived in New York, 1 was at once marked by
my acquaintances ns a victim of ltie Consumption.
1 must, conic s that. I saw no sufficient reason to
doubt what my friends believed. At tins time I
conimcrr&td taking your truly invaluable medicine
with little expcctutionhof deriving any benefit from
its use. You would not. receive these lines did 1
not regard it my duty to sb*'e ty the alflicled, thro’
you, that my health, in the space of eight months,
*9 fully restored. I attribute It to,the use of your
Washington, Pa. April 12,'1843.,
Dear sir: Feeling that 1 have been spared from
n premature grave, through your instrumentality,
by the providence of God, 1 will lake the liberty lo
express to yon my gratitude.
A Cough and Hie alarming symptoms of. Con
sumption had reduced me too low to leave me any
tiling like hope,wlien my physician brought me a
bottle of your ‘‘Sectoral.” It seemed to a llorcl
immediate relief, and now in a few weeks lime,
has restored me to soiino health. Hit will do tor
others what it has dyne for me, you arc certainty
one of .the benefactors of mankind. Very tespeor
fully yours, JOHN J CLARK,
Rector of St Peter’s < march
With such assurance md from such im-i.,
stronger proof can be adduced units- e i. lmu- i
effects upon trial
Prepared and Sold by > ami sC. Ayi.u
Practical Clie.,list la -"i , ■ .
SOLD til GRIKHN by l it. M. i. itA ->IEL.
“ “ i-R i. A m i.. ES.
In McDonough, by Jobe Sirlw b. ! < Panu.aiUe
by Leonard Little. In Zeiido.i, !\ A <- Irvmi.,
and Druggists gciiciallV.
April 24, 13a3. ‘ 17- inr. _
Cholera , Dysentery and Dir
rgiuE great success that lias attended the in -
Ji. ment ol alt bowel diseases with “J.icon’s’ in
itial,” Ibr ttie lust twelve months, lias induced iiiv
proprietors to go largely into the maiuilacuire ■>■
it. No expense or pains have been spared in *p i
tmg il uj>, and as regaids ns external appearances,
we can say without coiilradiciii'ii, m.-u it Very lai
surpusflcs every other preparuin.ti now nut in the
Uinicd States. Tile bottbs were m.i-'ie rxptvssl’
for the purpose, having the toil.*, m., .s nfjwi:
in the glass:— ''Jacob's Choleraic Dysentery Cor
diaV y ■ —t lie bottle together with a•li my pMnt.eii
pamphlet, is incbised in a fin. i-tt-.'i uiigraved
wrapper with four ugrielies; and lias also upon the
top ol the bottle ovei toe ou.side wiapp< r a tiiu-ii
engraved j\,e simile aim signature of “>, .
BLISS &. CO.” These together with two ki;;d
ot large fine steel engraven “I‘Lacakd"” places it,
so lur as regards external appearances, tar ahead o
any thing ol toe kind in I Ik. United {-dates.
• As to its merits as a remedy in Dysentery, Diar
rhoea, and Cholera Morbus, we believe it very k.i
surpasses every oilier p eparation ol the kind non
before 1 he public.
It is a reliable preparation, safe, speedy, and ef
lectual; and the trial even ot one dose, by the al
flicfed, will fully prove (he truth of onr assertion,
lhat a preparation never was given to tne pulili.
Rial will so effectually, and in so short a lime relieve
Thy formula tor Uie prepa>atioii was first used
by one of the proprietors in ins private practice,
some eight or ten years ago, and has been in Iris
hands from that tune up to the present, an almost
never failing remedy in bowel affections.
Physicians of intelligence have tested it in Hit ir
practice, and people of enlire neighborhoods
have also used if, and one and all, so for as the
proprietors have any knowledge, arc cntkusiuslic
in its praise.
We have already stated in our pamphlet, tiiat we
believed it will effect a cure 99 cases out of every
hundred, when the directions are!.
and that eighty out ol the hundred cae.", will have
become relieved and cured, by the time lhe2.tor
3d dose has been taken. W c ground our belief on
what it has done during the Us! twelve rnoniir-;
foi nearly every case, so lar as we have heard, has
not only been cured, but cured from taking one or
two or it.rta doses of ibis medicine. Wc do hoi
regard it by a.ny means a specific : nor do we h -
lieve, or pretend to say, that i) will cure every case;
but we do mean to be understood, that if il ib ta
ken according to the directions as set forth in tin:
pamphlet, that a great, majority of the cases will
not only be relieved but entirely cured. We have
no fears in regard to its success, except in some
lew cases of children. There are many cases ol
bowel complaints, produced and kept up by the
presence of worms in the intestinal canal, and so
long as these remain, this, or no oilier Dysentery
and Diarrhcsj preparation w ill do any permanent
good. There are afso oftentimes chrome dischar
ges from the bowels, produced and kept up in fo
malesot a weak and debilitated constitution, pro
duced by “prolupsus liter:”—so longas ibis source
ol irritation remains, no permanent benefit can be
expected from any remedy, until the cause of ties
irritation is removed.
