The Georgia Jeffersonian. (Griffin, Ga.) 18??-18??, December 01, 1853, Image 3
MW HARM’S ff #P. ’ i -juJSjL ■B®2S3ESxLZHBnaBfc T'K undersigned hcg leave o inform the citi z ‘*s f Griffin and vicinity, that they have opened n n• HARNESS SHOP, _ On t*n corner ofN, w Orleans street and Broad* wav, where they are prepared to verve their old -nstomers in I Inen U with my thins in their line. They feel confident that their lons experience in the business will enable them to know the wants of their friends, and they feel anxious to supply them. They invite ilie special at'ention of earn* •jpe dealers, as they are prepared to fill orders on as good terms as they can be supplied from nny Northern market They will compare work and prices with anv establishment in the enunfrv, and •nly ask a call fio n those wishing to purchase. JOHNSON & PARKIS IN. Novem rv ' r 24, 1853. 43—tT JVotice. AI.L nersotis tmh hted to the Kstate nfWil' ism W.. \V igoins, ! ate ol ‘■•pa'ding conn tv deceased, .ire hereby imtifi and to eome Ibrw-ir I and make itvmrii', and tlm-e having < ‘aims ngait at -•id deceased are rque*ted to t-resn I them in terms its the liw. ‘A 5Y A. -VIiiGINS, Exr. November <9 h, 1853. 48—tl Notice. %I I. rnose concerned are hetfhy notified that the Accounts of VVM. S. Bl HGK are now i” the hands of the subscriber (or collection. Those indebted will please rail at his Counting Room on Hill street, without delay, and nay up their sccoiinls. WM. It. PHILLIPS. Grrffin, Nov. 28, 1853. 48—ts AliiliAlil OFIRiD. a THE undersigned beingdc- tMWk strous to move to the west, 4Bs oilers for sale his PLAN TATION on which he now resides two miles South of McDonough, lying immediately on ttie road leading to Forsyth—con taining Four Hundred and Sixty Acres of land, more, o’ It!-s. One Hundred and Twenty aerea eloared, mostly fresh and in a line slate of cultiva tion. There >s on the place a comfortable Pouble- Lig House Tn‘h four rooms; a good framed Qiti House and Packing Scr- w, good hewed log Sis* bl< sand t’rih, and ah other ncre-a-ry out ho,is a— and nil lit*two Wells ol excellent wa ter. and si v> ra l large Springs of good water, a small Creek ruttni *g through the land on which aherei* a good overshot Corn Mdl, capable of grinding during the dryest seasons—the suhsejiher owning an interest of one half of said mill. This is very h'-alt iy, the lantl productive. and is a con venient and eooilor'a'il; residence in a fine neigh, korhond. Those wishing such a place would do well t caP on the subscriber at an early period, na I will sell at a reasonable price. Terms made ea •y. A. J. CLOUD Flcory County Ga. Nov. 24, 1853. 48—ts Fayette January Sales. he su'd helure the Courthouse door in the town of Vavetteville, Fayette county, on the first Tuesday tu January next, within the legal hours'H saie, the followring property, to-wit: Three aitd a hail aerea of land, in the town of Fayelt, vtllc, Fayette county. No. ll>l; leviet! on as flic propcitv ol Ki'.hmon Dotinan, by virtue ol tw., ft las, one issued Irotn Fayette Superior Court hi luvor ol J. H. Johnson & Bro'hvr v* Richinon Dorman; the oilier issued from Fayette Interior Court—b. W.&J.J. Force v.- Rn huinn Dorman.. AIo, the Tavern of Henry Lancaster, contain ing 3 acres, more or less, No. not known, in the tow n ol Fayetteville—by virtue oI three fi fas, one issued Irom Fayette Superior Court in favprqfj J. U.. Johnson & Brother vs Henry ol them issued from Fayette Inferior Court in lawH ot Thoniaa Edea vs Henry Lancaster. i j Also, 202 j aerr, more or less, in ShakeraH • district, No. 121, by virtue of a fi la issued InnH Fayette Superior Court in favor of R. K. HollidaW vs jcpiha Lundiiiin. Also, one hundred acres of land, in Shakers# j •distiict, No not known, whereon Samuel T. j R.lodes now live-—as the property ol S.T.Rhodes, I In VIII in ot a fi la tssnerl iftilii Fayette Supt lior j t/i.oit in favor ol R K. Holliday &Cos., va S.T. M, ot <•. \lso. mu- bundled acica of land, in the upper 7 I- itii ol Fa vettc county; levied on aslhepro li r., ..i ihti ro H. K. r.astin, N > nut known—by v.i iu. i ii h* ‘ssiird Irom Fayette Superior Court .in ifm.r i„ R. K. I lollmuy &. Cos., vb C.H.K.. . -o,iUiJ acres ot land, more or less, in the do, i-nu: ..i ‘'ayettc county, whereon Robert t\- <ii m w lives; levied oil as Hu: properly ol Ro- Ivis.iu, ,\n. not known, in satiy a Ii fa tit tav uoi VViiiia ii 1. Dennis vs Robert Iverson. ii'o,<:i negro girl named June, ahoui 15 years mid, oi usik conipii ximi; lend on .*s the properly •ol J hnmas IJ. Dud* *, to satisly a ti la issued from Fa gu,„ noi.’ouri in favor wi K- K. liolliuay ikOii v.~ T. li. tJofiel. At - o re-oi la id, m ire or less, in the Id* ..•strut •• F.*y< He cuimly; levied on as the pro- j per v 4.: J.jitii ii.t i, | t y, whereon J. H. Coriey | oow i v. , No. iu*t kiiou o, o s.*iiß.y 2 filaa issued | • i-ti t* i ei**- •'Up.mir . oiiit, one in taVor ol Ros- i v , , at J tw v- :i J£. Pr *l* v,J. I - * . i‘j* m :av if ot John Ncai vs Jo. n ( .if •.•) in Fin! till district of . i■, • i *.r; es :i • property ol E. R. . -.5. uiya fi la iruiii! . irom s , <• 0.v... of *v in linnet V i... . •; . U .. _••,; .i. c oii.t t. wo. in the town of V* I ii- | .o*l I i and libit ol 1 5. v.! *.. i. . ; pL-.r ,v:iihh , ,ii iciVt llVtfo—hack !