We cannot herald il forth in the face and eyes of
the whole world, that we can produce ‘‘thousands
of certificates” in relation to the wonderful curs it
lias effected, for we have not got them; but we have
got a great plenty, enough we think to satisfy the
most fastidious; and they arc not certificates man
nluctured lor Ihe occasion, got up to dupe the no
wary, but are certificates ‘ of men of worth anV
stunning in our midst, and known in rieailyevcr v
nrrs 011 *“ t!l!s all d surrhunciog counties'! We
could haVC maerted many other recoiomeudaliona
in our P ail M > hlet,o< equal v to iliose h(toady
publish ‘ vo Bj-aee to have done
ut , 0 make along story a snort one, wc- ?uv In
ih.- nnlilff* trottle, and om word torn, you Will
, ‘ ."appointed in its effects,
not be d< PHYSICMJVS
ioyoii we rei-pectfully offer tins preparefion, n.u
pai ticu| ai -|y | or ,| 3 t ffi L .u <; y alone, t-iif for the can
vei"im ce o( ), av i ni g,,, reliable prcpuiatioii already
prepared j„ t . ascs 0 f emergeney. li e seif il to
J' oll who wish it for private practice, at a discount
horn Ui>( j a | p r j,.,._
This preparation was especially designed for you
and your females—more paytieulatly those who
live at a distance from a good physician. TANARUS” all
such we would most respectfully advise, lo pur
chase and have it always on hand, especially if
yon are Living in a district of country where Dy
sentery and.Diarrhoea prevail —by so’ doing, you
may, by its timely administration, save the foe of
soolo of yoiir family, or the life of a valuable ne
This preparation is peculiarly adapte.l and admira
bly suited, to the many ‘peculiar maladies to which
you are subject—loss of nervous power, bodily ex
haustion, depressed and gloomy state of mind, the
which, if not remedied very soon, impairs tho en
ergy ol mind and di"lm'bs the equanimity of tem
per. In this you will find a (raoqiiibser and a ton
ic, whose invigorating efi’ ets will he seen mid fell,
even altera few discs. It contracts nervousness,
pros;ration of system, irregularities, despondency
heartburn, vomiting, pain in the hack and loin'.")
false pains and pains ol [he menstrual period.—
Ton wiil find it site at all times, and speedy in its
operation. This medicine is indeed admirably
suited lo those hysterical feelings and th il ner
vousness, w'hieh are so often an accompaniment to
the menstrua! period, and a -great many case”
could be cited where it is now being used for this
alone, in this c.Minty, and neighboring ones.
Whose business calls them through parts of our
country, where Cholera, Diarrhoea, and Dysentery
prevail, should not he without this remedy in th’ ir
trunks—that they may, upon the slightest evidence
of disease, have recourse immediately to a ptoper
This medicine is admirably adapted. Bowri
Complaints of children, while tcelhii g cannot
only be readily cured, but prevented, by a timely
use of this Cordial, thereby preventing them from
becoming weak and puny, and consequently fret
ful anil ill-humored. Much suffering on the part
of the child, and anxiety of the parents, could by
timely precaution and suitable remedies be pre
For rccornhiendations and “ex'racks from letters”
we refer the public to our pamphlet.
One Bottle, $| 00
Six Bottles, $5 00
Will be established throughout tho Southern
States as fast as possible. We intend in the course
of two or three months to have it placee in the
hands of agents in every town and settlement in
In any part of the South, where no agency is es
tablished, will be supplied by making application
accompanied by reliable references.
To our friends and the public generally, we will
say that we know no better way In obtain your
patronage than to ask for it, and in so doing, wo
oan ns-rare you that by gaining- your confidence
and testing the effienev oft lie medicine, you willnot
find your confidence misplaced, tor as a remedy,
wo believe it surpasses ami i* belter adapted io
clima'c and constitution than any Northern pre
We have been at great expense in putting
forth the Cordial in its present, shape, and it it now
succeeds in gaining the confidence of the public,
we shall reef ourselves repaid and highly honored.
Manufactured and for sale, wholesale nod re
tail, by W. W. BLISr'S it CO, Proprietors,
Griffin, Georgia,
To whom all orders should be addressed, the
which are respectfully solicited.
Griffin, April 20,1853. 16-
raiHE subscriber expecting to tie absent from
JL Grtflin during the winter and spring, hereby
gives notice that Taylor, Davis & Cos. arc Ins
authorized agents in Griffin, during ht3 absence,
and all persons indebted to CHAPMAN, HILL
& CO. are respectfully requested lo make imme
diate puyment lo them, as the concern* of that
firm must he settled without further delay.
Griffin, CVf. 14,1*32, -if.
•9 i?. - r Wl fe s,” 4 1.1,- rj ‘ S: fi’ ip.
Llillfiiii Oiit A All I Ail,
’ |
adoliis, Sit*-. --y it ■
ilsfiS) F-JJifo Oi iilllllU)
i.t.ii il otliH t <-Oin-
J i tcU'4lt!(f iv
.! - . IL k.l i-J Ci
f i. ■ v v
i • B 1-tv \ t
- ; ; >f>J •• wy i
’ A .if £ •
i\ 11 -■ e ; -i i otng f, u h:cb you are
■si ‘:?■ i . ifo. .-’ c idea it isonfo a
... o wip soon “wear itself
m all Kimiricss, whu
1.-i at, -i .. i. iim i.| ipg..el \our
sell, ymf i*- .ft . s.-. s li-gfitne'ss aod
nppre sioii th* u:.--. miii'i’ ’vtiUi
Cos queiil sharp .. i.i-g i,- ... n > on, ..ok
mg liuigh. will s.a in, mu. -.-;;i •—.us:-anV-’
thi i- til he :i in-ck nor. *l*l l iv, vi vvlnti
frothy matter,otriaki-rl, perliaps, wi'ii lilvod l!