■ Is iy .! ii in. *i. l.on*-ig'i strict; t. .. -i. .is h - piojiiily oi James A. Neivlou, .i .- , -.-o. JjNi,- oi ijiimry fJ*.M:U V< tVif*. N. H ,i. !ni i.ii.i>iii tames/t. Ncw , *ui,|.ceas’d A'*’- ai *i. li.iiu-li’s loleic.-t i.* Ino estate of g. j. b own in rigid oi lus wuc—levy on one tenth ini* re- 1 in l n ii< gnu:.-, left in Ilie Will o| ihc said E. p-tvow -. i.i.n* ciu.drcu of liuireil Brown.— 2> ii** p- }Tty oi tog suru-n tered in M. vt.Hur n i.v .mi-- lii *1 in tnc Superior Court wnh a s ~4 -.<f .id of a.lines ii. iio-us vs sjid Harrell, UN.I U ••hv. r VV.ilch. A'*u, •*• ■*ml norsr*. horse about 6or 7 vi. r- i.u , rr* ii; levied on as the p r *.pcrly ol Lew. if vi Puubis, wiln a ti Ju issued Imiii Fayette siu pcnoi Codil in iavor m R. ii, UuJliday vs Lewis ’ P uinp*. As.. ou tpi r r . an live, in ihe town of J i-ii in*, an. icon Luke Johnson now’ lives, %t, ,j. t.ui liing is,am. anew laruse Mow bml’ - ,ng on ins i-uist s.tie id me .Vlseimk western g p ~,,i; .. vi* and on ap:h properly <l Lnkc John ao., uin n u la i irom Fayct e S tjiciiu’ ,j.i in ‘.i.j .'or ot iJcwuig, fiujf r& C.. Luke Jolins.o, p.oicl|.ai. Hurt Julius F. J.ioOsod, acco* rdv mi im sa hood, 111-Novclnb r 28lii, 185 J. w ILLIAM uLArvfc, Soff. ;LrtWvthi‘r January Sales WILL s>’, . lit*? tiri loesday m J*; ii 4. i>-.,owrl'i<)U<i-dour in t'li . >, ‘.i 4 ;.*M , ’OH ’l%, within Ili.J , ii • -,ii. i.i* |ir ijjeii \, 4,. L - an |N< . ?J, in I,e It'll Wistrict of i.jiw- . i-.n ; 4 .Vl.-mv.-l-er count*; levied •. is . •<**•{ , <>• Jnun's vl. J ur.'il to -4 iffy a <i i pi• tie ‘i-.iiii Hie Sup fiur Cmirt ul vleiiwelti r ~,.„t f i:i iv if ii o‘i viii.l Usry vs. James M wff.ii .Hi tViley and yshi. Properly pointed out b |.l Hill’s biliiriiry. I Hi; .4,11 •It n mil pUc •, will In: sold, tuhit ti. Phlii •’- j iirtwrsi mhouse ana lot No 13, in in.- low i ut jieeiivdie, -leriwclher omul), now iii’cii. >l i iv Idm ■. P.iwree, un a rotdil grocery, V i e I I lie l‘tf> Id O IH lull 111 3ld IjO 1*1! 111 l lolj y v j i t U<'he property ol John B. Fuller, jr. \ -,.,.i’ Ii wiioi It-nt: mid place, 10l ot land No I 9, ii ti 31 .ii-;jr .-I ol originally Troup now • ieiiw>'t .• i c.ninl.t,co t.iimng ‘2(L J aern, uion ~ii -i.-vienon at Hie pr <prrlv ul John U. Cain ii —, ii m-iHiy .iti la wailed from the Inferioreonrl ■ .VJiosengi i coiiie iii favor oi Seymour K. 8 >n mr y> a,ml John C.Ciibinew. Propelty pointed ii.'t Ik ib” nUi.iUH’ Alan, grocery house and lot, now occupied by W'l limn Kugl.ind as a family g-ocery, anj lining itliani Irvme a*d liter a, No, nl known; levied nn as tn 1 ’ pmperiv of Leander F. McLaughlin to rip's v a ft U issued Irani the Superior Court ol Vlcnwe'her county m Ibvor o< Isaac I. Nichols ve |, |vi It. Fuller,jr and L. F. McLaughlin. This Ii 25ih si) ih asovomber 1853. itOBr.RT B. D \RK, D. s, i'asli Advances. ■ IB . ALa v-mees wid'oema li on shipments VLjt ol i. of ton to our friends ir. New York. Dfc. !, JfV*. 4*—if’ SARGENT *( CO. A PROCLAMATION. GEORGIA. Bt HOWELL COBB, Governor of said State. TO ihe Honorable Justices of the Inferiorcourta of the several counties, composing the Coweta Judicial District: * A vacancy having occurred in the Judgeship of the Coweta Judicial District, by the resignation of the Hon. Edward Y, Hilt. Ido hereby issue this my Proclamation, requiring the duly authorized officers of said Judicial District to hold an election in their respective counties on tlie fimt Monday in Jan lit* ry, 1854, in marcher and firm ashy law pout ed nut, to fill such vacancy, and that they make a return ther*f to this Department. Given under my hand and Seal of the Executive Department, this 4th dav of November, 1853. Howell cobs. B Ihe Governor: W. W.Paiub.S. E. D. Counties composing the Judicial District: Cow eta, DeKalb, Fayette, Heard, Meriwether and Troup. 47 Meriwether January Sales. WILL be sold before the Courthouse door in the town of Greenville, Meriwether county, between the usual hours of sale, on the first Tues day in January next— Eighty Acres—it being the north part of Lot of Lann No 176, tn the 10 h district of said county ■•I Meriwether, Levied on at the properly ol John Weldon, to satisfy four Justice Conr: fi las, one in favor of John S. Brown, va said Weldon; one in fivor of A. B. Mathews, va said Weldon, Benjamin McDonald, and E. C. Edwards, vs the ssme; A. B. Mathews, w the aame; levy made and returned to me kv a Constable. August the 3*l, 1853. ’H. D. LEYERETT, Stiff: Fayette Jan nary Sales. W r ILL be sold before the Courthouse door ii the town of Fayetteville,. Fcyettr county, on the first Tuesday in’ January next, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, fo-wi*: Lots of Land Nna. (57) fifty seven, (40) forty, and the east half of lot No (58) filly-eight, in the (J3) JiirWenth district of originally Henry now Fayette county; levied on a a the property nl Will, iam Dodson, to satisfy a K fa from Dade Superior Court, for the use of the officers of Court—The State vs Wi liam Dodson. Property pointed out by plainlifp* al'orn J. Al-o, at the same tt ne and place, >o* of laud No (7) seven, in the (13) thirteenth dislt ict of ori ginally Henry now Fayette county; levied on by j virtue of a fi fa front Dad** Superior Court—The State vs Constantine M. Dodson. Also, one lot of land in the (9) ninth district of Fayette county