{ .i? “tel lake oo oicdiciiiC, tiil.-si uep i a: :i;:l E\ li.-f'-
wihi; oi” iriercnse, and you will Vamo o.,vc Hec
tic i eve!:, Ih i.o Cmus, Night Sweats,''’ ri
rs ! XP4.CTORATI .N, noil I hell ‘o’ RE AT [ ROSTRA
THIS. 1> y..*j >liil'cc! yo-il-cii, a f< w - !k”
*.r monll-s v. il. “vc on .'onsigrixd to lm: grave,
leaving your m. ‘is to mourn how rapioii < ‘ N-
Su.?ii > i!’ Nhi its-wopk,’ami l:uni< and \o away.
Fmnufeav.y oci cause to be a!aro.|<t7 lithe
above skuti . y'o?:’rt*- V m • as ill a gics, Imw vvi rv
e.i-ie ol the (.tonsdii'pil.ii.- pidgn’-’ses, with more or
less rapidity, I; u !...i.I l. in.Jiilllliul. Os ail tile
rhousaiHls {md Mii ion? vvhotii' l In.- great Destroy
er has gathered to the tomo, every single t.-st he
gun with a Gold! li mis had men attended to
ill might have been well; but, being neglectw!
under the latal delusion that il would ‘‘ wear 1 1focit
off,” it transferred its deadly action lo the sub
staiiceof the Lungs, exciting tie re tile formation
l tubercles. Another, and another cold, added
loci (o Ihe flume, until these tu'hciclt-s began to
so'.ten an 1 suppurate, le .virig by their ulceraUnn,
great cavities in 1 in.- Lungs. At this e i"is, the
disease is very difficult ot cure, and aitenlimcs sets
at defiance nil human means.
*ln the lattei .*r w.ii-l stage, ttvs inc-dicine wit
ofientiruos arti'at tin. ihscase. nr check its progress,
and will always, tuauc tin- patient moie comlorla
bte, and prolong Ins life, and is theiefore worthy i.f'j
a t’ial, —but i.i its incipient or forming periods-
CyryatiHiHoH is as curable as any other diseases
and ‘ Df R gers’ Syrup of Liverwort, Tar adn
vJaiu-hat.TgiMiit taken ;it tht- limn, v.d; it
i’liis is strong ‘anguiig?,’ ol wo can ivl'cr run to.
nuinb'' l ics” living witnesses to prove that it is
1 KUL! And lliciel'ire, coarin'Sllj’ exholt every
man, woman and child, who has a Cough,or is
Subject to Colds, to keep this medicine In you in
Hie house, and whenever you take Cold, do not
“let it alone” to wink mischief in your s\st< m, but
eradicate i-t thorougtily, and at, by this pow
erful healing compound,-and leave your Lungs un,{
injured, to carry you in lull vigor to a good old 3cq
Have you delicate, weakly children, who areal
ways taking cold, and subject to Croup? Ucm
etnhei! There never was a caseof Cioup, which
did not originate in a Cold! And when your child
goes to bed wiieizi-ng and roughing, you knew
not 1 hat, before morning. Croup may set in, and
ere you can get a Physician, your dear child ofay
he beyond Hie reach ol help, Wc beseech von
therefore, as you value Ihe lives of your children,
keep lies medicine by you in the house, and when
vonr litlfo ones- lake cold and commence coughing,
give it to thorn at oner, and rest no! until the cough
is subdued. vVe eonsen'Uiio It!v aver, alter the
most extended experience, I hut if tins advice were
followed, no child need over
fort he ,o! J would be cured before il couM arrtAr
at this aggravat'd and fdu! stage. Let everv
-Mother, especially, herd well these remarks, ilnit
“he may not hereafter, when mourning over the
eariv l.iigt.t of some cher'she.! t.h.ssom, have oica
siori hilteiii lo vecHMud. hrwlf (.r her criminal
negb'ct. Ji is an foil adage, that “to be forwarned,
is to l*c t.ire u-nc parei.l-! so. let it he in rour
Be sue mirk for “ : r. A. Rogers’ Svrup of LI
VER “ ORT, I’ a ii. an- (: ANCHALAGUA,
and sot no oiln-r be paimen on wsi.
-'■C*''-VIL& MEAD,
tii Char* re- ; : eel Now -Orleans,
XV indes..!- Ucii'.ral Agmit” for the Southern-
Si tes, to vi!-m a’l, outers and apniicatvons so
agencie.-. inns’ he i! hlcsaed.
Also sold m G.=:b ,by J. VV. JUNES & SON,
and by Drug • v-rvwln re.
TtlC great remedy for Rheumatism, Gout,
P-ijn in the Side, flip. Back, Limbs and
limits; King’s Evil, l\ hite Swellings. Hard Tu
mors, Stiff Joints, and all lived pains whatevr r is
Where this Plaster is applied Pain cannot exist, —
These Plasters possess the advantages of being
put up in air tight boxes; lienee they retain the.
iilll virtues in all climates.
This celebrated Pni Extractor has been so ex
tensively used by Pin'towns and the people in gi -
neral, both in tins country ae.d Europe, that it is
almost needless to sa v any tiling about it. Yet
there mnv be Im alarm m nerd of its healing
powers who have not yet tried it. For their Bakes
we will simply ?:..?<• wimi 0 n-,s done in thousands
of cases, and what it will do for tin in tt lien tried.