No. not known, it being the pla* o whereon John T. Harper now lives; levied on by virtue of a fi fa from Fayette Superior Court. John Shelnut, Adinr., &e. vs John T. Harpet and E- C. Bustm; levie I on it the propertv of John T. Har per. Alan, atl that part of (lie lot of land on which William tiugginatmw lives. No. not known, lying in the (9) ninth district of Fayette county; levied on by virtue of a fi fa from Fayette Superior Court, Rna> volt,tiyde & Clark vs Dorset! & Smith; levied on as Ihe properly ol J R Dorsett, (hit N >v. 9Slh. ‘853. IS VAC HOLCO.VIBK, D. S Meriwether January Sales. WILL be sold heforo the Cotirlhnn-e doar in the town of Greenville, Meriwether county, on the first Tuesday in January next, wi hin the usual hours of sale, the f >1 lowing property, to-wit; Two Bales of Cotton and Forty Bushels nl'Cem, more or less; levied on us Ihe propirty of Oshuro 0. Harry, to satisfy two fi fas issued from Iks Su- Gerior court ol Meriwether county, one in tavor of [atten k Moreland and Ihe other in favor of Ban- I wing & Carter, va aaid Osborn O. Harp. Nov. ja 1, 1853. KOBT. B. DARK, D. Sh’ff. Wm GOLDEN GLOSS FOR THE HAIR. ■uany preparations forthe growth this GOLDEN GLOSS taiics easons will lie given why it t J and preferred to all others.— i proved tho most elii cma m ecatise it imparts a beautiful tghtful perfume to the Hair.— adies, with fine diaernninat on iseas, have adopted it. Many other reason* could he given why it is a ereat fa vorite, but those who want more have only (o give I it a trial, Price 25 cents in large bottle*. Fur! Sale by Druggists nml Storekeepers everywhere.! W. C. HURD, Proprietor. 304 Broadway ! New V’ork. Large discount to Merchants. Nov. 22. 1853. 47—6 m LOST NOTE. ALL persons nre hereby forewarn'd not to trade fur a certain Prmnisnry Note, given fur One Hundred and Ten Dollars and Seventy-two cents, by Stafford & Gardner, dated October 20th, 1853, and payable to the subscriber, the same bring low* or stolen. HENRY B. JAMES. Barnesville, Nov. 21, 1853. 47 -3t STRAY MULES. STRAYED from the subscriber's saw dk mill, at the west cud of the plnnkroad, j Pike county, a short tune ago, two light” j brown colored MULES,ones horse an*l: he other | a mare. One had the marks nl a kick by a horse |on Ins hind leg. Any person who will inform me i where these mules may be found, or deliver them ‘to ‘he subscriber at Ihe aaw null above, shall be ... ab;’’ rewarded for his trouble. JVov"‘E2 ‘843. 47-ts J. McDONCHJGH. dMPh£;fD TRUSS. . . . .-''*••• J JIIIS stibs* rih"r is prcniraJ (o’ ftirnieh bin IM . PROVED XUUSB attlic ...nn notice, on application. Also CiCfNS mauk and Rcraißßß Iv 1^ style, at li ! .s simp on New Orleans Street. ARCHIBALD PORTER. Griffin, Ga. J*dv 9, 1853. SI :v M c WILLI AM? & CO, WEST SIDE KILL. STBKKT, ARE NOW RECEIVING FROM New Tork end Pkiiadelphla TMtia FALL AND WINTER GOODS, (LOTHIJYG, 3lat, Bouaets, Boots and Shoes, Woolen, Croctcern 4 Hardware , GItOCERIES, Xc. t • which they invite the attention of the Citixens of Griftii, and public generally. Griffin, Oe. 28, 1853. IS— FRESH MEAT MARKET!! a a a ‘MIHE under: igned would respectfully inform JR. the citizens of Griffin who are fond of good living, that he keeps on lumd during the Market hours, at the Markd-Hrnse, at market prices, ti choice supply ol BEEF and MUTTON. Tbea :=■ also, sold by Messrs. DIJKE& GODDARD at the same hours, place, and price, choice PORK, and SAUSAGES. T toss indebted to him for the seme, will please call it his oilicc in the west end ot the Msrkrt- I louse, once • week, and settle with Abner Ham mond, his authorized agent. 0. is. DUKE. Gridin, October 26, 1853. 43—if ATLBORDfRSr ATTORNEY AT LAW. tiriflln, Georgia- Dee mhrr I, 1853. 48—If WANTED, in every section of the United Slates, active and enterprising men, to en gage in tin: sale of sumo of the best Books pub lish and n the country. To men o( good address, pos-<s-iig a small capital of from f25 to 5100, such inducements will he offered as lo enable them to make from ft to f i a day protit. iCT’ The Books published by us ars all useful in t o- r character, catrcinely popular, sn l com mand I irgc sates wherever they are offered. For further particulars address, (postage paid) ROBERT BKAR3, Publisher. 131 WiUitrn street, „Y*era Iftn. . * vemSrr t;.nr 43 KEILLXH3&7. MRS. LUNCIUES F would inform the Ladit a of Griffin anil vicinity, that alte h< just n - her Stock of FALL & WINTER BONNFTS, CAP?, HEAD-DRESSES. TRIMMINGS, And all articles usually kept in a Millinery estab lishment, of th tales! and moat fashionable Style CLOAKS and MANTILLAS made to order; also DRESSES CUT and M ADKon an irnprnv.d plan, which not only fits well, hut beautiful, the form expands the chest and gives full aciion to t lie lungs. All work in the Millinery end Dress-Making line promptly attended to. Thsr.kful lor past patronage, she solicits uc.on tinuanee of the same. Kii.l-Stabrt, Griffin. Ga., Nov. 2*l, 153- 44—3 t 0 WN LOTS IX THE CITY OF GRIFFIN FOR SALE; AND PROPOSALS FOR BUILDING COLLEGE EDIFICE INVITED. TRUSTEES ol'thc contemplated Male . College in Griffin, (recently adopted bv th- Flint River Baptist Association,) will odor for ! sale, nil the first Tuesday in December next, ci- Ihrr before the Court-house door or on the premi ses, about Forty Lots of one \cro each, lying ad jacent to the site of the College Edifice. Terms rn tde known on tlicdaj. Parents having Sons to educate will please not the aliove. PROPOSALS r or building a COLLEGE EDIFICE of brick, 100 liacl by 50; two stories high; similar in plan and specifications, to the Southern Female College ut Covmg'ou, in this State, a draft of which may he seen at the office of AI lord & Moor, in this city, will he received by tho undersigned until the first Tuesday in Deccmbrr neat, when it is expected *o clot*: a contract. J. H.STARK. A. L. BORDERS. J. 11. CAMPBELL. Griffin, October 18th, 1853. A BARGAIN TO BE BAB! r ßlttE undersigned, being desirous of moving JL westward, offers hi Livery Stable & Stock for sale, al-o; the Dwelling House and Lot where lie now restates Persons wishing to enter the Littrtf Business, will do well to call early and examine lor thcinseluct, as lam deter mined tn sell. L. P. ALEX AN DER. Griffin. April 20, 1853. 16- ts ~ PP.OSP33TTTS -OF— THE SAVANNAH REPUBLICAN. TESMS SEDUCED. Btly, in advance, $5,00 ally, it not paid in advance, 6,00 n-Vv eekly, in advance 3,00 ri-Weekly, if not paid in advance, 4,00 Weekly, invariably in advance, 2,00 Weekly, 10 copies to one Post Office, 15,00 —o TO GIVE a slill widei*clrculation t the Pe rcBLICAH, and thereby to bring Savannah and its business more prominently before the coun try, the Proprietors offer their Daily paper ut $5.00 a year, and their Tn- Weekly ut $3.00, to all new atihseribera who pay in advance. To their present subscribers who do not choose to pay in advance, the paper will be furnished at the reduced rates on snd after the first ot Januarr, and those who ha? paid tn advance will be cred ited accordingly. We propose also to issue a Weekly paper, com mencing early in November, at SI,OO a year, to be paid for invariably in advance. To clubs ol ten,the Weekly will be furnished at $15,00. We make ihis reduction in the price ot the Rk rcBMCAN for three reasons First, because w* desire to scatter the paper overthis and the adj-lin ing States, in order, as Inr aa we are nble, to ex tend the relations and increase the business ot Savannah, believing Hint whatever promotet the prosperity of the city cannot tail lo exert a benefi cial effect upon onr'own fortunes. The great fa cilities we possess for distributing daily,tii wi tk ly, and weekly intelligence, by our railroad con nections and steamboat lines, encourage us to be lieve that the undertaking wilt be, because it ought to be. successful. Secondly, because other papers throughout the country 4rc reducing their rates of suhst riptiun, and we would place our readerj upon a looting ns favorable as that enjoyed by the read rs of I hose papers. Thirdly, because we shall never be more able to make the icduciion than at present. We would not (toast of our success, yet we beg leave to that the support which our patrons have accorded us up to this time, enables us to this reduc tion, and thus to oiler Nome slight acknowledg ment for their past lavors. We hope they wi I see in this fact reason for a continuance ot then pationnge, and for such efforts as they may find it convenient to make in procuring us subscribers. The step we. have resolved upon must result in loss, without a large accession lo our subscription list. The growing importance of S-ivannali, as a commercial centre, to the Flantcr, the Merchant, and indeed to all classes, at least in this Sbd*, renders it unnecessary lor us to ufilr any argu ment why they should avail ihcinscivcs ol the means thusoffeied, for obtaining the latest and most reliable intelligence Irom all quarters, both by telegraph and ihe mails. Remittances bv mail mayjie made at on; rnk. F. W. ALEXANDER &CO Proprii„r*. Savannah, October 18. 1853. 43 - ATTOttN%^ S AT I-AW, FaycltcVjH®V X. Yr. Stoxb. V- Gas kili, S line 17, 1853. * & ~ tf Dk. M. J. DANlEx'r OBIFFI.V, Oi, OFFICE AT THE DRUO STORE. Hill Stxeet August I, 135 2 s*ixaa> astid lyaaa'iaai SUPPLIES. TH E subscribers bavin “purchased rhe entire establishmciiCTif Air. T. Irp MERCHANT TAILOR, ■t\V| Offer their services to theii friends Mil If and his former customers, and re- solicit a continuance oi patronage, as they are deter mined, and duller themselves that they can, give general satisfaction. ‘They have just received, a Iresh and well selected slock ot Cloths, Cnslmeres, Vestings, MO Ready-. Made Clothing, which tliey will sell cheaper than any establishment of Ilia kind in the city. Give ua a rail, and you shall not go away dissatisfied. PIPER * WHITE Griffin, September, 1853. 38— N. B. CUTTING done nt the shortest notice and in ihe most fashionable style. NEW JOB PRINTING OFFICE, IN the Brick building attached 1.0. the Ware house of Ferrill &. Hancock, opposite the Bap id Church, Griffin, Ga. All kinds of PLAIN & ORIfAMENT At PRINTING executed with neatness and dispatch at the New Job OfHeo, on Solomon Street, opposite the Baptist Church. J. H. LOGAN 4*oo. for wprh respectfully solicited. Griffin, Janrntry t&, ISV?. 3—ly TO THE PUbtiC IDU* HAVING accomplished Inin-ill’ with ) l)rs. Pitman & Durham, will pm* - ‘Sjtf ticcthe DURHAM SYSTEM, mg In mil north of Greenville, at Phillips Store. Entertain ment for those at a distance. Pric- for Medicine our Prescriptions 92..1H. Terms Cash. Febrnarv 24th, 1852 ID - DISSOLUTION. Til E firm of Taylor, Dais St C*>.n tbi* day dissolved bv m nmil eo isent, S. S. Taylor having sold his entire tn'eresr m \V. W. Chap man. The business'will, tn lit'nre, be conducted by Chapman, Dvia ufr O. who as**!i'iit) all lia bilities and to whnin all debts due Taylor, Davis & Cos. will be paid< S. S. TAYLOR. W. W. D4VTS, v H, J. DAVIS. Griffin, Oof. 28th, 1853. ICES. CSL WISHES to inform the PUBLIC that *hc wifi open her Eat I flock of latest style BONNETS. FLOWERS RIBBONS, PLUM ‘.S, GAPs. SILKS, SHAWLS. MANTILLAS, [and every ki ul of artic!