Read the following Testimony from a Physician
Gentlemen—Y our i lehrew Piaster has cured
me of pains of which 1 have suffered for twelve
tears past. During this period 1 labored und< rnn
affliction of in> loins and sidi, ands t ied many re
medies that my own medical experience suggested,
kst V.ilhout ob; r< It; f At ionglh i itged
your Plaster, and am now by its goon effects en
iirely cured. 1 will recommend the Jew D.ivnl or
Hebrew Plaster to nil who are suffering Irom con
traction of the muscles, or permanent pains in the
side or back.
The*peoplc of Georgia have hut to become ac
quainted with Us virtues when they will resort to
ts use. Yours, truly,
Forsyth, Monroe Cos,, Ga.
To Messrs Scot< I la Mead, New Orleans, La.
David's or Hebrew Plaster in North Carolina.
Messrs. Scovill <§• Mead: I have been trouble
with the chronic rheumutism lor the last Iwelv
years. On the Ist of July, 184!), 1 yvas so Imd ilm
I could not turn myself in bed, and the pain so se
vere that I had not slept a wink for six days. Al
(his time my attending physician prescribed the
“Hebrew Plaster,” ami it acted like a charm; the
plain left me', and 1 slept more than half of 1 n night,
.id in three days I was able lo ride out. I consi
er the “Hebrew Plaster” the best remedy lor'all
rts of pains now in use, G. W. AI’MiNN.
Be mire of counterfeits anti base imitations!
iCPThe genuine will in future have the signa
ture of E. PatlciT. on the steel plate engraved label
on tlie t-p of er.cb box.
Purchasers are advised that a mean counter
toil of this article is in
The genuino is sold only by us, and by out
agents appointed throughout the Booth— and no
pedlar is allowed lo srtl it. Dealers arid purchasers
generally are cautioned against buying ofany but
our regular agents, otherwise they will be fmpo£.
sed upon will) a worthless article.
II Chartres street. New Orleans. Sole Genera
Agent? I'il’ the Southern Stniso, to whom al
orders must ttivoiiai-iy he addressed. Sold
so bv
J. \V. Jones & -on, Grdfin, Ga.
John McDonough,
G. H. VARR.EN, Jone-iiotiie
Beckham & Buchanan,Zebulon,
S. S'. Kendrick, Barnosvllo*
Andbws & Little, Jucksn
Hall S. Youno, XSewnan,
J. I. Reese, Greenville,
Mpti -xßrfrr t M-mt.rrr Indian Spring
Georgia Sarsaparilla.
I \i-OK J'-atji.Kvi'ir,"Stick Head-Achc,,Dizziness
! ED L<’ ■ 6t ‘ if-, i iii-, (Joitvllpoiion of cite Bow
I els, I'll- s, <•:, usee. ly Oosiivcness, Pain in lhe
In IlmunlruUsm, caused by tile use of Mr
| oiiiy syphilis, Scrofula, Boils, Ulcer*, &0. &c.
I';.!-. prep Mulfoois made as pure as possible.
| It- or < f la- :<•, andbeuciicial cfleetsin disease* oj
in-- •i:il maea-my arising Ircwn an impure
-•iiilc of • In* proves la be the pirrcst and
ami iiirei -.ts.- ill inepaMtion cl Sarsaparilla Ural i
made. •
i‘iioscvim iav used tins various p r C|>nralianr
ol Sarsaparilla, will ftiidj by tin- ‘rastV anil effect,
that then, i? more Sii: s ii'-mMu in one hot He ol Dr.
D’->. prep,nation, than iii !ia!, a dozen bottles as ii
is “'•neruily mane.
Thai it might lie more partii olarly adapted to
proic ssmnut os-’, nothing bat the pure Sarsaparilla
hii.i heeri*usc.t, that for diflerenc diseases, phy*-
eiiin.i might combine <>r pi rib with il, such ur
tides ns ttiey irij<r!it consider most appropriate in
eases under their treatment.
Itsulterativeund mildly purgative effect upon
the bowels, make it not only : good substitute o>r
■Mercury, hut useful in removing all diseases ari
singfioin the imprudent use of Mercury.
Prewired o tiv by I. Dennis, M. D Augusta, Gu
Sold in Grrliii by Drs. Long & Bliss, Dr. Leroy
“- ■r! itid i >r. .• m. R. Moseley; in Barnisviil
■■y ■'. ,v. J. F. Nulling; in Forsyth by D. Sau
rd. • Oruggists generally, 46
New Year Kew Features-New Type.
rnt? mmf itviinvAi
£lll*l BOililii JiMMIJ,
Published (very Saturday, in the City oj
New York, al Hie very lore price of $2
per annum.
o'kN Baitijrslity the first day of
‘W Jjjisssas’y itt’St, tire fikst numukr <>t
the new sepies of Hus ‘‘fined, piquant , cheap,
and universally popular Family Newspaper, will
be preseuteii to the public, printed on tine while
paper, and anew and bcantthil type, manufactured
expressly tor tin; purpose. This arrangement will
afford alt whodcsiie to receive the work, an oppor
tunity ol commencing their subscription wit Ii the
beginning oflhe year.