** to he found in the Milli nary and Mantua-Making line, in her shop at Imr residence, on the Ist day oftheober nex'. The shop can he found by going one hundred north o'*Mrs. Ret ves’ Hotel, tr one hundred yards east of the Presbyterian Church. Mrs Clark in tends to keep on hmd, the latest styles of BON NETS and the best scleetion ol nriiele* in the VIILLINAIIY and M A-VTUA-'f AKIN-i line, that can he had in Maik*-f. A- E. CL iRK. Griffin. Sen*. 11, 185 i. 37—2 n WARE-HO USE —AND— COMMISSION BUSIrVISS. )S( @ Si ® JTMHE undersigned have tak* n charge of the large awnt Comnm w ar. -hoCsk, on the corner of Hill and Taller Streets recmi I v occupied by Vlcssrs. REEVES & LEWIS, nd wdf carry on tho above business in all ils various branches during tho ensuing season, under the firm name aud style of GAULDIiI, HILL & NALL, The Ware-House is undergoing thorough re pairs, and will he in superb order for the recep tion the commencement of the season. Liberal advances on Cotton and other produce in store, made at all times, at eu-iomary rates The personal attention ol each member of the firm will be devoted to the .bi.*me-v, and they hope to receive, as they expect to deserve, a liberal share of public patronage. A. A. GAULDING; HENRY P. HILL, AR HIbALD V|. NALL. Griffin, August, 135.3, —if NOTICE OF PimiSillP. THE undersigned have Pus <!*\ foniii ‘ partnerseip on*ier me style <>*'!!hat> ii.m. Davis(k C*>. and will eoutume tin L'r. G**>ds m.- sincas at the old stan.i itereiofitre o- c.ipieti t*y I t - I**r, Davis & Cos. rm Hdt -ir -t. All person* indclite*! !< ivior, O ivm 5c ‘o. will settle with us, and all having (em:in'’s g. in-f them will present the same mu< 1 i . > ... ot VV. W. f'H \ o “AN, V. .DAVIS, H J DAVI>. ftilfn. G*-r. 26th, 1853 SALE OF V A LIT AL K PROP Kit TV. HAVING delertuined to -**dl out and leave GritHo.the * ‘ibscriber otf-r- tor sale In following vatoble reperty: GEORGIA jifIBSONIA^ PRINTING OFFICE. The'oration ot Gridin is not wetv tubes to.ii the centre of the Slat* - , nd to m s*li.*r wh *ca i gain the coMfidenee i.f th com mini*, nig it i * (>e one of the best locations tor 0"w;j * p*r-im i, State. The office i- weli -imp led *,'t : i ■*iimH type, and an oldition ol *ne tiomfre*! in job tvpe wmil • rtiuke it verv I'ompiete. Po<> - stun will he gi> rn whciw’ver tin-purrli-ts” is sou l , or the office wr ‘he retain'd till l-t of J:*un**y next. jfwfc THE RISE INI) LOT JJAjjWSt Where Joseph-C'unnmgham'nnw hv- This lot has a tmni l .<*• ,icr <m S- Orleans street, w!i-:p-in m.*y-!•- bmii -tve.-i si . . of thirty •’••cl fruit emli, ail .s’ civ i -ir > dcjiili. For building it ia the >i f .ir-c l” t ir ■- perty in tow n. TWO STORES On Broadway, u<j > a. Sits-. ,y .. i.t Mowley, one sixty ami the o ‘ ‘ irtv f- • d.-m*. FINE LOT On HMI street, o t'h c.* ( rt.v r*.v. the Vsr house olGimJding, Hi!i & N <<•. Pms lot m sumiied convenient to ei>t =■■ r ( tu i-’ -.sit■ • ;• t*g-s. w> two hundred yonia ••'••• vm vid w-mhl nuke an eligible building cite s r i Yo ij Li<lies’ Boarding Unu-*e A HALF-ACHE LOT On the come, of *>•<•-, j iig vlr Bowdoin, eligible • *, 3-.---hs.g_ L.-t. Now is your t” i I . sri!, and the earliest appiu ” * > ■ *? • <*cr i';a bargain, !. i. A t L.! VE. Griffin, Sept r 5. jj—jT 1 - *Vjl| our er •• ’> ■ ‘\ ii giv- u? a til ,'o get old”*L c w ‘. v .shi ig tilts advert a**- ouSit a lew th.’ie*2 aF®i?aa THETA^bV ’ iIAUM Mannfactoriug ‘"• r ’’ tolorc conducted- *. Jamih ; diovtontiniied, and wib h r- >• M. M. Lockhart, w. u >. > experienced workm< , •■• ..i < ■ . ‘' e departments, mi 1 f.-i i v • • • say, with UieTan ting to e w >. silicas, will be aisle to se t . i ‘ establLliment m the No ib . >;{ mined none. North viuvil. xi. | if, . u factury in ns various depart*. td-.<. iluit “ and prompt attentum to business. Hope an . m i its former patrons and iikihv 111 r w om-.s 1 ain determined that t'-ost; ivlm .h., f,.v ir ■ wiTii their patronage, shall ih>t ix- <>i>iiuc.> ‘Jali and examine. M. vl. u ■ H A : ! f. N. B. My work will In- giv-.i. h, xcli.uigc fw Rawhides, Bark, Tiilf.w ,nd Bin swa.v Griffin, Sept. 7. Mn3. 37 “ W ai 8 4! 4T . I Attorney at Law. (BJB'ia'a'iar- .d.x. December, 1, 1853. 48—ts HENRY SKAirRT ATT OVtN ti Y v A I Jsokson, But to County, Ck Pshrojry, 133?. * K4>.’ KkrE-S &c (fc DHLS Ul t R.e. Corn,and Monongahe ♦JP 3ijf a I eak ‘-'xtrii Fin Brandy. 3 v >*k.- P ut, Sweet and M:*la*r. Wine*. ‘2 .'.lily <.’ ‘ and J ispei Peach Brandy. 5 lih's* Plieljia’Gin. •2 hbl.“. real ..Id Holland Clin. Beside- mny other articles usually sold from ah) mercantile ? mi-e in Georgia, <d Sperm, T illmv ami Adamantine Candle*; £igar, Coflec, Viola sees, Syrup; Meal, Flour, Corn; Cheese. ITiittrr. Cracker*, Mot*, Raisin*; 10 VI Cigars, wholesale and retail, (ot mns excellent brand--.) Spine, Pepper, Ginger; Soap, washing and shaving, an extra article of shaving cream, (snmeting new—try it.) Pickle*. Pepper Sauce, Lemon Syrup; Table Salt, Chemical Yeast Powders; Mackerel, Herrins*, Codfish, Tea, Black and G —fin; Broshe*,Counter, T aide and Blacking; Candice, Shot, Ponder, &<-. &♦-. In fact, inv stock is no,v complete of Family ne ces-siries. So, gentlemen, please give me a call and examine my stock, In lore purchasing else where. Country Merchant*, buying such articles in our city, will Hod if to their advantage to examine my stock —eil her wholesale or retail. Thankful for past patronage, 1 solicit a continu ance of the same. Everything delivered from my store, I promise with neat ne** and dipatch; having persevering and prompt young men, wh i will at toy time do ring inv absence attend mv business a* 1 would have then, in my presence—their* being a* my own motto, like that of Cesar’s— "tu , Tint, yici!” BRIAN NEWELL, Under Benham & Woodmft’a Chair Manufactory, East side of Hill Street. Griffin, April 12, 1853. 15—ts A FEW ’ l $ J II of those splendid Pinnocs.fT ® ff* from tlie .Manufactory of .1. H. Most & Cos. Hart ord, C mn< client, which are warranted superior omy thmg to this market B. N. FISK’S METALLIC BURIAL^CAS^! IF A KE leave respectfully to inform the public, ihitt oive just received a number ol these BURIAL CASBS at mv slum, in the city of Griffin, where they can be had at all tunes at the shortest notice, at a small advance oncost and li eight. T ie S'iSseriber also continues the Unri’ictg'C anti Cabinet Business at his old stand where he will ne pleased to execute any orders left with in.n. A. BELLAMY. G iflin, \:ml 8. ,352 14-1 j. A.&J. C. SEEKS. & RS now receiving ttieir u*ual great variety of . xL •'ipring and -unnc-i Goods, all of which we: carefully selected by one of their Hrm in New Vo- and Bos’on. Anionwhich area gnnernl stock of STAPLE & Dl-GOODS. Lailies Dress Is, consisting in part of 14 k mitt J-.!-* I >dk*. i’l.nn and Fig’d. Printed an-! If .in il r-‘ge-, itirti Fig’d. Silk Tissue* and • ...i M ■, is ~iid Crape Shawls, L ■ •. oi inv'l >e v s -iilrn sett* and Collars. BONNETS & BONNET RIBBONS. i ■ e -Ufririo..’* •> pm rnent are ‘•'■is donah! • 4*ady~.Made Clolkin*. fills, Hoots and Shoci AT \lvcays on liuu : • g< as.-ti! liiiPnt of HARmVAaL v. CUTLERY. ir -i ant s’ u-*, ‘r.ii-k.-ry .n-t G tirt-Ware Paint*. Oil*, and D-.e-Sintf-, Glass and Putty HU lieroliSi.lller article*. T'icy respectfully invit* their friend* and the public. to cal! ml exim -ie -ii'-ir goods 1 hey fell ■ >ti I’ fi! ih .i “i-. 1 i *■’ tre-ui at such prices a* w:ll I *1 mild’ et oil. 1 vrdH VI r . r 15.,3 l‘2—tf m. j. mmm jm. ir?lcE A!’ MS >it J ; 3 TOKE Ox’ BK ‘ADWAT •ir’iii >, u 28, !353 35 j v & j.c. m:KKs,~ DE. ILEUS IX DEI {WOOS, GiIDCEiIIES, a HO tl 7 • •rner (ill to>i mi it -street, Griffin, G J l-rl • 9 H >'i -II mm% & C.iAWFORDj 5 =* A V “ { ii V W COLJJJUi, GBORGIA W! .L <i i ‘ll •“in Ii inlalMiwli* *r t.'lrcm >ll iiwi ‘| >i mi,’ t f*u dies. Office ovr till! illre lit .1 it iii'iM 6t (Jo. Pull T r " > VGIIA r *l HAY33O3 & WHITAKER, :it Law, A T L 1 NT A, GEORGIA. Office over Giaby’s store, White Hall O. B. HaYOOoD J. I. WHITAKE, For.nerly of Wat- Formerly of Fay kiusville, Ga. ettaville, Ga. * tin-- 15, I 353 v!| Land V T arrant Lost. Land ■*’ >. <r vn t\ m <■ • r 35.942, f.r so .•. s. wll ii isitiiTi Mai 4th. 1e52, to Surah ‘• i- •{ a” ii’ 1 1 . 1 ' 11 • , ;in ,1.. . B rwrtu’-.. ■ .1,1,1 1 , , ■ u’ ■ ■'.mi i;ii militia, ■V ir ‘ IM 2, i . \ ; ‘rn 4 Oieri - I 1 -v • mi t -a. 1 w ir. ;a n A• ■ ■ > 1 * ■ ■ u.- | !•*.} •o! P • • • , v . :. V op, I 1-8! i-4 i'i i.” ‘i I if J i..uiv{ . ‘4 A ‘ - lilL i all I ;• • ■, ‘ > 7 M .i. U >■ 3.2 : ‘jr ic \&t i h inform all who are m If oi !'ii.*’ *e<* Xpariial sets u ( lVlh, ,ml ii'tio widi ’ni'ti,’ i*ii‘ M]’ kV, " ***'*• and expert e, warranted In ar- y. r *’V<*ry purpose requi re i,i ia’ iiii*y'.m ii nv in, w|£l'o , l iii short notice, • lid• with a'Mi'.’ slyli’ put- •; djion a hi'antilu ii iahi- .ii • .v.iun I >u i i(ii, i> “liniirn over in . i,• ,i ii ii Mi-’ laic ji'aif iO Macon, hlso ■ mii iiia! ii iati’ h'.iiriil \i]uiM, l)i. .. n • :a M “'Ui’ii• s . . lint per.'wt* i •’ • ii ii s l i tie rtdji.i'l'iM i ‘linr! Ins h'-'ll I: ii | ,1 v.iiqil’ k !hn ’ : . ?i. iijlLEl, <•! m the city of ,c’t .• coiitinnniiCf of p.i ivgi rn i , ii’ the public gen erally. Ucuhnc an.i oiineut Dy. N. b. .mlmson ,/*a.fl#!>, 1853. t-vr* PIANO FORTES!! WE have now on band the largest stssk of PIANO S ‘hat we have ever had, all fresh and now, (Intel twin the Manufactu rers. They arc all ot the latest styles and pattern*, and are unsurpassed in point of quickness anu elasticity of touch, volume-arid brilliancy ol tone, nlyle and finish of workmanship. We have among our *tock some of the laic Patrnt NEW SOLE PIANOS. which are equal in volume of tone to the celebrated Grand Piano*. Tltcse instruments never mil to plcnac the ear of every one who hears the lone ot them. Also, we have some and the much admired JiHXii’iiYiY a>2Aß©> These Fin nos have all been selected hy one ol the firm, and we boast that we arc able to si II them a* low as any market in the Union with the freight’* difference, as the arrangements which we have latt - ly effected with the Manulacfurcis will author*! our doing so. Prices from $225 to SSOO A written guarantee will accompany ivory Pi ano wc sell; that is, ‘‘if, alter twelve inonms using any defect is found, w e take the Piano back agaio and give anew one.” Secondhand Piano* to RENT, or for sale.