Mr. ‘ v ii.Lis will entd-nue big usual editorial la
bors, writing *fn the pa ssikg topics or interest, -
as they occur. He will- also give, ‘roin time to
time, passages from his 7'r a tils in the Tropics, and
in the >oulh, and B’esf, with portions of which ihe
readeis ot the 1 tome Journal arc already familiar.
Sis entire time t>ei“g d-raied to the the well
known VAP.ii tt and is.t.’ituj ot his pen'will be
seen m its columns as l-.dnre. But we have anew ;
Icature to oiler from the pen of Mr. Willis, and
one llm!. we believe (at this period of liu-te for
picturing* of real life) will be pre-eminently attrac
tive. lie proposes to give a senes of sketches de
scriptive ot
Oni- readers are acquainted with the one hicccfs.-
ful effort in this classical writing, iii-* “Letters
fiotr. under n bridge'’ described mere country life , as
experienced m a remote retirement on Hie Susque
hanna!). For the year <ir two lie has been ta
king advantage of lb-• new lari dies given by im
provements in railroads and steamboats —uniting
Ihe repose and beauty if niral life with the com
forts and advantages of easy access to the city.—
lie tinds much in this which iB new. It forms a
combination ot’the desirable qualities ot Ihe true
modes of life, which lie thinks well worth descri
bing and making familiar to the world. In addi
tion to tne. above,
, translated Irmn the German by a graceful and
| brilliant Amciican author, entitled
|fn L D F L O ir E Ii s,
will adorn the columns of the forthcoming new .
i I!E Town, as heretofore, will be a leading to
pic: not ii.s irilles, tosliions, and amusement* mere
ly, though these arc noted with care. The week
ly chronicle of the Town, comprises noth es, more
or Ics mir.ute, according to circumstances, of the
important lectori s, meetings, works of art,
schemes cf improvement and benevolence, new
enterprise, discoveries and inventions, as well as
the popular entertainments^
1 Interestiso to Ladies,” is the t tie of one
deportment. Special pawn are taken to select
from the news and literature of the world, those
facts and ideas which are of peculiar importance
to the Women of America. A fairer held for their
industry, and wider scope for the exercise of iheir
genius, are among the necessities us tli time to
which we *ha!iendeavor !<y attract public atten
From new works of interest, or from valunblc
articles in the reviews and magazine*, hbcai ex
tracts will be presented weekly.
The Foreign Papers will continue to be ca:e
tilly < xarnmed. and tv< ry lung of home interest
extracted, and arrangi <t uudi r the head ot “Kead -
ings in Foreign Journals.” American papers,
tor a simitar purpose, will be diligently ransacked.
A large number of aisle and disti.vouishkd
persons are accustomed to avail themselves ot the
columns of tbe Home Journal whenever they desire
[to communicate with the public. ‘These coutri
: tuitions are a valuable feature ofthe paper,
j As the. Home Journal is designed to be par ex
• ecltenee a Family Fa rut, the c itors keep m view
tiie tastes ol the younger members oflunulies, and
: endeavor to piovuic in each number, sonic-tiling
spi-ciiiliy adapted to • r.e iiking ot intelligent youth.
Upon pariv po.itii s aiul sectarian dogmas the
Home Journal is si.en!; hui upon subjects which arc
not in dispute bd ween parties or sects, it endea
vors to acivocate tin sine oi humanity end justice;
uml to keep ibs n a ier* jo mind, that ii is not all of
•/: L a
I'lit : copious,camp,", iu.usivc and elegantly prinl
'd Family Newspaper is now acknowledged to
bo the indispensable drawing-room gazette of the
country. A home is hardly complete wo think we
may safely venture to say, without the HOME
JOURNAL, which is the chronicle of all thvt
Iclligeooo u hu h most enlivens an American Home.
New-York is tlic areal cent!*-, end here at the
great lountain-hoad ol novelty, incident, literature,
and loreign news, the Home Journal is printed and
published. Its editors c George P. Alorris and
jN. P. Wilms,) devote their omiro time, skill and
experience to the task of giving, each week, ev
erylSsiup: worth lisiawing.
TBik-MS. Fur ono copy, tor three copies
5 nt n>r one copy lor three years, Sa —always jn
xivanco, Eul-'Cubc wilhoul delav. Address
ti-rs.i 107 Fuhoh-itree! New-Ynrk
F A ftl i 1/ V FEtI E N 1).
FHNH IS most unique, original, fnstruutive nr.d
_fai beautiful, as well its thechcupeat paper pub
lished, desiring to be judged of by its merit, awl toils
examination and challenges comparison!
No expense has been or will be spared to make
tins Journal all I hut n paper can ‘e. its broad pa
ges are tilled to overflowing will the most brilliant
Original Talcs and JSovallottos, t-lio choicest poetic
effusions and udmiratde essays oil all subjects thai
cun interest an niiullig. nt community, contributed
by writers of acknowledged standing and ahililty.
The pencil is also bii>u::ld to the assistance ot the
pen, and the paper is beautified by’ at least (bur
elegant engravings in each number. In addition
to the labors of its host of talented contributor*,
the entire time and attention of its editor.
Stetiail Adair (iodman,
arc devotodiCXclusivoly to its management; and he
will contribute, in Hit* course of the year, magnifi
cently illustrated Original Sea Stories; one of
which will be commenced in the first number of the
new volume, December Gth, and will run through
ten humbors; its Idle,
A Tale of the Chinese Waters
Tho “Family Friend” is published weekly at
Columgia, 8. 0., and in (ho only paper of the kind
in the somberu states. It is furnished at the low
“wicn.of Two -Dollars per aftnum, invariably in
no name being entered until the money
is received To any person sending five Bubseri
hers a copy will he sent gratis.