— Price* from SSO 00 to $ 150 00. in neat Rosewood case*, 4 and 5 octave*, for sale, price* SSO to $75. Flutinas, Accordeons, Tambourine*, Banjo*, I Violins, Guitars, Flute*, Fifes, and everything u sually kept in a Music Store will tie found in our*. I A heavy lot of Sheet Music on hand for Piano, Flute and Guitar. CLOUDSt SH.n KLEFORD Griffin, G*. Hill St. D •<;: I, 1353. ly Ta RGENT&io. Cor New-Orleanx St. and Broadway. Have on hand a LARGE AND SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF READY-MADF CLOTHING. AIo, every variety of WOOD WARE AND HARDWARE Clothing, Saddles, (ions, Blankets, Iron, Pistol--, Kerseys, Nails, Powd . Shoes, Steel, Oil*, Hats, Blacksmith’s Tool*, Paints. ALSO or THE BEST QU ALICES! 50 Bags Rio Coffee, Prime Java do IO Hhds. St. Croix and P. R. Sugar, 20 Bids. Stewarts’ Refined do 20 do Coffee do 20 do Crush’d and Powdr’d do Fish, Cheese, Potatoes, Salt, Molasses, Tobrcco, &c., &c. Purchaser* will please hear in mind, that our Stock is almost entire ly NEW, and that every ar- 1 tide sold i* warranted lobe good and sound, and : Prices that cannot fail to suit buyers SARGENT & CO. -’’rifii ■, September 3lt, 1953. 40-ts SYNODICAL FEMALE COLLEGE, ORIFFI.X, GA. rijT lii exercises of this In-tit ution will oc ro JS. simied on VI ON DAY 15'h iust. in the NEW COLLEGE EDIFICE, and muter the direction o( its present able ‘acuity of Teachers, ol whom it is deemed unnecessary to add any cvcnded recommendation in this notice, a* past successful labors arc the best ruapantke, of the futuhe high character of Urn institution. The great objects of a thorough Female Educa tion—intellectual training—culture of the moral and social feeling* and improvement of the man ners are continually aimed at hy the faculty. The BIBLE! is made a text-book ol da ly rdir enee and sfudv. The Board of Trustees feel the highest gratifi cation, hi being able to present to the patronage ot the public, such an Institution, as the SYNODI CAL FKVIale COLLEGE, in which ir daughter.* can receive an education of the mos< finished character. JAS. H. STARK, VV. J. Keith. Scc’ry. fPreaidcet ot B. T. Giiflin, Ga.. August 3, 1803. 3t —ls 8500 REWARD! Macon & Western Railroad Cos., ) June 13th, 1853- ) FNIHE above reward will be paid Cor the detec , :ion and pr-iot to convict any person, or per.-ons, who have, or may hereafter be guilty of obstructing with timber or other thing*, the ‘Track of the Macon & Western Railroad. 25—3 m ISAAC SCOTT, President. sora-ikroms DAmitKiimm, “I’iak a..\ in I h*- best style! >t the ait—Daguer JL reotype stock for .-ale. Watches and Jewel <-y repaired m tbe lu-st manner by JOHN M. LUxNa Ul ST Hill At , Griffin, Ga., Aug. 24,1853. 1 ATLANTA MACHINE WORKS. {Laic Atlanta Iron Foundry.] ? JSHIS new Company is now prepared to do JL Work on short notice of heavy and light Castings from the latest unproved patterns of iron Bras* or Composition,all of which will be war ranted. Turning, Boring, and Drilling donelo order.” ALSO— Screw Out ting of ten feet, or under, of any sixec inroad required. Heavy and Light forging of wrought Iron or steel, done in *m>erior style. PARTICULAR ATTENTION I* called to their Patterns for mill gearing of IVter ehantana *u*toin Flouring, and Saw iVlills, Gii gearing of all the usual sixes, and Bark mills al ways kept on hand. We are also prcparedtohnildStatinnaryengine with thclatest improvements,all of which wdl be sold low torcHgh. Copper.and Braselaken in ex-8 change fur work atjeash prices. A. LEYDEN, JAME L. DUNNING, JOHN McDONNUGI-J,. WILLIAM RUHTON P, 8. All of the above company arc pract Mechanics.and give their undivided attention he business. Santember t lib. 1851. 6 & ’Wiiaa.atwa, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. MCDONOUGH, . . . . . GEORGIA 4 LL * BDBINEIB entrusted to their care will re /jfc. reive prompt attention. H. XANSON. STELL, - - - - - - B. r. VTATKINB Ap'i* 1853 4 U rn. h in & |iaN attorneys at law. David N Vlartin,j fl r Ul!m I Green, j®"®")®*- Hartford Graen, Zebnon, n> if y 2*.m*2 1 efficient remedy lor Dtarrhcea, Dysc j JL tery and Cholera Alorbtis i’ travc uug clcbrvty at i’aat a Bonaparte punned hi® into Russia, and gaming comnicndalioff yyheVev erused. It is an excellent medicine for th ise di* eases, checking them almost instantly-i he lowing are the argents appointed in tlr* >ate*j. to this time: Jojm|.V)an*tuini, Lmmon. J. S. Thompson, Jackson i. & olciWi, McDollOUgb. James .VI Jbiu.s, FdycUrvitteJ James K. Johnson, Joue*ibt<f& J.Norcross, Atiants. J. T. Beane, Hurd & Hungcrford, Monticallo. W. S. Lawson, Greenville. . J.M.Noell, LaG range. *4. G. k A. ti. Thornton, “ Bedell Hr Mullens, tjauiiiton, Iv. \VHs k. CO. To Unit! on. VV. 8 Sandw itb, T bomaston, Miclcborry & M-ibley, fmlian Sjpi ag ‘J . A. XI. Bloodw cuttij Van Burcn. Win. S, Carrol, Luc list GroVs, Ezra Johnson, Mt. Mora-, Win. Strange, Worthvine. j. It. Spier, vViHfHHnsviilp, 1. T. k S. Thrash*. Warneraviße. } Johnson & Zither, Woodbury, j J. A.J. & U. Foster, Rtxky iVJom jf. Bantling & Mathews, | Isaac Fincher. Mountvilid. ! O. Gibson, Long Cane. j Thox. S. Bradfield, W eal Point, i T. J. Hunt Cos. Wlntesviilt. I W.S Qii lin, Flat Sboal*. I VV. li. Jackson, Catania, j JB. Foster, Waverly Hull. 1 Dranctk Mathew*, Frattstnirg i J C. & W. A. Douglas, Pleasant Hill. Wallace k Ross, Carsonsvi le. 1 Whittiehj k Bucland, Shady Dale, j Henrv J. Gill, Iron rawing.* (iltlfHN WAP STIM Ilail Columbia. — What a rush for Goods! No wonder, they are so cheap—and such a vum-rv loo! Pro Bono Publico.— I have been rwtnd to all tl.-. stores, neighbors, and tios is the ylmc lor bargains! lnsuptr. —Did you ever know goods to si ll ss cheap, a* at B. NEWELL’B Cheap Store? Sponte.— Let me out! I have got n.iy share—more goods for a dollar here, than at Xnv stole in tin. county! fHpH E undersigned, having returned from msr kc, now receiving daily, h>s Spring Sty le* STAPLE & FANCY DRV GOODS, rallies, your atiention 16 specially called tc sou oft lie richest DRESS GOODS ever ofiens in Griffin. Hi*’ Stock ol Ladies Bonnets, Hnsn i • , Gloves, Shoes, &e. is now complete, with a gn i ral assoitiiienlot Fancy Articles, seme of win. I arc to be lound nowhere else. Cull and cxsmmt. Il uflords hi* young men pleasure to show t.i, good.*, and if they can only sell yen (he small,-’, t article, they are well pleased ami consider tliii,.- selvcs well paid. Gentlemen, young and old, bachelor* an wiid dowers, il you desire anything h* make voursen - conspicuous, call at B. Newel’s. It wnc di<>, to mention every article. But rt-mt mbrr, anytl ii you need is tube lound there. Don’t dclav, il delay-sure dangerous, and the stock of Gentlemen’s Furnishing- Goods & Clothing are very superior and need only u word to pat* th( rn off. Bt-ebee’a Spring Styles of HATS come in tri-weekly now. IfyoU want the most fashionable HA I’ in the world, call and buv otie, at a icdueed price from Brian Newell. Hill Street, Griffin, ran side, under Benham & Woodruffs Choir Manu factory. Call and ?oe, as I am determined not to Ic tm* .lersold by any competitors, holding to the maxim that “competition is the life of business.” . _ . , B. NEWELL. Griffin. April !2lh, CLOUD & SHACKLEFORD HAVING connected the Book and Stationa.-v with their Piano Forte and Music business, iLSpiclfully announce to the public, that they have now on hand, and expect to keep always a good arid well selected S’ock of School Books, both English and Classical, and put up in the very !:ct and most substantial style of binding. Wec.\.l the especial attention ol Teacher* Rtid ethers I uy mg School Book*, to our Stock, as wc intend t* sell a* low a* we can afford them. Ol Miscellaneous Works; nur stock will con ist only of BELIGIOUS WORKS, and works oftlie most approved moral character. STATIONARY: very nearly ony thing in this line will aJnav* k lound at our house. Call at the „ M USID S POll i’, Hill street. Gnffin, April 28, 1853. 17—3 t SITHERN Mil. Messrs. C. H. JOHN SON & CO OF GRIFFIN, GEORGIA, HAVE a lull assortment of Cassirneres *n4 Heavy Jean*, manufactured by CARSON YOUNG &GRIKK, ut iheir Jock Island Mills, m Mecklenburg county, Ncitli Carolina, whers CONSUMERS & MERCIHNTS can be supplied on the most reasonable terms j The Manufacturers offer their goods under thrful! conviction that they will compare favorably i.i *•>!•*, finish, durability of fabric, pcrmancncyof color and pricq, with any similar goods made sold in the United State*. They arc made ex pressly tor the Southern trade, and it is confident.■> ly hoped that nil wliodesiie to foster home iuduo try will give them trial. ‘1 ho tno-t THogoltCii tests are invited, and the manufacturers only ex pect to tie patronized for merit. Charlotte, No. Ca.,Sept. SI, 1553. 3?-.-ot BARGAINS!! TIIE undersigned intending to make a slight change in their business, arc now offering fr CASH, their entire stock of DRY GOODS, SHOES, HATS, HARDWARE &o. all new and Iresh, at very reduced prices, and n a credit until fall, at as low rates as anv house in the P‘*ce. J. C. & L. R. BREWER,’ Griffin, March 25.1852 31 -6m HOUSE PAINTING AND GLAZING.- lho u,,<ler f'ffned reppeetfully calls Ihe, .i.BL attention ol the public, and cspeeiallv lJLLigtt those who live in the country, to the f*®t that he is prepared to PAINT HOUSES, m superior style, and on very unable terms. Alio, GLAZING done is, •Bendyle and at the shortest none*. Give hjm a ca, J- R. L. HOBBS. ■ IC?** Shop on New Orleans str* el. January 27ih. 185.3. F. W. A. DOYLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFFERS his prolessional services to thc<Pnb lie. All husinessentrusted to his mansc'-mr will meot with the most prompt attention. Revvns abli: deductions will lie made in fees, in prsportie to the amount orhusiness so entrtiste.d. Office on Solomon s’rect, opposite the F*‘ ietChurchi . , ... i At.TF.miox, •• REFEREXCES 1 1>r*s K vi;k anck, f Promptitubi. Griffin. March, 1852. jj_ <f MKtt lM ~, THE uridcrsionrd respet trurfy ffnrfttirti ‘*"■& his profession,-!I sen icestn th! eitizen&€B> of Griffin and vifeinitv. tits n':,il tis nn fS |he BOTANIC! and fronTTa’ •ong experience in the practice of 4 itysic, he foci, assured that he will he able to wive satisfoeti#at itMHw oiav eal’ nn him formrdtrsl aid. Broadway over A Gray’s Sfcr* i ‘ •.■ ■ .5, A LIiROT SNEEf), M • Gnfiw, fe* , ]>’ |*m.