Club Hates. —.To dobs often and upwards,
•.lie paper wilt be furnished at tha rate of 51, 70 per
copy or ten co pies for 517,00. Specimen numbers
sent gratuitously, bv applwng, post paid, to
S. A rtOT>MAAr,N r , Cnlainbfa, S. C. 1
United Slules Jlaii J i .
Tiliongfli .ygßegtai in 50 to
55 hours.
“3T E AVii Adger's Wharves on every Saturday
b A dierm.on, and Ciah altern itc v\Cdncsday.
Janes Adgtr, ) J. Dickinson,
1 ,£OO tuns. ) Commander.
l } lu c!w"’ I M. Berrv, Commander.
I ,"00 tons. y
The SOUTHERNER, W. Foster, Command
er, will leave each alternate Wednesday, having
been newly copncrod and is now in
complete older.
Fur Freight or Passage, having State
Room accomiuodutidns, applv at tinvotlicc ot the
Corner East Bay &* A tiger & Son ‘.Vliurres.
N. B. A re \v stop ivdi be placed on tbe Line to
connect with the Southerner. 14 —
220M1 GUSm-B*
A SGtilhem Literary and Family
Dev't.’ dto Literature , The Ladies, Hrl, Sci
viict. Education, (general,
ialelllicence and Southern Interests
Editors and Proprietors.
TERMS 1 copy 1 year (always in advance } £2,00 i
2 copies *“ “ “ ,o 0 *
5 “ “ “ “ f ; ,<)o
JO “ “ “ “ 15,00
Historical Analects and Compcn
SN order to give increased value anti interest to
the Georgia Home Gazette.-we sbn 11 com
mence Jon the 17th or 24lii of November, the pub
lication of a Compendious tJisiory of Varinus N'a
Hons, aiicrent and modern. Our main object is to
liirnish.striUma and interesting Passages of great
Character* and Events-in tbe history ot n country,
iii.l at the same lithe present to the Header, s
Cmnpeud of its History. Some portion? ol our woi k
will oonsi-t ol” but httle more than a Cli etiologicul
Statement of Facts. Snell will be the ease in re-
Jcrcnce 1,0 period? ot llis'wrv which w'ers marked I
by nothing reinarkahlc, < itl er in the afiairr ofGov- j
emment or the progress of Scier'-’ and Art.
It wilt be seen at a glance, th. bir will be a In- j
borious undertaking. We hope .f:t it may meet,,
public favor, and fcel-ihat it should, as it will pom- ]
press., in a small compass, much valuable informa
tion, especially for the yonng and persons of lim
ited niec.i,9*and education. It i* ‘wpossihle, now,
os s.iv how long il will takf eoncludc it, but we
‘naprehend iwHrc months at least.
i bis sTngtc publication will be worth to melt
subscriber, more than the cost ol the paper for that i
ini*>!|) of time. Those who nine desire to obtain
ure, would do well to subscribe without rielav.”
Nov. P. 1852. 48
And designed to improve *botti the soil and the
mind; to < h vale the Character ol the 1 illeis of the
Soil, and tt>introduce a more enlightened system
of Agr cub me, Uorl ictill urc. Sim k Breeding, and
Illustrated with numerous Engravings
Volume Eleven will commence Ist <4 January
hSS3, cacti number will contain thirty-two large
Octavo pages (7£ by t t inches) of closely printed
matter, embracing the contributions o! some ol the
most intelligent and practical planters in every
section oi the South’ r -font’s.
1 Copy one year, $1 bO
6 Copies one Year,
12 •* “ “ 10 U 0
J s‘‘ * “ 20 00
)!>0 ‘* “ “ 75 00
The bills of all specie p iytng Banks received nt
A'l eii >■; re n tt-1 iiv mil (pu'ag! p>.i!)
tlierisk of the publisher.
Address W. S. JONES. Ancnsta, Go.
[Late Atlanta Iron Foundry.}
new Company is now prepared to do
% Woik on *imit notice of heavy and light
Castings from t!u: Intent impruv* and patterns ol iron,
liras* or Composition,all of winch will be war
Turning, Borins;, and Drilling done to order.\
Screvy Cnttiiigof ten foct, or under, wf any sized
thread required.
Hiavv ami Light forging of wrought Iron or
Steel, done m superior style.
Is called to their Patterns for mill gearing of Me?,
oiiant aim Custom Flouring, and tjnw l\ ( i!!s, Gix
gearing oi nil the usual sizrs, and Baik miHs al
ways kept on htad.
We are also prepared to build Staliensvj engine
with tbclatsst improvr.irtctits, all ol which will be
solci low for cash. Copper and Brasslakcn in ex
change f.r work t cash price®.
P. 5. All of ihe above company are praet
Mechanics, and give their undivided attention
the business.
Saptrmber 11th, 1851- ”
rSlilEjuhscriher* would call the attention
JL -Merchants doing business in Georgia, Ala
auia and Tennessee,to their extensive-assortnien
JPASTtfat (ftWJlfi
Comprising a large collection ol (..embs, Buttons
l>j„s t Needles. Pocket Books, Port Monies, Sus
penders, Cotton and Silk Purses, Ladies’ Belts,
Black and t’o!o-ed Sewing Silk, Spool Thread ol
all colors ano at all prices, Flax Thread, Braids
and Tapes,together with slats, Shoe and Cloth
Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Hooks and Eyes, Beads
Necklaces, Fancy Soaps, Perfumery and Ilau
Oils of every style and quality. Together with
Rooks and Stationary.
Such as School Books, Blank Books, L.eltcr and
Cap Paper, Paste Boards, Steel Pens, Gold tnd
Silver Peiuils and Umlls. a Inigo stock >1
manufactured at our own Factory in South (
Our stock is now so extensive, Ihntii would b
impossible to give h list of one hall th articlet
kepi by the subscribers. But we can only say to
merchants from the above States, give ns a call
as we are determined to offer goods at lower prices
and upon as favorable terms ns can be go in
New York. All orders by mail or otliorw iso, will
be promptly attended to, and the utmost co retaken
to send such articles as arc desired and at the
same prices as if purchased personally
Augusta, Ga. Feb G. 1853.
THE undersigned intending to make a slight
’ change in their business, are now offering lor
CASH, their entire stock of
mmm &s.
all new nod Iri sh, al very reduced prices, and.on a
credit until full, at as Ipw rates as anv house in the
place. m J. C. Si L. R. BREWER.
Griffin, March S:>. 1858 13- 6m
of every description always on hand
For Sale at this C fee,
The flights of ihe Stales, and lie. Union of
the States.
fl is in intention ol tiro subscriberi to n:ib
. irsli on tie lir.?i dav ofevery month, bp<nn
mrig with the mouth of May next, simott;uifouslv
in th- 1 cities ol Washington ar.d New York, a pen.
odiciil, to no eoiPiikl the ‘‘Democratic Monthly
Review.” Eac.'i nmfiber will contain at least U!>
pages, and he printed on very tine pr.pcr in a verv
superior style. Ii will aLo be emheliishcd with a
finely engraved portrait of a dntiriguwhad living
m;in, embracing statesmen, soldiers, and
authors. 1 in 1 p diiieni character of this Review
will he, as its title indicates, democratic, and one of
its main objects t- ►•loeii'ate ihe tine principles f
the democratic party. Ii will etaminc,in a rpint
ol fairness arid candor, all the leading measures ot 5- ”
‘he po-senl adrninistraiiou, and accord so them a
chceftul Mtppoit. Should we, however, unlohu
nately disk-r iii opinion on any point Irmn the Pre
sident, vve- s?11 a imu lif siiutc to express ourow
st ntimems, anil present the reasons tbaf constrain
nsio do ,o .i)!!iit|iitmg to the democracy of the
country Uie decision between us.
I ins llevii w will also mm to furnish its reader*
wit!) a graphic and conyireh nsive notice of the
new ivmka pul>!ist)fd, wliieli mav seem to be en
titled to e, an ! also and iceonl of all scieutilic i!.s-
Coveries and iniproveir cuts.
I h- pn-seni i.vndi:i<.|i <e the nations cf Cutopc,
and ttie ii'tifinte :n which so ue of tliijn stand to
wards certain portion:! c,t this continent, have in*
vested imr for,-ign r-'latmna with the ufmoxt im
portance. Never was tins g-.vernment placed tn
a situation of more ciiiicui (Hticnltv limn a! the
present morn?:)!. The nu st ii fi -xible firmnes-",
lar-seeing wisdom, mid adroit skill will he required
to 8 Void compile;. I mg ouT interests and a If airs with
those ol Europe. vVe confi ‘ently the an
ii.tiviftfafion vv dl-bo equal to the tasli. FF* shall
watch with iinsle: pie.g eye th:- progri-w of affairs
in Mexico ii ed the Vi (vt*. Here hi,me U
our vulnerable pa l
1 his Pc- view vvi! 1 ahstiiih from nil personality,
nd seek tu Fiarmcntze and nolle the d'lnoemiii:
party, both in feel,ng mid in piincif-le. It will bo
the exponent ofnocliqu , faction, or mi'iui usl.—
Tne editor w ill speak for linns* h, iud u< r.deii'lr
and fearlessly, under a thorough sense ot tne ir
sponsibilitv lie iopiiihi-j. The undersigned tujve
.srheted dn'editp'-, ;ifi( i is careful c n.mltd'ion with
their prominent denmeral c trieuds. and have clg)-
sen out- whose iiiidity and experience they be’-i'-vo
wi I secure lor Inm universtil lence and re
spect. From this aitn ic the public can term a
correct estimate of Ihe merit of this publication.—
SfVeral.ol tiie most dtstingui-hed untcrs in the
country have engage*! to In come regular coiitiibu
tors to our pages. vVe ask u< ilh r confidence nor
patronage if they he not deserved.
Our lirst nitmbn \i ill contain s ernern! outline
of the. course we design :o puisne m future.
Tlic editorial department if under the control of
Ovid F. .It ns son, Esq.
Terms.—Four dollars per annum, payable iri
advance. WILL! \ M Li. LEWIS g CO.
New Yore, April, 1853- Publisher*.
Ooimiiunicaiions must be addressed to ‘ The
Democratic vt mlhly Uf-vn-w, Nov Yo*k.”
Edi’ors who insert tins t s ro|)ectus and forwnrl
their paper containing it will ’bo furnished with a
copy of! lie review.
tmb btoese.
WE intend to publish tn flic city of Colmubiie,
Gu. a paper under the title of “The Cor
ner Ftone.” We shall not attempt to ton-shad
ow in:.- Suture course, hy>uving that v o pl,a.ii ad
here to and advocate the ‘-great principles’’ ol this
or that “great party,” tor the reason that wo
know no party, to whose principles, as exemphii
ed in practice, we can thus commit ourselves.
\\ ii ii some dld’- reric:- | n orectls and pro! c.-ston*,
1 the !>,*.• ; j).•;,! Netioiidl partu s agree in one lead
ing object, winch is to do whatever inav be ne
ces j ary to tnctease ihe amount ofpaity spods,
winch are gat tiered mainly from the Soutii and
disintuiicd almost en'irciyat thc.Noitii. We do
not I’s lottg to either rd t‘*i m.
Believing the ! General Gnvernment to be corrupt
in all its parte, holding ihat it belongs to, ar.d is
J ntiii will he administered for the benefit ol tin:
J North alone—that >t is an engine, l>v whiiii the
I power and resources of the Scuili are vvii-lih-i. to
j her injury— in uii r-sj-ects aid under till cir
! ennisianccs, the political connection between tin?
i two sections is proouctiveji! evil to the LSoutli, w e
(*bail advocate Ha dissolution.
As to State polities, il tin re be any party*.! If.rh
i line liny, vve are ignorant of it. So eutirel) it
j everythingabsoibed, in the eti’utl to sustain a e.a
----j tion.ti organization, ileal the discussion oi piniici
plc mid measures, involving the rights ami inter
esls ot the people, rs often (iepreeaienami avoiiied,
lest the party may be tucreby injured; as it the
invasion, ot the rights ot a citizen, by eftam legis
lation were not ns hdai and ns much to be gunn ed
against, as the exercise ol an umiclcgatcd power
by Gong ics*. •
In what we fhiil! choose t > consider an ! to frea
jas c-'iate politics, we s| ti if! hud n.ucli lo discus*—
I tor .lien: is much that is wrung sornewhee.
! Vv c ild.i we have the best Government on
j faith, and Mint we live m llirr ti.M blaze oi the light
I ol Christianity, yet vve have daily, I lie complaint,
! Mix! <mr all the land, crime and dcgraii.iMoii,
snd misery arc inert using, with appalling rupid
j dy. Snell are not tin: legitimate fruits ol a puio
| Christianity or of a good and wise government.
W shall consider all things connected with the
j rights and interest of the people, proper sntji els
| !i>rdlicu?iUon;ourobject ivdi'-cto aim a'the liu.h;
j and when m our opinion, we shalt have found it.
i vve lihsil present tl to our readers a? it presents
itselt to ns.
’ T erms —“ The Corner Stone” will be publish
* and weekly on a large sheet, at per annum, ■ *
variably in advance. No man will be eeierei I 1 *
on our list until the money is paid. Any
who w ill send ip five sn’iseritx rs will r<
copy for Ins trouble. The fiist piuntii- “'hie
issued by or before tbe Isi da\ ol Ft In-my.
Our brethren of the Pn ss who wifi give ti-i* * ‘
ipectusn few insert ions, will muni •* om t a* -.a,
and find us alw.-.vs rendv to reeipineatc.
JAMES N. BE ! Itl NL. Editor. & Yakeruugu, Putitislu i*.
January IS, IS.V3. t> —
HOME GAZET PE is devoted i.iLifcra
_B. turn, Art, Seiciic<‘, Agrjctiiturc, General In
telligence and Southern lutere.-ts. ‘i'lie columm
ofthe paper will et)i;ta:n l listomai aiul Domesl'c
Uonianccs, Sketches of Biography, choice Poetry,
entertaining Anecdotes scientific Memoranda,
with Agricultural and Indnsttel nr*idea. It is pub
lished for the lioinc circle.
Besides a rich variety of iniscd'ant on? matter, is
will containtlu: gciutal News ot the Day, imd ex
hibit the course ot political even's without the
t est parly bias. In adcuim: to will con
tain n routpotind of Umvcr?;il Histbry, from the
pen ofthe Senior Editm, now in ttme-onrse ot puh
liealion. This w hen com| !e'ed wiTmqn .l m quan
tity of innUcr, a large octavo volumc'oi six bundled
mi go s.
2 A loo—A register of Ancicwt Grecian .and Ro
man Literature, A eomperrtious exhibition ot ttiu
chief benntit * of Shakspearc’s em bralcd Plays, *
with secli explanations and rcinaißs as may be m
cussary lokeep up the interest of the plot ot cat'll,
aiida bru t exposition of the leading principles ol
political economy.
The terms are very low.
The Gazette is large impcral sheet, of elegant
appears iif< , printed upon new and beautiful type.
I erms, §2 per annum, always m ady*nee. Two
copies J 53 oil; Five cope s SB. Ten eopu s SIS. —
Ad.hcs, gu Y 1 HE & WHYI'K,
Eihtois Home Gr.z tie. Augusta, Ga
Devoted to Agriculture, Horticulture,
an i the General Interests of the
Jam f, f.M. Chambers, Agricultural fedittir.
CiIAU. ksA. Pkadolt, Horticultural Editor.
IvlH led nt Ci Inmlus, Georgia, on the
first of every month at the lew rate of Cue
Doll*, i Year in Advance.
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